HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 9e r+` 16 years of Conservative rule have resulted in a growth of arrogance, 'of beauracracy and in the denial of many rights of the individual; our Lobe nal H' AR: STRAND seeksour y sup-"-' e " port 'because h 1 e realizes the, Liberal proposals';which' provide for, easing•the municipal tax`: burden; increased- aid to. ' _____education extension of hos it -=° --- al1nS = p uI — ance to Include' "chronics` and o ut- patent,care; talc -free as for. . �. and g use in farm lm`' lements, and man others r for y are thebenefit of ever bod y ... yin Huron.: Candidat • e in Huron R' AR_____ uron VOTE STRAND . on June;'11th f (Published 'b the Huron Liberal Association) ssociation) I-IARRY "STRAND;. -as "a municipal clerk a-nd successful farmer" is full ualified>to .yq, r. pHuron in. the -solution present_ :Lt IOi1 of -the man = robTems--`fain '• -muni: palities`"and —agriculture today. He knows the problems 'of the Earner .. . . of the busi- nessman. �yy: ' GY/�,2.,Y: !'y"R9� N?„`- •'.j�'vyjMi'ADP�s ...�.... ^:�:dC 3Yti+'gM1i 4}52'llv��o}4�i $ Yl s f "ix.n Yrt TIS' HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFoRTH; :+DN'.T,; ttrori .1p.Stitute • , :1'i7aJ � •eting-e .Election The' West Huron District of the Burrell and Mrs. Elmer . Hunter's Lamps :For,Qld," will be taken 'Women's Institute met Wednesday„ report was given by Mrs. Stanley this fall. Thfarm Horne survey May 20, 'for. the- 56th .meeting of Snyder, These .ladies "gave an ac- will' take, place. in June mid, July* their district "with a large attend- count of .the different sessions and when farm women, non„metlibers' once of delegates., and members discussion groups they had attend- of the W.I,; will • answer questions, present,. at St Helen's United ed.•to the `-representative • of Depart Church . Ae delicious "dinner wase served by meat of Agricuriure- The townships The president, Mrs Wes Bra& the ladies ;of the St Helens brar_1ch, ” of West Wawanosh and Colborne nock, was_n.charge, Miss"•Joseph- and the address of:•welcome'was have, been selected,, Mrs.,, George ine Woodcock, of Blyth, conducted given by Miss W. D. Rutherford, Mzllian read a resolution, re Day- ^ the memorial "service, for deceased and the reply was given by Mrs, light Saying Time, which was pass.. members, reading the_ names: of 'Walter Scott.. • - ., ed,. and-wxf be forwarded: to the those who had passed the higher The ,afternoon session heard an"area ;convener, servicer from all the branches. informative. address by_Mrs. His - Those remembered were; Auburn, lop the Federated Women's I st- Mrs.' Fred Ross, Mrs: Archie Rab tl inson;. Dungannon; Mrs •" George "lute' &aced' member of `Ontario, Hodges;. Goderich, Mrs;> James Ad- She stated that there are 1,475 ams, Mrs A; Farr,.' Mrs. Chris Ontario, •with 3&; the members iii .Tohnston Mrs';.Ross; Tichborne, Toronto, and thati veryrw office iii Mrs, Eva McPhail," Toronto- is proving sattsfac- tory. ,The: new handhooks,,' which The, 'minutes: of the. 1958 distract, ti. annual and the `:ercecutive'me_ tin are bheg revised,_board be re i g were .read- bythe secretary,Mrs. after the November board meeting Arthur=`Clar":, and approd`` El thethb rst ipbylawrcenowg life read, Aletterwasigned"by membershipn -inforcenaw.Sheshe branelir.e ide s spokean ,thenew: stamp whichwas p..s ut togo to tissued to" commemorate _itlie 100th.. Provincial. Board in ! support of •i Mrs. J:D, Hossack, of Embro, who .birthday of the founder, and organ; -- has been nominated for -the =new azer of the Women's -Institutes,, provincial president. Adelaide iioodless.• She :explained Mrs: Hislop, of Stratford, the pro- the stamp: with the woman on her pp knees sowing the _seeds of progress vincial. board. -director: for ,Subdi- and•the.circles represent the world," vision 19,, 'ratified •the ;district: '.di- in •hanor'of the "Associated;Countrg' rectors,:Tliey were: Auburn, Mrs 'Women-of-the,World (ACWW). She -- George Milian; Blyth,„ Mrs. Ken said" that five .delegates were being. neth Taylor, :Belgrave -Mrs.