HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-07-17, Page 66-711,IE 41111 OSITGR, SEAFO TH, oNT„ Jutiy 17; 1959- , . ..., ., • DUBLIN , PROP[11....IEED FOR POULTRY : Distri.,ct Groups .,..„ , ,„.„ Friend. .': • (LI)E 40. BETIER . EGG. SIZE AT $ illtits4.,,it!'amssi'Aunaandameeltr.,7111::!:: .I . miss • Beatrice Murray in Toron- Iseodnielneet: 'tah? iunscureaallsYe ‘linia.siliz' :nit! I . , • Eggs from early .maturing,' rill strieted diet need extra tvarMtn• ', MORRIS ESTABLISHES '10 5 .. Miss 'Betty .Lon Pethick, at •Lions. . • • - • ....- , . , • . . .. '"uill.4.- All Members of .couneil were tion 049,000 Was read and passed.; lie,i°13by440\:,.. E111°.' . '."' .1(11-ICSt; The annual District • Association Viss.,To Ann Goettler at Warren feedings dairy. • . . tial property waS, set at 10.5' -mills Township taX,' rate' or residen- Blake dram report Will helield on July 23 at a:30 p.m. T t LiOn,$ • Park .P0404.&. .?„,..6, , .... Mr. and Mrs. Gord.er • and .fam-. disconr,agingly slow -'.:i. .• ' : Hoppers should- be. plentiful ',en-, ,' Thlti:yt: taepridatwo ehakuclecllniee gotheeffrewisete,.,.and,. . . ' ' - • . . . . , SET ,..,, _ , , ROAD..• APPROPRIATION... .. 54 ,k applying for the road 'appropria- DISTRICT REBIERAII 'pICNIC .. iiy, London, .,with Mr. .Thra Doi_ At tlae-IlarroW, Ont. Federal -fee- 'oUgh so that every bird eau/feed il,ay, The _commerCial gate. is 12 . search Station, experiments haie, at one time, and A better distribu- • by' Morris township council 'Mon- . . , ' PreSent and,,;P:eeve.-Bailie Parrott subject to the approval of the chs -Zf, . Huron and Str.atford Rebekah. " Mich,, witla •Mr. Thomas Walsh. .shown that restricted. feeding re- tion is' effected if. there'are two G.eerge ./vlartim was e -engaged • The following accounts We r e. Seaforth Lions 'Park' on -Wednes-. • mrs. M. B. Whethare in Burling- II-1,-tis;:11ALT:e;.'S.XU' all es: ' . Pastures should be Mowed ire - phone, calls, $715; Town Of „Wing- 'Grands froth. Stratford, AtWood,, ...--Lower.'laYing heuse,.mortality. plernen.t to. the. restricted diet, ., Ottently to supply a sticculent sup-; . Presided, •-.,j_,_. '., . ' . . _ ,.., ... . trict Municipal engineon, .,, . Lodges . held their anritial pidnic at . , broductioii. •- , as -talc. eolleetor..at $270 a .Year. The PaS,sed for payment; Blyth. Tele- day,' Iuly .',8. Thirty Past.. Noble :.......c.- on with •Mr. and Mrs A. Mac- 7--Inere.aSed .Dougal . . . . , • . . . . Boot . -ELE.: Arter, fox bounty $4 " •Tliainer and Seaforth lodges attended:: Dis- ham; fire calls -$200; -John' .Me- ErnSsels', •Exeter, Clinton, , HenSall. Delaney Attended .the retreat '.. at be dangerous , miles's. pouittynien Anions crePsythought to be caused' ' Mrs., :Milani • Lane at Midl4nd. .A. 20 'per, cent :feed ,reduction -is ...-When the pullets .are housed feed , Mrs. Frank Kistrier and 'Mrs: Joe recommended more ,than this can Sliotildbe restered gradually. .Peri- NNutirrsibingg": ,thY, Parker, 'Henson, -Was in Charge trict ,DePutY'President, mrs. 