HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-15, Page 6I
OR/PEI,. ONT., idAY 1 1950
Coming Events
• 'THE W.A.. or Duff'S Church. *C-iglicAP,
are. holding a home ,baking sale in. the
L.O.I,a. ' geaforth, ea Saturday af-
ternoon, 3,(lay30, -` 1-624
' BARN 1DANCE in the aew barna-of
CamPbell Eyre, on Friday, Miiiy 29, Clar-
ence Petrie and .his
IA. ArticleFor Sale.
STEWART McCALL, Walton: will
he guest rimCENX
on.,May 21; to demonetiate. f'PreParing a
Relish • Plate," "lid'Lady;' is televised
froin a:so to 5:00 p.m. daily.
• 1-62-1
4. 'Help Wantett
WAN1LED iri SVertest Snack
Bax,.. Phone either 362 -or 401, Seaforth,
.• • 4-62,1
, • .,
GIRL for Part-time.or fuLl.,tizne offiee
wok, • in Seaforth office. Write Box 832;
1Tel:tor EXPOSITOR. 4-61-2
CAPAHLE WOMAN to look after iCmi-
invalid and • do light housework. , PHONE
.SEAFORTH.,g48 ' 4-62:ct
*maniac:Hiring canipany requires field re-
: Presentative for Townthip of Tuckersinith.'
. Exceptionallyhigh earnings, Guaranteed
reheat, business. Autortfoh4 essential.
' Agricultural or farming background-moat-
iviaportant. gales training ' . Reply
• to BOX 84, -London, Ontario. '
Number of yoiing %iris and boys• re-
quired immediately. • Pleasant 'working
• Conditions. Permanent employinent -
8ELFoler# SHOES t.ingrin..
Seaforth, .Ont., • •
• Applications .Wap.ted
.• For. Position. of
, 1
• Applieations will be received until 12
o'clock noon, Monday, 'May 18, 1959, by
ths-rrodsrsigned-fcra--the•-poilition-of-L-Glerk '
Treasegrer of the Townshipot btanley,.
. With aoties to .00minence as Soon ad 1198-
' sible. Applications are to be plainly
marked "Application For Clerk." .
• WINTERIZED cottage: for sale III Bay-
HARVEY COLEMAN, field,- four bedrooms, oil heated, gas cook
Township of 'Stanley, Move; fireplace, garage. ' Close 'to beach
R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont. •and stores. Apply. to, A. TURLAND.
hud Early Warbas„ Saitable for Seed. 81-50
per bag. LESLIE pEPPER. „Phone Sea -
forth -844-r-22. . " .11-62-1
SANILAC SEED' BEANS, eligible for
registration, at -094a pouiid hey were
World. OhOmpititis. at Royal 'Winter fair
and Yielded 46 buShels per acre. Apply tc.••
BOB AT',Tal.L.Bnigefielcl. 11-62-1
FOR SALE', •,200 Geraniums ia seven
cOlours, hardir garden reamo, and a coro-
Dieter' line of dower and garden , Pleats.
BAKElrg- GREtrmousE, Your Garden,
'Centre, Seaforth. . 11-62x3-
• , •
• MI)IED .13ULBS 50 -lame
buibs 83 .00 -;.•50medium "bu1Es7,82:0IrT:toot
siehtered. llitORIT,A,Y,'. TYNDALL, ',Bruce -
Ont. Plume- Seafortb, 640-' W
u-Ntotimmo auowEa or 'Ford
tra.; aiso ,circalar saw for •Ford trac-
tor. Custom. corn Plaotiag' witfi fertilizer
vittillamott. GEORGE STONE, 856,B-3.
11' .Warited:To
. •
monaT •048ta PRICES paid.' for. sie)',
clowa,anci:clikahled farm animals, ,Pronipt;
courMou,t . collebtion - of all. : dead . and
disabled farm .ahimals and. hides.. Call
.colleet7ED,,--ANDREWEr•---8-1.1,--,-r:-,11, Sea
forth. Assinisted With Darling. Co., .01Canada 46.-
. " ' ;1249-tf
13 Wanted:
. ,
WANTED ; Mve„-bOtirders•• ,PH(DNEiSea-.
forth 566-J... • • .12,62x1•
. .
, • . •,.. , .
•WOULD LIKE rkSTXTR,E 'fat Mare and:
;Chit. "Alahili. JOHN. PULLMAN'S ..13,A11BER.
-S1;101;`, or P-hene462.;,,E.SCVaifiiiith:,-
• — • . 113-6222
14. Property For Sale
FOR SALE- in HarPlirheY, facing
old Efigliviay No. 8; IdM .surveyed r Water-.
rights. , : Aptly to CLAYTON. DENNIS:
No phoriei please. ; • 1.4-60,4--tf
storey and on
IGoilerich J'Street-;:,raciderra erery, way.-
Apply to ROY: LAWSON Gederich. St. W.
