HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 1214 EXPOSITOR; SEAriAti minim tot to nun muumuu PRESBYTERIAN URCH ev, Leslie Elder mmister ' Organist.:andEV)onader , 10 A.1. Church School & Youth Fellowship SACR-4,11HENT' OF THE LORIPS SUIPPER -. Music: Senior Choir, Anthem: "It Was For Me" (Stickles) • VISITORS AND FRIENDS - ALWAYS WEI...COYLE!' ' A K Friday,. Jime 5 8 p.m. Preparatory Seryiee and Reception of New Members. • _FOR SALE" NT., JUNE •5 1959 uoch Notices LOCAL BRIEFS) BUY' that graduation or weddin ift. at. 25% discount, at WE TT'S June Sale.--(Achrt.). Mr. and M. M. Firnianty, Key-, in and Linda, of Cooksville, spent the vveekend with Glen Smith, - Mrs, H. E. Edwards, of Satilt Ste, Marie, is visiting her family here: Mr. and 1VIrs. Williarn, W,1.. .bee, Mr. andMrs. Tom Wilbee, Mr; • and M.r, Alvin Riley and Mr; and Mrs,• Alex McGregor,: of Tucker - Miss Garole Elder,' a London, spent -the ,,weekend at. the • manse with her parents, Rev, and. Mrs. D. _Leslie Eider.- , • • -Mrs. J. D. Cairns, of Brucefield, has moved' into her home, on John Mrs. Douglas Keys, f Chathain, .spent, a week at the home Of ber parents, • Mt'. and, Mrs. R:W. Campbell,- in McKillop.,, , • . Messrs, liVilliam and Jack Har-• greaves :spent the weekend with Mr: and' Mrs..E. P Chesney: -in Tuckersmith, •• 1VIrs, Barbaro Dale,•has leased; the' Scarlett' aparttlIClif Miss, Sheila: McFadden,' a xitl chener, was' Weekend guest 6f Missxir.Doanvatma cer„soot. co ort,, , Burlington,: visited-Sundo with, 'Mrs.- H, R. Colbert.• • Mrs, Pe* Hunter; of Toronto, has been spending, the last, two, weeks. with her brother,' Mr, Glen Snamith*.Mrs. iviaod . - • ,.,, • Leeming, ,Walton,, is ,a patient in, Scott" Memorial HerS-. pital. " , Seiriple arid. `Mr.. John -*Mc- 'Cloy are attending the Londen•Con-' ferenee of .the. United •Chtirah at :Central Church., Sarnia. ._ • Brady andMrs. Brady were in Toronto last week attend-. ing the Ontario •Medical. Associa- tion. Dr. Braciy_w_ras• elected. secrei, Taff-ef-the 'general 'section of, 'the OIVIA. •; • Mr, and Mrs. Charles. Ilarrigan., CookS-villeril-yisited,-ever--the- wemekrendRoVetrht,MHrsa.wJetthcinn, valescing at the home 'of Mr. and LemiTebblitt; Jarvis Street., and 'Mrs, Frank Cudmore' adMiss Nancy Cudrnore,•.of Wal- laceburg, spent the weekend, here with Miss Hazel Reid, and Mr. -'D. L.- Reid. . - • Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Mrs. W. 'RI 'Somerville, Mrs. E. C. Case, Mrs. Stanley Garnharri and Mrs, R., McFarlane accompanied MisS Rena Fennell to 'Winthrop Wednes- day' evening, where she told „ he story of japan in words and pie-, lures at Cavan...Church. • Mr. .Ronald Scoins, of the Uni- versity of-,' Western -Ontario, who. has been home ler the past three weeks, -leaves-,for -Owen Sound,. where he is emplOyed for the sum- mer montns by .13:Ilion aspanCent- , - • Mrs. Ewe lled, Roe, of Atwood, viSited over the 'weekend with Dr. McMaster. McKillop 'Uharge.—Bethel,, 'ao;Oo Lin.; .0aVat, 11:30 a.VL Duff's, 3:00 Daylight Saving -4teV. W. H. Summerell, Minister. ,St Thomas' church— (Anglican church of Canada) Seaforthr Morning Prayer, 11 a.m..; Holy Ceram-in:den, first and 'third -Sun- d.ays.