The Huron Expositor, 1959-07-10, Page 8ral11,0N EXPOSITOR, SEAFORF, ONT, JULY 10 1959.
#ab ,'Community ; Association
Fair Grounds
WEDNESDAYJU.00 I.5th, 1959
:.. Snappy Girls'.Softball Game - 6:00 p.m.
St, Marys Pullets vs. Glen Mills
• Budding Stars, Juvenile Programxhe — 7 30:. p m.
• Sparkling Professional Prograuune .— 900
Free Supervised Parking on Grounds
Adults 75c
Children 25
Rev.. and Mrs. ,7, T. Whyte
re Honores
Happiness doesn't, just happen
• ° It comes from planning,
lake this picnic.
Our pian is simple ... regu'lar:savin
Our othee-bth k services include: Personal
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By Mail.'
DUELIN BRANCH',—, E J:.:DEAN, :Manager,
Loaidesboto United Church school
room 'was filled::Monday evening as
friends from= the three pastoral
charges.; of .Burns', •Constance: :and
Londesboro : gathered to, bid •fare-
well to. Rev.'" T:. T. White and Mrs;.
Mr. White has ibeeil: minister of
the three charges ,since 1953, .hut
is • now retiring; and with ;Mr',s:
White left Friday -to .make their'
home. in , Springfield; :Ont. Rev.
White has had 47 years .of uninter
:rupted service; in the::ministry.
' , Mr. George Watt a . member: of
the 4ses'sion of • Burns' Church,„was
Chairman . for :the .social 'evening,
and introduced the following°•num=•
bets: • cOnirin pity” singing:. was -led
Teen T own T*pits
(By Ifen Ryan)
Saturday evening saw about' 150
teenagers turn : out for the weekly
Teen Town dance Don Wri ht and
Garry W ams! spun the res r s,
with"the aid amplifying sys-
tem supplied. by Frank'Kiing.',Our
thanks' for this'is'extended
`Kling.' , I- wolild' like to- thank. the
chaperones, Mr:. and Mrs. C. Reith
;and Mr: and Mrs. Patterson.
The lucky bill .was won by Tom
Sills, of ,,California; a visitd'r to the'
Teen Town dance, and the -lucky
ticket was drawn by Maurine Stew-
art; of Ottawa, :also a Visitor 'to the
Teen Town dance. • •
-Next Saturday evening will •:'see
many teenagers '•of'13 Teed, 'Towns
turn out for the "joint dance".
.Stew and the Collegians • vial',`sup-
gly orchestrations. Stew has attain
.ed another member for this dance;
so tt'will -be a .`six -piece; orchestra
When talking to, Stew ; recently, he
said that he might also:have a OA -
irlvocalist' With the, . band,' ; so it is
something ta,look forward to.
We would like_to thank the "Cana-
dian Legion branch' for scrubbing
and Cleaning the arena rfloOr.'' with
the fog:, nozzle supplied by the.. Fire
Department :We willbe dancing_
or the ground'floor of the arena Un-
til further ._ notice.
by;Mrs. •Ted Bell,,' with Miss Mar-
guerite Lyon at,. the piano, • Bar'=
bara, Bonnie, Larry - and Robert
Snell were .a delightful quartet'fe;
Mary". and. Margaret, twin ,daugh-
ters of Mr. and. Mrs. -Ross Mae-
Gregor, favored With .a duet. Piano•
solos' were contributedby• Miss
Marilyn Taylor ;and M'a'ss Ann Fair=
service, followed , _by :a. hunnorous
reading',by Mrs. Gordon Brown. ,A
solo by Mrs. Ted Bell completed
the program.
Rev. and Mrs White were. called
•to.the platform,..when-Mr. William .
