HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-15, Page 12HlAtoN .E POSI',i OI AFoR'. ',t , o T., • MAY is, 1959 Mi111Iil II11111111UUIIt11i1111I1111 111IdIn' First PRESBYTERIAN_ CHURCH N H Rev.- D. Leslie e lElder ie _, Minister Organist and Choir Leader 10 A,M; Church School & Youth Fellowship: Chest Preacher Rev. Wallace ,McLean,,. Lueknow, Ont., Past MVioderato , Presbytery: Hnrownaitlp.nd' ANTHEM: Senior Choir: "Oh -:Be. Joyful" ;(Shilling] Church • Notices: McEijlop Charge, -Bethel,'.' 10:.00 a.m.; Cavan, ,11:80 am.; Duff's, 2:00 p;m;, Daylight Saving` Tfine. Rev. W. H. Summereli, Minister. St. Thomas' Church- (Anglican Ch eh of Canad - Seaforth: ,' • Morning Prayer, 11 • a.m.,;. Holy Communion, first , and third Sun- days, St_ Mary's Church, Dublin: Sunday Scliool� -and ~Service, 3:00 James, Hector, -- Northside ' United -Church Servic- es -Church Sehool, 10:00 , a,m.; Worship, 1.1;00 a:m.; Young Peo- ple's Group, 8:00 p.m.'• A welcome to all:.. ' Egmmndviile United' Church -Dr. J, Semple, ' Minister; Lyle Ham-, mond, organist•rhoir _leader; morn- ing subject, `,The Church.:Be#ore Pentecost".; 10 a.m.;-Church School and. Minister's' 'Bible Class. : y EVENING SERVICE discontinued. for the summer months. • "PRELIMINARY NOTICE. -Sunday, May 314Spring Thankoffering. Service; details ':next week. r > IIUI WIIIU!I. 1 11111111 IIII1UUIIU 11 r �1 �. �.a GEORGE H.. MJI ER TAXI 'SERVICE- ' Insureds age Passe• rs 'Phone 149 SEAFORTH • DORI BEAUTY' SALON Phone37.3 ' SEAFGRPH- ONiRIO b lue coal.", WILLIS DIT NOAS Champion Stove and Furnace Oil' . •-DUND-AS--acid--LO S-. one o UNITED 'C; iLJB.CH NEWS (Contributed) :Mother's :'Sunday was observed: in Northside. United' Church; of . Sun- day: with a, splendid attendance ,of: families :at . morning, worship, The Church- School',attended • in a•• body,• sitting With their „teachers. - The' Sacrament of ;'InfantBap-, ,e a tisaai.' was 'administered to lowing children presented ;by their parents: 'Julie;' Anne Be11, daughter. of Mr. andMrs. Nei.lBell; ' Mark Jeffery eryBrown- 'and KevanScot Brown;' sons of 'Dr. and •Mrs., •N. B. , Brown, of • Willowdale, , iOnt (Mrs. Brown is a: sister of. Mrs. Neil Bell); Hugh. James Bettger,. son 1 "of""".'.Mr:'" and 'Beiterg7 Maa;k Golding,;; -sen ayfrs. will am` Da d. vi of Mr' and. -Mra:Frank. Goldzg- Lachine, ue Cameron Paul Doig, son • off" r'.; :and ;Mrs; ;Kenneth Deig; Lois :Dianne Butt and Bar bara;:;L'nn Butt,, daughters of Mr. Folldwing . the ba - tism-- s Master• Fred. Kn is h and M e c ' .aster. ,John •_;. Philipsen ,sang --a ;-duets «.Once --a Little` Baby;',;:very fittingly: Miss. Phyllis •Bryans , representing2 .the Church` Schoo1,:-read .the, Scripture n,' Th ,:tearerehoi'r-sa-ng `4Ga1_ cr„„ NT 4h » �-� " splandi4I contribution. to the Mother's =Day service. , The. miiiister• spoke ,qty. the prob- lems facia the prea_ent_da�_Chris Ilan • hot andthe-•. application ;Of the Gospel : as ` a solution to =these ALL KINDS INSURANCE W E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 = Res. 540 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH F O-RSALE' FARM FOR SALE -50`. acres-- • in Tuckersmith, with brick house, good barn. Low down: payment, easy terms on bat= anee. MODERN -HOUSE` in.: •Dub • lin. Priced to sell. • • SEVEN -.ROOM HOUSE :]N: Egmondville. -, Modern,, ` with hot water heat. .