HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-08-14, Page 122.--rralK =RON 'EXPOSITOR, SEAFOTR, omr., AUGUST 14, 1-959 ounnituninunommunnutitionolo Unt evotion,a1Services IIRST PEsir/intim Nownismg. uNITED. coNGAgoolcos - . at First Presbyterian Church REV,. BRION 1Vfinister • H. A. EEMPSTElt, OrganiSt and Choir Leader. 10 a,rex-Sunday Schools -at their respective 'Churches. • 11 A.M. ",On 'Vacation Witb. the , • Bible" : Solo—"Down From Hia.:GforY" (E. diCaPila)- Guest Soloist: Mr. Glenn Lodge, Goderich 1111$111111MMII111111111111111111111111111011' Co •-Seafortlr — Ikea Estate and insurance...L._ - PHONE 458 • • ChUr'clry Notices Vgraondviitteihulted Chureh.—Dr. J. Semple, Minister; Lyle Ham-. mond, organist-'ehoir 'leader; 11 a.m., guest speaker, Mr., Frank Morgan; Sunday School, 10 a.ra; '•ANNOUNCENIENTS _ _ lYfr.,•ancl: Mrs. Jack Beaman, Wal - :tan, ;WiSh' ta annOunce the engage- : riled of their eldest daughter, Shir- ley .Arine, to. Elmer Lorne Desch:, • only -son of Mr: •and•Mrs. Pat oeseh, 0, Udell, Wedding to, take plate on August 29. • Mr. and Mrs'. GOrdOti:TUrner Brucelield wish to ' announce,. the engagepent : of . their:..: daughter, Catherine •Itiith; to 11/1r, William DallaSinsnp,of Mr. 'and:Mts. Russell Dallas; Bruce:field • The wedding WillLiake 'place...the first part of SepteMber. - ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.Jim Bannerman, Seaforth, wish to announce the 'engagement of their youngest daughter, 'Hazel Anna; to Mr. John Wilinr Hali,• Toronto, son of Mrs. Good, Ifitiptorx,• and the late Mr: Halt The:. marriage' will take place on August. 22:in'Nortliaide United chureln .-Seaferth,' at 3i.00 1V1r..-and Mrs. George McCartney, Brucelleld wish to announce the ntageinent-7:of—thetr7-youngest daughter, Mary. Eileen, to Mr. Wil- "ain_letbereott,oungest son Of Mr.andMis. Roy Nether- cott; Kirkted, 'The wedding .:will take:place Saturday, Sept .5,, at 4:.30 . pan., in. Bracefield United Church. •TEXA• C •PRODUCTS ' We specialize in DIESEL FUEL.and FARM LUBRICANTS -Phone--686W-i- -Phone-19 Seaforth: Goderich • ALL KIND• S of • INSURANCE W. E. • SOUTHGATE Phone 334 — Res. 540 MAIN ST : SEAFORTH • LEMON'S.• MI. • and PARCEL SERVICE AS Passengers InSured PHONES t &on • DANE 676 D OR I: S' BEAUTY SALON - Phone 373• - SEA,FORTR :OJTARIO CR1CH'S • WRITE COVER 'BREAD . • Sweet as June Meadows , Phone '34 : • Seaforth BAKED TRESE,:DAILY • EGMONDVILLE • Retent Visitors with Mr. and.Mrs. Stotchmer were: Mr. and, lalirigton;,,.'Mr. and' " Mrs.' James' 'Black and; .MarilYn,:. of Belmont:. Mr. ancl Mrs. Thornas Scotchmer, Jim and Lynn, of Guelph. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scotchmer were in 13ayfield on Friday" visit- ing friends. ' • @tn.. rs. :Landon,' and. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ra,cho,...of•DUblin, Visited on Tues- day with. Mr. and Mr. Edward Brown. Weekend visitors with •andMrs. Brown were the • Vaastene 'famlli,l'Of I •Mis."'..Reg Clark -of Gtencoe-,'-was •g reed/int Visitor:with 'Mrs. R. Dal- rymple ,s4net Charlie, • • .; • IVIrs. llamas- Barton has moved to .ListoweI. : ••• • " • Mrs. Edward ltiowa is atpresent. in the hospital taking treatments,'' 1VIi.n.and "Mrs. .G. R. -„Keyes ,and Ong-4er; Joan,„ of , Whidsor„:, and aridMra. Stuart N. 