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The Huron Expositor, 1959-08-14, Page 8
AGN EXPOSITOR, SEAFOR`1,E4 mgr., Aumrsr 14 i9x.4 CO WEDDING FEATURES SHOWER HONORING BRIDE -ELECT !..Les Reid washostess at 'a, ShRwer;in her noire held Wednes. day evening in honor .of •Miss Lois -'Roe, whose n'tarriage. takes place •August22, Seventy-five ladies and children. signed the guest book,, • Which; was in charge of Misses Shirley Knox and Beth McEwing •Mrs, Les Reid escorted the bride - elect,; :to. a 'chair air ver .- tastefuli ..... h y Y decorated with pink and white streamers and balloons, and pm .'ned..on a Corsage of yellow mums. The brides .mother Mrs. Wesley.', oe, and the 'groom's mother, Mrs. Richard Orr, were Seated on either side. 't>amock weddingwaspresented by.. a group of ladies; Those ttr�king ' part were: Mrs. ,Ernest Knoi, as ' the bride; • Mrs. 'Art ,,MeClure, as -the :groor}n; Mrs. Janet McEwing, as. bridesmaid•;, Mrs. John. 'Mc- Ewing, as 'best man; Mrs. Art Colson, as the minister; Mrs. Ward, Knox,. as the 'bride's mother; Mrs. Edward Bell, as . the groom'e. .mother. Mrs. Watson Reid c.ondueted "Un- scrambling the Trousseau -Words,' Contest winnere'werers.'MirraY Lyon 'and • Mrs. Murray' Hamm Mrs. Ernest Tall gave a' reading,. • `.A 'Meter Romance" contest was. • eozicluctetl'by Miss.Beth McEwing.. - Winners were Mrs. Cecil Lyddi.att'' and Mrs. Donald" McNeil, Mrs: Archie Somerville and Mrs. Ken Campbell. A . humorous reading was given by Miss Myrtle Knox. Miss Beth McEwing read .an ad - .dress as follows: "Dear Lois: We your friends and neighbors • •±have gathered her tonight to honor you on your forthcoming marriage., To • sousuef us, ft seems like --ester- • "daY tak you were. Just a little girl, going to, school; -.and° 'flew ,yqu'are grown u and readyMarriage.: up.and •for o air ge,. ;.fir - e -let You-4ake-this ata plu ga, we haVe d.e.eicled i is only- • fair to give .you. a few timely, hints • bout husbands. •"The_first thing -you should !ow is that they are entirely different tl'an box friends, Once a boy friend. rade tes •to a husband, g a band,:' -he goes back, to his baby -ways. The .only; difference:from Min and a'baby' is' thdt he•:needs :more babying;. ge. w©;n't be able .to find. his clothes, even i4f you keep them in the same place fsr twenty', years. You'll pine_ ticaliy have to dress. him,:: • `.".Cine d'ay he'll just ioye hamburg, hash, and. ;the next day -hell. tell th you at he has never eaten it in his life. Don't let it get you do\vn; keep smiling "About after the•wed- dz gwant to go out; with' the boys for' a game of cards. Your bead wilt be broken. You'll think he no longer' ibves'you, The honey-. moon is - over, ;Brit• dont let him know this, • Let 'himand''kee h.. go, P He f tell jou -nu" e' often .feat yen can't; cook„; wash,' keep :house, Order anything` like Mother did. Don'>trfeel, bad and don't •worry, as Mother : wauldn't; take : him' , back' anyway :.`Afterallshe. kept him.aft ars,-a these yezrd-now.it'-s-;your tern: Now smile. ".When',he bawls' ou out .-for. _ Y. spending; the rest' of your grocery money .on;'.that silly new pair of Shoes, don':t 'take .it. Box his ears good,` then give him that': big srnile. It • does wonders for his morale:. "Then. there ,will be trines when the- bills `exceed the salary. He'll be really down in the dun>nps. You'll have to:baby sa "s,we et noth- bias to, hire •and"gently hire up, Now really' smile,Who cares if you don't eat for the 'next month anyway?„:<.• In.. , co le of ; ear ou'11 be a u s l?. Y Y older, , probably grey,': but. bey,;;will you ave iif a ee smite:. Seriously,: nh i 3 T:oi 1vt�e'�are-ail- -oun ..