HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-07-10, Page 31: rot.. i.n �n arrie ensall Cou ears g1111HII I Ilill11111 lllillUUIIIIIUll11lllin THE EllEGN EXPOSITOR, SE44FORTII, ON.I'., JULY , District-: Obituaries. lltllllll1111HIUuIIIl1111IIIIItIlI111111I111 1- MRS. VlA1tTHA� MUEGGE ' °BRODHAGEN. — Mrs, -Martha, •Catherine M•uegge, 80, died Wed- nesday-at ednesdaywat the; home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Rbck, of R.R. 1, Dublin. She was .born:inLogan township, the former Mary . Apel, a daughter of the late' August Apel and bis, wife, the :'former' Julie. 'Sander. She lived 'in Fullarton township fora time; but $pent mast - of her life in Logan township. She wars, married to William Muegge, March 8; 1898. He •died December ':25th, 1930. She was a member, of St. Peter's . Lutheran Church, ;Brod. hagen Surviving are three sons, Harry: of Bornholm; Walter, . Logan, and Edwin, Calgary; two daughters, Mrs'. Albert. (Edna) Rock, Dublin, and. Mrs. Howard (Clara)` Wettlau==' • fer,••lylitehell; 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren: She: is the last surviving mem- ber -of the immediate family.,r One brother and three sisters . prede- ceased. bei.. • ' The remains rested at the Heath - Leslie funeral home,; Mitchell,. until'. • -was made to, St. Peter's Lutheran ;--Church, Brodhagen ;for service at 3 ,p.m.Rev. `E. • J. Fischer (Afloat - ed and burial was in the. adjoitiing cemetery.12.noon, Saturday; when removal OAS, STOVE D'ON .11RIGIITRAI,L Canadian: Petrofta Ltd.;. • Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Pciudu+ets Phone 354. Seaforth i . d FURNACE OIL -- Prompt Earin -and Home Denier/'. because naturaigas.-gag g ves'anstant, 'automatic,,:; even u r h e T inter th o Nous a 1 w o. e'at in':'e�e .room ofyour g , T MFORT LAST WIN ER ISSED ouT o � co . OU ,M Only a modern gas heating system gives you all these benefits: CLSPEED ECONOMY EALrNEss SILENT OPERATION DEPENDABILITY AUTOMATIC CONTROL Freeservices,..: On call 24 hours d da Y,�Your gds company •willclean and. adjust your burner every year ▪ .:free Budge hPay-the, Y Y s. a . • t, Inn: .modern .,ea way. gas ;., " Your- company ;offers a°; budget plan which spreads your yearly heating bill over a ten month period. and f • the- difference when you "convert - You'll see, feel .. el.. ...,-: toNatural: Gas. Your walls' and furniture stay cleaner '- ▪ our house'is comfortably Warm cit the touch of a :r, D i .: on t- .wa t for r )he rushseason `. . se Convert" -to naturalgni-now and enjoy the added comfort ', - it brings' you next winter. A, as Y . g burner just takes a few hours-: , to install. You may budget the low cost over many months. For. a.;free estimate ; on a modern autoatic Natural Gas install- . ation, :call •your heating con - r Union Gas. fractor o nio, TUCKERSMITId CORN CIS[TB —The -seeded -•meeting falia_711_ck- ersinith Corn Club .was . held on June .23 at :;Haugh,: Bros.'` farm: They- showed all their corn equip ment, :Following this, :a short meet- ing was held at. which 'Bruce: Colo man .:,told of :-some corn diseases and insects. IL ICE ` : CREAM DAIRY BAR SEAFORTH> CREAM BUTTER. TUCKERSMITH GRAIN CLUB The third:' meeting. of Tucker smith Grain Club was held at Sea forth District; High School with 10. attending Club ,business was tak- en up with' booklets. being handed out. Gorden'McGaviir showed mov-,; ies . on the World Plowing Match. The. ,4 -II Club trip will be to Guelph: en,'Thursday, July 9 The August meeting will ` be on:"August 5, at 8:30.' pm., •at,SDHS.:.' IIIILLERIMCDOUGALL REUNION w most '.Ideal' ' "eather ' made for' _ a" enjoyable picnic at ;Mitchell; park onJune- 20 when. 