• .Priced To sea.. Phone 458 _ •.1IIIgi111I11111iUIJUI1IIUIn11H11II11i11'lu DALTO:NI White Rote tat .n R S IQ • Batteries . . • Oils • Greases ,.Special on Rzlicker-Praiw -- All Kind of Welding. -- New and Used Tires , RHONE. 774 t1UhIitI1111t111111.1IUI11111111111III II1111111' . On. Sunday evening the Young' People's Fellowship' Group met with " the Eg"mondville United Church`• Y P -in that: church for their "regular":`meeting:r C'::Britton attended a special meeting of Huron .Presby- tery at James.,,St..United-Church, Eixeter, as a 'member; of the ;'Col- e nd Student -Com ittee of leg. s__a s m . ��,. Pres1aytery, for, the purpose: -of re- ceiving. Mr. William :George' Poi,; len. as acbididate for'for-the -ministry Of the - United• .Church: , r Sunday, May 1''X; willbe oliser-v,.: ed as.Pentecost Sunday,.with spe ciai '.eioiphasis'- on the place of Featecost in the total, mission of the• .church •EGMONDVILLE • Mrs. Robert:Dalryuplereceiv the sad' news last Week of the pa hag of: her Sister .Mrs Jefferi at •Little Hanxpton, England,:' Visitors with MTS. Robert •;Dai- rympie son Sunday were: 'Mr.' and Mrs, T'rankI envy and daughter, Jean, of London; '.Mr. ' and ';Mrs. Ed; Chapple and family, Cromar- ty; Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur ':Varlet' and Mrs. Geo. Varlcy and daugh- ter, Carol, Tuckersmith Natter:- 'Look tike rain, sir"_. Customer: • "It certainly "does. But 'I asked: for coffee;" LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, o Toronto, is a guest. of Mr, ' and s. Jolie Bzt atze,s Mr, a d Mrs. Astoir' WiSu;a'n d family, of ,Barrie, spent nday with Mrs, F. W. Wigg. Mr. andCharles Mrs. C a les Hays, ,of London, .were: guests of Mr. George Mrs. Ellery, Crowder,.:of biker- ruan., is `Visiting he;•-=father,.:-Rev-,- -D;--LeslieIden -at- the--inan-s•e Mrs: 'John'- Walsh; of.Toronto, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard:Clarke and•Mr, and Mrs. Ray Coombs: Mr. and Mrs.: John W. Talbot and -Mr. and: Mrs. M. McKellar visited ,with Mr, and Mrs. Helniar Snell in Goderich .,on Sunday. ' 'Messrs: Arnold, Laiiant and,,Ray 1VIosa'nn visited- with: the' former's mother, 'Mrs .Margaret; Lamont, oyer the weekend. Mr. and ''',Mrs.- Bedford Dungey: and Brenda spent theweekend in Cellingwood with Mr,. and ,Mrs ;James _Hogg. Mr -'Ja e Bo es' Goderich • vis ]fir S Y, , , ited his. mother, Mrs. Janie§ Boyes, Sunday,aat the -home of Mr. Wilson Armstxorig.. ' :Mr:'. and Mrs; Frank . Holroyd Janet ` and .Douglas, of Preston, sited oyer, the" weekend With and Mrs.. Albert;:Hudson: ; 'Prof: A V-' Corlett of Queen's University .Kingston, 'spent ;; the Week -end With.. his .mother Mrs, Martha•,: Corlett, -, Rev. Brother Martin of Mont- real, spent last Friday at;the,'home.