HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 8iTuRoN xposrroxt, SEAFORTIT, ONT.; JIM 5, 1559, Fifth 'in -a Series NEWS OF 1340101AGEN' 7027VCRStIONT-71 'LOC fweri,t2/ • • . Jhe first to own._ the South ,.50 of_Lot..20 w.si Edward ,Downie, Downie, and the North."50, :Patrick 'Roach,: who later had all the. lot Patrick: ROach- was a illative . of CoUnty Carlow, Jre- land„ and his-wife,.Mary,Deririoridy, Was bert itTippera,Ty, IrelaRd Their tivt,-•Rolls;., Edward and .Jars,- later had 50 acreseach, JameSdieclyourig„and.Peter beCoursey_theri got half of his 50; leaving his brother, :Edward,with 75 acres. Edward's "son; Joseph; who was found dead in 1.95-fronvgas • fumes in, a small trailer -cabin' in Chatham; . where.:;he-,was working With the Canadian Comstock COmpany, had .the : acres for a • number. of . years- after his Parents. ' PatrickJ. • McGrath has had this lot in• later years, And his son' Ed,.is • the present occupant. • - • ' Lot Twenty-one . - Edward Downey, who Canie frO.nithe' same part of Ireland • as the 'other ,DowneYs ni the.-;eitiMikninity 'and was; 'a goad friends of "theirs before coming to 'Cahada,'„but..Wasno rela- tion, owned Lot 21 from an early date. In 1839 the -asieSseci, ...valuedf,Downey'S land was •626:. For, I.854 lie was the issuer • of hotel licenses for the,tow-niiiiri:7The'lee-TeCelVe'd-Wa7s• 2s 6d for each lice,pse issuedIle was also tevvrisl-lip treas- urer from 1858 until 1864. Ile wag. 4 bp:Cheri:A., and two nieces, who were Milliners in Buffalo, 'N.Y..; Spent the Winters With' him. Others who have ruined the lot 'since he died here haVe been Michael Dorsey, William :Dersei.'and Joseph Dorsey.. Lotivievety-two Michael Gribben, another 'on the 1939 'assessment roll,: :was' the first- to own Lot 22,, He first :married Torn Fox's' daughter,- Maria, and later7gdriltncl*-Leoby's ' WidoW,, ' -The owners Since Gribben have been Francis 1VIelady and his Sell, -many years ." No use is.beirigMaAe a it D.OW..' This wasfirst arians of Waterloo.,Lutheran•Senv i ywas' held' at':St.•Peter,'s Lith -Edward Melady. Edward's: 12 -year-old daughter, Maureen,- a, Public scl:,1001, but ;a8 fOl.11Y •Catlioli-c Jiildiceii-aftend 'el. ' ' nar ' ',. yildh3-agaet8,'Welnet-: axe,. -a Takerascythe:and a hail; followediater by 'a, •rea er, knew , her . well: as.- the 'Ca,piainei. had a ' Small • store in th :ria'' icliedrahayi:ici::;:1,i ,. -'1.,ck, Stratford; Adolph,P.,KapPes;',. .. in 1955 wals, killed on the highway by a:par when crossing the later years it was changed to .a. Sena:rate. School ' Anne , W T g d iig, class' ,were:17:1(gdn. Toad from :a, 8kating pond near her 'home, Time ,brings who Was: a' teacher,. and, later Inarried. John B; 'Capatainre': changes. 'Michael Gribberesrlirst: farm, tools consisted, of an may have been :an early teacher here ' The school- childrel'il 4-:'i G D g 1 redhagen; Calvin C... PAI4T-t By '-ISAI3ELEE: CANIPBELL have been; Patrick Flannery and john.McIVer., ,In 1922: Mrs. Joseph Kratskopf bought a lot and built' a • , , • , frame-hense at the east side of this farm. Lep Murray lives th it now. Philip Carlin Michael's son around 1894,; at the • West side of the lot, the first and only -Stere in TrislitaWn,•now knownas St., Cohnthan. Additions:have been made to it, but the original, part is • still intact. John I -Tolland -bought from ,Oarilt„ and still carries ',On bilsiliess here . -When 'ther6 was, pest officebeirig opened the resident: Priest 'felt Trishtewn was not a-silitable name for a, post office.