HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-08-28, Page 4•
ONT Au-o,usT S. 1959
• :Cen4ng Events
Lost; Str.?4Yed
8. Anted
• 4. SOP Wanted
ineaS OPPortmatles
6.Teachers Wanted
7. Situations 'Wanted "
• 8. Fenn Stoele For Sale
9. Poultry For Stile
10. Use sate"
3,1•.. Articles For ,.S.ale
' 12, Wanted To
14.: Property For sale
15. Property For Rent,
For Sale Or Rent
17. Wanted To Rent.
19. Noticek - • •
20. Auction Sales
21. Tenders Wanted
• 22.... Legal Notices
, 23: Cards of Thanks
24. In Memoriam
25. Personals
The -cost is' low. Claasifications 2, 2,
• 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15. 17-m1mum
2$ cents an insertion. All other elaasi-
ficons,. )aininium 50 cents per insertion,
exeePf,Alttiens Sales (20.), Tenders Want-
ed.(21)....n4 Legal Notices (22), rates, on.
11.., Articles For Sale.
pui2Ba..F.4). Qhil;galata puppies, toy
•size. MRS: CARL JAC3(L11,1-: TeIb-Phone
13russels 21, R 9. • - 11-76x1
25 ACRES of second Cut 'alfalfa. Alar.,ly
Seaford: 340 11. 3. ' 11-76kt
ROGERS-MAIESTICtransistor portable
rsid; also las short, WaVe, PracticallY
- ` • . 11,7624_
sLoi, BRICK, ',234c aPiece„ cleaned.,„'.30
4ieces 3k9k14.611,/ cedar. 7o 'Square foot;
-06.:D2eceSlx6$512d..13,1eet. Jiang, 'su. square
foot ; 1,000square feet •hard insole No. L
gook 9c• sq. 'foot; endmatch.. This -place. is
IYI„ Miles' east of.' Zurich, .3 Miles. 'south,
Many Other, things:..-MAURICE I,. WEB-
ER, .Zurich. -
RADIO, 89.00; electric fry nnn,
'$E90: .toaster,' $S00; table
Ian:in; -82.50; : iron' "board (folding, :meal),
$4.504' botili.''abitirc . folding' tsiale,
53,00 1 Under:Wood noiseless' ty-pewritr,
,fice mod -el '(fully. overhauled), $7.50. 'Will.
bring"; -to, your residence . or inspection.
1. Coming Events
DUFF'S W.A., MeKillep, Plan Fowl sup-
per on October 28t.b.
MRS. HAROLD sAirre, leder-of chil-
dren from the Fullerton United Ch ch
Mission Band. will be gtlests on CKNX
television, Wednesday, September 2, on
"NI'Lady" program,. at 4 o'elock.
- 2. Lost, Strayed
Mtantity •of uSed 'umber: a nurither
of panel doors, various. sises,_from 52.00,
and other material.
• ••
' Apply:
Seaforth. '
. _Notices
I1ADIO' REPAIRS ---For all kinds 'of
Church Street: west of Northside United
charclli Seaford:. PhOne 22. • • ' '
• nollrntar, LAuNoErEnfA"
•forth and •distrier and Dry Cleaning Ser.,
vice; •WERR'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth,
agent for Brad}, Cleaners & Lanndeteria
19,744f •
"Where Better Bulls Are Treed"
• Artificial Breeding' Service -- All 'Breeds
of Cattle - Member owned and Control-
led - Cast Low - :Efficiency High -
*use of the best bung ,Disease
led -- Safety
For service •or more information, phone:
• CLINTON HU. 2,3441
• or for Long Distance -
onnsaroisr. zEiOrs 0-650 •
• 6:00 arid 8 :00-2).M. Saturday eVelliT161
CBI'SIE`Cq,i,Ved on Saturday e.vening will
be served on Sunda* morning, ,For cciws
in heat on Sunday marning, DO NOT call-
BE1-1.ER CATTLE role Imrr.bu, LIVING
• uction Sales
A BLACK and white Collie, answering
to the name -of '''TiPpy". Pinder. aontact
.Phone Seaforth 657 R 25 2-76-1
4: Help Wanted
NiT40.4d To BOY,
• MIXED: GRAIN' .(barleY and 'oat..45...re-: . _ ;: . ' • '
• Atiation :Salo .of He:Mel:old •Effeas.:in
the .Town Seaforth; North, Maid- Street;
former MCNab 'residenee on SATURDAY'
,SEPTEMBER .5th, , at, 1:00 o'clock .
Telephone desk and: seat' tahle.
lamp; end table;sinall centre, table solid:
wahniti -hall* ,rack with bevelled .nlirret.
' 2.9k..1.61A T',,kitchen; tab and _chams_:;
• o , rawera ' bevelled , inirrOr,
welnut,:--Plaritie. folding 'door- (beige),.;, -pair
white clOttedMoslin -chrtaina l',Meigo. cook=
electric ',wen; • 2 _pairs,..••dratkii;.,1fect-:
sheets, 'pillOW Cases, .3' :bedspreads:
Malta' and blanketsenareel •anriex:
heater *";• lawn Chairs.;,•ceoking:iitenails,.„ncits
(Mired, about 'folir..tons:--DKVAL:GREER,
R.S. 4;;• Seaforth. 'Phone' 655 11. 24.
