HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-06-05, Page 2SUGAR Atip
By' W. (Bill) B. T. SMILEY
, Since 1860 Serving lhe Communitv Firit
#11hlished at SEAFORTII, ONTARIO, every Thursday:- morningby
•- McLean Bros., Publishers
'ANDItEw Y.. MeLEAN, Editor.
Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year •
United States (in advance) $3,50 a Year
• ,
Authorized as Second -Class Mail' Post Office Department, Ottavra
ntario Voters Will Decide Between 'Pro
Member of -
Canadian Weekly
Voters in Ontario will have the op- •an increase in biireauerady,the tak-
Portuhity next_ week of deciding the • ing away_ of ,the right to decide of
kind of goveriumentthey will have
in --the province for the next three or
four year's.
In Huron, the choice is between
two estimable and capable candidates
J).p.th, as it happens, _from- the -same
part of the riding. Mr. 1VlacNaugh- '
ton, the Conservative candidate, was
elected in a by-election a year ago, -
and is a well-known Exeter business-
man. Mr. Strang, the Liberal can- •
didate, is a capable farmer, who re-
tired recently as president of the On-
. tarib Soil and Crop Iinpro-vement As-
• sociatiow His wide- -knowledge of -
municipal problems has been ga,ined
as Clerk of Usborne Township,
In the maim; the decision -will be
• based on an assessment of the pro-
,ftams offered by the two parties.
--Pre-rhier -Frost -has- indicated -that
• complacency with his recordis all he
• has to offer. He has no new ideas,
he re -CO -rd he'fondly recalls is one,
- built up over sixteen years of Con-
servative rule. It includes the high-
way scandal of a few year ago,
which the Premier recently defended
• again as being of little consequence.
• It Was a scandal, however, that re-• —
suited in the retirement of the_min
--Aster-of hikhways-and-the-convietion-
of a number of individuals and cor-
• porations as a result of their dealings
with the government.
The record includes, too, respon-
• sibility- for the confusion that exists
concerning education in Ontario and
the fact that each year the load be-
ing borne by the average municipal
taxpayer is increasing.
Also included in Mr. Frosts's re-
cord is the plight of the _Ontario
• larmer--warse each year as- a result
of the lack of any consistent farm
policy. _
Latest matter to -Which reference
must be made in the record establish-
ed by. the Conservatives during their. -
16 years in office is the scandal faced
by the Frost Gpvernment and con-
cerning the Ontario Northern Gas
Company. Frost Cabinet Ministers
• —three of them—were forced to re-
sign as a result, and leaders in the
-Ontario Conservative party benefit-
ted in substantial amounts, yet Pre-
mier Frost continues to refuse. an
• impartial investigation of _the nia,t-
ter. '
local boards, councils .and -COMTMS-
S1011S7 With a resulting centralization
of poW-er Toronto.
. • ,
This is the Conservative • record
presented for the consideration of
voters- by --Premier FrPSt;--INllithing
for thefuture--nothing buta vague,
- indefinite and platitudinous ileCital of
things better forgotten:
The alternative program, advanc-
ed by, the 'Liberal party -under' their
• 42 -year-old leader, provides, among
other things:
—an immediate and impartial in-
vestigation of the natural gas mat-
L.ters loy'.a royal commission. • •
—for an immediate low-cost liOnsing••
program payi-nentS. as
• ...low .aS $590..
for. progressive •..assumptio,w.byjlie
•'.151iwincia1ig6vernment of., the. basic ..
..costief.elementary and secondary •
education. ••, •
, vigorous edncational
ain to:provide. adequatelY trained• .
special teachers: _ • ,
yearly -:$300 grants tostudents
attending out -of -.town. univerSitieS.
—for 'a .program of ' 'portable. pen-.
