HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-26, Page 6.• 26 1059 -* - " . • USlE• THESE cLAssnnoATioNs ro Noun ALIMANTAGE 1. 'Cowing Events ' 2. ripest. StreYed : • 4iI9eVciWanted • . 15. Thisiness Opportunities 6- Teachers' Wanted 7. Situations Wanted Farns Stock E'er Sale ,tgliit7XTFO5j•allate 15, ArgeTeiJ- For Sale • • . 12. Wanted •Tcr HtLY 13. Wanted 14. Property iFtor Sale 1.5. Property For Rent , 16. For Sale or Rent 17. /Wanted To Retit , 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices • . 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted ,• 22. Legal 'Notices • -23. Cards a Thanks 24, In Memoriam ,25. Personals, The. cost hi low, ,Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, '13, 15. 17—nliniffittW 25 centa 'an insertion. All other claw& fications, minimum 60 cents per,„useertion. .except Autions Sales (20), Tendert; 'Want.' ed (21) and Legal Notices (22),„ rates -on- - application. •• 11. Articles For Sale: 2X0 TONS "of ;fertiliser:: Super 2:.0-12,, Shur -Gain. Apply . to RALPH Elsnte,,, 19. Notices - .lfELTCg,,I.ETTEEING, , sign 'Painting. .show cards. GAR ,3-IAXER,' Goderich St - Phone 21 rt, Publin. U-6s;c1. . • '•FOR, AS LITTLE as...5250 down yon -can' •OtVrk Your own home,. Per' further 'infer - East.. • - - 19-68xt RADIO EEPAIRS -- For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE, Church Street, west .of Nortbside United Mation Phone Clinton KE. 8-3250,..or write Church, Seafoi•tli.. Phone SS. COLONIAL HOMES. Igo., P,O., Box 423. • .. • 19-65-tf • 11' S : • , • • 26' th - • ciihttih, chit, , • .• • . _ . . REVITALI4Ela cleaning at 'Buchanan 25. Personals •TrrGiroNIG SUPPLIES (tubber Goods), mailed PostPaid id plain sealed envelope with 1)rice list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sam. Pies 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. T'- 78, •110V.4.-11.1.113BER CC., BoX, 91, Hamilton:, ;•CETOME • .kitchen ',table With. chairs. three-quarter inattress .and •aPrings, dress- er, large. bureau„- . leaf. refKigerstorr,rengette electric "stity, splall WOOd and Goal stove. 'Call • 649• It 4 6S3 -M, Seaforth,• 'after Friday,: • • ' '• ' .11:68-1 •• ••• ; AtEXANOEH-7.At,'Scott MeMorial Cleaners.' Mount Mount -Forest, Ivre.re Pneta and tal, 'on -June 21, tO Mr, and Nrie. JOha stains removed. Garments stay clean long-, Alexander'. "Seaferth, daUghter. _ er, 'wear • longer. Agent: MILLER'S •BETTE.11S--At St. Themas on June 8, to .BERr, VIBE, Phone 247 for and Mrs. Ron Button, St. Thomas, pick iip' • 19-67-tf daughter--I/farlene Louise- • . • • -, • • DE CORTEI—AtStott Memorial 'llospital, on June 22 to M and M C r s 20 • Deqprte, Seeforth, a .deughter. r- a rs... o u . • •• DELANGEL'-•.A.t. $cott Memorial °Hospital; • DRAIN .TILE gline 21, ,to , Mr. and Mrs..-...Tosepla -• . • .• , ,Delaney, RR. '1. Dublin, a daughter. Call 193, Luean • . AUCT• ION -,SALE 'F,A.LCONER—At .glinton Public Hospital. .,. • • RYEALI, BRICK .NP, TILE LTD . , ,• . on' Tuesday. June 23, to Mr. and Mrs- , . . • 1ELGII4FIELD.- ONI'ARIO Prank Falconer, a son, A. brother, for AuCtion Sale • of Flouse.hold Effects in •.Tanet, .Toyce, June ,and Jean. . •'• . ' the 'Village a BrusselS .on -.SATURDAY, DDEN—Mr. and Mre...-Rpy...Ileelden,' St. JUNE 27th at, 1 • ' , ce. announ. the, arrival. ' of., Walnut bed: ebe-st -of draWers '1959: & great grandson. fer Mrs. :Onth- 'dresser ; table.:-.0Stermore niattress' arine ,Heddeii.,,Hmisall. and grandson for • _ , „ . • moiresVeAsia. 1,1110318 si4', down and' disabled' 'birth:animals. Prompt, Collectien Srf , .dead., and disabled. farm', animals.., and hides. Call collect.; '.=;r..ANDREWS,• '851 R 11, Sea-: forth., Associated' with DarlingCo., of Can'ada''Btd. • • 12-65-tf ' • . , • . • *radio: .2 „Card tables ;r. 'Hoover. vaci1U2A; , granddaughter for•Mr. ami Mrs, • 1. -Coming Events .• BAND CONCERTS by eeforth lenders every Tuesday evening at Victoria • 1-68-9 Pa*. DRESSED HAM SUPPER, Carnival, En- tertainment: drawing for „Chevrolet ; St. Columban, Wednesday, July 22. , 1-67-3 12. ,Wanted To Bny. arid. .Slumber. ging springe2 bedrooni. Mr., and Mrs.,•Clo,yd Hedden, , St. • Cath-• . :chairs ; walnut ced chest ; .sntique „Chest a.rbrieS... • • • • ,.. , of drawers; 'oak book alielvesi-.-2 Clintnii Public Hospital, • on tables waluut mirrors ;' laundry June '19, to.. Mr. and Mrs; ilaviti 'Reid pet$ ; iiarrteee ; walnut' gate-leg table t 'tea , • (nee Verna Eyre), Clintui1,, wagon what -not; 2 "; small Upholstere,d ',ley David: • Chairs ; oval antique table; 2 floor lams,; ROCK -Mr.