- Mary's Church, Dirialiii:' Sunday' School. and Service, 3:00' 3. R. James, Reeter.' -Seafortli,P,entecestal Tabernacle. p.irf,-;. Bible .Study; Thursclai?, I 8 p.m.YoUrig Peoples; Rev: Van Alien, speaker; Sitiday, 111 Sunda,y'Sellool; 11 a.m.; -Morning Worship- 7:30 p.m., Evan. gellstic Service,7--Rey. fl, T.. Ken, drick, Minister. • . , Egmondville United Church—Dr. . Semple; Minister; ,Lyle Hain- 'rriOnd, organist-enoir leader: -11:00; a.m,„" Conference Echoes; Church „Sehoel :and Class, , ANNOTINCEMENI' •.1Vit, and •MiS: *Sidney•HedleY; 'of Wigten, i.CtirriberlandiEtiglank Wisn • to announce the '..engagement Of - their-eldeat,daughter,-Porjen abetli,`, to Geerge Irwii Jonnston, eldest of. Mr.' and.Mrs:-Frank ,Johriston,,RA. 'No. 1,, Dublin,. the Marriage . to 'take . place- at •-St, Thoma's' 'Anglican _church, . Sea-, forth; on Saturday,' 3liine,..27; at 2 SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE . -With bath: •small barn, henhouse and garRge, on 8 acres. Close to school and town. CALL c..,o Phone 458 ANNOUNUEMENi. and."IVIrs, •F..,,,Mervin: Lane; 4;. Seaferth, ,Wish tO nchince , the engageniett' . their . daughter,,..,Elizabeth.",„.Ann, • _James Charles Malene, seri et Mr, and, M. John V4VIalone, of R.R.• 5, Seaforth the marriage to' take, place June 20, at 10O'cleek, in 'St:: Seaforth; • • • - • We specialize in - IMESEL FUEL and . FARM LUBRICANTR Phone 686-W Phone 190 Seaforth Goderich We write a lines __INSURANCE Fire Aut9 Wind • 1.1abil#y and -Lie 1 John'- A. .tardio • Successor to WATSON & .REID; Phone 214, : - Seaforth Representative: Manuf aetdreri Life .Insurance f; . • S. $ilk : .,Ci7tItirkued.froin Iage 1) , the hardware liiiineaS in Seaforth;,' Tom, in real estate--in7-4,,a1'in- 'Springs, Califerida, and 'Frank, al- so in thehardware business in Sea-• forth: There are 12:,grancle1ildren.' On Thursdaymorning the , Couple will celebrate their: ','aniiiVerSarY With; Soleriin. High; ,MaSS, Jathes'':Cliirren vtrards, a amilY:difirierWill be held -in the Memerial,Centre. From 3 to, 5 o'clock in he ',afternoon and 7, to 9 in the, everiing; they Will be at: hoMei..tO their..•.many. friends. • at thefr john..,Street'. reSidence.• A. le MO-get:together will be, held the following . Stinday.„ • •1 GEORGE IL MILLER • TAXI SERVICE • Insured Paisengers Phone 149.: , SEAFOR'Fii blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS (Office closed month of June) " FUEL 011, --Phone C. Loney, 138 COAL ORWRS—E.:Mantgemer3'' • — 161-W " , , PATRICK STEPHEN SI.,0AN feceived'hiS Bachelor of ,Arts,.• .degree at the...th coriVocation • of ASsumition.11,:UniVersity • at Windsor on Saturday, He IS a; • sem .af_ Janes'. EGMONDVILLE John P.Auf-iitaTizi-A-:! Children, •ef,.Windser;. naVo Moved into. the .Beaton hone. .‘Mr. Paul...is- in: the Airforne. ; .And :Mrs. -James, .Hay.liave. returned ;from , a • two-week With their .daughter and seninlaW,. Mr'. and 'Mks. . Lorne., Pepper, Niagara '..; . , Grant'Housten and seri,' Of Aytom Were.SundaY with Mr' and Mrs. .Andre -W. Hens,' ten and MiSs'Eran,ces,'Iletishiii. Mrs. ,Ilugh.MeLachlan.is viSititg with !her :sem Andre* R. arid ton, also with .her 'ColisinMiSS Ella, McKeriliei•of.. . • , 'aucl mo...