HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-07-10, Page 44. --TUE MYR N EXPOSPVOR, 4SEAFOR,TII, ONT, JULY 10, 1,859
TilEsE ciAsStrioATio$s
4 Coming EVents
. •Lost, Stiayed
4. Help Wanted
6. Ilusiness Opportunities
6,- Teachers Wanted
7. Situations Wanted
8: Farm Stocic For Sale
Poultry For Sale
50.., Used Cars For Sale
11, Articles For Sale ,
15 Wanted To Buy -
• 22:
Property For Sale
.Property For •Rent
For Sale or Rent •
Wanted To • Rent
Property Wanted
Notices .
Auction . Sales
Tenders Wanted
Legal Notices
Cards of Thanks
:Personals -
14.. Property For Sale.
- FOR AR LIT'FLR as $250 down you can
•Ovin your own'horne. For further informa-
tion phone HZ -24600, or •write
C1inton, Ont. • 14_70.2
PLAN your home now; ,$50.00, down
will buy you a lot in Seaforth or HarPill,
hey. Lotn. surveyed.- Land suitable for
VLA projeots.Terms to suit, CLAYT
DENNIS. .14-69-tf
,•The cost is low. Classifications 2. S.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 -minimum
25 cents an Asertion: All other classi-
•fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion.
except Autions Sales (20), Tenders Want-
• ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on
1. •,Coming Events
GOOD BUILDING LOT for sale on -
North Main Street, Ranch -.style brick
house on North Main Street, 2' bedrootas
and den or. 3 bedrooms. Thier home in ex-
cellent condition. Fully'landscaped. Priced
to sell as owner moving. Apply HAROLD
FREE...-.PhOne 366, Seaforth.Ofit
Se/cm-room' borne 7in 'Seaferili ; hardwood
floors, built-in cupberirds ; hot. water heat-
-la&*ith pil, is .exceptionally .good,condi-:
, CRICH PICNIC to be held on July 15th
at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield.
hinders every Tuedday^ evening at Victoria.
2. Lost, Strayed
SMALL BROWN female dog strayed on-
to the premises of Lot 31, Concession 9,
. McKillop. Owner please claim. Awls' tO
T RI 2-70x1
20., Auction Sales
Auciipn 'Sale Of Household Effect i in
the Town of Seaforth, West Street, on
SATURDAY, JULY.18th, at 1:30
Dining rooni furniture; living r room
-chairs ,r Platform rocker (walnut); bed-
room- sewing machine;. washing
machine; kitchen table and .chairs; coal
range; ' Quebec heater; oil space ,heater;
chrome step stool; bot prate; fruit -jars;
tools; lawn mower; portable oven; elec-
tric heater; electric iron: electric sweep-
er; 'Carpet sweeper; floor rugs; other art-
icles toe" numerous 'to mention, '
TERMS.--HCasli, ' '
,"•• ProPrietress:. MRS. ANNIE REID '-
Auctioneer...Harold jackaon
190 and 200.acre, farms for sale!' .
, 1.14.AROLD 'JACKSON.; •
Phone 474 Seaforth.
.. • • • ' 14404
15. - Property' For- Rent.
, TWO-BEDROCiiy1 Apartment „ 'on Beet
William Street,. near' Shoe. factOrY., PEORE
393 or. 250._._ 15-79*1:
SIX -ROOM.. self-contained apartment..
Immediate occupancy. J. C. CRIC, Sea -
forth. , H15 -70x1
CAIEN FOR „ThENT=Located.at_Blue.
Water Beach south of Godbrich. Well,
c'quiPPed for - a pleasant holiday. A,vail- ,
able by the'week or on week -ends. PHONE
676, Seaforth. •15-70-1
STEPHENSON-In loving meraory "of a
dear huilband, Leo Stepherison,, who passed
awaY three years ago, July, 12; 1956. '
- Treasured thoughts of one so dear,
- Often brings a •silent tear;
--Thoughts return of things liffig •past,
- Years roll on, but niernories last.
-Ever 4emenib0rd and sadly Missed.by
wife Effie, and family. 24-7a71
26. Births
DUCHARMEAt Saitt Memorial Hospi-.
tal, on July 3, to ]Ir, and Mrs. Urban
Ducharme R.R. 2, Brussels, a &nigh-
HARICNESS-Gordon and: Elaine , (nee
• Copper), of Parkhill,' formerly of Hen-
, sail, announce -the arrival of their daugh-
• iorerizu FoariNtitSyAdifit't J.husity1:23niuro.f9,759,Hs, osiapoit:li;thELxe•Kterit.,
• chener, on July 1, to Mr. and Mrs.
Ewart' Wilson,. 770 Frederick St., Kit -
• .Conuminify '-.!Auction Sale '' to be. held at
CorionUnitY: Park; Brodhagea, at 1.100
• STOCK -Pure bred Hereford heifer calf
2 Holstein heifer calves; yearling calf;
Landrace pure bred -gilt; several -bunches
• POULTRY and EQUIPMENT -25 tur-
key limits, 3, weeks old; 100 fryers ;.new
rain nkelter; JamesWaY electric brooder;
eleCtrie brooder With heat 111.211133; egg
. Help Wanted
.CAPABLE PERSON wanted .to take
charge or front shopat, once: J. C.