'• • ,•• ' • •1.2-76x1
• '
CRADE 3(1 student tet bdo 'wanted
.• • •
Shand. be 'in',,,,-,•o0d.'condition.:: Phone SEA,'
FORTH. 672' R 4,, or 651-10 3. . •,;•, • ,
. • • 12.494
BEST'-ezkOf-PlicIL7s-14,_ 1altrierite
dPsOs and. '.diSabled ...15t,' -PiemPti.
•courteous , .collection •, of, all' -deed • and
disabled, firm 83141g118...
coflect, 'ANDREWS; '851 11 11,' Sat
forth. Associated ,with Darling & • Co.,, of ,
Canada Ltdi..• 1227.4-tf
aaTEA joinANTED for snack ,bar, perm-
. amt. Work-tcr likureth-
SNACK R. 4-75-tf.
• HOUSEWIVES, 'need extra money?
Start your own profitable business servic-
ing an Avon territory. Opening in• Sea -
forth. Write MISS MOSHER, Bot 86.
Owen Sound, stating telephone nunater.
• ' ••4-75x2
CLERK - TYPIST: Wanted iinreediate-
ly clerk -typist for general Office Work in
Clinton. Some knowledge o,r bookkeeping
essential. Apply in writing giving par,
'titulars of qualifications and experience.
Sestorth. , 4'764
Perms.neat employment
'Apply to:
. • ,and,Pans diShes'; antique silver ; laundry.
tubs, and other articles :tot numerous to
• -..P ,
roOrietress ' '
• '-
Auctioneer: • Harold Jackson '
'Clerki- E. P.' Chesney.
14: ;Property ,For Sale
PLAN your honie 'Mr:iv; .850.00' do'svil
will buy you a lot5in..Selfortb or Harpirr-
hey. Lot.s surveyed. -. 'Land suitable, for
VLA Projects. Terms to shit. CLAYT
Applidations wanted for Manager a the
Zurich Branch of the biensall District 00 -
Operative. Must hrive knowledge 'of feed
mixing rend general feed Mill operation,
Duties to commence on September 14, 1959.
Please Amity. Stating rinaliftetaions and
salary expected, by September. 1' 1959, at
6 p.m., to
R.R. 3, Zurich. .
7. Situations Wanted
_ .
WILL LOOK after children in own
bomb'. Apply to MRS. LOUIE OOSTER-
BOSCH, Market Street, Sesiforth.
8. Farm Stock For Sale
40 PIGS. ready to wean: and 25 chunics
KEN BEATTIE. Phone $84 10 6, Sea -
forth. 8-76-1
• 100:acre5 fitrin, Township o- 2,SeKiiIop,
on County. Road; close to village; two-
stoiey brick house,' large bank- , barn ; clay
Immediate possession. OR SALE
'126 -sere clay' loam farm, Township of
Tuokersmith, 5 miles 'south of Spaforth. B TENDER
Close to school; Idrge bank barn, drive
h 1 -s am
s ed ; 1h. toreY e honse- I
• TenderS War0
alra ate
possession. .
APplY to:
Box 461 - Phone 47t4-76.1
15. Property -For -Ren
FOR RENT: 'Three-bedroom, -crittage;
convenientlt located. FITCNE SEAFORTH
217455 after 6 pan. 15r.75x3'
orated. APPlY.to CLAY,TON" 3,:
Seaforth. ' • - '15-76:2
THItiNS.,ROOM „apartment, semi-furniSh-.
ed, heated :. available now. PHONE SEA -
FORTE 160 -SL' • • 15175-tf
apartment, with bath.
Produ.,ce Diviaion. , •
22. Legal Notices
tp the Estate of GEORGE FRANK KING
All persons hating Claims against,' the
Estate of George Frank Jing, ,late of the,
Village of .Egrnondville, .in the County of
'Heron, Retired .vatraer,, deceased, who
died on, the 12th' 'day of. August, 1959, are
hereb,Y notifie5 to Send' in full partio.eire
or their claims to the undemigned _on or,
before the 13th 4ay, of. September,' 195gi.
after which date,the assets will. be cliatri,
bitted: 'having regard only to claims ;then
• „
. Seaforth, this 26th 'day of
August, 1959,, •
Seaforth, Ontario,
*Solicitors for the Estate.