}1,a7$4011ailii are, •:faking7tiHeatrinmts7inttlie_trest el. 1, health.. . We "hope he'. inaf, retarn.liorne Mich:, ...w.ere. Weekend visitors ith Mr? .and Mts. Elmore Stephexlson, .alse With' friends.,,in,:.Stariley.•....•,- .,Ja:nieS•''segitae ,and Mr. Johm A.,..,•14eCloy,;4t6, spending the, week „m; sarrnia;-'attendnig,,,, the annual. 'meeting ef Lendon'.Conference. Oir.,,WedrieS,daY, MaY,27,-,ahout �f the frie,nds ,and neighhorS,of.Mr., Northari,"MaeLean,.gatli,.. ered at their: surniner.?terne,-.Bay,,,, to :Celebrate With them :.the (*Casio of their .15t1i,'weddine niyerSary. • ,. •,-., • : N. • . „ Elib•INGS•-:'1 -I = DAGiESON •: • A Pretty Wedding' Was- soieminz-, ea -on Saturday,'May:23.;•.at 10 a.m. • at St. James Rornn': Catholic Chnrch„ Seafortli,when•Mat1lYii.E„,1 GibSon,•„.'Sgalorth-,:,;-and:Nerne.ii, J. eXchanged wedding VewS,”.The bride iS: thedatigliter•Of Mrs. Eileen GibSeri'•ancl..,:the late. Leslie •Gihseri, tif,Dwen•Scitincll„-Tilie-• gredirils• the ..'s'oxi.of Mr. ,and..'ivirs'.. AlyrinfDale; Seaforth ,Brey, .C..E. Sullivan officiated, 'Tijebride- was gi.Yeti-,in,,marriage. by SVren Tweed,' London,.. and ;lOoked lovely • gown,..of white SnaniSli440e.Over' net.'With a full millled, skirtand, a long lily peintedsleeVed'Ilace ,japk: et„'„Her',firigerrtiP vci1of enibreid- ere,c1.'net was caught te 'aleaddress of :Sequiris..and„'pearls°,,.. arid , She cas- riecl :a 'bouquet of red teSeS.,.. • • John FlYrin :.. Clinton - sister eftliegropin;,was matron of honor; Wearing a yellow'.' net- drars . with a, iruffle,d satin, , Shrug •jackety.niatched,:','.the bodice, and, she , carried,a bonqueti Eugene Dale, Seafertlic was ..bridettialc1;,- ',wearing ari.orangeleenet andlace dres$-, oyer taffeta. with .,a: match- ing lace jacket., She „carried' a: bou- que of -,white muns. TheY:onrpre T'Etigdne 'D'are, Seaforth, brother of the .groom, , • wag. 'eroeins am'. and John : Flynn, Glinton;„ ;and Keith Bennewies, Sealorth,•.- were -"lash-, ", • „ • '• Mice Stile, vvas' 'organist, and Juliaylannigan, Seaforth, Was ..'.•: reception was at the Seafortn:Grill. The bride's Mother' received: •. guest S 'hi eapPlaire, blue crYstalette,,dreas 'with.white.aCces-: series •and. a :corsage' of :White :ear,: nations, The groOrri'S, 'mother .were a White floral,prilited byle4 chiffoi dreas, with,.pink ateeSsorieS and a corsageof pink 'carnations: • For travelling to points north the bride donned a' pink, 'frosted nylon dress With, white aCcessories and a powder blue duster chat. She wore corsage .of blwsh. pink carnations With silver ties. 'The -couple -will reside in Seaforth. NEVES IN THE. THE RIJIAN: •To ,7M9-40wo .e..wpozzzof. -"5 -0 w=mmawaga;,—trwinimingonuma 0600111001/11:111111119 Geosanasagass aciaitaaaaailasq) eattaseetassaar Ariiri4;& 7,4- Has oyearrsaheact styling. cotist.Kucticieg ' * Has ALL tlw practical, cortiteience featurps • of a standard office typev)rilerl TWIN-PAK' RIBBON CHANGER -Quick, ea0-hands stay clean MAG,IC'filARG,1_11 - sets both margins instantly; automatically. , MAGIC'COLUMN SET -Just press a key ,t�, tabulate figures FULL STANDARD KEYBOARD Same size as on office Machines Plus many' more delusive Royal, portable featutest Came in and test -type it yourSelf —soon! NEWS WALTON sTRATFoRDH:=$HAKE$PEARE:.:;:FESTIVAL 'BUY that gradna.tion Or wedding I Mrs. Stnallcion, Mrs: Jan an Vliet,• Mrs. E.. 