- Plans Were then made to. make a change, and Irish:town. then 1::/=, came St Cerumban ''."-Which Was the. ilia,ine of the Ramat Catholic church at :this •point, .• Philip, Carlin Was " the, -first. Postinaster, and mail has been distributed Since 1898 •from this store, except for a'short time While the pd-st office Was • in the Kuhrinan home. The postrnaSters here have:heen Philip Carlin, April, 1, 1898, , until April 4, :1903 ; Alphonse Kuhltrian,' May: 1,, 1903' "- JanuarY. 6; -1906-;,: -Holland,T.March 1; 1906.July 27, 1988,, and •ivri.g.',...T.,Aura, Holland, August 28; 1938, until the present Coltimban flag • station was still in its Old location, yetthe mail Was taken to Zthis..effi.ce.bY,,Ben froni Seaforth; 19531/4, rc Just west •of.:Ifolland's Store, Separate School :Union. No. 3, McKillop and Hibbert, Was, built-in '1923:7 -James O'Sulli- van, .Patrick McGrath and Frank .McQuaid, were the trustees this time .This is a two-roorn redbrick 'building. :The date is not -knOwn when the first -,--log .school wag bnilt across the road, east of the church,. It was later boarded with lumber, and Was still *in Use in the earlY_1880's,IbUt by the ;Middle:80'P the erie-room' white brick school had been erected. It .was used until -1.92. It was, then Made into a' home for Mark Miles, Who was caretaker..Of the church and Sabel for Citc The meethlY:rneeting.of thetinit, ed Lutheran Church Women was held on Wednesday evening .-with Mrs: IVI-artin Dietz, ivirs, Albert Bauer and •Mrs. 'Oscar. :Young'. in - charge of devotioris. ,Title of the topicwas !,`Lydia.lt . ' meinhers,- of the train) 'painted the basement .floor the church; and -redecorated the parsonage kit - 'ellen recently.' Ilse& clothing can .be brought to th'e church for .the next few weeks. .• Ltinch was served- by I.ILCW, Stewards of the Christian Home and the wiVes of the church" cotiti- • eil roen after the Ordination 'ser- vice on• Wednesday evening. Birth- day was reported by Mrs.' Ed, SmIth, • • ee Camp Slides The Stewards - of the - Christian Home held their' monthly meethrg on Thursday evening. - Mr. •• :and Mrs. Mervin I•loclgert, Rev.' and Mrs, E. J., Fischer and Mrs. RaIpth Hicks were in charge of devotions. -Tile7lopie-was-"`Child -Welfare:”- Slides on, Edgewood ,Camp were shown and commentary read 'by • Roger Sholclice, camp representa-" five -for this district. It was,. de - tided this groUp would .donate $5 -to any girl -S -or boys who would attend this camp. The next meet- ing is to be, held June 18. •• ••OrdinatiOn." Serviee ' , , • • - Ordination. service. -of -six sernin-- of_which _needed a. minimum of sterage space,,L,Iikewi,se„ hOme-a-little-fartlier weston ".Conaession 1,* 11/1Xi110' rse9ns111; ,Eberhard , there have --bibili Change§ in the travel.' -In 'his day,' all wended their Way to- church,on-foot. With the advent of exchange : for candy at the Ca,Pataiiie better roads and ' the horseand-htiggY:dAYS,7et',.-&Y-Church-.,'Wheirhel:cin!-tanegg-roiOnimeiney.,_,on6:47.TVentilie.a.:to ask :• "Have found it a necessity to, have its stable, sheds and1' ' hitching :"iianything -MrS1' Cri.i.iatAine?'''