HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-08-14, Page 11•5uMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS PRESENT CROMAR1Y PROGRAM The Communit3r. Surnmer Bible gehooi, which VVDS hOld Bibbed No; 6 Schoolhouse andr die Cron arty Presbyterian Churchwas con - eluded Frii day evening n a pro- gram prelented by the boys and girls and young people. The pro- gram, which featured Bible , mem- ory, drilla, stories, recitationsmus- ical numbers in groups and a sole, . was well attended by Parents and • friends from the community4--- The books and handwork, used during the tvve weeks were exhib- ited. The average attendance was • 119,with total enrolment of 132; 86 -young- people had perfect at- .tendance; 110 Pere present for - eight- days or more. Themission- • arY offering, which -amounted` hi' $83.40, will be sent to missionaries -iii 4frka, India, British, Guiana,' :Northern Manitoba ,and Care par- cels. - -Denominations represented were United; Presbyterian, Anglican, 'Faith Tabernacle, Pentecostal, Dutch'Reforrned, A. Mennonite and Church of the Re'cleemer. year, for the first time, the teach- ing staff for the school was entire- ly , from the communities and Diturehes----served---by-th-e-s Olio-Oir - Those-serving-weriTI-Rev-S.-Kerri- pastor of Cromarty Presbyterian Lammond, Mrs. C. Christie Mrs IC. lvlacLaren, IVIrs. M. Dow,, Mrs. M. Christie,- Mrs. Norris, Mrs. E. .Xyle, 'Mrs. N. Dew, Mrs, J. Sin clan., Mrs. H. Jonea, Mrs:- IL Al- derdice, Mrs. Workman, Mrs. IL Finkbetner, Mr. K. MacKay and Misses June Ross, Ina Jefferson, Marlene Riley, Gladys MacKinnon, Sharon 1VieBrule, 'Margaret Jean Russell and Arlene Hoggarth. These workers mpresent such churches as Cromarty- Presbyter- ian Chiaelhurst, Roy's, Staffa, Munroe and Rippe.n. United, Exeter Pentecostal and Blake A. Men- nanite, Rev. A. Martin, of' Zurich Mennonite =Church, served, as di- rector of school; Mrs. T. L, Scott, as director .of music, and- 1Vliss June Ross as pianist. • -The school which offers courses for, every school grade • front kin. dergarten through high ,school was again a decided succeK' and plans are now underway to appoint a committee to ',plan and organize a school next year. • Dissatisfaction breeds progress. ' • "The weather here in California is so wonderful," said an old lady, "how do • you tell summer from ----Replied- the --motel keener: ."-In winter we 'get the limousines and "Stiiffed-ShirtS7In-stuoxner, we -get the little cars and, stuffed .sport • • arni Lion, BOLGER REUNION . The annual Bolger reunion was 'held Seaforth Lions Park on' Sunday with 50 attending., Gerald Watson_ and Mrs. Kea McDonald were/ in charge of the Picnic. Results of th.e events were: plate Walking, mea won; ballana break- ing; badminton playhig; coaling farthest distance, • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bellinger, Hamilton; lucky supper prize, Charles Hollinger; • recent married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin „Johnaton; largest purse, Mrs. Jame McDonald; birthday nearest day, Mrs. Ken IVIeDonald; oldeat married couple, M. and Mrs. -Earl Watson; youngest per - Patricia IVIcDonald. EXETER,PENTECOS'I'AL PICNIC The, petition asking for a vote for repeal of the Canada l'empgrangg Act in _Huron County now contains. approxirnately 10,500 signatures. It is being filed this week with -the County Regi- strar of Deeds. • e wish to thank all those who helped with the canvass to,secure signatures. s many people as possible were called on in the limited time available. We extend sincere „apologies to the many qualified voters