'Uhler and, Mt -4, George Williamson, and a social half-hour *as sPent.,,_ Announee Future Meetings Mrs, Ernest Stevens was hostess for the, Walton Group:on Wednes- day evening, The. president, Mrs. Jim : Clark, 'opened.- the meeting: Mrs. Emerson Mitchell readthe • scripture lessor'. and IVErs. Clark followed- with_ a0MIlleiltS.--prayer was offered by Mrs. Harvey Brevet. A poem entitled' "Advite," 'was read by Mrs. Clark. -,'IVIrs. Torrance Dundas. gave' an -interesting ,topie based on _Psalm 23, Which called• "The Nightin- gale •oCtlie Psalms."' Mrs.' Herb Travis read the miriutes Of the previons :meeting :Ind ,called the roll, which was answered with the name of -a iniSsionary.- Mrs. EC Mitchell -and Mrs. R. Bennett gave • the financial reports. -Members Were.. reminded- of the meeting at Winthrop 'on. -June 3 and Seaforth, June 23: - The coppers will • be brought in at the June meeting. Lunch, hostesses were Mrs.Earl Watson., Mrs.. E,- Stevens _ arid Mrs.' James Clark. . • ' • Mrs. Kirkby is at present a patient in 'Wingham Hospital. Mrs. IVI.,Fraser sperit the week- enclwith friends in Stratford., M.S.:, Wilbur Turnbull is visiting With her daughter and -sori4n-law, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Lawless, Simeoe. •• • • Mrs, T. 'Dundas and Mrs, D. En: ids spent the,weekencl in Kitchener with Miss, Olene Dundas mac' at- tended the graduation ceremony at K -W Hospital on Saturday after- noon, when Miss 'vette Van' -Roueke-was-One--of---the-graduatirig- elass. Others' attending were Mr. 'and Mrs. Ar. -Van rekeand„Gary,- -1VI1-id-IVEST-1Vfarcel -Van Poucke and son, Mr. and MrS., Clarence' Martin, Mrs. Binnendyk-and-son;-• Hank,*of Kipper", and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd .Jenkinsi...13urford. A number of friends. and rela- tives attended the graduation dr Miss June 1 Raekwell, o1 Stratford General Hospital, at the Shake - O spearean Festival Theatre, ori 'Sat- urclay,„-when 18' • nurses received their diplomas. Grade 7 'and 8. pupils of the Mor- ris'Schoo'l Ar'ea, also teachers' and trustees; en3oyed a bus trip. to Niagara FalLs on Tuesday._ - Miss, Ida Scherliarth, of Strat- 'ford, • spent a few daYs with her sister, Mrs. F,..• . Theath and 16th geotp, met at the 'home of Mrs. Harold' Bolger •ler the May meeting. The meeting p_ened --„with„. a•, -.„hymn „ with, Perdue at the piano. A reading on the scripture 'was. given by Mrs. Jim McDdrialc1,....also a prayer. The topic, '''Cancelled Prayer," was gift at 25%. ',discount, at - WEST- COTT'S, June Sale(Ar1yt.). • monthik meeting a.;the wat: ton Wemen's •Institute 'Wag' held in the''Coninuuiity Ball' on,' Thurs.day eyening With ,the Blyth'bnancli• as guests, Mrs„ -.F.,. Walters • presided., Mrs.. E,•• 1VIcCreath tolled the roll', which was; answered by each Mem- ber .donating :a tea Jewel for ,the' new g • see,retary $ , re- port -was giVeri 'and' eorrespondence A bits trip to Stratford, _Shake: spearean ,Festival in AugliSt Was planneck.With Mrs. SteWart Hurn.:•; pliries and 'Mrs..' Alvin McDonald' to make :',further -arrangeinents, "Catering', To Crowds'!, was t1i .short., course thosen , frit' the fall,' with0:.Mrs, _Gordon' •MeGayin and Mrs; Wilbur ',Turnbull,: in oborge, • was, decided to .have a garden party in the „Ceinnitinity•I-lall baSe! Ment'on Wednesday,.june 17,-„vvith -..therfollovving- -cornmittee-leTinake .plariS; -Mrs. jan•;Van:- Mrs: E. :Stevens, Mrs.' Mrs:- G. Ribbertand• 1VIrs-. - P. BuelP. ;: 'Marks,:Mr.W..E,Turn- hu]i Mrs. • II,., Craig .atid,hilks. job Ryan were appointedto notify Mrs:. D. Ennis of . any, illness in .11-re...ceni-• -inutity. •'• '- .%,111rs.',',Itoy',Williarnson • was 0ie. ,charge, „of, the. second:part ,of the Musical nurribera: Were given -by Joyce' Joan •Ilarnilten "and,,,, Aileen 'Current events were given by lyIrs„, R. -:Williamson and liamsori •gaYe the motto onT, .are 'nearer to God in the garden than .anywhere 'elSe.:in the. world." entertainedi the, ladies , with. a •hurni: 'Orions reading:, Mrs: R., Dalrymple; of EgmnadYillegave-a-Nerrinter.-7.- eSting!sdemonstratieh on foain:rrib- ber MrS, thanked ,the speaker' andlPresent-. 'ed her Willi-a:gift-Am behalf ef4,t1ie- hostesses. •were' .MrS. E. Miller, Mrs;•••.1.2Nari,Vliet,: Sr,;,. Mrs... ,rW: •II: Humphries, Mrs.' J. • Bruce; Mrs. Rey '',Bennett and Mrs. T. Dundas. r. , .. Bazaar, Closes: IVieeting: , • .• The regular rrionthly-.ineetnig,.of tie ", 17.th ., and...:Beuridary Groun of Duff's: United Church„ Walton.; was held at' the home: of ,Leemirig•With 1,1 meintiers, aridirete • yiSitiOrpresent. Mrs.' H. Smahdon presided dyer :,:the meeting: ,S'eriti-. tur,e.'reacling was ,taker",:by Mre -Royi-Williamsen and Mrs H. Siriall•-• don reada poem. - An, inyitationWas, 'received -from threpaTiiited Churcb to attend,their, Meeting. and, bazaar On jiite.4.,•H•;,, • ,A.' $iiecesSfid, .bazaar WaS, , held' after. the, Of the' Meeting.: Lunch was served by' the hostess ...ably -Br-yens. F/I, .of RCAF 0L. „. , , „ at the homs of lus parents Mr ;CH:URCII:• GROUPS_ REPO:RT.:MEET an IVIrS.. J...3/11V161Vrillatr. ' • ••, • ••-• and..Mrs„ E...13,..CitesneyleaVe 'FAPFS AID, FIRST . -VFW-RCP :Kenny Devereaux.' played his gui- thisyWeek oi an extended -trip: to r The regular ..rneeting of the La tar 40 sang Awe the west coast dieS"•'. Aid of Fsrst Presbyterian .,.• ,The inyitery.-Prize.:*g;§ won by lMr Gerclen,Ro'nhiei•of Srindridge,'LGhnreh . Was: held on Tuesday 'With. MrK'„ Jean Fortune ParentS, Mrr, and ,Miss Jean Scott, .p den. n,. he M. .Saturday. He wims -Miss.' -Fraser :••.:opened.. .COLti•M-0.2W.,,C,'WL ..acconiPanted hy. a60-piece,trumpet„ irreetiegr.. with .a.T,Peern..; The June rrie'aing, of the St. Col-, 'hand enroute fi',Oiti• Sundridge to :froni,.