- o .Mrs,-eard Cl f Mr. and � . e tike , o -:Mr:. andM ,"ohn n -Ruston Visitxs ed- week last `t then - daughter s w k vn - r an *on -ii -law , MS and ,Mrs. Don Ring, of 'Sarnia. Lachine, P-9,: m fora; is, visiting with -:his sister, Mors. Elliott Walters, Seafo:rth,; This is:the first visit -for Mr. Mur Sea orth.L,an_35-_ ,ea s •ile .. y .to_ f y x _ Wli here he :called -on. several o1d..:ac- quaintances. Mrs., 'James'Wray ' Wood ' York England is visiting, -her daughter,' -'•rs, -E.. C. _ 3. Silt:' d.:'M Sil-rs- --• Dr-=and-11fr-Geoffrey " Beon-. .and family, Toronto,::,,an'd Mrs•.' J McDonald, S,taffa, called on 1Vr., and Mrs. Ernestm 'Adas',and'Don 'elda on,Sunday-. -. Mrs, ,W. J. Faulkner and Pahl cia, :Of Galt,,, spent,- the weekend, with Miss- Lillian Faulkner Mr. and " Mrs. ;D: H.' Walsh, ' of London, visited -en --Friday,—evening With- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clarice ' Mr, and Mrs. -'Kenneth Larone 'of- Toronto„ ..spent.'. the.; weekend here with their :parents,` Mr and' Mrs J:': R.'. .Spittal and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, Larone. - . ;Mr and Mrs. Wilfred' Coleman Bruce Coleman:' and Mars. 'Mabel I udson „'attended the' ' graduation, exercises at :Western,' Ontario Ag, ricultural'. School,. Ridgetown,. on Tuesday, -,Where Kenneth Coleman was -a `member -_.of the ;graduating, Mrs. `,Elva Ellis, of •Seaforth; Mrs. Ralph Munro,..of Auburn,: and Mrs. W. ". L. Wi htman'_: of :Blyth, g Y , -attended the Regional Assembly -r 'the Federation of Women Teachers' Association• 'of 'Ontario,- held in Lineolti :Road United Church, ' in Windsor; ! on May 9. Dr: Mildred Peters of Wayne University,. �iehigan;-,was the 'guest speaker, and very ably : discussed the ;pro: cess of learning. :Amo g; those from a distanrte att- • ding: the -funeral ' of the, late rrs. •W, H Golding were: Mr, and Mr's. Lloyd Keiiehen, 0}yen Sound,. 1VIr. and•Mrs: Allen'Ienchen, Owen Sound;; Mr. and: Mrs.: Frank Scott` and Ronnie ',Scott Owen Sound; •.Mr. George I enchen, : ;Hamilton, Mr.. Percy Kenchen, Limerick Sask • Mrand Mr orma s 1� nE, Tech,: Saginaw; Micli Mr.. and •Mrs. 'David. Wanberg, ;Royal Oak. Mich.; Mrs. Frank '','Golding; Ham- ilton; Mr. Gordon Golding; Ham- ilton; Mr. arid 'Mrs: Arthur Gold- ing and f ainfY, London; Lt..—Com hander and Mrs James Mark Dartmouth, N S: Flying Offi ,e and ' 'Mrs Frank 4 .0„,,o,ldingr' Lachine,,::PQ� ° . ...__w._ Hart -"rad FUEL: OIL-., 'hone 784 •: Seaforth NEWS OF WALTON '. S� E C._S S E.:RVI R •,E N. .E IVE CHILDRE The Sunday School was: in charge of the 'Mother's Day sexvi;ce;' in Duff's United Church. on Sunday:' morning., Mr.. Martin •'Baan, ansup- erintendent, presided d was as, sisted by Mrs. Robert • McMichael' and Bob Houston, ; Special music. rya s'vupplieil-h•.. ke 8und?y-SC110.9-. children, with' Mrs.'',; Harvey Brown pretiding dbiig at the organ and direct in t- choir. '.A double trio,'coin- posed of Linda Bryan¢, ; Pauline Thainer, Johxi., Thamer, • Graeme Craig, Kenneth $hojstreed and Brian Travis, was enjoyed. A bap- tismal service was conducted- by the minister; Rev. W. M. Thomas; when two infants :were ' baptized: , Brian Gregory, -son of Mr, and Mrs.; Nelson Marks, and Deborah: Lynn, daughter`of, Mr. and' Mrs, Jan Van Vliet..