HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 6T E, BURO EXPOSITOR, SEA:FORTH, ONT. JUNE 5, 1,959 '1: -Coining Events. wilted 6144rett 91141476-41iY, June 25. from' ;.,,.HAWBERRY SUPPER in biorthside 5 to 7, pan. •• EI 0E.$.. will luild a Sake Sdle and, NorsitY Table 'at -the former Dal?, Moteva sOVV.* 'ine 13*, ••• - MRS. TRAVIS, Walton will titan:, onsttate ".Gold Rush" •Cake" oli'-larr,x4r. MC. -11X Television on TuesclaY. June 9, -7— . r-rooty. For Rent TWO,BEDROOM an'artirnerit onEast limn Street, near)'' shoe factory. PHONE 250 ctu• 393,- Se'aferth. , 15-65-tf . FOR RENT: two apartmellts,oti 6- r9.9,1,4 self-contained; one 4 -room, self.can- 'Mined, Immediate occupancy. Apply J. C, °ETCH. 7 ' 15-65x1„ '.$14LF-CONTAINED, apartinent,. furnish- . ed *r unfurnished,. suitable, for two ladies. • ,POSITOR... 15-65-1 Mrs. Adam Wilson (nee Wanda I3aker1,• nwtrivioN- and Dance fon r. . and . • •'in, Hayfield 'Pavilion, on Wednesday, June 10. Musie by. Stew and his Collegiates. 111-, Notic.es, Everyone weleonie, AnetionFS'aleSi— 'AUCTION SALE Sponsored by IVIeres Club a First Pres- byttrian Church, Seaforth, • The undersigned will sell by publie,auc- lion at Scott Ilabkirit's Gerage, Main St., SATURDAY NIGET, ,TONE• 18th. at 8. P.m: Household effects*: farm. produce' tiques' farm -stock., clothing homo.. bak- iug ; ,nov.elty ,items; .furnituret- dairy, pro- ductS, and many other articles',too numer 4. Help .Wanted ;FEMALE ; part-time typist and book- keeper, to work morning= or afternodna • (mornings preferred), in Seaforth office. .9.pply• to Box 838, THE HURON EXPOSI- 4-65-1 HELP 'WANTED Number of young girls and.boys:".'re- ouired immediately. Pleasant working conditions. Permanent employment. • , 5E4E0Rn-I SHOES LnurrEp T1NING-'32yearsexperience. CEO. 11. GLARICE, Organist, 'St: Thomas' Church,- S'eafoitli. 19-65X:1 nOlO .13IRS For. ll kind -of radios,. .at TERRY'S .RADIO, SERVICE': ceiposlte 12ck ,House; Seaforth, •,phitrie 19-65,If , , COMRLETE -.LACHWETERIAt' in '.Sea, forth...atilt= district aniFDrY. Cle.p.nintir • Ser... vice - '' BILLIARDS„.. '.'Seatorthr. agent•for; Brady -Oleartere 4 ,Ivalmcfeteeia' 19-65-d NOTICE • ' Seaforth, Ont. , ckersrceitbs, TOwnship Municipal Dump will he opened , from 1 p.m. to 6 P.m- 011 Wedneaday. and Saturday afternoons.. until HELP WANTED furthernotice.. ' E. I"' CHESNEY,- Clerk. Lady to operate booth in district Park, mid-June to Labor day. Pleasant surti roundings. Apply Box •,8,11 HURON EXPOSITOR STAKE TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED: Company benefits; • Antily in person: tb: , TOPNOTC1-1FEEDS 4-65-1 WANTED • ' Musid supervipr for S.S. No. 2, McKil. lap. Duties to commence in September. , Apply, giving • particulars before' June so, to :WALTER MeCLURE, Sec.-Treas., , • R.R.' 2: Seaforth. Ont.'. • 19-6541 ' APPLICATIONS Are invited for the poaition.0 Secretary - 'Treasurer of the 'Seaforth Public UtilitY Commission. Applic.ations to be in writing. inidress ed to tile undersigned, and are to indi- cate qualifications. -7-- FRANK KLING, Chairman, ' Seaforth Public UtilitY Commission, • Seaforth, _Gat_ _ _ • 4-64-2 . Farm Stock For Sale SHETLAND PONY • STALLION ' atton. Special • Ma.j9r7 ; • ogiSbord "Dp1e chesinitt jn. cOlenr, white 'Mane Will stan4n his: own'Stable,at , HAROLD. CLAR 'phone .,KIRKTdN ' 92 r • WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING . °. ASSOCIATION • 'Where ',Better Bulls Are. Used'' .Service All -Bleeds of Cattle ,Menaber, owned and centrol- led. - Cost Lottw Efficiency High Use of 'the -best - Disease Control- • . . . led, 7. --.,•Safety ' • , For service or 'more information", -Phone: CLINTON' E117. 