.7'4NO--My" d0,4e-' ;9T-Tlir°t1i1;::lit-'s Were :::,1,71-•esirdill-i=k7 -posts. The old order changeth I The summer of 1955 with 'she' replied; f'We have • nothing for nothing' her G 'Jacobi Xitche .1)stt EJ FiScher; BrOdhagen; PaerL,E, nothing now to shelter, Ted,' Nela_dy and Ed Byers bought '• Only a. few of the teacher's who taught here are known : Rebre Bridgeport A reception for and Wrecked the last ,of tlresestablesin the_comMiinitY, this ..Mr-SutinnerS; John O'Connell, Bernard O'Connell (relieved); the .ordihands . was held., the - being-A-he-One:belonging toSt.PatTitIk's Church :at Dublin ,' McGuern,',4f.,.!FOrd,. Toni .Melady,..Ed..'EvanS, ‘,1-toliert 'Phureb bag:diner:it after the 'service., On this lot Melady built, With part of the material salvaged,' -.Evans, 1)fek Hughes --1Vrary-beltd-h-,Nellle,I.D .4).1.,.,:j;z'zie_'' with. buieb. served' by the church a shed, the size of an old-time barn, to ,store his •Arinclei' Doyle', Margaret Daly, eYP„ uerseall, Orlallilde • equipment.' ean, eason, Marie:Sullivan-and Agnes l3ern',1"MisS Naine• sbaroil Lot. Tthenty:-titree ,• _ • JL Beim, the last teacher here, was the first teacher in the neW Tho annual•ineeting of the. fatirnn SC with Joe Moylan. • Mae, „' ,MtcIn13rre fdllowed siss League of...% St. Peter's Lutheran Church was held On Thursday eVe•••• . Mar Carlin,' wide* of P.atrijok Carlin; Sr., came: to • Beth, and Margaret Doyles_ e De Canada ffom Meath, Ireland, 1920,h7have 4.0a -n -Mneae. tlaine •Bennewies ningTopening---with-a-hyith-TedbY ' With her five sons and one daugliterPhilip, ThOMaS,'' .driven from Dublifit'_•theeSc, col-, ea,ch day., In September, read ,an evening, prayer. The ste*,- Mahael, Patrick and Mary (Mrs': john 'McCluskey) . For .1957, Mother M. An to the v!?::as .principal,,•and lYlother' Mary OW Ahort thrie she lived on part Of the Kale farm on Concession Calvary had chargeofhe term ,wood2-Parki - near Guelph: - The cOli;' and Mrs. :ment 2, McKillop, near where other ./4emberSof her she was tranSferted to Dublin 9Sreparat,e School, the. slides' was., given When Patrick married and Carrie to live:on Lot 23; Concession: Lou:liacIv,et.. took her place . • • • ".. • Roger. Sholdice, who is the cam; Dbert, stertalie with Win' and his wife-, arid dieThi This •Seticho.ol belongs to the, 'Sepaiate • School 'Area which' t.ffyed, tew .games were•.• in 1835. Expecting that•a Roman: Catholic chuidh ,J2dight,he was (7n1.e in January, 1,951. The ,'71ade: of the carole','Rose. were built on Patrick's lot, they bUrie,d her back of where the drive following Separate Schools 1,411,04 No, 1, „-MoKillop 4ncl.- • ' The , election of ' officers took shed statdS today. Four or five ..tith,60.-i'vere,huried-here later Logan; Dublin,j_No.:;:2;:,,Union No 3,, McKillop and: Hibbert; Place With Pastor Fiseher. as cnair, before a graveyard was opened back of the first church on. The trustees 'atthe:time•:of the., organiza-i• man Pres4Ient, Sharon : Prgethr-', Dennis Downey's fa.rrri-Orr. Concession 1, McKillop. • These tion -tiiju were martin yeeneii,;,...john.'16ylan aria wipiani.::216mit, vice-president ,Clayten ns- seeretary treeaS- bodies on Carlin'S farm were 'later InOVecl.:te• the graveyard 14ri. Auguste :DUcharine-•Was secretary -treasurer The trira- Joe'n Muegge; Christian...ve- • back of the church, and'S-till later Mrs Carlit"S remains were. :tees for -1.958.,--'*dte:-T.Valfred.:„Oltourke--1-Jaffie"St2itraiiSkoPf- taken to the present St Cohimban cemetery. - Louis O'Reilly' And.JosePh:O'ReillY, sper'etary-treasurer •`• • Patrick Carlin, the first owner of.,,L,Pf-23,Married Cather- • rue, Downey, sister .of Dennis •Downey,,one of the first Trish - town settlers. She -was born in Wherea Parish; Kirig's • ty, Ireland. Before shernarried, for a time after she came to Canda, she kept house in'Groderich,for her three brothers. , • Dennis, and perhaps the. other tWo as ,well; at,tlia,t time had work there with the Canada COMPallatriCk and Cather- ine Carlin- had eight (eV:I-dr-err; - namely-. t •Patrick, -.