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The Huron Expositor, 1959-08-28, Page 7
14 17 CROSSWORD PIO V V 23 24- ti 3e a5 4i. 42. 44. 47 Ms4:. :tip:: t. Ilr. sa'`,iiiii ACROSS • • • 1 Vnresismale. 6 People 10Sum. UP 14 Extent of 111 l.dit;..nlrff. ^16 hair ' 17 Winged u•Done �b�.. mouth 7a The -book !0 nk of sa More . ppeacefulg1 34•Sea,:ea. 46'' Vehicle' •!'SS' eE�yvpoaded' re-:,:. ;s0 �Poc`iittioa *` (D1.) IN Golf score .216'/Mewatr. cib . .through nose -Te nF measure ' • $9 Group of • thre,.4,snatl.e ' 41' Taut PIIzzuE N. saw - 81 Bristle 1212 63Todapreced.=- •led:Electrl.: •j te ca 90".11743Z -area::. ..'26 &Terri .:'. .ta¢- ,. .�27 Serafigno .. land • Z8 G1rl'U name 60. Eggyypptian x9'.dreASb•" �.:g Ca sASr-.. dog headed • ;intiatfatcll .' 6f;PhreiheC:. a�p9op, deity 0099,11.111.114', 5$14490299,914.' 61•cenierd:ther' h 6i;llpeed:. crater ' i31, Drills cohteat r. 69 Genu. of- - ,!,�2a Xind o�t.dopk 50 BiblloM d4. dolobinlik. ; • • 01 Athletic scene' of Bapt na b, '701312 /oar., ef:u.,testosr. au Narrow 6a, A1h.viats . air',H.ad. aandhl1Y • B Ent u t f4. coin/ring reception �E ,Y ad of cloth ;. MOW: • s cetaceans .is,l image • Iea e d6.Gr r. name's , 69. Part- of 'feel •'..'• • DOWN 2 Reddlea d4•, ' a,loom 1;Seraadie .',bearing E.Lank 4. Freah-water.' evidences', 6 `Ardo r a4 Bring. 7 -Deface . -. 'Borth 46-Wand erer-O-Indians c a 47 Smudges, "Chosen 4D..Go`back to -:10_Totlze rear.-�'.- ' a former1i.Conege position n ofnciai SO Nar my 12 Challenge's. .1nita a3 A.ferlak r3000 000: ImE lu E. U0,213 Q003 EUCOE 13002 20M0 GLEDE DIA3G3 Gl i3 03 ' EEG our. 17 LFCIII:GC gDU3EVIMEI OPE 31:7„0 GOUDE! [DEEM, DEOL2U O DRG rum, 1I' 31000 OGOEE cur OCRACEEEE 'ILli3[.lU30 DOGE~ 3X3 0000 Flowriur r. 3300[4![; E OMP OE=M M e4sai.? 1,...44 r_ AGOOd I1, SandviFtches Begin ., ,With BUTTER ! ONTARIOMARKETING CREAK ;PRODUCER'S' it G BOARD REPRESENTING -50,000 CREAM PRODI%CERS• ER SINESS COiE e � September ns S ber :8 Practical Inst ction in. Commercial Subjects:. all P Instruction Qualified Tea chels"-.Modern New T3Pewn-feta Ega urina 1ons set,marked, and •Diplomas y . THE BUSINESS EDUCAT4RS'_ ,ASSOGhATiON` otCANADA _For _s. everaI ear _�ee ry,-seathasibeen`iled. ReblstetNow -Tui1?on $22=TelePhon 928o1 72 Collett , . • Sales an Servi d ce •Q ua lity. for carefree, simmer vacation driving. EMILLER'S N. . ITIES SERVICE W Phone:: - i:45 S E A F•O' R:T APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned up to and including Friday,. August 28; 1959, for the position of , WEI:GUASTEI? For the Town of Seaforth- n of .the. - ow Duties consist' of the: operation �' of Seaforth Municipal Scales -daily:, MondayMonda_y through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.' g Y Saturdays - 8 a.m.. to 12. Noon .-- and `on other occasions by arrangement REMUNERATION WILL -13E AT'' THE RATE OF FI`TYY CENTS PER WEIGHT H. WILSON, Clerk, sTown ,of Seaforth' ., Sixteenth; in a Series CQNCFJSSJON. V . "Lot Sixteen Patrick Kelly; a native of • Tyrone, Ireland, ,who married Catherine O'Brien, one of the seven O'Brien sisters who lived in the community, owned: Let 16 from the 1859's. In their family were Mary Ann, Michael, Kate (Mrs. 