whom We ivere unable to contact. Whether you signed the p tition or not, if you are resident in Huron .County When the vote is held and are over 21 years of age, you will be eligible to cast your ballot on the C.P.A. question. uron Citizens Legal Control ornrnittee JOHN E. HUCKII\TS, Chairman • The Exeter, "Pentecestal :Church picnie;WaS held .in 'Seaforth .Lions Park:Witit'about 65."ip afteridanee. I The general Superintendent Edgar .Cuditore,,waa in charge; with, .Mr, and. 11/1ra,, .Robert ...Ostler and, Mr. • and Mrs. Milford Proutyon.' the i-T,sportsHceMinittee. resultS:Of the -races. were; - children, 2 to 4,. tetty, Jolly; chil '.Triebner; Children; '7 te,'!" 9, Pahl John Parker- • children'. 19 to .12 Neil Hamilton• Caron Bony- ' ' well; earidY and, peanut-„Serainble.; ,;.three-legged Mee, Alvin • -and Wanda :MeLaren;-yOung. Wo-' Men' s race, ypung.titerisraCe„:Alvirt;Ciointere;, wheelbarrow rate, '.Grant. Triebner., .atict 'P dill DeZell; ,,thrOW 'the' Plate; Wanda? McLaren;. AVoinerti,.: kick the slipper, 4rs. Don ,JollY;. m,eift kick '-,the- slipper; Don:Jelly; women drive - the nail, rs tnen drive the nail, Gerald Harnillon. • ' • BALLANTYNE REINA ON .,•- ,Seafortli.,Licitis.,..Park thp. setting for Ballantyne .:rennidit helden Sunday 'with 75 'in, attendance., Officers- were: presi-, „den.t33,oh,„.8adler,;',..SpOrts...coutinitL. tee.; Mr..: and Mrs. 'Carter liCettlake Xt., arid', Mr's., Frank.' ETanalten; Iunch cOrninittee," '13a1.. lantyite,! ,Mr.WilhianiBllntyne.. The results .of !the events vvere- . six yearvarid under, Donnie Ed- gar, Barbara, -ICer8lake;..8 years' arid' under, , Bonnie Mihier, Denise Kerslake; 10 years ,and under,' ton- nie ,Kerslake, BillY Worden;, '12 years -and 'under, Joanne: Worden; young ladies, Rosann'a .Worden; oldest' present,. Mrs. Wm.1' Hamil- ton; guessing ;barley, Donald:Ent- wistle; Musical pass, Grace Allen; putting' en. 140=0,, Phyllis Allen's, team; spoon -And. Water raCe, Ros- anna Worden and GraCe Allen; clothespin race, Hazel Sadler, erard Kerslake; pin ',the patches, Hazel Sadler, -Audrey, Fairbairn. • BURNS' ctruncn poreNre , . The annual Burns' Chureh Sun - u1 Coleman WA El (I) GAS ONLY 42:INCHES •LOW—The Colelnan tow Boy Furnace can • bo'installed in'hasements with , extrethely low ceilings,. :IIIINLVERSAL7-It delivers Ingh in efficiency for anyduct erItem Best buy on the market! The"Low Boy" furnace has all the deluxo featUres of furnaces costing much more. Completely autothatic, it Will, turn your • home into a world Of warm comfort -yba npver-dreamea-possible.--11erces- the difference: ----GREATER FUEL ECONOMY iv= cOmpact furnace with eitra big heat exchanger. Check Our Special Prices ,ditring the ANNIVERSARY SALE 4,11 during the month of Aug-ast gxtra Low Prices will in effect DOOR PRIZES One 'ticket OD every $1.00 purchase -- Limit, 5 -per purchase SPECIAL DRAW - PhOne 585 SALES and SERVICE SEAFORTH Plorte 34 — ZUrtICII ro ups rk for G�therjnqs day Scheel _picnic- was held 1 'rife day in Seaforth Lions. Park wi about '70 in attendance. A siimptu .Ons picnic supper- was, ,befor the „races arid' ceatests..7 • . • Results orthe 'sports Were:, boy 5 and -under,- Gerald. Larr Elym4 girls; '5 and 'under, Joa Howatt Jeanette Riley; boys; 6, ,tarrY McDougall, Donald NlpGre ger; 'girls 6-8 . Colleen sten, con rue Ilevvatt; boys..9:41 Daind Riley Bruce Haley; ' • girls, 9-14.. Jan blas, Joan-,1gOon; boys, 1244 AleX .1y1cEwMg, Dougliartell;rgiri 1244, -Bonnie .