HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-07-10, Page 1One Hundredth Year
Whole Number 4770
Single Copies, 5, cents'
$2.50 a Year in Advance
ummer Storm
s r
Winds were clocked at, up to 97
-miles an. hour when a storm struck
this area Wednesda3r afternoon,
Reayy rains, coupled with -darken-
ing skies, struck the: area south
; of Seaforth about 4:30 p.m. Hard-
est hit was the Liman area where
trees were, toppled and3;telepbone,
service disrupted. •
RCAF Station, Centralial reported
gusts of wind at 97 miles per hour,
F,or ten minutes, just prior to 4:30,
winds rarely dropped below 80
miles per, hour, they said.
About 6 p.m. a severe 'electrical
storm hit the district, and was
Excavating for the foundation of
ed Saturday. The building- is'130:-'
big erected at the corner of Main
and Huron Streets, on land ,Owned
by , the Legion -,for more , than 10
• ,
_ • _ •
, It is expected foundationS-ferllie
80x40 -foot cement blockbuilding
virill be poured this weekend; so that,
work on the walls can be proceeded
with at once. The work is in charge
of a building committee headed by
D'Orlean Sills. •
„ Plan. Draw
To aid • in raising funds for its
new hall, the Seaforth branch of
the Legion is planningal draw for
a prize.of a $1,0e0 -bill. The &Few
will 'take place at ,the Legion's an-
nual, harvest festival dance in Oc-
ew-T'Of Dublin
• PresentutionsBy
toil& At Dublin
arks Departure
Very pleasant 'evening was
-spent at the home of -Mr.' and Mrs'.'
•,•, "Charles- Friend , in honor' of .
and Mrs. J. H. James, prior to their
departure from ,Seafertli
„Diihnn.. „presented , Mrs -.1
Jaines with:a 'bedspread., and -the
'inemlo.'eT•ITOTIlfe., Parish • 'Pres -anted
Mr. James with a: Steam iron: MTS.
Friend' served A''.deligious:linich.
After several years' .absence, or-
. gariiied hardball,' can he efijOYedby
the -decal yillagers•neXt;WednesdaY
at 7 -o'clock' at the ' highschool";
grounds; The Pee :•Wees-open their
eight -game 'schedule, • hosting a
team from .Mitchell.
The completion of St.; Patrick's
, Church garden' party, which was
•Mterrupted byrain on, Sime 24,
: took place in the. parish htll • on.
:7--WednesdaY evening, ., July 1. ,',The
drawing of tickets resulted. in the
-following winners: fewer,: Mciwer,
• pat Jordan, , Dublin; card table' and
chairs, Michael Gallagher„. Scar=-,
boro; luggage, J.getensclen, Kirk -
ton; flash camera, Mrs: ()Pal Rog,
• ers;., Mitchell:, •smoker Stephen
Eckert, Dublin; hiCkY door.Prize
• David ;Henderson; London, • With
- Mr. and Mrs; • Mack. Feeney.
, Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Pugh ,and.
Clairmont,- with Mr:. and
• Mrs. Ferg Stapleton. „ '
• Mr. and, Mrs., Frank Evhti in
Chipipa.wa. With -Mr.. and Mrs: .Bili
• '• Miss Petri& Costello RN., has
• completed a post=graduate course,
at Brockville Hospital. , and is
spending a Week's vacation at her
• ,home, •
Mr.- and, -Mrs,-. Bill .MarphYand
son, Of Port Colborne, ,with Mrs.
Charles Kistiler'. and Mr. and Mrs.
John Murphy. • . • '
Rev.' Father "Shantz, a 'newly -or-.
••• clained priest, who has been been. ap-
pointed to Wallaceliiirg, and Don
'Snittli; Stratford, with Mr, and Mrs.
• Hugh Benninger. • • :
Mr: and Mrs. Wells, Scarboro;
• with Mr. and Mrs. J. Veils..