CRICH, Seaforth. • •4-70x1
A WOMAN or practical 'nurse to hell)
care for semi -invalid and to do. light house
work. PHONE SEAFORTH'. 848 R2.
' P1OT P WANTED: Experienced sawyer
• to operate pcirtalnie sawmill, Box No. 552,
,111-r, HURON EXPOSITOR,.Seaforth.
4 -70 -3 -
BODY ,SHOP MECHANIC, to take fuli
, charge of repairs' and, painting in modern
If• body shop. Good wages and Commission
, basis can be arranged. Full time emploY,
ment and good working conditions.
PHONE 38. Zurich. -• 4-69-2
7. Situations Wanted
Plkt ',WantOd--,L4
W.ANTED: Srnall ,farrn, with houSe and
barn, reascinable. -Apply J. C. IlltOUGH,-
794-Carlaw Ave, TorontO, Orit.
19, Notices
• TRUCK • LEI LbRING, sign • painting,
show cards. • GAR BAKER; Goderran St.
MOWER SERVIPE: sharpening.
repairing all kinds. power or hand rnowers.
JOHN MacLEAN, -I'lione 649 11 3, Sea,
RADIO REPAIRS .2- For all kinds of
Church Street, west of Northside United
Church, Seaforth. Phone 22.
CUSTOM COM.BINING with 12 -foot
Massey self-propelled No. 90. Prices rea-
sonable --either -standing or swathed, Con,
tact LYLE MONTGOMERY. l'hotie 859
R, 31, Seaforth. , ••19-70x3
forth and district -and Dry Cleaning Ser-
vice. WEBB'S • BILLIARDS, Seaforth.
agent' for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria
HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants work-dur—
ing afternoons in " holidays. Box. ' 85•5.
DRESSMAKING, • alterations and all
kinds of sewing. Call 231-112, Seaforth,
Dublin. • 7-68x4
8. Farm Stock For Sale
FIFTEEN choice pigs, eight 'weeks old.
Apply to STA_N JACKSON. Phone Sea -
forth 672 11. 5. 8-70k1
• 17d1RTY.TIIREE pigs eight _weeks old.
Phone 22 It 13, Dublin. 8-70x1
VIFIErN choice York pigs,- ready to
wean. Apply to URBAN DUCILARME,
R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone Briissels 43 It 7.
BRED Shorthorn . bull, 12 rnonths.
old. ly to OLIVER WRIG1TP, R.R. 2.
Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 847. 11. 2. .
. 8-704
11. Articles For Sale
, 1264., Seaforth. 11-70-1
COLLIE PUPS, male. black with -white
• markings. Amply to,,LARRY scow, RR
1, Seaforth. 11-70x2
• THREE-PIECE chesterfield suite in good
• condition. CALL 678 It 11, Hensel].
SMALL NEWCOMBE -piano. in good
condition. PHONE 484. Seaforth.
•• 1140-1
chairs and buffet. CALL 362 or 461. Sea -
'forth. • 11-70-1
ONE TON Mercury truCk, 1952, mile-
age 27,000. Apply to HAROLD JACK-
SON, Seaforth. Phone 474.
DOHERTY PIANO and bench, in good
condition, for 375. Apply to MRS. CLAR-
ENGE SMILLIE. Phone Hensall 691 5. 2,
or Sdaforth 658 It 23. • 11-70-1
NO. 6 WHITE threshing rnadhine,
1etc with drive belt, in good condition.
Apish" to Box 854, THE HURON
REVITALIZE!). •cle.siiing at .Buchairina
Cleaners, Mount 'Forest. More 'Spots •-and
stains removed.' GarmehM stay clean long-
er, '• wear lenges. 'Agent: .• MILLER'S
LAUNDRY SERVICE. - Phone 241' for
pick-up. • 19,694f
• •
binders, 777t. cut; mower;. manure spread -
'Or on rAbber; drenhea,d-hay loader; • Me-
Cormick-Deerhig corn scuffierc...112CCorrnicli...'
Deering Creme separator, .800' Tki4.
.six -can.' milk cart;
-seeder , rubber-T-tired---.1arm- -wagon- -With-
rack; hear,/ duty.' double 'end mandrel for
,einery •wheels ;,‘ electmc oat , roller; 'bag.
,• FEED and GRAIN -'-Several toils grain;
Miantity of 'Efeita -barley'.; '-'several tons Of
kooa ,viheabarrows.; ,liose-drawn garden
&outlier; rotary and feel type Power la-wn
incinvers; '.4 • farm. gates;. a wrought iron
,nivelty fiower. trees., •. •. .
'range; 2 rangettes; ,. 2 radios:' 21 -inch
Motorola TV; electric iroxi:' trilight""and,
talde, lall1PS; electric waffle' iron ;• 3,000-
,watt''el..ectron'ad.j ,•
-ANTIQUES=Washstands; antique heds ;
dishes; Pine cupboard cheese ...1nox„
stand; kitchen clock; large . dinner!, hell.-
„ ,
FURNITURE -L4 new lawn 'chairs
• Paid in surrounding, district for dead,
old, sick or disabled homes and cattle. ,c1.
horses for slaughter at 5e per . pound.' •
For prompt, sanitary disposal, 24. -hour.
