HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 4j•, •CR'•IB r4A�M1Jti r' EKPOSIT,Cift, S .A: OBTE,: ONT:, JUNE5, p.m DON B.RIGHTRALL Caiaadian Petrofina 'Ltd. ' Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Products Phone 354 Seaforth Ont. AS, STOVE and FURNACE ACE OII ;- Prompt -Farm and, Home Deliver! in the interests. sof Liberal Candidate in 'Huron *ill be" o.peilled- shQrtlp In;-' FORMER DALY 'GARA( Main Street Seaforth SE "Liberal Candidate .n__Huron.._.:- Friday., 'June 5, ,at. 7:5 Friday, :June 5, . at 10:55:: a; (Published by Huron Liberal Association) • NEED RiJB.�B1Vit."Sl Order Them Through THE HURON EXPOSITO Western Ontario's Largest Ebit of Livestock'';. WEDNESDAYS JUNE °10 LL 1959- Official Opening by R. Gordon Sennett Chief Agricultural Officer, Department "of 'Ag cultare (Former Agricultural Representative of: Huron, County) r District Schedules were drawn.; up, Priday 11-Seaforth' at Exeter Clinton at Mitchell "� 18—New Hamburg "at Goderich 20—Mitchell at New Hamburg 22---i'ensall, ,at Seafprth Lucan at Goderich. • 24 -Mitchell.: at Hensall Seaforth at Clinton 25--=Goderich:.. at New Hariiburg 27—Mitchell at Exeter Seaforth -at New Hamburg •'' 28—Clinton "at: •Goderich 29 -Exeter at Seaforth Hensall at 1Vlitchell '• 30—Goderich' at Mitchell 31-Seaforth at Hensall Convener—zQ,r8-i-Witte;-Ekete" tight for Juvenile, Bantam ' and Pee Wee baseball teams{ A meet- ing of. the conveners and `Managers, off; the WOAA teams was held in, the Seaforth Community Centre. All groups must declare a greuP winner by .Saturday; -"August 3, in order to enter the OBA playdowns, All games are scheduled to 'com- mence at' 6,A0 p.m., and the home• team is to; supply two umpires. The Pee' Wee `group, originally; eoinposed . of ten-: teams, " has been divided =into two groups in order: to"- make .ossible` the corn .1- of -Sal -edifies by July .31,: Group -one is matte up of `C'entries and Group two. is •composed of 'D' entries 'and one `B'entry, which is Goderich. Pee Wee "C" Group 1 June 11 New Hamburg,=at Seaforth 16=Exeter--at- Clinton 19- Seaforth at Mitchell 20 -Exeter ,at New Rainburg 237-C1inton:!at Mitcliell 25---Seaforth at Exeter 27f=New =Hamburg -at -Clinton- 7 20=Clinton at • Seaforth July— ,''' 1. --•Mitchell at Clinton" 2=-Seaforth" at New Hamburg.. '6 -Exeter•' at Seaforth 9 -New Hamburg,at .Exeter 13=Clinton at New Hamburg Mitchell at Seaforth ' 15-Seaforth at Clinton 16-Seaforth at'Exeter• 21 !New 'Hainbgrg at dVlitehell 23-Chnton rat Exeter 27-gxeter%at'Nf tehel 30="Mltetiel1 at Neyv 1rarnhurg •.Group 2 June 15-Lucan at• Hensall -.Zurich at,Sebring-v-ille 9 Zurich. ; at-Go'derich.— - :.. 22-Hensall' at Lucan • 26i-z;Hensall' at Goderich-7 27.....-Lucan at Zurich 29, Lucan' at Sebringville Tu1y - 2—Hen";all-;at Zurich 3—Lucan at Goderich 6=5ebringyille at Hens all 10-Goderich at Lucan 13-odericli at Hensall 14=Sebringville at '-Lucan 17—,Ifensall 'at Sebringville IB=Zttrich at•Lucan . 