- and lYli•S, Floyd;,.16c1c" • (nee 2 table' -harms china: ,cabinet; autique i•Betty 'McLean), Hamiltcin, announce the desk ' stool '; rocking " thair television"; arrival ' of •th ir da.ughter Lorrie A • 14,, Property ForSale A. 6-310053 ObT•TAGE With bath; ,con- y.enientlY located., Apply to Box 8.45, 313391DEON: EXPOSITOR. 14-67x2 '6 scatter rugs ; 2 small -rugs , AlcLean, Hamilton, •and . first great tor ,refrigerator; Moffat electric range*. grandchild for Mr. John Pansmore, Hen- antique",fiewer stand: large crib, ovalligili ' ' bag ; screen. for fireplace, brass guard batlirdorn scales; other articles too • •rfouSE FOR SALE: West' St.'three • • • 2.•... Lost, Stray ,-. ed •.bedrooms, .one "floor. Apply MRS. •G. T. • TERMS—Cash CUllifiVIINO:-.4Iri ...London _on Sunday, June 28. Deaths '1.,,.John ... Cumming, of Seaforth, • in ' ' . .$IIWLAIR 183 31rougl,dale Ave. London NOTING tattle fox hound, brown back, '.82,i year light' tan . head,, white legs and markings.,• . .. „, , , ,Ont . , •- Auetioneer : Harold ‘laks°ayour home ztow $() 90 down. 2, 0_6's-4 ,• ..s..TEw..23 likaltrTy"---.8teIntttin h81.t eaaforth, en 'Tuesday,3.1iiie , • 'Has been gon, for two Weeks Reward. "• year Finderi,please 'con'tact LESLIE PEPPER, •ft.E..4„ Walton. Phone Seaforth 8.54,E 22. '• .VLA... proJ,ects. •,,T.a.rnis ...to- suit. CLAYT •. • ' AUCTION SALE • ' . • ' ' '. - ' • , - . HANNAH SCHOOL PICNIC • • . 2-68-1 . • . , .. . . . , , CanditiOnt---,matle 4. • Map Wanted. 'HOUSEWIVES, need extra ' ilioney1 Start. your own profitable businesi • ing an Avon- tertory. Opening. Sea- •'117"Torth`.- "-310tHER:Xielf-78 , '•"Owen Sound,- Stating telephOne „Manlier. , : •.4-67x2 44 TIF_IP WANTED • Number of young .girls and boYg 're'" ,• (mired immediately. Pleasant working, conditions. Permaneut....employment, SEAFOI1TH SHOES LIMITED Seaforth, Ont. . •, FIOUSEr :FORs- -tna,M ern home .= John ".St., Conveniently ;located tO, churches, SchoOl: 'OJ beat; full .hasement-l. Ana" .:Ponah:';., modern.. kit- " cben and 'bathroom. IntMediatelaosSession. Attractively' ptiCed for sale, 11OSS , ' ;•T,JAR„E• r bungaldw, • near Main St.; "modern kitCheit•'ancl.%;batla",„,• '.rubbei". tile fleois kitelien;.1 bath , and "dibing.1*.00M • hying .room ri?raowith , natiiral •fireplace , breadletiru and draiiiia base.nielit ;' rieW.•••Oil furnace; kinnilrY bibs; eXtra'.10t, Easy . terms. • 2194 • or 130.). 820. Seaf:‘7!•!..1'..: .0000 • BUILI5fl1-0 LOT fer sale on •North 'Main Street., 'Ranch -style brick house' on li Main Street,2 'bedrooms d den or, 3 bedrooins. This home in, ex.. cellent iontiftion. rally landscaped. 'Priced HELPWANTED • 'ell as. "`nerli'ving" APPlY ARC) • Applicationg will be received up to June 1' 30, 1959, for the caretaking i:tf School No. • 5, Tuckersmith School Area. W. P. ROBERTS, - SecretarY-Tressurer, R.R. a Seaforth. ` • °t, 0. FREE Phone S66, Seaforth„,,,Ont. • • 14 -GT -if • . 15. Property For Ren A.PARTMENT for ren.t. Phone' Seaforth ;• •ac ion . $ale o ouse o ec the Town• of , Seaforth, .013 , SATUBDA,Y, JULY -4t1i, at 1 P.m. ' •. ' , • • , „ • , StlidiCt •C'OlIch 4 occasional" chairs;' 2' 'boolc'eaSes; walnut • tables ; Io t 21-' cli4.1e.levisicei:;........whatno • piece mahogany Mahogany dining rpora saiit41-breek- fidnt, buffet, table. and .6 'Chairs '(excellent htl-t* ) • 1.;.p. 'r' rnirro2 end-tables,-,rua-- ,lieganY bedroom snite;, vanity .'chest , of drawers :'hedl',Slurings and mattress; maple, ,spindle bed; mapletrill beds and 'e4eSt antique" dresser; 2 .1101. trees; 7-piete, ,chrome.lcitehen Set eulde•foot ref 'rigeN .clathern;' taelbeelandod trje- sto" ved; glsas ' 'cuP' radio and -.record ' player; -eleCtrie-laraPa ; machine ,J4ennic're gas 2 cogelieS,F.. '2 radios; ,dishes; %step -ladder ; n firyer•-•'..sew.ing machine ••.• rugs: kitchen' .ufensils ; 3 ,rairrdric :74k31, 17k41,. 19x41.: verandah :furniture:, electrib . deep 'fruit garden tools.; . lawn fertiliser,: and seeder:: 'Power. mower:: • girl's large bike; • other article teentirrier,ous - to ,mention: , • , • . TERMS-72Ctl.sit.`.' •. ,• ' . 'Proprietress: -MRS.. •HUGHEE SPRIDAT Auctioneer: Harold jaCksbn.,; . , • . • . • • ... : • • . • . • , :Anititinent, available- 21.- Tenders Wanted' - July lit.' 'oRyITJT,T. ocE; Seaforth- •• 'APPLICATIONS • " • , • , • I , • , • . . ' TRE---F.Q4111-v • ' • ...N • • . Two imircomt. :apartment for iir ARE- REQUIRED FOR .a;vailable lit..July-1 new& decorated. Near OF 41.1AN,AGER. OF fat. PUBLIC? • Shoe ' fattory, 'on. 'Welsh Street. • GLATT • SE'AFORTH, ONT. • UTILITY COMMISSION, . ''• 15V,I,TNIs,... ... •- ' -15-67-tf ' TAVIIT•lflti.1ftit.'