' Atwood 153, Collect. '• 19-6720
..Tuckermitlt Municipal Dump
will be opened from, 1 p.m. to 6 P.M: on
Wednesday ,and. _Saturday cift,ernoons,„-nntil
further notice. '
• E. P. SNEY,
• •
seat; ..seyeral' buffets; one in . funned.
heater; •chinithe •-ccirininetie .chair ;Tlarge,. oil
"misCEri..A$Eops-ro'riii cart: '2,•boYe'
bicycles; -2,. girls', bicycles:. set
4kziteti goad saniSage 'gririd,er
summersummer sausage; licinte-Made,soap; 2 'play-.
grauad. ••rookera Chreane..':babY bnggy
Child's. 'PlaY'..',Per, ancl. single
Many other. Unefur a.rtieles. .
'TERMS,;LiCasia.. ,
coriduCteci Anctioneers.:
Served on grounds, 500 to Si00'1,4n-
• Ticket -s sa e • •
To Desiardine's' Orchestra'
(Con inuect from Page 1)
lehreeht's 82nd birthday.
Misses Susan and Patricia Quer-
engesser,"Mitchell, sperit the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Shoi-
Frank' SWigger, and. lVfts.. Freeman
SISeAeer., Detroit •with, seta-.
• Mr. al-id:Mrs. Lorne:Wilson seent
• a few' days, in London -with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert McKay. '
•Miss Margaret McGregor, Teron,
to, -and Miss K. McGregor, Wing..
ham, are spending some time with
their brothers In Stanley. • ..
,Mr. Morley Taylor spent „ the
weekend with his parents1Vir. and
Mrs. Victor Taylor. •-
Dr. • and Mrs.- John MacGregor
and Ginger, of Owasso, Michigan,
spent the weekend with 1VIrs. Mac-
Gregor's parents, Re.' and- Mrs,
S. Davison, • „
, and MrS, StanleY Neal, Lon'
don, were weekend'visitors- --with
Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr, and -Mrs.
Mac Wilson. ••
Quite a number of 'citizens -mo-
tored to Stratford and London to
§ee the Queen. _
• Mrs. M. Mahaffy, who has been
Spending some time with her bro-
ther- Mr-Harry-Dalrymple--left-for-
tives here 'last Week
MT; and Mrs; Lee Dade and Peter
of :Virginia with her 'mother; Mrs:
Mary Dittmer. •
Mrs". William Miller spent a vveek
• with Mrs. Charles Pbschelberg; in
Listowel.. • ,
-,--...11-aster.2obert 1VicGil1. of Mi-
thell; past week with his
g,randpareats,;Mr. and Mrs. George
,Eickrneir, • ' • ' -
• The synipathy of the •community
is extended.,to Walter lquegge, and
Harry'mitegge and :families m the
death oftheir mother, Mrs. William
Muegge. ••' •
• Mrs. Cliff WocalWardancl Gay, of
„Toronto; are spending this week'
• with her mother, Mrs. Albert Quer-.
.!.engesset. Querenges--
ser,,Stratford, spent' a fevrclays at'
the same home.
Mr. and IVIrs. Manuel I3euermann
accompanied Mr. and. Mrs. Martin
'Dietz 'and Barbara to Sault, Ste.
Marie,' visiting Mr.„ and Mrs Clare
Rolph for the weekend..
, Mr. anclMrs„Cerald Dittmer and
family. Kitchener, with Mrs. Mary
Dittmerion Sanday: '
The sympathy of the conirnanitY
is extended to Ed: Sintlirand fam-
ily in the death ofMrs, F.A. Smith.
Susan Louise Elizabeth, . infant
daughter of -Mr.' and. Mrs.'. Fred
Jung, ” -was ,baptized ,at St: Peter's
-Lutheran' Church on Sunday, with
Mr. arid Mrs.' Art Campbell, the
Sponsors, ,along with the,"parent.s.
Rev. and: Mrs.: Walter Becker,
David andHelen-Witir1VIr.- and. Mrs.
Lavern Wolfe.
• Mr. and Mrs: Ney and. daughter,
of Sebringville, with Mr: and Mrs:
William S. Riehl on Saturday:.
Rev. and Mrs. Calvin ,Diegel
s ent this week with his parents,
Mi'. and 'Mrs. William Diegel,,;lie-
fore leaving for their charge ,at
• Geraldton.
Witnesses- Plan
'M.On. treat Meeting
Dr-the.Es of•-•-JEN ' LE ER
All person's laving claims against the
Estate of Jennie Alexander, .1ate of the
Town Of Seaforth, q.T1 the County of Hur-
on, Spinster, deceased, whe died on the
4t5.. day of June, 1959, are hereby, notified
50 send. in full particulars of their claims
to the undersigned on or before •thd.17th,
day of July; '1550, alter which •date the
assets win be distributed, having regard
only to claims then received. • •-•-
DATED' at Seaforthr'' this 23r4 daY of
EXTENSION TABLE, like new, sell
amain: man's raincoat: rubber -lined; a
rubber ground sheet. Apply to MRS.
ROHNER. firncefield. 11-70nil
QUANTITY of cut wood, hard woad ea
wen as limb wood. Aunty to tia,s. KAY
HAMILTON, Walton. Phone Brussels 48
R 26. 11-70x1
SralaL noorrxe, asphalt roofing an
siding: cedar post. all sizes. Before you
buy, Phone Seaforth 841 r 2. BORDEN'
' GET YOUR foarn rubber necescorlea,
novelties and tote bags et STAEriaN'S
PLUMBING. Phone 49, Sesforth.