'Dorn_ 'BreScia ,Hall, Loadon. ''. . ' .. pay extra attention. to'the, birds.. : by , birds gorging .themselves,, 'are, RIDES ,sEk.otip. --: -. ,... Clinton, . debenture on high 'school, with .Mrs; Ada Ftitzley,., Goderich; "IiHoominee,‘' 1648,6152 ; Town Cpt. and, Mrs •."'"F.. T. Cray i• Who • One .pitfall. 'is 'that'lriOSt ' cliiek -soinetimes ',Seen.' Willie The pullets ., -• . haVe been :residing in:one. of • the feeds contain . drugs'. to'',"'hontrol. - may' he disappointing. ih appear-, , . and Walton.' street lights ...$80.75; . The .results of: e'"events I were Holland apartments, have moved 'coccidioals :. and io',.reduee feed .ance, '..it takes only ' two; .weeks or -..... for ,Serviettes, Coasters. Etc . Bernard Hall, compensation insur-' .as follows: 'ball:a n.,race, Miss :Mae to the RCAF base' at Clinton.- ' ' -, means 't6 , cut -down, protection.' so. on- full. feed and under,• good erSOnali2ea. SCryilee” $42.51."; . Hydro-Electrie, Belgrave, 'assisting., - ,.. *-: ,- -•-•:,.. :. ' .. an.eer'445-50;..Geo..,Radferd,..Wells sinith, Seaforth; penny. and clothes Mr: and Mil. John Heiiiik-,Th Of Compensation 'Should be inade.' In -laying--house ManageMent 'for 'all . • • . Drain,..$390; Walter Shortreed, Well pin. race,..,,IVirs. Marie, Liebrock, .At-, *'..i.:. ....., Detroit, with Mi's. Charles Kist- times of, added stresS, stichas..sielt- bird.s to reach a inature,',uready,to-, • .. 'kw!' ,Eipositor .Praiii, .$90.00.; • Walter Shortreedi Wood; time race; •mrs. 'W, Martin, family; Cleveland,: Ohio; Vvith--Mr: extra: feed. _ ' -, ' 1., - ' . M.rt,:and Mrs., Instill' D'ean and, atiohy the- PP -I -lets should. 'receive . • ner and Dianne.' : ' • _' . neSs, change of housing or -vaccirt- lay 'state: . . . . . . . . , . . ' . . • . Mrs. M., McArthur and .IVIrs. Elia.:, . • • . MARRIAGE VOVVS Were :exchanged, by the'forrner wfak,-. ,,:nnmdd.r.:!4‘ rilsdn:rdEenclm,.sipa.t..,et:.altaLnae.',or,yo'zi:dx;t4.4,'ibi'4thirp'sy., ..F•u;thHeru,ddlingyoung.-wchipikceknings ,,oii... '4 i.e. 11,.9.9'5C58;..nstae2dit5a:11,110.e'sd6fin;120e5n4s,P9..0aart,rten°S1.1;,.tPailg,,.. taiuf. °Si't • . -Wells,: Drain, .$10; relief ,accoulit, Stratford; candy ,guessing centest,. beth..Newcombe,,' Goderich.; sweat: . ., ef relay. -raee., MO. E. NewcoMbe's Molly' at Brassels.TTnitedchureh' The , bride.,18. file. daughthr ' • fon lean'l-leniingWay. and -Lavern ' MorleY 'COdkiii. in' a dere.: , ... 'Ca,therirle .:Feeney. ' - - • ' . .'' ''' - ', -', : , •Peroth-Buckingham,---'Stratferd;-- ... ter.,'of' Mr... and; Mrs,: --,Car1.41erriingWay., BtWssels, 'and , the . .. • ...M,r,,Matt Miirray in.:WitidiorWitli side; .bean gueising.'contest, Mts.: _ - ......----..--,..... . , '7.--groortrd'st-the -' son: • OftlVIT:-arid-11/Irs.-Edniund'qodldn:1"-The"",-. . '.ATTLEHIREEDIN Sitter; Goderich; :Parcel race,1.