HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 5EUCHRE• Orange Ha11, Sea#Orth Friday, June. 503. • 'Lunch served: Admission 40e Auspices of Orange Hall Property • Committee EVERYBODY WELCOME! Obtain -.Full -Value Fruni StampVendor,• You . get lullt-..Aggie for your money fJron* the stamp vendor ii front of Seaforth ;Post Office,The machine dispenses; a booklet con,= taining four 5 -cent stamps and -five - 1 -cent -stamps for, each quarter in- serted. Iii a story last week, it was inadvertently reported that the . = vendor dispenser .only one ,1 -cent stamp in That ' we might, -take part our 'Parent's . t W' ing - 50 h edd NUAI DISC � U1 On Wedding; Rings;, Jewelled Watches and ` m Well DIa ands and 3 e e - Emblems' Birth- ry stone and `Gents Signet; s, stone and Emblem Rings • 0/ Discount OnCi a & G lass pr @ NE 2 Watches Difmonds PHO 18- JEWEL: -- It DEWS OF THE _ ilirs. Dalton li Sloop spent Titer- `. and Mars, Jac 3 clay with her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. lied: Itis mother, Mme. George Gibb, ,` , oft Sunday. Mr ..and -Mrs: I.ere �Ptilta�pna . -Mise,fihirleY Abram affttaA with their daughter, _Mrs Charles few da s ,last week with her .*uat,' 'Roney, on Friday. Mrs e1iarles Roney.. "A das Water Heater saves you'. Money 4 9 f gives you more Hat Water in less; tunie" says, ER1 W 1 iNGERIC SEAFORTH I.'LLTIVIRER REALER;,` HENSALL CUBPACK, in operation only eight months; won top honors in a cub rally' at Clinton Saturdayfor its knowledge. ..: of cub lore. The pack competed against 13 others. from Huron;; district, The winning pack shown left to right, front"mow Gor- don -Deitz, Keith Havens; Roger Wilkinson, :Bever Bonthron Keith Play Bill`Chipchase, .Charles' Sehwalnt,`Danny Cameron; back row, William Lavender, 'assistant cub master, William Fink, cub master; and Barry Mousseau, Close to 225 cubs from the Huron ,district attended'the rail The rally was under the direc- tion of Thomas Darlcng; assistant district cub commissioner for NEWS -OF RENSALL. rran� es, ;'Br Brownies 'working on their Gol- den Bar •work were; taught table setting by ;:Tawny -..Owl• Mrs R Cook: Golden Hand. Brownies were shown how.', to wrap, .tie and ad.)!dress a parcel, for: mailing, by Brown :O.xvl_1Virs.- F Rowe= -Donna Wilkinson taught two'••singing -games to, the . pack and • has now completed ell= -her -Brownie work T The local association of Guiding met in.the United Church Tuesday evenuYg: Mrs. Howard S-cane,re- Ported $56,00' made:on •the recent• paper' drive:•<A cheque for``$25 00, donated by the Legion Auxiliary, was: 'much ,appreciated. Ways and. means- of transportation for the Guides to Caine Keewaydin was discussed. Nineteen: sitxy will be the Golden Jubilee, 50 years of Guiding, r Goldeci ''tulips will be Planted all across Canada to honor. TO ClIOOSE :FROM Jf We Haven't Got It, WellGet It 'For.. You. = HIi1iE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR TERRIFIC BARGAINS: G 1959 CHEVROLETIMPALA 'HARDTOP, automatic "drive, V=8, radio; whitewalls etc List $4,100- ,,.:ONLY $3,495 58:OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP - •hy:dramaic drive, radio, power. brakes; only 12,000 guaranteed miles; ;new car warranty. 1958• CHEVROLET 131SCAYNE 2 -DOOR STATION WAGON, custom radio, whiteiyalls, etc. '" • ONLY"'$2;^495 1957 "CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR 210 gnly, 14',000-' miles. .1957 PLYMi.41TE PLAZA 2-»OOIt, 8 -cylinder, wheel discs, ' etc.