HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-26, Page 12• , •
12, -THE mom rxPosrrog.,- SEAFORTH, NT., JUNE 26, 19594
Rey, D. Leslie Elder'
Minister --
•Organist and Choir --Leader
-10-A.M. .
Church soboa,& youth FoXiivship
Senior Choi''-Anthern: "The S_un.
Sball Be No More":::.(Wcodijarcl)
The Congregational and church
School Pienic will beheld at Lions
Park, Friday', June 26, at -4:00 p.m.
JOINT SERVICE will eoliintente
on Sunday, Silly 5; with Rev. fl
- Leslie Elder at Northside,United
Church. - .
nu. J. SEMPLE, Minister
Lyle Hammond ---.---
Organist:Choir Leader.
Guest Minister -
"lAyING FOR BIG Twror•
10 A.M. ,
Church School and Bible Class
, • . Sunday,. 5th July "
Sacrament of Baptism
Sweet as June Meadows
Phone 34 : Seaforth
ALL.. _
W., .
Phone 334 - Res, 540 •
MI Passengers Insured '
Church Notices .
liteRillop- Charge...4101e,- BY:00
a.M.-; Cavan, 11:30, a.m.; Duff's,
2:00 p.m., Daylight Saving Time_
-Rev: W. H. Summerell, Minister.
_Northside„United Chnrch-Churth
School,- 10 a.m,..,Worship, 11 a.m.;
-Mrs, James -A. Stewart, Organ-
ist; ltifr,- James A-, Stewart, Choir-
master; Rev. J. C. Britton; B.A.e:
Seaforth Pentecostal Tabernacle.
-Tuesday, 8 p.m, Bible Studyl
Thursday, 8 Pim., YcninfPeoples;
Rev. Van Allen, speaker; Sunday,
1.0 a.M..,*; Sunday School; 11. a.m.,
Morning Worship; 130 p.m., Evan-
gelistic Service. -Rev. H. T, Ken-
drick, Minister. -
.Mr, and Mrs, Edwin H. -.Rock,
Brodhagen,wish to anriouiice' the
engagement of. their .. daughter,
GWendolyn June,. to Boris Michael
Bruder, Montreal,. son. Of Mr.. and
Mrs. Emest.13ruder, Zurich, Switz-
erland.' The . marriage will take
place,quietly in St. Peter's Luth-
eran- Church 13-rodhagen July 7
at 11 o'clock.- - . .
-Mr, Mrs. 'Jerome Vali, Kit-
chener, wish to announce the,' en-
gagement of their. daughter, Jean
Mary; R.N., .te Mr; Thomas Leo'
Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs..
Auguste Inicharine, of Hibbert, the
marriage M take place hi St. Ann's
Roman (catholic Church, Kitchen-
er, Saturday, .Jurie a7•
...Mr., and Mig..` Scott, Attit.
•1Vit. : and „Kra.: Nelson- "Lear,' cif
LondeSb'ere,. and Mr. an4,1VIts..Kel-•
land. :MeVittie;'of,13iyth, ,attended,
familY'gathering at the:hone Of
'Walton. onSMidafinlionot
Thoings7.1chnsOieS-,bir' thday;'-.ALso"
Mrs: James; Williamson and fain.;
ily of Wa1ton
• • .'
and- Mrs.' Stanley, Brenton
and: family, Of WoOdStock,
Lday ;vigitedWith.,Mr. and.. -Mrs. Joe
Shaddick, •
. .
M. and .Mrs; -..Wesley Roe, and
family attended. the Dndley-Rieh-:
ardsen ..„; 'picnic.: 'held -.-SeadaY,-,
Queen's pa.k.k. .Stratford. :There
iVere, abont' 75 people - . . .
and' Mrs., A. Menzies; Of
..Salford, „Visited.),Vith-,Mr: and 'Mrs.