-" Wal sent to Scotland" in August to at- ter Scott, Clinton, Mrs. J Sturdy; tend= the ACWW. Dungannon;' Mrs Harvey Alton; Goderich; Mrs; Donald':_Riehl; .Kin- Mr. Talor.. of the National Film tail;' Mrs. •Jack Collinson; St. Het- Board, told the ladies orf the ser-'. ens, "Itis. T; Gaunt; Tiger ,Dun- .vice, that his film board :.makes_ lop, Mrs: Truer aIunter ' Wi ahem, ayailable to the institutes for their Mrs H:';Burrel. meetings: :The. ,collection was Te- en financial"statement.�n>as giv- cewed;by the Kintail branch,. The! en -by---the treasurer, Mrs. Arthur -roll; call was.answerea oy .the 11 Clark, who "passed,- out -printed "pbra fiches ° pi esent. Ilrs.. ':Harvey copies of the year's work tevery wales, chairman of •the London one The auditors' report was giv- area convention, was unable to be' `avr by l4res Rlretingx:on-,( coil .==liresenwonaysJat s., Awahh�rYrcess'age,' The, president: gave a' :short re; which was .read. A'humorous read port on the work and congratuiat- mg was given by•M`rs. John Kuehn=. ed the ^ branches- on "their different" ighan wade and.• Mrs. Clay, accomplishments, stating that' the ence Wadeaang a,solo accompan- county, project and " Tweedsmuir ied by " Mrs, Lawrence Bannon, 'Workshop had" been :very success -both; of BeIgrave. fur. She thanked the "institutes for The departmental speaker was i their loyal support and -their "many Mrs. Shirley McAllister. She spoke .:- -.- --_ ..--tio]wG�ndC :i 1'T. "� { ':+,N'•. 4�%{1 +kC.t 4Yn4�iiy}i v4i•4:j4:;,{V; Pictured above isJoxiv WtNTERi�•MEYmz. the d nam:r new leader of tl "; •.,. T ... �e Ontario Z,rberat Party:::.. , ; _ • , . , The: Conserve ve.� overnment has been in power too — on andthat's the stn pletrutho it.'Iti the last session of the Ontar` zo legislature, the Conservative"sreanyrolier-with the overwhelming ower of S4:votes to the •f3 os'ti g p ions 14 -sought �' pli g.. crush every, Liberal attempt to investigate,"or even debate Government tit policy on such vital matters as the Avro crisis and"urtem ;loyment. Like so . p Y, many political p ippeti,, the Conservative Men bers jumped ... 1 Pevery time the strings were pulled. 'This parodyif democracy _.has-been Bolo .on too Ion !.The , , : , • . -�g � _ . voters of Ontario need -.and deserve -a return to res` onsible; government!.. "I .. ,- ".. p: -- Under the .inspired leadershi ': l?- of its energetic, young ;leader," John Wintermeyer,• the Liberal I'aity has new ideas, high ideals a - program of action that sound, 6naneially possible, andcompletely •. ^ responsible. ON JUNE 11TH RESCUE Vow INVESTMENT IN."ON•TARIO-VOTE LIBERAL! • for an immediate low-costhousin program With down payments as low as,5500. • •, forro res ' p g sive_ assumption by the provincial government of the costs of elementary and secondary education, • for a sound educationalra ro ' p g mtoprowtdeadequa'telytraneds ecial- ist-teachers, it P. ' •: for yearly $300 grants to students attendingg out -,of -town ' ' ' o n ,unzversztzes. .. • for a program of "portable pensions" .to provide workers' security. • for a Department of Earrn Marketin g,and a realistic"farm progrartz. "1' • for extension of the Ontario Hospital :Insurance Plan to c oven out- patierit services. � -• . ,, • for a Department of. Northern Affairs to co-ordinate government -, services. • for the return of a responsible, efficient gewe>r•nmentoin Ontario l' e. - The e1iairman of'the nominating committee Mrs. N. Clairmont," of Goderieli, brought•fr the new slate of officers,: and ,Mrs. Hislo pre- sided,: for the _election of officers and answered the que_stioii drawer. Mrs. 1�:d,'."'I?avies;. of Auburn,. thanked the St- Helens ladies for their hospitality: "Mrs. "Bradnock thanked thebranches' for ^ their loyalty and called 'the new : pr esi:' - dent, ;Mrs.. Otto Popp, $f Dun g: an- non- to condt the new.business, i siness. An invitatiOn to hold the 1960 dis- trict'annual in Lozidesbore was -ex- tended by Mrs. Edwin Woods. It was decided to help with the