Mrs: M. Schulman in Buffalo,
(Continued o)1 Page 5) •
blamed for -the los of two 'barns
,•fire north ,of Seaforth. -At- 'the
;height" ,of the sthrm 'the :skies' sikU
denly' darkened- 4fia a' heavy down-
fall of ,rain and -hail followed'. Sev-
eral; 'fields,. Of grain in, the are,e,
were slightly damaged by the •
downfall, but to serious damage -
has been. reported, ,
, Just as the storm struck; the fire:
alarm' was sounded in. 'Seaforth,'
Lightning. struck ' the „barn on the
farin,ef Russell I3arrows, tWoreileS•
West of the,. North Road' on the
Leadbury line. Abut • the , seine'
titne, ' lightning Struekthe barn cif
'John Kelly, Morris township,'' about
.four • Miles northeast of Blyth. •
• Despite . the •, lowered'
which sometimes was almost
the Seaforth fire truck-. rushedto
the "Scene,-; but by''the tithe they
arriyed. the whole -Upper:Part of
'•the , Was. :in flame. .As
"nothing -could be 'doneute. save :the,
Wilding, the .firemen stood guard
ever,, .the direction ofthe. Wind:and,
the heavy downpour, of rain lesSen-
ed any immediate danger tethese,
'• 4
Eire Chief 3olin,..F._•Scett,.at_$.45,A0(4'
Les§ . the blaze, estimated y'
included a sithStantial amount of
grain, Soine.layV and a number Of
small 'faint- machines. • '
.• Fire Destroys' Morris Ram
Loss was estimated, at $10,000 in
;a_fire, that, Struck the barn of Peter
Kelly, • abeut, the saaie time, eerh7
PIetelY demolishing .it.
The:lc:city.; family was sitting 'eat -
nig supper when thelightning bolt'
strnek. At the Same time. the rural
phones inthe area were, put out
by the sterm. Neighbers,,,,drore the,
four tidies to. BlytirttV7sunimen the
fire department.-. - • - • ,.` '
-A midden, storm Monday morning
xestilted in inifeh .cciefer tempera-
tureS'and heavy rains in some Sec;
While Seafortli experienced
only 'a sprinIde Of -rain, in, the Wal -
,ton -district water Was lying on the
reads • and in the fields following a
half-hour downpour. '•
'4.V.,4:i4 •
.ilead ',Retires.
The, auditorium of David Max-
recently when • the teachers, ' -Par-
ents,. former -pupils and • 'guests;
held a. receptionto honor their re-
tiring principal.. Mt. Ruskin.. G.
Keyes; who had been 30 years' prin:
• cipal 'of that Schoel An interesting
'program was put on by the teach-
ers -and, pupils"'of' the school; eon-
4sisting,:pf choruses, dances • and
Mr. E. 'Whitney; in his
lal , manner, acted, :as master of'
ceremonies'. , •• •
• ,Itev. C. ,L. Lewis, pastor of Trin-
ity -United Church, in his address
comniended Mr. Keyes on high
principles of teaching, referring to
his ' unfailing system- in- teaching,
"plowing,' .planting •, and pruning".
Mr. T. C. White, -representing. the;
Winder Board of Education, cen-
ful manner of ;Co-operating) With
.the members Of the , staff, thus
Making possible themaximum ed-
ucation :far ;all the ptipils.
, At the close ' of the program, Mr:
and Mrs4,0KeyeS were called to the
platform and. Mrs. Keyes was pre-
sented With roses, and Mr. Keyes
With -keamera and slide projector.
Mr. Keyes , made a fitting, reply,
thanking the pupils, teachers , and
114qm-hers: of the Home and Schticil.
He also voiced :his appreciation to
Mr. Hertel:4.a farmer principal, -who
.recommended him as principal of
the new David Maxwell School in
1929. Ile wished the new principal
to have the 'same 'hearty co -opera -
thin. has enjoyed.
Mr. Keyes is the second son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. ,Nelson
,Keyes, of Egmondyillerfermerly of
Stanley township, He spent his, boy-
hood years on the Babylon Line,,
attendhig• public school ,at SS: NO,
13,-- Stanley. He graduated. from
Seaforth Collegiate and the ;Uni-
versity of Western Ontario.