In the Estate of
rtAt R, SMXTh
Alt' persons having ,
c rtiss lite of th
Estate (if 141arshall .11 m r
t S CPunt Hur-
-Beare- y 1959, ar
A Labourer,' deceased,
Winter Barley
son is the recommeoded win-
•barley. variety -for Ontario ,at
present,' says G. II. Clark , cereal-
ist •at -the Canada Department of
Agriculture Research Station at
Takes Trophy-
liensall Won he -Play Day com-
ljetitiOni at Exetet Wednesday af-
te,rnoon with 353 points, to Win the
•Lake Huron Zone Recreation Coun-
cil trophy. Different :•cominunities
in the Lake4Huron 'Zone took 'part
including Exeter, St. Marys, Gode-
rich.' and Henson, 42, taking pert
Each boy and girl
wile participated 'received- a Play
Day- crest. Thf's was the climax
of all recreation; activities which
were -held:
_Henson ; took part in a swim-
ming., Meet in Centralia Weclnes-
• Hudson -is a strong•strawed, mil-
dew resistant, _rough. awned, sik-
rowed barley that Was developed
day evening.
at Cornell fInivirPrsitY and -licensed • Mr. and Mrs- Eldon Willlanls and
for sale in Canada in 1955 R is thelr two 20/12, Harold and'Donnie,.
superior to the other winter harle onfortMh.o.n. .Monroe, and Bill Parker,..jr.,
of .11enSall, left Wednesday for -a
vacation in Sudbury. and poi'nts'
Mr. and Mrs. • Robert, Si/Upson
•and granddaughter, Pamela Sang-
'ster, are spending this week in To-
xento attending ,the C.N„E. " •
varieties' in winter .hardiness yield
and, with the exception of Wong,
in resistance to lodging. •-
•Winter barley shouldnot be sown
on poor or wet Iand for it_does not
• do Well under those conditions. -
Like wheat, •it responds well to
soluble phosphates, hut care must 11,Ir. Doug Cook has, purckhased
f°d!'; who died
.1harei.sep:03-c n d�f e in r‘f I Partite
• k in adding nitrogen the property of Carlisle 'Aril
• be ta en.
tiliZer because a large amount is o • n Richnlo• nd Street •South, and
.lik-SeilnYeethbacraluesye is-dagilintgde leas win- IVIsisPs°5G:silsinan-thgsitserweisekveda'tion-
e., ptelia.nht:drdyabtohuatn avvhwetta, it:ahrolirderd be th's week with Mr. .andMrs
Jack Peebles' ancL family at Turn-
: fotrweillwibnetceormews ek,Ilarelsetyahijsishseedid•obnie_ buNill!.'ss.GGrunvsev. oth, rietroit, is vaa..
:attacked' rbyis-kHinesspiirjtiFnIgy-ittlibere'fe--ories, tionlog with her Mother, lVfrs.-44.
f the flY:free date.• SimPs°n"
•• Approximate planting, periods for
• the,different zones 'in Ontario are:
• Zone I,- Sept. 15-25; Zone 2, Sept:
wirifrif!-dlire the assets will. •b
-regard t°
s28th day ,of August
DATED, at •SelifOrth, this 4th day' 0
August, 1959.
‘14 Cf)ITiesraFfl,1:;T4:TEVVART'
rt' 11Ontario,
' •
Solicitors for the Adrninistrbtrix.
3 -,Late seedlings 'should be avoided
• for they are likely to suffer win-
• ter injury, Even early seedlings
may stiffer winter killings some
n' the Estate of MINERVA KEYES
• All persons havIng clairns against 00E
state of lYfinerVa. Keyes, late of the •Vil
lege ,of, Egmondville in the County-- o
Huron', Widow, deceased, who died on_ the
-10th*der-of-,-APrilr--1.-959;-•stre-• hereby--noti
e -
.:: The "pers'on who is afraid to ad-,
makina anothnr.
fmithii mistake is
It all depends Aipori...-the_point of
One old -tither, said,,..te: the,
'other: -f..`:Gosh, 13ill; 'don't 'You Wish.
we were barefoot boys ,again?"
me,". rep1iedBffl „"I -Work.
on:a turkey farm ,,.
, ,
• ,
With the exception of milk, the
potato is the Sep-
arately, as a daily requirement in
Canada's food rules.
fied to ,send in full particulars of their • . „
.olairria-,"to' the urideisigned on or before
the .11th day "Of SepteMber. 1959, after
which date the aSsets will he distributed,
having regard only to claims then re-
:DATED at Seaforth, this '13th day of
August, 1919. -
•.• •.Seaforth, Ontario, .
Solicitors.for the Estate,
f011oWing lands are offered for. sale
. by Tender, ' namely: • In the Town a Sea-,
forth; M the County of Mixon, and..being
'composed of.' Lot 229, :Block "D" in Jarvis
Survey, of part of the said Town:. of 'Sea- ,
• l'enders inugt be in di-e'llands of the
undersigned. AA Or. before the 5th day Of
'Septenitier, 1959, and be accompanied by
a marked icheotte 'for. 10W,,, -of the ',amotint
• e-eof----The-balance--sball--bp-payable itt
On' the said lands there is said to be
• erected a small frame ,cottage.
Ihese lands are offered for sale to close
the -estate- cif :Marshall R. Smith. The high-
est :or any Tender, not necessarily accept-
• Ni\T
Seaforth. ,Ontario,
Solicitors for the Aclministratrix.
