HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 10TRy, INTRON I cPos1Toit,` SEAFOR*, ONT., , UNH 5. 19959 IAE ,F. SLOWER SEEDS: ATURES STAFFA W4L MEETINf Arr'exchange of flower seeds: and. plants,and entertaining the grand- ntothers was a featureof the May ,meetingof • Staffa- W.i'., . held •in -Staffa Wall. The :gi esident, . Miss: Vera: Haan bier, "was in the 'chair,, Roll call answered by "our grandmother's maiden name.' 'Aninvitation was accepted from Dublin W.T. for June 16, in,'Stage Hall. A report 'of the district annual, which was . held in: Carlingford, was given by Mrs.• Gerald Agar,anrl .a :'reading by Miss'Hambley. , Mrs;: Torn Laing took the :chair for the program_ - The 23rd Psalm was read, followed by prayer. Mrs. Bos'. Smate•sang: .Heusehold''hints were given by Mrs. -' Beit Fell; reading by Miss - Olive . Speare;' reading by Mrs. T. L. Scott; cur- rent events by Mrs: John '.Wallace Contest among the -grandmothers, Wars won by Mrs, George Kerslake getting the prize; song by Mrs, T. L. Scott; contest by Mrs,: Moore, after which lunch was served by the 4=1-I girls with their leaders, Mrs. Bussell Warden and;:Mrs. Car- ter Kerslake .. ' Pouring ourin. -tea from ' the tea -: table were the president, Miss l ambley, and Mrs:' Bert Fell, who 'has been a.mem'ber of the. nstitute the most number of years. Politics is the art: of .obtainann nioney.'from the::.rich and votes.. from the poor on the ' pretext Fof protecting each from the ,other. Ate US Yoe A shinY, 6L dent -free like- ew n": car is worth -5'o much..; mote to. you . in pride • of owwner_s_hlp . in '_ac tual:trade-in value. Don't delay. , Let ourexperts beautlfy'your car today • eo--Us--For=All'our.— •irWork. Repa Wo k. - We now have a body , and fender re air shop . open P p P to look'. after repairs to your car. SHELL PR(3DTCTS`r 24 -Hour OJYL.L., and DA.A. Towing DUBLIN , '--- . Phone, 73 Y € o ''�'�'� mMxsiaw xiaW<Y • '•ME'IVIBERS. OF. TRE.1959'LEADERS CLUB, jointly .sponsored by the .University %of Western, Ontario and The .LondonnZi ree Press . represented 15 counties •of Western Ontaa i,e._ Abnte. are ' the b'oy's from Huron . and Bruce.. Left to right, front row, Stephen_ Ca megie,- Walkerton: ;District. •High School; Keith Hodgins South Huron .District High ,.School, Exeter .,1'eterNasariith -Mingnam -Dis• - ::trice High;2School; Lionel;°fiamilton: Kincardune,,District; High 'Schaal; ;Robert Young, Lucknow,Ois- ' triet High . School:" Back' ;row, _left to:,.right 'axe: Maurice •Dalton, Goderich District Collegiate,.Insti , tut -e; Frank Malone Dublin High • School Donald Tremeer, . Seaforth District ,High School; •David Alexander; Clinton ''District ,.Co11egiate Institute, Scott McClure Chesley District High" School.. at Kind of Ver s The --tenth annual '; convention . of North':Huron: C,oundil of Christian ducationwas;_he'Id_in-St Andr:ew Presbyterian. Church; Clinton; Wed nesday, with 'an afternoon ,and• eve ning• session. Rev D. S.._ Lane was in :cbarge of ;,theworship. service, 'for the n, afternoo.session and in. traduced the special.: speaker;; ,Rev.', E , R. Mcl call . from; the Ontario Council of • Christian Education; To- ronto; •;The lienee of ;the •conven- tion Was • "Teaching• For a:Ver-, •,• Ver - b dict," :" �.>irollowmg-�lt!Ir .McL--can s=explan.=_ • atory address' on "What ;Kind.of a' verdict? ;discussion'; grodps were. formed'• vrth--teachers-afchildren led by;Mrs..4,'C. Britton; Seaforth,;' teen. ege:r-s;-Mrs. ;L, l4i erimgeou tarter For several .years now farmers have discovered that it pays to sow good seed_ This has resulted in better yield, qualityand profit per acre. We have the following Commercial and Registered Varieties available SA.NILAC---.,., INICHELITE;. EARLY -PEA BEANS and YELLOW E If you 1iave been pianting your crop- 'from, ,the same seed fortwo years or Vlore, we adVi$e.,you toexchange it QTl new seed' this •year. ,Come in' and let us help:: you with your seed requir'entents - - TREATING FACILITIES AVAIEABLE- r .Milling • evaporated Milk; quick -mixing. rnttk-piywder, Perfect travellers!. dMvl'`t -tct te cheese sandwiches; ice cream and milk. Cool",,', and satisfying! Free.,. Marie Frasers. June is Dairy, Monthi° recipes. Wtite today!. The merry month when the' ,wonderfyl.dairy foods we 'enjoy all year 'round are at -t.. their most dettcrous most nutritious peak. Servethem. •. often all summer Wherever you go!