• the Glad :Tidings; It was de-, tin -than subdivision. f flie Catifolfe, .attend the. convention' 'Cif .Ontario 'elded to eater „fer • the'.'VeOng. PPP' .V.Tornen',S'Leagire Washeld, at: the •Lions Club; held in,Windsor ple s raily in the1 all home of l&rs lVlichaal Murray .on, •:: Rey. Douglas Davidson and Mrs. :..Miss Belle.:Carnpbeli :was ;the .TueSdaY. evening, . The president: •Davidsom :Of VancoeVer, .Pall,; 'sneaker ,'Int .,the :afterneati. Her -Mks. Angus. Kennedy, o6rtecl the :ed. on MiSs:'Aliee.'Reid last Weeksubject,' f.'why..,.;Werry?",, was Very. Meeting ;with prayer.; Final'. ar- Mis....RosS'Sproat was iii.LendOn helpful• arid. comforting.'.-Slie ShoW, .rangerneritS: Were 'made: for the on Saturday: .titte:noint the .Ordina-' pi' the .futility of worry ,' and gave. bingo,: and .tea to :beheld at .the• tion-iseriiees of her nephew', Rev..- •several -",i; I for . the', Worrier home .Of '11,1r$ Stephen Murray on Frederick „Bechely,• -.am On d',:tlierri --a, senSe Of'-hiiinorand• ',June, 9th. BEAUT-Y: SALON. • . LEMON', TAXI ' and PARCEL smtvIci,'; Ppengera Iesirrgri eiNartL, 676 - 675 -.Were-Perferrned by, His' ExCelIency keeping husy... John. ,C:' Cody; 13ishop. of Londe:re' • ..4., .. ` Mr,. and :.1VIrs, '' Michael ..WilliainS' ' ' -"4.e'''..Sc0q,:and..4nlene ':g.11iatt, • sang a -duet. There is No Secret" and daughter, Joan, Spent tile Week r.- ' - ' -- - • , . .end in WhitbY With Mr and Mis. ''ac91-11Panled bY' Mrs' MacGregor Joe;wiillains, • -: -.. -,....,. - - , „ - Mrs... L•m .: Elder oved: :a ;vote of ' . r Mr .• Ron. WilliaMS . spent the 'Week 'thanks to.the,speaker, ,and soloists. ' -et& at his home •hel.e. . , , , ...A., social e cia't1•,hr aa slf-rwasgroup. were we,siil spent . •-. Mrs.. Jean .FOrturie, -Mrs ' John The' • s ,Moylan, MISS MByrne and Onica".By'charge of the .1"n'eOill-•-•' - • . . . 4 . . ' •Ors,...4-a-e-k-Gase--attended an open - '-• . FibEgs,jrpE F.E4cosp..•. lionse, anchea 'at :the neW Ursuline . GARDEN CLUB NEWS Eleven girls, were Present at the second moeting of the Thrifty Kip- periettes 4-11 Garderc Club: The meeting Was held at Mrs. R. Chap - man's. Mrs. Shirley McAllister will attend the next ineetieg which will be,on the 6th of July. -Members were told how to put the, lettering on their record. bookcovers., The leaders gave manytips on garden weeds, imects and disease. Ways, in Which hem surroundings Mr. and.Mrs. C., J. Sills, was minutes of the last meeting were mild be Improved were disctissed. called- home because of the Serious read by the secretary, Mrs. Jerry Neatness andtidine$s are very im- illness (if a, 'daughter itt England, ganon. , ' portant. Lawns and driveways [and left by air on Wednesday. , should be made attractie :as they Arrangements were Made ler a tea and home baking sale to be SEt'OI TL O.NTAR1,0 Convex -11"M Strathroy en Sunday. 'A most interesting meeting of Mr. 'and 'Kra. jack scot and!the Fireside Fellowship group of family, London, , and Mr. and Mrs: First ,Preo sbitrfie a onf mCrhilracnhd .mrWass., Norman Thehipson spent Sunday: held atthe With Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Matthews. R°hCrt M. WrIght, James ''StFeet • Mrs:. 1reston1 Tabor, 11,1rs.c. ,pTrueeese.deaclyednigyht:4,Thpeotilm4g_t, snhl.g was ioAses .111sriorrs. aFt7i:1,Jo...Bein eehelSt , Thomas -which Was en39Yec.I. by 35 .penple.... on 'Sunday attending the. First' Sol . 