HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-08-21, Page 6avAQ MCP. !$1,TGIlt, SEAFO1 TH, ONT., •A•i GUS TOPICS HAVE BEEN RELEASED FOR 195940 FARM FORUM SEASON 21, 1959 Topics have been released ' for The, 195964 season of farmforum. Themes this year are: -"Adjusting Oarmrng.', To . Modern Times" and "Adjustment -:-Tire '.Key To the b'r ture." Theme; : Adjusting Farming To •Modern Times NOV. 2 -The Small Farrli '�.•rA Spe- cial Case, -What policiesand pro- grams are needed to deal with the small"'farri. problem? Nov,, 9 -Regional Broadcast.. Nov. -16-Where .is the -Market- place? How Are prices set? • Who ,sets 'them? ' Nov., 22 -Fourth Night 'Broad 'cast, Nov. ' 30 -The Farmer • in the Marketplace. What are farmers doing in the marketplace? What can they do and what should,they rEirery friday Night. AT .BLUEWATER ,. DANCELAND Music by: Des j ardine. Orchestra 10 p.m. to .1:30' a.m. ADMISSION 75C Letter to 2 hear more 2Yt fierson C BY LONG j. DISTANCE do, to; influence the. price_ ,o f their products? , w; December 7 -Social Security on the ;Farm, Would unemployment insurance.. and, pension. plans en- sure more stability in; farming?. How .could they be put,into effect? Dec. •14 -Market, ,Expansbti: - a Practical Possibility? What can be- done edone to expand export markets for our farm Products?' "• -Dec. 21 -Fourth NightBroadeast: Adjustment: The ,Key to The Futur. Jan 4. --:-.The Problem. of :Adjust- meat Nutnber of Farms. " Who Should . leave?. Who. should stay?, :Who should,decide? What programs are -necess.ary? Jan 11 :The .Problem .of • Adjust: merit Prices' Supports: Are they hindering or helping adjustments? J18 ---he. Problem of. Adjust- ment Credit -the farmer's 'dilem- ma`- hr�w to use. it. Jan. 25 'ourth. Night,�Broadcast. Feb .1 -Farmer Advertising.. Is advertising :by farmers, necessary, to„promote,:the 't ale of farm prb= 'Feb 8-ilegionai"liroadaast Feb• . "15 -Price Spreads `Commis-.. siOn, Findings.' What can be done to lower costs of food handling and'. professing? ' Feb. 22 -Fourth Night Broadcast. Feb . 29.1L -Education A Job for Farmers' Organizations? Are far; finers' own organizations of all+ finds neglecting the need' for tinuing programs of adult educa- tion March 7-F'armi ig--A, Danger-; •ous 'Occupation Wbat. Can, •be done by , communities.,and organizations tolower, the farm -accident rate? - March_ • i14Farm'.; Organization A;• Colllege,Course ,•':Should farm, or- ganizatfons' ;objectives, policies and pr5grams-•be• part ;of- tlie.:.college' currieidnin? • (Regional 'Broadcast;. National Guide).:r. .• March 21 -The Consumer and the- l ax3x1€r lire conatuners•-; aware that sttrpiuses are necessary in •or=.: der to miaintan adequate food supplies - 'March 128•Fourth Night. Broad- cast USBORIITE &•, HIB.BERT.. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE., CO. IIEAD 'OFFICE Exeter, Ontario -President: " A.LeX.,T .Rohde „ R R. 3, Mitchell . Vice President:, Milton McCurdy R R 1, Kirkton on o quhounR.R. .1` Glayt, •:C iq ,,. ,: Science Hill; .Martin ;`Feeney, ' R:R. 2, Dublin;, : Robert ;G: Gardiner,. R;;. R.. `:1;.; Cromarty.;.. Timothy B, Toohey, R.R. 3, Lucan. Agents Harry -Coates; R.It:.1; Centralia; Clayton Barris; Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell: • Solicitor: W, ' G Cochrane - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer ear-thur Fraser • Exeter, • For the FINEST BUILDING SUPPLIES at a FAIR PRICE look' for . th' sign of quality CALL BY NUMBER IT'S TWICE AS FAST! OI!' t riH[t �.... .if SU CDADealers in your town: SEAFORTil :UMBER. Seafortli . Ontario ;. i:scus S iiOWICl COUNCIL - At the August meeting , of How ick.towriship council, -the following motions were made; That •we we, instruct the Clerk ,to write the County. 