=' W-e=kno, - that ou` rid Bill,are' ” h :e a .. oun to av Y .. .g _g., a lon . and4ha !wedded:life;And g pPy. so Lois, ":_we would ; like` you to SP'EC1"ALS For Thursday,Frida • . -. Aug,-ust' 1' JEWEL SHORTENING -1 lb'. Salada TEA BAGS -60's 3�L-oz. MIRACLE WHIP 48 -oz CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE aturda Saito Fancy Solid WHITE TUNA-7,oz. Tin:� .' Aylmer Choice Cream Style CORN -15 -oz.. tin:.„,--2--f-Or ”2 Golden' Dew • MARGARINE ... , .. , `Mien's APPLE JUIC.E, . , ..... 20 -oz. tins Z� Fresh Fruits and. Vegetables. Daily PHONE x WE DELVE ��� CLEM F. STEFFLER, son o£ Mr.? and Mrs. Clem' Steffler,. R.R. 3 Brussels, 'wil&teach at., Browntown ` School, 'M or r r a.,_ township: when next term: op- ens ens, Heisa graduate of Sea'-. forth District High School; and ',gained his, elementary educa- tion at S,S: 7, Grey township. Woodwork'' and • reading are Menghis interests, and:while. at: Teachers' College he was active in 'arts •and-crafts`;;pro- jects HARLOCK Recent visitors at the -home , of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and. family" were: Mr. and Mrs; Tom. Dutot„ of Comber; Mrs. Tom Cal- will•:' and John, of. Brucefield; Mrs. ,Nellie Lowrie, of horidon;; 'Mr. and Mrs,-;Fred;"Lynch, of Goderieh; Mr. and .Mrs..James Walker, of -Bran- don, ;(Man. - 'Mr. and Mrs.=Noriban Walker, John and Doris, of Bruce= field; and 'Mr.•. and Mrs. Frank' - Reaume of Comber.: Mr. and ''Mrs James Watt, of Toronto are-wvisiting ` with Mr . and . Mrs. `-• George Watt. , • Miss. Marjorie Bic kell of Toron t6-is-hlida' -wit Mr - 'and ;. o m h' , Y bT , Mrs.' George:.S'mith. b Master Jim mY" ,NacBeth .Lon - den„, holedayed_last week, with his, _grandpa rents, Mr an&I'llrs' G'o_ Watt. Miss Joan Rogerson, of Tiicke`r- smith; visited fora' few days With her aunt and uncle, 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Leslie: Reid: • ,Mr; and Mrs. John .McEtiii g vis- ited on Sunday evening with Mr. .and 'Mrs. William Pepper, of: Tuck,-- ersinith. ' Mr. •Will McVittie;and his moth er, Mrs.Maud McVittie, of:Hespe- ler, ,visited last Wednesdaywith_ Mr. and. Mrs. James: Scott;„', Visitors 'at the home 'of Mr. and, Mri.,James Scott on Sunday eve- ning were,„,.Mr and Mrs. 'Nelson Reid,, of"Warton, .Miss Alice Ryan, of Exeter"; and Mr. 'and •Mrs Ne1 son Lear, ofrLondesboro.; 1CUSOf' ifu,on FrultGri The,: annual twilight.;meeting of the Iiuron County Fruit Growers' Association' was• el n donthe h lawn - ,at a ' wn- atthe home of .Bill 'and 'Mrs, Straty- chuk,-half a Mile West of Brussels, • reoentUY; with 'praetieally all'. the romnent fruit growers of the owitY . and their wivQs in -attend- ance, Professors H; Goel1els, B. 3'. Tea-, key and C,'B. Felly, all•'.of the OAC staff, ' Gilelph• . led' a tour . through the .20 -acre ' :orchard;, consisting largely of Northern Spies and Mee. I}atosh Reds, with ar;few 'Delicious' trees; and gave retell information to the' ;:growers', as they• examined the foliage and fruit..' ' Prof.. Kelly' spoke briefly on dis- ' eases of fruit trees He •stated `that. scab iss not a great thig year, but a new disease called:pear blast; which, resembles, firee,blight, has been found very harmful, .as it is rough r u On g o both blossoms and leaves and blackens the twigs.: He" saidit comes, from• lilacs, cau- tioned :- u tioned those, who discovered. these symptoms to :get rid of their lilacs, He also stated that .powdery mil - dev:�s ;just'starting and "requres careful watching' and. -treatment: Prof. .Teskey spoke -on mulching and mouse• control-"TFYe said : that mulehirigan"orchard feeds trees.as