HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-22, Page 6.44I1ON EXP IT0R, GliTH4 .9NT-, MAY 22", 1959 SHOP YOUR , t.r* TJflsE, e,.0113.7.1s to' . . EventA 2 i,c4.11t5'.treYed, tiOnd : , Winitel" 5.StASliie64, ,OPPortunities illt,••"•!•Hitliatfonli 4V:elided. " ..12ergi',Stzials. For, Sole titOttr"T'er• Sole Cars For Sale lei For Sale , Lad,•:To' ENV 4.,..1."•.Paiiig;', .For •Sele • .1/5:•::: Int, ;Rent .1,6•••• r -Or Se.o--.Reit •17... Wonted , To 'Rent •We, Prdierty- Wanted 19. Notices . 20. Atiation Salea. 21,, Tenders Wanted 22. • •Legal -Notices 23. Cardii of Thanks: 24, In Memoriam • 25. Personals • The cost is low. Classifications 2, 8, • 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, ,,1nidanna, 25 cents an insertioe. All Other alas* .fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion. except Antiens Sales (20), Tenders Want, ed (21) mid 'Legal Notices (22), rates •on. application. Coming Events. • THE MEN'SCLUB cif -Firit Presbyter- ian Church are holding an -auction s.l.e On June 13, with Harold Jackson as auc- tioneer. 1-63-1 • 2. Lost, Strayed 4 LOST: • Boy's blue jacket: Finder please PHONE SEAFORTH 238,•-1 243-1 4. • Ilelp Wanted • FULL-TIME 'CLERIC 'for grocery :Store • Apply aa Box 836, THE HURON EXPOSI- rorp 443-1 WA•isi,TED in • Supertest •Snacis r"vre-e''' 443,1 • WANTED: girl or **Man, for himse- wink.; children. Lire in. MRS. NORMAN • STEPHENZONI 25 - • HOUSEKEEPER WANTED; Ave clays :Per week; holidays and Sundays free Ats- Ply Box 837, THE HURONRXPOSITOR: FEMALE. part-time typist and book- keeper, to work moimings or afternoons (mrn oings:. Preferred), •In Seaforth ,office- APPly to Box 838, 'rue, HURON EXPOSI- . "TOR- . • 448-I . , • WAITPtD,: From mid-June untilLeber Day, lady to be in charge of . refrethinent booth located in district park ApPlY in writing to Box 829,.HURON EXPOSITOR. ,HELP WANTED Number ot 3,0001; ir111 and' boys re - winged imtrieclia.tely. 'Plea's:ant working conditions. Permanent employment. •• SEAFORTH SHOES LIMITED •Seafortli.,. , 4-604f 8. Farm Stock For..Sale:,. RED SHORTHORN BULL C.f serviegoble :age. STEWART DALE. Phone Seek& 847 It 21. • 7. 8-63-1 9. Poultry FOr• Sale. 13. Wanted,, , • • • • WANTED: ' •Twa boarde.rz: ••PHONE SEAFARTH 56(.4. • • 13-634:1 • WOULD LIKE PASTURE for -Mare and colt. Apply JOHN PtILLMAN'S BARER • $HOP, Or Phone 466. Seaforth, 14AW2S TO , COT:- can be done with •elther reel or rothry ty-Pe' mower. APPLY to ROBERT snAar. Phone 851, n ' 15,634 -4„ PropertY.FOT.'Sale', - . ItOLTSE Fon, sALE to .rA., H- .EATON, 5067 Idople- •woOd, Detroit 4, Michigan...,• No phone 14-63x3 LOTS FOR SALE -in Hirparhey, facing old • Highway' No. lota,'surve.yed; Water' rights, ,APply.bi-:CLAYTON ,:nxioris. -Na Phone -?le. • 44,60-624f siX kook.' stoey,and 14 • • ' r, olf bouse ot 0ciderith ,-Styeet ; Madera 1u every way. Antily•tii ROY. LA..WSObT, Goderich St. W.„ . . :HOUSE FOlt SA.L.E4: ,5-rooM, clttogo withr bath, gas,,•:.11ydrO, water On Market , ',APPlyr • •:CA1314,'" •DALTON. Phone .62,W.,••••WftI red not • , HOTISE°:.:FOR' thtee4hed:- roora-triiiktiinch;a1:46-•••hatil.ere-•-yetiris, .old; biteeniefit :tore -car gorage.„. Ap- ply • CLAYTON' ',DENNIS, HarteirheY.. No Phone coils, please. ' • 14,52-54-tf 'FARM FOR S 100:-hcre faim with. geod home and :barn.; ail modern con- lteglences te,school ;;s,y•.; mi1s north • Mitehelt,APplir.' to. .001,1LILIE.19 -13E111, Sra•-13.1:t. • NO. -41.