..SERVIGEt 'shit/Ten/us, Applications will 'be received. until 12 .repairing'all kinds Pciyier or hand, power's. ,;.... &clock' noon Friday, July 10, for the pogi.". Jon.±,T mae.LEAN, r,Phime; 649. Sea - tion of Manager of: the Public Utility portal. •• • „:•• 1.9-66x8 COmmission, Seafoith. ()ntatio. Applica- tions. iu order to he eonaiclered, must be self,,cOntinned. newt. made. on a prescribed form, a coP4'., rooin4partmenc,..suitable which maf be obtained from 'Izidies_te.enliple with small:41414-: . Apply...any. . evatting,' Mit 'Satnidap.' OR;; • The Secretary, • • virmif -PAM North' Vein St.; Seaforth. • PUBL,IC UTILITY COMMISSION, " • • • - 10-67,4 Seaforth, Ontario. • 4-68-2 _ tt 7. Situations Wanted • WANTED: Home work, sewhig, wash- , South of United Church- 7-66x4 DR,ESS1VIAKING, alterations and all '3:: kinds of sewing. Call 231-3, ,Seaforth„ or call at M,RS: CHARLES JOHNSTON, . 7-68/Or 19.• Notices. • C0111/1;tTt LAUNDEWERIA fortis and district and D• in Sea- ry'eleaning Serg vice. WEBB'S nrer.rAmis, 'Seaforth, ERagent for Jdradi Clein4a LaUhdeteria REIC,. Extter:7' . 8. Farm Stoble For Sale - ;•• ,' TEN SOWS, lired Pare York, firiitnd • second litter sows, due Within two wecs. ALBERT W. SHIRRAY, R,E. No. 2, Hen - 1; sail Ont. Phone 683 Xt 11. . -• 8.43-1 9. 'Poultry or Sale 300 RED , ROCK Pulleta..ready tO Apply to JOE DELANEY, Dublin. e.,step. REqUEST 13ray pricelist dayold heavy breed cockerel SPecials. Prompt shipment dayold, sonic gaited, dual purpose pullets, and coekerel. Some Annis pullets, also Leg - horns. Order July-Angust Monett Arterit; WALTER MaCLURE, R.11- 2, Seiforth. Phone 844,55 5. 9-65-4 10. Vseil Cars For Sale 's, HIGHT'St•CASH PRICES • Paid in surrounding district for, dead, .old, eick .or-40Mblecl-borses and cattle, --Old horses .for alaughter at 5e per pound. • For 1)rompt, --sanitary disposal, Z4 -our f,Pliene _LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153, Collect. ' "-• 19-67x20 , •NOTICE , 'ruCkersnsitls Township- 'Municipal DuraP wilLbe opened frera pxo. to 6 para. on lirednaday and Sat-Ur:lay afternoons, until further 'notice. . xl---i"or(E.41,rwr, • Clerk. •• 19-654f WATERLOO CATTLE BREE,I)ING • ASSOCIATION , "Where' Better Bull's A-rel./sea" Artifitial Breeding Service —.All Dr.eeds of Cattle --Member owned and control. led .Cost LoW EntangleHigh ' 1957 FORD Station Wagon, 9 -pass• ena Ilse of the best tufts .—.. Disease Control- gg% good condition. PHONE 2194, Sea- led ..--. Safetr- • '' . foath. V-88-2 • •• , For service or more II:don:elation, itlionet 1951 PONTTAC Sedan DeliverY: lOW ciLrbirol,r Errs Z4441. mileage, hi good running order. Cheat, for cash. PHONE HE, 2-9512, Clinton. or for Long Distance ,, 10.484 °LINTON°. ZEIstrrn P-stso Articles For Sale sTRAwmitItats fot. sale, Etypir to - • STEWART DALE Phone 847 It 21, forth: 11 CRIA large size, used very little. Ap- ply JAOE EISt.ER Sr. eaforth. 11,63x1 15 Adam of mixed Bay fot sale. AlIt DIY to •CLB,M KaAtisitotre. phone 40 R 21, Dublin. ' • 1168x2 _ • IIHATTY" washing machine, in 'perfect entldniure. Bargain:- --APP1P Apartnient 4, M�I APTS., Main Streht. Seaforth. • STEEL .000FIN0,- Iasi:disk rotting and aiding cedar ar,F4t, :an Berate 7011 lyttY, • Photte teaferth 841.'a 2.. BORDRPI • • •, • 'MDR foam rulsbe.i aceeMories; . ..,'Inlyelties and tote bags at STAESEN'S. •."PL1/203iNE.. Phone 49, Beisfort.h. 1 • 11'.:61 AD hair4oiderjjstettiationalf ttle6-4,fort,-insiver. okciaGE• nOwtort.' 'W..•',Varna. Phone Rensell 676 R 21, ReastilL • I1,42Stf • • nunet.a. not& A -i rabl->erf' also diekshutt Steel • Wheel nisinctre SPr&idei, new martin .telid;Main'. IT. T'ALtikir 1, Seforitil. "Pilate' 882 E 4. , • li-sort ERANT ,.reacly fa 8 to 10 dAlut genie Your othi; Phone' Seat:4.th 866 5121..APPlsoto MRS. MARY 1/01Wi1/0t, 1ut 2 ...Seaforth. • .11-418-1 1111,1S-CHAINESS. ,C"A' Mai ars, gam, - line engine, ilia Onl61 on d'60 cornirine, tri . APPIY 0ENT W060,; 31.35. 8, Ebben. ,Thene ,SettfOrth 812 • • , 11424: • Efetween: • . 7130 end 9:30 it.tit •Woo_le HaYS' 6180 and S Sattirday evenings Calls receiv,.4,ti4 Subtiday" evening will be served on $12ti4ay blotting,rot 10w2in beat on, Stinday.trlornirgLDO NOT Call until ilforiday rcoraitig„ ESTIEllt Gierrt.0FOlt nttrzit. ti•Ww0 • 13-63-tf TENDERS WANTED. FUEL OIL AND COAL , The "I'ucitersmetle School Area • vites tenders as specified Alierewith-: • . ; • • ' . ' 11 Furaraee0i1 supplied when neetled to 'Schoolii"-Nos. 2, 5, 7,'9 apd 10 during the 1959-1960" sChool •terra_ , ,Furnace Hard Coa/, beat quality an..4 thraeite, 7 tons -quantity each- ter Sclibols. NOS. 1 and delivered before August 31, • , • 3. Furaace Stoker Coal,' best.' quality, 1 tons quantity for.School No.. 8, Eginond, vfile, delivered . befUre August •31, ipts. „ . ' Th'e above tenderi Will be reCeiVed noon July 14,' 'Tile lowest 'or .E011y tenders riot necessufily accePted. ' 22. W. P. ROBERTS, R.R. Seafel"th. . for a Meat enjOyable ?and' StiecetO• fid.