- . MIS and WA Mrs. Gordon ' McGavin, - third vice-president, opened the ,-WMS meeting in -Duff's-!'United.Chureh on Thursday, May: 7, With.:a hymn,;. WithMrs.Wilbur' Turrib. l at the - piano.; Irs,R.McMichael, secre- tary; read the minutes and the roll` call was answered`',by naming ' :a: Beatitude.: The. scripture r lesson was read ;by; Mrs." Rort 'Bennetts followed l y:.•Med.itation,'and prayer McGa 'n. '>Mrs Craig b�Mrs va H Y, � gave the treasurers report .Iuvitatio.ns were .'Faccepted from. Winthrep to `attend, their:WMS' and': bazaar on June 3,: at 2:36' p.m.; al- so; from Northside.United Churcb;: Seorth > an:evening, meeting une Miss Fen- 23 at 8 m. iR - J F nell"WIIl be:' nest s'� Baker 'at both' g these meetings -It -was decided to send a delegate to: Alma -College to: attend the school -for: leaders, adult -scli•ool:from August for' younger: groups; August 26..i. -to 29. eThe presidentand secretary werleft-to. decide thedelegate.-, Mrs: •Cliff: Ritchie read'`'a Pine on "Changes Faced ir'Indra.''' The. bale '.will-; be:, -.packed Ion Moi -day: Th'e'-Rth And 7fit!) •groups • , -'' the `topic from • "Shadows,,_, They st''-aXidlv�rrMrs. C -M. tin;.,Mrs Leos Oliver and ,Mrs. Ed, •Bryan* u-sih•g Porta. Rica" and :the- Carribean -aS'-thes., country. chosen, Mrs;: ,H. :Craig received:the offer and the meeting ; closed -with prayer erbyMrs'. G: ,iVIc avin .. G Mrs.:$ert,Johnson,'second vice president,; was in the Chanr;.fir the eeti of 'the WA;-takin as May= m- .. ng t g her :theme . "Humility , _Mrs: Ron` Bennett reported. last - month's iz; eeting .ant! thank -you cards re- ceived from: Mrs. R . McCall, Mrs::", Armstrong„ Mrs E': Sciiade; Mrs.' G, ;Sholdice,;,'Mrs. E Watson, Mrs. S iVIcCall• and Mrs. J. Van Vliet', Jr.':Tlie treasurer's.': report by Mrs..' H Craig, ' Showed.. a balance of nOME AND SCMoOL Seaforth. Home and Soheoi wi11- aeet Tuesday, May 19, at 815' m., •in ' Seaforth. Public' School uditorium. Miss. Rona '.Fennell will be the .guest •speaker. Instal Cation of officers will- take place at this meeting.- Y .: . When Fixing Th nk of Your -floors Check our , Wide Selection c FLO•OR. COVERrN:G You'll fend a, -'Wide - "'Variety of Patterns; BOX FURNITUSRE •` Rugs Iirtooetims: — Congoleiarris— DLOOR SANDING Styles arid'' Quality at Floor Tiles of .:All Dina* ."` • FINISHING Seaforth The following groups are to look after the flower's during "the mer:.months , June and Oetober, 8th arid 16th. -group; July,'l7th and Boundary; :August, Walton group; and,' Septernber.' and May,': McI�i1-, loop 09-14P. • it wasagreed that the presid n t and;secretarY, of the Walton group, approach the men, of 'the church regarding .-the placing of 'loud speakers 'in the' church; ;as the Wal=' ton :group' ,have donated ° $150. to - �APTIS ..RITES wards: this- proyeet, Exile"nse he WA, s will be paid bY..t for a delegate to -attend Alma Col lege.: Reports from the • si ¢th an- nual WA Presbytery held at Mon. crieff, were given .by Mrs. T. Dun- das .and -Mrs. •A. Coutts. -The manse -committee.