'John Friel), a son who married Hannah Callan, also ,Hugh, :Patrick, Frank and Samuel,: who -all went to California.. From 1866 Patrick's son, Htlgh, had 26 acres and IVIichaels had .65 until he got Hugh's .25 ivhen.he left -'for. California, 'It- is remembered that; two Jog -houses wet . near the back of the lot and' these e ,h e must: have' accounted for -the other 10 acres. ,One known as -"Granny Nell"- lived in one, whom it is thought 'was' the grandmother of, Michael O'Brien. A .Granny, Leitch lived near ,here, .and -might • possibly have been the sante . person. In the other house was a McAfierty family, These .buildings - were' still standing, but vacated; by the early 80's, and 'were described as old shacks:- The school children' were timid when passing there; in case tramp's were hiding in the shacks.. Kelly-' built the large -brick house that is -on the lot -today..His •bach- elor-son; achelor-son, 'Michael, and •unmarried daughter Mary :Ann lived here after their parents .died. ; After "Mikee" Kelly the farm was :owned by his niece, ;Mrs.. (Annie:'Ke11y)': Regele Hugh's daughter in;. California, w`hose'husbaid was a doctor there., Michael Coyne was the "next to "live here, and, owned it until he dropped dead while visiting in • Burlington : His w 4w, and son .1Vlatthew,::-still live on this lot. Pa rick Kelly, owner, as the ;mail carrier` o followed Gallagher in 1869 and ,carried on until. 1873. familiar • sight along this, road -was "Paddy" .on horse a' k with his bags of � mai 1. Fo ," s r his 121 mile lou' d trip, six' ,days a, week, : through ' mud • almost'axle-dee: •P in < the , Spring; and bucking huge e snowbanks,: also `di -and-diving through • "itch holes" in Winter; `he received, in;;1872,;;'$156:56 for his never - failing service. Iii those. days. Her' Majesty's Mail must be :delivered -without fail, and- ver.:seldom did thMailman and his; old "Dobbin" .fall down' On the. job.,..Kelly gavejob-. up and William' Carpenter, Carronbrook•hotelkee er, took tithe jib when the :service was inau urated to 'run -between :' Carron-: b�' rook and ;Farquhar' in 1873.• From ;then t1111878 he received $263 per, .annum. ? With the change:_ of name on October la 1.878, :;to Dublin and Farquhar came another "raise, this time to Thomas„ De Cantillon "From.. then he received for a year's service $384.0.0: Thomas'- had the ,contract,' but it was : his brother James who serviced.: the route.' LotS eventeen PatrickKelly:also ownedLot 17 -by 1857: Michael Kell and all others who have had' Lot 16 have owned also' the East 25'acres of this lot Patrick Kelly Seib:I:the West 50 to James Friel: and Patrick's son, EIugh Kelly, got 25. of the East 50. John' Friel;' -a^ son -of - James,,later owned this,' 75 acres.' He married:PatrickKelly's _daughter, Catherine. Edward. Gorm- ley and Norval' Elliott.; have, been later .owners:', John Friel was ;seriously injured at John;:Donnelly',s barn raising and died' shortly` after' he was taken.to his home. James Jordan. was -;busy, .drawing;' up a -will, but hadn't it"quite -ready for John's -signature -when, he passed away . Lot Eighteen 9 • " ichae1 :O Brien r' ' "owned all of lot 18 but in 185,9. M fist,- L , sold ' the • East 50' to John:~ Ryan; a native of Borrisdale, Tip perary, Ireland: His wife: Was';:Catherine Kennedy;.