'Keyes, Of, :Weekend. at the Keyea 'lunge here: They ';attended the'lKeYea" family picnie at Godd- rich .an'Saturday, -when 59 -Mem-, bers,•,of ihelarrillY ' met and. enjoy- ed A .very pleasant..faniily.reunion., • Rev: and :1VIrlrNadre* H. Mc - 'Kenzie and'faMllY:Were reterit•Visi, tors - with Mr. Thomas RobinSon, and fainlly and Mrs. Hugh ,McLach: Miss Marian Weiland, of Toron- to, spent a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland.• . Miss DOrothy I3oyes , is, camp leader afderich sun -liner sch 1 this Week. -Miss Grace Stephens�n is also, attending camp there. Misses • Lonise and Maureen Cooke, ,of:Kingston, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: Harry Welland. • ....,,,,Messrs. Elmore' Stephenson, Roy •IVIcGench and, Norman, MacLean -were on a fishing trip to Northern Ontario. n • Mr. and Mrs. George Lave, of Goderichr visited with' Mr. and Mrs-. • H. Weiland. • • Mrs. John Earle and Mr. George • Earle are spending' a week in Ot- • tawa With her son; Sgt. 'Harry Earle, at the' RCAF Station, Rock- -:Farm News 'Harvesting is .progressing very favorably,Sturm .entting is yet -to i be done n the north part of the • county'. Weekend rains occurred in widely 'spread areas. • Pastures 'are generally ui- good shape..Second;cut haY is being cut. Turnips are being liftedexpbrt is good:: Cash' crops are making ex- cellent progress. LAST CALL. . SA or' Or SUMMER • JEWELLERY ALL SUMMER COSTUME- JEWELLERY . Including Zlecktetsi.„Earringi,..:Brateletsr Brod'ehes, Etc. - • . •RE-GpRatur moo 'To :Clear at 59c LAST 'MINUTE SPECIAL1 OVer 400 Earrings, including &ranter and•Fall cololirs-- RhinestOne, Auroraborealis, •• REGULAR VALUES, FR0111 $1.00 TO $2.90 • To Clear - at 59c Pair HIGIIE14.PRICED SUMMER JEWELLERY AT HALF PRICE' :" • Don't Miss This 'Costunie Jewellery Sale ! VAUG .E'S JEWELLERY GIFTS ' FINE CHIlkcA, Seaforth AL BRIEFS - Mrs. Ethel Duggan, Mrs. Russel Pratt and Mr. James Duggan Of Detroit. visited M a rt'h 4. Thompson over the weekend.. ' • Mrs. George,Banker, who, is • an :the, Staff , of the ,United 'States -In• telligenee•,-Service visiting her. Sister, -,Mrs, A. W. lery and Mr. Siliery.. • ;„ Mr. and Mrs. Orville. Oke and ,iarnilk.-haV,e-returned- tor,trip Montreal ari'd the East- , • Mr,..artd: Mrs. Art Wright, Donald: ••and . Douglas have returned -home froin.'va.catiOri tanthe Western Prov- inces arid: Banff, 'Alberta. arid Mrs, 'John GaJiop of Toro,ato,„ are visiting, • •Seaforth irlends: this week. .• " 'Mrs.' R. S. Ilaya.;',who has been in Detroit for some:time, -is at her hone here. She is accompanied by her daughter, •Mrs.. Byron ' Mont:, Ornery, and ,Mr., 1Viontgeinery, Of. Mr. • and Mrs. 'George Miller and family- are on, a. Motor trip to Of-. taw and Moritreal.' r: " Mr. Gordon Rennie of of , Sand; ridge-, spent several 'daysvisiting. his.p,arentS, 'Mr. and Mrs. mr:'and.MrS.E1Mer Larone were in Malton Monday' to Welcome their: son; Mr: Keliri,eth- Latorie,- on his. return: fallowing a.. visit to England: Mr. Tommy Grieve and kr. Rus- sell Grieve, of Windsor, spent Sun. day at the home of their grand- father, Mr. Thomas M. Grieve. , Mr., Harry Grieve and grandson, Master Bobby Grieve, are visiting Mr. 