the mulch. decays 'and, with "a lit- tle added nitrogen, •supplies mm ,erais needed for good color in the fruit. The mulch keeps' the ground beneath it 'at' a uniform . tempera- KIPPEN EAST W.I. The August meeting of . the "Kip - pen. East W; I" will be .held Wed- nesday, August 19,: ; at ' 8:30 p m with Mrs. Robert Geznmell:as hos- tess and Mrs. Charles Eyre as co - hostess. ,The. roll. call" will be "My worst mistake in '.cooking. The guest -speaker willbe Mrs. .Ian McAllister. ' Current events' will be given- by Mrs.Bro'adfoot•and a: poem -ii Mrs A.Finlayson: Mrs. Robert Gehrmell 'will supply the • nfusic and the lunch committee will be Mrs. E. 'Whitehouse; Mrs. Wm. Kyle,:' Miss Margaret, McKay and Mrs. `Glenn. Slavin. Paperboard finds new uses year by year in"rade and' commerce.. • accept these gifts as a taken; of enrr fondest, affections, and with them gees;our wishes for good luck, hap piness and prosperity -. Your Friends. and'; Neighbors.''%., The ,numerous gifts were • then presented. ' i'ollowing. the -opening of the gifts; -•Miss 'Mary -lou --Roe, put a'straw hat, adorned "with rib bons"and bows "from the gifts; on' the bride -elect., Lois thanked the h'ootess and everyone for their, - lovely gifts. She invited "everyone, to her trousseau tea; to be held on: Saturday, August`15 - Our Furniture For: Outdoor Living is priced -for CLE At "a -Full • ... . of Summer U`RNI :URE See Our CHAISE • LOUNGES LAWN CHAIRS Folding " ' - ICNIC.fr TABLES - Plus ah . st of otter ideas for: Q that out-of-doors resting ,spot, OUTDOOR FURNITURE eedzee. PRONE 43 SEAFOR'TI ture and is' a' cheap food for• the trees. The disadvantage of niulchin is that it, gives opportunity fpr field mice to find homes- in it, rag ,Mas mice multiply prolifically, they are a terrible wrecking machine to the °re'hards. He advocated a mulch poisoning : program, whether -there is 'evidence of• mice or not, ' Prof. Goebels dealt with insect Pests. . He had seen no injury i -roan codling,:moths in -his visits to orch- ards in . Huron County. He said, though, that••, a.:;spray is needed now to , guard • against apple mag gats.,, Generally speaking,• he fore- s`ees . a good harvest of fruit ` in Huron this season. J: 3'.•John on fruit Johnson, ms ee p tor•: for five Western Ontario counties, in, eluding Huron, stated that th'e •ap- pie crop in his inspection' area may 'be ,down" '10 . per.:cent from last year. Ontario .-,crops will be down 22, per cent and -the Dominion de- crease , crease will be 14 per cent: The ,decrease is mainly in "B,C, "he,said, but Nova Scotia's crop will be in - 'creased 100 per cent over 1958..The reduction in . B:.. .C. apple yields means ,that more Ontario Northern.: Spies .and Reds-willprgb ably go to B.C.,.'as a market •had" beenopened,there last year 'The""increase in Nova; Scotia's crop will; no doubt affect, Ontario 'producers', marketing,. he said, but with- a decreased' crop of .straw- berries, cherries and peaches in, FORTH JUVENILES AD AN E Ontario this seasop.t there is a likelihood of a stronger market' locals f y; ,for. 'fruit. growers, Mr. Johnson said; he was delight- ed with th ... e peach -orchards of Frgd. Bell, near-Godelich, and saw the possibility of increased peach orch- ards in Huron: County. He. concluded' by stating that a pie: crop prospects are good,' but that`the marketing, will be quite a job to give a fair profit The aver- age price of apples last year was: only half' -that of 1957, fashioned with'three-qlength uarter len sleeves, round neck and full skirt. A' crown of lily of the .valley held her '>shoulder=lengtli'veil of French illusion, and she carried