17. Wanted' To Rent
HOUSE Seaforth or Egmondville,
with 'two or 'three bedrooms, • Apply- t40 For the ,consfruction repair of Bpi'
HENRY IrE.TaINGA, 3. Walton. ton No, 2 Drains, according to' Engineer's
hone Brussels 82 It .7« 17-(ax3 s ediAgstio,ndu_bo unt.il_se,
OVVDShip, Of -MCKi11.01)
. Cards -of Tbanks:_,'
• I WISH to thatik ell those who rernerm.
laered me with visits, cards and treats
while' in Hospital and since coming home.
• They were much appreciated. ,
• • .1 • wisyr,to .thank 'all my' friends and
relatives,. were 'th 'kind to remember
me •with flbwers, cards; ,treats and viaits
while I,was a patieat in Victoria Hospital,
WE WISE,'to sincerely thank our neigh-
• bors anci-many---friends.•for their many
acts of lcindness and gifts. Best wishes
th all. Sincerely,' , • •
tlyIri,'1511" to eiipres's their sincere „apprecia-
tion far -Ill the expressions of 'symP,attlY
shov'n them laio their. neighbors :and friends
during their recent' bereaVernent. •
• , , 23-76-1
TIM TAMMY of the late 'IVIrS. Harry..
Norris, of Croniarty; wish to extend their
sincere thanks 'and ampreciatidn' to' the
many friends" and neighbors for the beau,:
tiful tributria, Cards, grid expressions.,
of sympathy *deeded to therie inAhe loss
of a ,dmr.31,rift and mother. •SPeCiel' thanks
to' Bev. C. D,•lienderstor, Dr.'
Brady„ nurses. and Staff of Scott Memorial,
Plospitai, Mr, Whitney and :the Whitney
Foneral Horne, -and all wild helped in any
• Way in our sad bereavement.. •
STARTED. PIGS for rain, TO -Me land
race. PHONE 6854 sri; 224-j, Seaforth.
10. Used Cars For Sale
1948 DESOTO-A-Door Sedan: also' one
used...bicycle. Can be seen at. residence Of
JOHN PATTERSON, East illie= St.,-
Seaforth. 10-75-2
11. Articles.For Sale
KELVINATOR refrigerator for„sale, 9
Cubic foot: 1 ele4ric stove A.PnlY
KELLY Seafdrds. 11-76g1
CLARENCE PETRI10 and his Orchestra
appeared With the Seafortli Highlanders
Band.wIth the co-oneratiOn of the Ameri-
can rederhtion. of Musicians Recording
and SlinnscriPtion Fan& nod Local ,418
A. F. of M. 19464
•REV,ITALIKEti cleaning at Buchanan
Cleaners,"Mont Forest. More spots and
stains removed. Garments stay clemi
er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S
LAUNDRY :SERVICE,..1 l'hone 247 ,,fiar
nick -op. 1944-tf
, . _ ,
TWO BEDS. 2 dressers, large mirror,
1 commCALL'' 1 chrome high chair. CALTack&sixtitli Township Munieipal Dump
• 233. Seaforth, /1-76id." Wili be opened from 1 p.ta." to 6 P.M on
Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until
STEEL ROOFING. asphalt-rocifing and further notice.
siding; cedar post, all aims. Before You'
buy. Phone Seaforth 841 r 2. BORDEN OldESNEY" ,
RROWR, 1I-14-tf
ONE C.1118 and /mattress; 1 three -guar -
ter steel bed with coil springs; 1 drop-.
side conch bed, MRS. RAY TOWNSEND.
Phone 691-W. I14611.
BRAND NEW basin. seeorid-hand
-00 good condition; also- 6 feet Of soil Pipe-
, Phone sgArotern rto.w Until 6 eiciock.
or'239-J after 6. 11-16x1
, 15 ACRES of second sot alfalfa.: We
can balean load on wagon Aii•SY 00
JAMES CAIONOCHta24. Phone Seaforth
665 8, 31, 11-764
TWO-FORRQW Massey -Harris trail -type
plow, good' -a8 new, A:0ply to KEN Mot
L -F -L-1414, nat. 2, Kippen. Phone Plimsoll
693 R • 11:67-t
• SET INDOOR STAIRS; 1 gravity fur-
nace; 2 ne,ed Beatty 3y:whets, A-LJAPPIl
to CLAYTON DENNIS, Seaforth.
HONEY FOR SALE: Nod -pouring Sen.,
tember honey with all the fall vittiniing
at 2lb in your ovni container, WAL:
LACE 'Vigil A.PAIRIES, Seaforth.
• CLEARANCE Of discontinued limia ef
paints, interior and exterior, phis truna&-
QUO values on regular. IOW price liner: -
CROWN HARDWARE. ' Aare it91, sect-
• mirth. • • - 11146x1
01..,..tARANCt of Used television sets,
II', and 215/, 51 recliteed Prides. 'CROWN
HARDWARE. Phone 167; Seaforthl
WOOD1W,8terte wItlacitc's,.-ekeelleiit. Ceti.
dition, Otek .01ieAV While theY,'
litiiL .1g3alfatli 229. PRANK
' • • ii4144
301124r • iAtItt 9,11e49rey
tooct• .condutoil,
ctcqiiiirtiv" Phote, 12 rt. 15„, thimiri, •
• . • 11-14.xl
. .