-IVIri,. repetition. .,COntest, Mrs. Elia beth ;,-. '. Couple. -MI'l .r.eside .-on-the-grooni?-s-farm.2-at.L.Coneession 3.4, ' • • ,, Mr. and Mrs.. LOSlie. Gasper. " ' " ' McKill'op Township.... -(Photo by. Fovvler: Bios. Studio) ' - , ' - - ----,-1W-F18.. ergtisTSta-PletorFur-De,troit- where .sh,e attended the -funeral of John, Selatet,,Seaferth;. ea.ting. con- 'her. unele,--10,7Chester70'ReillY:- OCIATICYN: .. , . , . , . . _. : . • .•.. ... test; ....: . DorOthy. P ulcer,' s :side. ."". Rev': 'Arthur.' LOoby, `of Ilottston, TexaS, and -.Miss' Lore en Leoby„ of "WhereBetter Bull's Are Used" ' Over- 100 attended. .the annual . . EGMONDVILLE.CIIVRCH PICNIC . Eginondville ;United thutch picnic , '1,-IVIr. and 1Vtra. Dan, O'Rettrke , and Remember. oor,.: Anil uciik. Bull Night I'. •Mys,..Ken Ritchie was, in 'charge of Wednescley: at Seaforth Lions:Park. - " 1 Mr. and' IVIrs..'Ed. Rovviand ' at .St8. Arine de Beaupte,. Quebee. . ' The .,. ,:,. • .ttie L'LgaineS;,' withlVIrs.; Chas.: We.9.0 and Mrs, Clair:Haney...assisting. - ' The ,4esiilta •O'f the races were as ' - ' . ' . - . t: , - . • , h • e , • , follows: ..'.girlS, eight and Lynne MacLean ..boys,...eigrit. cl.' . ' • •. . . . . , ,,... ' ..-under'..1.''' Y JoUrnali'Michi. .. ).,, . : . '.' .196. he built. a town at the site he • dien, 6f. Hainilton, with Mrs Mary (Ii ' Homer E, DOwdy, in The Flint ic. to; get A t atte .tion.: - If ,cbd. In ...- Xt,s..,Fred.'.'0*,;Terclilive.',..atia.. •.e11, - I ,'uir an,. .. , ._ .. . ,..Mr. arid •Mrs,,lBert „Gallant , and FeeneY.S._,. '' ' ''''.: '.. ' Loins ....MeGiath.:,: • .,...i.- •:' _ . , , , ,., 'Clilldreri, 'ef ,Windsot, '. With ' ,Mt. 11. 'Under;. Dlatine.'FinlaYSOn,...:.L61. MC- ST. JOSEPI;L ' ONT.LAs'they...;of-' h - St. Lawrence :. NeWspaper. aeColirita':of ' the day ithnuoigpft,twho:ilEd be/the Huron term- rie-Illiton'. canal. ' ., turned from visiting, in Detroit ;MISS :rat:dine '' Stapleton . haS, re- undet, Ricky Wood girls,/ 4..2 Mc , ... 1,;Ory.' Of the ,father Of . .the. Moern. ,tin, built a. lumber Mill;:....nevelty fac- ..' . ;Mrs... ,Catherine,' Ryan;,.. Stratford, fielallY.- dedicate- ,t . e.... - ' • Wan. boys, 12 arid under 'Gary: Seaway '.thday in 'Montreal, they. show St....Top.p.h...was.n..,o crude Iron- • , IVIi,',Paul,..Aslin,..;Terento, :With irinigan; • •tied for , Second. 'tier toWp-..7,..--,To'attraet.,Settlers.;'Can7y -Jackie,'Costello.,....--.: Chtick,;HarieY,, •Jiiii: Finlayson and were. ' could AN, ell pause .to onor . .a .. .. SeawaY.---7the'..graticlfathet of.. a•Tli, t, •tory..a_rid• 0arr,f to. tnaniffactnte,. Wrtir,'Mti.gobianiaii....and,j'pat Mai. - 'Colin Haney.; girls; .14 'arid. nnder,..' than and;father Of 'a frequent.... m,t.. organ: .pipes...TO' 'attraCt.' the:rich.' orieY:,:.' '',.. . ......,,:.' ' . ...,.:.,,, ''' .. • ' •'' , .ito.,,Ililinian ••CarelYri :1-T*1:fiend; .., ... .., boye:',WheelbarroW, r„a.c,e,... . ,.,„ visitor. , , ... , ,.. , .. . ,, . Of. the day .he...!.built': the„',palatial -...r.. Mr. and Mrs Casey;'''.,Thanies-. _ lay.son..iio. Neil..'"Gemmell 'tied' for... e,,.a.......z_„._L lialnio.ral'. Hotel, ' choosing :Moorish vilie, . 