- and was born in:the'•. acme : lac : -.Since > John' bou ht this 5 . it > has s , P ,e..g Q , been owned ,by the Ryan: family, ,.Their son, Thomas, was the next owner. Tern -was born'' at Brantford. where his;par-, . t :first, se o- dHe' Married ens Settled when '.they came t Canada.' Elizabeth Mcllhar e " - front Liman, Ont `.This was their g Y, , home until ''they`' died -Tom in 1925, and hiswife in 1931; Their. on, John, and --daughter, lyfarx-; `still live on the farm. They .own now the 100acres. Thomas Ryan for many years e was reevof the.townshi and Perth County warden in. 1896. 1VIic ' el O'Brien left they other 50-�aax � moved to lorence •th: nearqhaxnesvi'lle; Ont. 'where -he-•was-killed ;when~a-10 w which he was Working, fell on him.. John.Cairns bought this West 50 in-Decem sr•• 1879 arid -Cairn's' widow sold in 1913 to Thomas 'R an.''John and Catherine Kennedy Ryan' had a Y family -of seven -Thomas, John, Margaret,` (Mrs. ` Timothy Ryan), Catherine `(Mrs.. Thomas McFadden) ,:Ellen,. Patrick and James.-- The last two named' died in infancy. Lot- Nineteen lir F h ' ' '' 'h sir lot a �early'a' 184 .but:^Fe ew eld. the. deed of th s s, s 7, ue •who livedo :Lot 19 was'one of ahese. ,Because. Gallagher,,n , of: ;the ;deed he , held;.. he called.himself :a,: "Queen's . subject". Hp 'was'.one ;of the early- townshi councillors; After he left H. p here he owned the Railway Hotel in,Carronbrook, till he died. Patrick Maloney, a native - of County > Mayo;: :Ireland, who Married Timothy Givlin's `sister,: Catherine-, owned' the East. 50 after Gallagher. He died here and was. followed by his. bachelor son, Patrick, and • daughter, Anna. •.:,Yohn'J. Roach,., Patrick Curtin, Leslie Kuntze and Toni,C,oyne have:been the. owners to date. ' Michael McAleer married Bridget O'Brien and .owned the. o wag tr tees hen 'West bef re 1860 s' he w s one.of the first us w ,a No. 3, School was built that' year Frank :McAleer,,,Tatrick" Feeney and, his. son, Albert, till. his death in 1955, have been the' Owners'in'later. years.. Albert's .brother, Elmer; Feeney, is• the present owner. Lot Twenty Peter Bergen; who was a bachelor;- owned Lot -20 from 1855: ,In later years he vas a traveller for 'certain wares, but still owned the farm, -Later, he- lived for a time in. Seaforth,. but died in 1894' in -California. Robert Watson' rented, till Jennie Cairns: became --the- owner.'- Her.•.brothers',' Tom -and John, both had.it'later. Ed. Dearing is the present owner: 'Lot Tiven'ti-one John. Cameron Cairns anative of County Galloway, -Scot- land, who 'married ,Jane ;Oliver, owned, 'Lot 21 from. Decem= ber, 1855.. Fpr the next`100-years it was;; owned -by the Cairns family. Toni, a bachelor, owned it after the parents, , and John, the -last member of: this family; had it when' he passed, away late in 1955. He was twice ;married. His first wife wa;s Lilly E:'Watson, and his: -_second, Jean Murdock,. In -John Cairns, S :'s,' family there were; two Johns. The 'first•one, when a small' 'boy, riding on a wagon.; ori h'is way to" school, fell off, was crushed by the wacron wheels and -died. Another RESERVE YOUR- IGQPY' OF ... BER •• HI : REVIEW E AIE _ T R VI W ' PART`TWO (By Isabelle Campbell) "AHibbert , 11.:Review" wi1T-be.issued baok form oncom->-. pletion of the present series. -,;Copies' will be available • December, 1959. These will .make attractive Christ- mas gifts. Those reserving books will be informed when these copies are available, and these . can be, purchased from THE EXPOSITOR. NAME ADDRESS Mail to: THE HURON . EX:POSITOR - Seaforth - Ontario - �, PART TWO By ISAI3ELtE CAMPBE-,.L son, born after this, was also named John: Besides, these'two Johns, others in the family -Were Topa, Will, Jennie, Cather- ine (Mrs. George Vivian), ,Elizabeth (Mrs,' George. Vipond) and Helen (Mrs. James Wallace) Clarence Taylor rented for several years from John Cairns, and Joseph McConnell bought from John Cairn's widow :in 1956, arid sold offthe greater part- of the -bush to Ivan Larkin. Later; that year the land was sold to Paul Vogels, . ,.Lot Twenty-two William ,Matthews came to' Hibbert from SimcpCounty; and owned ' hot ;'22 from 18.56.. Two .years -later, William` Connor got the East `50.- 'Irl William Matthew's familey'there were Robert, Timothy;Edmond, Margaret (Mrs. John Tor: pry), Mary -Ann (Mrs. Patrick O'Connor)-, and' Tom„ who. left home -When 'young. As he could' npt write himself, little Was heard of him after he left, which was °a great worry to his. mother. From 1877 Thomas Melady,-Sr., owned Connor's part of the lot. After -Melody's death his widow' and a ons,; Frank and Edwarcj, were in tharge till John' D. Cairns bought it: Since I921. Patrick. -Feeney, Albert Feeney`;and Louis Feeney have been the owners:'. Tiinothy 'Matthews, a' son of William who -was born in Simcoe County, 'got ,the, West: 50 from his: father and: died here in 1874:.'His„ widow; 'the_ former Catherine O'Dea, to be'over'" 100 years ld She 'died' "in St -. Mary's'- HP os ital,. ,.. London, , only a';few years ago:Tiinothy's brother, Edmund. Matthews,': Edmund's 'son,. Dan Matthews, Patrick Feeney and, Louis Feeney were later owners.' Joe Feeney owned and lived here:;a few years; but left after the death of his son, John. • Louis Feeney is ;;the owner again.• LotT2we hx e t -t r e - Williama h Wi• lliam tt ews also o� red Lot 23 from 1856. Will am Ce ,. a pp, Seaforth; builder and contractor, owned theEa'st•50 in'the 70s and Jat es O Connor rented and lived on it ',after .. his marriage. fir t' s Edmond 'Matthews waS''the, 'next owner ancl the others to Louis Feeney,, the present owner, 'have; been; the, same -as those:who have,; -had' the Wet 50.':of.:Lot.'22'- DenniS B arr , .one of thefour Barry brothers who came to Hibert got the West '50 from Matthews- at an .earl ::date. Hewas killed whilehien -herehen-el in at -a barn rai - ing_°on `Hugh Drummond's farm on-:>Concession`4: Dennis's widow, the former nJohainia Barret and farmty continued to' live here.:'' In the family -.were Dennis, "Margaret,' -Hannah and Mary `(Mrs. ;William Nigh). ` Mrs.'Barry's..bachelor son, Dennis, sold. to Louis•'O'Reilly, 'some time,after his mother' died John' k'. O'Reilly, Louis', son; and his wife are -;the. resent owners. `;: They"_also own 'a farm `on Concession. 4::. Louis O'Reilly still resides with his °son on this ;lot. Lot Twenty=four Absolam Shade, an. enterprising American interested' P especiallym .mills such as, flour. and sawmills, and who was among tl.e first to..have land` where. New ,,Hamburg stands' today, ; up Lot• 24 in 1859,.