'Engineer and, and Road Committee, re drains and catch basins, in the Village of Gor- rie... • That, the Engineer's report onthe Werner Municipal Drain be accept-. ed: and provisionally:adopted, and that the Clerk be • Hereby 'instrudtit ed to prepare the necessary•by-law •and copies ofsa rid, and that.app1i• - cation for. Provincial Aid .be' made to• the: Department of -Public Works, of Ontario. Department • . That the. -court of revision on the. Werner 'Drain be' held, on Sept, 5, That we,appoint Ivan Haskins as commissioner on. the .'Werner, Drain, Than••By-Law No. .1...&591: of the Township of..Howick.;,.for the.year 1959, the Werner Drain By -Law, as read'< -the first and •second time be passed. _ - That the Reeve -sign the agree - Ment of owners for 'theconstrue tion •of a ditch on. Concession 4 That the Reeve be,`instructed to arrange for the. repair o£ C. Pfef- fer's;;;portion • of the Dietz.•.Award Drain. - That we instruct the' Clerk to write. the Listowel 'Hospital; '•Board advising that no action, be taken at this time, re• grant. Road and. general accounts pass- ed for; payment included Listowel Banner, • advertising, $760; ,.Har- riston• Review, ,printing,,.., $23,59; MyrtlerSkort;: postage; $76.28 Re=, creation comnnttee,".,p.r o v i n c i a 1• grant,- $372.69; Wm. D. Colby,-., penses,` Werner Drain; $97; Athur Gibson, dram expenses, $4; •Har Vey' McMichael, drain expenses, $4;' Mei,.:' Allan„ dram expenses,! $4; Robert Gibson, dramexpenses $4; Trot/, Po11ock, drain ifee ri� ex- penses' $54; ' rn• Marrmer, 'r.ehef- accdt 324.20; 'IL Howe; relief acct , 316..77; •G L Dobson,:; relief acct., 38 50;.E A. Schaefer,'. relief 'Oct $7:47; . Arthur •Gibson, relief ad:inini- strator; 11.20; ,11fur1ic al World,. supplies $5.22 Arthur -'G bson; Lis towel Fire Area meeting,• $5; :Ivan Haskins, two; Hospital board ,meet, Ings, ,$10; .road acedunt, transfers $2,158..57 USBORNE COUNCIL • Usbor a dunei.•,met• for their August meeting on Monday ;after, noon: with; • Reeve Clayton Smith presiding:., and Councillors .Hugh` Love, Harold Hunter, • George Frayne and Ward Hern..in attend - :u r clic ance. J: A: Howes, :engineer 'ori the Anderson No.- 2, acid " Sawy?er drains; is ready to_proceed with the work, ' but' thecontributing townships' have mot ',yet • advised how far they wish• the; work to go, couneir : was told'. In connection with the proposal to repair: the Anderson N0:1 Drain, council accepted a complaint from John'.Borland, lot 14, ;and Alvin Passmore, 1ote'12,,on the.S T R, Cpn-, cession,- :regarding .the disrepair; pf. the Passmore;-Drain:...Council •`a'c cepted the "coniplaint and instruct ed that the matter'he:referred to :Tames. A. Howes; engineer appoint- ed on' the Anderson Drain. •. A, report •on a work to be known asthe' Sims; Municipal Drain was read and • provisionally .adopted. Court ;of revision will he held 'on September 14,- and tenders• called for Septem>ter'14 'Balance of `P ''idhan Drain:.: as,:, sessinent. to the'TownshiP larton, .4267.85; . Wallis Municipal Drains assessment to the Township of Bidduiph, $4,'695, -Glenn Muni- cipal , Drain. • assessment to the, Township. of: Hibbert.bf $2,875 were:: ordered paid,, Completion certificates on the Davis :and Glenn -Somerville 'drains from the engineer J •: ..Howes, were presented. ,• The contractor, William` Campbell, will be paid the balance of his •contractprice''in- 'cluding $50 •extra' fora •junction box on the Glenn -Somerville drain • as - recommended by the engineer. En- gineer •Howes • will be paid super- intendence • ; fees ` on.,•,.:Davis ..; and Glenn Somerville r drains and 'ter, survey,;,.report - and profile on-Si'ms Drain..' A': grant tp:South Huron Ag, ricultura1,Soci,ety' of •$50.was made at this ,meeting. Council. paid tui - and examination fee of $60 each. for the seeend year "oaf the. Municipal Clerks and Finance`Of-,. ficers Training Course and the fiat Year • the Senior "Course of :the Assessors' Institute. • ` '' Road superintendents report was passed, including road' accounts amounting ,,to a''total voucher of $9,797.42:' Supplementary road --ap7 propriation by-law • providing for � an additional $24;000.1--, $18,90 for bridge 'constructiion and $6,000: for, winter :control-waspassed, sub- ject to.approvat.by the Department. of Highways • 'Treasurer repprtedr • receipts ?of' $442 70�frotn the -road • superintend ent in, accounts receivable and oth- er receipts axnoiinting to $3,952.92 and a ba -lance of cash: as, of . July 31 of •• $93884., Current. 'accounts, ainounting . to '.a .'total ; of.:'$10,472 16. were passed for' payment • HURON COUNTY ,FEDERATION NE By CARL FHEMINGWAY 'Harvest -is' ;proceeding remark- ably well this year and many read- ing ;this will already, be , :finished "While reports are not quite' as .good• as. last. year, Nitron County farm- ers• can consider themselves 'well favoured this year: I 'was talking to Otis McGregor, assistant, secretary -manager 'of •the Ontario Wheat Producers lWIarket- irig Board; and the following infor- mation was;supplied by, Hint; At. •the moment,,."the • .office of: the Wheat -producers .is bµsy ':coPifiil-: ing the nuniler of bushels deliver, ed fby': producers in•'the 1958 `crop. This :a'moun#i`. avill °a5 ;divided into the . amount ; of money remaining, .from the 9c per bushel equalization fund' and •will, be returned to. th producer.at :so'.muchPer bushel . While he. figure is -lot .yetdefin- ite, it appears certain; that at least 4c per bushel will be repaid.xp the farmer,. This, year the demand has 'been 'Strong";and as:'yet •the Board• .rias not been required to purchase any wheat.,` The:giioted price is:on a different basis..' This. year the quoted price at .the :elevator is • subject, only to HIGHS For All Kinds°, Of RAIi W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 • We Are in. the Market for Registered. 'and - Cammereial Genesee and Cornell Shed Valent: See us bet ore' disposing • We arse also buyers of- TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED and or'e Agents for 11/taster Feeds, Cernent,-Insect sides & Grain Treatment, BUCKWHEAT CORN and . RYE.:! BEANS Prices areLLlow. , Tra file=in= allowanceanre' high. The savings are tremendous! Stop in today;drive-home tot fight • in a new>Dod a or` DeSoto. And'if; ou've g... Y an eye:e for a jauyin ' " truck, be sure • f o check •our. deal ?on. a new Do dge;, • Sweptline piek-up or Town Panel. • the lc deduction for the• Wheat Board and the 9c Jot the equaliza- tion .hind:. Last . year the -elevator., Cirdr4.e;5Tof n1nX1hiiYirr'af' 10c .were also deducted from the quoted price ; For