BA, 7447214 lArCAN ,
initok„ Arrn rtm LTD.
t•LonviRt..t. ONTAnto
Highest l4ssh prices Paid in surrounding
district for dead, old,sick or disabled heir&
es .iind cattle Horses at 5c a POurid. FM'
the fastest and Proper removal of all ani -
teals day Or night. -
Cell Zong Distance and 'oak for
.016 toil. thargo
6.41.2,...lineol. feet, oPen arain, excavating_
id levelling' Material on new and old
spoil bank:
13,055 lineal feet of 14; 12, '10, 8, 6-
inch tile and laipe,,to dig, lay and back -
811. 'WS°. 8 Mitch haSins rind 'field .stone
protectiona,' L junction boy. Townhhtp to
SuPplY tile and pipe within ,noproximateli
one mile of 'Work. Contrast* -to lieye
•Worlorien'S Compensation Insurance. A.
.marlied, chorine' kir '10 per cent -with a Mini-
mum. of '610960 to•accoropony tender, LOW;
est.' or any tender not necesSarily•accepted•
Tender tO state.- -when work will be done.
Plan, profile and apecificatiens may be
seen at the Clerk'S office. •
Clerk, McKillOP Two.,
Seaforth; Opt., R. 111.. •
25. Personals
• HYUIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber 6;ooda),
mailed postpaid Inblain sealed erivelone.
with price list, 6 samples 25c;,...24 mart.
cr▪ vA„-nynana, CO4 Box 92, Hamilton.
(By Hairy J. "Beyle, in the, Toronto
• - Telegram): ,
•'Former newspaperinan and farm
commeritator5:1VIr: BoYle'ia Special
radioprogram developineiit „officer
for "the ..CBC. native: Of, "Huron
COMity, for many, yearsMr. Boyle
, wrote. a .coliintii,for The Expositor.
The PasSing of the Steam engine.
is a sad fact of the modern harvest:
: There Were t'sk•e'thitig's about llie-
Old,fashiioned-T,'harvest• that 'always
thrilled, a `boy in the .coiiiitry!.First.
'there Was ;, the' threshing,,''.:If-:-Atie:
harVeit 'cairie, early You; had 'your
Owir-and tWo,...br: three :otlierS- yOn
could' -attend. If. it was late , and_
happened during the school SeaSciii;:
Yon.:P911.1d „nlwayS"..",find:. an excuse
„to, -Stay. home, The.„:10Cond',
WAS, the:,,liaryeSt.'exetirsiori„.-----...„.
Therailroads'. :big:
linsterS'like ‚the 'oris ',ler the Cana-
dianNational ,EichibitiOn..; These
Were.' lure's 'that you :studied eager-
ly; :as. , . doing SO; You eould
„Make :yOur,self old ,enoirgh to go
along. ' . ' the.
yrkinger 'men Went,west each fall.
harvest' home was poor
or5noney.scree,: eVen' soMeL.,o,f . ,
the . :tharried7iiieir w�uld
' Make.- the: trip , to :vvestern Canada'...
The returning harvesters „were,
marked men. • Everybody wanted -
to hear •th6ir Stories of 'adyerittire.--
-4rifa0S.,-Vhere-tnank a -Smell' conti.-
try boy.;,first :lear,ned of. the great
expanse of :graiit:fietdgthatstreteli.
Ledrfot„mile:wittiont a leare.' W-e-
heard'about, sleeping. in bunkhouses
and of using: straW„. a's, fuel 'for,
•• !1he:, Simpsons are going', to
tlife8Lt: their 'wheat in the
Ai. announcementt wa
-like tnag
electrifying to the2.yoUrigsters Of,
the cornriniiiity.„
The sight 'of ;the ' threshing pro-
cession -down the :road was a:sig.
nal. to try -aMl'hitch. ;a ride with
the' tankman.: teaM,
of, 'horses on'-the,','hig.. tank that
hauled water, for, the engine:
°eta:Sion lyou get -• a
Chance toride on theengine...YOu
emergerity :tank or else. yOu 'could
cling to the, SAP/ that
Wag used : te out 'up" -the :rails and
iSoles that served 'as, . •
• The separator WOuld be wheeled
into the and...the en-
gineer wOuld" back -the_ engine
around expertly- to the Proper
-,There. wount,-"be_Aeinis.with
and, as one Pulled
up :by the table,, the belt; would be
slipped on the :engine panipoxii...
,powed • Withextra .effort,..and. the
separator jiggled,: arid jaggled into.
Action With. a. 'great „rusk Of small
belts and pulleys' and.. the 'clatter-
ing of sieves . and The
firebox 'belelied' fir e• With a', toot
Of the whistle the threehing..start-
", Soon there would „tie )9 _rustling
sound 'as the straw was propelled:
through the:blowerand the7golden
grain started --slithering out of the
spout into a waiting, bag,.