'with , Mr.,. and '. Mrs., ' Alhert- -first-with.,:dhuckaneY---.-and7Gary, 'Finnigan,' :Billy ',Wood .and ;,. Craig: butwho.is quite: likely to be ever: 7afeliTteetlifeHIO-lityPress. hiS-gueSts... Klainers-.-7,--:-..-,..--,--- lianey:„,.girls''. wheelbarrow race., lookedin• the rush of , dedication, is ..' 'The Wealthy and inflnentialcame Mr. ad.Mrs'.' 'Patrick'Berin;:.q67... .Anita ,Ilillinan,' and Della Wallace., tile:late •Nar,Cisse. Cardin... His son On some 'Week 'ends, 'guests .arthe :route'''. ..ivir... and Mrs: 'TOO:Burns,- '--- : .RelaYface, girlSWon...aganist:.the.; iS.LSosepfi L;;C.antin,. who believes . Bahnotal.were reputed to be Worth 'Mr.. Jack Ryan, IvIr;;.Lon • Evans.,, boys; •backWard.raee,:'Gary,.Eitriii--, .history ' will elevate'. his father to from ..$5,006;000 to $20.;000,000' eaCh... Detroi,t, and 'Igt,:,' and . Mtg. .Frank ,gan;,'Chuck.Haney;'-fAncieSt.'socks,„ his rightful ',,niche some, day... Jes". They • SaW, partly 'completed hilild. -'EVans".. attended' . 'the : EvanS4Chis- cart A • rie,,V boys kick the sli e'F.,' . ,., . ,, e.Phs.. . sem .- and . the grandson ..of ings' and elaborate- Plans; ' ,. . ..,,, . . .holm.. wedding. -AC Goderieh , on Sat,. Keith.. Finnigan; .,..,,Ji „. , ,. ,,, Na/eisse.,.•:', ... • , .e. -,T.lf ' .,302. ,,,He-..C6D.Vinced-the-Genadian 'GoY1'-urday.".•,' -'-'-'."..---'.' . ,..'-. ' Jim - Finlayson„. ,. girls ,:kielc., the sir.,e.,.,, Anita i.u.n.,. Ch.cle. Dr.,.. manager. .. f . E.., Itanehiel.,,, erntneet It.: ought to, 'build 'a '.dock ':..Mr.' and ' Mrs Jerome Nicholson . . , . :at StJosephte:, be., ready„ for Sea 'and 'MrS,.. Mary.KrauskOPf; LOnden, man, -Neila:. :Hillman and Dianne • Like „many men. of great..., yis,io , 'Stoll tied ,IfOi. seCond;•••1?i.gge°t ".fa•In". -,Nareisse Cantin liVed, 50 years too Vja3"..huSiness."-: Everyone ..; thought with Mr and Mrs.' Jiin Kranskopf. .', ...' : '..; ilY; Mrs.-A:,Forbes;,..YotingeStehild,.. soen.,-.11e.:.worked most of his life-. :Cardin.' had established and 1X'..a8, DrandMrsFrank Stapleton 'Curti.:.lialien 'Married., . W°Men's4: •es:oi 'eanais and. locks to. connect timete. promote . the idea: of, a .;Ser-, :the-town'itielf. But an later, Yeats Stapleton VT ' • ,• ' - ' '' . .. ' . pushing , St.' Joseph . for the:sake:of Galt,- With: Mr. and 'Mrs. .:Williain Greatthe 'Lakes .. and. Atlantic. '..the'Pr°11u)ter -adnlitted ...' ' ''' '" '''-: .. ' ' ' .e'lf,.. brighten:,even.th.e 6011est:farbris....and.r440,.. 'race, Mrs. ,AlShestiey; . Mrs,: i. , , ..•. .. . „ . .. , . .. , • ., 'Robert. r W. al4.c e.. - . .. , , , , .. . . , 1 , , ,. , , , ,. ,• , . „ . , , ., , . . . . 