HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-26, Page 1• , ' One Hundredth Year • • Whole Nuinber-4768 .7, _ 'SEAFORIIII, ONTARIO FRIDAY, JUNE 26 1959 Exi)ositor war Is Won B sborne Boy Keith Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia, has been awarded The Huron Ex- positor ..trepbzi. as a result IA, com- petition at the I•lensall Spring Pair last week, according to secretary James McGregor. Mr. Coates is the son of Mr. and, Mrs. Whitney • Coates Usborne e The trophy is given for -annual • competition,to the boy or gfrl, un 4 , der 21 years of age, in the Town.- shipsof Usborne, Tuckersmith, Hibbert, Stanley, Hay el' Stephen with the best steer or heifer, beef breed,' under 8.50 pounds. • • , • , ' • r, .• . , . Answer Call To Chimney Fire. Seafortli firemen- were called 'to a Chimney fire in?: the . Gordon Dick block • about: five," o'clobk. •Wednes-. day: .A large crowd. Wes .attracted densesmoke poured ,,over7 quickly eli.miiiated as ,the fire was Pkns.TNew HesaII Building A new Bank of Monireal build - mg is in the offing or.,the.vilage • Of•• ,Ileese11,,.:AgarieunCerrient was made ',Wednesday that the ',Wet Construction Company, 'Limited, London, had- been awarded the, ''• contract to build -the new branch. ' Contract price ..ii•;'.belieVed4M, be, ' about $50,000. Construction'of the 55 feet by 36, feet building will begin immedi- ately. It will be of steel frame with block, brick and stone walls. A partial' basement will be induct - The new building will be located several hundred feet east of the , present building, across from the Town Hall. 'The property was the former lawn boVviing green, owned by the Hensall.Bowling Club. The bank staff hope to •move in- to the new quarters by Christmas, according to branch manager K„ K. Christian. , ..... • , , • • • • ••• - 4 „ow Publish Early Next_ Wee July 1, Dominion Day, will be observed on Wednesday When all places of business will. 44. be closed. Since the holiday comes on a Wednesday—press day at The Expositor —the •paper will be printed on Tues- • day. Advertisers and corres- Former C "le Johii cummin Dies In London John F. Cuthming, former Sea - forth 'Chief of Police, -died inVic- toile Hospital, London, .early Sun- day. In his 82nd year, he had been failing for some time, although his - condition did become -seriaus- until' six weeks ago. Mr. Oil -riming was born in Tuck- ersthitn, but. spent"mest of his life Seafortli.. A tinsmith by trade, lie worked with a nninber of Sea - forth firms. For'nearly30 years in he has served -the .townvarious capacities, including several years• -as chief Of police At the 'time of his death he operated the muni - Opal weigh scales. He was active - in the fire brigade, being a mem- • hal-for 29 years.- - He was married to the former 'Maude Woodley in 1910, who Sur-, yives, together with one son,,,Har- , old, of Stratford. He is also sur- vived by, three grandchildren and • by a sister, Miss Isabelle Cumming of Ottawa... He Was a meniber of First Pres- byterian Church, and • funeral ser- vices were conducted by his min- •' ister, Rev. D. Leslie Elder, at the • G. A. Whitney Funeral Home on Wednesday.* ' ' • • Pallbearers were Harold Ma- loney, D. II., Wilson, M. E. Clarke, Willard Elliott, Robert Joynt and Lorne Dale. Flowerbearers were • M. McKellar,' Gordon Muegge and D. Sills, Interment. followed in • Maitlandbank cemetery. pondents are urged to co-oper- ate by having their copy into this office, a day earlier. • • DR. SVEN mtErvassr, who has joined the veterinary • office of Turnbull and Bryans' here. Dr. Meeuwisse is a grad - nate of the University' of Utrecht, in Holland in yeterni- arY medicine, In 1956 he spent some time here as a student. He will occupy an apartment in the Beady residence on. Gode- rich Street ' • " orals Gain s SOldiei Vote Is. Announced Harry Strang, Huron Liberal candidate in the -recent provincial 'election, gained 23 votes as a result of"lthe-SerVice vote, it was_ announced Monday. Charles MacNaughton, wile had a Majorityof 1,648 on election night, received 31 Service votesi while Mr. Strang received 57. The official count takes place Thurs- day, but it is not.expected to alter the totals as -announced election night. Lions lflstall - -- New .Officers_,L. Seaforth..LlOns held their final meeting, before the summer recess on, Monday evening when recently- • elected officer,swere installed. . In' charge of President W. M. Hart, 'the Meeting saw the .intro- duction' of a new member', Gerry McCourt. Plans for the 24th.' an- nual' summer carnival, being held this year en' August. 