`� :. , ONLY• $1,495' 1957•BUICK' CENT;URI.4-I O0R ;SEDAN,; pouVer 'steering and brakes' owned.:l y a member of :the. clergy; can't he, told from new. • ' '-1956 PON'l`IA,C PATHN'INDER -DELU E STATION..., WAGON'' , ONLY $1,495 -DOO S ' • 1956 DODGE DELUX .E. 4 R DAN E _ .:.: ... .:.:. .:. ONLY'$995. 1953 CIiEVROL `•- '' . ET X50 SEDAN s , , ................... $495'. 1953 ,AUSTIN :SEDAN; new..Motor, locally awned. ' 1952 DODGE'. , -, ONLY 295. 1949 MEICURY with 1851 niotor,...,.... .:......�... ONLY 89 . TR CKS TRUCKS TRU, TRUCKS-, C 8 Sold. - - '1 'Left 1958 C IIEV RO ET - '- model del 310 5, 3-4, Tons — Air conditioned -Heaters; Front Shock • Absorbers, Signal Lights', Heavy -Duty Rear Springs, ,D PRear Axles', WesternMirrors Wind- shield Washers 14 -foot Brantford Stake Body, Racks,Tarpaulins, Spare Tires; none of them oyer 15,000 original miles, new truck warranty. 'ria : First Come` )Firs Served - ` ,only-�y1z Original 1 Cast , t • 1957' G:MsC. /a TON PICKUP, lists over $3,000 ,, ONLY: $1,595 1957 FORD 1 -TON, Wideside ::.:,::. ONLY $1,595 4 OTHER PICKUPS 1956 DODGE 2 -TON VAN - 1953 G:M.C. 14'1'OOT-FLAT.STA E SPECIAL ! SPECIAL SPECIAL . ... 30.1VI:cGre S_ Silver iI er P a ace �Ohl1e .Home Completely .Equipped a= Priced to Sell y Motors Lt� a ty .fACic:PEARSON Prop ZtT�tICH- . r . EXEIOR. ._ .: ti�os ro . Largest Car ...Leaa1 Dealer'? : ' Church Groups DUFFS W1VIS A � •: Th,. e WMS;`• and ' WA ',of".Duff's „Chueh„ ,McKillop,_ held_ their May meeting.at the-hame:ol M Da'v=. idShannon- ;with •a `: good: attend-, ance: The WMS .,.president; Mrs. Les-:' Pryce, `presided' and': opened the :meeting _ with .a:•: hymns The scripture, lesson acid, comments.:on: it. were read. by Mrs.,James Kerr and. prayer; was' offered by Mrs.: Pryce Invitations were , accePted from; Winthrop"• to `attend;their WMS on Jiu1e ` 3; at';8:30, and -.Northside, n Seaforth .o• :Dine u23, at •8 o'eloek. Mrs.; .John' Kerr -gave . a ;`heading.. and a' poem.: The ,study hook was taken; by. Mrs.: Murray Dalton Mrs :Ross Gordon opened the: WA meeting: The ',scripture was: read by ;Mrs.., A, Jantzi, and Mrs, Gordon, led in -prayer, Mrs..Gor-, don' "McKenziegave:-some -of'`the highlights of 'the WA Presbyterial .held `recently at`; Moncrieff Dutch auction was .held..• KNOTLESS' ' CERTIFIED In length, ifrangth'and uniformity,'„ you can depend on Co-op Baler' Twine. It's free -running and knot. less, assuring you quick,: easy ope"ation at ha ing e ' tim and _r y . long, safe, storage 'afterwards. Low in cost, too • High quality; fliters are combined with the finest manufacturing and testingfacilities in the production _ of Coop Binder Twine. Buy it with assurance of.complete satisfaction - , and •worthwhile Sayings," FARM ERS CO-OPERATIVE wry ie this...Organization. Hensall .Guides and Brownies 'will, plant "200 -bulbs -in ' the fallin ,'this village. • Pl'ans. e i j :the. making, for-=the-Hensall_ Barrownies tp ',attend a weekend, at -Huron Camp•June 12=34 • Carmel Church. Annii ersary • Anniversary services'- were t:'held in Ca rmel-Presbyterian Chiirch on Sunday: 'With 'splendidcongregatiions at both services. Guest Minister for th`e di wa Re' • et� > iialte o ``9.. . sr V� I' rte, T; f Fort McLeod, ,Alta,, who delivered two very