example, on August 14 Unit .ed]•Co operatives.;were bidding $1;71 • to the elevators or'wheat.,^Thus' if the quoted price: at •your• local ele-' vator was $164,;: the ;operator was;, getting ,7c :per 'bushel for his ser-; vices, and with the.:deductions off - you would receive $1,54:. With.: the active . demand ;;and' ebriesponding; fluctuations .in the market price;, 'the cost : of elevator services" has varied "from ; 5c. to 9c per bushel, averaging about '7c, Deliveries of wheat• this•year are surprising in . view of the severe �rvmter :.damage; m .many areas:: Kent and Rssex,have,;had'••a poor year; but Lambton, •Middlesex and the eastern •counties are doing•giiite 'well ""with harvesting,'completed`. sornewhat earlier. Reports from the West have indicated• a good crop until recently, when _ a hot -,...dry spell h'as set in, reducing both yield aiid quality- considerably..';. McGregor would venture 'no!. forecast on prices. While product,;, tion in Canada would warrant' an 'increase :in price „later, our exports of Ontario wheat flour•: are•down about one-third and •.vith. heavy ex- perts .from the "United States '1t, is doubtful that we can do muchto: increase-ourr exports this year. Whether, you: sell now: or store,, for later -sale is -a ganibler'.s choice' anil-: perhaps this• • is: on of - the things that mattes 'Wining 'inter- esting. Ontario Fairs •1959. 4. be:': a o t w 1 - f 0 x a a d r_ b w and ode, es. e. ,;ti` of,t se be ba t. f to .:.; A.i?Y or, Pr 1110 �a jC@' h to d. Y 1210• tbg time "step w is the best°u mato enj°pd igh o De Soto.Ye- quality lowest prices >,. of ane , up Soto performance, at the •pe. featu fide, exclus rices of the yeax. • At A r+rrr�.r. f U • •..^.HRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA; LIMITED Bayfield Sept: 23, 24 Blyth Sept. 22, 23 Brussels; ' • 'Oct. 1, 2 hesley Sept. 11 12 Drayton ...::...... .,. Sept,19 C 21 Dundalk Sept,' 15, 16' Dungannon Oct.: 9 Durham Sept - 25, 26 Elmira• Sept. 4, '5;.-6 Hmbro' Sept: _21 Exeter .: .. ,;Sept.. 23, 24 Gorrie Oct. 2, 3 Hanover Oct, 2, 3 Ttincardine Sept. 17, 18, Birkton .. -Oct, 1, ''2. :ListowelSept. 28; 29 London (Virestern Fair) Sept. 14-19 Lucknow Sept 23, 24." Markdale r Sept, 10,'11 Meaford .....,-..,Sept. 18, 19 Midland • Sept. 17-19 Mildmay 'Sept. 15, 16 .Milverton • - ..,,, Sept. 25, 26 'New Hamburg Sept. 39, 30 Hamburg • , Sept. 18, 19 Sept. 14, 15 Palmerston - Oct, 5, 6 Parkhill`, Sept. 24, 25 ttipley• ' Sept.' 25, 26 St. - Marys Oct:" 6,. 7 S1gAFO1tfR Sept. 24,''25 Stratford' Sept. 21.-23 .Tavistock an. Sept. n., 12 TeeswaterOet. 6, 7 Thedford. ........ Sept. 22, ,, 23 Tiverton • Sept 25, 24 Toronto (CNE) ...Aug. 26 .:Sept, 12 r'rorbnt (Royal -Fair) N`ov. 13.21 Walkerton Nov, , 5 Wiarton Sept.10, 11 11 Woodstock • Aug, 27-'29 Zurich. '.... ,Sept, 26 & 28 fliternational Plowing Match, Went- worth County --•Dundas, Oct. 13-16 ompson Limited • "'HONE" 32r NIGHTS 194 or 42 . 4,•i EN'SALL Paisley _ • iu1hi+J�' .sittL. e •S depe `Ntt "°°..po6V l, eea'l °,O 131 4'11 nw53• Ve Give /10,11.8So aiTon 1earewhiy°u at TERMS; TO SUET YOUR PURSE -•,: SEE US, PHONE US -'-NOW' Pone 267 Seaforth -1957 -Dodge Mayfair 4-Docir Sedan -Automatic transmission 2-1956 Dodge' 4 -Door Sedans -V-8 motors Dodge' 1-1955 Dodge :4 -Door Sedan -V-8, automatic transmission. 1®1955 Plymouth 6 -Cylinder Coach . 1-1951 Plymouth 1-1951 Dodge Sedan 1:.1951 Chevrolet Sedan, with new pain DODGE DESO` c :SALES .a0Service. Phone 267 Seaforth