'Thomas M. Grieve and Misses Margaret and Bessie Grieve. Mrs. Justin Sinclair, of trigden, visited Mrs., Leo Stephenson on Sunday. , • • mr. •and Grunirnett, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Airth, of Cookstown, spent last week at ;Kincardine Beach. -• • Mrs. Een larone, of Toronto, waS 'a recent guest With her par- ents, Mr. and Ms.'J R. Spittal. Mr. and Mrs. Neville McMillan and 'family, of Pickering, are vis- iting his parents, Mr. and IVIrs. J. My McMillan. • "Mr. and MrsWilliam. Smith are holidaying, at Fenelon Falls. Dr, -and Mrs. A. L. Blaek and fainily were in Fenelon rails and were accompanied by Mrs. 131acle,.s mother, Mrs, Henderson. 1" Mrs. F. J. LBechely is spending some time at her cottage in Bay- - -Miss Margaret McLean has re- turned after-spdading-sevaral-days- in London. ,• Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hagan and amilY have returned following a motor trip to Midland and Graven- • Misses Mary Scott and' Sharon McNichol are holidaying this Week in Sarnia ,with Mr. and Mrs, D. Mr.Bradley, Brown, Galt, is spending two weeks visiting with Mrs. Jack Fraiser. Miss ,Dopelda Adams is holiday- ing in the -western °provinces and at present is the guest of her broth- er and sister-in-law, Cpl. and Mrs. K. 'T. Adams and sons, Gerald and Michael,. in •Winnipeg.. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack • Eisler, ja"., Cindy and Gary and,Mr.. and Mrs. Bedford Dangey and 13rertda spent the past week -at Wasaga Beach and visited with Mr-' and Mrs. Jas. Hogg, Collingwood. • Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Snider and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Maurits - key and fanallY, Mr .1 and Mrs. Del Knightley and. Donna," of Kiteheiter;.- Oild IVIi. -Ed. Waroslil of 'Waterloo, spent the weekend with; Mrs. Mark Hildebrand. • Mrs. B. 13. StephenSon' is spend, ing a few days with relatives in Exeter. ' • Mr. William Stephenson„ of To- ronto, sperit the past week7With Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Dr. and Mrs. S. -A. MacGregOr visited his aunts, Mrs. D..8.13..yan and Miss C. Martin, Reg.N. Mrs. lVfargaret Hutton, Kincar- dine, will obser.ve her 9I,st birthday this Saturday: She is the mother of Mrs. J.' Gruinrnett. ' • Dr, and: Mrs. R.• E. Smale, of Midland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Sinale and attended the fun: eraI of Mr. William Stephenson, , Mr, arid Mrs. W. Macmin and M. 'William Boles,. of Niagara Falls, New .Yorkvisited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smale: • Recent visitors, with Mr. ancl ,Mrs. John Kellar were ,her, broth- er-in-law and. sister, ,IVIr. and Mrs. Wirt Linger, Richard and Aaron and Mrs, Harry Harris, of West • Viregria. Mrs. A. B, ' Mick' accom- padied them here to spend the sum- mer with her daughter, . ' Mr. and Mrs, James A.,Mnrray, of Dundalk, were Seafqrth visitors oztFrid•aY, • Mr, X. 1, McLean, of Kingston has been on holidayS with his fano- ST7-..COLTIVIRAN7FOOTWAL1L--TEAM-,'-rtoPpin-rthe huren ball: League 'throughout tire season, took the final series= kora the".