inspiring messages, 'Mrs. `William:`Brown-was'Soloist at,the ncorning serviee, and for. her selec- tion sang, "Today I- Walked Where Jesus '.Walked"; .choir, anthem; "Coble' ;Unto. -:-Me;" < soloist;: Jinn A-ladies-qu'artette, -coniposed=of- Mrs. Harry Hoy; Miss Hannah Mur-, ray, Miss Pat:Bell-and, Mrs. Pearl :Love 'san at the:: evenin 'service g g •and the, choir• for their selection 'sang, ".Rejoice;; Rejoice• ', Lovely flowers°decorated the church: Rev. G. Vais;' minister of the `church assisted'• • at 'both. services. ' Mrs. 1llalc t DougaiLPresided at- -the organ-Tconsole :a and: directed 'the Miss Patsy"J'orieshas.aecepted,d t t Position . -on' he, s off,•• of the-Iocal Bell Tel•ephone':office. . The : Hensall Womenrs .Institute picnic• willbe_;held 'at,- the Tiensall, Park on Wednesday, 'June' 1Q. Sup- per 'will, be served at. 5:30 sharp Children; ofthe-menibers--are-to.-be special• guests,members=, are ^asked to. bring •a picnic, basket; ,cup and silverware: Sports committee. is:Miss:+M, Ellis' and Mrs: E. N'orin- inton..Hostesses are Mrs: -E. Rowe and Mrs.' A. Alexander.; In - case- g"I"-rainthe picnic will ';be .held in - d Mr- and, Mrs:- Bert. Barry, ,Lon- ,don, were weekend -guests with --the datter,'s;- sister and brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Baynham"and f arniiy:'; • Rev.`'Petei. Walter, .Mrs, Walter and'family, of Fort McLeod,- Aita.; Mr: and Mrs, Gordon Walter, -Mrs. Jean''Clementsand Mr.' Melia -rd. Walter, all' of Go,derieh,. • were Sun day guests with Mr, and Mrs. C1if ford Moir Mrs 'Fred ,Beer ` who • was a Plan lan' Visit Ms�it To England T. R. Thompson, Ontario Strdt, Clinton; and his 'twodhughters left by train June. 1, :for Montreal, where they' will, board. the Empress' df France for Liverpool, England. Mr.(' Thompson will,,,go direct to his former .home at. Eric iskellen, Northern Ireland, .After touring. ngland- and , Scotland the girls will Join ,their father. :They will, be away Tor about six weeks- Joan `Tho'mpsori is employed :with the Rural Hydro, ,Clinton, and Patsy is in Guelph. - District':Obituaries GEORGE A. TAYLOR HENSALL-Mr, Ueo `ge:'A. Tay- lor, of Il dent on, -a retired farmer;' passed away in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, Thursday; May 28th, where he had been a patient for the past three weeks., Horn and raised in the Merton district, he was in liis 80th .year, leaves 'to mourn his Ioss his wife, the former Bertha Williams, o1 Chesley; one son, James Taylor, Hensall,•„one, daughter' (Mary Et- ta) Mrs. Leonard Fischer, Eder - ton; two brothers, Alex Taylor,. 11- derton; William, Winnipeg",- one sister out West; and seven grand- children. . Funeral services were ' held Sat- urday, May 30, from the Ailsa Craig Funeral home. FREDERICK RICH RED Ii,.'hATh`NELi. E BRUCEk'IELDy. Frederick- R. Rathwell, of 1, Brueefield, died: soddenly. of a heart 'seizure at his home Sunday morning, in his 62nd year. Member of Brucefield 'United Church, he was a Past Mas- ter of Huron. Lodge A.r.9 and A.M. 224, Hensen. Surviving Are his, Wife, the for. titer Hazel Elgie; One Son, Jack, Lindsay; two daughters, (Ruth) Mrs. J. H.' Laxend tae e ' ey y, 11 vill , (Lois) Mrs. D. N'. Pintney, Long Lace, Ont.; one brother, Harold Rathwell; of Arizona; one sister, Mrs, Albert Horner, Seaforth. Public funeral services • were held' frim ,the.;_Ronthron