. .
sions, to provide workers secur-
It is a record tha,t each -year sees
Lrepartrifeiit .„_ _ mar= _
keting and a realistic farm pro-
-f4r-extensinit af-the-Olithrin-Has-- -
pital Insurance Plan tooverout-
patient services and chronic care.
for the return dr' a respensible, ef-
ficient government in Ontarior--; a
government that respects t h e
right of the individua,1 at 'all lev-
els- '
A comparison of the programs of
the two parties does indeed suggest
that -it is time for a change.
omething 'Missing
In the homes -where the thermostat
stands- guard against temperature .
change, there is a comfort our fore-
bears knew nothing about
" Indeed, those whol do not depend
on the'thermostat may have --recourse,
to the electric pad or electric blanket.,
But in the old days at the turn pf
•'the century—and some of us are nia.
turd enough:- to have experienced
their chill — cavernous beds were
warmed•by ailatiron or ibrick_which_
had been heated on the kitchen stove.
—(Kitchener -Waterloo Record).
- 117 Donate Blood
There were 11,7. donors • at the
Red ,cross;• Bload " Clinie.' 'held .0ii collided with .a. s011t41301.Dad .veldele-
'TueSday-afterndon• and evening' in driYell by LAC K* C";Scir'ensc:in'who'
:Onthrio.Street TJnited Chureh. The 'i'vas killed, .along with: three:: air-
Clinton-Hespital_Anxiliary-Was2the men h12.Aj. _..s. :ear; .;_r.hr„..eeOthers_ixi.
local .orgainizatian.•" in Charge; and -,'-v4)1.vd-'•irl;:t* cr"airn WC'''f°--ilijill'K--
mrs,,,,if2iy,,,...L.yiariok ,txas, jonv•e•ner .-Exeter T 11 ni e_s -A cliki c a te . • , ...,
ocfnidthe project.: -Clinton. :NewS4te- [ • Bi• Rummao: Sale : -, -
,, .
: .Complete Numbering Once -aga- thethIg 'tonifolinitF
• With house .ntinibernoW inStalled
seme..peaple are "wandering: What
good they" Will be ,.:without nanies
,onthe streets: According -:to -Mayor
Elkton the ...street !. signs
ere-orderedand? will he erected:: at
'all Cornets before the end'af..Itine.
• • :,.
'They; ItteAeitt! „
youths4m-a Lnegotaat-r
ed ;the Maitland ItiVer•for
tance,of4abinit :10 oir,'SrinL.
Puiliing • Off !:ftora. •Patton'S •
,Seltford at, elf,.P.in: YriuthsVere
,JoliMgazlitt Don •Feagan and Rus-
sell Keinighan Some rof the
ing '. Wes , trick and,' itreaeherons,,7-,
Goderieli•Signal Star
Stanley Hail; prineinal Of the Oppose 'metre s
WMglaeni District thgh School; ; ...A Strang, protest against propos
stated this week • that he has .teit ed installationi••&:,.Parldng meters
.dered bis resignation to thefocal in• GOderiCh was registered at a
board: and, Will take, tin new ditties. meeting of local nierehatits, Tues
at the, Siineoe:".'gigh. Scheol:,next ',day nigf,it:,About.20, parsoi.s.atieniv•
September Mr Mr:11611: has been Prin.- ed : the Meeting,: which wa sjion.-
..-0iParlif-the!Winghani•High'School, :Soredby thetouriSt committee of
and latterly the Whighein"Distriet Goderick 'Junior Chamber, 'el' Conk,
High School, for the past 25 years.: ,merce: petitioii,'. opposing, park-,
--,-,Witighene Advance -Tithes: •meters wiiW be. • Circulated-
-. 'among retaiiers.. - A -letter wilJ.. be
' D!sinis.4 .Cb.7•;'.0s • .'.' sent. right :away. to Town Council
. . _
charges-- against -; merson..L,„ • which-haSbeen.,Considering.the in
Rogerson 27 27, • RC4Chntori; over stallation, of '-meters in the busi
a quadruple fatlfty.,suth of Exe ./iess.sectioh. here: The: letterwill
ter .DeCenaber 0, Were dismissed ;advise' connell that a Majority of,
by Magisfrate lDudleyHolrnes in inereitents' are opposed Met
*Ginietich",:cou Thursday. ;Giving. -erS., It. Will suggest, as an alterna,
judgment, on t, e preliminary heat-:, tiye,': that, a...two:leur Parking
here- in, ..connection witb a. be into.76,ffect M •the business
:charge of crineiriel negligence the sectiOn.-Parking.'flieters are strict -
Magistrate ruled there Was not su ly a". laSt'• reSort,,.ia the .opinion • ef
fieient eridencete :Send the.: ease 'Mast' of those wlie--.-attended- the
AO supreme ..Court. He then 'acquit- Meting:Tuesday-n -MacKay Hall.•
te:dilie-acCuaed --Of' an 'Me:Paired i•--Gederich Signal;Star. ^
event; the haspitel.,rummage sale,
which wealieldoli"SatilidaY. after-
. . ,
neeM-7.!.in ; the:
.iesi..was:- an. ,ofitstanding • SiiceeSS,"
'a totalof- $1,167:66 :•he'ing.reeliied.