• • ' , MODERN' 6 -ROOM bungalOw on 4:014n• • ; oil • heat; • Maul brick, siding:- large aun porch': beserserit. Jrantedi- ate possession, ; Attisetively, for' cash Sale. „ROSS •SAV-4.1.TGE, emforth• , • " - . • • "•• 1.5. Property For Rent a-rooin ;apartment „ share bath. Private entrance. PELOEE 'SEA - FORTH 42. ' • • 15-6041 ARTMENT -ron • REN -T. ApPly FRANK Phone 19, Seaforth. , • • TWOzi8EDlif),031 APARTMENT on East Wilhelm. Street, near 'Shoe factory. PHONE 250 or 393 Seaforth. 15-63-1 • THREE-ROOM •APARTI&ENT for, rent itarnediately. onviima OIGE. Phone 15-60,tf FOR RENT: Six -room, self-sontailled .apartment :heat and Water Supplie8:- Available at once. Apply J. C. CRIC,H, • BRICK liOUSE three bedraouls , odd ,batliroden,,nNorth-Main---Streen-AvaiI•:- oble ;1st' Of 'JIM& • Apply 'to .OR-VThLE DALE, obtorth.,11dain 'Street. • . PROMPT 'SHIPMENT Bray dayold, Beale started dual purpose pullets, cock- erels. Bargains an dayald heavy breed, cockerels. Book June-.1uly, broilers. Some Ames pullets, also Leghorns. Agent: WALTER • McCLURE, ILE g, Seaforth: Phone 844 R 5. 9414 10, Used Cars For Sale 1952 FORD, TWO -DOOR, new motor, • new tires. PHONE 851 r 23, Seaforth. 11. Articles For Sale - DUCK EGGS for sale. • Apply'' MRS:" JOHN' HILLERRECHT. Phone. 673. R 31. Seaforth. . 11484' HONEY FOIL SLE 4 Balance of 1958 crop clover honey; 84b. bath:. 42.00 4-1h. TES, Seaforth. • .. Wanted Di Rent APAR T with three, bedrooms, pre- ferably bY.,the 15th• of Zane., Apply to SGT.. ',FRETTS. Phone Clinton It.C.A.F. 19. 140tiO5 . Tenders 'Wanted TENDERS. WANTg.D Tendert will be received by the Under. sigaed no, to May 30 for the bistallation at on ail heating system in the U.S.S. NcP. 4 (Xolesworth)-Sehool, -Grey Town-, ship School Area. ,• NORMAN S. HOOVER, .• See, -Grey Tam, SchoOl Area. ' R.R. 3, l3russe1s; Ont. - Phone 2847 TOWNSMP OF HULETT ALL OVEWTOWN NEWSPAPER; ADS AREBUftNG - • W111- receive' tenders for the construe, tion of atfle drain, known. as the Glousher MullieiPal Drain. Plans and specifications for this. work niXty 'he Procuredat the ederk's 'office. All •tenders intist be ae-• comPanied by a certified. checnie to the amount of 5200. Tenders must le in the possession qf the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock 210012, OA June 1st. • , • • Lowest or anY tender not neces.sarilY HARRY TEBBUTT Clerk• , R R Lendeiboro• . SEL.i.:Ibi de, '141R1e4G,. AND RIE.Nriso P -UT -MEM ,To WORK OoR • TO DAY! WHILE 4 •Aivr-Aw•-.A.1- un. .end of lull. Jobb "Sigereii wililokAiter my, Work. Phone, evenings 6774.• otninoil iszonEL. RADIO REI'AIRS - For all :kinds Of 'radios, at : F.ERRY'S: RADIO' SF.,It.VIGE,- opposite' pick gotise, • Seaforth.:"Phcle • 2,VIGI41 • tisdry. wa- terproofr write ' on any surface; Mat pull off • cidr-aild, Mimic Marker is ready to 'Use.. • Refille .4x:fellable; Nine colors 'THE ELURON '4EICPOSITOR. Cards Of -Thanks---,--; 1-wISII to thank all my friends who' visited me, sent cards or treats 'while I was, a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Special thanks to the- nurses and doctors. 23-63x1 • • MARION HUNT WE 'WISH to ..e.•epiess our sincere. thanks and dr- appreciation -to -our neighbors f ri end1.1. , for their many' ads' of kind- iiess during ' our recent bereavementp.also to thank My .1000y friends'AVil0 sent treato-,, • and ,CardS while I was in: Victorie PitaL , , . • • • - •• . •.41' m30.. IVE.. 'W,A717,11WOBTII, Z3-63,1, • , • , ,TEANE11.•.g.. and MAG.