•pionie ,.helt1 At.'llannalt.•:Sebecd, No: f.7.,•',Tiickertioitli,'Ttie6daY iog.f A •reee d.'numher„.4-,People eAS:retentaridadaceniteolitt,ix-- :Per , Following 'Grace'. a fpresentetthri. of !a :6-oin: 'sage .was Made.'to. the teacher, :Mrt ",.Thentai ',Kay 'en behalf. 'cif , the. Home' -and School Association. Tlie .attociation: also henered. the two: Grade &gra uates -• Heather McLeod. ,fand.. JohniVfeeowari,,f.2.'w,- have cothp1eted'their-tehecilir.ig.ff;At: No.. 7.; .When theY were each. pe' tented -with a pen by thepresitlent .111rs.. A program of genies. and „races fello'Wed,..rtinged...4Y rs: Joh Ca:Median.: and •conducted -.Forrest.- The ...following were -the •f events ,and winnerS::•pre=schoolers; • ".Pastf thePaCkage.7.; .straight•run lung raCes;: .'Pre-Sehoeters'; 'Bob 'Cotithelian ,,Lynn McLean,. *siie.*to nine year -Sy' Bill iCar,noc en, rime •-years;'•---Deitald 'Landsherceigk,",:„,benOld". 'MeLeed; Sehrid students, "P„otk. • ...thq contest, Keith MacLean, " peter-. -finerl'i hallecinf.liloVvine; 'Harry McLeod, Jelin Carnechan; ladiee -.:Mithanti:•:f calling emitest, Mrs.* • Harr Y . McLeod,.: Mrs S Alec ..Chesney; eraeker And .Whistle cen- ' Donaid MeZod. Gerald ownsen younges person. pres- ent ,Gerdon --Hpaine9tran•;°7- oldett° person ,preselit;" Mist, Bertha..„FOr- rett; '1adies7,,.and.'gents" thread the 'ptitrglie ack After,. these ; 'events MrS., whnioleavhig,,Ilaintah- Scheel- atter ,six and -onedialf years to take, up nevi. •-duties 'in -Seaforth..:.Publie •School in. September, -WaP-Preterit7' ed- with -a • firligength,-.)111.Morlertbe--; half Of f the. parents., children and friends lin-the dis-trjet; the address. being read lay. 'I'. :Q. ,Fox, •and the al Notices — •presented-Lby James Lands - NOTICE to CREDITORS • • In the Estate •sf .er..tNre ALExANomst All persons having claips against.."tkc F.State of' Jennie Alexander. late of the' -Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Spinster, deemsed, who died ,on tbe 4th day of Tune, 1959, are hereby notified to Semi p 4t15 nartieularo of their claims to: the undersigned .on nri7be4ore the 171h day of July, 1950, after which ;late the assets will be distributed, ha.vinsg regard only to claims then. received. • , • , DATED at Seaforth, thin 23r,,4 •day of June,' 1389, lYXCCoNNE,J1, & STEWART, Seaforth, Optar'o, •• SolicitOrs for the Executrices. 2-68-3 . - NOTICE' to CREI)ITORS IN THE ESTATE OE RACHEL' ANN K.EYS, ,late of the Village ef Bruce- ' IlelI, in The County of TfUrort, dereased, • Alt persona having clainm against ttte Estate of the said Rachel, Ann ReyS, who died on the 5th daY of October, A.D. 1968, are required -tr), file proof of the name with fho undoroigatd on or before the 3(Itis clay of June", A.p. 1909, after which date the -assets 2515 130 tlistributed asnong the Per, ties tattledthetete, having regard ntily' to 134 claints ofVii'laich flotice shall have been givens. , • 0AIT20 at_Citao'n, this. 8th day of June, AD 1359 ,•0 teLEVZIE.,S, - Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for tbe said.Eatate. uT Dowg'4 Yat,ift MOO. ks° • .S.-t•P‘S'r rfva o-orrA aiet-iK j ---:-rne6e 'EARS* e N THE : ete.lorP.M,*ER %.......... Aps.. . Cards of Thanks WE WiSH to exPresS our Filature thanks to our relatives, neighbora.and friends who' so kindly remembered tie with. texas, Lifts , and visits following the hirth of onr &ugh - tet, ' Gaye Rachele. • • JOYCE and itAirrit ristren, • 28,88i1. . • Walton, Ont- wisn toeit•res-a Mantas 3o.on relsitiveg friends‘-and---xteigishors-,kwisa so 'kindly' called, sent &Went and cards to Mr. Walter Fairbairn ts patient in Clintert ,Thil>110; Etosnital. Sincer& thanke and appreciatiOn 'for the raanY acts- of kindnesii, beautiful flor'al tributes and Mr/s- tages of sympathy during our recent sad bereavement. Special tbanIter .to Rev- 11. A, Asia/Lilian, Dr, Z. O. Eocidard, the Staff of Clinton "Public' Hospital,' the Pfillhestr- era and llonthron Funeral Home. The hind* Iler.93" of all is deeply appreciated. ' MR, AND 543513. 35085 LOVE' 23-884 AND PAMILY 24. 