.The ;sale Was • held by
tuider'Ilte .general-chaitinanship, of.
the president, Mis:.:•.1\1..-D,, Camer-
on, with sub -conveners in each. de
Partaient The siogan Of these -
,"Whet y�u :can't use, we"
it. : Was ..eStimeted- that' Mere .:•peOple.
'ettended: More ettieleS.:were saki
er,before:!''LantbeforetWo e'cleek,
'CroWds.hed:,gathered,-ontside, and:
'whep the 'door were .., Were ,• Opened; the.
realm was filledi,With eager -buyers,
anideaS'.ta.:get!„,theit ..shareAlf,:the
Whig,h a in ::::,AdVande-,.
(ny nEv. ROBERT H.- HARpER),
i •
DriVng-througlithe country re-
visiting towns and 'titles I have
inioWa since boyhood, I have no-
ticed how ,many, churches have
been erected, in new sections• Of
country or. city. •• _ _
• Then- the- ehurch .preSs. and the
daily ,papers '• have ,reported the
-building:of clanrehes and the: vast
Amami I> money inves e • in
houses of worship a.naltindred. in-
stitutions of colleges, andhasPitalS.
Thisis the worthy thing that
should encourage these who are
•interested -in-the -church; and the
way of: life it Seeks to promote..
• Mr. Rtisidn. wrote that' he motild
like te see the d*ellers in e:very
village in England, build.
Northern -Ontario . . . paradise for peoPle,who want to r
The 'great outdoors stretches for mile upon mile,' ,
yet a day can he pa varied as you care to make .
life.Wih . scenic cruises . . luxury lodges
fascinating mining developments . you'llfittd."'
them all side by aide in this great area,. '
IVIodern. and Old Time
Lloyd 1Alright and,*
s Radio'Randers:
FPL Radio'. Stars
Memorial _Centre,
Dancing 9 to 1
SP°11stired by Heniall' Park Board
DiscOver -how economical iVis to
explore Ontario by /nailing -61e cbapcor bele*.
Literature you will•reCeive includes an
, Up-to-date list ofaccommodaticsa tliattihows
here to stay et the pike ,yottwant to PaY
oiwrArtio.triAvEt, . •
. *Ss Parlianientrtidg,
•rorante; Ontario.,
ettrilretl 11413turei. about
• lieolikero Onterlb tin$ toad MO'
. . . . . ..
, *4 . . • j-ol
Poet . . . . ... . . . ..
Ron, 5r5reut minkie • .
From' The Moos ExpoSitor.
June 8, 1934
While moving a , colony house at
his farm hi. 'ruckersmith on Wed-
hesday, Mr. 1VIontgoznery Patrick,
well-known farmer, , had his leg
broken: Mr, Patrick was standing
on. the house dritring a team, ..yvhen
the whif,fletrees broke,' and' he was
throWn to the gnat:Ind....He is at
home and resting CoMfOrtably.
Dr. J. A. Munn, in coming dawn
stairs •'on:Sunday evening, slipped,
and in falling injured his spine He
was renioved to Scott Mentorial
Hospital., . where • an exammetion
Was made, It.will he ne:cessery, for
spend--someLweeks• ,•••in.:.•
plaster cast Inbed,. and:during, this,
time Dr. R. R. Ross will be in
•charge of his practise. .
The Independent tiberal-Progres-
sive rooms are over the store' of
Mr. :J. V Beattie, where informa-
tion relative ta •Mr. Ballantyne's
campaign may be sectired. Miss
GraeeFree is in eharge. The Con.
serva.tiVefiadquarters are in the
forin,er Sheffer store in the Camp-
bell black. Mr, Alvin Sillery is in
Miss Margaret.White,- daughter
of 'Mrs. M. White, Seaforth, Are-
ceived a ,• scholarship for post-
graduate work, given by J. 'E. At-
kinson for highe8t,standing in ex-,
aminations at the Toronto Western
Hos pita 1 graduation exercises'
which were held in. Convocation
Hall; Toronto.