'about $2 of. the: Miller:McDougall clan gathered• for this•`thirteenth annual reunion. ; A • prograni of games and races -were conducted 'by , Mr. ;and Mrs, 'Bill_ Lamport. Winners were: girls nnder:•seven, Darlene Teiiipleman; boys under • seven, James Miller, girls, • 8-10, . Joan 'Antis .;'..boys 8-10; Don.Upshall; • girls; 11 and- over,;, Edna'_1VIiller; boys,r,11 ':and over, . Ken, `'Annis; boys'" and :girls' relay, marble ands spoon,. Glen`Lamport's si a :petar to and paper :plate.raee,;Edna 1VMi1 ler; .'.young, ladies' race;' Edna Mil- ler; 'ladies.;kick the-Slipper-F.-Mar- lon: he; slapper .Mar- ion::Lamport men kiek.•the.°Slip per, 'Bill• Lamport; :novelty: race, li eld couple; Mr.. Don rUsha1L b ndfbut- . . p. z.. and Mrs: Harold ,Clark; most but- tans, ;:Mrs..: ;Norman,, Robinson;, thread the. needle, ,Art Rhode; old est lady present Mrs.Lizzie Camp bell; largest family,�`Mr, and Mrs; 'John,';Templeriian; youngest; `baby,: ItIr. and Mrs.. John .Templeman;• the person. cornrng:=;the. farthest,: `Mrs.:.Alma Webb - •: A • bountiful supper was 'served tinder'-the"convenership orMr,.and` Mrs: Leslie Miller, and at this brie the election of officers tock place president;Wilfred. Annrs; wiee- president; "Alviit CoIe; seeretafy»: treasurer, Mrs. Wilson McCartney; . 'sports' committee, 'Mr:• and.. NTrs. 'Harold Clark;.. ,lunch comniittee Mr.,. and M.rs,; Art Rhede ,• The 1.960`picnie•'wr11 ,be held at Miteh'ell ;park the third' Saturday in ;Jane, T YOURHEATING :CONTRACTOR,, OR NI ON OMPANYOF CANADA LIMITED'' SEAEORTH Sal@s •,Sc Service Deaf orth:Phone '585 ' -- .Zurich' SILLS -HARDWARE` Plumbing Electrical - Heatin Phone56 " , .. : Seafort -, R. WOO Plumbing Phone, 23 WINTHROP The • annual; Sunday. School .pic- nic will be held on Thursday, July 16, at Seaforth Lions Park. Every- one are•to bring their own -dishes. FRESH .BAKED For Tasty •Eating,: Heating Seafort BOB DO IG:` mbi n Heating P lu 9 g, a ,• Phone 668 ,r .'13 S afore' . FR A NKK � K L ('N�G • I' Plumbing - Heating . - ' Electrica Seaforth • CLEAR'Y'S I.G.A sEA Fox Phone 19 DUBLIN ELECTRIC • a er Dealer Duo Th .m ane70r2! Dublin Every Friday Nigh AT.. BLUEWATER DANCELAND Music by: Desjarditte Orchestra 10 p.m. to 1;30 a.m. ADIVIISStON 75e MR:, ANb MRS- "WILL4AIVI, FORREST, Hensall, recently cele- brated 'theirr gelden wedding anniversary at ,the home of their "son and daughter -in law ..Mr: and Mrs Ross Forrest, R.R.2,' Kippen. At the same'.' time their daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs, James 'M. Scott R.R. ^2,' Seaforth, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They,,also. have ?a son,' Edison, Elwell, and a daugh- ;tel, Mildred, a nurse at Brantfoz`d. General Hospital - Mr. and i'4rs. `William Forrest, of• Hensall, observed their golden wedding••:anniversary 'at the 'home. of their so and daught'er4n-l'awr Mr" and .1VIrs.Ross .Fairest, RR 2, Krppen,•:on Tuesday;June 30 and at the ,same time the ;silver, wed- ding anniversaryzof their. 'daughter and son-in-law,,.Mr. .and Mrs. Jas. M. Scott, • of Seaforth. ;' A family dinne.r+, ;marked :the ' occasion with the immediate family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave 'Dignan, of , Hensall, Mr, and Mrs. Forrest' were mar- ried June 30, 1909; at the Methodist parsonage 1,n Exeter •byRev. Fear. Mrs -Forrest is• the former Emma G. Dignan, .daughter, of ,the late Mi. and Mrs. Warren Dignan, who lived on the ,Zu'rich •road- between Zurich. and Hensall.: Mr. ' Forrest is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Forrest, of the; Parr,Line. They were casual: acquaintances before ',Mr. Forrest went West to homestead •in' 1902, and' Mrs. For- rest went