Seaforth. ; •
on/. our e r,00ms ; 01 i. --hated;, hot we -
ter SYstenal,-.igarage,„ Mc. Apply:Ito.
. Teachers Wunted
FARB/ FOR. SALE 100 -acre 'fem. ,with
•good, house • and barn; 511 ,modern con-
veniences ; 'closc to school ; 31(o. Miles north
•o'f Mitchell. Apply to JAR. GOTTFRIED
,BURI, gat. No. 4, Mitehell,
• . Attractive school, near Hensall, Ont.• ;
small enrolment, requiree teacher ,Sentem-
ber lot. Write full particulars to •.
W. P. ROBERTS, Sec.-Tre.as.;
Tuckeramith • Scliool Area••
Seaforth, Ont . ,„Ftraktiazop apartmen
. g.:62,L2, bath. Private „entranCe.. •PTIO
Auction Sales
Of Household, EffeCis 'in Viflage o Hen -
sail, SATURDAY, MAY 23, at 1 p.m.,
-.Electric Beatty washing machine; Mc.
Lary's ' cook stove ; organ ; rollaway bed;
bed, springs and mattress ; dressers
ea:xi-Settee SIMI 'Chair ; odd shams ;.laitchen
table arid Chaiis; 'small -tables ; kitchen
stool; couch: fernery; PilloWs ; -gilts;
drapes; 2 -rugs, /2,,x1.0/ and ial".x914., Um:
Odom ; scatter mats ; lamps; odd. dishes
kitchen utenals ; wall mirror; hall mirror;
pictares ; crokinole board; toilet setv, step-
ladder ; lapin mower; garden tools ; Woods
and niuneraus, other articles,
TERMS -Cash.
MRS. FLORENCE A. FEE, Proprietress,
"Ed. Corbett' Auctioneer.
cii6,11Thio -
. , .
Of Hou-sehold Effects, in the -Village' :of
Hayfield, Keith Crescent Drive, MONDAY,
MAY 18th, at.1 p.m.: „General Eleetric
refrigerator (like new) range* (like
new); hot -plate; :iron.; 'toaster; tlinin%.
roOin, sifite, (ifa eon:condition) ; Chester-
field; pialior2 -roc:king-chairs oddichairal.
stdclio couch; snaiI tableo ; 2 'three -Quar-
ter beds and matttesees ; 1 double bed, and
mattress 'matching :dresser and' chest of:
drawers ; wardrobe; sewirils machine; cook'
stoi,,e; coal, stoves; .waslalag machine; elec.
tric radia, di hes;' sealers; 'mats; plastic
curtains lawn , -Mower dther articles too
numerous to mention,. •
I2,013ERT JOHN RATHWELL: Proprietor
- Harold Jack -soh, AuctiOneeri
:The Gr.ff_Brue...e_Horpri Aberdeen',
Angus,,Ereeders!' AsSeciation
are . holding their' Annual •
. . . .
Owen. Sound .Coliseum
,• . .
'-ur.§day,'.• May .21st.,
signed. The auCtioneer. IS Duncan :Brown
of Shedden.- •
GORDON L::.RIBEY, 'Underwood, Ont.,
ST-SWART COOPER, Marladale, Ont.,
20-61 2
••Auction. Sale of 'Household • EffecM, in
the Town of “Seaforth;•Ncirthi'Main. Street,
on. SATURDAY; ,MAY, -16th, at 1 :30p.m.':
1Three-piece. , chesterfield • suite; 1 ches-
• Property For Rent • terfield "chair,.; , Oacasional . chairs.; - rocking
`a. . , • . Chairs,. small tables; rugs; scatter Meta ;
' • bedroom' furniture; mattresdeS.; wardrobe;
%. FOR, ..u.sacr.i..”; apartinent„ • PHONE 9 General Electric ' Frigidaire; four -burner
durii* "alter . • P,ea,611 .eleatric.• stove; Annex:••coal, or wood,
white.. enamel; iron; , toaster.; triligt
lamp ; table lampli y'BeattWs:thing- anza•
5 are chine - Beatty' vacuum cleaner -4: Oak.. din-
.n2001suite, Inchiding
bu let, arid china... C,hiriM_writingAdeskl-
kitchen talfie and chairs;.„folding:ironing
board ; sewing
plcailcs ; 2' copper boilers ; tools •, :and
tooTycliest;; 'kitchen -utervoile; 044.
CIIIcliT4'.£141SifiliS china and Orriamentsl :Pit -
tures ; set of ..lawn bowls ;-•,' Other ,'articles
too 4.11.1rnerou-td „mention •-,
• Teacher required, for sailed near Sea -
forth. IVlodern facilitica; average ealrol-
• ment. Write full • particulars to
• • W. P. ROBERTS, ,
Tuckeradmith School Area.
'ALB_ 3; Seaforth, Ont.
. Farm Stock For Sale
• lir LEEN PIGS about 61 pounds, G.