- • • I WOULD 1.11M to, express:my sincere -thanks ,to. everyone who sent flowers, cards, `treats. and visited 'Me while I was a 'riatient--in. Seat Memorial Hospital. ecial-thanks,:a all the iiiniLmusses,_snst also ta Dx Gorwill, Everything was deep- ly 'appreciated., • ii3-63x1 ••• ';MIS. MAR. TEA THOMPSON 1.-wasirra-,SaY T•011”-ta'raY-m-1:n friends • •whe sent •-tioweri, dards, letters,, treats `and who visited me '11thile Patient in ;Seaforth -Hospital. , Soecial thanks to Rev. .14 C. ,Britton :and Dr. O5,17-• will arid , the 'nursing , staff. • . 23-6340 • MRS, JAMF_S B:kRRON - ' • ; WISE t h40k .Steforth.Fire Bd- grade fer theirfait action' in .ativing my •anartang.nt from a .redeot fire: SPeciril:tliaiika to' themeighboin arid-friend:a who -assisted the tenants in moving 'oat' Most, of,•,:thelr- farriltarg::before too rogeh. amege, rem . 23 -63-1, EC4kB0T.03Z4CF,S0N‘ , jhankail who sent cards,. letterii and visited me while. I was piti,eit. -St-.7•16-se7pli!if TIO'jp-ithIT Louden. Special thanks to Rey. S. 'Davison, Mallais and Dr. McMaster ; also opecial thanks to D'Ax-Cy• and '.Gerald Rathwell, Ernie Talbot; ' Bill McLachlan, ,,Maleblea Davidson 'Stewart 13=?Eicifol2P ii teeding. • . • -, JACK AIN1A1) 201.6?.1 , •. TEE ' 'FAMILY the :lete Mrs, Jane. :Knox. "Wish extend ' their sine:ere ..thetiks and, appreciation. to "the: men friends:, and neighbors', for • the 'tiee.t.tiful . floral tributee, cards „mid% n*prpsions . of iiYainathy' tenii.ea to: then in alIess. of a dear meth*: • SPeeial: thanks tia.13eY, Londes- boro, yeti.;Hieks, of,T ronte,1-18a1.1. Match ,,Frineritl Home.:14ollbearers, lictarer-: hearerS,:and, those, Who . assisted ' • ad breayemont. • 2343k1 VINCENT WA.;1"A•r•Li-,. froth'. e•9.• o , ,FEST: eoRN AS FEED FOR BACON HOGS • , More and more Ontario farmers are feeding corn to pigs. They like it as a source of cheap, `eaSily di-, gestible energy. But:corn, has one big shortcoming': when overfed, It Marge elcmg out •a living albeit- , KWH WIISHIP NATIVE 'CALLS.: 'EXPERIENCES . IN ..B. C . . . . . . . . .• (By Lette Dem*Y"..* the Te1 So tile • sale of the 'oits and the ronto Star: ,Mr, MiteDoilgall, With skins of Martins,. _mik, Weasel whom thestory deals, is a brotimr fishers. --trapPed and -untanned by of Douglas', MacDougall, Goderich. the IVIacDougalls, 'brought them 'to township where be was liern and Toronto antFon to Itors a :COoSin of, the late. Helen Mac- place, Goderich, for a. Visit,. It is Doirgall seaftotAL.) probable Marge -will go directly' to •-•ProSpect,or Roy' MiaDougall:vh-:. Vanconver island, where they., will ally hit pa'y dirt. His wife, Marge, live hi the future after this::JaMit. isn't doing badly with oil,Mrs. MacDougall -does; net lack, But the storY :of ,•heiir' this •eame for subjects among. ,the Indians. about -is" so „weird and' weiiderfiil None has forgotten the time,. a feW, it giVes you h�pe. :For they're a years ago, wheru,the closing of a couple of first-rate people. • ' Hudson's Bey post at Fort Graham •• ,-Did yen 'ever hear of a man nam- -,.,-163*.m.4e8 north -sent 50 , Or, :60 ed Akel 'Wenner-Gren?. .Boy and of their people, starving and 'freez- Aarge hadn't -when. theytrekked jag,. drifting down ,to Finlay Forks 'and,Piished their flat-bottomed out on homemade rafts: 'beard throngli the, rapids and falls It is now legendhow. the white of the Peaceriver,'inte the interior' woman, almost singlehanded, 'bath- of.Nbithe'rn, British Cokunbiamore ed and fed and clothed these piti- than 20 years ago: , • ful