• • 114'7-4
• „
• lreCORVICK-DEERING milking mach-
ine, two single units with stainless steel
backets, in goad worlcing condition. Apply
to GEORGE L. SMITH. Phone Seaforth
840 R4. 11-70x1
MASSEY-HARRIS 7 -foot binder, sheai
trier and trucks, good canvases. Apply
or...ivEn ANDERSON, 11.5.. 1, Landes-
boro. Phone Seatorth W
• 11-70x1
1.3, I:scan
• ELGINFIELD. orrrAaro
• ri-stwat
. Waitt,ed Tei laity
"Where Better, Balls Are Used''
ArtifiCial Breeding -SerVide All Brenda
of Cattle --r- Member owned and c•ontrbl-
lee .i-. Cost Lcrar Efficiency
Use Of the beat 'Disease' Centre&
For service or more information, phone:
'• , CLINTON lit/. 2-34.41 •
or for Long Distance
orarrroist ZENI'llt 9-3650
7 :SO and 5:30 mit. Week Dli78
siock,nna 8:09 n.in. stiturani, evenings
Calls received �n Saturday evening will
be served on Sunday morning. Per cows
In heat on. Sunday morning, DO NOT call
tIotil Monday morning,
• Mcc011/iTELL &• STEWART,
ses.rort13,. Ontario,
Soiicitors far the Exec•utrices.
• :72-68-3
In tha Estate of AGNS' EtanatErn."
All Persons wlng claints against the
Estate of Agnes Elizabeth Tyndal4 late of
the Township of Tockenimithyi In the
County- of ITur'on, Widow, deceased, who
died on Hie 11111 day of ' JUne, 19.50, Ore
hereby notified to send in full particulars
of their claims to the undersigned on or
before the 31st day of July, 1959, after
which dat,e the assets- will he distributed,
having regard only to, claims then re -
DATED at Seaforth, this 7th 'day of
Box- Holders' Names
Not Given Out
It Is not, possible for us
to divulge the name or ad-
dress of any advertiser liking
a 1-furort.Eirpositor box num-
ber. Please da not ask es for
this inforraation.
reCT'illora'r HAvE TO
O_PER.chz-r6. To GET
G..Pcit) kESULT5,..,
WANTED: Port.able, sawmill In • first
class onerating condition, Box tdi, THE
HERON EXPOSITOR, Seaferth, , •• '
WANTED: Standing timber,elm, beech
and inferior species tri' produce hmiber
for e...p.‘tdable pallets, ett. to-
sinne. bush with producer,of 'better gradee.
Dot 170, -333,, 1-.6.0.; HURON EXPOSITOR,
• Seafortb.• 12-704
'flGt1t01' GASTI enicEs,paid for sick• .
down itvid disabled farm entreat& Prolt\Pt,
coUrtermer collection, all` ded atiti
disabled • Dann AtiAtslei and 'Adak . thin
' cott#4' AND/t10Was 881 rt flat-
sinth. ,associttta whit & Co.,(
Canada Ltd, ^ 1245-tf
. • .
WHEN YOti use
NeWsepanit o.ps
Am> '-ri4SykE
mdcoNNgli., sirnwArr,
Scare:Pith, Ontario, .
Soliciters_f,er tile Executers, '
. 22-70-3
The:Minuet Legion and Auxiliary
pcthc willhe held Sunday, July 12,
at Jowett's Grove,' Bayfield. Mem-
bers are „reminded to bring their
lunch baskets And cutlery. Games
will commence at 3 p.m. Sports
committee for the Legion are Dpc
Cameron, Jack Sintmens and Keith
Buchanan; Ladies Auxiliary, M-rs.
Howard -Sin -ale and Mrs. W. J.
Cameron. •
• Miss ,Rtith, Diarine-: &Male is
spending, a Week..vaeationing With
her aunt and, uncle, Mr, ' and Mrs.
Jack Adkins, Of 11Vinghani.
! Mr. and Mrs, VernonAledden,
Pit -and Earl, St. Catharines, were
'recent, visitors -with. Mrs. M.
Redden' and • .
The name of ,...Riekyr parker was
inadvertently omitted ''as passing
from:kindergarten into Grade 1 in
the report of Helisall Public School'
.1n -emotions. '
•' :Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles' MeArtliiit,
Kim and. Tracey;, of Detroit, were
Weelexiti guests with Mr2,7and. Mrs;
George Parker,`Rieky
Deney,.. Of Kingsville, .has
been transferred to the:staff of the'
Bank- of ,Montreal ,and
,tgke, the. place of 'Clay Austin,
eon-nth:tit ',VirliailiaVlideliTtratsfer:”
'and M. 'Robert Cook and
her home at Staffa on Wednesday! Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, of :Beane, Mary and Cathy left Wed -
Varna; have moved into' the resi_ riescl,ay, July 1, to ;• spend a two
dence of the late Mrs. B. Keyes. We weeks' vacation at -Sundridge.
welcome -Mr`. and Mrs. Clark -to the. Mrs. Fred ,Beer and daughter,
village. ' ' ", ' Mrs. Ralph McArthur, Mac, and
A large number of ladieS Attend- Cam,. of Centralia, are vacationing
ed the WA. picnic at the,,bottagelat the lake
Of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Scott:at-Bay- Mr, and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, of
field, on Tuesday. ChiselhurSt, took up residence this
week in th lovely new ranch -
style 'home on King Street ' They
were.. esthemed-residents _of.