Tbe tankman was always a good
61hp-onion, . Most AirneSf the
gineer anti separator 'man had
Work to tiO; hut thetankmati conk'
usuallr. find tinie for 'a!, -that. At
first, he was busy '-with ;the port-
able Saw that..ran on a beltfroYh'
sniall:pidleY, ,cutting up the :pile'
of old feneCrnilsintl, poles. Then
hi' Would fill 'fhe b�iler and' two
gmalltankg he put' -beside the
gine and -Set out for •-the creek,
met or' pond., , •
Tank men were Often' Sort .'of
nomads, •:.They . drifted from 1-ob
to job, „gotne o them' were iutti-
bervienin Winter- Some had been
sailors on the, Great Lakes. Others
had tried farming 'but gave it up
All were great talkers ..and small
boys. were •appreciative. listeners.
After manning the &top and 'filb•
Mg the tank they, -were not,. averse
tO tlip.in the'water, a sitoke or a
sncki2e under a tfeo,' coining to
the 11,1ert.tvhen they heard' a Warn,
26. 'Birt
.DUNGEY-At Stott_Memorial HoSpital, cn
• Anglist 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Bedford
D ungey, Seaforth, A datfc‘hter.
, .
IDILLE.V---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
August 20, tc; Mr, and Myst-K. M.
miney, 1040. 1 Londe.4bern: n seri.
JANSEN--At.Scott Alcatiorial HosUital, on
August -21, to Mr, end Mrs. Sohn San -
seri, 10.10. 5„..Senfort5, a son.
MENN-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mint, R.
R. 2, Hensel]; are happy to announce
the birth of their son at ;South ,1{111-oli
H1JSPit31, EXekr, on Mon -day, August
24, 1959. -A brother for Paul and Jane.
.RICHARDSON-At- Clinton Pulilte-Tiospi,
• tal, on Wedneaday. August 12,,1959, to
Mn• and Mrs', Carl Richardson, 10.11„3,
Staforth, a &lighter,
THE GREA-T-E5-r atiwgit
,At40 SELt.S
TR'' 'Om
Legal Notices
IN CM; Estate of Mary Olive Cook, tate
. of .the Town of-Seafortb, in the -Coun-
ty -of Huron, Widow, deceased. .
All ,Persone having' claims agaitiat the
Estate of the above. deceased are required
M., file the same with the undersigned
Solicitor for die sad Estate, on or before
the 1405 -daY • of -September, A.13,- 1059,
after . which „date the Osets ,be
trilipted amongst the .pariles entitled,
'thereto, having, ,rei-,,ard pulp 00' the claims
-of ;547)116141 notice shall havd been given, .
DATgli at Clinton, Ontario, this 24th'
daY of Augast. A.D. 1950.
10 8, =rims,
• Clintrin, Ontario, •
Solicitor for the said Estate,-
- ' 22464
IN THE ESTATE Of' Frederick Reid
Ectilweil, fare f the TawnshiP of Stet,
leY, in the CoentY of Huron, Teeniest,
deceased., • •
All persons having 'claims gainst the
Estate.of the alati-Ve deceased are required
to' file the tante with the undersigned
Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before'
he,..,Itt clay 01 Septemner, A.D. .1959, af-,
ter ich date the asseta will be distribut.
td aniongrit the pnities entitled thereto,'
leaving regard, way 90' the claims of .which
notiee shaft have beeri given.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 29tlx
day of July, A.D.: 1959.
Clinton, Ontario,
• Solicitor for the :raid Estate.
- 22-744
Are you ready, to rent .yettr spare
rooin? A' classified advertisement
phoned. to The tiuren EkPbstar,
•*-•*.'"°" 141, Will bring 'a tenant,
28:,, Deaths
O'CONNORL-In St. Mares Plospitat, fon-
don, on Monday, August 24, Agnes.
Krauskopf, beloved wife of the late Dan. -
lel O'Connor, 80, Columban, ha her 8150
Year. ,
An increasingly large number of .
pOtato gfeWers- noW know tnt triCk
of nreVentingpotatoesirom Spront-
Mg. They use "a cheinical known
as Maleic .11ydr2ziile
-• The cheinicar-is sprayed on, the
,plant- leaves after the tubers are
formed,, but before hariest, advis.
es the Field Crops Brandt, A/de-if°
Department of Agriculture,..' The
chemical moves down through the
plan't .vein systeM to the tubers,
whereit.will*event sprouting for
up toa year,- The potataes then
stay flint and 'useable of the Of,
fed of the chenneal finallir 'Wears.
The Chemical easy •tO apply to
'potato plants' 'in -the field.' About
6 to 6 priundsof the Chemical
Powder, Mixed in 80 to 120 g-altons
of water per acre, -are Sprayed on
the plants just before harvest And
after the potattjes -are fOr111-
. ed., te ig important to apply ,the
-etterrileal• after tlie ,potatoes have
'reached full ,blooirt,, and after tub-
era have' been: set andformed, in.
no ease should -it be "applied when
topt begin to ti1111 brown and to.
Prititoet- intended for Seed should
not be treateil.
• Treated potatoes look and taste
the sameas any,other. potato, 'The
Only difference is that- they will
keeji:loOking like a potato, shOuld.
firm -and 'spout -free -much longer
than untreated, potatoes will,
in.g. three :bias' the Whistle.