0 L b a ' deep-water:Shipping , , . .. • „ , , yonr.r,elothes, Spa.ikliing 'Clean,. just like new, while • beat: se;as, to dra* attention ta..my : .Herliall':;....'Prices, .. : you: bask in :the summer stn. ,•• '':.' '' ' .' ' , Tie'.'naI.' large- .atfendnee. was .,1..Cantin, ran into indiffereUee.:,all 'idnrt°041TiLaIca'a:'EcTlina.i7afndo!iltneL.40kpeeni:Hpugr.,:°9,nf ' ....'.•Ma‘rliet;'g, StiOngei, at the Hen: .' . hand at ...the ...Li0.11S.;'Park,,,Sea-, :skepticiSiii.,:in,..the 'early „, years,...of, Put ' y'67,Lt'.‘.'66s.,t'l,obi".,'•Torwa,rci. this summer by leti:-..: --. .:,.. Waterway to •-tbe, ocean. !' .,,',..'.. ' , ' :sail, S4les. Thursday' Butcher 'Steers; 4f):ilfth,'.'. Saturday,..Jn1. _ ., for --the ...his. effort and into fierce 'oPPOsitiOn. '' Although .Caidiri , niaY. haVe."1.1Sed, .• 25.40 .th $26.-;..litediiiihiSteers, 424.50 .',tiTig.: .D,s4L ...g'iv0::',70l.1.., •-•7116,1e,:-...,,i,Y,. a, idrObe ' a; :beatitY , di, stailt h, - :death; a,t' '76 Ilf..164.0`,"."the 'fulfill:: .S.tz 40S ePitrAo :•stir.. -Up -:'excitellieut .to'-$25';'''-hntchers heif.ers-, $24.,.09 .te' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ''' ' treatment- '7, Aellnieil Of; the Siriillie . clan.: igep.-.,, .later.. :.Blit. •iri the' last. years,...befed,.., 'points..., Toronto,. plii.g4./...4..,: rails,. rii:iso*.LL Of,his loni-CherishedSeaWay fOr.' his "Seaway, he Aid- envision .$2,5.; ' fat,' 'cows; $15- to $7, good Braogoi,it ..,simoe„._:Kings,y4.1.e, ..0e..,..i,i,r,ein, eiveard,,,..lovitabie., .,..i.,.„ making it :a. city:iiiiportant to the cows ; '$18.:..16,1$i6;.z.light.dows,.,.$22; ' troit Hamilton AlVinston,::-.Hyde, .„ Cantin dred. before' his- fantastic , Iruli:.1,'1191g.8"..„tcera'u'ttrtaiiclet,r1-64. ..',0,•..e..t......e': b2a5bi..eto§.'i,r:.$4•;?, stine,$a2ip.I.tii' vVet csail:ett ,Before:i.e,..p.kr.,foi,,:,vao4tion... .• boo,.:w4s:okto4ea M.' all :133, -:.Pi';',' ing,,rise-toLthe-thought, that he was cliadei`fOtillhe 'Canadian:Par/la,' . 3.5.; -:good 'bull calves $22 to, $5. . Park. During.,the'llincn hOur awl- PrciriietiOnal :efforts ,.paid •off, ,. giv- A. ' : B. ' Siniille,' .of '. Niagara ' Falls., , ehead'of - his . time But Years :of. merit fa‘ huil-d the Seaway. 'Ile ''".v•aS' liniSteineifer':ealVe-S-;:';$54to '$.37'''' .'Let...n.s.have.all-yOt.i..othor clOtheS,.that.need• dry, , Letters. were -received from, distant Cultivation often are necessary be 'turned- demi: ., He. tried.' again in, Durham calves $45 t6.$04;, wean7 . , . , , .. ling-pigs,;:$8;50 to $9.50;....chunks, '$10 'Cleanillk,S.4ild 'they'll. he ready for •.,_iyou,,,really-: . .. . „ .. . , , members of the clan in. VaneouVer, fore an :idea . blooms with 'reality 1902' • 1903. '' and .1904 ' each 'time-':•, : '1'•••' . ' ' ,.'y ' .• :. ' • . ..- Montreal, New ' jersey . and North and ' it-is'....juSt .; Possible that ' if without Success. He was. a ..PrOlifie. to $13$; :feeders, $14to;$24..Sovis .,.. clean, whe,.n.yo.tireturn. Dakota Naieisse.caotio, had ,, not: play:e4..his. *sneaker and ,•writer . and , was , as .