Jewitt, Warden of Huron.""County;
did the honors°.of presenting them
with` a luxurious two-piece Chester- I
field suite :on behalf of "the :'three
congregations,. and an additiena'1
gift, of a:' twin set ,of luggage was
presented` to Mrs. ; White by Mrs:
R Townsend This. gift was from
an `anonymous friend in the •con-
•gregation s,Mrs
-White had- previously: re-
-ceived gifts._frnm::each _of. the Wo -
•amens Missioiiary' Societies on the
pastoral. charge
-In addressing ;Mr White and his:
wife Warden. Jewitt said inpart:
"This is not the first 'time I, have
said goodbye to Rev.'and Mrs.
White; because in 1927 I ;said good-
bye' to them: at `Dixie schoolhouse
in Saskatchewan, an"although ; I'
was only a •boy of 14 year's I have'
many happy memories of friend•
ship with '.the Whites In present-
ing these ,gifts, ., the people of the
three charges are expressing - the
joy ..they have had in -your 'pastoral`
oversight and yourfaithfulness for
you have,.proved yourselves to be
conscientious kind and sincere ' -
In replying Mr: White stated:
"It"TS diffieult to •find fitting ;words
•for; 'this•• occasion 4i'esterday was •a
busy day,: because • as " `well . ' as:
Preaching farewell;sermons',at each
of: the three appointments; 1 spoke
at;a Loyal Orange Lodge service.
and a dedicatton:r'servtce.: at; Bel
grave, making five'services in all,
despite "'Sunday's ettrerne ,heat"
Mr. White continued::. "I wwasBarn in London township,; the , son
of `a• farmer, and felt :the call to
the ministry. I graduated' from To:
ronto University; and Victoria •Coh
lege, and after graduation went to
the prairies , o'f; Saskatchewan,
where I :met and marrieds any wife:
I. ;:shall always"" 'remember this'
charge as the, m'.ost church..minded
people I:have ever met We have.
hada wonderful": spirit of goodwill
and fellowship."
In expressing her thanks and 4 ap-
preciation for.
p=preciation'.for• the wonderful gifts,
Mrs. White said.:. ."We have: had a
'goad life; 'we spent 10 years onthe
prairies and went through the `de-
pression years there,: batt 'what one
person had they,. shared :'with 'the
:While in Springfield on> Monday:
Mr. White was invited by .the Pres-'-
bytery there to be• assistant minis-
-ter ata United :Churcli-in Aylmer
for a year,' and, he'eccepted the in
Mr. White will be succeeded :by
Rev. Henry, Funge, of Nova Scotia.;,
who will be inducted July 31, ,and
will assume his.' pastoral duties
:August •2 " ;• ,
Rev. and Mrs: White have a fain
ily of three sons and two daugh-
ters and 18 grandchildren:
resale value`; would come . under
damages which ,'would be settled
for after the line was built: harry, .Coates, R.R. '1,: Centralia;
The Ontario Federation of Agri- Clayton- Harris;,- Mitchell; Stanley
culture did approve the amounts Hocking,;Mitchell '
offered, but only as a minimum,. Solicitor
and .only as a "-trial; offer 66n-theW G_ •.Cochrane
We are now in the midst of 'the parently forgotten by..the retires
holiday , season • .with more ears entative: ' '
than ever before on" oar lughways, ".The meeting decided that those.
Accidents are just that much more who had not signed woidd continue
likely to happen. : to ' hold. out, and that. those who
An interesting item came to my.. had signed should; 'Make a :elailu
desk this week."One well-known. for• depreciation under damages,
auto insurance company has been_ Also information on the reactions
'giving extra "medical .,•payment of a the b:muta io on XtileLon Sarnia
1benefits to• those who are .total ab- line,should be :obtained.
stainers. This company is. • now This ;easy seem 1» Abe• of; �littl'e
willing. to give double the extra interest' to ,many, but z have heard
coverage and again' at no increase: -ra tors''. of one waetr7h pipeline,' a
i :remium 'if ou sin the total 'gas line °and •another hyderra line ta'
a 1? y gbe constructed, shortly One of
abstainers form. ' these may cross your property.;
, . After two years of experience the
company has, found that non -drink- 1'
ing drivers 'have fewer .accidents'
and they are less serious• accidents, '` WINTt ROP.