pepple from her own meagre. , ' • ' stores, until theywere exhausted, • . JAMked F,Pr C.1°1t1 • Then. she _called on .the.government ,„ . • . • Roy has staked.ont• a 40 -square- andthe iledXross, and continued mi1e. trap, line .at a .pinpiiiiit'named to .adiriinister aid, with. donated' 'Finlay Forks, and was 'looking for stores., "- • _ • gold in' the: valley along: the North- • And • there, was . the tiine, the In - ern %Trench .: He •met :Marge .on a dian, Teddy ; :dropped an axe al .holiday in Prince ...George,: about ' est -threugh foot; and *she 260 mileS;downriver. „.held the, foot together while -Others Axel Wenner -Oren,. the SWedish,' Wheelloarrowecl-•.'hina-, to' .t1 -radio industrialist already was Well along Shed,' where she Could contaet.-_a itt his 'Ind:lion-dollar ,manufactur- doctor. With,:e long iron belt 'she' ling. business and Ids Vacuum Clean. Put,,on„preSsure enoughte •stop the ers; refrigerators and other such blood floW. andbandage the wound, eqUipinent_were, selling aroned_the, never leaving her itask while the world. ' ' . • , ""'` doctor radioed the inStructiOns•. Now..,the curtain drops. to denote There' are a hundred other Star-- the passage Of tWo decades (and ies. When- talked With the Mac - we'll 'do some flashbacks' later).• Dougalls,in Toronto, Marge Was on being the .unpredictable a.,,rapicl-fire art gallery binge: She'. ,Was dreSSed7 .in .1 the Smartest Bloor : St. costnining;-:green,.- with-green--stbe_kings3--YeU_ _ 'all „her...interests, -and her, le'Ve. o people, Marge MacDougall may be able to exist *Without- her 'beloved 'north, 'Fin not sure how IY,fr• Wenner-Gren..wili,,rnanage ,his empire, however,.' When the 'queen - pin is .-TE1110Vecl; zany she is, here are py, and • produces -a. -:fattY--c ar• eass.-,---,,-, --- ::44t,b.7.coritentiiient.--, :from -theirHiiin- , . ' Farmers who sel-f-fecl. erm:11: '- 'and terland, log ca.-hin..' At, the: 'same reyneentrate, runlad this problem .„, tune a ,,:louSineSs ..assoaiate, Of', the Constantlyd m ... A pig, slows. , --.°w° , industrialistnOW..f abulonsly .. Weal - growth after, reaching 110 pounds, thy -'and retired .to. a' lush.Baliain- axtd tends' to. Put:extta..epergy into fan islarid„.,_,Iiears, about the North - at insteact 08 meat• ern :Trench with its stor , Animat'husbandry expertsat the sure -of minerals7 tinibet. axid un, 'Ontario Agricultural College' are tapped working on this problem. They are tish Columbian Osier; ''rnaritiniS ',at carrying...out-test-S-10 find OUt w" 4 -.Loid0n ••-par Y. ; level's, ., corn , should.be be fed . at ,the so von_ whal,a,a,pe,ned a. h 6 • ' ' ' ifferent hog,• • weights - e r , - also are-tY'''ns 1---'s' L'U'-''''':" ;ariLetbtkdiflinet)SH rat;r:11 out how' much protein should be A The Wenner-Gren interests now floeWd-einietrhg;°°I.natsarlids IlvIlelleadtedirelvo-el:-cu01 ':rmehietmiobilsarklaedil;i0enct°sIle.Or tilCaenamdoas'st. down the "strength" of 'corn. • ceatury, surveying the whole faiau- In one experiment, the ratios, of , corn to oats were fed ,, to ikions 40in ,000 -square -Mile area gr° .w ---rip. which they plan to Conatruct-a new • poopaiguntss'dysanertdoe tilfmerdeaerktekeatthiwoaigesigofhfrtocrei":14...t1-5.1::Alshsdt:tisaile,clattimbinPeiranceoli..• dese'ttioornehoofusweOothct were also divided into two groups -aeeording.'toTtlieir levet.of protein,: ;The laighei,Lproteia :level: Wee 17% prOteiit to.,..pigS..iip :to 45 'Pounds; -15%-VreteirclininT7-57167,125"plinids.,.; and,.1.3%:"Proteiii: to. hogs between 125 125 andj200 'pounds.' 