2-3441 - or for. Long. Distance •CLINTON ZENITH .9-5655 'Between : 7 :30' and .9:20 a.m. Week Days 08 jnd :8:00 p.m.:Saturday evenings, Calls veCUIVed on 'Saturday 'evening will be served Sunday .ctrairning. For cows -Sanclay.73,norning:-DO-NOF-„cal Tail Monday morning,: , • , BETTER CATTLH'FOR- BETTER.. LIVING HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. • ESTATE AUCTION SALE 'Jtuetion Sale of PI:operty and Household Efftcs in the Village • a- Walton,, on SAT- tT,RDAy,. JUNE fith, at 130 -P.m ' oe 741-ree-pieei"..eltekterfield, SnIte-r end table ;.'hall.,table':' 9-4ieceWaInnt:. dining , l'007/1' 5 -Piece 'Chrome kitchen • •set; kitchen cabinet::: ,6 chairs' • with -extension. •tahle;', 'datenport; .Kelvinater' refrigerator; heavy lluty:..rang- ette;, white'enantel AnUe7c stove ; hot .plate; electric washing. Machine; 3 -piece. bed - zoom .snite;...xnet e fussing table witb •bench ; Crib; 2 reeking. Chairwr extension sten la:dder It .1949 tPlyttiouth ' air • (lOw: Mileage) ;. other, articles too .numer- HR6PERTY hoiise with bath ;'.tieW: double .garage': 3/4:-tiore lot to be sold ,subject to reserve bid. •'74E/1.111S-7Chattels,.. Cash. ,PrOpertY: 10% down, :Velance Sq days. • .. • LATE JQSEPI1 S. .HACKWELL ' Auctioneer: 1-1hrold•. Jacksbn . . , • , • AUCTION SALE' NOTIqEs I hereby 'give notice that I have Pointed Hugh Hill, Gederich,. Ont., as tny official agent, HARRY STRANG, '• , Liberal Candidate, Huron.' ards,,of anks• , I W.ISH 'to thank all 1113, friends who . sent eel frait,-,Iloweud-who -vame-t see Me' during MY Otto' in, the hospital; also nurees; Dr. Stapleton .and Rev. Britton. - • 28-65-1 •A' MRS, ROY '73UTT WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to,Rev. Father IVIcCoVeh, Dr. Meltaer, Dr. Stapleten, the nurses . and ,staff of St. 'jos, eples „FfosPital and .all the friends ,apd neighbors who helped ih`,any waY during our sad bereavement. It was; all greatly MR A.LLAN • BUTTERS . and the-MALONE- FAMILY - •TFA MI,LY - of ."the. late Mrs.' John, Consitt,HE , wish . convey their, sincere thanke and •appreciation to all ividfo ex: - tended sl;rnPathy. through, cards, visits .and ,floral tributes during their reeent loss of a dear Mother ; ,also special thanks to Dr. Goddard, 'mnrses and staff: of*South Htron Hospital, Rev. Davison, Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge and ..L.O.B.A. No. 712 Ledge.' Many thanks to ,kind neighbors, relatives and friends. • • ' , MP- AND, MRS. goy SONSITT - • MRS: CidARLS F.A.RQI_THAR 25 Personals - . CRONIARTY Is. and Mrs. x. L. Seott visited On Sunday with 'Prank Stagg at •the hori3e of Reg Stagg in Exeter. The YOUrig People s Society held a soclal -evening on the church ground on Saturday evening. • A hall game was followed by. a Wien- Mrs...1,0n Young and daughter,. Mrs. • Alien •Campbell, of • Wood.,, stock, called at the homes of Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mrs, on, • _TOE' REV. OBERT PER- GUSON IVIE Y has recently , . . Concluded his 'first year in the ministry .-as deacon-in:charge of the parish of Rlyth with Au- , burn and Belgraye. Mr. lVfeally is anIrishman who, aft r, serv- ing in a secular vocation, was called to the ministry of the - Church aridafter extensiVe pre- , 'parator3r" studies • in the -Old ., Colintry,, came te Canada, with. Mrs. •MeallY in. 1957.,• Tri%, ' sPririg of 4,958, Mr;;MeallY vas made a deacon and tooknp his _residence in the Blyth rectory. Sinte his, Ordinatien td the' full • 't f - church awl. Meally ecome the ncurn-, • bent of 'the.Blyth HiNSALL COUNCIL APPROVES GRANT FOR *SOUTH HURON SHOW 'South Huren Agricultural SocietY . . -will receive -a grant of.:$60 from Reused]. village council. The grant 'was passed. at.the Meeting of cowl- -en menday. Gebrge-ArrifStrentwas present' arid Presented -the reque§t •on 'behalf -of the societY, .., . '. Permission 'was •granted the Pl• Tuesday evening. • • Houghton . . in front of the Mr. ad: lVfrs' Robert L - amg- a , ,. nn • , area. . residence of U. C. to install a street light in the n givitite.s.,tasclatm. tll,rs::R,‘Goie/.:4iwia.ilLce ,ji,egtiewr:orne, ,11,orionizawldialVioelt. Reeve John }lender- alSo pontact the p.u,e. the vi ohe6evuppirridoy. bey.d,x)tiontiee f weirrign. dot; .1viMit.isri,L.6,. v. e.x...rie ,w, ailHace..lwi:1131..tililieir' %el:1111 tfhoor.aarne,na4d.ditiernall constable E. R. Davis -rePOrted Linda, of London, and Mr. ' anti I gcreratt.fr°r.illerlY ' • .:iig,:lie -llage-dump.. He .',. 