Funeral, Chapel, Ifensall, Tuesday, Juice;' 2, conducted by Rev. S. Davison; with burial `iii 'aird's Rev, • patient in -:South i;Huron Hospital, Exeter, has returned home. Mr: "and:Mrs. George Moir,- Vir- den Man., and Mr, and Mrs: R.'; D. Montgomery, "-Regina, .have returned home after.:a pleas- -ant, .vacation spent visiting =svitkr Mr. and "Mrs, L, Baynham• and family and other relatives in this district: 1Vfr--'.and > Mrs," Irving Reid and° Terry, , of -Kincardine; spent Sun- d'ay-> with :.1VIr �rfitt .Mrs lareirce:� Reid and family :% Mr, and;Mrs. Arthur- Pettigrew, of Lincoln' Park, Midi., were week end: guests .with the• farmer's sir ter and brother-in-law, 'Mr. ' and Mrs. George Hess.. Mrs. F.• •Manns;' of Mimico, is spending the • summer months , at IVfr.• and Mrs. Norman: Pepper, and Albert -are leaving' this 'week end .for • Windsor, ;yvhere ` Mr. Pep- pers pers willr take a special al seven months' .course •-in;: barbering. • A meeting e.'senior o : h :f t citizens of 'Hensail, men and wolnen over 60,?: will he held in the:'' Hensall Memorial:Arena;, Wednesday, June at -7-;-30; tis rlfscnss dud erg' ize a Senior Citizens Club. A meeting of all`•interested par- ties willbe held ou..Tuesda;,y, June 16:in-the `local' arena-to-argani,, a bridge club. Teen.- Town, : Topics (By Ken Ryan). About 150 teenagers attended the teen -town dance ,in.the arena on -Saturday':evening. Garry- Wit lia'ms spun, the "top •thirty ', after buying a new collection, of "hits” on : Saturday in, 'Stratford, The luckyticket was i. picked lip •.` by. "Star" Jessome .and won. by Ted ai "Lr iont,"`Wev woiild lilre -tib extend 'special thanksto Mr, and Mrs Malone and Ms 'arid 1VIrs:'Kenney, who worthily chaperoned the dance. :.For the interest of 'those staying 'town for the summer, Teen= Town will operate through Julie, July alit" Au'gu'st Sall . Tournament About 20 Teen -Town players and spectators -went to the Listowel ball' tournament- •last - Saturday. ' The first game at .-10:00. was ' played against Listowel,: due to' the . fail- ure of Clinton ail-ure,:of.Clinton to arrive. Tlie game was quite even until the final in ping, ,when Listowel surged ahead. to ease past Seaforth;,with a;'final score of 17-13, An enjoyable , cold dinner was served by members of'. "the Seaforth. Teen -Town lunch corn- mittee - The • activities -in-. the afternoon saw the ;Listowel Legionnaires, get beat by „the London ;hall squad; as well as the Hanover and.Harris= ton:semi-final game of the Teen Town tournament. The.final game, 'after._supper saw " Durham' get. trounced by, • Hanover to: the tune of • X3-3, - After the game,a dance was heldin the , Listowel Armouries` where the Hanover': ball 'team -was' presented with the 'trophy.: This cup is'to e -put' up, fOr annualtom- petition. The Seaforth team -consisted. off: pitchers, Marg Elliott - and, Doug; Roweliffe; catcher,' Ron Uhler; first base, Keith Pethick; leCond base, Marg Elliott and Doug Row- ciiffe; third base;;,; Craig Willis;,; rig}yt field, Gene ' Nixon; centre field,Lloyd Pethick and. Dicky ., left field, Corinne Smith and Carolyn Hammond: . Executive Meeting We were given-, a financial rex port and --Bob Reith gave, us' •a brief` outline on the cost • of the tennis court ,project., Teen Town Will 'have: to, supply about $100 for the repairing of the court. Then