AllanShaddiek, on. Stinday.:'
:Large ;congregations attended the
morning .;ann.evening 'services- in
Burns", chureli-!..Snnday on. the 'sec,-
• clay.Af the:centennial= Services,
ManyoldfrioldS.renewed acquain
anees. The farewell services Of
Mr. White :will be :preached Sun-
d,ay along -with haptiSinal servic-
eS and Saeranient 'All;:ifieMberS
are -Urged-to -attend.. '
Mr. and Mrs. William Rogerson
and:Jean:of Tucker...Smith, and Mr.
and, MrS, :Leslie .,,Reid Sure
day with: Mr. arid:Mrs:1. Watson:
Reid and children. •'
M. and Mrs'.. Wesley,,Rde:..and
fathuly" attended theWallace re-
u nion on 'Saturday at ',PorresterS
'Flats,. near ,Ilelmesville,, for din-
ner: an.d.'supper. paces ,and,gam,es;
were enjoy ed-thret ghont-theaftere
noon..There. Were about -45 present,
coming from Kitchener. Blyth,Sea.
fortli;. • Briidefield.: Varna and
„ We specialize' in
Phone 686-W PhOnC 190.
Seaforth Godelich
Sell 'that „unneeessary Piece :Of
furniturellifongle a Huron ExposP
tor Classified Ad. ,Phone 141.
Phone 373
-1Vit, Mid Mrs. Jaek Donald 'and COristance W1S Men 'Meeting oh
-sells'', of Midland-, -1Yfieh-'returned- -Wednesday; -Jimen; Miss; Marilyn
hone, after -haying- holidaysTaylor was organist „for the day
the latter's parents;'Mr, and Mrs, and played beautiful niusic before
tRObert Jamieson' and also -attend... and during the service. '
ed the 3311rue-centennial services. • ' Mrs.' B. Brown conducted the
,.. Mr. and, Mrg. .Wm. r Dale.- and meeting. MrsiesEsoanri: wtiilWeSmours,v
"Wa.rdeir and 'Mrs. Jewitt, attended the seriPture
the ex -warden's ' banquet: last L. Whyte. offered prayer. Mrs.
1.1rsdaY 'evening in Goderich. George Hoggart -and Mrs. Verne
, • Mr. and 1VIra. Earl Lawson -spent Dale Molt ,up the offering:
Friday and Saturday in -London Mrs. Ross MacGregor intrOduc.
visiting with Mr, and Mrs: K. p,- ed the speaker, 'Miss Fennell,
Warren' and family. . of Seaforth, who -spelce. on the ex
MT 'and. 1VErs. -vrifinor Glousher perience of her attendance at the
and Stewart spent Sunday, Father's, World Convention en Christian Ed -
Day,. t,he home of Mr. and Mrs.. ucatiori in Japan last fall, and ,also
-John; Sanderson, in honor "'of their where she visited Korea.' ,'Her
father, Mr; AuStinDexter, -of Blythtalk was most appreciative. and
Mr.' and ,Mrs. Wn. Webster; St:'ei.jeyed. '
Numbers from each of the socie,
ties were .renclered: Miss 1Vlyntle
Knox, a solo, fort6ndesboro; Miss
Marilyn Taylor, an ergan solo, for
Burns'; a duet by Mrs. Ed.. Dor-.
ranee and daughter, accompanied
by Mrs: Robert McMillan; a read-
ing by Mrs,. Lorne -Lawsen, for
Constance. Mrs.- Wilbur JeWitt
thanked- each one and Miss Fennell
and Mrs. White, closed, the meet-
ing with,the.benediction.
'A bazaar, sponsored by the WA,
tockplace in the basement -Lunch
was- served by the --young girls -of
Constance, and everyone enjoyed a
Joe„-,Younghlut and Mrs. Eleanor- social hour. Mrs. Donald Buchan-
Throop, of Londesboro: • ' .an accepted the -thanks from the
Warden and Mrs. Jewitt are thiS societies from the kitchen and in -
week holidaying at Honey Harbour, Vited them back again. -
Muskoka- District,
Mrs'.-LyOn, of S.S. 3, Hullett, and
school children,-, took a bus trip
through main sections and -build-
ings of the Loinion distriet
Helens, ',attended 'the .Burne.,-,cen-,
Aentrial serviceson. Sunday and Vis-
ited With Mr.' and Mrs. U. Taylor.
M. and. Mrs. Verne Dale and Mr.
and'Mrs. Earl' Lawson. , •
Miss, Marilyn Taylor, is this , week
'attending Convention in Guelph
regarding 4-R,Hememaldng• Clubs.