- -Wintliroparyetile squad last week.. They Won -the final. Series,-heat- )ing Winthrop 2-0, 1-0- and, 1-1,tie.. Members ofthe champiOnshi., ptearn , are left to right front row: Danny O'Connora Pahl Makine:;',GOrdon Byers, Eenriy Ryan, Don-Benninger;-,,eentre roWc13111Y-RYain'Steph- en Cronin, • Jim Melad.y; Harry Ryan, Bill McLaughlin, Kenny Mnrr, , ray, Peter back row;.Leon Maloney, presidentof rthefluron FOotbali Association; -Jack Costella, Alfred Malan-4;7:: Joe- .1V,Ialoney,- - • Jimmy Cronin' and Ted Melady, coach. PhOta..15y . • • . WALTON BRIDE ETE RECEPTIONS AND SHOWERS- HAcKwELL_D-ENms • A Pretty wedding Was StileinniZed at Duff'S 'United, Chtirch, On -r -Saturday; AirgirSt 8,, at 2 p.m., when Mary Beatrice : Dennis :an .1i.ackwell exchanged wedding. vows:. The :bride' is • the daughter of Mr:. and Mrs:Wiluiani ily here: -He and '•Mrs. McLean • spent several days • in the.„Barrie Mr. and Mrs. •Franiet ndrnore and Miss Nancy Cudinore,. Wal- laceburg, were' guests ,•of Miss Hazel Reid and Mr. D. L. ,Reid. • . Mrs. J. M. Doyle, .of Dorchester, has returned home after visiting, with relatives and friends. Mr . and Mrs. Harold Jackson are spending the month of August in a cottage at Corunna. • Miss,.."Minnie J. liabkirk sent last weekend in Goderich: ; • Miss Mabel KellOugh of London; spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. William Kelley, and Mr. Eel-. le • Mrs. Ada' Dale was ' -in Kitchener for a few --days last week. - , Miss Rena' -McKenzie and Mr. Jobn 1VIcKeniie spent "a feW days in Orillia with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzie. Mrs. J. "R. Minter- and daughter, Mrs. F'errnanti.and Lynda and. Ear- • en-Fermanttn of Toronto, were 'the guests of Mr. Glenn Smith. - :Nr. and:Mrs. Allan Reid, Water- loo, were in town on Thursday .ef last week. ». •• - Mr. Angus Kennedy, of Windsor, - and Mr: andMrs: Ted BeehelY, -of St., Thomas, Were guests of Mrs.. F. J, 'Bechely • and' Mrs. R. J.. Sproat and other friends on Thurs- day: . Miss Isabelle Ross, of Winnipeg,. is a guest of Mr. :and Mrs. R. W. Campbell and other -friends in 5M, •-•• • Mr, and Mrs', Ray Mason,. of Windsor, were -guests of •Mr. and ' Mrs. Roy McGonigle over theweek end. , ---Mr»-and-Mrs.-Edward»Roche, of• ,Chicago, have Igen recent guests of Miss Ltiella, Burke. • • Mr. and Mrs. lerald Hulbert and daughter, Carol Lou and Mr„ Mal- colm,- Timmins, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of; Mrs. •Bethune. • - Mr. Ross Rennie, Toronto; Mr. Gordon Rennie, Sundridge, and Mr.. • Ronald ' Rennie,, ,Toronte, were guests of _their' Parents, Mr: ” Mrs. M. R. Remiie, at:Grand Bend:, • Mrs. Myrtle C,arnbchan, of Eliase, • iS a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stewart. . . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lindsay • of Ingersoll, and Mrs. John Green, of London,. Were weekend, guests of Mias, Gladys Thomp.sdai • •• Rev. IL D. Stewart, Ottawa, Mr. • Gerald' Stewart and ,Mr. -,Charles Stewart,' Toronto were .guests of •their- mother; Mrs.11-larik Stewart. Mrs, Jack Easun; ,of Stratford, spent Sunday with. her mother,' •IVIrs, Hugh Alexander. • ' • , Mrs.- AndreW. Reekie,. of -Brant- ford, ;was a guest of .1:iek• sister, Mrs, Robert MeMillan, and r. Mr. and,,MrS: , Joseph' Marlirelli- and family; of Sault. Ste, Marie, are guest 'of Mrs. E. C. Case, Mr: and Mrs, Mike Morkovvsky and:family, of IVIacnutt, Sask., vis- 'ited with Mr. 