. -The ,property committee of the
toWn :has purchased. a new wagon
for the use:of the town scavenger.
In New Barris of Cainjobell Eyre
• 3 Miles Eastot Hensa.11
Jurie 10th
'Dan g 10 to -1:30
Clarence Petrie and
His Nighthawks
Dancing in Both, Barns
EVerYliodyWelconie-Adinission 75c
for Serviettes. Content.- IPte.'
• Huron Expositor
• Frain The- Huron Expositor
.IUrte 4 1909
TUCkerOnlith C41113,Cil are adver-
• tising for tenders for the etinstruc-
tion of the rural telephorte system
in that township.. There :will be
about 3.00 miles of line, and 230
phones. '
• Mr. James Beattie has this sea -
sea a partiettiarly fine display of
tulips and narcissus,
Mr, "William Ament is having a
new, wing and a vaidatii. 'verandah
added to nil barite oil Ian. St, '
The street corninittee arehaving
Interesting Items gleaned from
The Huron Expositor of 25 50
- and 75 years ago, '
This week I received a -letter
that made my- lip curl like a corn -
flake. .1t was notification that the
Class of '49 will be holding a. big,.•
•jolly 1Q -year reunion in Toronto
next October.
It will be complete with football -
game, banquet, dance and, no
doubt., ,plass ,"yells" and songs.
Just a real &Well get-together of
that grand bunch a good guy § and
great gals that made up the best
little old class that ever graduat-
•Before Vve go any farther, let
e --make it crystal-clear that -I,
would not ,(a) totich_With the pro-
verbial tenrfoot pole,, or • (b) be
fclind dead at any such gathering.
The Very thought of it dives me
the green shudders. ,••
In the first place, I should have
graduated with •the • Class of '44.
But a War followed by a year in
nificent church, not for "the sake hospital:forced me ,to take
affoiraifd -riot beaiise od needs -dig-tee with the Cliri af ' 49. • Their
such a palace with mortal hands, wide-eyed. adoleseenees did not en
but because he would be glad for 'dear my 'classmates to me 'Nor
the People of every village Jo_have„ did my greying hair and _austere-
-the desire ,to build a marble tem- manner ender me to them. •.
ple unto God._ _ *
So may we in :our land have the In the second place I was al -
desire to offer the best in all ways a pallid imitation of a college
•things unto God. •boy. • Organized cheering always
• brought -me out in goose Jhumps of
embarrassment. School "yells"
made me wish desperately to be
meplace else. And When. cl.a.ss-
• mates sang the good old college,
'NEWS song, 'tears::nf..eirlotion praCtic ally.
Tspurting ',from :their eyes, •I would
, , .
. HEithiorw,iy stand 'about.M' a state of .sllent,
; - •aeute. Unease . cold chills; of
• jtast- a 'rerninder . that the .Dairy .tresS bruising- My spine. -
Princess Contest is only •a short •• • * *
dine away;'..so. get- YOui entries An. r. 'am notciting this reaction iis
taBritahifer the being adniitabie-er-unique. _
Ontario Winner. • • . • •„' just the way. I reSPond.f1Le_ts_of
:The: decision of the anteria4lOg: ,peonle: get a •vonderftil:feelirig. of
_traducers tif-requkst: the Continua-, • togetherness 'When' 'they , stanA
tion of .a price support :volley rathet; ,,arrnse,arotuid......eack_Other.shoul,
than- a:" ileffeleacy payment 'Prin •ders; hellOwin•g Pnerile. words to a
May have come AS shock to some borrowed , tune. All I 'say :ig; let
farniers: In .turning to. 6 4:16ficiencSr 'them Stay together, as long -as'-theY
.HP4aYrmk.heenstspwiaahs,,Aakppailta4tii•.iviiii-lsw. ideterninclude me out •
ined to. prevent the * A third reas*On would never ap-
tion ' farrnproduction.. -'This. maY :Pear :at a:class reiniion is that. I
not he as, necessary as Wag: tlieught.„ ,woulda't :dare.. One real
Front : the turnorS.:COMiag-',MY, :War -eallegefriendsi-es-opPosedto.clasS.