$65 . to $79.. ',. •".; . ' :,• . ..., L. .:,, ,' _.' e . , ' ' .... A program Of': sports was .'',Con-: role when ,he•••cild .that the. Mighty' .arclePt.-k4).a.mlibletee--5 -OW Cb.41Atotal 456 pigsand 262 cattle :-. , . . ' , Veiled ,,b.Y' Mary .. Geiger'and _Bill: ':SeaWay. projeCt - Wo.uld--.still , be in -Pi°n ef e'allYWheTe'' '' .- '. ' *ere'. e°14:: ' - " ' ' ' - ''''''" '' ''' - ' , HOwe,.': assisted. hY. KAY. Elder. the.' Planning :stage. ' ". -. ' . . • . ',„ •• Iinalik; bl•191-4,.-the' aTeat Lakes - Judges ....ef . atiptta, were Mrs ..J3,0,, , ,Be f o r e . the ..tlqe ,:of , the e,e,tuf,y. :and.,,',.: Atlantic ,,. :Canal.; and '- Thereeiis n Power '' ' . o. WaY• in; Which .sOine , , ., sniiihe, mis. 1Janies._Sinillie . '. and .Caritin -was. •boinbarding. ,bitsineSs- Co= 'Was ' eharteed' with .'a capital" 'people cangale' from ' government- •... , . . . Fred .Howe.-:- .Prize 'winners... in , men, and Politicians. of Canada and' ization.-61707500oto-77Bilt., World` ,giVingt-withont4-Cithers-Siiffering- acikl.atig.. sports , ahd, . games were: the. Vnited. States With, arguments Nal-I:broke out crushing the hope : froit goverrimerd7taldng. :.• ' ." ':' -Steve Elder Ronald Elliott; Wayne for' the deep water . route. . ThesefQr•a4 ',early:: start. on the Seaway. . ' . , • -', . .., ' ''. : ... - : - ' " '-'. ' ' ' Peck Jean ,Eltler;Margie Geiger,. , arguments are _largely the ones ''. Afttl..r.. :the,... war. ;carit,',1 - in e t wi'te . few ',Material .. 'of Fred Elder,. Ralph' 'Geiger . Donna: that have ' . been voiced . hi . recent less At11feterice 'aricrnAlltr 6re '11067 '131iVer, Ar.:iyort.- lid celloPhane. 'Peck; Donna.,Eatwell,..Rath. Geiger, .yearS,- 'Indeed;.- .there war little tility, '-this.}f rem persons .:Who.'were Den Geiger,Norma Geiger,,.' Kett . change from the .points lief, made- .°O.posed'''t°' a ...deeli-Water :route' to ..',, ,Eider,..;Diane -EatweLl;'. Jim' Sto.th= ..in 1892...to 7those that finally.' C°14": legalthescrap witha. canadian 'pow- se. a11 1924 Cantin got ,into -, , ' am,. Fred: Howe,.-'., Harold . Elder, vinced.: Canada' ..and : ther..United.. E,V•E:. R. Lorne Elder "-Dorothy:Elliott; Ivy States, to. start theSeaWaY.-in-1054„ •er. c6InPanY-Over diversion of S"' • Stnillie; :Elva- Feek;. -Pearl, Geig.e.r., -And many . of .. tOdaY'.S .. acCepted. tawrenee.nwa.tor. He. wail defeate istalkino,abOut 'the:,-, .1161err'Hovire ..aritt'GraCe -Peck: The. ideas' of 'the .Seaway's . construe', -In '1-29' ' When the ."e°M.ts '' rnlecl' ' lucky ' .draW Went to D,OrOthY El," i,tion . 'stern-. from , .',Cantin!S . ' early ' against 'him; '''' ' ' ''' . .