• Ball, Joyce , toe young men; Carinan Riley; youn ladieS, :Nancy Caldwell;:, Mamie 'ladies, ' Delores'. Howatt; Marrie John NIcEwing; spa for .lad Mary .1.1041,. ROO; ' Men's basket ball throw, Carman...Riley.; guess ing number of candies in- jar, -Clar Riley; qelliidren . 8 and'Under,.kie the slipper, ,Connie Howatt;. 12 an under,. Jane 'Alltlas; 15-''aiid, tinder Toniniy:,•,Itiley;,,. ladies', 'Mary Le Roe; !,nien;,' McEtving; olde Martha Leiper;. .614eS, man; K-iii7-11-eiTrY7Finage:•„ yoffitges baby,- Edward Riley, son of ',Mk arid Mrs.' Alex' Riley. A peanu scramble ,was;_lield_Lforflie chil te.n. ..• -• WRIGIFF REUNION • Apprexiinately 44, attended Ala annual 'Wright • teunioia. O 'Sunday., at Seaforth LionS., Park Officers ...fOr , the reunion- ' Were :President; .George .NiCEOIS,.! Teton to secretary -treasurer, 1VIrS. Ben Btiston,- Rasseldale; •SportS.- COM: iDitt60, ; and Mrs, 1.1:2Sa Pep, per, RR. Mr: and:Mrs, Leriie Seiende MIL ' ,TResUltriif Ilie7eVeritS7vVere:7`girla -KathY- Aines Janice Wright boys. 6-8,Glen ,It.Uston; 9242 Eleanor Wright, .11elen boys RosS,'-James•Vright; Married:latlie.s,!: Mrs, Charles ;Bail lie, MrS..Ross. Penner; yoUng, men, Ken.Reieliert; ladies 7to,dinneri-,-Ple,renge-,-Nichnlsrlrien ca1i1ing .the coWs, Charles. taillie; ladies kicking. slipper;. Mrs.' Percy Wright; Men Melting slipper,' Rosa Pepper; ::...youngest 'present, ..Billy Jeffery,: ,Staffa;,:. oldeSt present; John Nichols ; ...Toronto; 4nen gUessing distance hi, feet, .Charles ;tape ; • ladies. With least . jewellery 'en, Florence Nichols. Pa.inilieS With oldeSt Car and :newestcar were given ,arprizo. •• ' The-'slate.O officers or., e iinionin 1960 'are'. as .folloWs presi, dent, :„Frank Wright;:„.'• sectetark- treasurer, Mrs. Ben Ruston;. Sports cenunittee; and, Mrs. .Charles Billie;, Mr. and Mrs., Perey Wright;' • table: coininittee,: .,Kelly in attendance. Officers, were as tli follows:. president, Lyn McKellar; vice.presideut, Horton, MacDou- e gald; seeretary-tieasurer, Velma McKellar; sports, Mr, and Mrs. s, Donald. Wallace, Mr: and ✓ Ferg IVICKellar, Laurie Cokillhoint; hutch, MT, and MI'S. Len Caldwell, g, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kerslake, Mr. , and Mrs. John Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Miller, Mr: ,,and Mrs: Frank .-rCeasduditi:RO. f the races were: ,,, children under six, Helen Mans; s, g and under, Denise Kars-. ; lake, Wendy. Caldwell., Robbie g Houghton,' boys, 8 and under, Fanl d MeKellar, David Hepburn, Murray d McKellar; girl, 12 and under, Lin- - de Houghton, Isobel McCaughey, - Bonnie ICerslake;- boys, 12 and tm- - der, Gerry Scott, Allen Caldwell, a Rannie ArinStrong; .giris, 15 and k under, Dorothy Scott, Margaret d Wallaee, Isobel McCaughey; boys, , 15 -and under, Gerry Scott, Donald u Adams, Hugh IllaeDougald; young st men,-Laurie'lVIcKellar, Russell -Me- t Kellar„ Hugh MacDougald; young lidIes, AroidtliTc-Seott, M'argaref .• Wallace, ' Margaret .Jean Russell; t married ladies, Isobel Kerslake, 1VIcKellar, Marion Wallace; ifarriednier(Fer-elttelKellar,-Ross- Houghton, tine Kerslaire;' kick the slipper, Gerald Scott, Gerald Arm- EEDY joinvioN, One kindred and-A:Well:re persons . , attended,the annual Eedy-...,rennipti. on Sunday at.Seafortiz,'Liona Park with dinner. a 1 p.m. -and tea' at 5 pan ,Offieers- for, ''the .reimien were: -President:. Frank.; Nichol, Camlachie, Ont; secrefary-treas- urer„, 'Nfiss, Thelma Tummonds; tendon.; grounds- committee; Percy Carter,' Izifidesboro, .Ernest ICnox, Blyth;' table corninittee„ -Mr.,. and 1VIrs. Dian Carter,- Londestoro, Mr: and 1!,Irs'.. 