'The 'IoWet pro-, tein leVel waS.: 14%5_40 ..75.:P0.,4ndP;-; '.1.25'...peUndS,,'. and 10%. from 125. to :200•;,poundS„.:Ilere are the Pigs :mil high 'protein gained 1./.1.0 pound faster1.62:kiouncls per„.day CoMpared E52.. pounds: Per 'day -then 'pigs 'ii low protein:',':. The .highluoteiii:pies:..alSo cost leSs 16. -and prodiieed :better -Carnes Os than' fiigi,'ion .protein feed, - cern: :oat ,ratieli studies Wed-- here -'77 -wag -7:' 'Soule. :benefit, WORTH, of 'Glencoe, wishffp-extend heart - f lt 'thanks and for message& '-g..r'Y'n1) • am r atives, friends -And neigk . . In the TatiOnOf pigs up to 12.5 pounile". The experiments are bors for cApittinuin.g. the .lote •Reginald C. Watt:et-worth. Special ' thanks to the tainister. Mi. aild Mrs. M. E ClarkerMr, and Mrs; John: Smith, Pall- bearers and the Boy- F"uriemi m MR; & MRS. VINCENT WA19:.EftwORTlif23-63-1 LAWN MONVER ;SERVICE:. coratlete IYIeMoTi4Ity. serefce • on .• all Mike; . nuiwnis and 'en- ginel. Parts, , relight, '•overliaul, giber/4E6.i inn -DO it now:•••' SHARP'S 'MAINTEN- ANCE' SERVICE, Rat, .2;•..:Sealertli. Phone 851 r • ,••• ' 19-56-8 COMPLETE 'I.A.VEDETERIA in Sea- forth-and-clistrict.--and,Dry Cleaning_Ser- Mee. WEBS'S • • BILLIARDS, • Seaforth,. agent tor Brady Olgirpers ..& Linnileterie is-so-tt PLARRISON-In. laving' memory 'Of a dear husband and father,. Albert Harri- son, who ,Passed away May; .-24„.. 1958. - Many a lonely. heartache, • . • Often a silent tear, But•-alwdlYs •beautiful': 1M one Who is no longer here.. -Lovingl,y remembered by his -Wife; and • 24-63x1 MODERN spring coat in perfect shape size 14-16. Can be seen" at FLANNERY CLEANERS. • 11-68x1 • STEEt. ROOFING, asPhaIt roofing itod siding; cedar •poit, all sizes. • Before you buy, Phone Seafortli 841. r 2. BORDEN BROWN. • 11-5041 Tackersmith ToWnship Municipal Dump Still -be opened from' .1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on WedtteidaY ancl„Saintday afternOona, until ftitthez- notiee QUANTITY of Kennebec Potatoes for sale; suitable:tar 'eating Or 84 a Apply, • BEN' Sfr.:WA.RT. Phoke 839 R' '2, San - 8 o ,• 114634 QiTITY of Sanilac seed bestriso grown fro& • registered seed. APP1Y to PEARSON CHARIMRS, R.R. 3. Kit:Ten. f'hone Hensall 668 11.• 21. • 11-634 5,00J FEET used lumber, 2x4, 2x6, 2x6 and 240'; all kinds of boar& ; also two building lots, Few seed potat,oet still available,. 'Call ariYevening. GF.ORGE BROOME, 2624. 11-63x2 MOTORCYCLE POR SAJA : 1955 Royal Enfield motorcycle. 350 cc series, in new condition. For particulars phone TED CRICH. HU. 2-9294, Clinton. • • 11.43irt - DRAIN TAX Call 193, Liman HYDALL BItIOK, AND -Trtz inio4 EtorlIFIsnn, ONTARIO 1 Fon SALE: -800 Geraniams In gegen eoloiirs, hardy garden mums, and a dont-, tilde line of flower and garden.Plaitts', BAKER'S GREENHOUSE. Your' Darden Centre, Seaforth.„ 1342:18 • • MIIME DLAMOLIJS-11011.1BS, 60- large "bulbs, $3.00; 50 raeliiim'bulba, $2.00; not dellYered. 311111HA.Y •rninats.4. tiioe- Seld, Ont. Phone Seoforth 640 W 2.. 11-62x2 • • • i:1NE • GENT FAOH:' liet-hed Plante., earlY and late Cabbage, toniittoes,' sWeet. Peppers, brOccoll, brussels ppreiltatt ilower;popaler ' variety. PATRICIA HOFONAIdg, Hentiall... • ' 114,40. . • 10,anttIrtatazt• We isre lietulhig„ itinot• last spririg order to . the,hurnerit,:". If. you o want PereitniaIa *ttot .1rofir • ifftkder' 6 Olt kattdoi; .order then Ott Of before, B'S Ofl1lt41OTJS). YonGarden Death, -Seaforth:' • ' • 1' 11-63t1 "SAI•10r•reasea••roig cern. Plinth. ,jsftllMarker/it 1 'Cage' entcrigli,• .