'and Mrs. S. Luput ' Mr. and, Mrs. llikam Proctor, of New Liskeard were • Weekend guests of Mr. arithlVIrs. Ephriam Clarke, • , - • Mrs. R. B., Holmes j[s spending a few daYa in Toronto with , Miss Mary Dodds. , • • • Mr. and, -Mrs. John Patterson, John, Allan and Dianne' have re- .ttirned heine from a .ten-day• vaca- tion at 'Eugenia Falls. Mr-and1VIrs. Thomas Kahle 'and sons, .Tainitie and Johnnie, a, ' Earnilton),„sPeritSunday evening at' the hoin4 of . Mrs. A, Bethune. ., Mr. arid Mrs. Cecil Smith, To . 'onto, were weekend:guests of Mr, and. Mrs. Sydney Gemmell, of Eg, • monclville, ". MrS. R. K. McFarlane spent a few' days in London. • Sister M, Henrietta,' the 'GreY• Sisters of the /inrnaculate 'Coneep- tien, Perdbreke, Ont., spent the PaSt tWo weeks with her mother, Mrs', Mary O'Reilly, George Street. Mr; and Mrs, John O'Reilly and . family; of Stratford,' 'visited with Mr. ald Mr. IL Pritigle. Dennis, Walton,,and the groom as I the son of -Mr: and Mrs. W. C. Hackweil, Waltolf•-Rev• •Insetrede11,b.7RWinethvropil._,Ituaasiofficiated, w. si ab • The bride looked' lovely in • a lieor-lengtht 'short -sleeved gowii of white silk organza, icing torso bo- dice styled with, scoop neckline and • appliquei-Of-Gtilpine lace, trimmed with iridescent sequins' and seed pearls. The bouffant skirt was scattered with appliques and fell to a chapel train. She carried a white Bible crested with pink res.' es and -white stephanotis She also wore a single strand of pearls and matching earrings, which were the • t of the Miss Doris Johnston; Clinton, i.Vgs maid of honor, arid 'bridesmaids were Miss Geraldine Dennis, Wal- ton; sister' of the 'bride,: and Miss June Hackwdil,:Waltany .,sister the .groom., They wore •''identiCal gowns of white tissue taffeta bean - embroidered in..a..turqUeise blue flovVer:design.,Witli tarquaiSe blue silk taffeta cumberbands with wide 'bow's and ,streanierS to. the b.areni • hemlines: -.The, sleeveless fitted bodices featured' ScopPneckL lines and bouffant' 'pouffe-, Skirts corrrpleted the lovely gowns.: They were matehing, turquoiS6'. 'head- dresses; and . carried nosegays of Iiiriklearriations-with blue tulle. . Miss 'Gail Agar .Staffa 'and Miss Linda Gray, Stratford, were flower girls, Wearing identical •gowns •to the bridesniaida,, only in pink 'Silk. taffeta' ',with cumberbands aad, hews,: f. They tarried nosegays • " of blue carnations •with Reid -lackwell Walton groomsman, and _ushers Were How- ard HackWell and 'Bert' Dennis •bothef "Walton. 'Dotiglaa Wey, of Walton, was ringbearer. They Wore navy. blazers and grey .flannels: with • White. darnations. , •,Miss Audrey Backwell, ..VValtem sister:, Of the groom, Was .soloist, and sang "1 Love You Truly'? and "Wedding •.Prayer!' Mr. 'Douglas' - n i- • . -• Receive At Church • The -reception - was :held in the church'-.parlotir.. Miss Jean \T1tonwae in charge of the guest book and toasts -were' proposed by Cameron Deming,' • of • North Bay, and by Mr,: Reid Hackwell, of Walton.' The bride's; mother re- edived, the guests 2in a blue lace sheath 'featuring- a t silk' organza bow and%strearners` in • the: back. She ;wore 'Pink -'afeeeSsories:, and .