'Mr. and. 1VIrs,-Illigic Currie-aird' 06iion street Patching and also bull- ., - . . - essary to.the.tractor..Tilt,.,Peper.ty. told,,council some •repairs. wer,e ne& • Winthrop, , with Mr.. and .Mrs. Otto comma ee repot! Walker., Lincla'rennainect for holi- rand. inspections ,.rnarle of the. Town .• •.,••• . . Clerk p: L.'IVI-eNaughten was in- . . . ., . i structed• lo,.bill the: Township of - LOGAN 'COUNCIL• -1Tue51ersmitli for • the services of , Logan , council held,' their regular -the ' fire-hrigade at- the. fire at the Meeting with ;all, lienthars present, 'IOPP.e.11, Gun . ChM' house. . - . • • Reeve .Kratiskopf presiding. • Road Rills" and.' aceounts ,..passed for accounts' aniOunting'. to ,14,812.28 .Payrnentinclndeth Hefisall PA:LC, and general -accoonts totalling..44,,. ffYdro,' $1,2•10.;... Bell Telephone. CO., 294.63 •.were ;ordered.'paid.. There $23.40; Receiver .. General;-- income .beingno appeal's ...on r . the ElligsOn tax,' $1.75; relief, $20; .E. R., Davis, Drain ..the court ..of reviSien. was salary '$231:58;' ,P. 14: McNauglin dispensed With and the by4aW.fizi- . ton, salary, $100-; The Flintkoto-Co.' ally :passed.' ' - .7:: . :,,, • '.. - ,. • ,. $20.42; ,IIensall ''District' Co op A\ PetitiOnlor 'a' municipal drain, cernent, ,.$2.30; ' 'Seaforth . Concrete signed by the ratepayers Of.lots-32, Construction, tile, $5.52; , --United 33 and 34, con.- 12 and 13,.`and,'a Stationery, Co., supplies; $40.85;• C... notice -that the" LOgan-Maitland 'N.' It;, expr'ess, :$1.35; Robt.. ROW- Xunicipal . Drain , is out of refiair,. cliffe, ditching, . $2; A, Spencer & 'was,received and. James A. Howes, , ., „... ••.-,'., -.; -' ' _.., •_...- _,_____ 0.L.S., is tobe notified 'to- examine ,FUNERAL OF 'Kits. . J.,' coN§rrr same .ancl,rep,ort back to 'council. Public. •ftirieral Services.. were Grants Of $350.06 to the Mitchell- held, from the: Bonthron finieral Falt Fair and , $50 to the -Monkton chapel, Hensali,,. on , Monday -for, S:ell'Oor Fair; Were atithoriz.ed. ',The' Ms.John COnsitt: Brucefield rho' passed away, Friday. Rev. s. D'avisod Brticefield United -Church officiated. ' ' , • . . Pallbearers were Aubrey %Farqu- _har, ,,Jack ,Consitt;'. Ray, Consitt, d • ii ' r 3" m th .Drains,.., The Ronald -Farquhar,. W-alterLsPencer- treasurer ,, $2 365 26 of arid Edmimd,Knox. -Burial was in 1958 .taxes Still ,outstanding, which, . . . . . .BaYfield. cemetery.- "will_b_e_.turne,d__inte_the--cOun 3--- yr -.Relati-ves--;anaLvisitor-,s- from -out J.une. 7. Council 'adjourned to meet of -tor ' ..attende,d • from Mitchell,. ' July6 at'. 30 again , , . 7; . p.m. . .• Stratford and' 1Viiphigan. • HYGIENIC ,SHPFLFES (Rubber Goods), . . COIsISTAN E uditprs' report was aeCePted, , mailed postpaid in wad/ aled en.t, elope ' _ showing a surplus for 1958, of $2, - with ,price dist. 6 ,sarrip es 25c; , 24 sam- en' or eauting 104 00 and a total surplus' of $2,- 1' '78'. BU --ti(A"ci'vt-•). cates_were received on the McDon_ 'Ples nelinail-Car,d13rox 131e.tPt4. aPlibt°4* gift' at 25% diseount; at WEST- 3374.00. Final insPeetiorl, eertifi • BiktitS:Mr: ad M _ ,L'7:NY.41_11.-111-7, 1""Inanr '41041,Pt61,-,,,a..-5-11.i4V-40,4*W.041C47-NeTi..*Ork+74aStt: week,. ------ : CHAPMAN-Mit ato ;Mrs.-431re ,s. a .13,- - ' Convention at Syracuse; _ , ., , ,.......... . _ „ ..'atterld'edYthe 7A.ln-qrl;cau. Guernsey the...„sbtilyttdlitiya!_mth:i3,T, 3911,7,ginht.e,er'0417Y,toillukno:se, y . we a.re , sorry' to -learn that Mr . pitai.:... . . ,- • , • • . [Ambrose 'Addely , has. been co .• . . .. De 'VISSERr-At" Scott Memorial . Ildspi:cal, jed to bedwith , neurnonia , for the. 'on June '2 to Mr. :and Mrs. Adrian, De •,,p'ast, .t.,iro. Weeks,,, b.!,,rt ...at..tirne .9 ' V/s.mr- .sll•°rtll, 41. daughter. ', ' .: ' w.ritia, JonnZi4..A.i..sloott Memorial no§pitai, 011 g: is . some improved: - . _...w..e.Ir!.-Lw, Ait.h.7Wit6,..r.1371anortleys.,•;,',spiyieTii! 2411111 , rs.' C.', J. Dale. . '-, .' .4- '',• ' '''.-..•••• • ,' 1qt...2:and ,IVIrs, Frank' Riley,:,'Mr::. Douglas' 'Riley antl.v Mr.:, 1:toii Me - ,I -Cay, ,Of 'Clinton;. spent,the. weekend, with Mr. ,and Mrs: Robert Woods. and -Debbie„ :of • Aja,x. ' °0 Graduates. At. Stratford , • . ',Saturclay"afterncen in the Shake- ' 'i -c. ,-, ".