•plaiiteic: like beef 4.1, tiiti& tieethr-*oiteted, • ; psi:31 eonflititoil. Mtbriyelt Win; ' OXIO: ROM RM. 4,, Ortitt, 02 13. 11484 .Wanted'TO Buy dtrkSiOAen 1,11.th8iS",i)tht foi- tick; aonon, Ahd"dfattliled 'faint anitnala. tiouktectui ailection Of 'all' dead ••,tilifibled: • burn atibtals 'Can •011ect,' EH,•ANDHEWS,,,'851 ,:r , forth,' D With, arling ' a ..‘ " .-.'•teAoo • •P' CHESNEY, ,. 19-514f. WkiERLOO - CATTLE BREEDINti ASSOCIATION' -"Where Baiter Ate:Usel" , Artificial'• r teal* Service, - All Breeds orat-tre--- Member ownel and control, led Celt Lew —.'Efficiericy High --' Use of the beat Attila - Inse.ase• COntrol, , led -- SafetY For seri/fee or more information, .1:belie: CL/NTON 11U- 2-5441 " or for Long Distance • •' CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Eletween; • :01). and • otn. Week Days 0400 and 5:500-14.'ni: Saturday es'eriIngs Calls Medved tin Satarday evening Will be sensed' an SuridaY Morning.' For cows In bgat•en Sunday morning, DO NOT call IVienday thdtning , BEILOE CATTLE FOP. BEE'LLP, LIVING 19-624f go.. Auction Sa.les PerionalS; Hyoramo striri. (Rubber Goods), Mailecitiffstpaid in ;plain sealed' inyelOpe with, Price:list." 6 samples 23a;'. plea 81.00.. •• :Mail- Order Dept. T.- 78,1 JstevA -ittinnEn GO., Box01, Hamilton, -Box, 'llolderS' Names Not GivenOut • It is- not possilole;.thr us. th divulge' the name' or ,:ad- • dress of any 'advertiser using a 'Huron Expositor hex ber. Alease do not ask Ili for this irtIorreatioli. ' . Birt BE.UER,MAN--rAt Seat ,Memoriol HoSpi, ital,"'on' May 20, to Mn.; and.,Mrs; Gerald Benerrnati,, 11.11. 5, M1tche.11, a dlingh.. Me.rnOriaI :Hodpi-• ' tal, on May 14, -,to Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred • Iluchintin,•11-R:. 1, Clinton:- a sOn: .1iCIKDDEN-Mr: and Mrs. Donald Iledden,. • St, Catharines,' announce . the birth' of . • their son ,on„,_Thtirsday, May 14, in St. ,Catharines - General naspifai; . great, rnaiidellild for ..Mr;i. Catherine Iledden, , ,• „ .prE,NbuNGTON-At. Scott. Memorial Tro8- • pital, On -May 16, to Alr. and .Mrs. Jas.. 1 Pennington., 11.11,,,3,:„Yrusse1s, S. son. REID-At, SO•ott Memorial. Iloipital, , oa , May 20, to ,31r. and Mrs." Watson Reid; Scott.J.lemtiAal `FrOsPital-On- . May '18, to,Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin Heiler; Senfortit'fa -don. VAN' Scbtt':1Ylfintorial. Hes- • Pital; on blity 18,' 20 Mr. • and Mrs. Frank Von -Bergen Dublin twins ---son and daughter.' ' • VAN DER THET-,-At Scott M.emorial He:). pital, dn May -18,• ±0Mr. and Mrs. Cor- • nelins: Van .Der Tryt; R.R. 2, Dublin, a . , 2$. Deaths COOK -In Clinton on Monday, May%18, Mary,•01fire 'Adatus, widow of the late J'aintei 'Cook in. her 71st year. • - GALSRAITO-In tendon, on Sat-Ur:14Y. May 16, 13tivid -Archilad Galbraith, he, lorecl husband of With* J. Howson, in „his 85th year. 