it-VrOu14'spein.'Piat some feed Coin-:' Metes, -might hear, about and
•Penies are, beginning to. find that latighlninSeif into a "state of- chron-,
the feeding Of hogs ,Can ik.hysterie,:•
fitable'and7certainly:, MarifTfarlii, ,. • -777-*
ershaVeTfOinicl-thatbagAgedingem- -.,:--Thezerawd -1,1inilt-around4with-
'contract :Can at college was; scarcely t: the clean-
•;derigerons.' ,.• ' ••cut type:that went to •sehool daneeS,,
, Ileyr_e_3,7,er...theee4Objeetion-,-, sang7Sehool-Saligor elieeretatlial:A7
deficiency, payment hogs is the ,cheers„. They were Mach: to busy
fact that United;States haVe. for :suck wholesome antic •":":
the right and justly., sa,i'to-drepOse „
.a dnty on our ;:perk,:e.00tte--."equAl • They Were •'too touSY. trying-. to
to. aity,•:tieficiency-paytnent receiv-' borrow a:Olean.`,Shirt from each:
ed by •.:oitr.' producers.- this other They were too. htisY gathet.
,payment to our reducers is to be
based; on a ...year y_average, •Unded•
States .watild, have • to guess : ..atthe
first Of the. year. what .defici-
ency paYinent.would :be:: at ' the ...end
of- .the': year. Their Only hope' for,
adequate WOW& be -sure
'•estirinate higheiniaghThiSeonicl
and probablY. Would :mean -that our
• expert. tathe,;.II..:.:Wlaich we -have:
spentiyeais oa--,a quality.
basis; Would :be:lost:::
Deficiency:: payments seem Seeni•,•„:to.
-Work satisfactorilY;; hi:- Britain,
where thefyiSh to increase Pro-:
shictionbut yy.-here the prodUct has;
to -go: iato .604c -there- See,iiiS"ter
:be too,,Liti,a7Y,. interilatienal cOn1P117
&althea,. • •
the ruts in the macadam part of
North Main Street filled'• With
crushed stone and rolled in with
the road roller.
Mr, Johnllorrison is having a
second, storey built onto the back
of his dwelling on Centre Street,
The bowling, alley- in Exeter had
a..narrow escape from destruction,
by fire one night last Week. Boxes
filled with sawdust were used far
spittoons and some person had art-
parently dropped a lighted cigar
in qine. The, -fire, smouldered •all
night and was just count -fencing
to make headway When it was dis-
covered in the morning.
Luther Penhale; of Exeter, met
ALth a painful- accident the other
,He Wes -preparing .to -take -
flashlight photo, when the powder
for the flash Went' off premature-
ly and burned his hand: severely,
* *
_train The Huron "Expositor
" June 6, 1884
We are havni- g delightful sum-
mer weather, the. past few days
having been somewhat too warm
for the wearingof winter' clothing
111 CO,mfert. _
- The Masons are now ereeting
•stone' piers to support the new
Igidge which will replace the Wood-
-en• structure known as Grietie's
bridge. •
Severe frosts of list week, did
considerable injurY -to the straw-
berry blotsonts, whichwill result
in a light crop.
•Mes,srs. Robert -Winter and, Dav-
id Donovan shipped from. Seaforth
station last Saturday sever car -
leads of fat cattle for the English
ina'rket: There were :105hea'd fer'
Which they. paid .01,200: ,
• The street committee haveemn-
menced the work of laying down
new sidewalks, •.
11i Lordship- Bishop Walsh, of
Landon, will administer the rite of
confirMation to about 100 individ-
uals in St, James' Clime& here on
Thesday, morning.