• , of StraRofd.„Ther.e;w_ere118.,grado,, KItAy.....,K,;,..P.,.-Daniell. Joseph Krauskopf, , 28.....Dea OIS -: ..._____L ' _59,:fOr the, School of .Ntirsing ford:, ,' a'..large ":croWd ef ,people,wit-.. lieS:sed the 'services' ,of gradnation, . spe are an: .. Festival' ThOati jae,e.•r. Srvit..- •' kthjpar,t...„'fb.niijokW8.:0iia-niidd:: IYL, Mrosn. dja.eyll;nJICunr9.671:, ..alatit '..71:fe.akte7111116Jnii,ar.'sdatia.:ghatineljriosi. . ',pchquhir.icl,;, . servicepy,1 i n ; 1), .2.bray,yeRrse.„at p „St; ...,,pfaoturi_ckes's,... , R., 1,. Clinte.ri ' ,W119. .received • 1959. Resting at the•home bf his' gr.lani1,-, /lic IC SCIII)01' Atiekatfilpftl'L'iSkieTtr0031;'. a,r,ents: Iv1:. andTte -53,,. Da, niel: Costello; Mr;',-: and ,Mrs,-,.GeorgelVfell., a , ,R , 1`"." a'". Ilullett,.. and- e Qr ' , ,... ne . .. ...,, •• • . , .rdT,a'rii ;111,3 ii.t. 2 i-- . ' w• as ,.Lwarded the medal for ge r ' ' '•, Ae. ., .,,. .. . a• l. proficie hey, in', theory - and ; prac, .fill.illiwr-omarty.- ._.__Iide.:This award was_given by the .• . . .... - , - . - t City a Stratford: Ilelen.was alsci. . - • ,. ,...„., . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . the winner' of , the • Dr. Wilhani. C. te, ..•P.- a .,k,,,.*I:ngl.':,::. .:.' .p8Picritoteati"-fri' ,t\hvge,r-doi),' efr-°arii:gu,ri,goigili,e, ititiv...',v,, .;... -.. teT ,the awards, were presented I•4,,,V •ii ears, • at.the Festival Theatre, relatives ' - ,., '.' . . ' , : arid' friends,. of the • nurses Were, - ' A. company:which'had ' itsbegin-:served': a 'deli:dens ' tea in the ;re; ning, in' Cromarty • Celebrated its, CePtion: room's' 'of- the. nurses': resi- 100th,year Of •operations thiS, week. :dence, - '.' • .,, ' •', • ., - , •,_ - • ', . • ''; •WhYte Packing'. Coinpany,,•L ,Strat- , ;Those ,atiending besides parents 'ford, was .host to ,mbriStrous'festivi- and,:,relatives ' from : here; were:, ties to mark ,their centennial. . , Warden :.-William 'Jev,vitt and , 1Virs. 'Starting '.in .1859 aS...a ,one-man • Jewitt and Miss.49,Yee JeWitt and, pork-packine blisinesS iii:'.1 a log Mr:: and Mrs. .Borden Browi'•'`nd building on. a -fang between the, Elaine, Mr:,,'' and Mrs. A: •Crozier, 12th and '13tli ,concesSithis of .1-Ifb- Miss ItUth Crcizier and Mr. lack .15e:ft,' the linsiiies's has grown to.LitS Crozier; of 'neat.Seaforth, 'ancISIVIiSs :Present size 4E109, years. ,The farm Jean 'Talbot; !-of wingharri: stienini: couldonly be•ireacliedby, a 'tiariiiwThrelatives of Xis's. 'McllWain: ,Were, ibuSh. trail ',along the'. road ,allow -,1 her, .grandriarenti, ,.1kitr. - and Mrs.. anee. :Thef'perk was barreled. and.Kingswell,`, of Goderich. ." : : • . 'ging earripg, ' ', .. 1 ' ... .of Many' useful..ald valuable gift* 1 .sold taliMbef.firins for use in log- , . Migs''PleIlviain was, the,•re,eipient. . • In 1870 . the birsineis had 01* I in Mei-fiery, of this iiery. impresaiVe; 'gtnyyn-.i.net,:fnrni. and ;the operations -eereiriOny.; • .. •.. . . Were-inoVed to' Mitchell; On „Tidy 1, 1:, :Mr. . and, Mrs. -Robert • LaWson 4,900,. the. firm's.,:new faChity,',..was.: fl,a Mrs : Isabella -Lawson,. of Strat- eompleted at Stratford. and 'opera -1. ford, visited •SiinclaY With .Mr.,- and. tions were itioved.to, that centre to t Mrs, .Wilbur SeWitt' on Sunday. and, .take advatitage of the, city's, Posi?, ; also. called on. Mr.' Georg e Leitch,. tion . as a hub of --ruil operations, " who is ' a :,.patient in -Scott Menuir,' having by ,,that time expanded to ial ,Hospital, ,Seafortli:' `. • the export -market. '. •- . '-'..,. 1 ' ' Mr. arid..Mrs.• Stacey Ferguson, •Attending ;the, special. 'diiiiier.' at., 'a:: Foreat visited Tuesday with ithe . Claim .city''Arena, 'Stratferdri Kik.. M.. Jewitt, Sr., and Mr., and .0n, Monday.. were lilt: a#4. .1virrt.I. Mrs. Wiihtir. Jewitt and fam4;:,., .... Harold Whyte, Seafefth.--• , . •. . : , ., ' • ' .' --.