` lout John: on e' fi, to'hve on;.tookt. It''was also his son James,Clint,home fromwas the timei he,'married till, he died:_from-.poisoning. sometime;. before his father ''A -assed _ awa Y '.' son-in-law of ,John,. Ed;' Mulcahy, p.., who married Mary Clinton; ,was the, `next owner: John.' Dun- lop,;,whose borne- `farm•,; was on „Concession''11,,then worked this farm until. he sold in 1880 to Thomas- Murphy: Murphy's son;' Ed lived here till he took up 'storekeeping in Dublin.' After .this it was:; rented- to Dina '! Cronin ; John : Krausko f :Andrew McLellan and -William' Burke Martisn.;Feeney was the next to own it, and his• son, Fergus Feeney, is the present L o t .Twenty-five • . wasborni., Longford, Ire- land; "s Atkinson ,_who n County me r ._,,. , land` voyaged "across .to Canada with, his ;parents; when he was a lad seven' years .of age, and lived in Tecumseh Town- sh:. ip, imco-,Hibbert CvontY, where the At;nave family settled, till ne came to. James arrived at- Lot 25 in1852,'.and died here rn1902.__After'seryin Vis_atownshi _ 'was appointed reevefrom"1866: • William Atkinson on-w.cin_lled. r _'t. hhe e " farm after his father,but rented it from the early:;1930's to the>;following: Martin`'Feeney,:'James: Morris, John and Jim; Shea, but this was his .home:till he passed: away late in '1956. John and James,Shea.are the"present owners: , James Atkinson; ,Sr:, was' married- twice-first"to Julia Casey;°,and next `to Elizabeth'''McLaughlin, .;who came from Athlone in Simcoe County.: There were four.; in the first fam- ily -James, Phomas, • John and 'Bridget,' who when; less than four years of age was :scalded. to., death when- she pulled a .dish of -boiling': water: Oft the damper of .the .kitchen stove. By' 'the., second -marriage . there Werefive=-Joseph,': Mary, William; Frank, ':who died at school age, and Catherine (Mrs 'John Shea) READ THE ADVERTIS MENTS :It's' a Profitable Pastime t'iVOG�®4Onn . ld 11: flOP 1'RATat beUDtE't PRICES! SPECIALS or T hur: scaY Friday Y. -August 27 SHREDDED WHEAT Large .18 -oz. pkgs. Saturda If for: 1ohnson's Hard Gloss' GLO COAT. 12cO Nescafe • INSTA`NT.COFFEE 6 -oz. jar Redpath - - • GRANULATED' SUG A:R----10 Stokeley's-Pineapple ' G'RAPEF'RUIT JUICE•48 oz. tin • DREAWHIP-2-oz. M, WHI pkg. Whitecap - MA IIIIIAL , LOW" .16° oz. bag. PHONE. 1 350` SUPERIOR .FOOD MAPKEri. WE- DELIVER TIM MYRON •EXPOSI'T'OR, SSEa4 '()i , o., A.1j us' SEAFORTH MONUMENT yip OPEN DA LY Exeter .41, T. Folfde So ALL TYPES OF - CEMETERE.MEMORIALS' Taquixiep [are invited, Telephone Numbers; = Clinton 1620 Seaforth--57 TOWN view ()I the disregard are ar b the generalpub- lie u , ll of therecent proclamation met�onissuedby the Town . n 19 ; C o u c� rethe confinement of dogs, and thef aC tthetthey arenot to run at large at any tTee t the e Council feels _thacharges t .., mus belaid tu under : this By-law. Anyowner ' or r ha hours of ' r, a dog Who allow i s , t to roll at '"lar e=can b.. es u O ,i Tied . -into _ I11Yn CuriA . Theme" I e n as .fin a e of e _til s kind Could be 50:00. and costs. The Council. and: I iyself would ask all citi- zens concerned: to comply with the laws and•, avoid ..i d the. ':: consequences. l>lencea F. CHRISTIE, E M or USIN . M W. TN, Physician.,, andSTAPLESurgesO. _ Phone DRSeaforth •If; no "answer, call 59 `JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A. M.D." Physician ,and . ."Physieianand Sur g.eon . Phones:. Office.: 5-W ,-':Res: 5-J Seaforth SEAEORTU C CLINh Telephone 26 `. EA/ E. A. McMASTER, B.A.,. M.D.; Intemeat Telephone 27 P. L. BRd1DY . Surgeon Telephone. - 1 7 50 W . DR. E MALKUS . Telephone 15 :. EVENINGS: • Tuesday,Thursday and. Saturday only, 7- p.m., Appointments may.be,'made, A. M ' HARPER, 55 SoutChhS ered `AccountTaent e P h o ne Godeneh: �34$ ' Licensed Munici al Alidi r. P to G: A. WEBB, D *Doctor • of Chiropractic 938 Mail Street Exeter X -Ray and ' Laboratory Facilities Open Each .Weekday., Except Wednesday. Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For. Appointment " Phone 606 DON ,S: DENNIS` Auctioneer Graduate: of •Tteisch American' School bf Auctioneering. ;:,Licensed in Huron ` and , Perth. , Capable : of handlingall types of sales,, andad- vertising. ',,. ' DON DENNIS, Walton l?laona: Seaforth 843 r 11 SEAFORTH' VETERINARY CLINIC J. `O., Turnbull,.D:V.M., V.S. _,_W R : Bryans; D V.Ma V.S- W G. -Drennan, »,V.M., VS. Phone 105 -•Sed " IZ E IC- A, W., A.W., Barrister; "SolicitorsEtc. , . Phones: Office 173,.Residence 781 SEAFORTH: ONTARIO 1VIcCONNELL T WART ►S Barristers S/or,lOic�i7t,�o'}r�s .*..Etc. , sar>vwA�t�r SE FORTH Ont..: els.' . , _ , �" hone 174 : `. P.- -D.H ` .1VIc NE; IN S ChiraP :CTactic - . t Correction "OMMERFob CTRL' '.`Ho,TEL Moeda ' ;`Thur dYy ..,say '' 11, to'p.m. IHN" JO. E. N ,O GS AFF tome . i Ph test one 79 `Seaforth Eyes Examined Glasses,,Fitted : MAIN 'OF I F CP,•AI'OE , TE-._ Office Hour's: • Seaforth >,daily,_ except Monday, 9 a.m..5:30 p:m,; Wednesday; ;;9 a.m...-4.2.30. p.m.; Thursday evenings b appointment only,.: Clinton . Monday, .9 a.m.. 5:30 :;(Above;'Hawlflns' Hardware.) THRMcKILLOP: MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. :.OF President=RFobertICER ,-ArSchibald, Sea Vice President -Allister Broadffoot,; Secretary -Treasurer -:7-W, • gate, Seaforth DIRECTORS E:. J , Trewartha., Clinton; ,. J L. Malone Seaforth; . Chris: Leon hardt,• • Bornholn1; Robert . Archi- bald, Seaforth; John ;IL 1VIcEwing, Blyth;William S. Alexander;• Wa1- ton; Harvey :Fuller; Goderich," J. E.- Pepper, ` Brucefield; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGENTS William Leiper, "Jr,, 'Londes boyo J F..hrueter,; Brodhagen; • Selwyn-' Baker, ' Brussels; Jinxes` m Keys, R R.• 1, Seaforth; - :Harold' Squires,. R;Tii 3, Clinton. south - 000000.0 -0.0<>o o - - W r. CLEAR'Y' O: Seaforth,, Ont..' 0 LICENSED EMBALMER o, 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR , O' 4 -`Night: or Day ;Calls, -:.335 0 o. ooti0o ;o o p, ❑ Oo009OQ"00000 O: 0 EOX Funeral" "Service o w: --R S. BOX I 0 O Licensed Embalmer O. O Prompt and careful attention O :Hospital Bed O FLOWERS FOR ALL•; O. O OCCASIONS O 0. Phones: CS' Res. •595-W Store 43 0 000000000000 ❑0,:.4000000©GD 0 . 0 Funeral Director.0 O • • and Ambulance Serviee O..'.. o DUBLIN :'. 0 Night or. Day, Calls,, O •0 Phone 43 r .10 . 0 0 0 Q O© -NOON 00o000000000'• O 0 o G. A. • WHITNEY Funeral Dame O 0 Goderic i St W., "Seaforth O . o "AMBULANCE SERVICE' 0 Adjustable hospital beds . 4 .for rent 0 o .. LOWERS, FOR :EVE 0 itY 0 ' " OCC.ASTON <� _ o Telephone;; Day or Night 119 0 000 ❑ .0Ob004>.OM EDDING. INVITATIONS Order Them L'hrough THE HURON EXPOSITOR