'After reeeiving,his,teaelier's cer;
tificate from London- Teachers'
. (Continued on Page 5) Leaf ',Dairy, ,
IF LIT'ELEADIINNIE AND MARY can't' be found one of these days,. at • probably • is because,
they are at the Lions'Park and Pool, tegether with several hundred., a their' contemporaries,
some of whom' are seen here in this picture of the pool. Swint ming classes got under way this ,
week with a' registration nearing 400. -The facilities provided by the Lions Club at the Park and
Pool are made possible by the assistance and support given by thepublic. ,
Busiest spot, in, the, district dur-
ing recent days -hes been the lions
Park Pool; Where 'avvinireing les'
sons , got ..under :way on jVionday
morning: ''Classes..take place Mon-
day through, Friday, fr,oni.• 9
With a •registration of . neatly 400
children,. the instruction :staff- tS;
faeing it biggest task: 'since the
pool beg -an. . operations-thr cc ',years -7
ago; Instruction i under the direc--
tion of PoolL,superVisbr, Ren
year to head the life -guard !staff.
WitliThim are. ,Frank Bryans, Mrs.
V McDowell, Judy 'Crick Jixh
Crich; 1C.athie Eckert, Joan , Dick,
,and Gene Nixon. The,pavilion•stafe
includes Mrs. Norma • Sills, Una
Talbot, Toni Dick -and ;Marjorie'
Panicle., The Pool and Pavilion
staffs are on a call basis,andtheir
hours of 'duty, depend ,on the -Nyea-
park. The park is linder!the -super-
Vision of Roy McGonigle.
,-who, has returned for - his _third Park personnel say there is an
• :
Playoffs have. started in the
Huron ;Football League. Five games
haveheen 'played; with fotir--in the
intermediate leagne, and orie in the
juvenile league. ' -
St. tOlurithan. defeated. Clinton 2
to 1 in the first game of the "AP
series in St: Columban. In the sec,
mid game of the series; St. •Colum -
ban were again Victorious, winning
3 to 2 in Clinton,
'Winthrop won a game and tied
a game With Brussels in the' "B"
playdOwns, In Winthrop the first
game -saw Winthrop"down the vis-
iting Brussele,' squad 5 to I. ,:Play-
ing,on the Brussels field, the score
In the. juvenile series,,SCColinn=
ban won against Walton 1 te.0 in
the first game of a home -and -home
aeries: goals' to connt'Tno $4cona
Hydro Is Off -
As Crane Topples -
When a crane toppled over at the.
rear of the Regent Theatre block
Monday afternoon and crashed into
'nearby .power lines, ,hydro.
as interrupted in • the northeast
Part of town for nearly three
;The crane, owned by Frank Kling
Ltd., and operated by.Joseph.Nigh;
was -'being used' to life roofing ma-
terials te the top of the bidding
When the accident oceurtecr
, The Regent block was purchased
recently by lee learn, of Maple
game is being played ,Thursday
night. In the other juvenile series;
Winthrop and Brussels are meet-
ing with --a game played Wednes-
day night, aand the second game in
Winthrop on Monday night.
Standings at the end -of the sea-
son were as follOws: '
Intermediate Standings
W T Pts.
St. Columban 6 0 0 12
Winthrop 3 3 0 6
Clinton '2 3 1 5
Brussels -- • 0 5 1 1
Playoff Schedule
Series. 'A' -continues with a'galtie
in St Colimiban on july 10. Other
games, if necessary, are July, 13,
St. Colunilian at Clinton, and July
16, Clinton at St. Colurnban. The
-4B" seriet,s _continues in --Winthrop
July 9, with, the other games,. if
necessary, *being played Any 15,
Winthrop at Brussels, and July 20,
Brussels at Winthrop. ,
.„ Juvenile Standings .
W L T Pts.
St,' Columban 4 1 1 9
Winthren ..... . . 2 2 2 6
Walten, .... „. ..... .: .2 3 1 5
Brussels . . . 8 . 2 4
Seaforth Pee Wes enjoyed wins
,in both their games this week,
when they visited New Hamburg
Thursday night and Exeter_ played.
here Monday night. -
In the earlier tustle 'Seaforth
shoved across 20 rims to win over
the New Hamburg squad 20 to 15.
Both teams collected 11 hits, and
bah committed two errors, -"
Seaforth hopped ahead in the
first with six runs, When the New
Hamburg pitcher: allowed two bits,
and walked six to first base. At
the same, time he struck -out two:
From that -point Seaforth never
lost ground and stayed ahead to
the finish.
Joe Dick led the Seaforth attack
.with five runs in- five titilea at bat.
Kerry CanaPbell and Jim MeLlWain
each 'crossed:the' plate three times,
while Francis Hagan. counted twice.1
Single runs were collected by Bill
Boshart, Bucky Boshart and ,'Kea
•'1)vere tad.