'MrS. F.' it, Cosford occupied the emn g_pps �f Rev: Father Bechelyr chair and., Conducted the business. of St. Thomas. • " Alice Reid displayed church , Mrs. Gihsen Gillespie 'and Mrs., notepaper which , will ,be put on Ezra Schultz," .Whithehurch, and sale:. MisS 'Janet Chiff read the Miss -Frances McCrae; Belgrave, n'orninating. , conimitt,ee .r ep o r t, vvere guests on Thursday of Mrs. Alex Campbell. arid Isabelle.„ Mrs. Alex Campbell and Miss Campbell. Mrs. ,Elizabeth Herr, Exeter, also was a Thursday visitor. The Stratford General. Hospital School of Nursing award for gen. eral proficieney in the intermedi- ate year, Was presented by Miss Martha Racey. to 'Miss , Sharon Thompsdn, of Clinton; who had ob- ert and several other places of in- fairied 84.97 Per cent. Miss ThomP- 'terest„--IVIrS. James. .1`: -Scottc,ex- son is the daughter ofMr. and..,pressed, the thanks -Of- the group Mrs. .T. R. Thompson, fnade the program- .. Sgt, and Mrs: James IVIelOndseY a 'stiecess„ The September meeting and fa/JAY, ,of MacDonald, Manr arrangements will be decided, later. toba, were guests this- week of Mr. PLAN, B AKE siux which returned the same officerv for anether term°. Miss.- Alice Reid and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane.' gaire a humorous skit, which was a takeoff on/members of the gioup. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling showed pictures of their trip to California last year. They described the beauties of the Grand Canyon, the Painted Pes- and 'Mrs. R. R. MeKindsey. -Sgt. MeKindsey..has received a posting to Centralia. ••, • ' J.. Wray.' Wood, Haxby; "York, England,• who has been vis- iting. her son-in-law, and daughter, The regular monthly meeting of the Seaforth CWL was he'd Tues- day evening in the schoolreom The president, Mrs. John Maloney, op-, erred -the meeting with prayer., The are, an invitation .to, enter your horn. Members Were given point- er on tranSplanting plants, The horne'assignifients for next meeting are: 'Cheek vegetable eat- ing- liabit,s; fill M pages 5, 6 and 7 'thought it would be ' great f of member's painphlet; gardening visit his 'uncle ori the farm" care; thinning and transplanting; , few days, Following his ar- al hd bring record, books , up, to date, I ate a big meal and soon went, to thir&year Members report choice , bed, telling his uncle he would give arid information abeut*their spe- I him a hand with the work the next cial projeets in Special' • Project' day. , . • Pamphlet.; select and' begin pro- l'he`nott, morning his uncle woke I jects to improve heme surround. him' up, eager to get him started ings:. -bring to next meoting one with the chores. Shaking the :visi- floWer "eciiitaltier and enough flow, tor, the /artier said, "Hey, • Char: r . h li itl,ie 't's 4.30 " From coast to coast, Canada laaS held. at St., James' rector. The 120 pulp and paper , ' president, Mrs. John Maloney, gave Charley, the eity PI a Y b 0. 37,4 :111.