5, 6 •and 74, were reviewed.' . Officers " installed by internation- al director H. G. Meir included: president •eleet, • Elmer I,arone; first .vice-president, C. Rowelifie; second vice-president, E. P. Che - nay; . third vice-president, John Langstaff:. secretary,, lVfeCourt; treasurer, W. E. Southgate; tail - twister, George D. Hays; Lion tamer, . J. R. Spittal; 'directors,. William Ball, John A. Baldwni, L. E. Ford and Willis Dundas. Pass Exams At Teachers' Cdtlege ' Among district students success- ful in recent examinations at Strat- ford Teachers' College are: Kath- leen Talbot, - RA. 3, Bayfield; Faye , 3, Brussels; Mary R.R.R.R 4, Seaforth; Ruth raier;,.R.R. 2, SeafOrth; Rose Mary Lane, .RA, •5, ,Seafarth;• MeKindsey; Seaferth;,. •Mary Shea, R.R. 1, Dublin; Clem Stef- 'fler,• R.R. 3, Brussels; Marilyn -Taylor, ;Lotidesboro; Don- ald Wolfe, Brodhagen. Will 'Set Playoff Games • • Huron Football League teams are rounding up their scheduled games far 'the season. Playoffs will be drawn up at a meeting next week. • Representatives of all -teams will attend a rneetittg in the Winthrop Hall on Monday nigh4, 'June 29, raccording to league -secretary, 'tarry golger, Walton. ••••- • A LARGE' CONGREGA: IiieSedt'for ;Cereilichiret..at Single Copies, 5 Cents $2.50 a Year in Advance ForLions Park Maintenance District residents this Week are, being asked by. the. Seaforth Lions Club for help in maintaining the Lions 'Park in its present form,so •that there. MaYbe no lessening of the • services' being made, available. Letters outlining the -problem Went out to 2500 families in Seaforth, TuckerSrnith -1McKillop, and in per- tionsof Hibbert, ,Morris and Grey. As the appeal, letters: go out across the district, ,park, officials trict,", • Mr. Hart said, .„ as hecern- merited on the appeal for funds. "The Service can only be ,continued if these Of the .public who use; and benefit IrOm. the.park,'and. pool'. are generous m their --assistanee..".. Doriations may be:Jeff; at , any Seaforth 'Bank 'nr.'ferWarded to J. E. Keating. SeafOrtli,..•whe is treat'-., • : • , • . . • . report that -they - are receiving in. - c an " creasing requests for picnic -, ac= cominodation, and every indication . • points to this being one of the big- 1 1. -, te wart Pass urer. Veeeipts for inconie tait pur- poses are available if requested._ • Meanwhile activity' at 'the Parkis rapidly ;eaelling the suratit er peak. While the park and ; not open on a full-time basis 'Until Thursclay;picnic groups present on Saturday and Sunday crowded, park facilities. Patrick's• Church, Dublin 'when. 10 young people graduated from ." • Dublin High School.' Graduating were: „front row (left to right), Patricia Jane ,Tabor,: Theresa Maria Ducharine, Nancy Margaret 'Kai/ • Marie'Angela,SchoonderWoerd; . Margaret Claire, McCarthy,--. Catherine Christine Ryan; back' raw, Joseph petard Niurphy,John MichaelKlinithamer„ Keith Lloyd McCarthy and Frances. Joseph: ',.Malone. (Expositor photo by •Philips), • ; r , • :ner Ilonors s Dublin Pupils raduftte. LOWE40111VSTONAtEUNPN- The "Lowe -Johnston • reunion, at- tended bY Members. from Brussels, Blyth Walton, Paris and Ilensall. was held at Seaforth Lion Park under.ideal .weather conditions en Satutday.,,_..jmne 20.,.;;Prize'for • the eldest person went telVIrs..N.'Car- diff, of Brussels, 96 .years, young. Following a picnic Supperir.sithrts were 'run off,. •Mrs:''.Deagles, Hem- ingway, of Brussels, was ; appoint- -ed --196(} president, -and- ,Mr$ Matheson, Walton, secretery-treas, twee. "Mr. and Mrs. V. Welis, of extended aft invitation to hold the 1960 reunion at -their home. .