'Archie Kennedy,' Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs, Claire Bryan, •Grantor,..Ilr. and' Mrs. Carman garnes commit- tee,. • Ross Carter, Londesboro, Myrtle-' . • -.Resuls ,of ;the,.e.Vents.; were; ola- est"..peraori. present, Mrs. Fred Shobbrook, Londesboro, 83,; young- est 'phild, KinrItoss, London.; months; family ,'‘conting farthest Mi. and Mrs. Howard Deckerville, Mich.; largest family on, grounds, Mr.. and .Mrs. John Eedy,. Nairn;- married shertegt- time,,Mr: and:Mrs..Norman.Ross, London; gueSsing contest:'The meri ,gante,..... and. tile._ „„pinicirs.,... enjoyed_ swircimia,nnd. g.bo.• 2ba11 .ys : ,„.eseb:.... Th• e new execinive and ..Conunitt tees elected for next year are as follows: president,, Derwin Beat - son, .Grariton; secretary -treasurer, Thelma Tummonds, London ; grounds committee, Percy and Iv- an Carter,- Londesboro; table eom- mittee; .Mr, and Mrs, ,Claire t ry, an, -Granton;. Mr. And Mrs. , Car - Man Rhin, St..- MarysMr. and 'Mrs. inest Knox, 131yth; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Shobbrook, Blyth. „ McK,ELL, AR REUNION, The annual 1VICKellar retnihm Was ..held, 011 Sunday at', Seaforth Lions Park 'with apprmdmately 85 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER' n. .Good :Readig for,the- , lArb.Ole Tqxxii14. *News Facts Family Features T e.„_Christion,Stience Monitor O Nonsroy St., Boston 15, Moss. • 'Send your DeVeSpapet for the time cliecked. Enclosed' find my check or •.money order. 1 yeor $18 ' 6 months $9 (1 B months $4.50 Name strong;guessing contest, Donald Adarns- and John Adams (tied).; ball ,aiad stovepipe relay, Gordon Hoggarth's team; water passing - relay, Wes Russell's team; eldest lady, present, Mrs. Sadie Scott; eldest gent present, George Wal- lace. ' ' own...,Topits turnout Of about'175.'teen-agers „enjoyed, dancing to.::..the music' sup-' plie`clE by: Stew --and the Cellegiaris -at the Teen ',.ToWn dance the Arena: SatprdaYLOYellitigL4Ot dances. were won by Terry Buchan uid '..-Ann• Scott, of Seaforth,, ,and:Haryey.Dale And Sharon'ivic, .1\hcliel,' of Seaforth.:-. The door., prize as 17(fen. • 'by', Gary Williams,,'Sea, , 'Seafortlt. Teen •Town has purchas,, ed a new record player and ampli- fier..The record, Player consists .01 twin turntables 'set beautiful- ly.finished. cabinet: A 'rnicrephone • and amplifier, . with twin 'speakers, was•also purchased.. teeauee , of the,cost. of this . settin;.-- it was cided that 25e will be _charged fer admission: for 11Se:regular record dances,,:and 50c for the 'Orchestra dances. ' Stew' and the Collegians will have •a, return engagenient for' . -a "baelr.,- 70-s-cheer dance" on September '5; ,A 'Hallowe'en masUuetade dance .is being planned, for ',the ,'31st of Oc- STAFFA .W.I. ' The regular. Meeting of the Staf- fa W.I. vvas held M Staffa hall with a good' attendance. The roll call was answered by !`a hobby fofthe farm woman." --Mrs. Lloyd ' Miller • and Mrs. Lloyd -Sorsdahl, conveners, • had charge of the topic, "Agriculture and the Canadian Industries," and the motto, "IryOu plant' a seed -of character -in the home, ' it will bloom in the-conununity." " • Plans' were made for a family picnic to be held in Seaforth, the 26th of August sports to start -at 3:00, supper. at 5 O'clock,-. Current • events,' prepared, by, Mrs. Ross Smale, were given by Mrs. Sam Norris. Mrs. Art Kemp and"Mrs., John Templeman conducted a con: ple of contestson • Canada and, music. Household hints were given by Mrs. John Drake. , Mrs. Toni Laing gave a short report on. the Institute rally which was, held in Miss nomona Worden, one of the girls:" demonstrated on table centres for the different seasons of the year,• 'Dog Vans 'Show • ' Scoring two major Wins at' the dog .shoW at Preston. on Saturday, the ,prize Pekingese dog owned by Mr. and Mrs, Fred Walters is jitst- two points away from winning his Canadian championship Papers, The dog, St. .Aubreys Kuan of Els- don, Won best of breed and best Canadian bred dog in the toy group - at Preston Ile ,is a year and, one- half old.