-Bridget. (Mrs. William Kenny), Catherine Mrs..: Joht Carpentery,• Jane Frances (Mrs. •IVIattheiv...WilliarriS), Elilabeth: (Mrs., Lawrence Murphy), Mary' Aim 'Mrs; JarneS•Peirce);:"josepli • And John, .who were both 'bachelori. The parents.: died • on the horriesteacl-Mrs. Carlin in 1908, 99th year, Their son, Patrick, andlis wife,. -the fernier 'Mary,DevereauX, also . died on this farm. Their. only Child, Mary `fMinnie” and her htsband, William Cleary, IiVed heretill they sold a number of years 'ago and Moved to Seaforth, Where, Willia,m dleaTY„ ista funeral direetor.' The Ovirternow is Alphonse Cronin. Mrs Ma Lot Ttotity-four From the 1840's, Patrick McNamara ,owned. Lot. 24. "Mac", as, he was wasa, bricklayer and Mason.. From . the "early 1850's and latet.while. he lived .ii Egniondville, he built many of the:house and barnfoundations.,in the -coin- munity. The same -work was earried/',. on by hisson,' Charles, Who died in Seaforth in1953,:atthe age of 96 years.. john Carroll was the tett owner. - ••. " Michael Carlin, a brother of ,Patrick Carlin, first owner of pit -23, owned this lot after:' Carroll's . Michael's sons," Thomas and Philip, by -his 'firPt hiarriage,:fora title had 50, acres each, but Philip later owned it 'all... Michael's second wife was a widow with one son, ,and three other Children were born of this marriage. Other owners since Philip Carlin , :WEDDINGS ,thetliiircfti Or Studio Special prices cm 1Arecicling Albums - Special prices for children's portraits PHONE FOE ..OPOINTMENTS -- OPEN EVENT/CGS Phone Goderich-li72' NTWORTH STUDIOS 91 SOTITIT ST. " GODERICH ONTARIO On the \McKlll�p sid ,adross from the is the Roinan Catholic. Church. Asa is the only Other public -build- ing in St Colurribari-a. note- might.,be Made of it here. • •: The. first Catholic public Messes in this community Were said it the tavern On Lot 29, and in Dennis DOwney'S hoine :As early as NoVerither, 14,, 18$5, Rey. Father J,, B. Werreat,.. . 'Gerniair_ pr1estil,t4teWater1olo„stOpPed at the po.viiey-laonie On a iniSsionarYtriptOGoderich. With him Was YoUng7Wil- liam Cashin; from Stratford, who had volunteered .to 'carry the sacred vestments Whieb. 'Father Werreat,: at the start of his journey, had carried on his -baek... On Father.:Weireat's returnto the Downey:borne two day later; a group of Bothan. CatholicS from the community :•greeted. him there..., Here he 'rernalne'd for two days. These were among the Arst: religious serviCesattended bt these earl Y; settlers,. The verYfirst,Mass '-*as said inthe tavern on Let 29,' Concession 1, Hibbert, later owned :by Arthur, Mt 'Cann. • • , From 1837" tilL-1842, Rey: Father Gibney; Of ,Guelph, visited the.missiot periodically,and preached in the homeS of the Irishtown .settlers : till their first church, a .substantial log One, was btlilt on ;the McKillop side, on Lot. 9, ,Concession 'I, on land donated hy:D'efinis Downey,. 'A room wasfurnished in the church for the, aceoinrno dation of the visiting priests, fWhe first 'Made the -trip on :±Pot irpni. 