: Garden Priae•-• started on the
mound for Seafrth, tieing replaced
in the seventh by Deng Wtight;
when he Started pitching „ wild
However, he came back before the,
'seventh was over and finished the
Cubert pitched in the first for
New Hamburg, but Was, replaced
by Atimashymer after allowing
severalwalks. He paint back in
the third to finish the game. ;
s: Pour runs' Were chalked up by
Lebold for the New Hamburg nine,
with Cubert, Bart s and Roth get
ting two each. Singles were eat.
lected by Woelff, Cleary,Romashy-
mer, li. Hertz and Reible, ,
Seaforth 636 002 3-20 11 2
New Hamburg,013 122.6-15 11 2
°Wiis 10 to '7"
, on their own diamond
Monday night, the pee,Wees were
successful over Exeter in a, 10 to
7 flit Kerry Campbell crosSed,
home plate three times, with Gor-
don Price and ilibe Dick counting
twice. Singles were counted by\
Francis Hagan, Bill Boshart and
Buck Boshart.‘ .
Gordon .Price went the route for
the lanais, allowing' only three hits.
R. Cornish was on, the mound for
Exeter, assisted by It; Rumple.
Seaforth ' 202 022 •x==.1.0 8 3
geW, Hamburg 210 010 3-- 7 3 2
Early Coin Recalls
India's Past
The blackhole of Calcutta and
all the -turbulent times ' Of the 17th,
and 18th • centuries that marked
the entry of India, under the pow-
erful East India company into the
English Sphere of influence, Were
recalled with the -finding last week
of a copper 'coin, -
On one Aide the coin bore the
words "East - India Company"
around, its circumference, while in
the middle appeared "One Quar-
ter Anna". Oxi the other side was
the date 1835, and the emblem of,
the company. The eoin was found
nearher honae On Huron Street by
Marion Ilemberger, and she and
Sane Boshart brought it to The
Expositor office in ,an effort to
identify, it. .
Webster describes an `Anna' as
beingan East India money of
count, 1/16 rupees -or. abut& 2 eeny
Start Work -
On Hydro Line
Work commenced Wednesday to
Dad a new high tension hydro line
across McKillop and Itullej town-
ships, 11/2 Miles nerth of No. 8
Highway. Poles for the project are
being unloaded at Seaforth and
stockpiled along the cress -country
route of the line.
A 'grant of $2,000 was made to William J. Cameronand H. Lawr_
thelle_nsall,„ Community Memorial: e iviosn.ciay _Atigtis4 3, was nrQ.-.ciaini_
Park .uoard by ,Hensall. council, • •-• • --•.• -
Monde. y night. The grant w111 as- rtcile CvillivTg,eur°s1-idaar3e two bneer4rseaqunesatited
sist With: repairs at the artiencia• tw to obsery, ed this holiday. 1i. $9
Council was approac e Y Bills an accounts ota mg
Don Joynt, chairman . of th e 70651 were passed for payment -
hoard, ,Who outlined' the work and included: Heniall hy-
necessary. Contacted by The Ex- dro, $9.67; Bell Telephone co ,
pbSitor' on Wednesday, Mr. joynt 08.65; Receiver General, In. COIne
reviewed the work; that will be tax, $1.75; relief, "$20; E. R. Davis,
carried out by the board. salary, $231.58; P. L. McNaughton,
Necessary repairs will be made salary, $100; County of Huron; bull -
to the roof,, Mr: joynt said- and dozing at -dump; $45; County of
toilet accommodation has to,. be Huron, spring tree planting, $20;
changed, Major work Will be to Ruston Transport, cartage, $3.00;
the upstairs, where better, facili-
ties are to be provided for ,a kit -
chen„he, Said, More 'chairs will be
purchased • for banquet ptirpoSes:
and, a 'stove,ahdrefrigerator.fer the
-kitchen': Dishes and etitlery will
alsO be
Asked', What other. funds •• were
Ovailable:-fOri:the win*, Mr. jOynt
told The EXpOSitor , that many . Hen,
Salleliths: were beliihcl the Workon:
the !kitchen. 'Donations have been
nteS A, uxiliel-m;'-enTC:Sn'Slwnsetininfel,113tbo;
help ''complete ,this work • .