*wi•11 visit the. manseq find out if any neceSsar. repairs. 'or decorations are needed:: 'Mrs. Bert Johnston: closed' the meeting 'with prayer., • '• Mr.,: and Mrs. George Habkirk and family, of Ingersoll; were. Sun-' day 'visitors at-.the'home of Mr. and.:,Mrs,- Wilbur- -Turnbull. • Mr.. and -•:Mrs,. Jerky • Cardiff,:. of Petrolia, were weekend visitors' with' Mrs Fern Batterson and' Mr.' and Mrs: Walter Broadfoot; ' Miss;; Janni.e Van Vliet, of Strat ford; •spent • a few :,days• . with her parents, Mr.. and 'Mrs. Jan Van Vliet. , Mr.. and Mrs.' Neil `Reid,.Dennis_ and Eric, , of 'Toronto, were week end' guests ,at the'home,of Mr: and Mrs. 'Georg . Dundas. • Mrs H.Thomas and 'Jon of a.,. Brussels, visited.' with Mr, - and Mrs. _Jan Van= Vliet' on Sunday. • Mr. and. Mrs D: Holt and -fain ily,'of Goderich, `sperit Sunday with; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew,Turnbull. Mr.: -and Mrs,, S.' Gallaner, ;of Southam ton' Spent ent a few ;days Y with Mr., and Mrs. George -Dundas last week.. - r M ..and:<Mrs.,H: Rutledge' and fainily, of -'London; visited :With rel- a� a weekend' tives .over the w ek rad. Mr 'and Mrs Dun s Willis da of and r s Tor- Seaforth,' M andM r .. ranee :Dundas visited• on Sunday, with 4vr, %and,Mrs:.Robert Dundas, Lorne Park :,;and Mr. and . Mrs... Campbell V'ey. .with Mrs.'Mary Gard -Mei' and -Vera, Torontp. Mr and •;1Vfrs. Don Gray and- s itfof; Stratford vi ited' over s Y the 'weekend- at the shame of Mr. and 'Mrs- Campbell Wey. Mrs.. o :" London s:pent Sunday:witlrherbrother and -gister;iri`la-w Mr: -and Mrs John Shannon. Sl'.' JAMES' .CWL The.: regular. monthly meeting of the Catholic Wornen''s' League was held in the tsehoel room• Tuesday evening with';a very good attend- ance :"The ,president; Mrs Johh Nabi ey,:opened the;meeting with. T e ;:.minutes •of the: last 'Prayer: .h , meeting were`. read ••by the secre,-: Mary," Mrs.' -Gerald Bannon. Rev.. Father.: Sullivan attended and spoke' briefly:. Directors were appointed fur: Librarian;.Mxs,_James L.;Slatte>ry;: Spiritual;: Mrs'. Maurice Etue,• En- tertainment, •`Mrs. • Arthur Des ereaux decorating; Mrs.;,'Sam Bates;< Mrs: Alvin, Sinale; ,press, Mrs. Jack Case Several bundles of,;used, clothing We specsalnze in have `been forwarded: to St; Vincent -• de Paul •SocjezY imm 'LbndeA game . DIESEL"F'•I7EL "and NT ` FARIVI LIJBRIQA S 'Phone 19(x: Phone:' 686. W Seafort rich ST. ' COLUMBAN 1VIr. akrd•. Mrs. Joseph Eckert; Torn and Peter in, Tiritchener: Mr- and Mrs. William 'Kelly and Baby,' Hamilton; •and Miss Beatrice to a ate oo i Wilfred Ma1'loney. om :MoIver and Billie, Toronto,.. with Mr. and Mrs: Witliani Mc - Iver.' Mr: and Mrs: Neil Klein, • De troit, with -relatives, Ferry Ryan, St. Jerbnle's Col- lege, lege, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan.. , -- Joe Coyne, St. Thomas,--with-Mir. and Mrs. „'Michael, Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and baby, Guelph,. and Lou Murray, Christ- the Ding ;'College, London, with, Mr. ':and Mrs. Michael- :Mur- ray. Miss Joan;Dalton, Brescia Ball;, radon, with IVIr. andel Mrs. Maur- ice Dalton. - ;: Miss Agnes -Kicknell and Peter Iincknell, ,Kitchener; with Mr;. and Mrs.: Peter'-Hicknell. - - Ralph Murphy,, Cobourg,, with Mit and Mrs. J, F. Murpby. Mr. and Mrs. Lou .Rowland and family :and Mr: and Mrs, Martin: Puree' r and -:;family, . Kitchener; - with 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver and Mr.:;. and Mrs. Jack,. Lane..