• ilz,mtlitiareaptorstallhemdiuotaeys-, , . The will be' a parish picnic at , -the TAons, Park,044ne . Mrs. john‘Hothatn, Jr., ancUMrs, Frank Sills,, Sr., were presented • with gifts, the fernier' who will be leaving the parish, in the future, the' latter in honor of her Olden, Wedding anniversary, The 'address - 'es Were read by the president, Mrs, .T. Maloney, and presentations by Mr, LOretta Hewitt, ' Mrs, YaMes Kelly read a Poem te ."one improvement I' have dharley gaSped, "Four thirty'?in 'honor Of, Pathe'0 Day. Mary Made Or Plan ;to Makt ntY lunines Voti'd better get to bed.".We'Ve got LOU; Coyne • 061u/than eater- . surroundings ' - a let of vierk • to do tornerrOW!" tained with two tap-dance,numberS, Interesting reports of the Dioces- an convention at Sarnia by the delegates, Mrs. Joseph Eckert and and Mrs. Gilbert 'Murray, were given.' Mrs. Frank BoWinan offered'her home for -the Jiily meeting. The prize for the evening was won: by Mrs. Joseph Kale. ' 0 NO'FES Mrs. Gordan Papple Will be hos- tess for the June meeting' of the Seaforth Women's Institute on Tuesday, June 9; 'at 2:15 pm, The roll :call will • be ...anSwered ,by "somethirig I have learned from u during _the past year." The motto • ucation will be, "those who think by the inch and talk by the yard ought to be moved by the foot." ' - m , Will the -embers please bring suggestions for the litis,irit which is coming shortly. The guest speaker will be L. C. Scales, Zone Forrester,.from the Department of Agriculture, Stratfordwho will al- so show slides. The lunch commit - the will be Mrs. Robert Doig, Mrs. 'Gordon Elliott and Mrs. Harold MOM- • JODLINVE. LONGSTAFF, third Nice -president of the Seaforth Lions Club, -recently was elect- ed zone chairman for the area. • He succeeds Eola McKinley; of the- ,Zurich1 tions Club. - A, 'SMILE'. .0 TW m. ar and FUEL OIL Phone 784 Seaforth_ (• A•lice's new beau had hardlY got seated on the parlor sofa wiren'her little brother brought him a glass of water. The young man drank it and re- turned 'the` glasS to the small boy, wholooked disgusted, . "Re don't," the licry said audibly to his sister. ' "Doesn't what, dear?" said the 'Why, he don't drink any dif- ferent from -anyone else, and Pop said he drank like a fish!'' KINDS" INSIJR/kNCE VII. E. • SOUTHGATE Phone 334 .H':.I3.0$•.•••••540.:,.,. MAINST.•,•;$EAFORTII S45,14igrev,,,11.1`1.-4e:1..k NNtIA D ESSEDAIAM PPE "-naval and--Arnatetir —Entertairtment DRAW FOR SPECIAL- PRIZE St. Columban; July 22, 1i AFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCI100 Filduy, une Dancing 9 to 12 Musk by the Esquires" _ADMISSION: 5c Each r $1.06 Couple PUBLIC IS INVITED LUNCH, and Home Baking Sale to be held at St jaines' Rectory Victoria Street AUSPICES OF THg Wed. June 17th Everyone Welcome! 3-5 P.111. ionommrionninummOmininiiiii LT White Rose Station lime to change to Simmer , 011. HAVE YOUR BATTERY and BRAKES CHECKED Goodline of New and Used Tires on hand Ali kinds of Welding — Phone 774 , anionanutmaninnaMMOmana • molds' ECIALS For Thursday- Friclay June -Nabisco 'SHREDDED WHEAT' -Oath's PORK and BEANS . . Salada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS ... }feint TOMATO JUICE. -.Cheery Morn . OFFEE • Golden Dew MARGARINE. St. Williams' JAMS and JELLIES 'Maple Leaf FANCY RED SOCliEYE gAL1VIO m=111.1 atuida -212-oz•Picgs. 20 -oz. tins Large 48 -oz. tin 14b. pkgs. .,9 -oz. jars. PHONE 12 E DELIVER