•a "corsage 'of Pitift;',,earnationS;, and carried ' a,•'sMall purse ' of pearls' and sequin's-- which- matched her pearl' 'earrings', and necklace. The grooni"i'..rnother wore a 'biue. two- piece dress •of: : „Omitting with black and -White aeCesscries anda corsage.,:of pink' earnationS:'•,„ 'Gtiests were; preSerit• ;from;ro ronto, Dorchester; N.Y,,• Port El- gin, Etnabro, Stratford, London,: Zurich; AtwoOd; North Bay,Staffa, Brantford, BasswOod, ;Manitoba, Kitchener,--Plinton , and Walton. , At a reception at the bride's home,li1ra, Ethel ••Rackivell, and: rhrasi.ihrfgatretellurneffihrierThs_wergeift_in.s were displayed' by Misses Claire Ilaeltw,ell, June, Haekwell,' Audrey: Hackwell and Doris 'Johnston. - The bride donned a white, suit 'With brown and tangerine acces- sories. and 'a ,,corsage of eopper- tinted, carnations for a wedding trip to Chicago and the.West Lake Michigan area. The coupleWill re- side, in St. Marys.' , • Display Gifts, Trousseau On Saturday evening a trousseau tea was held at the bride's home. 1V1iss AtIdreSr McMichael, Walton, Was charge of the guest book, and Mrs. Alex Dennis, Walton, was in :charge Of, the guests. 'Mrs, Nelson Reid, Walton, and Mrs. Margaret Cuthill, Seaforth, pouted tea. Serving, lurich were Misses Jean Rillen,, Margaret mi - len and Attie Hillen, all of Waltan, Ann Rosa, Bassvvooel, Mart.;. Shat; on .Agar, Staffe, and Geraldine, Dennis, Walton. DiSplaying the gifts. Were Mrs. Canieran Ross, North Bay; Mrs, Stanley Mien, Walton, and Mrs. IVittrray Dennis, Walton. Assisting -in. ,flie kitchen Were Mrs. Eldon Stimore, Mrs; kill Roe, gr.: Norval Stirnore and Mr. Charlie Boyd, all of Walton. Recall Events Of eitern 'Trip Rev. J, C: Britton, Mrs- Britton • and family returned last week to Northside parSonage after the holi- day period, They travelled by the Nor thern Ontario route to:points in Manitoba,. Saskatchewan and Al- berta. In Nevi, Liskeard, Mr. Brit- ton officiated at the wedding of a eousirea.: daughter—The. next _stop war..-Wianipeg, where they Visited their son and his „wife for a couple of days , Cpl. Donglas Britton is attached to the R,,C.M,P. in Winni- Peg, ' ,From here to Mrs, Britton's old' home in, the Rosetown arenof Sas- katchewan was a two-day drive'. A • Week was spent at tbe old lionie, putting it in shape as it had not been occupiecl,fOr a couple 4 years. Another day's drive took Ihem in to 'Alberta, at Stettler, , where ,they spent a week:at the home Of. Mrs. Britton's sister. Following this vis- • it they returned td Seaforth via the United States, crossing at Emmer- son, Manitoba. • • They .fonnd the crop 'prospects very good after -,a-substantiaI rain of three inches in 24- hears-- the last week in June, It will be an average, crop with normal, weather conditions until theharveat period. •Reads were excellent in the Prairie provinces. The Trans -Canada Iligh- _way_fronLYVinnipeg_w_egthypassea_ townS 'and cities as far as Cal- gary', with the exception, of Portage La Prairie- The speed limit out • there is 65 miles, air halm in the -day-, time, , so -it is possible.tn„ drixe 40- 500 miles -a day witheut difficulty. After their return they spent two days at the` Forest" Centennial re- newing old acquaintance's. , OBITUARIES: _ MRS. E. ALFRED WESTLAKE The death occurred at BaYfieloi of Mrs. E. Alfred Westlake. an Wed. • riesday. She Wagit her'71st Year. -Formerly Grace A. Penhale, she is survived by her husband; a step- -G16:d*in ;Westlake; -brother,' Harold Penhale, and sister, Mrs. Oleva Snowden„ ,all of-Stanley- township.