therefore mere coverage can be;_: '' • •
given at no" extra cost. • Mr. and Mrs. Brian "Fowls,, of
often..,com lain about, the Toronto, were .weekend, guests of.
high', cost of auto lain ce;;but let—M•, „and'_Mrs.. _Gilbert -Smith.'
us 'remember it "is' the driver wno 1 1Vltss Isabel Betties, of.Kitchener,
sets;the'rate. ,Have fewer and less, spent the weekend at. the home df
costly • accidents and the 'depart- tier psrents, ,Mr. and Mrs Theron
ment of insurance will see to it ;
that the rates are' reduced accord-'"
-ingly:'.• USBORNE ; &- HIBBERT
•At 'a meeting of farmers affect- MUTUAL FIRE'; -
ed b" the: H dro- line to be built
Y'Seafortii to Clinton,; it was f'; , ' T: TSURANCE'' Cao. -
agreed that there was -a deprecia-.' HEAD OFFICE Eaetert Ontario -
tion of resale. value when a:'hydro i President:
line crosses a farm.For this rea- i AIex:J; Rohde tt.R ,3, Mitchell
son . several refused to sign the Vice -President:
contract offered by. Hydro.. • Milton..McC rd It:R.1-Kirkton
Others stated that:they had sign '' Directors:'
ell because the representative.. of 'E. ,Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1,
Hydro • stated that the Ontario Fed' Science: Hill; Martin' Feeney, 11 R
eration had, approved the amounts' 2, Dublin; Robert G. 'Gardiner, R
offered and . that the depreciated : R 1, : '.Cromarty , Timothy':`: B.
Toohey,- RR.,, 3,4 'Lucas;;
egration --means
asse-Fer uson cus
re value
The latest word in •farming "INTI-
'rE.ATIONv. also to
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The regular meeting, of Burns'.
Church W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid?
washeld at the home-of,:Mrs: John
McEwing on Thursday evening.
Tile meeting was opened; by Mrs.
Leslie Reid led in prayer, ;The
scripture 'was read . by Mrs, Wm.
' Mrs. Joe Babcock gave the study
book on Christianity and :education
in' -the -West- rndesr-dealing•-•,with
different social classes of ,people:
Where one class of people' could
neither read .nor 'write. It told of.
the struggle the: Missionaries have,
to get schools and try and 'educate'
the• people' against their::fears'•at'nd
superstitions'of ,evil. spirits •-
The meeting was turned over to
the president, Mrs. Wesley Roe.
The. 'minutes • were .read •1133T Mrs.
George Watt, Letters were read: by
Mrs. Roe from Karl Krug and M'rsq
Lloyd Hutton -in regard to the three'
religious programs that have been
hear&otx radio and television from
Winglrll►in. The: W M S '.;agreed to
send' a donation • to' assist, theSe.
programs. Mrs. George Stnith gave
the treastirer's report,''It' was de-
tided to entertain the Baby Baud:
and Mission •Band at the July' nieet-
ing in S.S. No.; 11 `School, •1VIrs,
Frank MacGregor: read an editor-
ial on '`The Canada_ Teinperanee
The meeting was turned over t4
the W:A.; :•with, Mks. John Riley in
charge. The minutes were, read by
Mrs. George Watt. Thank=von notes
were read from several members.
The treasurer's . "report was `given'
by •Miss Jean Leiper. ,The WA.
will also send a donation. to Wing-
Mrs Roe read an •address to,
Mrs. White, who has taken' an ac,
tive part in the , church 'reoetings;
and who 'left the community reg,
Gently. She was presented with. two
gifts. lvlcs, White ,replied, thanking
all the ladies, reterring•to the many
enjoyable tinges' all :have had,. to=
gether while she was here. • '
- Easter
me to be built from London' .to Secretary -Treasurer: .' `•
Sarnia. This latter part was an- Arthur;: Fraser : - , Exeter •
to the line
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