11111/Jun0'1:Jain . • borough. •Mrs.. Kay replied grac- thusly, hoping- •to still skeep in. touch with everyone. She dongrat- tilated .the Horne' and School or- ganization, -thanked them'. for their help, and wished them continued success: • Those -still feeling energetic en- joyed a ball ganie until dark. • The fine paper Industry alone employt 27,000 inen in the mills. REDUCE OFFIO FATIGUE Groups Holds PionicSJ. At Lions Park' RILEY, REUNION •1 Under ideal weather eontlitiont he .12th annual Riley reunion wa held at the farm honie of Mr. an • Ms 'Bert Riley, of ,Ciernarty, e Saturday, with 85* members cf th clan attending. Afull ne of,sp rt were rtni-eff under directien- Mr. arid Mrs. Fred fl burn an Mr. and Mrs., NOrinanHarlatirn. Winners.'were:raCeS; Cheryl: Rgey; • three- to, siit7..Bett AnnHarburn; .sit:to nine, 1Vl4rjeri Speckley; nine to 12; David Smath 12 tel6 LloydBrodhagen• .triarried , , „, itien; 'Ross '.Riley; marriedladies Mrs: „Bill Kellington;. thee:Sex-am ble Miss -Margaret Bea; three legged race, Mist Eleanor Boa an Ross- Rgey; oldest ' lady present Mrs. - • Jelin 83,: RiPPen •yeungest -baby; ;Ilughie.-Harburn five if -tenths, Thorndale; myster person, Joseph Flynn,- Cbriten,' We by Norman ',Ilarhnin;,1ife, 'save race for the- adults and,. pealin s cra children, - each child receiving a ballon. Offieers, elected. for .1,960. were president, Joseph Flynn, 'Clinton; vice -presider -it,. Geerge. Mann; Clin toil; .sepretark; Mrs.,'Bill 'Ceiling ten, Brussels; .treasurer, Mrs. ' Bert Riley, Cromarty; sports, * Igro:Kel lington and Miss' .Phyllit, . Riley NEWS OF ENSALL DISTRICT !PUPILS LEARN RESULTS OF PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS Promotions Were announeed thi 'week by Ie principal, Robert Rea burn, and staff teachers of lien salt Public School. Results were a follows: Kindergarten To Grade I s guests -Were:received by 1Y,Irt: Sol- - dan and Ruth, and Miss Wendy - Moir was: 511 pharge, of the guest s book, ,House cieceratiorit were in. color schemes cif pink Mid white, and the tea table eenteied roses, orange blossoms and viola,;' flank- ed with pink and white 'tapers. Mips Naney Kyle and 1Vfist• Helen Hendrick served' hutch •and • Mrs, .Dave .Kyle poured tea. In -charge Of the .bride'S treusseau were Niro.' E. .Chipehatei 'Joyce' Mc,Ew- An, Lendon...And Miss Gladys ,Meir. The name of Jerry. Drysdalewas inadVertently •finnitted .the port '�f '21. •successful candidates; in the local St. John Ambulance ,sen- ior , aid .Jerry Waa. awarded a certificate In first aid: --Mr. and .Mrs,f,Williain ',Forrest will celebrate their -golden wedding dannafiylerusnaer,Y304 t‘beir4herne onTure, Miss Greta amini. is attending the reunion of the' Aluinni Atsocia.,. -tion-Jef-the -fOntario -.School for the Blind at Brantford, • '• • • Mr and 11/IrP. Den. Robinson and faintly,,, London; ..spent the week-, • end, with; the latter"s* mother; Mrs.. W 13: Cross,' •• - f • • .Mrs --Pa tiliriem.-Serabuth„ is, vaca- tioning with relatives in Sastrat- e.h.11ie*tasn'TGw"enChaprnari arid 'Mist Mary: Ann .RanMe have aceented positions; With the .acceenting de - pertinent .at, the Bell (Telephone,: Londen and conimence -their tie* ..positiont on July 6, . •'• „Innen Services' . Will . held: sin .dariiier; Pretbyterian. Cluireja Mg'. the :Month ,cf. July When sall United Chinch wili-.'ivorthita With 'thein. Rev: oc- `cirpY his own pulpit during July un tit thelirSt Sunday' in. August: -* • • Mrsi Stan Tudor waoadnutted to M ridaY,7-110-116.---J.ut Fats '4>f-.41- - :SIT}ith.:11uren-Hospitalr*.; Exeter",• health.. .- • ' • • . Mr.- and NITS: Clarence Shenherd,. Timone:), '.Vitited over ,the weekend. , with 'Mrs:7 C: IVIanns. 2,- • ' IVirt: James 'Morris and Janne,- of Goderich;„ spent-"Mednesday ..with fMarm.*naynd Chipchateand • Mrs. Ruth Carter; Clinton, spent Wednesday.: With ;Mrs••„, qatherine, ,ffedden. and fainily.. - • Mr.: ' john' Passmore has return- ed., honie. *• after . spending • three .weeks-. visiting ,with his daughter and stan-inlaW;* Mi.: 'and 1VIrs., W. --klrYlohn P.assnior,e attended the Cann reunion, held at.. Riverview Park, Eiceter; Saturday;, • .1 Mr. 