Jr.. and Mrs., B.: Brown:? and
daughters- sant Father's Day with
Mrs. BrowriLS lather Mr.y., Brig -
Jim .at the 'home of het :brother,
Mr, Ernest. Brigham and ::"IVIrs.
Brigham, .of ,
---IVIrS;;;,- Charles . Dexter
visited Sunday .with Mr. aid Mrs,'
The School Of S.S.,,3; Hullett,' and
Sunday School of Constance Unit-
ed Church will, hold their annual'
Picnic 'on Friday, .June- 26, in the
Lions park,„ Seaforth. , .
wIVIS 'Open ',Meeting
Mrs. Wm. Dale and Mrs. George
received,McIlwain at the door,
'ladies of, Londesbor, Burns', Me-
Killop. Charge andsisitors.....at_the„-Wth--Mary AnneLtReynolds-and:
. Anne :Lansinir :in:charge; ,Sodalitr
WINTHROP shower . at 'the dierne MisSe&
Elaine- and 'Margo 'E ue miscel
azieous,shower atthe lidiii:111. HS:
'A ball_ -game wiener- rciast
See Malone, Vvith Miss...1k)an Me -
will be held at the' farrit of Roy
Laughlin 'assisting: • •
Wildfong. on Priday night. The ev--
Showers Honor
Saturday Bride
- Prior teller Marriage,. Elizabeth
Ami Lane.. was. the recipient of
many lovely 'gifts' at the following
, shower sponsored -by Cleo )34w -
Man and -Elaine Etue, in Stratford;
.shower held atS.S. 9, Tickersmith„
vith'Mr- Jerry •Snuelt and Mrs..,
Jack 'Patrick in charge;--7shower at
the home ef-JVIrs. Gordon Reynolds
entis sponsore by 13ethel. Church .
and will. commenee at 745 p.m.. ,
• .The .Vacation..-I3ible -Schoolwill,
open 'pn, IVIonday'rnorning
'Miss ; ;Fern Eyre,',.:1,Orideinl..a:Bible,
7011.ildren.' be, a',:leader-hi.
:a naiSsion,Siiiiday.Sehoel. :in 'Quebee
for the iumrner rnonths, and then
to'jzidia„.:On .Friday:eyeningthere
will 'be an.open....servicforpart.,
en s and friexids
Mr.- and MrS. Dalton . Malcolm,
Keith, Bruce, Mrs.- 1Vlary,1Vfalcolm,
Mr„ and -Nits. Lawrence -Barker -antl-
family, Mrs: Mabel HiggersOri and
Peggy, Harry- Proctor, Mr. and
Mrs.' Glen Pepper, „Gloriamn- -- arid,
Grant' attended the Pepper reunion
int 'Seaforth, on Saturday. -
Mr. and ,Mrs, -Jack Canning and
family visited Mr -and Mrs. Chas.,
Roney recently. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and
family .visited on Sunday With Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Burford.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hannon and Mr.
and Mrs. -Earl Barker -Terryand-
Ray attended the, Barbour reunion
in Mitchell on Saturday. '
Mr: and Mrs. Lee O'lleMice 'and
Vicky` with Mr. and 'Mrs., Herb
BnitonThtor.theweekend. .
• Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Barker .,and•
family visited in Hamilton recent-
Mr. Luther Pepper, from Victor-
ia, B.C., attended. the Pepper re-
union in Seaforth on Saturday. Mr.
,Pepper is in his 85th ,year. '
1V.Ir., and 'Mrs. Leslie Moore arid
�r,andr Joe lVfoore, Mitchell,.
With Mrs. Mary. Malcolm Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hill, Lon-
-don, visited SundaY eVening with
Mr. and Mrs; Dalton Malcolm..
"lViatiliew 'George SherWood, of
Teckeismit.h toWnship," pa s sed
away, in tlie.-Muir. Nursing Home,
Seaforth, on. ,Mortday, June 22, at
the 'ago. ef 80 years. He was born
in 'Rutland, Mss., .11.S.A., a son, of.
thelate James Sherwood -and Mary
Ifi 1906 he was married at Nel-
son,. B.C., his wife predeceasing
him in 1943; He was a -telegrapher
with the CPR in early "life, .arid
later lie fa..rined in Tuckersimith on
the'Rippen 'Read, a rni.le' South' of
United Church.;
Surviving . are one,---clanghtet,
cora; Mrs. E. P. Chesney,'Tucker-.