—Exeter'Ximes-Advocate. fl:41.10 Fairs '1969. )3ayfield "Sept 23, 24 Blyth ..„* . , . .. .... ... Sept; 22, -23 Brussels. „.„ . .. .. ....... . . OcL 1, 2 Claesley, . .. .. Sept. 11, 12 Drayton Sept. 19 &21 Dundalk ' -Sept. 15, 16 Dungannon . .. , . „ . . .... . . ,.,- Oct. 9 Durham "SePt. 25, 26 Elmira .. . .. 4, 5, 6 Enibro, Bent2t ExeteF Sept. 2.3, 24 Gorrie . .,....... . . . . .. Oct. 2, 3 Hanover , Oct,. 2, 3 Kincardine Sept. 17, 18 KirktOn'' Oct. • 1, , 2 Listowel' ..... Sept. 8, 29 London (WesternFair) Sept. '1419. tucknow , Sept. 23, 24 Igarkdale ........ , Sept. 1(, 11 Meaford - • Sept.. 18, 19 Midland Sept. 17-19 Mildmay. Sept. 15, 16 Milverton ... „ .... Sept. 25, 26 Mitchell , Sept. 29, 30 New Ilarnburg Sept. 18, 1,9 Paisley ...„- . .. .. . . Sept, 14, 15 PalmerstonOct.' $, 6 Parkhill Sept. -?4,- 25 Ripley ..„ .. .. . . . . Sept. 25, 26 St. 'Mary - Oct. 6, 7 SgAVORTH. Sept. 24, 25 Stratford .. •Sept: -21 23 Tavisteek Sept. 1.1., 12 Tedswate. . .. . . Da. 6, .7 dpt.22; 23 Tiverton, Sept: 23124 Toronto CNE) 25 -Sept. 12 Toront (Royal Fair)......Nov. 13-21 Walkerton Nov.' , 5 Wiarton .. ... Sept. 10, 11 WoodSto* , , Aug. 27-29 Zurich. ,. Sent. 26 & International PlowirigMatch, Went; worth County—Dundas, Oct, 13-16 'Medford-........ .District Councils wrAtsrmr,comert.. At the „Angust meeting .Stanley council ' Accepted the . tender of ROger MaoHaeliern, of )1/fount-For- est, tobuild a bridge on the second cOneesSion of StanleY for the sum of .$6,015: The aCcep.tance is sub- iect to the approval,. of the . en- gineer, an,AuguSt 14th 'the TeWn- Ship of $tanley council will bold a. meetin,g to have the engineer'S report' read on the tap -in on the RathWell Drain. ' EnitnItUI'LEerson HTTeskC,°w1j:CsC•alLppointed diteb commissioner on the Medd Drain, by • Hullett township council Monday.' C„ouncil accepted .the peli- tion 'of Frank Flynn 'on the clean. ing out . Allis,. d.raiti.- • • , %-.Frank•Kistrier was TS -aid $800. as Part' payment- on the _ Glottsher Muniemal„Drain: :••• TWo new bridgei' will be built in. the townShip,„ The 'road superin-' tendent was instructed to build .a coneret'e .bridge On Con. 8 and 9,, at. lot 8, -and on the. Hullett-Mei Killop boundary, ..,betvveen/ Con:. 9 1VIORlit5 to.UNC4; . • Grants. of $335 were, made to fair. boards by Morris' township council at their Angust meeting,. Brussels Fair rIMcerlTh- $2001131ktli-,- $100, and.,-Belgrave, $35. . • Pen.alty, for unpaid "takes, after Decernber-15.WaS set at -2 per cent Permnth-by-eouncj1 ,• . • • • -Accounts passed' for "payment in- cluded.: Belgraye.Co-op, vvarblefly, .pewder,,, ;$116; • Walter - Shortfeed, Blake Drain,"$8';;Wm. Blake; Blake Dram, $7; Jas.., A,.....HOWes; Blake •Drain, $150; Baker's :Convalescent Hospital, $92.75; Canada.- CulVert Co., ,Hills. Drain, $40.24; :relief pc - count,,, $15; . Fraser; Pad, sal- ary,-, $150; Winghani Postinaster; unemployment stainps, ,03;50. -. LOGAN -COUNCIL " . • ':, Logan 'COUneil hold their 'regular , . meeting with'all-rnernbers, present,' the reeve presiding. Road.accounts totalling '-$2,491.58 and general ac- counts' arriounting to $3,554.63 ,Weke ordered paid. • ___The_Meyen_and:Cestello_drain-1-. age by-laws .ivere given their 'fin,. al readings and the eontracts were awarded to Roth Bros.,, $772.59 and R. 