- • A funeral service was field -Sat- urday at the family residence. • MRS. FRED COURSE The death occurred in McGregor, - Manitoba, on August 5, of Mrs. Fred Course, in her 84th year: She was the former •Margaret McGon- igle and was born in McKilloP, the daughter' •of the late George: Mc- Gonigle and Helen Hahkirk. She is, SUrViVed-bk tW,0 daugh- ters, Hazel and Minnie, and a son, Harold, of Winnipeg. She is also oblrisae;',bafroortthher, Robert Me-Gdnigh. Funeral- servies ,• were followed by interment at McGregor on Mon- day,. August 10. * MRS. JAMES BERRY Mrs. 'James •Berry, Seaforth ,- passed away Sunday, August 2, at the Muir ,Nursing HOM.e. She was: in -her 91st year. The Rimer Selena Frances Hari- ton1VIrs,BerrY- was, the daughter of the; late Mr. ,and Mrs, William Harlton, of ',,MeGillvray: township, in Middlesex. She Was born there December 29, 1868. , • • . In .t 1891'. she, was, .married- "ci* James Berryand ].iveciin-Thker- • smith. T.,ater they reSided inStaffa • before returning to Tackersmith. . 'Following her husband's, death 35 years ago,she lived. in Bruce - field, corning to Seaforth last year. One son, William , Berry, died in 1933: Services, conducted by ,Rev. S. • Davison;Brucefield 'United Church, Were held in•the:Boi funeral chapel Tuesday. Interment was in taird's cernatery,', Stanley township: Pall- bearers were•Alex Paterson; 'Ken .Scott,' ' Basil O'Rourke, John K. :Cornish, Murray E.' Tyndall and Fred Boyce., BROPIIAGEL.NEWS:T.OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs., Robert Weitzel re- turned from theirAioneYnloon trip to the United States. Rev. and Mrs. E.. J. Fischer and Grac'e are holidaying at their cot- tage at Port. Elgin. Warr,12holdice and Arthur Die - gel are spending this week holi- daying in Grand Bead. -Mr. and Mrs. William Diegel ac- tompanied-Mr,-- and --1VIrs;----Irvin Swint, of Milverton, to Geraldton this week, visiting Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Diegel. • Manna .`;'Beitermann and Ray' and Mrs. 'Martin. 'Dietz at- tended the graduation of Miss. Joan -Shortreed, 1:11 Walton, as-nurSes'• aid, at. Wingliain Hospital 'On• Wed - and' Mrs. 'Russell Sholdiee,. .flTtoa2Vitnbd'RBetre. -,4ernicle:Y4srpse:1..taew John buckle 'at theircottage, at' 'Lake Panineati last -Week.. '--' 'Mrs. Ivan. •Bennewies• and'bab3/ son haVe:returriedhOme from Strat- ford :Hospital. The, Spacious laWrin of; the Marie, Jehri and:Martin .MeYer' farm was. the :Scene .of 'anMajoyable family 'gathering on Sunday, August' .2nd. ,Annong those present ,iwere: Mrs' JolinBrodhagert,:'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer • Mtn...fondly; of 'Auburn;' Mr: and. Mrs.- Harold 'IVLOgh,' of Brod- .hagen;-,-Mr-and-M-ra.:3-Rneben Bred- • and'family,,,,Elliee; Mr. • and -Mrs.! Milton: Brodhagen 'and family, Eilice; Mr..aiid.;Mr§.•. Mel:Volt and: Aatighter,••Kitehener;,,Mr.,aad.Mrs. ElMer -Ford and7-1 amilyc-St, Pauls Mr. :and lira., Rudolph Bauer and family; L�gan Mr. and,IVIrs.',Her- Man Leorinardt and fetidly, Brod, 'ha'gen; MrandMiS, Henry Meyer and :Son, ; Of ',Kitchener::: Mr. and Mrs:. 