out in 1908 to help her brother. Mrs. Forrest wanted a Jtine wedding, and Mr. Forrest 'ar rived' just in time for the wedding. They lived out • West for eight adles; Ladies ! GET YOUR COLD:`. WAVES NOW 10.00°Cold,Wave,.NOW - $7.0 X7.50 Cold Wave ` NO1 5,•0+ years .and ; cameback to thefarm now+owned'by their 'son; Ross For-` rest. In 1946 have moved;'to' Hen Sall. They,;":have.4 'family of two. Sons; Edisdn..andltoss; -two-daugh- ters, Mrs', Scott and Mildred, On' the staff,of. Brantford .General Hospitaraand 10 grandchildren. ., Mr :Forrest -is an .honorary. elder.. of Hensall`,United 'Church,: having servedactively on the board for 25' years. Mrs. Forrest was presented a life membership" in the Women's. Missioxfdry Society four years ago; "They both enjoy good health aid enjoy gardening.. ;The celebrants werepresented.,with a refrigerator fronsthe faniilY and were 'the •re cipients of congratulatory messag- •es, including one from C:' S. -Mac- Naughton, Huron MLA, "andgreet- ings from the Provinee of Ontario in .the form of a: very handsomely engrossed '.and : framed certificate: They Were also showered' with gifts: and flowers: Asked,about the biggest change. noted in 50 years, Mrs, Forrest said, the hustie :and bustleof, the ,mod- ern -e age;' ;They :used • to relax and enjoy life, but today itis go, ga,. all' the. time- , NEWS OP ,HENSALL SURPRISE DINNER MARKS N VE A N A N1 RS R DDI G 25th - A surprise dinner was held at Armstrong's: Restaurant, Exeter; on Tuesday, June 30, the occasion being; the 25th 'Wed'ding.. annivers- ary of, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Mc- Lean,-, Cromarty. - . Twenty -two friends' and relatives enjoyed a "de- licieus, turkey dinner, after which` they returned to the home of :Mr, and•Mrs.,.Robert McGregor, ,Kip - pen, where an enjoyable evening was spent playing euchre. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Rich- ard ,Taylor Jr., and; Mrs, Campbell Eyre; men, 'Lloyd -McLean and Stanley Jackson. They: were all invited to the din- ing room; where the 'table .was beautifully decorated v✓itli pink candles,, pink and white streamers and centred with a three-tier annr • Induct Minister'. At Hensall'-Church Rev. Currie .Wiiilaw; BA., BD., Was inducted as minister of Hen- sall and Chiselhurst•Vnited Church - :es at an induction 'Service' held. at, Hensall United Church Friday eye- ning. Rev.:Hugh :Wilson; .of Thanies Road, and Rev. 11.-E. Holley; of Grand Rend, were tlie,3i ductimg of- ficers. Rev. Wilson delivered the charge to the minister, and Rev. Holley : to the .congregation Following the formal induction, a reception was held in the Sunday $ebool rooms, :where the minister and his wife were introduced to the congregation by Mr: andMrs. ter Sp racer• for Hensel United, and by M . and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson for Chiselhurst United Church: Joe Ferguson, Walter`Spencer and Mrs. George -Armstrong' extended a weI- conie to which Rev. Winlaw plied. Elgin ltowcIiffe gave tour-• tesy reinarks'tothe ladies of Cbis- elhurst for the lovely lunch Served. Over. 200' members of both congre- ;gati,ans-;attended,,ineluding• 20.rela titles and close friends 'of Rev; and Mrs. • rnlaw, from Ingersoll. Rev Winlaw,'came to Hensall from Wawa . (Jamestown),• • Ont„ where he served 'three year's at FirstUnited' Church. Originally froth- Ingersoll, b2 graduated .frbnn. the University" of Western Ontario in 1950. Priorry to begthing training for the ministry, lie" was employed• as. a - psychiatric social worker' at the' Ontario ,Tillsp ital, St. Thomas: Ife graduated fronp.'Enimanuet,Col- lege, pronto; in 1956. This; wife is the finer Jeaii Daniel, of Inger- soli. 