• , Serves 45• Years ' ' ' -1.1•El) Clt°88 TI). IVIEE - , ..tio.TasYpitchaalt 'O'Ph'athvee:*".lognrgo;wt en. r In4i'sths cr... et. ihae... ' ReTabe:croir6sgsul, saor.ciTtes,iwinigurr bb,te8.,..heenli d°1n11. ,compan. is..the 45 -year -serAce of 5t111'et library3i)r.o,oms on., riday„, June .a. ., • Seaforth, • ;.distriet. mad. Sick - • • -., • • • :ChesneY,Sproat is rated ai3One of . • . the eiperts id the hogcUtting *de- Wife: "No, I clid not sew a btut-., partMent;. he has been classified, 46' Pi' Yettit treusers; I "g45 9P far 39- years, as a' first -Class but- tiren. And anYWn3r1 Which is V'nre miring tile 45 yoars heIad tiinei 'important —' 'your wife or , your out to-qualifY as an expert at hand; tilillisSehl'as'O' (11.."Well, there are P1.4e'es ,li4. mules, as _well: as at cutting I can go without a.,wife." . hogs', -In, the First "World:War,Ale. '. • --."-- vag. a. mille,akiuner • ,b,i.• _France :,,t. A' surgeon, an architect, and..'a ,hmraans4.1uip,s4 ,t.cytedarniaw.,(i.afit•taniuunieltiovills .imlitician,were arguing As to Whose' close 'as possible to the frontline TirliLfe:vssi°4w'Zssint.ahdee''°Ifdre:111-t; Adam. '8' trenches,. ImmediatelY of er',. the rib " said The. Snrgenn, "and l'ht Armistice _ of 1918,- corn etitiona were ' organized by the Canadian 'ArrnY overseas,: and Jack .Sproat handled; his' team, .in a .Contestsin Which . the 'te-ain ,Was judged . the second -bet nude .-e4i13.. in the Can - 'adieu ExPeditionarYlEorte.. • •• The ' nauleg', says Mr. Sprcia.t, *Were- steadier and less nerVous tni-, der.---hell-fire; with his ,mule team. he could, get . the artinuni0on far-'. ther forward thanwith horSes,and cut dowii the -distance the a-m=1Di- tioti supplies would have to be .car- i:i.ct • by. front-line troopS, IL, :Taal: CheSile-y r -oat --4e g a rt.. weric. at Whyte's 'in '1914-; and en- liSted hi 1915f,With' the,. 7ist Bat-,.. talibni 'CEP. He SerVeil in France With. the .46th' Battalion; a South SaskitaheWan unit In the Fourth Canatlidn DiVision; 'the • inide-skin, _ning trephY ;IS' still' in, the' pOsset; -Sion of.the Alt • Irl 8.askatcheWall. , . g. Sproat is a native eflhe forth,Sea- area, where hiS grandfather pieneered. after coining to Canada, from 'Sentlancl.• , ' . ' ' . -AISO Countr ,iviecting in .chnton 'Itreit i4er'IMO. danadiatiS;:. I71-0fit: 130:4wile'ercr 411sr''ay.silijaerid411'igy8icliiitttkTeer!: , i , , of therit',tivii servants, live perm- . .. ; anentlY in the Arettc, ' • SIXTEEN good pigs. JOE NOLAN,. St. Cohnnban. Phone 84 R 16, Dublin. ' ' 2 • •Aneiloti'SaleS' 4,„ 8-65x1 13 YORK CHLINKS. 75 to 100 pounds= GORDAN PAPPLE•. Phone Seafbrtit-868 R 13. 8-68x1 22 NGS toa I 10 weeks old Appiy FRED KLEINHAAR, R.R. 4.'Seaforth- Phone 610 R 41. t, • 8-65-1 a 9. Poultry For Sale REQVEST pricelist dayold heavy breed cockerel specials.' Prompt shipment day- old, some started dual purpose pullets and cockerels. Some Ames pullets, also Leg - horns. Order July,-Augtist broilers. Agent: WALTER McCLURE. R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 844 R 5. • 9-65-4 1L 'Articles For Sale 16 -FOOT. bouse' trailer. BOK FTJRNI-. TUR.E. Phone 43; Seaforth. 11-65-2, BICYCLE FOR SALE. fair condition. PHONE SEAFORTII 215, 11-65x1 TWO TIMBERS. 899 * 899. 20 feet long. Apply CHRIS DALE -„;John Street. 11-65x2 NUMBER of used electric refrigerators, in good condition. BOX FURNITURE. Phone 93, Seaforth. 11-654 10 ACRES alfalfa hay for sale. APPIY 'GORDON WREN, Kippen, Rhone Hensel 674 R 3. - 11-66-1 STEEL ROOFING, asphalt roofing and siding; cedar post, all sizes. Before *you buy, Phone Seaford; 841 -r 2. BORE= BROWN. 11.65-tf HURRY while they last!, Bonny Rest and Bounty tomato plants; early and late cabbage, lc • each. 27, LONG, Kipiten„ 'Phone Hensel]. 699-15. 