an ar- rangement of•red roses and steph- anotis, Maid of honor, Miss, Anna Orr, Parkhill, , cousin of . the - groom,. wore a 'ballerina length• 'govern ,of turquoise nylon With lace, end net trim, matching headdress and car- ried a .;bouquet: of pink carnations: James Orr, Hensall, brother .. of the !groom, was best man. Ernest :Gilbert,_Landon,--.and, Marvin Orr,' Elmwood, ushered guests. - Receiving the 25 guests' at the reception, :held in the --church par- lors, the , groom's mother wore a pale blue dress ' with embroidery' trim'„ with red, rase corsage. A three-tier wedding cake. ;centered the bridal table fl'anked'with pink andwhite 'tapers and flowers , or their hoori k' n e set P n Detroit, Pontiac, and mo Y Flint,' Michin., the bride travelled in a,r:rose en- 7 ICT O Y,OVER. MITCHELL "sem b' le uover; light `ble coatw with hh mshetc• .w?nrg e.T- h. e ., .aca ' coiPle will live hat St: SY1vesire,IHV ce saries a orcorsoge. Seaforth won the' WOAA 1uvenileplate. Of 'the four hits, Francis baseball .best -of three series m Kagan had two of them,, one be: 'Seaforth>. Friday night with'a' 7-1• ing a double." victory Oyer Mitchell. S for h `'R Ii:.E now ;;faces- Clinton :for the group ,New'.;Hamburb g .. 100,110,3-6 6' 0 title. ' Seaforth - ""...: 100 000 4 ' 3 The gam was:called• after -five Rumaschena" and:Forler Pr e b e Y itiriings-'due`to--daAmes s. Bantams Lose Series Seaforth, Bantams • were elimin- ated from the WOAA semi-final playdewns in a.:three-game series with Exeter. 'Exeter won the first game 10-2, but Seaforthcame back inthe".seeond to tie the series with a 7-2- win. " • The, series was .decided when Ek- eter took the third game ';32..Both 'Seafarth_runs.._:w r"e-collected by Mitchell' 000 00-1- f 0 Seaforth 014 11-7 5 0 Elliott and McNaughton; Dick and Patterson. Clinton Wins ' First Clinton -Juveniles ''ran "rough shod-' over 'the Seaforth nine to take the first game of the .chain ,pionship ,playoffs at': Clinton Tues- day night. Their 'conYia ting vdn-of 82 puts them' one up in the ''best - of -three series 'for the ";Tuvenile; `C' group championship Collecting six runs " lir the, see ond frame, the: locals :,were unable: to catch thein. Seafortli's two, runs were scored b B •' y ill Pinder i and Tom ' hove RHE Clintonss :....:.... 062-0-8' 6 2 Seaforth 0011 1-2' ,:2 "3. CLINTON—Jacob c.; ,Cummings,. 14.;R::;Livermore, s.s., p. in 4th; Bartliff,c.f.s.s in 4th; Ladd, :ab.; Lockhart r f.; ,.Engelstead; ,p. c.f. in 4th; .Allen, . 3b.;. B. ' Liverrore,r 2b ' SEAFOIi.TH-Bruce Dale, A'r f ; Bill' Pinder, 2b.; John Patterson, "e,;• Tom: Dick, p:; Toni. Love, .j°3b ; Bob Reith, lb.; p. in' 2nd; Tom Phillips; s,s ; Lloyd .Pethick, s s,,in lst; Peter Rowat, 1.f.; Garth Flannigan, c.f.'in 1st, Pee Wees Out In one ofs the most ._thrilling .and ` best -played. games . of , the •season, • tjie eafortb_I?ee .ee team .weni- down todefeat at the hands of the New. Hamburg nine on. Saturday af,- ternoon, by, a score of 1 312 The game was .played .at New Hamburg ,and was the° second. of the "WOAA.- Pee Wee :semi=finals, Seaforthlost the previous game 6-3 on :their own grounds,- Thirst day, August 6.' • In the,,first frame.Frncis,Hag- walked; and came,: home 'On a hit by ;Gordon Pryce. New Ham- burg went down one -two -three in their half of the first..' In the sec- ond; the locals had one left on, while New Hamburg garnered four runs ir' their, half. Seaforth came back in thethird and scored three'. runs and had two men left on base. Newt uamburg. was unable to.get a man .on base in the ^third frame,, and the score was all tied up, at four runs each. In the top' half of the. fourth,. Seaforth seared three' and had two men left, while -New Hamburg came back to -score three. and tie the game' again. In the next two innings Seaforth went down iii order, New Hamburg eoueted four runs in the.fifth to go ahead ;117.