Sinith; We sons, Charles, G.; Mon-
treal, -and James G-.'; Ottawa, and
three grandchildren Two brothers -
and one, sister :predeceased
:The- remains rested' at the Box
Funeral. Horiad ,where funeral' Set -
vices were held Wednesday ,even-
ing at 8 p.rn, with Dr: James Sem-
ple, of Egreendville United Ch-urch.
offidiating, Interment Will he la-
Monrit-Preasant. Ceinetery,
tb, on ThursdaY _at 1.:30 p.m.,
. • . • - • ,
, Largely attended- funeral
es were were heldfroin .the G. A., Whit-
ney 'Funeral .Home on Thursday
afternoon for ,Rae.'B. Holmes, 'vvho
died. in' Westminster Hospital On
June 15, .cenducted by' ' Rev'. . D:
Leslie Elder.
Pallbearers Were, D H. Wilson,'
sur§-,, F. Kling, J. A. Stewart,
A. Memel- and A. Y, McLean:
FloWerbeareis -, were R. Boussey,
,G..„ Pullman and R.
Mager. Burial was in Maitland.'
bankeeinetery.. c, -
-. 'Arai:mg those attendingthe fun-
eral from out of town. were Mr,
and Mrs. Ken Beattie, St. Cath-
arines;,Mr. Fred Beattie, Toronto;
Dr.. Jack,Hohnes and Mrs, HolmeS,
.Torento; Mrs. Glenn Holmes,- Miss
Jean Turner' and:Miss, Mary Dodds,
TOrontn-; TratklVfoses,.inanager et.
Mitchell .P.U.0IVI
..; orris- Andersen,
`manager Rural Hydro, Mitchell'
and'A..M. Knight, Manager.
Rural Clinton; Don Arni-
strong and, John 'Williamson, con-
suniers' _Service divisien. IL
Hamilton. „ ' •
Relax At Home
during the hot Summer
Outdoor Furniture
Huron Farm News
, Haying operations are progress-
ing well throughciut - the county,
With plenty of good quality hay
being harvested. All field crops are
suffering somewhat Irani -the re-
cent dry spell, but as yet it is not
serious. Spring sown grains are
Coming out -in head; and fields of
winter barley are beginning to turn
color.- ,
• ,Mrs. E. Kerr
Wed 25 Years
Mr,, and Mrs`, Eldon Kerr cele.,
brated. Their 25th wedding anni-
Versary at their home in MeKillop
on Sunday, A delicious turkey din-
ner -was enjeyed by the family,
which was served by Mrs. .R,
Scott and Mrs, Gordan Papple.
Those in attendance were:--Mt.---
and ,1Virs. William Kerr, Mr: and
Mrs. Elston, DowSon, Kippen, Mr.
and Mrs.. Scott Kerr and- family,
Thorndale„.'," Mr. Sand -Mrs. Harry
Nesbitt and family, Mr. and 1Mrs..
Walter .1VICC1ure and George, Mr.
arid' Mrs. George Campbell and
family,: ,
M. and Mrs. Xerr'were the .re-
cipients of several lovely gifts.
-White gladioli 'and white mums
decorated St. Louis' E.C. Church,
Waterloo, on Sattirda, June 20th,
When marriage, vows wereex-
ehanged between Mary Elizabeth
Ronnenberg, Kitchener, and: Vin-
cent William Morrison, Waterloo.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Ernest Ronnenberg, -Kit-
chener, and „the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs,. James Morrison,
'Dublin. Father Ruth -officiated, .