20 :,Zurich: at I•iensail " , Goderich at "Sebrinpville 25-Goderich at Zu'richi 28- ebringvilIe at ;Zurich 31 ---'Sebring rile --at Goderich Convener=Doug Grebb, Sebring • Bantam •Schedule 'Julie- 4 ---New. Hamburg at Mitchell • tLucanair at`Nw :Hamburg . B -New Ha nbiirg 'at iExeter 9 -=Clinton at,New Ha"iiiburg- Seaforth at ,Lucan 10—Exeter. at Goderich, 11 -Mitchell.; at Clinton' 12—Lucan' at Exeter . ° 3Vew, I3auiburg at Seaforth- 15-I1*ensall:" at Exeter 'Mitchell., at Seaforth 16—Clinton at Lucan 17 'Exeter et New Hamburg Y Hensall•;:at Clinton 20 -Mitchell" at'Iaican , Clinton •at Hensall ` 24—Exeter.at Lucan 25-Goderich at Clinton Seaforth at Mitchell 26 --Exeter at 13ensall 27—New Ifaniburg ; at Lucan 29-:Hensall";at. Lucan 30 -Clinton at" •Seaforth July.__ 2 --Exeter at Chnton 3=New,.amburg at Hensall Lucan at Mitchell 7=Chntoh at Exeter .Goderich at Lucan 9 --Mitchell,; at Goderich New Hamburg at Clinton 10--Lucan'atfiensall Goderich at' Exeter 14—Hensall at New Hamburg • Lucan at Seaforth 15 --Exeter at Mitchell 16-Lucan at Clinton Goderich at Hensall' Juvenile Schedule June- ' 4 -Zurich at Clinton' _ 8-Seaforth,at Mitchell.. . Sebringville .at:Zurich 10—Exeter at Hensall Seaforth' at Goderich Sebringville at Mitchell' 12 -Mitchell•: at "Clinton Hensall at Sehringville Goderich at Seaforth 17—Goderich' at Exeter' ; 19—Goderich,: at Hensall Clinton:.it-Sebringv• , 22— Hensall at Clinton': Mitchell at Seafortk 23 -Exeter at: Zurich 24 Sebringville at' ,Hensall 25 --Clinton at Mitchell " 26—Zurich at Sebringville 27=Chnton at Exeter Mitchell at Goderich 29--Goderich at Zurich .' ;Seaforth at. Clinton' THensall;at. Exeter_.,_. 30-Seaforth. at Hensall July 1—Clinton at; Seaforth 3—Exeter at Mitchell Clinton at'Zurich• Goderich,. at • Sebringville 6--Hensall' at Mitchell Exeter at-Clinton- 7:"`=Zurr�h: at`Seafortli , - 8-Sebringville at'Goderieh Exeter at Seafprth\ 9=Zurich at 10=5ebringville.' at Clinton 11—Ziiriclt • ,at.'; Goderich 13--Hensall .at Zurich Goderich.; at Chnton Seaford':= at Exeter, ,. 14-IV[iEchell at Sebringville 15—Clinton at Iiensall 16—Mitchell at Zurich - Exeter :at Sebringville -2O-Zurich-at theter: ' Hensall .at;`Geder ch Sebringville at Seaforth 21 Clinton, atiGoderich 22 Mitchell rat Hensall 24 --Mitchell: et Exeter Seaforth at Sebringville 2.—Hensall at-Seaforth T. 29.Sebringville at.Exeter Zurich at Hensall 31---Seaforth at Zurich Exeter at'; Goderich - Convener -John,;, E. Patterson, Seaforth 4- 11 SEAFOR•TH •DAIRY CLUB The• ` ;first "meeting' of the Seaforth Dairy Club .was held ;:at the . farm of William Dal an Rose' dem, onstrated the; d ,points of a Guernsey -animal„, then"the4 v club. members proceeded to fudge _two: classes. of . Guernsey cattle Mr. Rose • :-show'e'd •a . very interesting',, film ,,on "How, to Choose a Beef: Bull.” ' The roll." call •was answered by .4,0. members Officers, who had been elected at 'the adjoining meeting are: presi- dent, Wilma Dale; vice-president," Douglas• lig-ill; secretary, • Ken- neth .Papple. The lunch committee a -Laurel ,Dale, •Gloria` Boyd .and: Margaret Hillen -A- vote -of thanks was moved toy Mr. "Rose by Joan Coyne, and' "to the' Dale .family by" Mervyn Pep "Please,-sir,,wil1 you help me? implored the.. beggar. ""Will' -,you; give me a 'dollar?" "A 