'Nerinan 'Wilson and family,1 of ;-.NetiStacit' 'MI'S. George -Meyer, DidsburYi • 'Alberta; n• J. •O'Brien, 'of 'Edmonton Alberta,: Mr. , mid Mrs. Gn:' ROY Hart,' Of London, :Spent several days 'with her ,niatlier;',Mrs.: Elizabeth Rock: FloWers,•:aderrie.ct the altar 4af St.' 'Peter'S-Ltillierarf:chareh On. :day- ,hi• Jr., who. 'passed aWOy. fiVe:.,•Years: agd, -AtignSt-They • were:,place.d laphis wife, Hilda; and 'familY. Rey. Jeffrey: Lundigen, 'of .Eit: ;cherier wai in charge -Of the thirch, service ,,here on Stinday,::Rev.„ Lun- digen .ainl•MrS, 1.irindigeri,:and baby :were ,diririer;,gtieStaiof Mr. arid Mr's. LevvAlicka• . . •, • . There will be :im-ehuretin: Service liere.next' Sunday; , and the . falloW- hig 'Sunday,- August 23 wil be 'cp6.tnie,telAiiryt•h-dexteii.Pa cnrat,ille" :14SerVi Fischer,ie •Zorich; ,the .guest 'Speaker. ' Ir.' :and. Wilfred' Rudolph and Carole; ef Leaden,: With , Mr - and Xis. Lavern Winfe On Friday.. •• Mia. ',Christina :1V.feYer accompan- ied .:'1Vfra2.ariiiMrS, LaVern'Wolfe:t6 Kitchener, ..1,7„isiting:',•Mr. and. Mrs. Lathe Welfe ' With .Mrs . Ed. Weber;::•Prestert„ an .Saturday, -,:and C'V'jMithteli311011r,i7•OTIncIS*.itiltraidsayN,.:9•7.11. Mr, Donald Ahrens, who has. been taking,a teacher'a4tririther ,Course in, Teronta;. is holidaying at his liame.; with his., Mother, Mrs. Charles' •Ahrens. , : Mr. and Mrs. bud LoCkricige and familY; nof. 'Watford, with 'Mr. iaid Mrs. Harvey AhrenarecentlY. Miss- es Cathy; Marjorie and Betty.":re- mained. for soine holidays.' • -Kenneth :Ahrens spent aweek holidaying wit4•Ins auntand uncle, Mr: and''1VIrs. -.Nortriann: ROde,,YDe- tsiPgeintt .aMt s and 'Mrs.' 'Chris' W. ;Lean- hardt spent Sunday With 'Mr. :and Mrs. :Charles • MatthieS, Tavistoek: • Visitars witk-Mrs. noglia Mffler recently ille Mr:: and Mrs, 'Ed. Fischer and Sons, 'Seafortli; . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence'. QUerengesSer,, Fern and Glen; Mr.: andMrs. Rudy'. 1,1ahri and Perry, of Rosteek;'"Mr. and Mrs. JolirCIVIogh' and ME. and Mrs: August lloppearoth; ..Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cochrane and Donna May, of Caledonia, with Mr. an&lyfrs. Ross Leortharcit. Stu- dent Donalpl Krantz, of Waterloo SentiaarY, and Mrs. Krantz and family', were guests etthe' same THEEDITOR Toronto, Aug. y, 1959, Editor; The Huron Expositor: . Dear Sir:, May vve, thrOugli :the • columns 'Of your newSPAPer, - publicthe appreciation of the -ers of The Salvation ArMY fOr the excellent support giveby your. ,publicationto"filie recent Red Shield Appeal. - Indications -are that the •apPeal vvill again be. aucceSSful nationally, when delayed campaigns are con. ducted and all returns .are ie. This - givea-cause for gratitude to God. _n The part, played by the Fourth Estate in 'bringing the appeal AO the attentian' of the, people is fully realized.- Elifict• raising is not 'easy, therefore it is 'esSential that- 'the - public be made. aware -of 'The Sal. vation Army's needs, its purpOse - and its program. Thank you for generous and_eomn petent-assistance. , Yours faithfully, '• L. BURSEY Lieut. -Colonel, National Campaign Director. 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