Mr. IL'Ilogan is nursing a sore
harid which' was- hurtledWhile he
was asSitting insetting of.
the fire-
works on the Oireen'S'.7. Birthday
bou1d-1"ra1te enoughMoney for a:
box of full ones, They .Weretoa
busy loCking. for new rooms-, be-
eause they'd- been evicted. . They
were too busy., borrowing • notes
front .the stridents who did go to
• Some of them rere ,veterans and.
when their cheques, came .in. theY
:lived wide' and -hilarious for
;eek. After that,tliek Went hack
.ta beans, bread .aad..borrowdng 'for •
the rest , of the month. ••
• Today, perhaps they'd he called;
•Eeatniks,and would -be Sell -con, '
preud of their.:sordid ex
• istente. But in 'those.' days self-
PitY and .seraggly beards had not • .
dome-, into fashion, and MY.•`..old"."
• sidekicks • -just enjoy -ed life in a
thoronghly robilst fashion, •• •
Whenever,one•of then), -received.
wintlfallp-they'd visit' us.
foUrtli Year•-••• I was [Married. '
'and..Ve lived in a, cr.Ornbly; :three!,
7ream.. apartment ;--- with •• a.. 'Small,
.:SqUalling .boy Of an evening„ there.
Would be' merry: voices apPtbeclu •
'nig; aithuniping on the,' doat;,...and •
cOunie. th half • a dozen:of
One would be tottering under a
'carton of .suds. Another.- would
he • bearing a • guitar, 'A third
would preduce a rye loaf and 'hunk:
qf salami, probably .purloined in. •
:a-:...deliCateSSen. Another, woul cl:
•bririg-forth-.eggs, from an overcoat: '
:poplcet. 'A, fifth ,•would be clutch-
ing an, einptycigarette package,'
on .e. haek Of -:.which he'd:Written
his latest' poem.: •
- There wouldbe ballads and caly-
psos, and' food..and drhik-..end good.. ,
talk: -long •,into ;the, ,night, until -a
call -front. lhe'._landiady suggested •
tve.......-1-tet-7-thein, noisy bums outa• ,
there": ' • - •
lazy, a nuisance to the other 'Stu: -
dents,. . a trial t. the prefesSors.
They-,Wete•• obviously destined for
faittire, ever one of them. . •
, •The other -day, mywfeaiid,
were 'telling the butky-1.1-year-old,',
vibe.: Was, the , liabk• then' , about.
some" 0:: these Old: friends,. .We"---
Vrent .:ever 'them; 'oneby. one. The .
guitar -player is - a.• CBC.: p,toducer: .:. •
_Theselemi-thiet-is'4-eherteted-a&L,-.4 '
cOuntanf,... The poet better ,
late:the Others :are: ' a
tep,..neWSpaPet: re -
Ttritardifector, an eponamist,."•and
two , university Professors. •
• NOPe; 1 think.,I'll.sidpthe. class ..
rennion;'..,:the ....cheers,- 'the -,c,ollege - =
. songs arid all the honest fan-of:the •:.;
:Class of '49, afia jugt remember
ingempty beer bottles' so they what 'it••wa.s. really- like
Reveal. .
Cath Income
, Cash income of Ontario 'farniers'
is revealed by the Dominion Bur-
eau -ofStatistic at 31.1.per cent Of
that of all farmers. in .Canada; and
is almostas --great -as--the-combia--
ed cash income of farmers -•in
Prince Edward'. Island, Nova Sco-
tia, New l3'runswick, Quebec, Mani-
toba -and British Columbia.
Milk cows in ' Ontario "coni
32.4 per cent of the total number
in Canada, 'hogs .20.0 _ per cent;
sheep, and lamb, 22.6 per cent, and
hens and chickens,•41.2 per cent.-
' Ontario, Produces- of the win-
ter wheat grown' in: Canada and
stands' firSt in the acreage planted.