...The bride, given in marriage by
her father, looked lovely in , a
gown of embossed taffeta with
short sleeves, shert princess gown
lined with V-neck at the front and
back. Her veil was- held in place
by a tiara headpiece. She 'carried
white feathered ..carreations, steph-
anotis and LeSter Hilkert roses in
a colonial shower bouquet'
Mani of honor was Miss Mary
Morrison, sister of the groom,' of
Waterloo, She wore a dress of
white nylon with deeper white
and -apricot flowers over white taf-
feta, with a sabrina neckline and
cape' sleeves and an apricot curia-
xnerband. She carried -,apricot
(tinted) feathered carnations and
white stephanotis bouquet, and_ she
wore a matching_ headband .of
flovvers. , , ,
Mr. John 1VIerrison, of Waterloo,
brother of the groom, was best
erchant.6 Years
. •
ied istinauryed mfraotilmdal:argietz. gle)raki,
who;Survives„ together with a fam-
ily of six sons and three daugh-
ters. They are:- Gerald, Toronto;
(Mary) -Mrs. -J. C. Cox,' Toronto;
Jaines. Seaforth;; (Nora) Mrs.
N. W. McIntyre; Owen Sound;
Charles B„, -Toronto; (Kathleen)
Rev. Douglas Stewart, Ottawa;
Reiland, .Kitchener„ and David,
Seaforth. He is also by
20 grandchildretrand-by an aunt,
Miss EclithetkaVidson, of Seaforth.
The remains". are at the G. A.
Whitney Funeral Heine nntil Thurs.:
day, when services are being held
in First Presbyterian Church at
2:00 o'clock, conducted by his
Mister, Rev. D. Leslie Elder.
nterment folloWs in lVfaitlandbank
cemetery. '
Lions Par
,(Contiriued from. P:age 1)2 •
:Jean, -DevereauX;f433oys; five and.
,urider,'.„ HankY...Groethius,
Burns, Thin Hof; ,girls; eight: and,
-ereatiXT,:lVfarie Loon;.:' .130Y,S,
'12 and: iincler,.: Johann' .an
Vugt-Car.O1 DeloreS
.M'aloneY; y § ".and :tinder.
Wayne..,.rtati;';GregorY RauKeniiy
Verbekel." . , '•
" :;.three-legged. race; 12 and:
,ender„,..Mary„Silis and..Diati :Lan -
Sink,. -Ann. Sills', and Rose Mart Lan-
.Ilothatri and Dian
•-Salsbiity.; ,,girls"' three-legged -race„
14 and: under,'..Rose .Mary. Lansink
.atil ;Dian, .Lansink -and'
MarY.',Sills, Vary 'Flannery ' and
Brenda.Plannery; boYS,44;and'un-,
der, 'Toni , Gordan Ma
lOneY, -.Patil,.:;''Ean; boys.' diree,l,eg...'.
ged...• rate, .12 and . Under Franeis.
Hagan and Bernard 1.-Thtlia-m„, Situ-,
my Etne..arid.,Henty Verbekel, TOY,
EriverS. 'and- 'Verbekel;
three-legged-raet4.. and . Under,.
'Pant: Matthews'and TOMMY Phil,
liPs;-.Bernard Hothain and.. ViangiS
L.Reynolds;----girli": sack raCerliiari
Salsbury, -.Ann, Will:ems', Carol Van
Loon; boya","SaCk rape; Bobby Ite,,p-
nolds.',- Paul MattheWs, Ronnie Van
Loon; girls.balliibe. race, 12. and
Under 1cliatin ,-Vari'.'Viigt. 'Mary
Flaiariery,-;;', Ann :Verbelceli. • girls!
ballet* race.,„I4-. and inicler,;.*Eickey,
Wiiems,, JOan!'.Hall,, ,.Mary
Bbys'. • lean. frog;','. 12 'and: under;
Kenny ;Deverea lixaxid: Wayne . R au,
;Bobby s and: Bill: Vethekel;
wheelbarrow -race;'.14 :and
TommY Phillips. and %Kei'MY Dev,
ere aux, 'Paul...Eau, arid Benny. Lan,.
-sink, Gordon '1Vfaloney. and -Lbuis
Devereaiik;7.bnYS biscuit -eatinge14
'and under„ Teny. Ravers; Herman
Lansink. :,Kenny 'Devereaux; pick
the: clathes .John-, Aohin: con
Eekert„. goury. • ,
.• .F.ollowtug :the, races- the' children
were. given, free, ice, cream, -bars
and dtiring :the 'slipper they also
'received freechocolate milk... .