11.65.1 - • HAMMIL front-end stuffier for Ford • or Ferguson tractors, JOHN DIETZ, Kit. Pen. Phone Henson 672 It 34. " 11.65x1 , ONE HORSE Wagner electric repulsion. induction motor; Wagner, Motor and fan APPly 8oB 31,-OH,RtS-TIN:8eti forth. Phone Seaforth 58. • •• 11-65x1 5,000 r.r.,t,,r used lumber, 2x4, 2x6; 2x8 and Exit): all kinds of boards; else two building -,lots, Few. seed potatoes Still aVailabie. II1111 affy "GEORGE BROOME, , 11-63x2 DRAIN TILE Call 193, Lunen RYDALL BRICK AND TILS9.LTD. • ELGINTIELD. ONTARIO • 11-39;01 12, Wanted To WANT TO BUY *Met. -mirk Bone that work- single, or woold feed El horse for the suenrner. DORRA.NCE, 2, Seitforth„ Phone 861 It 2. • •12.06xl AUCTION SAL •Of .45; rigid .61;.tbattle4,50771p:".37. tors, ...rurititiire,7'.g..4ult", Machinery, for *Theft": Vender ..Mtiehll,,f Lot 5, Concession; 8,, Logan'. TOWnshiii; 354 miles mat Bornittorrii...if'd Highway, en WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1:0,_ '1950, tlio"21 :45 'HEAD. OF 'CATTLE; cows, just' ireshenudit 2.Erpwh...Swiss 'Oats,: one fresh. •one.,tet, freshet, at time 'of Sale 2 liolstehi-heiters, 4 :bred:: 1 . open ;2 twe-''' year-olcl believe"; 13 yearlingal steers :and heifers: • 11., ifelitein spring calVea.;;•- Brown Sivitis spring calf. . * 50 • ROOS-25 pigs '8 Weeksold; y'oung' sow •With'. fitat litter r. 7. saws due tO tow in, julgt YOrkslifre • IMPLEMINIFo.rdsbit tractor; man- ure loader: ' 82 ' trietor; 4.2urro • plbw -.San Onere 51 tract01 cern •Stuf. tier ; John. Deere xnanure apreaderl, power moiver; '84tirrew John : Deere' Plow; ,New Holland Hinvestir, 'power take -off and Pick-up for hay; and. grain; 3 good...70bn Deere . harvester- wagons,: George White No 6 threshing Machine, can be ..u.sed•With, cyclone or feeder: George White eleVriter: grain auger; M -If seed"drill, 132d15e; leaf Sprayer s. WaterlOo', tractor. disc; 'cutting box; MeCormick:Deering cultivatog:, Jan Deere hanitner ; fere posts; ew john Deer.Q.side delivery ,ralce,tzeern and 'stiger.,beet sedliter: lend rolier, three.. deb= ; farming two -unit .Milking mt.". .chine "With' niping;, cream sanarater; 10 milk cant.;,..circulat EIS!. ; 'RIM', strainer; 40 -foot extension ladder; carperiter's.• qtr. cider saw;, shovela ;t•hdes; Jack -all jack and .1:natty . other useful ' articles found , . • on a farni, . , HCCUS2JEOLD EFFECTS t.-Chesterfiehi suite; rug ..9x12; chesterfield and arm- cbiirl. cabinet', radio ; exteniiion- table; din., in roonti Suite; table, 6 .011aire ; buffet and eblaa cabinet: kitchen cabinet; odd chairs; kitchen set; table; A chair;; cabiriet ; double' l,ed 0.1141. na4ttress; Single bect and mattrestil Youth ,bed. and ,mattress;.quan, tity .02 dishes; cooking utenails 1 Pots and 'Pans ate -ladder; Dower , lawn re0Wet, neW miscellaneous erttoie. • TERMSL-Cash. 9173E---12 No6on. No reserve as' the Tarn, has been sold the proprietor is•inoving away. - -- ALB,ER.T VANDER MUEI-ILL, Proprietor •• T.- 51, Relly, AUctioneer. Phone's; - Mitchell 601 R 4; Seltringville 2615 4. 20r.63r1 :The ToWrv of SeafOrth has. instracted the • iinderSigned ':audtioneer to sell by publie auction, et the Town frail;,....seaforth, - on: .SATURDAY.: JUNE at 9 :o'cicick. • One quiet • well-trained horse, 12 years old; one rubber -tired, wagon. • TERMS -Cash. ' HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 21:—TeirdeIrCWau Ma'25, to'Mn. and' Mrs:. Peter Jordan, Milki'.PR Scbtt Memorial Hospital, on, -"May 28, to Mr.' and Mrs. Russel Millet-, RR. 4, Seaforth, a daughter. • OLDFIELD,=At Scott Memorial ;Hospital, -May 28, to'2*.,..and Mrs. John oid- field, R.R. 4, Sedforth, a daughter. , . O'REILLY.L-Mr. and Mvs. Jack -0'11011Y, ' RR. 2, Dublin.,. are happy to announce the arrival of their sari en SatardaY, • May' '35, "in Stratford General Hospital. • .A brother for Janet and Garry: TENDERS WAN'I'E ' : Tenders'. will be received..by the. under, signed ,June 17th, -"for an oil' heating. sYstein in SSS. ' No,' 2-'Sebool; Dublin; oil: - 'fired 'forced' air .Dirnace ot 'capacity of net leSS 'than. 171,005'. Oil. Storage'. tatilcs,--two 200-galloa tanks' to be installed inside.' Jobto-be completed ...August ... 20.: LbweS*.tor any, tender alt riaces.Sariry ' J. L. "O'REI7_,L51, " - TENDERS WANTED ' Tenders will be received by the, under-" signed up toJune 15th, for paint and paint- irPc of S.S. No. 4, McKillop. State kind of paint and ty.e uf Paint- ing. Work to be completed bY August lat. Lowest%er any tender not ,necessarilyiac. '1,-"MR.S. GORDON. •21010ENzfH9 . .Sec,CTreits.;, • . . . . . 