This 'MASI to .shOW that thewatei
supplY- was getting' doWnL
Most tank -mon just.lik,ed being
around threshing . machines. .So
• did. a ..• letal fariner , known as
"Steamer .Bill" ,]'ones, He :iieVer'
had muck. luck ,When he planted
A lot of..potatoeg .46 had tot--br
else,'the price ,'WaS poor. He
PInngect into cern':and borer 'took
over. --When he,tried`pigs'the..price
• ,Bill..janes;:lioweVer;',ioVed:,to go -
to tlireshings..... He. 'nevermissed
them, .and it clidn't.'matter Whether
he was...-e'Ver'Paid.or 'the..work .re-
turned; ., • •
One„da.y,,a car struck him' on the
Main -.'street, of the Village.. ,He
. was :in . bed ''for three -months and
:after:that:Walked with ,a limp. He
.was. ,.firially 'persuaded to • sue .for,
'claniageS,: and Wheri-il'eanie up, a
sleepy.: 'magistrate aWarded."?hini'
only. One' Iiiindiedaoll'ars:. alao:
Perkins boy, whii.,hadl just gradri-
..ated inlaw, took „up.the ease,. ade
an anneal. and. won, fen'. 'thousand
guesShite didn't know what 'hi
do with the MeneY, because Bill
connty town'
:mid, proceeded. to, celebrate, Some
'tin*: during'. the ' evening -I the". eon.:
.'veitation 'turned VS Steam.',engine8',
and Bill -beirgbt one'froin . a 'fellow
'.celebrant ,.,who was, a ''machine,,
To this, day, the stark of lioW
Bill .. and Six, friends- drovethe
IS hove! otie.. Ttier. came fibril.
•roadside -fences: Fuel_for,;tbe
:rierigelS eA tile:.a jug.
TheY woke everybody up fin', miles
"around., Bill arrived' in . his front
laileivay,' With 'whistle -blowing,. at :
daybreak., •
• Tliet trip aceorripliShed A Muni:ter
of things. ,116 Was'Atiblied "Steam.
er Bill" Jimes Ana -the name stuck'
,with him., -His lu�k, changed and
he got to be fairly ,proSperoits:,
• Stiange.) as it Seem's,' he vvotild
neVer .talkfabOut buying' the. 'en-
gine, which was. under a tar
• paulin, polighed'i to iterfettion but
never 'started. Some people thought
,it was a siktu1 waste,,but "'Steamer
Bill"' 'aged tospend his,, Sunday af-
ternoons sinolting
fig4tiTi.g.,,hi.lapioua engine..
-Master Billy Consitt is visiting
his grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
William Shepherd,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Keene, .of Strat-
,ford, 'were •recent ,visitors .of
awl Mrs. Elston- Dowson..
• 'Mr. and Mrs, Eddie- Taylor, of
Stratford, visited Mrs, Alice Dins -
dale and 1Vliss 1VI. Whiteman on
Saturday. , . .
, •
Mr. A. M: Doig,,of St. Peters-
burg, F'Ibrida, is. the guest of Mrs..
Harry Caldwell,* Jack and other
Itr,r. and Mrs. E. Dowsen,, ac,
co7,1panied, by Mr.' Robert Thom -
so, ,were at Grand Bend Sunday'
at ernoon viSiting M. Crystal An-
derson and Mrs, William Winder.
• Sunday vests of Mr, and Mrs.
Norman Dickert included Mr: arid
Mrs.,Edgar Wahl, of -14stowel, and
Mr. and Mrs, E. Dickert, of Clif-
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
• Lovell on Sunday were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harland Elliott, Kent' Bridge;
Miss Jean, Smith, "from. the' CGIT
,:Of Knox' Presbyterian Cluirch, of
Stratford; 'spoke on "(amp Im-
pressions" at the, Cromarty CG,IT
Mother, and- Daughter banquet;
held in Cromarty-Chtirch Sunday
schoolroom on Ttiesday evening.,
Miss Smith was introduced by Miss
Amy McPherson, also of Stratford.
Miss McPherson was instrumental -
in 'organizing the CGIT vvork7-in-
The banquet':Was' well attended'
and the, guests. enjoyed,-)ifilsical.
-.numbers- bY. members . of:the CG1T;.
aisb Solos by -.Miss Carolyn, 'Chris-
tie: Mr's. Peacock', 'one-time resi-
dent of, Biirma, gave a -short 'talk
on the 'people and customs of that,
• An, interesting Part of.,the' Pro-.
gra:m was,..the presentation of ion-.
yards ", to:- five, of, 'the 'Members of
the ,OGIT;:rianiely, Alice.' Walker;
Margaret Wallaoe; Marlen bow,.
rOtt_amildred.,,Howe„ :This
'cereinony WAS' conducted by their,
leader,- Mrs. •Malcolin Larnond.
Lady Motorist: "Can. you fix this
fender, so thatn-iy husband will
never know -I bent it?"
, Mechanic: "1 doubt it, lady. But
I can fix, it so that yoir can ask
•him in a few days how he bent it."