'N'icliolson. $525, .respectively., The, contract. for -leading and. haul= ing the pit run gravel was -award- ed to ,It:-,-Nicholso,n •for. ,33c yaRrdep.',•res'en. Representatives Ben Telephone to. were present -to discuss the- moving'' of the. -.poles on the :portion of read .ian Con: 4 and5, ;which .being..built up, and it 'was 'decided -to have. a. 'cable but- idd-in 'the shoulder: Of the road and . ,E1B13,ERT COU'NeH; g',P away. from' the poles. , :mill rates in '.Hibbert. :township 'are' Up :,5.5 ,this year. 'follow- ing the monthly' ineet.ing of the toWnshin council. However„ Clerk Roy' Burchill pointed out that ,in some School. sectionS' .the rates are down slightly. • • : • The rates set were: County, .1i.s, road 11, general residential 3, -coin- merciat 5-.3, PublieSchool Area No. 1,. 15, Separate School' Area 10, Continuation Seaforth -Mitchell 'H.S.D. 7.T,.SS. No. 2, 10; S.S. -No. 3,-'11; .S:S. No. 4;15; S,S, No. 5; .10; S.S.. No: 6; 6; S.S. No: 7, 11; ' General P.V.. Dublin 4, -and, Dublin street lighting ,4. " The tonnty rate, has. increased over .1958 by,..5 . mills, township' roads, an increase' of 4.intus;,,gen-, eral- residential, an increase of T. -and cominercial, an increase of 1.1 mill over last year. ' E.. Templeman,; livestock valua- tor, reported'. 25 chickens owned by. G.' Staples -,were • killed by dogs, ind:Valuatien was set at $17.50 and ofedere'd paid. ' • Hello Mum! 1. , Teenagers' aren't the only ones who, keep parents guessing. Little tots can do it, too. And one did at the Judith Cooderbam,,MemoriaL Park 'swimming pool. The current rage amongst the youngsters at the pool is to float head down in the water. When one .of them was doing this a Mother -watching at the side of the pool called to her youngster but received DO response. Marmed, she jumped into the pool fully clothed to rescue her child „whom she thought had drowned. On reaching the child and turning the swimmer over, shewas greet- ed with "Hello morniny" by the youngster: That was too much. Un- der the strain, Mother fainted when she cliirtbed out of the poo1.7--Gocle- rich Signal -Star, OSITOR, szA,rolt WEDD S•-• FRASFR-MALDF,N-, Mr, and Mr, John Alexander Fraser, who were married Satur- day in Waterloo, are bonnYm000- big at Lake Placid, N.Y. The bride is the former IVIarjorie Marie Wal- den, 7 nalmoral Drive, Kitchener, ,a daughter „of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Walden, Seaforth. 'The bride- groom is a son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fraser, 18 Exra Ave-, Water - Their yews were pledged at Knox Presbyterian Church; Waterloe, with Rev. John G. Murdock offiei- ating. The setting *as pink and white gladioli. A ;bouffant form21 gown of appliqued lace and set was worn by the, -.bride. °It was_faMlioli- "ed with. Sabrina neckline and fitted bodice. She Wore an illusion shoul- der -length veil' and 'carried a white Bible with orchid. and feathered carnations. Mrs, Wayne Schlegel, Waterloo, s, matron of honor, wearing -pink silk-org-apxa over taffeta. The gown, was detailed with a curnlierbund and large back bovv. She wore a chiffon picture hat trirnnied with sequins and pearls, and her nose- gay was white carnations and pink sweetheart ----roses. Miss- Joyce Fraser, of -Brantford, a cousin of the bridegroom, ,,,Was flower girl. She was frocked like the matron of honor, ,and carried. siinilar ' . Ins', (McLean' , Trophy, At Greens- Com•Petition7-was-Aceert'Y'TOn"T.the , green: of the':Seaferth Lawn Bowi-' ,ing Thursday when, the aerie:an ..trophy