• Seaforth. came up -in their half of. the -seventh with their backs to the wall, 'but with etermination; they haikezl "np ifive runs to take the lead 1241 New Hamburg dame to bat inthe sev,-enth one Lrun behind. The ' first pian" up was ' isstied es pass. Tie -was safeon second fielder's •choice, With two men on the third mart to'bat came through witht a -clean-cut single; seJi•itig two- runs . and ending the ball game. ' G. Pryee, pitching for Seaforth, struekout three, walked three. and allowed' 10 hits. D. Culbert, for. New Hamburg;striuekout,10, walk--'. ed six and allowed seven hits, -Sea.. forth, committed one error, while New' Hamburg"..conimitteed three errors. • • SEAT OftTH—F. Hagan, 3b.; -B, Boshart, 2b.; G..Pryce,,. p:;. X, Campbell, ib. J. Dick, c.; A,, Pat- terson, s s ,J..,MeLlwain, 1:f.; K. Devereaux, r,f.; G. Kruse. (5th);. B. Broome, c:c. NEW HAMBURG—=—A. Cleary, s, T. Mintz, 1h''; D. Culbert, p.; O. Romasehyna, 3b,,; A. Roth, 2b,;31-. Z ehr, .r..,• D. l:eobold ;(5th):," Rieb- ling'(7th); O. Bast, 'Lf; -B, Wolff, c.f.; •T . Foxier, e. dose First Gaspe New • 1ianiburg 'downed Seaforth. •6-3 in the firet game •of the semi- finals at 'Seaforth Thursday night. D.°,Runiaschena hurled steady ball for th4 winners allowing' four 'MU .and also, :collecting a double to aid his cause, He also had. five strikeouts. Cord Pryce, on the mound for the locals, had 'eight ,stri'keMits. The locals, were weak ` at ;'the RCAF=Station ue c ' Tcup he- 0 ,Q be1e.. Met•over`aear a go''in .Trier Ger Y , many, while :Corporal Orr:w:as stn=' • tinnre s a telet a and to - a YA le phoneedthetechnician •with the,;'RCAF. e. Hemet his•bride-throltgh•e`er broth h`-•whoin ire-vas=acquainte • for °sortie time before meeting her, Cpl. Orr returned to Canada iti February' of this year;.. and his bride arrived in • M'o'ntreal on Sat urday, August 1, setting :foot .en' „Canadian' soil for::the,;:first ,time: Sher • ade the trip:alone• by plane:. They' will make their home- at the . RCAF Station, St. Sylvestre, • .Guests `attended_ from London, Parkhill,nt, Mich., Elmwood; and Hensall.' . In the Seaforth victory,. at°'Exe- ter, Watson'erossed"the plate.`twice, rwhile.single. runs.:were:_,chalked,up. hole.. On this, one •the:•host by! Kenn;: B Dale, McLean, D Dale ,and•Beuernran. Exeter 'opened:• the •scorings in their half;:of the first frame of:the first gamewith One *nip.. The locals garnered ::two 'runs in -:their• half, but were "unable to score, during,the remainder\ of the.:.game. Exeter' -..added three • in the .see ond, • fine 'in'the third • and .sixth; and. four in the :seventh. • B C-ami;_pitching;for the visitors,:, allowed ,three hits, ' issued three. walks and.' struck : oiit eight, •K. • McLean far Seaforth "allowed: seven. hits, "one walk .and,, struck • .A golfer having invited a visitor over for. friendly .round, was ad vising the=.guesthow-td- play each Exeter 131 001:4-10 7 ':1' Seaforth • ":, :200 000 0— 2 3 :3 :Exeter—Cann and • Boyle; Sea forth—McLean and" Phillips, Dale FD strict Weddings` FENNEIVIA--VAN. WOE'REN HENSALL A lovely. summer "wedding was .solemnized• at the Christian Reformed ,'Church, Exe-. ter; • friday, July' '31-a'f -8 - When Bertha Van 'Wiereri,..da`iigh=" :ter of Mr. and :Mrs, Dick Van Wieren, Hensall," became the bride of Richard Fennema, , Brantford;- son of dr:` and _IVlrs. Mike fen nema, Troy, Ont. The Rev. A. G. Van Eek'performed-`Che ceremony in.: a setting of, white ,and pink gladioli. Given in, inarriage by her father,. the bride wore, a floor.,length cos - thine -of white.