- Mrs. ;Glen Hildebrand, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett, London;' with. Mr. and'Mrs J.', J Holland.. MO VILL CHURCH, EG ND lEC ... C1iIi. During the Mother's Pay. service at •Egmondville United';Church-the. rites of baptism' were administer- ed I by Dr. J. Semple, minister.' Children baptized were: Douglas Fairbairn, -Mr. and Mrs ' son of Arthur, Henderson, R.R. 5 Sea - forth; David Paul, son of Mr. and - Mrs. Kemieth..:Smith; Beverley;, Bruce, son of. Mr and Mrs. 'James w Ba• Ann Dai. E. Bio bar,.a__ ..g,: -datsgliterf Mr. and Mrs: Robert, Doig, all of Egmondville; and Gale Marie, „daughter of. Mr. and -Mrs.: GlennTraffic JackiinOffic: Ser.. Wheafortli Y : did''you. . . keep on ;goang after. I whistled?',''. --T-ony--King: "Sorry": I'rn� prett deaf ; ::. rcOff` er:: -"WWII zloty°t Worry - about its You'11'; get your hearing in, the :morning," - 'LEMON'S. TAXI and PARCEL. SERVICE All P,assengera Insured ' AXIOMS DAVE, CF�CXL , - 5'': ;676 67 l KILLERS Y \f/ KILLr • IVA A CO.OP WEED 1 U.L,ER•-"- FOR EVERY` JOB"; Co-op 2A -D's C ' - Este'r64-oa. o=oP 2.4b r Cd -op 2,4-0 ;Ester' 18-oz4, 'Cao 2'4=D`Amine P , -0 2 4-D Ester Dust '•Co R ,. Co-op 2;4-D Low Volatile Ester' r Co-op.MCP's:` Co op" MCP'Ester • Co-op MCP. A iiinfl.. Cil -op MCP SodiumSalt Co=op MCP Ester Dust; , Co=op=T.C,A.' 'Co-op Brush Killer • C®=o p:aitt:; MCtr� • sine K!µ't. R 0 was` played} mems os- ing sides., A poelithm and lberetters: ehowere read in: honor of, Mother'.s Day. The :mystery; prize was - wolf py Ni'rS. Russell ° Pringle; Middle age: is when" our': tripping becomes less light and more 'fan-: DUBLIN NEWS OF:: THE SII w K The.'May meeting of the Dublin. Council -Of the Catholic Women's League was held it the Continua; tion School an Monday everting with a:representatiVe attendance: The president, Mrs: Dan O'Reurke, opened the'* meeting';with• the regu- lation' h m and the. lotion• prayer d Y n minutes of the previous meeting. Were" -read by th;e, ,secretary Mrs. Gerald Holland Following the treasurer's; -report, ah, it eresting reading was given 'by Mrs: Ed ward'.Rowland, entitled, ``The roc of God." ••,-General---arrangements • for • the garden party on: June. 24 were dis-• Cussed The delegates to attend the iote's' CWL"Crn-ventiai at Sar nia;-next weep were appointed, Mrs'. Dan O'Rourke and'Mrs. Jos, Shea.. The .nnembership for Dublin num= berg, . 