ta'rnixedgrains, grain cern, fodder
• corn, :dry beans,: soybeans,.rutaba
ess' and:thbaccos; secondii acre-
age in fall rye; --hay,; sugar beets
and potatoes. Practieally all •the
production odry beans and ;soY-
• beans is in Ontario. In, the case
of dry beans; the acreage ' 3.05g
was_ 65;500 and -soybeans g56,000
.ackesr' Acreage of 'sugar beets 111
southwestern,. Otttario IS being ex).-
pandeil greatly and' will amount to
40;006' acres in•••1959-' compared -
with a0,60a An 1957, In 1958, On- -Ender 'this new policy the goy- .: The legislation introduced
tario" groW; 125,715 acres of tobac- ernment 'does not act as n buyer, .the Commons. by Trade Minister •
•co .with a production of: 188,4()0,- InStead;.,it reimburses farmers for .Churchill recently to establish
000 pounds'. This crop, the largest the difference 4between the market National Energy Boat(' ignored al --
ever harvested for Ontario, bas an price, and the 'support price: at -the most eery major recomniendation
estimated Value of $00,000,000: On-. end' Of the year. ' . of the Royal Commission an Ener-
tario potato acreage is seeond only • • The- virtue of this 'system. is 'that gy,• headed by- Henry Borden. Most
.ta that of Quebec, and should in it eliminates the -problem • 'of ,sur- -.surprising was the, rejection of the .
'erease this. year as- a new potato pruses so far as the government is proposal that it be made niancla,
flake plant, the first dr!, Canada, concerned, Everything produced tory for the regulating authority'
vvill..be built at Alliston this year. goes on the market and the 'price. fa:rem* tolls of oil and gas Pi
• .Statistics such as, those above .is deterinined by the forceS of Sun- lines. priodically .to ensure, 'they ,
are compiled .from the basic, in- ply ,and demand. - ---were-23ust_ and reasonable". ' The
formation supplied from the An 'Another major advantage is that Conservatives' barkduring the,
nual J,tine, 1st- Survey schedules Canadianconsumers, who are, pay- ter Poe lines ' debate three years
which will be distributed to every -Mg the subsidy, at least gain: the ago turr,ecl out to be lot worse than
farmer across Canada at the end advantage of lowerfood prices. Be: their bite, •
of May. ,,Ontario farmers have' al- fore- they naidthe shot ancl. foreign . * *
ways' given an excellent ,response consumers reaped the -benefit.,.
to this survey and 'their, co -opera-, Agrieulture Minister Harkness
iienfhfi11ing�ut,aitdnailhi their has told the HOuSe of- .Commons‘.
-Sehedules Promptly is again re- that deficiencY Payments. have
4ttestedby the Ontario Departnient been: adopted'in, the . case of hogs
Of AgritiltureWhich' computes the and eggs as a means' of cutting, De1.
figures for this provniee: support for.whif is called the "vet. -
The• survey•has' absolutely no 11.0allY, integrated" companies', , '
Connection. Withtaxation. Individual. • These' are commerCial concerns
returnS. are never divulged to any, such as feed and packing compati-
one and are used only to prepare les which have either gone inta the
• ,county 'and provincial totals, producing business themSelVes ori
a gigantic. scale or, in effect, hired
, ' The Modern gone: One in which ordinary ..lariners., raise their
a svviteh regulates everything exo products.
eept the children. r Through, the system of deficiency
Two small-townsMen, were leavg !payments the goveriunetit would be
ing, a political meeting. Said.one,- a posi6on to Cut off or restrict
"The. Senator Made a pretty_ good aid to theSe eonceins, which 'were
speech." • • • not considered to . be ,legitilnate
• wgreah,P,• replied the other, "it' farm operatiOns, Mr, Hark/was
Was an all right, sli0elt but a half,said
,Jiah rain woulda:, one:more, good, attention has been -paid -to'
' " • ' -
THE "FLOOR", CAVES IN . it -.so far; but the Minister. also
, 4<he.• fe.dei.41 government's farm made clear the goverment's in..,
torriacnestoszpa:.otlii.,,p,r,.0.77,m, a, . w.,.y. tentien to limit the . amount Of as -
but, surely .uhdeigamg :..,aisi° jai ' -Sistaike made available to any one
hia- • r..„: farmer.. This • meanS that net only_:,...
the vertically. integrathd..• coinpan- .:.
, As it was, -conceived , soon after ies, but •also the genuine . farmer
the„Conservatives carrie.hito office,
vide.th4oeotogP assistanceroroaotnIto'Wod ia''tt ts° e,' : i nas 1 1. t e„ farmerso dder..th,pro-, At et rth°Jej tit time eo I i. thegovernment. large(and ei nf f it reo -i ... ,
"ent) scale May. also be ':Penalized.