Mr. and M-rs. Torn -Leeson and son, .
Dale, of. Florence, and -Mss, Gloria --
Tong; of Detroit.'' "
Miss' Joyce, Hood is' enjoying 'a
two weeks.' vacation at Port Stan-
1eY andLondon. " „'
• Mr. andr Uri.. Alex Kerr, Linda
and Larry, of. IVIonetville; North-
ern...Ontario,. are „spending a meek
with the former's parents, Mr. and -
Mrs; William Kerr,' and 19mily, of
A.lberta Wyant, London,
and Mrs, W. Gibson; of Wroxeter,
visited a -„few 'days last week 'at
the „liome -of Mr; and 'Mrs: W, L.
Mellis: '•
Mr.8. J Roberts was in To-
ronto all last week. •..•• •
• Mr. and . Mrs. Allan Tottrison,'
'Donald' and Eileen attended; the
85th birthday 'dinner nf Mrs.
McLean at•Exeter -recently. Guests
were present_frim Hamilton; To-
ronto, London, Owen :Sound Kw., -
pen, Seaferthi Henson.
ter. „ ,, , • '•
•Mr. and Ail„
ri.-Harlton Rawlings,
of Canghnawaga, Quebec, spent -
last week with Mrs. 'E J. ROberts
d family' Other visitors includ-
ed Mr. and lVfrs. William EsserY,
of:Centralia; 1VIrs. K. Roberts and
Mr. Norman Hobbs; of -London. • •
Harry • Johnson" returnedto his
home in'London. after „visiting. with -
his cousin, Gerald Johnson, for two .
Weeks.' Gerald: accompanied him.
to London' for' a• vacatiom., ,
Miss Eileen McLean, pfLondon,
SPent the weekend at -her home.
L'.......mi.s.:,_N_elson_416od 'received , word.
on Monday of.a brother-in-law,, Mr.
Perkin, of London; who suffered a '
heart attack.. He WaS .taken to a -'..-
Lenclow Hospita1 and placed in' an
oxygen tent., '
Holds :
-don, was first witliz21-6 put-1-3r5b. ., -
handicap practise shoot over the',
weekend.' Charles' Paruo
'-Four tied for 'second, with 44 out ,
„ ., Kippen.'Gu Club '-s'p‘ons'o'red , 'a ,
idsn, Lon -
Eofx•-e5.t0er.; ;T113,:-eYk wBearrekeHr,aLorryndMona;th,Neorrs;' .
• man Harburn, Cm -malty, a rt d• .
Hedley`Prouse,,Gocierich. Mathers
hi1--50 straight in another, _event. ,
Mild niluaillaYzah°..SrePLPay6; scilo°6oattnein*eulli11.
at I p.m. - '
ew -B.EGoodrith tires
at low, 14)%v prices!
. ,
or 6.00:16,
phis you:
;plus 560- icie
• ,
63015 tsbe-type
plus your
recappable trade -le
,6;7Q15 tsbe-!ye
. retappabie trade,
Free PiCk-U-P
r Market:.
'- 'SE))All-FliliY ' ' $27.50 ' . : '''''s $1495-'
equipped: ;...., . ' , ," , transmission ,
'2,--19ran Rsttli3ON'nssioAnCs,, LAufigNTIAN.,s --- Autbmatic -
1 ,. - _.:-._ - transmission, " , . • e%
luny equipped • - ... • •1965 PONTIAC. DtLuxE SEDAN -7- utomatic
SEDAN - ..... , . . .. . , .. .. „...., ... . .. .,„ ..... ...
- - 01450'
$2695 '
1958: cHEATRoLETBAL AIR FOUR -DOOR tuRp- , inily equipped , ' , :, ,'' „ '',
TOP -V-8 motor, ,AIR
$4,&0115 1955 'POl'aIAC SEDAN,-- .". .:
.,tranSmission; fulli equipped ,„. sair,0160 ,Atitomatic transiiligSion,, . .. ..
$14t0 :
2-1958 CHEVROLET BISCA'YNE SEDANS--LFully. 1954,MONARCH SBDAN - Autoritalie transmis. '
• ',, equipped; autdmatic'trans- '''
0 550 ' sion, fully . '$1 095
miSsions ' ' 84Ui1ped,'
2-19'58 PONTIAC STRATO - CHI' SEDANS - 1954 cClolA'EcVHPOLET, DE,LIPCB . r , ,$
• Automatic transmission, $2595
fally equipped ..,...-.4, .. . .... . .......... A. number Older models' '$300 to $500
1957, PONTIAC,--Automatic, , ..,$4,0.9. , 3.953 DODGE '1/2 a -TON PICX- ' - .91,
transinisSion • ''imi 44. , - UP ' , ,4 "1!.0/
A' Written duarantee 'for 60 days on all Late Model Cars -Many otherr-MOdels to chooa from ,
PHONE 113 4°The4itointi Of Better llsed,Cars",„
• '
' intusstts - ' ONTARIO._ o' ro: gvvicy.EvNtvo
• 0.1"0 -RS