The -annual!. ,grant of -,$200 ' Was
'made :to the Hensalf :Recreation
Committee at the meeting, attend-
ed_by :all„M,ernbers. of; cetineil, with
Re:ere John '• Henderseni.presiding-
At :the'same conneil' turned;
, thumbs'. down on: a• re_elieSt for a
trophy. J. Rutile,, .recreational
rector, "asked comiCiLto Provide a
'trophy forthe field day, , but, after
, , .
turn -
increasing iriterest on the part of
children from rural area's.in swim-'
Ming lessens; The classes.- in.cliider-
pupils ftorn Dubliii„,'Ilensall; Zurich
and Walton as Well.aa-frorirtheirn-
mediate .distriet :The Brussels
Legion.' is ,sponsoring a: dailybps,
service -from Brussels to .Seaforth
far :youth of that centre who are
interested.: ,
CKNX-TV-on_Wednesday_ covered.
the .work being carried: out,:at the
Park and Pool: The story, will he.
presented by, the station later in
Public Assists -
Meanwhile. the public. is respond-
ing -to the annna.1...'appeal which the
Seaferth Lions Club, makes for as-
sistance in proviclinrtinds- with
perk ,And.1)061'. While ntimbpj
contributions' have, been received
by treasurer J. E. Keating, 'there
undoubtedly are many others Whe-,,
while intending to contribute, have
not :let done. se.. The. eStimated-
cast of operating ;the •••.park this
year, including a 'new Wading 'pool,
$6,365; of which $3,390- will be
Met by, park and pool revenue. The
balance •,of $2$75 depends onthe
good will of the public, offielais.
said. • ' .
rrepare For :Carnival
- The 24th annual carnival of, -the'
Lions Club 'Will- be held- this year
on August' 5, 6 'and I. at the Park
Varibakel Family
as -4 Generations
It's a happy oacasion these daY;
at the home of Mr-, and -Mrs. Mar-
trn Vanba101 and family, RR. 1.
lin. Pour- generations of the
family are ,visiting at the home at
the present time.; • , .
To make the occasiOn,ev.eembre
joyful, a member, of :the groupis
visiting the home while in Canada,
having just arrived from Rolland.
Mts. Marie Van den Broek. of
Rips in 'the southern part of Hol-
land, arrived a week age to spend'
four weeks With herdaughterand
son-in-law,-Mr, and Mrs. Vanbakel.
Following her visit here shewill
visit a son ;in Prince Edward Is
land proceeding back to Rol-
A•Week earlier DeCOrte,
RR 2, Seaforth. daughter ...of the'
Vanbakel faitiily, and grand -daugh-
ter -of Mrs. Van den Broek, gave
birth to a daughter, Ida Maria, and
spent a few days with her parents
:to•niake a happy gathering of four
,generations. -- mother, daughter„
grand -daughter -'and, great' grand -
_ •
Laws ,Contracting Co paying N
Richmond St, $4700;' Chas, Stepli- ,
en, labor on townhall, $83; Wilbert'
Dilling,.labor, $54; Carihonum Ltd.,
supplies; $475; - --Riverside- 'Con-
struction, pit and cold mix, $84.12;
Jim's Machine Shop, repairs to
Mower and 'Material • for hall,
15925; llensall PUblic School,
Board, current ekpenseS;, $2,000,00;
Ton of Exeter,. advertising Ayl-
mer Week, $5;-• •gd. Ithinn, labor,
$4.25; A. Speneer & Sen, material '
for hall. $46.93; -Lavender's Gar-
age; gas, etc., fire truck, repairs
to tractor$17,56; Herman Com-
munity Memorial Park Beard, ,
grant $2000; Hensel,' Recreation
Committee annual grant -$200
tictior) Sa
. ,
0 an effort to :lielpfinaiteethe
neW $60,000 'Bredhagen Community
Centre, ,a, : monster' Saleerarne is
Planned ,•for Wednesday, , \July ! 15:
Tsalilee„...Soaleaorrtaicifileas fdeoantuaterellS ba3,r,ins adui settriieent ,
persons. •• . : ...