'and Mrs. .1. at-." tended the 'Uwe -Johnston reunion at SeafialihTsf:diniif Parklek-Sattir:, es Joey • S •BAlenegxoeuilue,r„„ TrAllaonyanBnist.Baeoll:, f Billy Canieron, .Garry -blenient, irr Larry. Deitz, • John. Jaques, Joyce johntton, Anne Keys, David Kip- , fer,,,Brenda.Koehler, Caroline Lor-. Y dine, 'DOuglas• Mock, Rolfe,' Otten, e Joey Reab,urn,: Barbara .Sawyer, ; Earl Sheitheuse, Jacqueline -Sim: 1nonS, • Donna Smith, JolinnY Tay-:. , John Thenigsore, Billy Watson. • • - 'rade.I1 Grad'fl d . Margaret .Allair, Debra, -Andel-- , son, Beverley Clark, Ronald Clem- ; ertt, Beth Cook, Kenneth Ferguson, , Mark 'F'iforcl., Donna Forrest, Linda y Hay, Kay ,Hovius, *I.loy, Mur -- n ray Hume, • Carol.. Kerr., Dorothy , , Lynda ,Koelger, Mary t Mock,. Linda Reid, Keith BeSel-, h Parnela . Sangster; ------M-or or•i • SchWalrn,_ Jane Smith, Pamela Taylor,•Teggy. Varistime, Murray Walker Heather Watson....' *- • • - • Grade To Grade HI. • . • Billy Bengough,- Janice 'B,orithroe, Betty :COI -heron, Carolyn Cook, Bil- *ly Cornier,, Michael 'Dais, Muriel Ferguson,. LYnda. Fuss, -Dianne, Goodine,. - Keith ..ylavees;• Michael •; Hoy, Patricia Thane, Susan , Jinks, Roy JohnstonKenneth Jones' 'John • , Jeynt, Linda 'Keys, Sharon Lavery, - e:-.11an Reid, Virginia John Moir.C.herYi, MoesSPa'L' tricia ParkA Smh a r'T,1:1" Grade IV ° TaYlor, 1DarrelrWyatt. Grade . • • * _ - • -Christine '' uanierdie. 'Arlene"' unit): ‘chaSe, John GOddard, Kathy. Ite,n- ‘,derson; Linda 'Sane ,'Icipfer, ff: Gary Kyleq_...WndY Noakes., Fleyd-• Riley.; Jane -S awyek as -Schwalm, Joan •Simmons, Skea.; -•-Billy -Tayler,'.,Roger Wilkinson, ,Ettie Wynja. , • , • . GradelIV To Grade, .V• .• Gary Ariderson„ ,Celleen BaYnt hare; .Peter -Bisback; Ricky •:anan,,. Bevan :Bonthron, Gorden Dietz, Paul.Drytdale, Joyce Flynn, Brude Forrest, Clark .Forrest,' :La- verne Harburn, Take 1-loViusi, Flora Lee Johnston Grant: Jones Suz- Anne Kyle; Cheryl' Little;f0cib • SW.aew4deYl.,1,VIG°iwr;enH,Sahtlioerr 'IVIRearth3T Smale,- Soldam-i*Grant: Walker:, _J • „.. , Grade V To Grade VI' ' , • •BilID3nC113hip'Ccahma:er,6'11,131•By(,)abribyE'ienka,rl'i.Ssliibe Forrest, ' Glenn " Irarbinit, Sadie Hovint, Danny . Kipfer, *Dianne: Koehler, Alvin:Lavery Marcia Lit- dle,'Ann Mickle, Linda Mock; Bon- •nie Peters,* Donald RileyTillinald Riley, • Ann Sawyer, '.Barbara, , •. The .1960 ..reunion 'Will be held at Saturday andMrsBert Riley's tlie third • f•• TROYEli •atiumoN The 33th„ aqnual TreYer reunion, Was held SimOay. at Harbein.-:Parjr, Goderich; vigil:members -present from .f '1,Vaytte and ,Be1levi1ie,Mih.5 Seafer.th;.„.• Loridesbortritchell, .arid SPOrtt. :were ...direeted by the '.apert,..P. Troyer; . girds, :*5-7,. -Faye :Troyer; .MarY,,Lenjeliriseri;,fbOys, „bYl_Celentaii;f.gildt;.8710, Betty *Hog - gait ;, • bey.S.;;,.8411;*-fRussell ,'Talbot, HarveY'llogg,artj..,..giriS;:.1.042;•San. .1dre1211,:11,RuitiseG111;e:TrfaMabcilt°,-h.,:',nNs•eailli.;",Geb6ynt's-f, .inell; kick the,fsliPper;* Rat - beta.. Bowes;'''f.hoks• .kielc' the 'slip- per; .Dotiglas.ditigill•;.' girl With ..ritott ;bilthins; Betty,: .*Hoggart.;.” hoy, rifest 'colors in seelts• Ken :•,Gein., • , girls5 -Karen • Talbot,... ielay,-boys;"Dougla, S* pick;and 'life saver relay,. Sandra team. •' , • the soPPerhotie.the. dee-f, tion of 'offiCers. for 1961)' was held: president, *Ernie •Talbet.;;;• •viee. president, 'GOrdoe,' Johnson;;:f secre- tary. -treasurer, Mks,: EntertonCeleff, Man; sports committee, Mrs'. -Ge;:' donJohnston, .Miss :Faber' andBill• Sinit';,ceinmittee,' Ms .7 sell' Coleman, Mrs. Ernie • Talbot And *EmerteriCeleinan... .* • ..•• • SCHWALM..REUNION...- RivervieW'Park,. Exeter, was the setting -ori • Saturdayfor the, annual ,SchWalin' reunion ,When•:$....mem- bers :attended from. 'Stratfind;.../301161:, 'Weed; hara,..StAtaryt, Toronto,*-Thecidord; Leaden, Eieter. and Hensel. • .. Oldest' 'person ,present •waS:Mrt. Violet est, -..*•_Dianne Hoclgert,* Wiaadham; neweat .grandmothor; .Mfri":diedleY :MaY,...Exeter;-, 'maridecUthe. longest, Mr: and IVIro MiltonPieff, Exeter; conple married', the.' short-. •-est-tiine,„Mr,•, and Mrlenrif .Kenzie, Mr.•and .; Mrs, Gordon Schwalm; grandmotherS • race,: Uri.; Harold Stratferd; ._" married_ ,_wo,„ men "S race;* Mrs.: Italiey Pfaff: St., Marys;. married- Men; Murray, MaY, :13Yron;f 'men's race,f 'Gerald.' Hanson; throwing rolling 'pin,' Mrs,: Art O'Hara,. 13elleville;: ,throWing''the," bread ',jinn* Harvey, 'Pfaff, : St, Marys; ' -WheelbarroW. race, Larry Pfaff,-,SL.Maryt; boys,. 10 and tin der,. LarO•Pfaff; fgirls, 10 and:un- der, Harbara'SabWahn;- bayt, 'eight and *under, Charles Sphwalni; ebil drelei.'roce, Bobby Harris,- Lenden: ()Hiders elected- for.',.1060 were: Harvey'.Pfaft,..St.' Markt;,:",;SeeretarY-treattir'erMiss. Arlene' .1/engem, 'Stratford; ...table coninlittee, Mr: and 'Mrs..., Gordon. SehWalre, Mr.,' and -'mrS. Robert MCKeniie,, Ildisall;' ports,' fbar. and Mrs. Harelli Hanton, Strafferd;- Mr. And Mrs, Charles Bfarri, Lon- don: • • , A pienie dinner and Steaper were terve& Sports. were *direeted. by .Mr. and Mrs. Ithrace :P.6ff, . ' ••' • ,• HARRISON REUNION. • The 24th HarriSon rettriton as 'held '-aVitarbour -Park' ttiiile.f: ieh. :weather, :was cella ..fer icpicking, but