- ' After... a :suniPtuous dinner pre ' liott. „....., • . . • 2' ' '.'" . - '. :. ' , • . : I' ,speeeli.e8 and writings on . the: siih,,- ' • ' BY that .tiMe,' the flUahclai. inter41 - ject...,. , .. , , ., . ,..,. ests - were. beginning . to perk . up siclent'Ilatelet 'Shepherd:Lconducted .:14a,d „.an.,of his seaway"plah..heih their...eatS ..at the .mention.' ef.:the 'a .shorty;busine,ss','.ineeting,. when it 'effected,,'d 'Canal- woad have been ,St Lawrence project But time was . ' on. H. ' .wa,s' decided that thereunion. next: ohtai.io....veronshia.. itinning out on great,Promoter. .year should., be held' . at, the saltie 'beuettW4egnrgeakteh'eErie,and HurolL, The • With .his-,oWn efforts 'defeated, , al-. place. Delbert!Geiger was. elected, '43..mire Qat „wadi,' have h3ipaa,and .though he r.efused to admit it and. presideut.-..'Greetings , from the - pic-. !the. shoaltrottbled ' Deth* and SC 6therS tal4g' °Ver the Seaway ,and nie WereSerit to Dr. Jennie ,Smil. 'Clair'. Rivers' and . trimmed' mere' as their own, he. turned' .more : and.' he., Robertson, . of ' Toronto, .,'who. :than, ,300-Trill'es from..the round tr,io mote to ptometirig.,the connecting through -illness -waS--unable • te....at-; hetweeo 'the two lakes. , . . ..,..7__,.... a Western Ontario. cities by electend.:: :.. If Such, a canal had been dug in tric ',railway.. .. ' ' '• . .the days that .Narrisse Cantin•Was '' Little is .known' of Nar.eisse' Can eafbit .' "William says there -1s oalY'''one. . tin. along the new -Seaway , route 'to-, :-. 'agitating .for it,' thellttie ,Lake. Ilur, po.. eopamooity.lof st.. Joseph, might . day. None of. the :route's. s•truCtureS te..it. . .. .. .,, sw:T;v..;.ailyeveshii4lfgpintirger:1,.plinerPhOarptsni...t-liVe: hin, D'!AV'Etrils.r)le°..th'ileafilBael:Mo. ral, stood i;S.'en..1 thing wrong withili'e . younger 'gen- ..,eration-a lot., of 1:15'. don't' belcing it 'wOhld 'have becdme' the 'capital ly ..a ,hole. in the gretindnand . spine toek .and:cernent Ternaants Of .the of tbe .Seaway., as Cantin . planned ghToostdtoy;seSts70M3beZliit's lir :°rth' .e"a'st' for it nearly . a , served -inside 'a house across the strtictiite.' The : hotel's • bar is. 'pr,e.. of Port Huroti, There aro. only. ...a ,4ree.ebti.11' from the. hBa:emrvoerdal"so•rsitthep.. few remnants of4he''once flourish. ,sittaugndufacint'u.7iintnt..hG'f' organ ,'..1)'ipe ing' :village that. Cantin built........d ." ' .Narcisse Cardin wa240. pomidS .Cantin is' buried in the cchurch- of'pronlotionit.genfusi s n a .Six-foot- kard of his dreant. eity-St. Joseph luCanadianpar- fr"HPrenen brh.iii the Ghost Town, Or St 'Joseph the this area bY, Beautiful; whichever. wa,y; you look s ame. 'e vyas ougt up Oats. whose...forbears had Migrated But in the minds of those Who .w.P.t. AO., talc.e.,:n.dvantage...a__LaIic Huron 'fiiliing. When only 17, ,'Can-.. knv,aliowahtefe'ifCoartilt-tino'.s..adebreienvine:41,intthhies ,awn. as a.,eattie. buyer... At .otte tilii.e, fathet' of the St Lawrenee Sea.4. tin 'rnerfied and, struck. Out .on ,his 'he Was..a. sparring b.artlipi, fpr„. the' way.. is ,. very inueli: ,alive todaY, great j.ohn,L;sohivart...A.dhafrde.. „said.hiS' Son, Joseph, 'during a re- ihdividttai,,,,he was a sui)e.r ..,.e.o.es.