&iced .its ,farni, ,Support: legislation
appert, Gradually • it ,• is .• being - in P,arlia inent-there was 'never -any '.
transforinennta "a pieeeer'screlel. ,
stiggestion: made that it was in •
n gerwl;haneern only
yi hi, 6: lei s. e, pl. raso,tin igornaali ..ma:m1v7ciee ,dnt!n, eintn.r.•:nh e. el7p -7.n . . 1 nt hea tendedri n,atiorelatively .13,i i 1 tt.sro dsitu.n re44ilifederal anndutsa:t hi ns jaes that
a, Ilinaecp ...; .....,
on. the baiic. commodities only to
feet a year ago month,the fed, .t‘oors to he, the .threetioh to iv..mott ,
•ethl'easitOgtoevPviliolinuMenetostrInd ere:gadZiet_c.)cabintiy.i,„ ...t.-.-Tihse!ISeatadinbiligz.;ation Board LS ecn-.
modities offered at the .priCe, vinced. It .has the legal Power :to
-and a miraber'of other products ' as restrict the payment of subsidies
well . . ' -: • .'''-.. ' . .. 'for these nine .canimoditiesaa a te-
'1, The legislation iequireS the gov- .st,dt of an opihion- froni -the Depart- :
ernment to pay aisubsidy 4 at least Jfleat of ,Justiee The legislation is .
86:- per- cent of the average -price- -sufficiently. indefhlite; -however, .to
over theprevious 10 years oxi these pave: theway ler a 'damage clau-rt-, -
.basie commodities -.Cattle,, hogs, -against it -if and . when it refuses
she, butter, 'cheese, , eggs 'and •to pay th, SupPJ:nt -price on 'hogs
Wheat, „oats -and barley grown o4,- ,qr eggsto any farmer. :,..•„ . , .
side.of, the prairieproVinces....., .,.. •% . - - .•., .. ..,.. "---. :.* - * - * , - • .
. For, the past 'year, the Agricul-. , Capital Bill. Capsides.
itiral Stabilization_ Board' hes been „As a result of theswitchto de,
prepared to buy all Of these pro-,
;a:en:as:b. ca:egaevtinseeignt:beiiiiististehint:timtliroysiM..tri,eu!nodi f-sthiuepeiepn,:slerYt pProra:Yemniev:frnngots:i:An'$11(125d:torielfile .c:a:of.ea ,
mum andm others above it. Bus-.
madit16. beavY sull'iuses 'began. prices,Nrhich will help to..restrani: „.
hundredWeight, .-Canadian -consum.
•as may expeet a sharp break in
ducts °#ered at the'fl°" Pri--ce--in of -hogs a reduction this fall of the .
to sell 'abroad lat substantial. loss- the cost of -living; ,it may be ex-
. e::, il nt 1 lo or even6u1itsatittt:c eiri, sgivepsti _11,taowb, _ :optyfi , seco4ams:11. ei n • et,s1 'vete& to start climbing upwards
againittirly soon, For the past sev-
' eralmonths it has been Melling
: nowiptrici:rast fba.oin:dmtownso'e dot fhteltiheeg osiV4sestrienemnle oe.omnf government
floorIlodas,., , daoili°11,11i111-ya.1.7,11;ciarradth;e. ,.insw. efaalla.rge:ti bricesl tilt‘sh.0 adi, einps eaT art,: - .
istyiestsetxlie,Lsoawnnd eggsd-in pay-
ya tsher:rpiisyfroallvozvresadd, this trend nVinwill:,.,1,1e‘, , '
•PriineMinister 'Diefenbaker's
annonneenient that "iiiai•ice
Ster Fleming would go.ta Washing-.
ton to, represent Canada at the fun.
eral -of 'farmer' Secretary ',of Stata..L,
Jahn -Foster Dillies, revived ,spectt,
laden that. he is headed for -thee -Z..
ternaI affairs portfolio. DeSPite- re-
curring ruMours, however, A man,'
ber of Septics 'remained
ced. 1qt. Fleming has done. well
in his present post,. but appeared ,
tb many an incongrtiouhoice for
external 'affairs. .. • -•
She:, "Your mother is the great,
est womanhi the world.", ,-
"10 mother'?" .
"Yes. To' ,WhoM , do you
owe viere ,than 'you' .can ever' rt..
ei •