there- was on at- ndance of 72. Thedirecters terv- • SChwalm, . Lois immons, avid • Srnaie, Bobbie. Sinale, Brian Srnil-. lie,, Jo -Ann * Stanton; :George:' Tay- lor, Donna Wilkinson-. • . . „ Grade_VI e Grade VII nieEr, Fie° setaemr!hliella,nBll..1 J<FisylheeLr, AnB uane- • aanwgrsetnecre, OtS-tuozaSiirnilaele*R,- aClark ev Gail ster, Zwaantzi Wyrija. Grade VII,To Grade VII! Jim Bisback, Lyle Christian, -Wayne Ellwood, Ilay;tinda johnston, Robert McNatighton, Bob ,Middieton, Ted Mock, Patif-Moir, Linda Noakes, Ruth Petty, Dianne CathY__Searie. GarY,_ Scholl; Brenda Smillie, George ' Stasik, David Taylor, Ruth Anne Traquair, Reino Wynja. •— --Grade-VIE-To-Grade Ron 13eaton, David Buchanan, Sack Chipehase, Den Ferguson, 13ill Harburn, Sylvia Henderson, Loeise Iones, Elaine Keys, Gary Lawr-• • se.nidcdern, .0-rIte.,a:thr• TyneachReorssZe_l, • Sharron • Kindergarten, Mrs. 11. Scene.; Grade 1, Mrs, BeryIElgie; Grades: 2 ancf3, Mrs. A. Shirray;: Grades 3 and. 4, Erie Mansfield; Grades 5 and 6, Mrs, Hatigh%Gradet 7 and 8,. R. Reaburn, PrinCipal.- • _ Damages Lig f Damages were light arid,no in- juries -resulted iira-tWo-car. crash at "Jensen , Tuesday night. ' Cars driven by Orval Rapsen and Garnet" Whittaker collided while the Rap- son vehicle was. turning int a driveWay 011. King Street. The Whit- taker Vehicle struck the right side of. The Rapson -ear. The accident was investigated -by 'Chief E. ' 1t.f Davis. - • ill'e)3Jro:ri-HeesnAtattell lilldroR;ivieel Pack attended: the •brOwnie Revel at Eider Scout Hall on Saturday. They were. BroWnies 'from Zurich and Exeter, present. Games and songs Were .part of the program. All packs joined • together for a delicious lunch. . _ . ' Bride -Elect Has Party Mrs. W. C. Soldancntertained on Saturday, June 20, for her daugh- ter, Ruth, 'bride -elect of June, whose_marriage "to John. William 'Hendrick, of Exeter', Will take place At Ilensall United Church Satur- day, June 27, •at'2:30 p.m. The 50 1,40.2810 . • , $53.60 . (GieS `POSTilitER Chfair • Correds Ituptaper. posiura . A Ailitistalrlo so your body ". Sprlog tension -back ' InereasesettrCiency by ellminat- ing fatigue. Back tilts indepericl- ently of soot. All nylon isearings. - thick foam rubber, latest Faiart-; cd'cited material. Will riot stain, crack or peel. 'Altimihtirn frame. • Solid base with kick plates and top bearing casters. Seat size 1614" x .1 x 234'1. Mb GO1PRS Granite Gray—oak Leaf Green Ilrown ...Seddle Tan, ..Russel' Terra Cone— Wins...Sapphire • Blue . . Ceuta., ' ph, - APIA•Pre4o te edthe tittal dinner of'.eoeked barn, ho potatoes and beans, etc... After 'dinner the sPorts Were riin Otand a very enthUsiaStie • eroWd • took.. art The results were at follews:. rac- -es,ire* .Years and Under,* -Sharon Willert, Billy 'Collins; girls, eight Years and under, Patsy 'Willett, • Cathy Adams; boys, • eight years arid, under„ rjan Hedger - Rey Taylcir; girls,"1.2 years and 'Under, Barbara Willert; f Viola • Collins; • boys', 12 years and tinder, Douglas Alton, Norman McCullough; ,girls, 15 years and under, Barbara " Wil- Iert, Viola Collins; boys; 15 years. • arid-underi Doug Single las Alteri,- Kenneth -TaSSTini°t'e 'ladies; *Barbara. Willert,' Viola Collinsi .; sngle Jitn Har-; risen,„Kerineth 'Taylor; married Itidfesteart Broadfoot, Chester Hackett; lgilies kick- the slipper, Joyce Willett; Amy Huitt;, Men: kielt :the slipper; SteWart 0,13road- Bud Hunt. • . The balloon. relajr„race was *Cin , .hy the teain captained by Albeit wToyjor,- Utile Kay Taylors teaM, ziEr..8Cust-!---in loving niAnorir of' o'ur , , dear nfeeeMery Delphine, who died • ' Asikenliead. Renes Harrisen wen OR the gUrn.-and oven -mitt relay. he number of, beant in the jar At eerrettlY petted•'by' Reta 24, 1.95k - • Hiutttn Exi3ositcir bpoli of,14eautiftel . th 'EN* ternernbered, tve; Thiele traroi4 ani 'warren. Phone 141 or -142 . 2-448-1 .e.,,,esetsraaweerse,wooresodoessewortaseivermatiessom e" towel draws The youngest Ver- di present Was Charles,Broadfoot, iteefield, the oldest Perseri being Mits_glara drarrison, Of R.11,:°I. • Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harrison, Brantford, travelled the longest- distance to get to the., ' lleforer,a,sumptuotit supperwas. served, the, president called every - 'One to Order and the 'election of officerS was held for 1066. They are: Bud Hunt, London, presid,ent;. Stewart Broadfoot, BrUcefield, sec- retary -treasurer; directors Lois. • and Bill 'llodgert; Seaferti, and Elizabeth and Stan Collins, 'Clin- ton. The sport committee committee vvill be /oyee and Harold Willert, Ilensall; Olive Broadfoot, Brucedield, arid AnlY Hunt, ofLoriclen., The 'diked- torswere instrUeted, to: buy meat fdr the noon meal asin previous years. As. 1960 wilt be the 25th an- niversary, anything extra' they Saw BRUCEFIELD). Mr. and Mrs. Donald :McKenzie end StpuTliOniat, SPent Sun, day With Mr, and•Mrs, SintOn Me - .. • *•• .