The committee' in charge of the
,picnic: were:" , general Chairman,. L.
'Hagan; tickets. F. Sills;: rac-
es, ..John.„ j. Maloney...arid' Gordon
De .Jong;„ tables. -.. P. .Maleney;
Lansink„ A. Sniale,' G. LegeZa, .J."
Bedard,. J. DeGrept,-.: L.. 'Bannon
and J. Kelly;. eaee 'starters,. 'D..
.Sills, •Hildebrand, E. Daly; ice
cream C; Malone„ J: Hotharn, G.
,Van den Hen -gel, J. Dev.ereaux,.' E:
Brady, J. .Sldnn.,;.„
P. Bannon,. .13...Bates, E.
:Brady, j.., •Aubia, L.', Miirra ; team
captaies for ; the . tug-of-war, Sea::
forth, V. i.zau•;' Juokosuotth: M.
McKillop, 'C. Eckert. '
during'the -warm • after•
noons evenings': by
stretching ,.:.out
'soft lounge, 6r -g
'num lawil chair, or any
Of the thany, stInVner
hargains. •-•
- and •ruEL OIL
Phone 784k Seaforth
On Men's and, Ladies'
by -the House of Stone
$65.00. and $70.00 Suit,s $CR)
for onisz„ 'W...
Also Trousers and Skirts-oVer 109
simpleS M choose from. We guar-
antee yon a,perfect fit.
1014•'aitit M145° Hoelscher
Phone Seaforth
Reskience blockeast of Library
Rebekahs - Meet
Prior To Recess
A:wedding dinner for the family'
'was' .served at the Pines Ian, at
Bridgepert,..and the `reCention was
held at the bride's home.. Aftera
wedding trip to Ottawa and Writ=
.real, the couple WilOive at 571 York
'St.,- „Kitchener. ;
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at • St.' James' Ronan 'Catholic
Chnrch, Seaforth; on.' - Saturday,
June • 20,, at, 10, Ain.; When. Eliza,
beth'. Anne Lane::lexchanged wed-.
ding .':_vows With ...lathes 'Charles
Malone. The :bride is the daugh-
ter . ,of Mr. arid...1VIrs... F.H.2,MerVin
groom, is the SO Of Mr.. and: Mrs.
Mr: andlMrs. Mink and
.ferria.,- Visited With :Mr.. and Mrs.
Eiinr Rivers .over eWeek6nd:
, , .
Iiiirs'Mary, Hildebrand spent the
weekend:at Kiteliener„ and also. at-
thno.4-:tho .gradtlation;'of her grand,:
daughter' at Kitcbener..„ .
• :In a.-Stary eOneettling a''Shower
for -Miss Doreen Hedley at Leaden:
laSt ...week,. 'the. -following.-,riames:
Were. 'missed froiti those ,a,tteriding.:.
Thomas Storey, Mrs: Bursell
„ ..
Mr, and Mig,„David.Elfe,, De-'
troit„ and: Mrs. -Myrtle Came:chain
of. •ElOise, .Mieb„ spent the..'Week
end....at the.130ineof Mrs.:
RussellVolenian. 'arid' other'
tines inthisvlcinity. They -also at-
tended the Troyer picnic, at Goder
. , „
rich on Simday. ,
•.Mrs. s'has': returned
from -Siinecie;..Wh_ere- she ,speritthe'
past:two' .Weeks With her .son and
danghter,ixelaW„,:Xr: :and Mrs.D.
; Mrs. Thomas Lake and daughter;
of Toronto; were weekend gnests of
Mis, 'Earle Bell. •
Mt:. and. Mrs, _Har,old_jacksbn
spent. the',Weekend with, friends in
,Mrs.'' Earl ItosS,.:Niagara Falls;
and...iMiS.: Jack nolirieS,' Mrs,
Olean HolMes, .:Miss ,Jean Turner,'
Miss MarY Dodds. and '.M.r..!'.-Pred'
Beattie, all of Toronto ; Mrs. Ches-
ter.' Jones, : Beston,-.MasS.;' Mr:,
.and Mrs,. Kenneth Beattie, Of
Catharines; t Mr.. Pre'st LondeS-•
baro; -Mr., and Mrs. -HarrY, Hart -
Mrd; London; , Mr.' and, Mts.,' John.