:. -7,----; f,
TO, date; aeeording to Ori;•feiaii
More than 300 donors have eentri-
hilted items, to thissale. te be held
at the Coinninnity.park at:1-p.m.,
Iterns..inclUde-:larni .stock.,- poultry;
aiid:;:equipni'ent, farmmachinery,:machinery;
feed.7-alid,,,,grain' garden -tools and
erniiihrienti.,. electrical :appliances,
antiquek;:furnitiire, ',pins. dozens Of
inistellaneotts, items,s,.-- Brodliageri
district au
s-- c,' t:i-on• ee. t:- %--• have . . .de:,-n: a-::te,d
spree \For th eWho
, wish.,to. Make a.
full day of it; the -night :will:;,' be
hipped off With•a 'chicken barbecue,
served ,on the grounds, : followed by
ed own the requett, • • ,
• Constable E. R. Davis • reported
on weed entting and of fires at the
viIlage diiinn. Re told council be
had erected a •sign at the dump re-
garding thefires, • ' '
EU -liner consideration will be gtv
en ,tasligging South Richmond
Street; from 'Nelson tcy Xing; and
thefixing:.iip of this :portion of the
street. Councillor Lorne
reported on the paving of North
Richmond:' Street, •
Owners of 'crags found running at
large ...are to be summonsed-, to
ceurt,: conneil decided, and ' Con. -
stable Davis was instructed to car-
ry puyibiS„ren.11104 The actienwas
taken -Z• as .a ‘Ineve, towards' solving
the serious., problem of dogs run
nirig about the Village. :
Following the opening' of tenders,
for repairs to the town hall roof. -
the 'tender Of Ed. Fink was .-aceept-
-Other tend-ers-were, received :from
The'..Ceminunity. centre...project iS
ber, O. COillinerce,...and,the
being :',erected inthe corri
fraillitS7 ifa:r1C,LAini.i.Ch Was establiSh-
.ed east efAlieVillage last year. The
building ineasures. 100 by 40 feet:
Accommodation on'''' the 'ground
floor includes a•.'dining ,hall. seat-
ing , 150., together with complete,. kit-
chen facilities -The- floor
anditoriutriuiil Seat ,300. • '
We -coy .Pigeon
Finds. Solace. On
Coyne .1.11/IndoW. Sffl.
e aucie
fmethod Of eonannuicatiOn, or are
there some ' lovers, of wildlife • in
the district? •-
Last,' Thursday, evening ',Tem'
Coyne; RR .2, Dublin. found a limn-
er pigeon on In upstairs 'window-
sill of his farm-kerne.The message
-carrier' *as , not injured and, car-
The Coyne :family presume ' the
bird, ...was 'brought: demxi, _in_ 'flight
by theheavrraltilall 'and.the—elee'2"
trieal :Storm VedneSday:', evening,
It appeared the bird was lest a'a
Mr. Coyne experienced no diffictil-
ty in -catching it. He Rain& it quite
tame •
The bird was dearly- banded, on
the right leg with the • letters:,
VAL1022AV. The band on the left
leg Carries the nun:II:ler§ 5425,
, Vacation School 'Closes
Vacation church''selniol:wasbeld
at St. Peter's • Lutheran Chitral -4"
Brodhagen, the Past .week with; an
helpers, are as 'follows:. .nprSery,
Sharon Prileter, Mug gge; Mrs
FordDiekison, Cheryl:BerineWies;
10(16'0:i:ten, Mrs'. E J. Fischer,
'Reck Mrs. 'Harvey7Alarens. grs..
Lavern Wolfe. •Miss Shirley' Tren-
towskS4 , primary, grs„. Edgar. El-
ligsen7 ,Miss Donna ,,Seherharth;
Miss' Elaine.11Oek; Mrs: Geo. Rock;
Junior, Giorua Millee, Carole Rase;
-Mrs. Nferrin- Dietz; intermediate,-
GraceFisolier; Miss ,Alice • nennpil,
-Paster E."--Jt-FiStlief; MrS:' Ralph
Vacs.' and Mrs...Russell Sholdice,
registrar; orgai_ListiDenria„Igh_erz,,
Th-arth;T , ---
Refreshments 'Were: served' ev-
cry day by Mrs, -Wilfred Ahrens,
and Mrs, Manuel Beuerniann. Chil-
dren fromt -1Inited. Brethren Chureh,
MeXillen, and Bethesda'
Logan, were invited to this school.