21-65-2 . • " • TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by •the under- signed Until Jtine 17511. for an oil' heating sYStern at S.S.S. No, 3 School, St. Colurn- :ban; oll-3r44-,forced air furnace, at least, 200,000 Present` cold -air registers can be used. Forced bot air - system throughout. Oil, tanks ----2, 200 -gallon tanks installed inside. Job to becompleted by August 20, 1959, LoweStor any 'tender not PecessarilY acceftted. ' 5. LSecarenta9711.4', R.R. .2, Dublin. Ate_you ready to rent Your.spare fearti? A. classifled adVertisement phoned to The.,Huron Expositor, 14.1,<ftv1ll bring a tenant, • FLIGIIEST CASE PRICES paid for • down and disabled fatin animals. Prompt, • `courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animalsMid hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS; 851. r 11, Zen. forth. Aisoeinted with Durring tz. of:' ' Canada Ltd. 1245-tf /4. Prope Elor Sale qii01/St sAtt' Egaiondvllre.- APPIY to A,. Et. DEATON, Sosl Maple - *Cod. Detroit' 4, Mithigan., Phone eat: 14-63x3 • • liO'rS FOR- SAIN: in ilartnirbeisc foteing old Higlimray 'No, 8; Iots surveyed.; wiltki. Aktoly to ariAvrai Dracrmns.. • No Phone culls, please,• . '1448.684f ' " • 'AWN. AnittS 26x1 hale in 1Tflfago 951 ,Vnitairt; geed' , Were „itS'ecl •ler a Sat:Intl' Y'eartt 513.. noW uSed for , chickens, ApPly 54 LHDOLF,.11/EDEM4, . RR.. 2, Walton. Phone Seafarth 850- It 6. ' ' , 14-SSxZ OUSE FOR: doeOr`ated; oil 5e716; eittra kit; liontit.. 011111/ corner ,Market 8iteer.6. 1,7,agy fent% . P.O. ,?X itortit„ 4-8 • • • i 31VitIVAP, LOOKNG TH FOrk SOVIEli,16, TEN1b16,45,:tr69APISR Nciatt-**4-1-;;Jusi Look AT .71-CE5 15te 21-63-2 TENDERS.-- TON,ynship, of Tuckersmith Tendert are.itivited by the 'Township of , = Tucicera-mith for the" conseruction 'of ,the Nett Miopi51piol, Dr,altne, under authority- of Dytiaw No, 4, 1053,Separate ,n'tentIerl• plainly marked as- to ContelitS ivill".13O ye- eeived, by the Reeye,l`yon No: 2; Kitnien, Ontario., rip to .0 . "ST.),' Ione 15tho 1850, to ' (1) For the., construction -of 18617 lineal •• feet mien. w�rk approxitnatelY 14, 160. cubic',yards. . " • , For the,, construction of 21,142, lineal-lett-aresed drain, 14 catch Township w1i3bnppSytile anti coriiigated pine required ,arni contractors will supply' all ,qtlffir 'requircffirtenta, Marked ,eheinte for 10% orehd amoun . tender ulnae. • accbraparry -each tender, or tender will not.,13e considered: , -Pints 'and sPecificaZions .1ttay be seen. . , at Abe Reeve'a office. •• • Lowest' ur any -tender ' net necessarilY accep.te,d, , E. P. "CHESNEY, Clerk, Township Tuckersmith 21-63-2 ar -Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS estate of HENItle---RIcH*RO COLDERT, late of. Se-siert% Ontario, Ste - fired 534n4lentari, 'Creditore and othera having' claims against the altoVe estate are' required to send full Partiettlars: Of atiffit Taims ta the undersigned Executer on Or before the 10th day of 3ttly, A.D.. 1959; after whith the estates atsets will be distrilanted, lutv- •tirig regard only ,to claims that have then been reteived. •TIM CANADA Tittior cobirforri. Lottloa„ Ontario, -Executor,. by GUNN, & CRAM, Solicitors, Loridon, Oxt- 't4rio. •• '' 22,65-2, Sell that unnetesWary• piece of furniture through a :Amen, giti)osi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 141. Was a surgical operation." "Yes," agreed,the-ifehitedt, "but prior to :that, order was created out,of 'chaos, and that was an arch- itectural- job." . • •_ "But," spoke up the ,politician Proudly, "who- do ydu think :cre- ated the chaos?" , Candidate...0eling • Bly-th Mondayri Jpfne' Si 0:00 p,m, Come, find out how your 1VI,em- ber' is representing :YOU. Both North and Sottth Huron ft relWesented; ' . • - ' Spensoted by, Huron ' • Son, repairs, $1.50; Scarfe & Co. Ltd,, paint, $10.40; C. Reid, gravel and trOcItiog, $26.23; Ed. lVfuzm, la- bor'W; W. Dilling, labor,. $161; ChaSteplien; labor and mater- ials, $282.25; Ceeil Kipfer, postage, , $V Cartwright & Sons Ltd., On; tario statutP, ' $17,50;- Agriculture' society, grant; $60,' 