Gallagher,. of Mount' Forest, and
'Mr. :and 'Mrs. W.
ton. :were here on .Thursday attend-
ing the funeral Of -the,,,,late' R. B.
Mrs. W. J. Glanfield and -Miss
Jean Elceat; of Walladetowe,” were
Seaforth visitors on •Wednesday '
•agt. 3," E, Keating are
visiting -their Sen, -Kenneth .K.eat--.
, Students -of the. senior 'four ion -Jig
in Seaforth Public School were in
Detroit -Wednesday iii a. 'Year-end
trip arranged the staff.
ARal Wilcok„ ok Ottawa, „is
visiting -his . grandmother, .11ts. P.'.
The final meeting of Edelweiss
Rebekah Lodge before the summer
recesS was' held Monday' evening
with Mrs.- Ed. Andrews, Noble
Grand, presiding. Members were
informed that the iriaugural meet-
ing ef Distriet '23 waS to be held
in-llensall-Vedriesday evening: The
annual meeting of: the P.N.G.,"s of
DistriCts 23 and 29 ,(Iluron , and
Perth) is to be , held at the' Sea -
forth Lions Park on July.87.,
The report of Mrs. Win. Cham-
bers,, D,D.P.„ of Herbn 'Distriet,
wag -read. Mothers .are asked to
save "Betty-Ciecker" box tops in
'aid of the ,.`1Perinies For Charity"
'fund, First ' night 'of nomiriations
was, held. -
,Repotting for 'the „C.P.T.'' cam-
inittee, Mrs.' 37Vin :Dalryinple. Stat-
ed that the penny -Contest 'between
the kcal ,Ifebekah, and 1.0,0.F.
lodges` Would be held, during, the
sueimet months', .atia thit: paper
drive.45e contemplatedfor the fall:
Another W-Ifee1 chair; the eighth
has been ordered, alsOan 'addition-
al.,pair f alinninurn 'crutches:
nferraatiVe, reports of ,the .9th
annulisession- of the Rebekah AS-••
senibly of Ontario, hejcl in. Toron-
to, Were gen' by Mrs. A, Harri-
son and Mt '3. Grum/nett: MrS,
Stott Habkirk: Mrs. Allan Camp-
bell, Mrs. 'Robert Dodds, Mrs. Al-
bert Baker, Mrs. John, Pullman,
Mrs A W Dunlop,Mr Eranitt
Smith and . Mrs. Wm, Dalrymple
were named a social committee.
Mrs: "William Byrne, Treeton,
Mich., spent:a few days with Mrs.
Jean Fortune last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr.
and Mrs. Pat Herrington, of To -
route, were the guests of. Mrs,'
John L. Devereaux over the- 'week
Mrs. A. McCluskey, of London,
spent last weekend with Mr. ,and
Mrs. J, M. Eckert.
Mr. Anthony White and Mr, Nor-
bert TeViin, of Detroit, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe White last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ifinisen and
Mr and Mrs. Jack Hiidon and
baby 'daughter, of Toronto, were
weekend visitors with Mrs. Mabel
Hudson, Mr. and. Mrs: Dalton Die.
gel and Mr, and, Mrs. W. Coleman.
'Mr. Clare Westeott, Jan, Jeff
and, Genevieve, Toronte, and Mr.
and, Mrs. Gerald Weber, of Lon-
don, visited the home of their pat-
ents, Mr. and MrS. S. A. Westcott,
last week.
Dr. and 'Mrs, H. S. Trefry, St.
Soseph'S Island, and 1Vliss Erma
Broadfoet, Simdridge, are visiting
with relatives. - , • .
Mr. and. Mrs, Cliff Broadfodt and
Xi. and Mrs, A. C. Routledge
spent Simday in Elora. .
Mrs. J. W. Free, of -Sarnia, is
_visiting her son -and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs.H, O. Free.
Mrs, Lionel Fortune, Mrs, Wes,
Nicholls and Stan were in Strat-
ford on Tuesday attending the fun-
eral of their cousin, Mr, Elmer
Word was received this week,by
Mrs. Prank Sills, Jr., cd the pass-
ing of her sister, Etitir-elqrs. J.