, On Friday evening, parents and
friends were invited to ttend Open
'honse: to seethe work of the chil-ij
- including
numbers from each class and witii.•.•
nhig, festival imenberS frem. the -
'Brodhagezi Sehabl, With-TMES Aud-
rey 'Hackwell. teacher, and Mr.
Harley, , MuSis supervisor, , in
A 'Win- on "The, Creation"; •
whiclr was the -theme-of-the cluirch
Ischool, closed the: evening's pro-
gram.. •
• ;Honor Newlyweds
On Monday • evening, relatives and
members of St., Peter's Lutheran,l'•
congregation - gathered .in the- '
church haSeinentto honer Rev. and •'
Mrs.. Calvhi Diegel, newlyweds. , •
The- evening was Spent in•Slides:
:shown by. Mrs: Elwood Zoe, At-
wood, with 'commentary of Japan,:,
andllong Kong; :Mane soloi by Jo-
annerElligsen-Joare Mueggeand
GI -44e ..-Fischert, duets by Patricia',
'.QUerengesSer and Larry .1C4stner ' •
andTtettrand 'Bobby Doerr; Vocals- .
Beverley Sholdice; " accordian'
sole : by ' Donne Scherbarth; `read,'
Couple" . by .111-rAT-R-On-
..ald -.Hinz, and a mock wedding by
me-mbers ••,.of the Nlarried Couples-
Rev', "and MrS:., Diegel. were pre-
sented with a gift of money by
elder Lew Hicks.'ReV.-Diegel- spoke -
•briefly and thanked everyone very •
'rniich.1 A lunch was served. ,
Flowera'. w,ere in the church on
Sunday' fromthe wedding, of Mr,
and IVIrs; •Rulopli- Pinner (Alice
Etaecker). which was soleaudzed
in St -Peter's Lutheran ' Church
here on Saturday., '
'' N. g
Falis withher parents Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Rock. . .•
4 MiSh ' Grace Fischer, teacher; 'a
Kitchener, is .holidaying with her
,parents_Rey. _ _
er. • -
Miss Diane 'Beuerrnan, of Sea -
forth, with her grahdrnother, *Mrs',
Louie Hillebrecht,' last. week -
Roger, Sholdice is counsellor at
Junior Bos' Camp, Edgewoocl
Park, -Eclen Mills, Ont., uear-
Giteiph, for two weeks, . •
Nia'sters. Alvin---Ilieks- and-May--
.nard Hoegy are attending junior
Boys'' Camp at gdgewood, Park,
-Edeth-Mills,;-for- two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Sholdiee
and Beverley- With Mr. and Mrs.
Orval Whitfield,. St. Catharines • and
'United States:this week.
.Mr. and Mrs. 1Ed. •-Prneter ,and
Mr, and Ws. Wilfred Ahrens ,With .
Mr2, and Mrs..Vin.-Bessuer recent- .
ly and-telebratecl, Mrs. Louise
(Continued/on Page 4)
Pupi!s Pass
Music Exams
The following pupilofMrs. M.
It. Rennie were successful in their
recent music examinations con-
ducted by the Western Ontari4
Conservatory 'of Music AssociaL-
Piano' Grade 2, Joan Sinclair,
first class honors; Grade 3, r-
lene SHIA, first class honors; Bar-
bara Nott; first class honors; Grace
Steplignsen, honors.; 'Grade 4, Sal-
ly Coskird, first class honors; Shir-
ley Renderson, first class honors;
Grade 6, Kay- Marie Worden, hon-
, • ,
A pro:Mt TRAILER, manufactured by General Coach Works at Rensak•is being given a ,
thorough werkent by h noted Canadian sportsman and TV personality in the wilds of Northern
Ontario. The trailer was delivered to the eamp of KingWhyteOver, the weekend by W. G. Smith,
general manager. and Ernie "Chipchase, .plant superintendent of qerteal: Delivery involved a drive
to Capreol; where thtlrailer was loaded on a flat car and-falten , 48 Miles to the Whyte eamP.
The. General trailer Was selected for its sturdy censtructien, its complete equipment, and be.
-came :it is designed partietilarly to meet Canadian conditions, Mr, Singh said. Here Mr; Whyte
is Shown When he selected the trailer in liensall, With him are Mr, Smith (left), and Ben John-
ston, Sales manager Of the company. (Photo by Jack Doerr):,