'JAYE' or, 'rliz NITEEM AtJCTIONSALE Clearing Auction 'Sale of Household Ef- fects in • Brumfield, ' on' SATURDAY, .352AY, 301• lit 1i30 full line of 1riniseliold • tgRio--ca6h. Prep' 4•14reas, NHS. JOHN' CAIRNS . - • Auctioneer,. Harold JaCkscin 1'. Clerk, P; GlIeseley. , • • go -634 .CTION SALE Of Hansehold Effects in VilIage oZen-, saIl,SATCHEAE,--MAY 23, at 1 • Electric 'Beatty Wasting machine; 2tie. Lures colt atove; organ; rollaway :bed; bed, Springs and Mattresa; dressers; bur.. eini; settee and Chair r' odd ebabat kitchen table andtars; small tables; kitchen 6)011 C011 ; ICArntrY; pillowS;qtiUtdf dral)cii; 2 33/49r and 12,/x9pt,nri„., • deem; scatter. mats; larapit; oda aatlet; kitAtieli,tit6ilanst nnrror; liWur011-crelcitidle 'board; tenet aet; Stec., ladder ; lawn -niniver ; garden top% ; Weeds 'and 'uttnierona other article, TEAMD,-Cash. ri...ORENCE A. FM' ProPrietretio , Ed, Corbett, Atictictiect, 20424 "Ther,a seem*go be, •ittes, moving in my $1,r44Y OYOY • diagraiihy;.'hit Tildelaw-imittroire oath* et Ailininatie, 'Una:ding .and "Condnoe" trapper - -anct his Wife :have. put lip, at Fhday FOrkSAS:What'You Might Call the'.heartheat,ef.•the Whele de - .4t., is :'.he.re a, ; 'poWer..1ai-e be, built: to naake .th,e Pewer that .entS.the thither,. and therocid...and the', Mono,: Tail 1aCk ..,the pteinpter,S*d--it;is,hOpecl..,a" let' of. other people "in this Country., , 5o t1e. McDougall lands Will • e -flooded: : 'else will' take &et' water-gatignigLthe 'river,. tiddiag; the: small chcireS .of . pest- ;11,;(aSter 'in. 'an. 'area Where:Marge. inatiallY 15 ,the, Only' :yviiite .Wereari ,thrtnigliOnt.' the 'long winter, and w.liete onlY ' sorainer iisitors are 'hardy northernerS .±rOin Grand' • Prairie Prince 'George and ether towns. milesf :away; . ,,or WeralthrSportSnieriWhOYMIkr be 'able to afford the•eqiiivaletit of 4 trip to Europe. te; finli these waters: , No: More, Trapping , , . And %the- itx.apping.: For ":this.'h ,been the biggeSt. Source' Of., inconie 'of the "e-tioi)10,:' oi.d;.A.lanY'a'l time: Marge donned snowshoes and, •Parka w,alk the 40-mile:trairline ill: the rhgged- Old-timer- Who is her :husband., • • . They V.1.11.1ie justly ceinpensated;. not ' only a- considerable a iithunt 'of, Cash; for'' their holdings, but in years 'of -expected-: : All this is signed,: sealed,' but not yet . delivered: ; • •. Which -brings us to ,Ma.rge's oil. . Seen, after She .arrived ;10 Fin1y, -Forks, ' the One -tithe dress de -i; signer whOT:b...a.d.,niet her, :hushand :Oeorge,,'hiski collecting bOOks.•',.. :For Bikards .They couldn't:afford to linyhooks So. 'she ; Wrbte to ' libraries 'asking:1°r ,xliseardo: • ;be, earprisect how 'Much' .reading 'You .:•eati.: ,20 years -that 'w-ayi-• •:•'± •_ •"' • .. • 'But .Marge. began to: Tholt more • at the: dreivhig and. paintingsthan at the-werds: Some of :'the vol - "One :da'y the.nsked, the mystified trapper to. bring, her kicker ell fboni :the -"boathigisec' -Then: she .got him to burn e lainpvickhigh until the .chlinney.was• "I' :didn't 'tell Royl had sWipect- part...of .his. 'shaving shid the youthful "looking grandmother (she has. a .claughter by. a, previous inarriage), .. "I :had: rod -that the earlypaint-- 'ers used !egg ycilk., . So with that ',and the lamp black and the engine "oil ono, tile, piece of shaving brush, l'Imgan...to paint," , The blne-green eyes 'sparkled' as vie talked, . • , "Tut, gosh blueing makes . awful' bIne blue." . • Meanwhile,: 2;01mile-away neigh- bors', alsO. fit lo•Ve with, the beanti- inOtintaiii and river country 'which been thund by a Young. schOoIntaSter :•wlimilie-took parties of Upper Canada :eailapirig: tripe; -.were the. Nicholas Ignatieffs. , , After the death -of the master, w had become Warden Of nart ous .4; mes.. Ignatieff took: their teerbage back; two years ago,. • :Spend, the 'summer , in the Ire. 