the fact of,.tie dire need for turn. tables- and an -amplifying system was discussed, and it was decided that we would' get' the, turntables and amplifier before fi7ting up, the tennis court: This conclusion was arrived• at -because the present fin-: ancial status will not allow us to get both- projects completed It ryas' I . mooed that higher ads mission prices would be' charged to help support'any' future:' needs,': This new admission - pride for dances, of '25e will be charged in the near future, but notfor a'cou,, 'p ofweeks. le Preacher: "I was sorry for your wife in church this morning when she had shell a .terrific attack of coughing and everyone turned, to look at her: -'t - • i 'ubb "011,don't let that war. Pug r ParsoShe was. wearin'. Iter new =sdrina hat." • News of ;St., ColumlAan Friends Honor Mr, Mrs.'."Murphy, Leal/111g 1.Farlin. Neighbors and friends gathered at the home • of • Mr. and• Mrs.' John: F. Murphy on' Friday Nevening' to. honor them before their departure, from the ,farm Fifteen tables of cards were in, play, `prizes' being- wonnb-yv-M-r-s:=Emmett. Malone--and- .Jos'Oei. w Aneph addre'Rss'•wllyas; read by Auguste' Ducharrne, -and 'presentations' were made;by:Maurice Dalton and: Jas. O'Connor of :a purse rof riidney,'to, . -Mr:Tand�4lrs- :kt<kur-ph-y-z-and f uggage- to. Arthur The recipients express-. ed their thanks arid :appreciation for the gifts.. A lunch Was' served Mr; :,and •Mrs Miiirphy 'have sold their farm 'to Mr.:and Mrs,.` Tony Poland, 4 but have not ecided` defin itely, where ;they- will: make:,:their. home:•. _ Mass For lVfrs...A^ Butters Solemn Requiem, High Mass was sung at.'the funeral of Mrs. Allan .Butters, formerly Mary Margaret Malone, ern ``Thursday morning in' Si umn's Roman Catholic' ChurchCol, Rev:;baJ .L McCow;ell was the celebrant, with Dr. Ffoulkes, Dublin;, -as deacon, �• and Rev. Father c-li-�ubiin- a ` deae n T. Elwin Morris • was, present in the Sanctuary,. Pallbearers Were= Clay- ton Looby,' Frank -Hicknell, Robert Murray,. Steptienaloney; -:Gordon' e stello and Bernard' Costello,; Bur cal Was ;:made ":in- ;St Coluinbaii cemetery _. - Pat Sloan received his :Bachelor of Arts Degree at Assumption; Uni-. versity oic ~Saturday ; at the uni= versity s ; convocation. He ; is the. •son •lof: Mr,' and Mrs, Jaines.;Sloan. He. received his primary education at`S;S •No 6;:'McKillop and.'gradu-. atedt from-Seaforth District High -School', Attending-- the 'graduation - exercises wet -CS Mr.. `and Mrs:.Jas:. Sloan;'. Gerald,; James and. Tom Sloan, Miss " Florence . Sloan, Mr. and Mrs--T.-J...Murray and; Mr - ,and Mrs. 'Gerald: Gaffney: 3V Ir: and ,Mrs. Stephen :Holland: • and family, London,; with Mr and' •Mrs. J." Holland, Mrs. Dennis . Walsh and Marty, London, with; Louis,:O'Reihy' •and, •M•r, ;and• Mrs'. 'Jack O'Reilly:.', Miss: Beatrice Maloney;, 'Water loo, 'with Wilfred':Maloney. '• y GilanbedrtM: Murry • Sarnia nth' >,. Mr. '.' Gilbert Murray Mr: -and Mrs, Tom Feeney, Clin ton; with Mr. 'and Mrs. Joe Feeney., Mr. and Mrs. Auguste-Ducharme; Mr, and Mts. -?ngus'Kennedy and Mr. f:and - Mrs' Emmett' Malone Were in St. Thomas forte. cele- bration of . Rev. Father Btchely`s ,,>~'irst.,Solenin..:,High Mass -on 'Sun- day. • Mrs:_J, J. --Holland and Mrs. -Leo Murray-. Spent the, .weekend : Windsor, • : - Mr. 