tournanient,.:was. held Mra,T Phslhps and her rink; .of Mirs. E: Laroiie 'and Mrs. E..' McCue 'wen. by One - point. over the 'rink;-cif:•.Mri.: waidoh;..:.mrs'... :skipPed. . Sapper -WaS:.eidOyed in, the,elub- honse;' Witli;.4be tliird4raniebeint, ,played,;after' super. The.Soube- tropby,for - the 'n-ipced.linivling. „conipetecl ,for7at.'4'later..date,Hf• . . , . A little pushwill perferm more ,utiracles than -any amount of pull. Man's deeds, attract more atten- tiou than.his. creeds. • - Mr. Wafte Scblegei Was - hest D-Shera Weze Mr. Jame Fraser, Waterloo, a er of the bridegrom ,#nd Vietor geeever,a brother of the bride, ate %moli is a MeMber of an orchestra, the members of whith formed a guard of honor. The reeeptiori f(a. 150 geosts was' at the Hacienda, Waterloo, The eouple will • live . at 7 Eahrteral Drive, Kitchener, ; • Entertaining for the bride_ prior to the Wedding, were Mrs. Vera Muir and Mrs, James ,Celtart) of Kitchener; who gaye cookware shower; Miss Jesse Duncan, of Paris, - and-Nirs, -John Everhardt • Kitchener, •miscellaneous showers, arid Mrs. Schlegel, a personal shower, - REF) FIAVtN now- read Jubilee and Vedettes BRING CONTAINER GOVENL()C 1. OltCHARD- % Mile North of Forest Look:J.6r Sign —,-Roadside Stand ' fii1111,111111111111111111M1111111i11111111111111111' 011 rai one is not enou NCENTRAT dispitie4 Ditfard P.E 10, IP A IF IL EX HANGIN.O..F0iD111111 Millions of Pendaflex hanging folders are now in use, saving time and money in filing depart- ., ments eveeywbere. Mally_uSers- Telioff 504/0 reduction in filing Costs. Penciaffex hanging fol- ders assure faster, easier, filing, • with fewer lost papers. Let us install a triariirawer of Pendaffex in Your busiest tile. If ft isn't all we clairn, your money win be refunded. Huron Exposlitt Phone 141, or -1.4 eedin You don't get maximum re- sults from your poiltry live stock with grain _alone. -% Grains , are' deficient In orals, , vitamins and certain proteins. But the feeder who • adds Co-op ,Cfmeentrates to his own grains does have' ' balanced ration and ,ean ex- pect to get the- "last, 'ounce" of results froth his feeding, program. • . Ilse Co-oConcentrates to convert your graininto balanced, ration. , Huron County's Finest Used Car Market •IfIs 1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN — 'Automatic ,1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN — tematic transmission, cl, fully equipped $3295 tfurann;megisusii;pne,d $ • SO' . ., . . = 1958 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN — Automatic 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN— S transmission-, $ 695 Automatic transmistion ....-' fully equipped ...... ...... .. . .. .--- "1954 MONARCH SEDAN 7- Authmatie transmis- -1958"CHEVROLET BEL AIR FOUR -DOOR HARD- mon, f y-- -•----, ' - $1 095 1 , equipped ' , 1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE $995 SO TOP—V-8 motor, automatic $2•795 transmission; fully equipi3ed .... , .. . ' 1958 CHEVROLET 13ISCAYNE SEDAN,-- Pally equipped; automatic trans- • $4, ., mission , • dr•55 0 ,1958 PONTIAC STRA,TO - CHIEF SEDAN 'Z. - Automatic transMiasion, $350 $550 fully equipped $2595 _. --COACHES ' • 195'7 ,CHEVROLEI' DELUXE • Sojol,,Cia 1953 Dopaz 1/2 -TN PICK • - SEDAN, automatic tranSraiSsion 'fat lar iiirli. UP -,..-....- .... .. .. . .... . ..... ----........... ...... . ; A Written Guarantee for 60 days ma all Late Model Cars --Many other ModeIs,to choose 1950 nE.soro SVDA1ST, NUM.I3E11,. OF 1951' CHEVROLET SEDANS PHONE 173,_ 'Theif.SSELS ONTATtIO , S M T-0 R °Me ,of Better "lied Cars' OPEN'EVIEItY 'EVEL'olING