Chisethurst ,for 38 years. During
We arePleased to learn that Mr: their affiliatien- with Chisellanrst
Church there, Mr: Ferguson a
Mrs, Jim IVforris, of Goderich. -
.Miss Mary Payne spent the past
week holidaying with relatives in
Ostrander,• . '
• Mr,- and Mrs, Don Rigby and
•Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murdock, of
Blenheim, visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry
• Mr. John Passinore attended the
golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs,
Passmore, of Exeter, held
at Arnistirong's Restaurant, on
• Tuesda"y, July 7. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cudmore,_of
Kitchener, visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beer.
• Sgt. and Mrs, John Beer, David
and Johnny, of Spring.lield7visited
over the weekend with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mts. Fred Beer.
HatiLY Siiperinteriderit of: t SwasUM,
preyed 4i-health:to leave the Ktng- day School, for several..years, and,
'sten:General:Hospital; where he 1.•,
aweekc at„the home of Ina daughter a _
and waapresented with alife niern-
and son' -in-law, Mr. SndMrs:Lpie
bershiP this year.;•
Cpok.liefore he andMrs. Weiland ,
Miss 'Snaron Smillie passed- her
return' to their .horne here. ,
grade 4 harmony. inmusic With
hiniors; and Miss •:Carolyn ;§..iriPe
.iiassed .her Grade. 2:theory, with
first-class honors,' -at, the Western
Conservatory, examingtienshey:
-arei,daughterf. Mr. arirl. IVIrs.
-Clarence '•'
".Fifteen 'canvasSers, members' ...3fr
the liensall Legion Ladies' Aunt;
iary, blitzed .the thVin :of ..!Hensall
TuesdaY evening for blood donnrs,
ta attend. the !clinic:At: the Legion -
_NI. r.... W. .7. Emlaysim and son,
Bill,. of Lorne Park "Were recent
visitors with mother, Mrs. Jas..
Finlayson, arid Miss Jessie Finlay
son. . ' . ' ' ! - !. . ! -_,..
--Recent ' visitors- with: IVItS7'.37;s"...
Watson. were Mitis .Jeaii-...Walson,
RN., of Toronto:. Mt. ;and. Mrs„,,A1-
bert•Clark:and family, of 1Viiiirkirk,
and Mr, .and Mrs. Don Andre-Ws'Of
•. . .
Clinten.'.' _:, ! '•
• Visitors with Mr'.,. and MtS,.. An-:
Halli Ilensall, Wednesday, ' July. 22,
:,!cireesii.rh_HeticSiltonoawer!deat.igMhr_t.:eara, iiii,Mer4se:
Were Mrs: Win:. BroWni
'3 to 5 -: 30 ' p.iii --and -6:-30-to--9,4t, in .-'
Frances; Nfrs. Madeline SnleatherS mearils-vasj-soehrs,..,Hetders.oli,:. mrs. L...
l3aynhara n.iVIr. - thivsiard„ tale,
;and daaghter;.„ Carol,' Mrs, Lorene, •
Weir,' frona.Detrod,, arid, attended, Ivirs. ,,.
W.: d'.. Cameron, Mrs,' Harry
'the :wedding' ,of „3/Iiss Sandra .me--
Horton';'Mrat. Jbliii'Skea;-.Mrs:'Wiri.
_Knight and, Mr.‘1 Howard Weir .m
Exeter Striate, 'Mrs. A, E., Clark' Mrs: H.'.
- . !' !. ' - Campbell; 1VIrS. 'Gordon Munn, Mrs.
Frances • Honsto.n has TO,- ,E; . Davis Mrs. Cecil KiPfer, Mr.
.turned home after ting friends R
• Show& For Bride -Elect.
• Mrs. Orval Beaver entertained!
•at het home Tuesday, evening at.a
Miscellaneous shovver in honor of
'Miss JOyce Faber, July bride -elect.
Vwentylitrie neighbors Were pres..-.:
ent- and ''show,ered her'.witla lovely!.
:gifts ,Mrs; Carl Payne contribrited
.a turnerous readirig,and 'a ladies''
,quartette, composed of.Mrs.1-1:'Me-
EWen; Mr's. A.. ShirraY, Mrs, Al.
.Chapinan and Mss: Carl PaYne,,
-sang --a---humorous-selectiom-, Wed,
ding bells •and, streams,
white,', and -Summer flowerS
'decorated the house: ' Mrs; Alex
Munn read 'the addreSs t� ' the
bride-to-be. Miss Mary„l'ayne pre,
Slanted the • gifts. Contests; :were,
directed by Mrs,' Munn.
tivitieS-Ori that day: When the fro-
phies arrive they will be on dis-
plaY in one of the stores.
• At „the, WOAA., Pee Wee basehall
game here'lVfoxiday evening,'"Hen-
sail defeated Sebringville-1.8 to 16.
Response to the ball ganies is in-
Cemplinaenting Miss Joyce Fab-
er, bride -elect of -Juirei.IVIrs. Torn
Penhale, of Bayfield, entertained
at her tionle MondaY eVening when
25 relatives. ,and friends presented
her with a kitchen shower. Pres- '
entation address was read, by Mrs.