'and Mrs.J L;: Malone,'Jack Malone and Allan„Butters`-were: in Midland,'. ' Miss'- ,Anne Maloney, London; with M. and Mrs...Frank Maloney: SLEEPING: BIE AUTY'APPLES ARi,STANDARD VARIETIES '. • Public • interest in the amazing- kaeping qualities of sleepidg'' beats-' ty; or controlled atmosphere,'apples has: misled many, into. .believing that these -'apples are . a new Varie- ty , but this is not the case, says. Dr, -John” F. '-Brown, _secretary. of the Ontario •Fruit ',and ,Vegetable` Growers' Association:.. r c. In Ontario they are mostly . Mc- Ixitoshes and :a , :smelt. monger of: Spies :that are stored .•in, such a way that they enter a state off sus- pendd animation and: emerge sev- eral-months-later ev-eral-.months later as fresh,'as--the. day they .were stored. Following this kind of :storage,:the fruit will, stay :fresh on the shelf approxi-' mately_ three' times.'as;.:Iong as,otli- er ;ap'les gen-timed.- atmosphere stora ger began in Canada. 'experimentally. two : -years ago, saysr.. Brown;; and Ontario 'is. • the .only place .as yet,where it is commercially estab- lished.- Public acceptance -of the GA apple ;has been most gratify ing, Says Dr. Brown; and the 385,- 000 bushels in storage will be sold by.the end;of'.%une- if theresent p. Market. movement is maintained: Apples, which :Use up oxygen much as humans do, are stored in an air -tight room and allowed to use uj inost of the oxygen.' The air. is'cliernicaaly, cleaned• off, carbon dioxide; At a controlled tempera-. ture and. deprived of oxygen, the a IeS enter a state of sus ended• PP p animation where the aging process is all, but halted When taken out of storage, they are just, an.flavorr. fol and juicy -as the day they, went. • Label on - a' fish bo,r in, an, ex press' office: if not'itel"ivered; with in 10 .days• -Bever :mind. '"Yon never run' out Of ' water when you have a Gag; -Water Heater `, it'heats ;water so fast'(4 titres faateif tr other system) that You 'always have a'copstantsupply of hot water. • And it hosts you less:io buy ... less to operate."' See modern Gas Water Heaters at GINGERICH'S`SALES '& 'SERVICE WANT ADS BRING .RESULTS - Phone 141 or 142 WHAT'S JACK up TO NOW? - __REALZy 'LOOKS SENSATIONAL!__ BOY! THIS IS TERRIFIC! Never Seen Anything' Like ,; I It Before! E A RSOH M (; T 0S R ,,L PONTIAC,' BUICK, .: VAUxRAIL• CARS • ' - : G.M,C: TRUCKS ZIJRI' A C EXETER,.` , HUR[? i N=COiJitT�`I'-S=LARGEST (Corner `<Victoria and GodericIi St r eet) N UNDER NEW •OPE - MA �GZ'ENT �. QUA ITICII A PRODUCT / A _-Velvet . 98 Gas i..' /A8 G .A Oils our Contin ed: atroWage,'would.be appreciated d..: IIV•. G4IVTE . ,.. TODAY Y F: OR. FRIENDLY EFFICIENT SERVICE international - Harvester' FIELD' y. �►�.MO STA.ATI•N._� to be: held on • the; farm . of BRUCE TRO`MPSOI 1 /z 11e West of Walkerton,.'oiAo:s�ate .GmolfCourse Wednesd Ju '10 ST At the • emoftstra ion ;the following: equipment w''ll be operated- in: the eld: No. 15 Forage Harvester ' r' i' No. 163 Ildrower withha Gond.i Honer attachment • No: • 3. Ray ,conditioner... • : ern o of our :, sent line •of o � ers S e. e � fir. • Scres p.resentline'of Side Rake $ , • F -90-A Ealer • On dis n:dis la �ewIllila. ve our No.. 91 Combine obiIe : (yard demonstration Will' he given) EER _ T E TAL RL MEMB1 Si4' 1 •�/tiY� .' �,E ENGINEERING. STAPF O1 HAND ' F'or further inforinat'oncontact. N BACH International � Harvester Dealer ho Seaforth e•17