'dollar! exclaimed', the pros perous-=looking gentleman., "That's. a lot of .money." "I'mWell, explained • the ,;beggar, . putting all my begs' in one Bingo and Va riousarrrival Gaines rfffl 11 p.in — Juniior. Farmers Refreshment Booth SPECIAL .CASH AWARDS FOR• ALL PE IZ•E' WITNNERS GRAND PARADE at 1:00 p.m. sharp to Clinton Community Park Heavy Horses . Light' -Horses WAGON and EXPRESS''-I1OftSES 'Carriage — lltaclmey Teams -- Lady Drivers' All Classes Single :arid Teams- Ponies CHILDREN'S CLASSES -- PALOMINOS MAPLE CITY SHOWS Plunibin Phone 23 -• Heatin 5eatorth ' •..d ecause modern natural gas.•'1lorne heating systen. gives, you'so many extrabenefi' Even, controlled Heat, Silent as a whisper. Clean .:: no stain 'or:residue on walls or furniture. Dependable ..no.delvery problems. • Automatic =' instant heat at the touch . of a thermostat. Economical to buy, install and maintain.;,; Free services your gas company, on cd J "24' hburs a day, adjusts and cleans your burner every year.-.. free! Budget, plan... pay the modem, way. Your gas company offers a budget plan which spreads your yearlheating bill . over 'a ten month' period. • If your heating system. ,didn't :deliver the comfort you needed last" winter ....:convert 'NOW'to NATURAL .GAS'; A modern gas.convn ersio•burner can be.installed • your furnace in, a matter of hours with no•muss or fuss . guarantees solid : comfort next winter. You may budget::theiow cost conversion burner orfurnace over. many months. Don't wait Ithe push seastin't Learn how to live the, - modern, comfortable way next winter. For a free heat- ing survey, callyour heating contractor' or Union Gas.• BEEF ,and '::"DAIRY CATTLE MARKET "CATTLE' `.SWINE - SHEEP .- ALt . BREEDS Special 47_1 Club Classes SILLS HARDWARE .. " Plumbing Electrical Heating ` Phone "5 See your local heating contractor. He'll be glad to advise you on installation 'of. gas 'equipment in your home. And you'll be surprised cit the low-cost budget plan he• can suggest! • . ADMISSION':.: 50:CENTS GRA'NDk;* 25c >tlii es and Entertu nu . nt.for the Molle family, •.. • arge Displ ry Farm • Machinery. ENING-SHOW SHOW at- 7' o'clo Heav+'r Draught Tean'ts •-Iiercheron Teams • Wagon or, Express *feanfs`+' C'ar'riage• Teams- :' s"Four-Horse Tandem: Hitch : • Best Matched 'ream '• Best Dressed -Teen' • Single Roadsters in 1larnes& ••' 'Gertitletnates Turnout ty, Pony• Tealns—over 12 'hands, • • Pony Teams -under •,f2 hands. E.CA1' SAND DURING 'A PERNOON ..' ,D11AliP,,, lst" Prize, bower lawn Mower; 2nd Prize, Fluor Polisher And ;Serabber 7Yehets : • SOc each or 3 for $1:00 SEAFOR.71'S DCGH SeitOOL.TRIMPET BAND PLAY DITR.11►TG EA'ENING SEE YOUR HEATING: CONTRACTOR, O ;Admission"•tb Evening .$effermance,0e `-- Grandstand FREE, Write Seet''etary for Prize Lists "Wi 441*1pEN E , meld 14 A J. 1i cMI ERAt Secretary' B'OB. DOIG Plumbing Phone 668 r .13 Heating Secfortl NY OF CANADA; LIMITED. SEAFOItTi , 'GIIGERN.CH'S Sales a es 8t: Service Seaforth •Phone :585. Zurich 3 DUBLIN•E"LECT,RIA( Duo - Therim Dealer,- Phone ot... Dublin. FRANK KUNG Plumbing - HeatingEloctrial phone 1' (1 eaforrtt .i.