Ross Faber, and 'presentations by
Lynne Faber •a,nd Karen Talbot. Di-
ane -Faber gave a humormis, read-
ing, and contests were in charge et ,.
Mrs. Audrey Coleman arid Mrs.
Penhale. Holise and chair decora-
tions mere in pink and vviiite
Lunchecarivas, served.. •
The first of the union services
few the month of July- Was held in
Carmel • Church on Sunday 11'
• a.m. Rev. G. C. Vais occupied his-- •
own pulpit _and ferhis sermon bas" -
ed his thoughts frt..= the subject
'.`,Vi..clianging world but a change -
:less Christ.'Tine choir sang 'an.,an•
thein, "I Need The Every Hour." • „.
Miss •Annie ,Consitt- entertained
at a farewell party at her home
Monday evening for Mrs.. James .
W. ,Bonthron, ,who is leaving next
:Week totake-up residence in Lori --
don. Ten of Mrs. Bonthron.'s neigh-
bors were present for the occasion, -
and the presentation of , a 'bouquet
of beautiful roses was. made' • to
Mrs. Bonthron,
on display now...
Entertain For Bride -
Mrs. Gertriide Deters, Of Zurich,
was .hostesS-:at her borne liit-Tue's=:
honor of Miss Joyce Faber,
bride -elect . of this month,When 20
friends Of MiSs Faberpreseritedlier
• With a iniseellaneous,preSentation.
•, Highlight of,..theieveriing_.was.......a".
.mock wedding; ptesentect-in
Tifully, arranged costainesiiPertray,
,ing the -different toles -Were Doreen
Kenney, Crecliton,bricle; -Ruth:jar-
rott, groom; Markin, Pepper., "Mirk
ister;„ bride's attendants, , Misses
Sandra *ErOyer,'-,Ka.thenne'L
Marion 'Daters and Mrs. ,DaterS.
Contests were enjoyed:
Joyce '.escorterl':to a 'beauti,
fully decorated chair and Present-
ed. withlovely, gats. Presentation
addieSs was niadeby Doreen Ken-
ney. Eamcheon was served .by the
hosteSs. :Arranging the shower. were'
„Miss , M a rion-D ters-,andMiss-Rutir
'Jarrott, •, "
, HOnOied 'At: Liona 'Park.-
:. kr: and Mrs. Joseph- Ferguson!
residents :of .ChiSellitrSt for 38.
Years and who • took up ,residence.
ID Hensall this week, were hOpor--.
ed at a presentation held:for.theni.
at 'AGAR Park Seaforth,, Monday
teningL-SeVenty.fikeneighbers and.
„friends presented' them with a, tri -
light [,lamp: and matching ceffee
!tablef_Presentation address', Was
read by Mrs. Harold Parker. Mrs.
-StanleyAlitchell,and Mrs. 4. Ether-
ington • made the, presentation ,• of
• Mr. Hari • McNally, presiding
minister' of Jehovah's Witnesses,
announced that the Seaforth eon-
gregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
• has-been invited to atte'nd-i-TOiir-
day Convention' to be held July 23
to 28 at Lansdowne Park. Ottawa.
Mr. McNally will head the local
delegation of about 20 persons.
"The purpose of the meeting,"
said Mr. IVIcNally, "is to provide
additional Bible instruction for_the
WitneSaes and to _enable them to
apply Bible principles more fully
to theit everyday lives and activi-
ties. For this reason the_program
carries the theme of 'Awake Min-
All persiMs haring claitna agninst the
Estate of Loretta 'Molyneaux, late of the
Village of Dublin, in tbe County of Perth,
Widow, deceased, who died on the 1Gth
day of .Tune, 1059, are hmebY notified to
Send in full partictdem of their claims tO
the undersigned on or before the215t das
of july, 1959, after which date the assets
will be distribrited, having regard only to
claims then received.
'DA'TED at Seaford:, lids 7th day of,
July, 1915, •.
• Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitors tor the-)gxe.anpYrs. '
. 22-704
23-: Cardsof Thanks'
Miss :Tessie Finlayson is visiting ,
Miss Bernice..Dilling, 61, Sarnia,
with friends. at Wingham. who has been visiting her parents,
• Mrs. Agnes Wylie, -of IVIarlette,
M. and Mrs. W. Dining, left Sun,
Mich., attended the Stephenson pie -
her -aunt, Mrs, David:.Stephenson. day for Toronto to attend a sum -
ole me here on July 1, and visited with mer course in homeconomics.
Diane"Bedard.„, of Ilderton, is
. .
"ivir. Larry Close ,of W'aterloo,„is.t.„-
her" gfargiParents, . Mr, and
spending the surnmerholidayswith '
Mrs. Stewart Bell. ,
Mr. -and Mrs. Norman MacLean. • ,
A• Mrs. Nancy Laughton and son,
Recent visitors with
Mr" and Todd. of ilderton, and Mrs, Guy
Mrs. Viriniam Seotchmer were IVir.1
Charles Widcombe and daughter, Bedard and family visited • Mrs.
Bedard's Parents. Mr, and' Mrs.
Mary, pf Windsor; Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Scotchmer, of Guelph,, and
Mrs: 'James Black, of Behnonte.
• Mrs. Charles Green is spending
• this week with her daughter, Mrs.