'mote eabin his father bad built, •- , • ' 101d:deft teok proper eils:and 'callVasSeS along. ,• Whost sha Saw' thability Marge. was ;displaying,' aridltneW that ,61. - ready the neW.,:pioneerhig adven- turers •sneh as pilots, engineers: and Other of ..theit ilk were buying picthres; she ',left the painting equiPthent, , and sent along, more When. she giOt borne. • . • : -Erge! 'As • More: , people .caine north, the strong, fresh: rineS. of 'the Indian, portraits and .ligures- bainted. :by wonian who knOvvs • iinclerstand,s,.-theSe .Can4dians 'Perhaps better' than :any other,, :Were SW rapidbr. as, . eht"tould da„f„heni. Some forest taxation discourages proper forest ,mariageinent. ---About-lialf--the-annual-pulpwood harvest of Canada comes from the Province of Quebec. • The ravages caused by fire, in- sects, and disease in, the 'forests cif Canada' are excessive. • Fly Fisherman -2 "Did you catch all those trout with -nothing but worms?" •• Boy„:,"Oh, no. There was brains at t'other end of the line. yodiffalthniit-Yoill mcorne tax return wrong, •you are M the hands of the law; --and if you make it out right, you are in the, liands of the receiver. Egg Graders arid Trayers Apply -to:_ SEAFORTH. Produce Division Phone 13 euforth .Flower Section7- Classes in, the Flower Section Will remain the „ same.his' year,,Witli,the following -- Persian 'Cai-pot Peppermint Stick Asrr_p•zoR:vv'gd:---er Puff, , Giant :Grego, Calif-al;na - Giant, Heart of :France. Collection(yof Asters, net more than 3 yarieties Hah-ging basket. of ,fldwers, not More than 12"diamet&r.. - — ,uplicate To Fit AU Types of Billing Triplicote For eve,ral -years now -farrneri.have.,..dise9vered. thatit pays to sowgodgood seed: This has resulted in better yield; quality and profit . per acre. - e have the following Commercial and Registered Varieties available SANILAC MINIM ICHELITE EARLY PEA BEANS und YELLOW EYE If you have"been planting- your-rop. frofn the. sAme sped for two years or more, we advise yon to, exchange it on new sided this.year., Come in and let us help You with your seed reqnu-ements '11tEAT'ING FACILITIES AVAILABLE Phone, ensall • 1959. FORD . FAIRLANEFully equipped; • autoinatic ' • ' $2695 transmission • - 1058 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Automatie - transmission, - ' ' $26 ful ly ,equipped 'AT di. DOOR Ii.A41- • ' 1 58CHE TO' -V-8 motor, automatic' , . 9 VROLPIT BEL ......12, FO _ $2795 , -,transmision; fully .equipped .... -2-1958 GEE VROL1: 1:s:ICAY.NE $2375 uron County's Oiliest Used Car Market '2-1958' CHEVROLET EISCAYNE',SEDANS-,Vally • dquiPied; .authinatie $25.5 miSsion, 2:1956I5ONT/.46-gfiriid SEDOS - Atithinatic transmission, ' $2595 • full&blipped . 1950 CIIEV,ROLET''DELai Automatic' L"'$1695 trAneMigsion ' ' ....... 1956 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN --L:Authniatic tratismiSsiorip ..$1695 equipped 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN-•.: • $ 1450 ah.U.AN ,dt=n Automatic transmission . .. , automatic transmission ..... ale ""r40‘. 3.5$ Gkih;v-ttuLaze DELux4 $14Du 1°5• 5 with' AN $ radio 7 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1295 • c.„.,EVAOLET DELU'ItE $135.0 1954 CHEVROLET" SEDAN- .-...... .. 1954 DODGE REGE ,. . „,. 1954 FOBD CUSTONI_LINE SEDAN, ---Radio . . . . . . 1953 DODGE 1955- GMQ,OZ PICICDP 1956 CHEVItOLET 1/2sTON $995 $995 , $995 795 $1095 41245 A Wiiittew Guarantee .f6r 64 days on all Late Model,Cars.Mans other Models to choose from SSELS MOTORS ,BRussErs ONTARIO PHONE 113 - "The ti(01110 of Better Veed, Cars" OPEN -EVERY EVENING