- . DAIRY rAI MERs or CANADA 409 HURON'sT.,TORONTO• 64-0 Cottage cheese sated; crackers ' ,'rt butter,' berry parfait with whipped cream. Easy to fix! Blyth; adult, parents and officials nig thought `The gospel of Jesus led by Rev.' McLean. • Christ is :a universal ,gospel ,' -The` The=gi (5gps reassezn1rled=forrcipeXectttive=ar-r-_tot.„inset t;the en discussion, _and an interesting -•borne of the president, Harry Snell,. .question''was raised regarding re- June 9, at 8 o'clock -' ligious'education`in public schools, ' to which Mr--MeLean: replied: `"Some religious education inpub- lic. schools is ;compulsory, by , law;: but the. policy iso to corporate comii pulsion with area freedom.',' 'There is a place for religious training n our schools. ' :We cannot separate church and state, but •the Minister, 'of- _edxcatio ----tan exempt ,any. school board from the' teaching'; of : religious,: education it _ their school -if—the—boardse--desired; ut-the exemption must,be.°sought annual -1y `sOnIyone-per-cent.-of•school boards have sought exeuiptiorrs." • Mr..;McLean ;continued, We are: not- trying' •to make ;" our , public; schoolS,a Sunday school and .a good, idea is'to-have a'• conference for teachers .and clergy: on reiig- igus training A bounteous dinner ,was served by the Y':oling,Wornen's 'Club ,of St .Andrew's: Church The convention. •reeonvened in Ontario St United Church, when a' group from Au- burn ;Presbyterian Church, ;,Ross and Betty Youngblin .and' Edgar: Leatherland were in charge of the ,Call : to .Worship, followed by' in.- Strumental numbers by. the Sunday' schoo7,'(orchestra--'of Ontario -Street Miss- Rena enneh, . Seaforth, gave an::` illustrated• :report • of ;the Vorld, Convention in. Tokyo, J'apan;, which she•had attended; and where 62 nation's were:: represented, -and' good. fellowship,permeated. the •:en. tire: conference.: • The convention..Was resumed.` in Vit.. Andrevv's Church. The' follow-. ing slate;of offieers was presented by the nominating committee and accepted,- •past: president, Sam. Scott, Seaforth; •:'president,'..Harry.,: Snell; Lendesboro; vice-presirents 'Keith Webster, Blyth; :Clare Reith; Seaforth; secretary, Mrs Francis -Powell, Clinton; treasurer; •;.Mrs. Wellington 'Good,. Blyth. A publicity 'committee was; -setup; namely:. Mrs Cxzlberi' Beecroft, ; Belgrave M. "'Scrimgeour, ' Blyth; Mrs Powell, ''Cliriton. Recomrrie ation e c c e-p;t e d were: that an invitation be ex- tended to. South Huron to_ jqin• with ..,;blox uron;-and2,therel ySineke-rt- a Flora Cotiiity. Conference and that next year a:. box lair oh. be eon- sidered;!:. The• 190 • conference':: wiill be held: in Ontario' St.Church, , Clio= ton, the; first .Wednesday in April, providing,that date doesn't conflict With Passion 'Week. A panel,, • camprrsrng :Keith•, Web- ster; Mrs: Britton, Mrs. Powell and Mrs:. Holland, . with Mr. iViCI:ean; chairman, diseussed•the _findings of th"e discussion 'groups which. was summed up in IVlr.- McLean's cos- 4111i1111111irt11111n11nr1In111111i11giI1111 OBITUARIES' 111111r111I11rnlliirlUnnlillnhtln111111.II,. 1111,S, 40131CoNSITT. ' BRLTGEFIE•LD—Mrs. •:Sohn Con site, of `Brucefield and formerly of Seafortlt, passed away in South Huron Hospital; Exeter, On Friday,. May 29:' She was in her 92nd year. The former Agnes Hudson, she was bowl at , Hillsgreen. " She was ' a member of •Brueefield United Church and member of Sea-, forth Rebekah Lodge- and L.O,B.A. ''Herhusjiand predeceased her some years ago • -Survi ing are' one son, Roy Con- sitt, and•one.daughter;'Mrs, Chas.. Farquhar (Emma), both, of ;lien-; salt;- seven grandchildren and • 11. great-grandchildren; three: sisters,: Mrs. William. Douglas 'and Mrs.: A. Harvey,; Brucefield;: and •Mrs. - J. Logan, tendon..: ' Public ' funeral services were held from the•,Ronthron Funeral.' Chapel, >1exisall,- Monday, Jtihe 1, conducted by Rev. S, Davison, with burial in:'ilayfield'eemetery. w Two Students were about to . sit down to an ,examination in English literature ' "GreatScottl." said one. "I've forggttet .who "wrote. 