107 to date. • The guest Speaker was Mrs T., M:' Kelly, Past. president of the 7aiocesan CWL, Sebringville Shp ga L`'a• very informative' address' on;,;Educatien, explaining -the Var- ious Seli 1anships,;. bursaries and, :ayvards available for higher educa- tion-.. She 'also 'recommended supervision by parents .of television prgramc for children. She receiv- ed . a • vote of thanks and was.' pre- sented with a gift.' • - • Hold Grad. •Prom The annual• prom- for the gradu- ating 'class of Dublin Continuation' Sehoel was held': at St. Joseph's: Hall, Stratford, oh Friday evening. A variety of -new i and old • music for. 'the: dancers was provided' by 'the orehestra, A, number of•variovs prizes were distributed. Mr. Marvin BnriMriger-hon re- turned to his home for -the sumw mer from .. St. Peter's? •r$eminary; • Mr. Glenn Butters and Mr Ken- neth Stapleton, of Ryerson Insti- tute, Toronto, are, spending' the summer at their homes here. , Mrs. ,John Gordon, Mr. George. Scott and Mr. Torii Seat, Sarnia, with Mrs. Louis' Dillon and .Doro- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Coe and family, Queensville, with Mr. and ,Ms's. John Darling, Mr. and• Mrs, Sylvester Ryan and children, Sebringvlle, -and Mr, and Mrs. $antes Kelly and daughter Seaforth,. :with Mrs, Dillon and, Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. •Ewart Wilson and Miss. Mary. Margaret Ryan, Kit- ebener, with Mr, and,Mrs. Patrick Ryan... '• Miss Rose Marie Feeney. and Mr.. and Mrs. F. Maloney, Kitchener, with -Mrs, Catherine Feeney. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jordan • and Miss, Mary Jerdan, Toronto, with Mir and Mrs. Pat Jordan, Mr: and Mrs. Louis Lane, and Laurie Anne with Mrs. Win. Lane, Mr, and, Mrs.I 3ubert;: Feeney,, Mr. and Mrs, Peter. Makon and Mr. and' ,MV1rs. Victor Feeney, of waterloo, ;With' Mr. and Mrs: Mar-` tin • Feeney, Mr.': and Mgrs. Alfred MacDou- gall' and, children, of London, With Mr: and' Mrs. Joe Jordan. Mr, and Mrs Peter.Grosech and children, London,- .with; :Mr • and Mrs.: Dan." Costello, ..- Mr: • and ••11Irs Frank •Krauskopf, of Tillsonburg with''Mrs.' Cather -• ine Krauskepf. ' ;Mr., and Mrs Ed:: McGrath; - of Ilderton,' with Mr, Lou' .McGrath .' Mr and Mrs. Leonard,. Nagle, Bobbie and Idijda; • with Mr., -and` Mrs Mike Nagle. Mi-.' and Mrs Dennis Walsh and family London,, with. Mr and aGfrs:: John O'Reilly and Loins O'"Reilly:. Mr. Hugh_Tie11 ,.-Agrnco-r..t. with Mrs.' Kelly and children. • ` and Mrs. J. Ackroyd, Toren to, .with Mrs. Mary , O'Rourke and Frank. -.irk;... :... exammurnadmaiMM St.. Columhan PENNY SAL * Prizes on, display .at' Box Furniture,' Seaforth. May 21st to 23rd Draw Tuesday,' May 26th` at .9: p.m.°$t,: 'Columban verything ir, the Store,` ANNUAL MEETING of Seaforth .; THURSD1 MOW FRIDAY wpm TORDAY: Figure Skating Club. to .take place in CRICA'S STORE FRIDAY, 'MAY 15th at 8:15 -p.m. ' to- arrange -fo next season and elect officers: � interested please come out and help' the Club. We write all lines of INSURANCE _Fire Auto. _ Wind Liability and -Life„ John A. - rdno a C Successor to - WATSON & REID ''hone 214 ;_Seaforth Representative; Manufacturers Life Insurance Save on Al NT These Special: Spring Items INTERIOR:}. �..; EXTERIOR =POWER LAWN Ml"OWERS GARDEN TOOLS 1.RD SUPPLIES ;., rsdci , Frida r: Saturdci Three. Days ; Only t. A Phone 6 :. Seaforth :.