Norris ,YOung), of Ilarby York,
England. She IS survived by her
huShand and twO seals, John 6, and
Timothy 6; her mother,. Mrs. 3.
Mr, C. Comte of Beaument Wray Woo of Haxby. a married
Texas, 4s -.visiting her father, Mt, brother, Sun, alSo of HaXbY, and'
E. C, Bostrell- and Mrs: BOSWell. atother slater, Daphine, at home, ,
The 'bride, given in marriage by
her father, looked.love1y.....;-in--74-
Sophie's original .goivii.of, the fin
est iimp'orted chantilly lace, fen-.
turing a basque "bodice . an Icing
lily - pointedsleeveS, a Sabrina
liecklinewith scallops in the front
and a shallow -'V'in the back. The
front panel 'of,the 'skirt was'Prench
tulle' With a profusion of gathers
that fell softly to the, hem. The,
back of-the'Skirt was tier on tier
of riffles, alternating, lace with.
French • tulle, which, 'swept to, , a
magnificent trairi.An theback. She
carried a bonquet of -ea; dozen red
Miss:. Rita ..M, Lane;..E•R`. 4, Sea:.
fertir,;:°.waS "maid of honor, • and
lifridesinaids Were 1Viiss `Shelia :Ma-
lone and. MiSsf,Claire• Malone, both
Of 5, Seafortli, .and, -.Miss. Mary
F.. Lane, R.R. 4,?,Seaforth., ' They
veareidentical-gewus of Swiss Sheer
nylon in whiteOyer, lilac *taffeta;
The gOvvns, were out in ,princess
style with, Empire' bodices accent-
ed ,Witla pleated iiias;'..felds of
taffeta. The sheer., nylon fell 'Sep-
arate ,frOni therlinhig and Shaded
froth. blare to alinest White at the
hein.,-TheY•VvOre:.;40,go. ruffled pic-
ture hats a ',,,,urthife' r. sheer With
.crown bows cii.'the lilac -taffeta :and
tarried .-betiqueta--Of„ yell'OW Mums.
Miss; •Barbara .Malone,
Peg,. Was: .fleWer. girt,. :wearing a
.numature-diiplicate 'dress of the
, , .
• .Jack 'Malone; "KapuskaSing, *as
groonismaii, and John Lane,: Joe
Malone; and Allan :Butters were
ushers'. - They:: , wore- white.; Ja'ckets'
arid black trousers.'.Bobby.Malene,
of Winnipeg, was ringbearer;
-Mrs. Alice .Stiles was organiSt,
and .1Vfiss'Sulia.Plainiiga.n Was, side-
. The reception was held at. the
;bride's 'honie at 8 o'clock in the
evening.. Guests .Present. fret.:
distanceWere' froin Wallacel3urg,
/Vlanoth, 'Streets.;
Windser, . St.. Coluinban; Dub-,
chauffon full dress 'with, large rose
flaVvers'.'hi-the material:it liad'
:She wore :white accessorieg and a
corsage' of" tiro'Whitecarnatiedis:
and one rect. rose,' for .a wedding
trip t�' Niagara Palls, New York
and Other pointa in the :Slates:.
-Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Malone will,. reside
R.R.. '5; Seaforth. -
Insured PaSsengers
phone 149,
H. Shorty unroe
Auto - Fire
coal 1
FirEL OIL,e-hone 138,
bath; small barn, henhouse
•and, garage, „oe 8 actes. Close .
to school, arm tovvn, ' ' •
l'horte 458
We write all.lineS of
Fire- Auto Wind
Liability an 1.41
n ardn
Successor to
Phone 214 Seaforth
Ma,filifaetUreFS _
-E D S.P-R-
T-rppt) Tox
To Spray F'as.tures
To Control
• _
. .
ll farrns
protection plans.
' Goderich S
Available a
hone 775'.: '.Seafrth
0() pecia s
June 25tli to 39th .(inclusive)
_ ,
'INSTANT, COFFER.... .,.-Large e,o-ok jar 990
, .
pinch's Pieparedi
, •
Maple Leaf .
. 10-/b. Bag
6 -oz. Jar
.:32 -oz. Jar