• -Mr. E. J„Smith, Pertland, Ore- " gen, is spending a few weeks with • , his daughters, Mrs. G,' Elliott and Mrs. George Griffith, stratzford Recent visitors With 1Vliss Kath- leen Elliott were Mrs. Edna Turn- er, Detroit; Mrs. Bruce-MenenarY, Bayfield, Mrs. McNaughton Miss Marguerite McDonald and Mrs. Pearl Case, London, • A number of citizens attended the decoration services at Baird's cemetery: on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot• - - attended the Rebekah and I.O.O.F, convention hi l'urunte last -week. Mrs. H. Berry and Master Lawr- ence Elliott spent the weekend in ' Brucefield: arid. coriummity . :ex- tend their Sjrnipathy' to, Mr,..Harry •• - . Dalryniple and family Ill' the pass- • ing of Mrs-..HarrY„Dalryinple:*::: .•.•••••• . Mr. and MrS. Al!Ruslicall„ , niPeg, are visiting.1VIrS. •Rtisheall's - parents, M. and Mrs. Ross Scott, , ad family S.7 -Davison 2 a few da y.s :with..friends Leant- •" ington. • ' ' Mis. Fred .RathWell visited: her. , • titter', Mrs•-. Homer Hint, Seaforth,-, ,* Ablaut, 20 ladies ' attended...the W. M. S. Meeting at N.ortli'side United* • •; Church, .Seaforth, .on Tuesday eve- * Over 46 • friendt and ' relatives • - gathered on Sunday afternoon. at :the:home of . Mr. and •Mrs., Ervin.• Sillery for 'a ;family; gathering and' . iiienic siiWer. The event: Was held M honor of the latter's :parents, • Mr. and IVIrs.' W. ' J. Clark. whore- . ;cently celebrated their 35th 'Wed- ••. ding annivertary, They Were. re-- cipients of Many lovely and -useful gifts. Those present were. front. Hainilten, Greensville, Varna, Clin- . -.. • .ton,‘• Ztirich and* Goderielis _ , ' • • ' Mr. and" Mrs. Peter Gingerich visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. •-- Muscelinan, of Kitchener, on Sun- • day Blake Sehool toured with, three other schoels on a bus trip to To- J --- ronto. They visited at the Musetiln-,' • • ()Id Fort York ,the subway' and the , "-- Canadian Institute for the Blind. All pupils enjo ed their trip to• • " Toronto. s Mr: Archie Mustard, of Sarnia, " sp8nt the Weekend with his wife and fau1y his aunt MisS mFia'illrgayarevtisFitiniedaywiQtlif I6Mildr°.11a.nd'Nirs. Charles Robinson, ' ,sef spent,- an elrening with Mr "Harold Finlay and farn- NOTICE TO PARENTS !! `.-bICYCLES. WITHIN': si Tat,. PAR! A, dangerous :Situa,tiOn i'Sheing, treated on No. Ilighway, oppoite the entraice to the. Lions -,4-Parls-,,,iS.:';a,reSnIt,Of children leaving-theirbicYcleS*1ong the edge of the thghway 7i , Atitle4UATE:FACTI4ITT'ES EXIST FOR ?'Children on'13iCyCIOS use the: e.4,st The co-operation pi4rolita, is reqUeSte&-in':.i.in,4,:' . '.nrUSt be proPerly'parkeij; • , ; : . .„ „ . Children who persist ;164iiig ..bicycles at ,-7-0.1-0--Twq07,00-0.-4,00;,-.. in the inter:et* of highway safety, may be denied the :use of :thelPark. loog. :as the practise continues. :sEAFoRTH .;tioNs . PARK • • . . • . ••• I • Get t Ar* cilEGoodrichl ' you neetLfor the driving you do! No matter how faryou drive eadi year...' . •• hew fast or what roads ou travel" • a.P.Goodrich offern'you ' • dependable, qUality:tires • -to match. your driVing: . How do you drive? . NORMAL. DRIVING CONDITIONS DriVing like this, on good roads or exprestwaYS, b uy• Foi Go* fir 1 h ELIVX E • St LVERTOWNS. Get great service • at low cost,.-that'S • B.F.Goodrich • SIVI I L EAG El DIFFERENT'Y. • ' . ,s0IVIREFRA• MetAsN ROAD Yoit need. a mine. . ture-Sealing:, haaVy.service tire. B.F,Goodrich LIF,E-SAVER T1.113ELESS fills the hill—assures complete safety, , • long long wear, : SUBURBAN ROA1DS*' AVERAGE MILEAGE If this sums.up VOur- driving (or your wife'*) your, car should,roll ori THE E.P.G ood. rich DELUXE tire. B.F.Goodrich is best in its field —givesyou choice • of tube ortubelesit • VERY LIGHT DRIVING OPILV; You're one of ,the. .lucky who can econornize on tire* gerviCe tube typp Wilt Carry yOu In ,saf tat y—at te a I inonomy. Buy the B.F. Goodrich SAFETY .get SMILEAGE all the • 6.60.16 or 6.70-I5- • , • tube-typti • blatkwall," plus recappable trade-in. ,.. volt . • • , • • • • • REGOOdlteiCiii, v a a fires ' SEAFORTH SUNOCO SERVICE Free Pick: -Ill) Service . - fit to have theY 'were giVeli the P ° Privilege tr; decide'to malts it 36• Seaf°1.til banner retinion. , , . rairmarra...laria. •