Blind Club as . a county project if the other districts are willing; ' ,The officers _for the: ' new year are:, :'. past president, Mrs. Otto' Popp; first ;'vice-president, •-Miss Josephine Weodcock; second vice - , Mrs, Donald Riehl; sec- retary; -treasurer, , Mrs. Artl'iur Clark; ,Federated representative, , Mrs: W. Bradnock; district dele- gate;'Mrs. 0. Popp; alternate;' Mrs. • Scrimageour; auditors, > Mrs, Wellington Good and- Mrs: " L. Serimageour. CANCER CORNER • It is.sinarr not to__smake..eigar .,,._ • smettes. Smoking reduces "stamina. ' • Smoking gives bad taste and • Smokinell. g " causes "shortness of breath.. '.Smoking causes lung cancer Be Smart • .:Don't Start Smoking' acts of ltindness during her term of‘ the. Extension Service available', Cana(iian Cancer Society of office : __ __ to all institute members, and said d afore x, ,cii .7.'W,`:Talbot, pie, Mrs Shirley''M'cAllister, hone that' the :aunty` -prefect=- New=: economist £or Huron• County, spoke on the 4-H clubglif the county and introduced Miss Betty Ann Lapp, of Winglam, who gave "comrnen.ts on her extubit, ."The Cereal Shelf." A, musleai selection was'played by Mrs Ernest"Rac"iforcl of; Clinton 'Tlie-eaYryexres�of 11 -67 -:Standing coruiriittees gave their ,reports: Agriculture and-Cariadian •Indus:;:,' tries, ., Mrs "Stair1ey' Lyon, RR.. 1, Auburn; . Citizenship and." Educa tion Mrs7Lorne: Hasty',"RR 1,.D,un; Bannon; Historical Research and Current Events," Mrs: ,Bert Alton: Lucknow, :RR. T; Home Economies and Health,,, Mrs,: :Kenneth•Taylor, Walton, RR"3; Resolutions; "Mrs. George Mrliian Auburn; ,. RR -a;' Public: ;itielations,. Mrs ..: V Wilkin,. Goderich;' Txnnior:' Activities,:. Mrs:` 'M. Batkin„ -Clinton Following • these splendid reports, conference reports, were `given .by the district- conveners' who had at- tended the Guelph• Conference late , - 1Y; Mrs.: George Millian, ". Mrs. H IN THE. GARDEN. No"Hurry It is unpossible to- over -em-• phasi2etthe importance •of: the "gar- dener taking his;; time,: when_ it comes" tp'. the .actual sowing of seeds • and, ;setting. of plants. There'is":no hurry' abduout" t this .busi- ,ness; and the" more it is. spread out the., longer.the feast of. garden fresh vegetables and ,the j,distilay : of bloom " In most -parts of:Carlada' one cart go: on sowing flowers and vege- tables right up to the first of: July with excellent °prosp cls:'' of sue - cess -And-in ome_of ifheLWariper areas it is. quite pos$ible to sow such things •as : beans, corn, aci-, rots, beef,: spinach andlettuce ev- ery tyro weeks• well into July. �hesnain thing,is to spread out the n $`•ant ng ,'season so that. the harvest and pleasure and- satisfac- tion: will -also be spread" out So often one sees a• beautiful;,display' of •bloorh in July and same Wonder-: ful., vegetables only to find a feW, weeks later that practically every thing.- is, finished.,: Win . a bit; of help for nature in_''tne wayof war tering, fertilizer and •cultivation,, the. garden: can; • be made'to "pro duce an abtindanee4n color and top quality, vegetable's. right 'up to the first frost--xnd later, Transplanting Some people seein--•td'think that there is a ': mystery, about trans- planting that only 'these : with'..a greenthu"m, whatever. that may "be, are. successful in''•moving, plants or trees' dr shrubs. • This rs a „lot of hocus porus. All that is needed is to' keep in mind a fend important points, ' First, in moving anything whe- ther it is petunia -s "^out' of a flat or• a- three-year-old . inaple , ot: apple tree; don't expose the roots to the air for -a moment longer, than -ab- solutely necessary. Sun and air Wilt 'kill roots, that's wvhy nature puts them below ground:, .Second,' spread out the' rootsand cover :with 'fine soil ,and o press down firmly; 'b water e Third, , well and cep moist, for a day or two in the case of small • plants' to several weeks if We are planting ,a big shrub,, vine Or tree. And. a bit oftstimulant the .way.,of• liquid fertiliser will al-' ways help at transplanting time: Also; if possible; '• do !the ..trans planting in the everting" or on_ a cloudy day and Shade '• from the sun for, a "little While. Also with big' nursery stock like -trees; stake 'and tie firmly , so that ,the Wind will„ not whip' around and loosen and let air in‘ around roots.,. In the four districts of Ontario's nortl West-Patrieia, Lenora, ,Rainy` River-- and Thunder Bay -L. -the popu- lation n'erages, one person • per: square ;mile. SEAFORTH • � M(iNUiNENT ; WORKS Exeter OPEN _DAIL Y T. Pryde & Son! ALL -TYPES OF CEMETERY : MEM(RIALS Inquiries 'are invited, Telephone Numbers 41 Clinton' 1620 eaforth ,57 E S. . .DR M: W ,STAPLETON Physician and:, Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth if no'answer,' call 59 JOHN A: GORWII.L, B.A.;.M°D." Physician' and'" Surgeon Phones: Office 5W" " Res; 5`J SEAFORTH: CLINIC, Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER," 'B.A., M.D. Ttiternest ,Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY; M.D. Surgeon Telephone 750 W 1 DR. E. MALICE'S Telephone 15. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday° only, 71 p.m. :Appointments 'may, be "Made. A M. HARPER 'Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich • 343 Licensed "Municipal uditor. G. A. "WEBS .G y-Doctorof•Chiropractic.: 438 Maui Street • ^= • • Exeter X;Ray' and ,:Laborator Facilities Y, s :Open •Each: Weekday Except • -Wednesday. • Tues. and Thurs, Evenings 7'.9 For, Appointment• . phone "606_ DON S. "DENNIS Auctioneer Graduate of, Reisch American School of " Au•ctioneering, ,Licensed in 'Huron, and Perth. ."Capable handling all types of sales and • ad- vertising. , • DON DENNIS,` Walton Phone Seaforth'843 r 11 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC .J. O, "Turnbull, D,V.M.; V.S. W. R. Bryans, DV.M.; V.S. W. G. Drennan, Phone :105 Seaforth A W. SILLERY' Rani ter,:Solicitor, Etc. `. Phones;, Office; 173, Residence 781 SEAFGRTII ONTARIO MCCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, ;Solicitors, 'Etc. P D •.MCCONN,ELI, D 1. STEWART SEAAFORTH, Ont. Telephone 174 D H. VIcINNES Chiropractic Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday, 1 to 8 p.m JOHN E. _L ONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791 Seaforth; Eyes Examined - Glasses Pitted MAIN„OFFICE, SEAFORT`H Office' Hours: ...Seaforth daily, except`Monday; 9" a,m,-5 30 p m.; Wednesday; s 9'' a.m. -12 3o, p.tn ;" Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, ,9, a.m. - 5;30 p.m. '(Above Hawkins' Hardware.) The McKILLOP -` MUTL1'AL FIRE INSURANCE - CO. HEAD ' OF` FI CE -S AF E O R Dot OFFICERS: President=Rohert Archibald,' Sea- forth • Vice -Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth " Manager and' See lice, 1V1iss• Norma„Jeffery, Seaforth, . '`'DIRECTORS'' E.J, Trewartha, .Clinton, J. L Malone, : Seaforth, , Chris,Leon- hardt, -Bornholm; Robert-Arcili-.-. bald,, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, BIyth; William 8: "Alexander," Wal • - ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; J. E.. Pepper, • :Briicefield; Allister Broadfoot,; Seaforth AGENTS William Leiper, Jr , . Londes- boro; J, F, Prueter, Br.odhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth: 04000°000000 '. O W. •J. CLEAR�Y , 0 Seaforth, Ont.: 0• 0 LICENSED EMBALMER ; O 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR; p0: 0oOQ�'.4c?'OOOo o:. J» ABURKE 0 Funeral director O' 0 and Ambulance Service, ' L� E% DUBLIN , ONT. 0:.- Night' or'Day Calls: O. ?hone 43 r 10,' 0 0 Night or Day Calls __ 335, P 0 40000•.000.0 D O[� 0 0 !� OO;;� O.0dOd ,c Funeral Service ' O ' it. S. BOX •"' O 0" Licensed Embalmer 0 Prompt and careful-'attentiotr O 0 Hospital Bed' .. 0 ey O FLOWERS FOIA; ALL 0 C)CCAgIONS - 0 O phones 0 • R.ei: 595-W Store 43.. L► 0.0.00••0O O O 0"0C�, • 0000,000,00-00 - G.A. 'WHITNEY' .0 . Funeral .floni 4 Godeirich St. .,. Seaforth 0 0 AMEULANCE SERVICp.` 4 Q Adjustable hospital beds for rent G a'. k'LOWERS ii`Cllt EV try' .0 0 OCCASION• >'Pelephoiie: Day or Night 110 0 C •00.00pt>C>0 0 i 0*00 0'.4> 000n