„. cent visit to .Flint frorri his home limitless Man of faith, at St'' Joseph' ' . . thlee' he :cornered .: Charles :M., ' Some ljersonS.;' among . tliem ''Ths- chwaof Blethiehern Steel., trYing eph andgtandson Stiles, believe. the to. sell his ,seaway ask,....r. route, for .Weste,rn leg 'of the SeawaY-'--as Per timisporting troli ore.. sowab. Cantin's plati-Lwill. be 'built some - 'didn't -buy theTlan,.. but he tried to day an tile' .1f.1.1r.gll tetillinal of St. a -year. ' But • Cantin . thrned him je°itYei5thhatlisl'fPriurie..edea"'aelniVits6ionb4tfirr; bny Cantin's ,services=for $160,000. .. '... ' cloWn and tept"On. peddling' his Sea- it. Way. Project. .- . , . . 'Ins plat...A .1892:. Called. fer-the HurortErie canall, a' rout e 'parallel to the Welland' Canal, but' seven, Miles; ''shorter,and then alternate et routes. Ittese „would to. by the st. °nen a'cotniilet Alection,of Lawrence, as, the Seawayi was fbi=. viedafp'g aniiott4cetpotit# ' ally built; :by. canal to the 'Ottawa:. , gyie,c1 fot-the 'clisctim.. River and ,thence ,t6 the lower St. .iiiating... , LaWrerice,or from . the Upper. St. "'. askfor. : .Lawrence to Lake OhaniPl,ain by canal and thence through the Rich- elleu,,River to, the St. Lawrence be- lOW ..iViontreal. • . P.:' ,,, , Cantin proposed .channers df :700 -foot .,,width and depth over lock sills. of 35' feet:, As. it turned out; the locks were built. with .0.,font cleatance, but ,some experts• are SeafOrt feet.. •, ,, - .. , Saying' they should have been 30 ' NO,,KE.4.$01\TABLE 0,FIFETi:It.EFITStpI ,attlinii4sm...iti the -1890's,' Catitin,' • When this , plan ' Met with little, felt he:bactto do. soMethhig dratria- , .. . ° 'On ju1y.218t, at 7:30 P.m: at the Headquarters just Northeast of Waterloo THE WHOLE FAMI• LY' IS. IrtEL-CO1VIE • Special Speaker GEOROE 'GEE Agricultural Representative for -Brute:604y , liVe've just received a new shiprnept of METAL annery Cleaners -0-0k-After Yout LEANING Iaoi . 7 5 - COME, SEE AND SAVE BOX FURNITURE . , THESE CHAIRS'ARE AVAILA.BLE IN AN ATTRACTIVE.ASSORT.IVIENT OF , SUMIIIETR coLoRs 'E3 If it's . Surnrner Furniture you want, cheOt the assort- ment at our store now, and. relax during these hot Sum- mereveniflgS, on your -lawn, porch or patio. Phone 43 ; hone 87 Seafovth _ 1.958° VAUXHALL SEDAN 1958 .CHEV. COACH 1957 -P-ONTIAC 'COACH 1956' cliEv. FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP 1056 MONARCH StDAN 1955 CHEV: SEDAN---A..T..'4nd Radio,. • 1955 PLYM-OUTH ,SEDAN. • 1954 IVIETEOR COACH ISO ptsoirO SEDAN 1954., PONTIAC SEDAN. 4949 AUSTIN.SEDAN „ 4953' FORD PICT( -UP PRICED P0 CLEAR t one 541 ..stAF:(0.... 004:MITCHELL Huron Expositor. Huron Expositor Ptione 141 or 1.42 INGERICH'S SALES & TAI)E ADVANTAGE OF THE BARGAINS 01\7' ppliances SERVICE " •REFRIGERATORS 'b?A.I3E OR BUY A, ,.Kelvinator IZefrigerator F�'Your Home or Cottage at our • Special...Prices • • Models from 8-14- cubtc foot. ,,,Checit the. : e,a,tures_aCqur.., Sea,forth Store, , • PlickNt 585,