• BELL REUNION : The annual • Bell reunion . .was heId. at. SeaforthLions Park' with an attendance of 61.. The ,officers for thecoining Year are: president, John, MacDonald, Teeswater; sec- retary, Lorne'13elloStratford.; lunch committee, •Mr. and Mrs. Rusiell Bell, Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don DicitinSen, Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs: George 'Marshall, Teeswater; spbrts. dorrunittee, Mr. and Mrs: Karl: Titack, Stratford, Mr. . and Mrs: Elmer Moore, Stratford. The afternoon events resulted, as follows: eldest lady, Mrs: Bertha Bell, Teeswater;-. eldest .gent, Mr. Sam' Bell,•Teeswater; couple coin- ing the farthest, Mr, and: Mrs, Ce- cil Bell, Sarnia; youngest baby, Diane :lifectsonaid, Teeswater Bell reilidonwillbe held nekt. year Seaforth 'Lions Park on. June 28., • -* KOCII-11AVIDSON REUNION The annual KochDavidsonpicnic Was ,held at the Seaforth Lions Park on. June 21 with 36 in at- tendance The officers ' for ,next year ari.:.'..president; Gordon •. C. Koch, Exeter;- secretary -treasurer, Ulmer ,Eedy, London; Mach 'cOnt mitteei Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dav- idson, RR 1, Brunner; Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Bedy, ,„London; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.Koch, Exeter; Spirts committeeLLMrk, and _.Mrs, Alvin Fulton, tlimville; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Davidson,- RR 4 Monk - 'The results • of the. afternoon ev- ent a are as follows: Three years and under, Angela Davidson; four years and urider,';'Susatt•Eedy; six years and under, Deana Salter, Larry Ptilton;, 10- years and under, Robert Eedy, Baby Salter; 10. to 1.2 Years-, Karen -Eedy, Sharon Eedy; 12 to 14 years, Sharon Eedy, Gail. Pehlke; young women, 'Mrs: Dorothy Eedy, . Mrs. M. Salter; young men, LOrne Eetly, Lavern Eedy; • le contest,and Mrs, John .Eedy, Mr and Mrs. R Pehlke; bean bag throw, Bud Ward, euben Peh ke; placing pie plate, Thomas Salter, Mrs. -Gordon Koch; Coming, the farthest, Mr, and Mrs, '.Bud" Ward; birthday nearest picnic, Miss Gail Pehlke. A peanut scramble was -enjoyed by all the children. „ .• PEPPER REUNION' '‘ The annual Pepper family reun- ion was held . at Seaforth Lions Park Saturday .With. approximate - icn lc _ 1r75 sns attending. An'inter- esting. lineup- of sports was .con-., ducted by thecommittee in charge. The folloWliag are the results of the relays and -races: ,childree,„ 5.8 years, Bill,IVIcGregor; Joyce Fal - 'caner; girls', 6-8 years Joyce Fal- coner,. Glenda •Matheson; boys, :6-8 Years, Bill. McGregor;, girls, 9-12 years, Florence Pepper, Ruth Anne Pepper; boys, 942 years, Grant Pepper, Derry Barker; young lad- ies, ,- Gloria Ann Pepper, -.Bonnie Barker; young men, Albert Walter, Roy Walter; marriediadies, Mrs. Leavreric,e Barker, Mrs. Glenn'Pep- per; married men, Roy Pepper, Exeter, Wes: Pepper; grandmoth- ers' sport•race; Mrs. John Pepper; grandfathers' 'time race, Howard Crich, .Roy Pepper; : girlskicking slipper, Julene Elliott; boys .kick- ing slipper, Bruee-lVfaineloi;• call- ing the men to dinner, Mrs, Frank McGregor,' Mrs.• Glenn Pepper; calling the cows, Clifford Pepper, Roy Pepper: bean race for con- ples.,?Mr..and MrS,OliffiarcLapper,. Mr. and Mrs. 'Glenn. Pepper; ten- nis relay race; Bonnie :Barker's' team;person , twang the-fartheSt distance,' Mr, Lather ‘4-PePper, , of Vancouver; B,C.;, youngestPerson Present, Wendy Barker; • hicks' number signing the register, Fred Pepper, ., The children enjoyed' a .pearitt scramble. • A delielous . picnic stIPPer was served with the 'cominittee. -in charge, 'Due to. the -absence of the President; Mrs. Carl •.MeClirichey, the Seeretary; Mrs, Clifford Pepper took charge of a short ' business meeting. The election of . officers was as follows: president, Dalton 1VIAIcohii;-secretary-treasurer, Mrs,, Lawrence Barker; sports commit- tee, .Mr. and Mrs: Sohn McGregor,, .Mr. and •Mrs. .Frank 'McGregor , lunch committee, Mr. and MrS, Les Pepper,. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gor- don,Mr., and Mrs.. Cecil, Pepper. It decided to hold next year's. picnic at Seaforth Liens Park, on the third Sunday in June, 1960, with hopes for a larger attendance. ST. JAMES' CHURCH •: The first parish picnic of St: James' Church was held Sunday at Seaforth Lions Park. Approximate- ly 400 attended and enJoyed, -the fine -program and picnic supper. The picnic was sponsored 'by the Holy Nerne Society, assisted by the Catholic Women's Several draws featured the af- fair and the highlight of the after- noon. was the tugof-war. between teeing from Seaforth, Tuekersniitir and McEillop,- with Seafortb tak-, ing the honors. Mrs. Gordon Dick' won „thet able_ Mr—andi-MrS. Ed. Brady•Were the winners of the married 'couples, prize,, and the youngest baby on the grounds was Joan Devereaux, age three months, daughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Devereaux. , The program for the afternoon consisted of various race events. Fallowing are the winners: girIS, under five, Johann DeGroot, Mary - ja,nmaat; Johann Groothius,• five Yeati;` Mary Van Loon; Pat Ziler, , (Continued on Page ,12) At . impressive ceremony in a. Patrick's- Church, Dublin, ._ on Sunday afternoon, honors were conferred on the 1959 eaduating class., Of Dublin High School. A large congregatimattended the ceremanies. The graduates were preceded to their places at the front 4:if the church by, the pupils' of the school, wearing their colors of purple and gold, while the choir sang "To Christ, . the Prince of •Peace," and the hymn, "Lead Kindly Light." • Ten gradu- Ates were in their regulation gowns and mortar -boards.. -• The guest speaker was,Rev. Stan- ley McGuire, Christ the King Col- lege, London; who chose - as his text, "Victory is won over the world by our faith." He congratia- fated the graduates and - exhorted Them to treaiiire their faith and. to Practise -it in, theff. daily -lives, in ,order to overcome11'e precarious temptations af the world:He also recommended thefrequent recep- tion of the 'sacraments of our faith, and always to remember that our, maid goal is Ileaveri. "What doth it , profit a man to gain- the Whole world if he suffers the loss of his immortal soul?" Rev. Dr.- Ffoulkes, Rev... J. Mc-• Cowell and Rev. j. Lynch present- ed the respective diplomas to tlae -graduates:: ,There'sa. MarieDuch- arme, ,,,'Nency, Margaret Kelly, Margaret Claire McCarthy, Cath'z' erine Christina Ryan, Marie Angela Schoonderwoercl, Patricia Jane Tabor; John Michael Klinkharaer, Francis Joseph Malone, Joseph Gerard Murphy, Keith, Lloyd YleCarthy. - Solerim Benediction concluded the. services, With Rev.. S.. Mc - Cowell au- celebrant, assisted by Rev. Dr;-Fiotilkes and Reif. Father, Lynch. , • As the graduates. marched out of the church,. the high school ,heir, accompanied by Mr..E.•,C. Harley, ;Mitchell, sang "The Repessienal," • • • ' Plan' Open Hate To View Changes In ,Town 'Hall It will be open,hollse at. Seaforth Town Hall on Thursday of next week. Citizens of Seaforth and neighboring nniiticipalities are in- vited to visit the building, and see the alterations and,4mprovements that have been made. - , An extensive program of altera- • tions has been under way for the past two years, to provide improv- ed accominodation for the Public Utility Commission and various town departments. SDP, Pupils - ,,ake Presentation Presentation of a floor lamp and magazine rack was made to Don- ald Morton, ' Of the PUblic' School ,staff, at a ceremony Tuesday af- ternoon. Officiating on behalf of the students of Grades 6, 7 and 8, were Benny Acker and Nancy Dile. A% Mortonis being married in August ta Miss Sheila McFadden, of Hamilton, formerly of Seaforth. ' gest years in the history of the r ng in- nisegen Ennis. cetApplicationsr6ioefnaa:rd, on d,sor ibdiwy providing rss ew na, wading safety nt 3r1 u The letters,..oVer the signature of LionsRaitc 'pC0.1thuhtproutesithdeentprWobilliiemains