J. Clarke, of London.
Mrs. Thomas Barton received
word last Week that her Son, Seri;
was very seriously ill, and Mr:
Cornwall is to be with him.
Watch. Rewards
Drjving Record
Stewart _Ben, on Tuesday,.
" 10,,lar„ and Mrs. Robert McKenzie
and Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray
Visited recently with Mr. and. Mrs,
Jack MacFarlane at St. Thomas._
Study Hawaiian Islands
-'1'he.Women's IVIissionary__Society,
of the United Church convened In
the church schoolroom on Tilurs-
day afternoon for their July meet-
ing, with Mrs. R. -M. Peck's group
ID charge of devotional -and pro-
gram, with Mrs. Peck presiding.
Seripture reading and comments
were given by. Mrs. Jarvis Horton
•, . with prayer by Mrs. R. -j. Pater -
A fiVe-year term of safe driving
paid off for a Seaforth trucker r son. The study book on Hawaii
e" and the Canibean area was pres-
coritty; Harold Colwell Was Pre; ented, by Mrs.- T. a 'Coates, Mrs.
Sented_ with an automatic wino Peck and Mrs. H. McMurtrie. Mrs.
wrist watch by the 'company for ' Coate S sang a lovely. soh), "Sunrise
which lie- works, I '
Mr:_Connell has driven a semi-
trailer gas truck for the past five
years throughout this part of West.
ern Ontario-'-withoutan aceident
'Miss Etonelda Lostell, of Kippen,
was one of six girls f-rora Huron
County wlao visited Gaelph Jest
week-.- They toured. Macdonald In-,
stitute.-and went by'bus third -ugh
the Ontario Agricultural College..
• Mr. and Mrs. T.. Munro flew by.
plane from Toronto Sunday to visit
her sister and brother-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs'. James Biggar, at Nam -
aka; Alberta, and' also take in the'
• Calgary Stampede.,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phimb and
children spent a day in Richmond
Hill with a Sister aild brother-in-
law, Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth Loftus.
• Miss Katherine McGregor return-
ed honie from a pleasant week's
vacalion with her friend, Miss. D.
Dale, of Byron.
Mrs„Dickert, of Harriston, is
visiting her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Dick-
IVIiss Jean Ivison and her„.cous-
RIS, Mr. and Mrs': E. McDole, of
Hermiston, Oregon, were in Lon-
don Friday to see the Royal tour.
Miss Bonnie Kyle spent last
Week hOlidaying with her. parents
, -
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Kyle,
• Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
IVI, Motomura included: Mr. MotO-
mura's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.,
Yanoshita, and Marjorie, from Oak-
ville, and Mrs. Mi-itomura `and
Steve from Toronto,
Miss Marian Pepper', who is
spending the stannic/. at Blyth, is
at present home with her parents,
Mr. and Mts. John Pepper.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gemmell
and family attended the:Royal Vis-
it in Stratford Thursday evening.
Mr. Nertnan McLeod, of Dear -
1 WISH to express my sincere thanks to
all nap friends and relatives' who sent
Sowers, gifts and cards and who 'visited
me while 'I was zo'patient in Scott Ideal-
orial• Hospital.
25-10-1 •. isms. tntimAs oravEn
0-x01'ms her appreciation to the friends and
•relatives and particularlY 50 Dr d. Semple
and Mr. R,S. Box for their' kindness and
sympathy, and -to theeeowbmacted as.Pall-
bearera an& flowerbearers, on the oceitaion
of her recent sad bereavement.
WE WISH - 50 extend our heartfelt
thanks and•aPPreciation for the acts of
kindness, messages of sympathy and beau-
tiful floral tribritM received from our kirid
relatives" friends and neighboult also
• thanks to Rev...T. Semple, Dr. Goddard
•and Mr, Bonthron during our recent Sad
bereavement in the,,losS a our clear son,
23-70x1 •
5. Persenals°
Tomorrow." with -Mrs'. Sherritt- as
• President G. Armstrong
took the chaitfor the lonsiness, and
the secretary read -a letter from
Overseas Relief, thanking,the so-
ciety for the bale they recently for-
warded. Mrs. W. B. Cross submit-
ted the treasurer's report; Chris -
man. tian Stewardship notes, Mrs. A.
Mrs. E, Dayell, et Toronto, Roweliffe. The visiting corainittee,
spent a week visiting her sister, MTS. W. Dining, rePorted for the
the committee. The closing poem
was "The Twig Bender," by Mrs.
Armstrong, after which ,contests
Were enjoyed in charge of IVIrs. H.
'Whittaker. and IVirs. Armstrong;
Lunch was served. There will be
no meeting,in August. 1-,
MiSs Sharon McBride has re-
ceived 'word fromthe Royal Con-
serVatory of Mask of Toronto that
she • was successful in passing
Grade 8 piano at the midsuminer
examinations. Sharon IS a pupilof
Mias Greta Lammie.
The First Hensall BroWnie Pack
and the First Ilensall Guide Om-
pany and their leaders .motored, to
Stratford by chartered bus Thurs-
day, July 2, to see ,Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth. Although they on-
ly had a fleeting glance, it was
the thrill of a lifetime to the young-
stprs.• - •
A group of boys and girls; pupils
of Miss Greta Laramie, wilt present
the kiddies studRr-party-prOgm
over CKNX, Wingliam, on Satur-
day, July 1L
Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Wilkinson
and' family spent=the weekend at
Marlette, Mich.'" •
lqrS L, Clark, Sr., has returned
from a delightful 15 -day trip Spent
with her brother and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. John H. Parish, at Unity,
Mrs: Andrew Belt • •.