50,090 dALS. PAINT 4 '7111S bankrupt and plearanee stock of paint is suitable for °inside and inside. It is ireklv paint and manufactured by.. C,I.E.,. Sherwin:Williams, Lowe Bros:4, ,ete. OVE GUATtANTEE - try' one gallon, try a Mindrecl. If you are no •comp eey en nice that,R,is the best; then return the empty _can or. unused portion for complete 100% refund. ,Ship- ped immediately anywhere in Canada, $2.99 per Gallon, Outside paint: Saitable for eteel,, cern- ent, woodwOrk' doors, can be thinned down, for shingles Colonrs-:- whit- -nrinfer white; black, ivory,- Yellow,-bet- tleship grey, pearl grey, shutter' green, apple green, cbartereuse, barn -red, -bright red: turquoise, coral, dutch blue, Inside Paint: Suitable for wall's, Wood-, work, plaster, over wallpaper, 'etc. Col- oum ; flat white, • gloss white, 'jonquil, Yelltm, mint green, bone ivory, t shy blue, blossom pink, shadow grey, fall - ALUMINUM l'Auvr $3.99 GaL• beige, turquoise. • • • Roof •Cement, black liquid , corfins fibrated asbestos :99e° G "Send 50% • money order as dePosit. Ba m4lyanrceme. isthiinPpfeudnea,n0d.D. save oryeacharges. SHERMAN'S Dept. M5 ' 937 Queen St. W. Toronto, Ont. . , Est. 1908 AGENTS WANTED=No outlay. ),Vrite f:OF 'colour chart. Guarantee certificate and order forms -for your area. Only " -one- ag`ent-alljowed-to . 'so htirry: ‘,• uron '.County's Finest Used ar, Marko 1959 CHEVROLET, 'BEL , AIR . 4-DOOKL-Autoina- '..1956- PONTIAC DELUXE_ SEDAN -Autom'atic' tie---tranSin-IS-Sion';'-'-iiilIy----:=','- --$.2,luzilti-77-:-----:''Iraiiiiiiff-s4on,-.'filllY-:.•-.-: -.7 7- ''''--- SI . 'equipped :- AalF alb '10'.,1IF . . , eqin.Pped,,,:,...-,,...i...,,,,,,,...,. ' . 1959-!PON.rI4C .,STRATO;.CHIEE' :S' EDAN-;-•Auto= 1056.: P ONTIAC SEDAN+. .'.. ' - matie transaiissidn; fully - 12 . . $ 1 4 • . ,• ' 'Autoniatic transmisSion • , • , . -. . , •• , . . . .3095 - 1 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE .- ... ....., 1959 FORD..FAIRLANE-Fully equipped; , .. . .- autoniatie,-- . • , . ...$ , ... trAnsnussion _ __.. _' _ __ . . .. . . .. ,11.0 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN . • . . _ 1958 :P.ONTIAG' LAURENTIAN .L -r:, Atitonlatiel, .., . - with radio • ' . ,...fraDs.iriissien, , • ' . ' _ . ,g • '. fully equipped ''''''''',.--,...'-7 __ _ 1958 CHEVOLET.,,BEL AIR FouR-1:$99-R AAA- -TO.P.V-8-L-motor, automatic . . -...-e . , . Q tranax.niSsion;,,fully equipped 1958. ,CHE.VROLET'.BICAYNE't .. $ , SEDAN, 2,1958 •CIIEVROTiji.i' 'I'ISdZ14- ...tDAI\iSP1-1.311S'., ,-i' equipp'ed; :atithiriatic. trans, .'' S25. 50.. 1953 DODGE ,SEDAN ,, - 1953- DODGE '1/2 -TON „PICK,- 2-i6iF;aqi.A ... . 'S'iiirko:'''-'''CiIIEF' SEDANS • .. ,.:.„ ;Autornatie.transmission, : ' $259 — 1945 :GMC,12A-TON. pickup .. 400.0iikv_koixrr DEitrE, sEnAri..L AutOrnatic"fully eq,uipped . : . ..: . ''':.$1695 ' 1956- OlfiftCLET,I./2-'±.C.v..,,,. . ... . . transmission' • . ..,, . ' • •,, ; ' ' ' ' • A iViitten Guarantee for ei), days.on A.11.I'ae. Hodei:CarS-7111. ap'y Othei:IliodelSlo choose from - . $135 1954 CHEVROLET pELIA.E. -'-- COACH • • 1954 CHEVROLET SED,AN 1054 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN—Radio . ...„ . . ., • •PHONE 1.73 --*" , BRUSSELS --- e Home of' Better' Used Cars" • ,. OPEN EVERY_ EVENING ILL WEEDS KILL:, WEED KILL WEEDS! Ie are able to offer you Quality HERI32TE AMINE 8O--(For.Wheat, and: Barley), CUIPMAN, METIIOXONE- • M C P ---(Foi' Oats and Flax), ° CH1PMA_N .ESTHER 64--( Grassland Spray) CHIP1VIAN 13RUSH KILLER—;.(A Good `13ruSh' killer);;: MAY AND BAKEA.EMBUTOY.AIE-=—(U0.-wh'ere tliere is rnaintr alfalfa) AY- AXP 13:4KE1 TROPQT0X(Yor .clo.veyS, •-• peas,. celery and vex..3,- ,y9,4rig Cereal plants) WE .11IAVE WEED SPRAYS FOR EVERY TYPE. OF -SPRAYING IN , STOCK NOW, IN,. ANY , ALSO ALL TYPES -OF FENCINGII;i" ST()CI(---Paige Wire, Hog- Felice - _ and Poultry Fence— Steel and Cedar Posts . , INQUIRE ON PRICES OF TR, UCK LOAD LOTS OF GRAIN' ; IIVIP()RTED BARB WIRE' . .. .... . „ .... : ..., .. $$.75 -PER SPOOL . . . . . , . . - ' mute "The Most Value For the ,Earnier's Dollar" hone 775 Si Seafort •