• nylon .over •satin; fashioned with a lace bodice, peter pan collar and lily,point-sleeves. A matching' headdress, trimmed with 'pearls, held her .fingertip: veil, and she- carried white carnations,- red roses and stephanotis. Maid Of -honor, Miss Connie Tref.. fers, Clinton, was gowned' in nylon chiffon over taffeta, and -carried 'blue carnations .and red roses. Bridesmaids. Mrs. . Jane Van Wier - Si. Marys; and Miss Irene Van- Wieren,' fiensall,., were gowned 'siniijar to the maid of .donor,• and carried bouquets of blue earnatidns anl red roses. • Jake De HaanS -Hamilton, was groomsman, and Herman V an Wieren` aiid Renk _Van .Dzlen'.ush- ered Mrs. C. Van Daalen:, Zurich, was organist; -For-receiving- at -the -reception held in, the church; parlors, the bride's ,.blotter: wore powder blue' silk dress"' with white accessories, with corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother wore navy silk with red rose -corsage. For. their honeymoon to he spellt in Northern Ontario,, the bride travel- led in 'a turquoise' crepe ° nylon dress with white rose ' corsage. They will reside in Dundas., •ORR-1V1ADER IIENSALL—Carmel Presbyterian, Church, and, with.baskets 'sof pink and white gladioli, was ' the setting on Saturday, August 4 :at 3:30 ti,m, for' a, charming summer c When Rev. R. G. we 'dinn�g, w 'Mae; iV i ran, of` Goderich, united in mar.. r age--.Margarete Erni`na'•Mader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andreas M. Mader, .of. Trier,- Germany, ,to Corporal Donald Anderson Orr, St. SyIvestre, Quebec, RCAF Station;• son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard An- derson. Orr, off ensall. Mrs. Mal- colm -Dougall, al-colm'Dougall, Hensall, church or- ganist, provided, traditional Wed- ding iedding music. - 'l'ite bride, given in marriage by the groom's father,' Mr. R. A. Orr, those a ballerina length gown of Chantilly lace'" ..over white satin:, said, "it's a spoon, :shot, ;''but- it's u 'll la the woodto� it hard/' Walking over hill and onto green,: they saw the visitor's ball had. stopped two inches short of the cup. "We11," the host snorted in his best' 3 -told -you so:voice,: "I knew you • shoulda hitit. harder . -'' T PQRTAB LD IS EX081TOR. r.P ..tea 'k..�'• trJ li fi+�Jllfilt�,` 1� � a i' �t 11.1 i�•. . { 3 f .E�� t l.4 4 t l!! i. �� I.r}��liill}I,i1.71,1}G►, 5 1 ,1 t41`tk[si4ii1§ti}i ,,,;.,:"41it1d1l1jmitim .:Z. ts :era :'•.sem a Oa , Has ..ears ahead styling and construction! * Has ALL the practical convenience- features s a fFi of;a stand rd,o cetypewriter! TWIN-PAK RIBBON CHANGE EER -Quick, easy -hands stay clean MAGIC . MARGIN:_ sets both Margins irlStantly, automatically AGI COLU N -SET Just press ress a key -to to tabulate fl ure s FULL STANDARKEYBOARD -Same size ason office machines Plus -many -more -exclusive -Royal -portable features!' Come in and test -type it yourself—soon! POSIT EAFORTH 0�VTA.Ris0 NNIVERSARY " SSPE ALS Ci O we t -� rr. h .0 n , f e Month of Au('(ust. Check the -S' ecial Low Prices on the G.. p Tops Ranges : Refrigerators Washers - Dryers KELVTNATOR "Style Line for 1959" 4, Words can't describe the n)any advantages of these' Kelvinator products,'a few of Which are shown here. Come into our Seaforth store and let our: friendly staff show you why you get more for your money in a. Kelvinator appliance: • DOOR PRIZES One Ticket' with eve1 y $1.00 • urc ha,se i SPECIAL "DAV Limit' 5''.er .. ure ach • P pse • SALES )i'HONE 585 1d SEAFORT •