be )enue., Reference, is made to the The pool again will be in charge of teiiance-costandleSseried rev - are coming in large miniberS. supervi Since theriver, was condemned for swimming four years • ago4. smallchildren havebeen unable to paddle and play in the'*ater..When 1.11e-Prograiu for -the --construction of the new pool Was announced, at that_iime_inchidedindt_wawa.d. ing 'pool.. This year it is hoped it. will'. be possible to proceed :with this part of the project,",. the let- ter points Out.. Financial : state- ments covering 'estimated:, park maintenance accompany. the let- ters. , ' 'The thousands who each- year enjoy the facilities' . of n•the Lions Park and. Pool are living' evidence Of the extent to which the Lions' Park is filling a needin the dis- arr For 65 vearsan active business- without gaining consciouse t began his long met,,6 nian on Seaforth's Main Street, Mr. Stewart diaa.;rYin'soit•rhiagrt, diFleed ws au sddmeillnYisTligie ss le89117d`wishineng iclaerfel:ercailnneSaafss°0crtillilteind?,'„ clothing firm of stow?rt He: with the firm firm. of.Sterarti11BZ5 f, rifled the on vear.Mr. Stewart was , fo d Id Seven -ears°Greig aild Me senior partner in the vvilljell efal and a Partner, later he became was a former ofSeaforth,CshhiaPrfewslthSte7--shviartb'rtYtri:t:Vlaert'-nlaArtl Inng, i.served d7ri hg the First During • ' b Ye he has':be n4,, nsineis, the eicthing ePti firm Councillors Meet Municpal Board Representatives of , Seafortla° Council were. in Toronto Tuesday to meet .with the Ontario Muniel- pal,Beard concerning the. proposed sewers .in. Seaforth. party•were,,,'-Dr, J. O. chairman of the sewer ecniiinittee;.Dr. P. L. Brady; and town solicitor rP. D. McComiell.'. -•and .Papet .PayS- Wages , of tewart Bros. had grow. day it is among the•lea' m of its kind: in the. area: 'Ste, _Bros_tor....inore_than„40....years.;.R, - 'local agents for the., C.P.R.,,,. Mr, Stewart was active in. the' senger agents' asshetatinn of railway. ". • Bern 1n Seaforth, April 9;:‘ he was the son of the late:Mr.'4:a -Mrs.."---JaMes Stewart.'1-10 his eduation in Seaforth Always -interested in nuadeipail affairs, he ' served 'in Seaforth Council, ,and during the First World,1 War was, ;Mayor for two ,,years41 He has been a member of .the . Club for nearly '35' years; and is a . past president. ;,71Ie is .a past.chair- man ,d the Seaforth He bad been in excellent health, „and us usual -spent Monday -busy at the Stewart Bros,' 'stor,es: •..Last week, with :Mrs. Stewart;..b.e had visited 'Members. of • .his feinilY _in_ World WariaTi" was."--the-Yoinigest- Oi.an• tor:belie 'held thet .position. • 'Toroide.---f'?Strickeo-shortlf:Ifter he 13;(t,,.finiAhe4 his clinner .Monday evening :he Was :removed to Scott "Mernatiatliospitali,..where he' :th pass- stitute l3oarel: 'FOr'.many years "- he... seryed, „chairinan the .town's indus.triar, commission'- and'. played' a major role .in;assistine`industrt,r.;. in. Seaforth.-1 • . Interested in athletics „as..a.s.Youtbg he played laerosse With e2;•Chani.'. PiOnshipBeiliers at the. tura of the,. Century. For . many years he has - of, the Seaforth ". Active Presbyterian- Church, manager. :end :far "neerlY. years- has,20:'' been. an elder' in the ehureh; On October 15;.1902, he was'xiiar, $500 : million.: every year.- ea ':a (Continued .dia Page 12) • • ' If))RE p 1:r Re i'At4 •;',{;>.4,:',.•V t. • H4rei,i4r ' C''°•r`!'',141V-59Y" ;OW • " $:.flf!ift...A.Vep': • 2' !..:•;•••••"• SEAVORIII,FM,Mg were prominent among' those exhibiting at the second antmat poultryshow at the Western Fair G-rounds:w London last week. The show served as a indow for latest devel- opme, nts , the poultry industry and 'attracted'producers fronf-throughout 'Western Ontario. #' The attractive booth of Scott Farms', is shown in the upper picture, and below 18 the inter esting display • arragged-by Topnotch Feeds Logsdon If & N also„ sponsored a display, While Andrew's Poultry 'exhibited in the Scott Farms space. (Pictures courtesy, Canadian Pout - try Review). • • • cr