'Stratford t� GoderiCh, but later on. horseback. Father 'Schneider, , for the journey,. .1.1:ed a white • horse. • • • ,; ' the'same site.,as the leg church that a . white .brick known .as St. Columbah' VvaS later erected Under the: ReV. Teter SChheider, who attliat.titie resided, it Goderich,. .but had Charge of :this church, and alao StratfOrd: Itis told' that at Christmas thee Mases were said by him, starting' at midnight in Stratford then travelling to TrishtoWn and finally arriving in Goderich in time to say his third Mass ler i , Christrilas Day. :Father Schteder was popular .ainorig people of all: religiens: He had foueit in -Napoleon's armyat the Peninsula. and WaterToOf'edilld speak French,Vernian, Latin And 'also. broken English._ireiand.,.he. had 'beerr‘a doctor before he was ordainedas a priest, and often in the homes he ViSit,ed' he Ministereii-to.the PhYsic4l. as well as the spiritual needs of his parishioners,.' He was known to all as -`,`Tho, Apostle Of- the -Huron • Rev,' Dean jarteS Murphy. followed Father 'Schneider in • 1865. and was her till 'he died on May. 22; 1900. Ilia asSist- antS were Rev. James Lamont, who died in 1891; and Rev. WiThaniFogarty.•Thi 's being the ,parent church, Dean Min.-. phy while here founded and; built chtirelieSin 'the Seaferth Wirighajni Blyth, Brtissels,- Znrich. and Drysdale -parishes. Additions, were ;PIPbritatie•afterhe:came in 1865 to 'the St. Columban church:, This building Was butted. on July, 16, 1900, and the -present red brick as built on the sairie Site -under* the direction of: Father_ ,kiirphY's sirceesPor; Rev. Albert McKeon. The cornerstone -was laid en OCtober:,3i1 of that ,sairie yer. James S. RuSPell, qjf Stratford, Was the .architect. 'Father 'McKeon was very diligent' in his work.. "Besides having a thousand...dollar niortga,ge paid off, the old church after he came, he had 'the' new, church free of44eht in cash,Or premises atthe.time of ,tho dedication in 1911. In December 'that year b made a trip to London, and 'passed - away suddenly while -there." OtherS who. folloWed him have • been Retry'. Prank P.•White, Re Jeremiah L Dantzer and his ssistantst Belt: •Pitipatrielt and4tev. PoWell; ReV. rrancia 'Drowski. .carne next; and he was followed._ by, the present parish pile*, Rev: john J. Mcdo-Well..This church has1 been connected trice it organization with three different, dioce, • namely t Toronto', Sandwich aria, at: the present. time Lo - don. Part of. the 'shedi litire Were blowndOWn• 1949.- As therWere then being used very little; a8 So Many had meter cars the others Were seOn. sold Wreeked- • ' . , KIPPEN • Mr. nd Mrs. Dyer-Hurdon, of Detroit,,spent a..few •days with the latter's sister 'and • brother-in-law,' Mr. and Mrs.- W. R..Cooper. -Saturday evening was a, happy event on the-spaciouslawn of Mr. and awn. loss Faber's hod:lei-when 200 Tri -County _Youth for Christ 'young people met -and were enter- tained to a .hary. Tide: On their re- turn they enjoyed a wiener roast and soft drinks„ Rev. R., Greene, of, Jamaica, was guest -speaker,. and an interesting. program "fol - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bissett," Lon- don, were,visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mellis onMonday. . • J'obn. Doig and Mrs. Velma Ratliburn, of Grand Rapids, lytioh., were weekend guests -of Mrs Lydia Doig and Janet. Mr. and Mrs.. Ken; McKay, ac- companied by lgrs. Ed. MeKay and daughter, Lila, rot Saturday for, a trip to' Calgary, and expect to be away two ,weeks. • Mr. Robert -Cooper returned home Sunday after being in Caro, Mich., efew weeks at the home of his daughter and Son-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. Grant Love. ' Messrs. -W. R. 