Mrs. o: Johnson„ of Toronto,
visited the past week with her
brother, Mr. w. It—opoper, • and
other relatives. „
Stuart and Erie Brown, of Grand
Bend; are enjoying some holidays
with their aunt and uncle Mr. and
li,Irs. Elzar .Mousseau. '
Mrs. W. R. Cooper is at the honie
of her,' daugTater, Mr. Gordon.
Harkness, of Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman
attended the running of the Queen's
I'late. iii Toronto on Tuesday of last
week and the children joined them
Friday at London, taking, in the
Royal _tour.:•
Mr, and Mrs. Elroy MeDole, Of
Hermiston, Oregon ate visiting
two weeks with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Brownlee, and an uncle,. Mr.
William Ivison.
Mr. and Mrs.' ROSS Love,vvere in
Stratford Thursday evening at-
tendingthe Royal visit. ,
A, pleasant .birthday surprise
party was- given Mrs. Wm...,Byle
on Friday evening by some rela-
tives. It was attended by Mr. and
Mrs. 'WM. 'Schram,- Mr.- and Mrs:
Foster Pepper, of Parkhill; Mi.
Norman McLeod, of 'Dearborn,
Mich.; Mr. Lloyd and Miss Elean-
ar Vernier, 01,11ensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Eizar MousSean Sask., and members of their f
and Mr, and Mrs: Ross Faber vis-
ited Sunday evening at the home
of Mrs. Mousseau's Sister and hro-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rtifus
Turnbull. at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thoinson. and
family,visitecISunday with, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Schneider „and family
of Stratford.
Mr. arid Grant Love, of
Cart) MI6., visited Mr. R. Cooper
A :tpienie'Snpper as :enjoyed.
Active nierithers of Chiselhurst
• United Church; Mr, Ferguson was
Suriday,,Scheol -stiperintendeatfor
seVeral-years, and at present is An
elder. Mrs. Ferguson was a form-
er president,of the.Woinen's.„Mis,,
sienary ,Society 'for :three 'years,
and 'was - prsentedwith°altfe-
meniberSiliP this spring, •:
• -There has:been' a, good attend-
ance , at thejecreatien activities ,at
the !.local park 'with, .over • 80 at-
texiding every day,Basketball,
bachninton,. !,:siniffleboard,.
crafts, 'high jumps,softball- aad
quiet periods were enjoyed. Fri -
.day -:afternoon the youngsters', will
go sv,,,ipipiing at, Ternhall's and. 10
cars are neededfor transportation.
Anyone willing to take caIrS7 ' are
.asked: to -contatt ,:recreatiopal_di.L'
rector, J. 'It:, "Scottie" Hunte,:nof
later,than Thursday ;night. •'
' Trophies.”,are being ..donated by
E,'L, 11/fickle .& Ca.,- W;G. Thomp-
• son, !Crest ,HardWate, Bonthron's,
Furnitiire, Hyde Bros.;Cook Bros.,:
Don Joint, Beaton's. Bakery; Wit,
son's Drug tore, :Hensel]. Co,OPO-
ative,-Hurondale Dairy; a 'shield
by Spencers Planing Mill, .and a
-trophy by a ;friend; to be. avvarded
with the
you can see and feel!
••Tlie.differenee in 'freezers ia
, • freezing tirrie. Fast, freezing is
the Icey to sealing in flavor.and.'
., freshness: And the new Revco, '
has the fastest freezing action
known' We 'still" prove it in a' ,
''.tWO-Minute; test YOU' bee
— end feel---iVs,truly amazing;
Corrre'in today and See the
• new Revco ,with the demOn-
• ' atration that Oroves Revco your
best freezer bay, •'
. ,
Sales -8t Service
Phone 585 Seaforth
Phone. 34 , Zukich
on field .daYi which will elinlax ac- 11111111111111111116111111111111111111111111111111
ily. It is 38 years since IVirs.
has seen her brother.
• William C. Smith and Etnie
Chipchase re d Tuesday of this
week from a fishing trip to Cap -
reel; and while there delivered
sports coach to King Whyte,
To re Ittisthn f Stratf td la
niece, Mrs. Wm. and.laniily. spending a week with his grand -
horn, Mich, is the guest of his ,o o,
parenth, Mr: and IVIrs. William
ITYGTENIC SUPPLIES (Rabbet • Goods), 'Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of
ptice list. 6 gatdoleo 2&0: 311‘41'N can holiday Weekend With Mrs. It. and ot,her relatives over the holi- Mrs. E. Chipchase and faMily
mailed °Postraid in Plain scaled anvelaPn Stratford, Visited ever the Ameri- Park r.• •'
pito, &11014. MaiI-Order Dept.' t
NOVA -EMBER CO.; Box SI. Hamilton. :Dinsdale an,t1 MiS5 Wfabelle White. -day weekend. ' spent the Weekend with Mr. ,and
fl't Close
the greatest
gift of all
A.. ...B.I;(:)p1)....,...1)P.N().11
Please come to)lensall Legion Hall
,Pick up your Phone RIGHT NOW and Call
Hensall 94 "