'Ivanhoe', "I can. tell,. you"that;" •said the. ether, 'cif you'll tell ni.e who the dickens 'wrote. 'The Tale of TWo Cities%." BAPTIST CHURCH .AT `• BAYFIELD' ELIMINATES DEBT IN F.OURYEARS. Bayfield Baptist ' Church, which will celebrate its , fourth annivers.. ary dune 17, is now free of debt, the $8,000 mortgage -having been burned. Under the leadership of the Rev. - Ivor Bodenharn the congregation,. originally spoiisored13y'the Central Baptist Church, London, has..,y'iped off. ,all indebtedness "on, the red brick ;church, on No,,. 21' highway, in --the village; . A .,unique. fund-raising scheme last summer was led by. the pas- tor..='S,everal acres of 'beans. 'were - planted on; property leased by the church; 'and members .of ,the con- gregatien eultiyated and harvested the crop 'and the profits went- yito- wa vas :pa:ing indedne Flans re undeoffrthe way to -buibteld anss. addition: to the $40,000 building some time next year. Guest • speaker, at the mortgage burning,: ceremony was the Rev..L. 'Eohluilu , - Benton St. Baptist Church, Kitchener. Special music' for . the service • was. :provided by .' Miss Louise Talbot and Mrs: C. Talbot, Bayfield,;.aiid Frank Collar, of Winghain Baptist Church To. get your 'prospect, lukewarm, you have to get yourself' red hot. USEOOtNE & riM13ERT MUTUAL EIRE INS RANGE CO. HEAD OFFICE - Exeter; ontarlo .. President; Alex J. Rohde - R.R. 3, Mitchell Vice -President: .. ° Milton McCurdy =' R.R. 1, Kirrkton' Directors; • 1. Clayton Coltjuhann, R.R, ' 1, Science Hill; Martin'Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin; obert' G. Gardiner, R: - 1, - C . warty , Timothy' • B. Toohey, R.E.Lucan.: o y, :Agents , Harry' Coates, R.R. 1,, Centralia; Clayton Harris, Mitchell;. Stanley Hocking, Mitchell, - Solicitor: W. G. Cochrane - Exeter Seeretary-Treasuret Arthur Fraser ' Exeter, 1959 CHEV. SEDAN, Low- mileage 195'8 ' CV ', COACH • C H C 1957 CEVI . SEDAN AN H 1955 :PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1955 CIIEV:'A'.T.':SEDAN 1955 CHEV: SEDAN. 1954 DE' SOTO � SEDAN 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1951'CHEV COACH 1949 CHEV. SEDAN'; No Reasonable Offer Refused Win.- -- - wi - — - • 'r. n �. w.. ^.� SEAFORTH and MITCHELL one .541 sea or-tl • Premier Leake M. Prod On June lith approximately 15,000 olling places in: Ontario 1;011 be ready to . receive your vote. They ',will .,remain open, from 8 a.m. to 5' p.m. (Standard Timo:).and from light line), • 'machinery assure e e Time-testedelection'wiill every Voter the free, lull and impartial. exercise of this ancient and honourable :privilege of dlemoeratic citizenship. _HOW you vote is YOIIR business, but it is also important to your family, friends and neig'hbours that you DO vote. Your vote means .many things. : _It expresses your judgment on the issues • put forward by the various parties -during the election, campaign: It gives your opinion about the Candidates who have placed -their, names before' you. . 0.e It states your decision about the futiire progress of 'our Province and the 'men who will guide its destiny in. the years,' immediately, ahead: Itr- theSe last--fe*`-weeks You. have--haxl- opportunities to assess,tl e„policies'and p1;ttforms of the: principal -'parties Voir have been' given a complete and . comprehensive • accounting' of the stewardship of your affairs by lour Progressive Conservatav'e administration We believe the ' record '1)4S:.one of . good stewardship, "wise ;management, and sound planning for the future. The purpose of this brief message is to suggest . :.respectfull'y that the, safest, •silrejt •anti lniost ' forward-looking decision' that pin-, can ,make., en June 11t1:11 to give your vote for •the' Candidate -who'rep-resents the Progressive Conservative Party. and the government whose policies. have been so largely responsible.for Ontario's :spectacular pro- gress in the last tenyears:: ven Greater .Progress Lies Ahead On June lith VO RESSIVE Published by the Pragressi'e Conservative dssoeia/ on of Ontario HURON RIDING, IELECT OGRESSIVE coNs i I4 i1, UNE 11