'Cooper', . Russell Faber.,and. Ken Faber enjoyed a weeken&fishing at Chesley Lake, Mast, Douglas Meltay is visitinghis grandparents, Mr; andMrs. Ross Lcive, for two weekS.. Dianne • end, Darlene are with their .:thint and uncle, :Mr. and. 1VIrs, Keith Mr. antel drs. Robert Stokes and Larry, Of London, iitired'Saturday • evening with, Mrs. -Stokes' ,father, Mr. Robert Thomson'. Mr. Art Gibson, of Wroxeter, vis- Ated.Tuetday afternoon with his sis- • ter and brother-in-lawi Mr, --and Mrs.' W. ' Recent visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bears were Mr. Harry Grill,.of Saskatoon, Sask.; Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Bernerd, , St. Jolms, and Mr. E. N. 1$a/i5, of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs; Norman' Dickett visited relative S ittatifOr-d-Oh-.Simz- _Masters Brad and Donnie Little- ton' and 'sister, -Raker', ..attended their cousin Sylvia, sev- enth birthday .pattY at London- oh Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbs arid family,: of St. Catharines, spent the weekend, with a 'brother and sister-iri-law,: F. S. -and Mrs, ,Den- nys GibbS„ . Mr. and. Mrs: Tan Wieten and family" are residing iu the McOly. niont house. t - Mt,- and- Mrs. 'Tom Bourke, of Wroxeter, visited Saturday ,,witit Mr. and, Mrs. • Mellis. - The barn danee at Campbell Eyre's hOrrie Friday night was a great' stiecess and largely Attend - , cation ohairmen„ Robert Ahrens; Evangelism chairman; D on n *Scherbarth; 'Action- •cheir- man, Gary Iiinzy, recreation chair- man, Art.hur Diege1; publicity iairnian,.Ulaiee:13ennewies; mis- sion chairman, Kenneth Rapien. The ,.,rueeting 'closed' with a- de -J licions' lunch, served byc the stew- ards of tlie Christian Hornev--, - • • , •Announcement • Mr and Nits. Io n H. ,Hartman, 152 Blucher, St.,' Kitchener, an-, nounce the engagement of their daughter; Elizabethloarin, to Rev.. Calvin George Diegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. VVilliani H.. Diegel, Brod- hagen. Miss Hartman is on the • staff of the Harold Wagner public_ •schoolip, WaterloO, andMr. Diegel is a graduate of the -Waterloo Luth- eran. Seminary. The marriage .vvill -take place. at 6:00 p.m., Friday; -June 19,; ,St., Peter's EyangelicalT Lutheran Church; K.itchener.,' , itors M and 1VIr - liam Diegel. Sunday .were: Mr. _ • and- Mts. Wilfted --Stiehring-alfd Mrs. Ida Brunner, of ,Sebringville; and Mr. and Mrs. George .Young, Stratford. , ' • •• Mr., and Mrs. Wilfred. Ahrens were among.. those 'attending the Showed for Mr. and Mrs. IVIarvin. Winlield ' (Eleanor Bach), at stock ,Memorial "Hall -on Thursday evening. . ' il.elatives here received word of ;the death et Mrs .• Willienr;Queren•-• •gesser (Kathleen Lobsinger), 44, •iri-Kitchen.er. Eliiabeth, Querengesser, ;Mrs,,,Rns- Sholdice, .Mr.: and 'IVIrs.",,Nor- Bode; and .Mrs. Gordon' 'Xisteet, 'Mr.'..and.'Mrs..' Fred A. XiStner ancl•Mrs,'. Fred 'Seherbarth, ;attended the, ftineral,irr,lqtchener ou Saturday. ' - • „ E.. J-.--Fitcher-7.7antl'itussell- SholdieelelegatkLettended. the Olth. -annual:4, Synodical .- convention, "ofTthe' ;•Liitheraii...''ChUreffr at St. Church. Waterloo,- seVerelf Oaks This. Week: • , Two beutinetS of red :roses.'aclorii+ ed the altarotSt. Peter' Lutheran • Church Siinday ineinciry. of 'Bach's:"Whe • passed; -away one ..,y -ear 'iegO.:L..TheyrzAte_re placed by husband, family and. • ••• Mr. and. Mrs Dick Harris, of Detroit,' spent' the, weeltend • with, .lier:brotheriL,Willieni-S7Eiehl,--,and- Mrs Riehl.:.Mr..,end, Mrs'. 