'They , have one ' child, a sod. Herrsall• Prices • The market 'was steady at the ITensail Sales on Thursday --S: Butcher steers up to $25,20 med- ium steers, $23.00 to $24.50; - but- cher heifers,. $23,00 to., $24.50; fat cows, $15' to $17; good. cows, $i$ to $19.40; 'light' cows, $21; babies, $23.50 to, $25.50; veal 'calves; $25 to $2$.50- „small calves, $12. to $15; ,good bull calves, $22 to 30; IXo1- stein' heifer calves, $25 to $35; Dur- ham calves;' $45 -to $67; .weanling pigs, $$:50 ,to $9.50 chunks, $10 to $13.50,. -feeders, $14 to $21; sows,. $65 t0 •$77, Sold were 850 pigs and 145.cat- tie. Phone Seaforth 493 RUBBER S,TAMP`5 THE HURON EXPOSITOR versary cake. Mrs: Rena Caldwell` read a humorous' address and M and Mrs, :McLean weresen re n ted p with lovely silver' gifts; after which; a5 delicious lunch was 'served Those attending were Mr. and. Mrs. Robert MacLean, Kippen Mr. and- Mrs, Robert Hunter, Misses' Elizabeth ' and Barbara Hunter, Centralia; .; Mr. and Mrs. Robert •McGre or 'Mr.: and Mrs.: -.William B ell;Mrs Rena Caldwell' and Mr. Jack' Caldwell, Mr;r and, Mrs. Rich- ard Tay ylor Jr,, = Mr, and Mrs. Campbell 'Eyre, Mr- and Mrs. Ken McLean -and Mr. and. Mrs,:: Stanley: Jackson, all of Kippen. Mr. and. Mrs, Ken Manns and Donald, of:>Mirnico, were weekend' visitors with Mrs. Manns.' " • a •Mr., and Mrs. William' Hyde, Mr. and Mrs J E. McEWan and Mr;,. and Mrs. R. A. Orr; all, of Hensall, attended the Caledonia games' •at bmbro on July is The games had to be curtailed before they were all throughdue to a thunderstorm and a •heavy rain, A ;picnic lunch was. enjoyed by the above couples. _at the home o£ Mr, and Mrs. J.- E. McEwan, and cards played for the rest of the evening. • Mr. and Mrs; Wayne Smith, Dan ny,',Debbie'and Douglas :attended. the Caledonia games at Einbro' on July' i. Mr. Andy Rees, of Hamilton, and. Miss jean 'Chapman, of London, visited :on :Friday: With the form -er's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. J. "Doc' Cameron and .f nilly: Ian Bvans of. ,Kitchener, rs va- cationing with .his grandparents, grandparents, Mr. and,Mrs R. 'Y, McLaren Don Brock, Who ,is on. the staff. of the `•Waterloo=Oxford'; Drstriet High Scholl, who has b en`visiting •with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Brock, left for'Tortntn this week to spend five weeks at sum .mer school. " • ; Mr, and Mrs, Harold Heddee, Bob, Jiminy, Debbie and Marjory, of Dresden, spent the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Xfedden acid Herb. SWEET or MONTMORENCY -CHERIE BEDDING" -At the Church or StuClic, S Sdl Specialecial pricei' on Wedding Albums s 0 Special prices for children s - portraits N PHONE FOR AI�POI T ..MEN. TS ". ,,• - OPEN EVENINGS -- Phone Goderich 1372 ENJWC1W;SJUPI 91 TH ST. SOT7 GODERICH • • ONTARIO W. G. THOMPSON • HEN-SALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 NOW REAbS'. Bring -containers and; ;pick, your'' own, if you wish; or we can supply", 20-1b, pails ef:same, freshiy''pitted or frozen, if -you dare tO order 4atne in advance: • Gov'eock Fruit Farm:: /i i1tiE NOILT$ O .F+ RFSTT' Ori 2,1 Highway tulunlrltlilili11fI1Iy110111111111111uttlt Visit the - Real Living Santa, --- June 19 to Thankagliting —. - FUN FOR. ALL THE l:'`AMTLY Childr0'to.14'— FREE 9:3m6:OO'pin. Sunday, 1 pan. 'to 6 p.m.. SANT.A'S VILLAGE Bil'ittehrMge, Ont„ . lilullllllltllllllllillillllllijllllltllllllliii (Niagara Brand) 2,4-D AMINE, 80 OZ. MC.P. AMINE 2 4yD ESTER .WEEDAZOL.;" 3 SURE o �tAs AND • EARD=TO-DILL WEEDS CEMENT A . FOR Y RE IRE JNA' .,.I `SEE �S_TO D Y . O YOUP. Q t7 � S At Attractive Prices l = PIIONE32 -- -isli •IlTS.194 or 42 HENSALL