'Edwin .1tock, . -Jane; aceompanied, Mr. ,and :Mrs, 'Bill 'Broughton, Debbreli, 'Richard - and . and . Robert,' -of 'Atwood, ,to Niagara.• . Eats .for', the Weekend;;,visiting the. former s datighter,'T.Mrs.':' tvn and 'Siernori and, baby seri .are Memorial Hospital, HesPital;. Seaforth.• , •' 'Mt, -and Harvey Pliyllis aticl';')Vayne.'snent.„Sund.ay Wafford;'• her , Sister; lyfrs. LOeltridge and .Mr, Loeltridge. • and.- Mrs.' Lorne 'Hinz; San=: -draT'ind-Ebbert; 'Cbga-thWiTs-. ited 'Mr.", and Mrs. Laverry•Wiilfejan: .1ViontleY; • • Donald' V%TolfeliaS :coinpleted- his, teachers' .college Course _and is now working for Ford Diektson fOr. the summer months. • . ••. ' Rey. and 'Mrs. ,Gilck ancl Susan-,have.2_, moved to . • Desboro teNtin§liip and.Wi11.1.8erVe St. l'eter,'s Lutheran Churelisin end St. .Lutheran „, . Any daY now those detylog through the Cottony -Wilttliseover.iliat the, greafanntial aiirade4,theFeomfnig . ;Of Sprrng-1s belng.repeate„...„,Tho god esxth, whlch tiarlennthied dormant all Winter; subject orlly to he wojtk teady 7tOtNatiFnaTfireati*TeidtirattiffroatriaW-aWakesTandlit-,--7,-,'.. to co-operate With' Man, to'hring ftirth: food for aU. peope Ve•may'velf.Pause inict-giy6, thanks:that ourso4-13 • ' fartiletiad,:life-sustaining, and hope 'that for a,initiont'S soil is its•lifeblOod. • ' • , • , Nothiag la inore irapertant to Conseiviag the fertility of our roilthan the feeding and keeisiosof:eattle. • Wherever we Anct.bay :and Oastur44-Ave-areileeing a protective, rail cover Widch moiritire,aad•pre*entik;. erosiop the'eicteoSive:helds given to *rain and. other 'Cialys' for cattlefeeds have an invaluable 04041 crop rotations • . „ - that help to conserve ferti1dy:i.'1.The• mail* PrOdtieedbY tha. . cattle returns 'a vast- Ouantity: Of O.r0oiC !natter to the 1014-, . an inealeulabletOntribatioia-te•sOil ferfility. ' • • ::, paify,oviis are kept on 73.41er, cent Of danada's.:farnis. • supplying the: nation:s :needsi•Cif dairy fo'ods:,•thpy provide • income ibr one Of erery,i4.taaddians: ',Thas;'our.dairr2 cattle are important both as producers of vital.fOods..and,. conserretors of our nalarit resources. "IL 4. Phone 1 Seaforili See the New , .. TIIUNI)EltliIRI3 IN 1.49()KS, ! THUNDERBIRD IN LUXURY' On Display at CLEAVE'S SUNOCO SERVICE ' The ,..Car that brings ;Thunderbird 4leganee o the . lOw-price field ! - lainour.jear of the year : 'The Newest and Most;Exciting of all the beautifully proportioned '59' Ford Galaicie! A bright, new personality in cars,. the five Galaxie , Models ar,e a full "fine car" 6 -passenger of Thunderbird luxuryand spirit at a inodest Ford price. :CU STO.Ak 300: ORD; • •• ' Did fou..dver think a ,loWcost fainily' sedan could look .so lovely? . Come otthe year. ,the ,Custorn 300' Arid. if you -think, its looks are,soinething .special, gait until -you -drive it! • OTHER FINE PRODUCTS ARE ALSO ON DISPLAY.. Ar ..'00DtEraH motoRs -. MONARCH IVI4RKII, OTHER FORD MD - ELS and .1BRITISH-BUILT CONSOL, ZEPHYR .and 'ZODIAC. 'Check'. the „Fine Ford Features- at. LEAVE'S SUNOCO'. SERVICE/ GoderiCh $t. 'at Phonic 574(, :.Seaforth Agent. for "If you put Off until tomorrow whet you shotild do today," said; Thiele Filbert, "there'll probably; be 4 'higher tat' on, it° tors fit Street GODERICH