HEYINK, 12'.R. 1, Blyth. Phone 28 r 5;
Myth.• -""8-62x1
9. Poultry -For Sale
.• PROMPT SHIPMENT Bray dayeld,
st=dainisualonp• udr7s1 P.Iter,; glet
Cockerels. Book Itine-44 broilers. Same
•Amen pullbts, also Leghorns. Agent:
WALTER hic,CLURE; R.R 2, Sealorth.
•Ithone 144 5. . 9-614
10. • -Used Cars Fo:!‘r Sale
• 1952 FORD TWO -000R, new motor,
• ,new tires. PHONE 851 i 28, Seafortit.
1951 • PONTIAC_ for sale; good tites;
.raechanically good. Priced for Quick sale
• Apply • ANDREW McNICHOL. • Phone
• 193-M, Seaforth. • 3.041x2„
3, /956 • BUICK Saner
antematic transmission, •power • equippeC,
four new tires amLitaufiler. • Only 35,000
miles. This car is priced to sell, and
• terms CUD be arranged, Contact JACK
'WEBB.• 10-62.1
114., Articles For Sale:'
P.P.:111E •65q, Ses.orth. . • 11-624
TEN BAGS of.'Sebag0 potatisis grovra
frani' registered. seed. ALBERT CRONIN.
Phone 22 r 3, thiblin. 11-62x1
SHORT.HAIREI) Pox Terrier for stile,
male. PI-IONE Seaorth.
HAND LAWN MOWER, 16 -inch mit, in
good condition, $7. WALLACE ItOSS.
Phone 1354, Seaforth. • • 1142-1
QUAll'I'ITY of potatbes for sale. Apply
to ART ANDERSON, Seaforth.
• 11-61x2
• DAHLIA. TUBER avid a variety of other
plants at WHITE ROSE, STA•TION, Sear
forth. 11-60x3
. - .
.-APARTME.NY• 'FOB ' RENT. 'Apply -
FRANK , .Phone 19, Seaforth:
*aliment ; heat. . and . ..water_ supplied.
Available at once:. APPIY J. 0-- 'ORICH.".
THR- ER;BOOM. APAR' TMENT for -reaf.
immediately. ORVILLE OKE. Phone
160-134, Seaforth.
• /5-60,7tf,
AP'ART*NT'F.OR separate en
-.trance,. two lied/Coins arid bath. ,Pdoses-:
skin June TW.O ,ints for sale.,
GORDON NOBLE. 71-W, Seaferth: '
. • .
18.. Property' Wanted
liOUSE TO. BUY.: three , or four ' bed-
reems. sOx 835, 'HURON ,EX=,
POSITOR. • •• ' s' 18.,62x1
••^' ' •
19. 'Notices
FOB LL YOUR SEWING'iind rePairs,
call 231-414, Seaforth, Or„ call at MRS,
°liable prices. ' 19-63ar1
REPAIRS - For iill kinds of
radios, at 't".witRY'S RADIO SERVICE,
bPPCSsite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone
. .
•, 'LAWN MOWER , SERVICE: Complete
service , on • all :Makes of mowers' and en-
gines. Parts, repairs, r•Overhard; sharpen-
AIME SERVICE,' R.E. 2, Seaforth7Plione
851 r V. 19-56-3
forth and district and Dry Cleaning'Ser-
v4ce. WEBB'S • BILLIAR,DS, Seaforth,
agent /or Brady' Cleaners 4 Laundeterla
, Tfiekersinith Township IVIunicipol. Davao
Will be opened ,froni 1 p.m. ter 6 /Lail,' on
WechiesdaY and Saturday afternoons, uniti
' "Where Bkter Bulls Are Used" '
• • ,
Supply; a#1fiCial breeding tiervien, fed.
' A TriE417°I.8 baby bflggY for sale, id all breeds of ,cattle. Phone Clinton Zenith
- good condition. ApPly to GEM 'LONEY,' 9-5650. Por set -vice -or Mere infer:natio ,n
;'..Phone 131; Serforth. . • 11-624
call lietweetr, 7430' 'and 10:00- week
octorantrIT nEzi. and, Bean iscuflier 4Tua, ai.3.0 P-16. SaturdaY evenings.
,4_ro,w4 triced For cows noticed in heat on Sundial, morn.,
'von= 232, iverY iow. ?130N13 SEA ngo, do not call until Monday morning.
' The quality is high „orid the coot low.
750 STRAWBERIVES, 500 rariberries, , • 19-60-32
fresh from nursery. „Quick sale. APPIY "
to JOHN, JANMAAT. Phalle 667 /1,
Seaforth. 11-62x1 20. Auction Sales
noNEr Fog SALE: -Balance of '1958
crop cloimi. honer; 1.4b,-pnila, 22.00; 4.411i. •
pails', $1.15. -WALLACE ROSS ATIO-
ESS, Settforth.•• 11-62-2
POTA'r0E.9 Vat sALt, Cheap, eating
or seed; 61..00 per bag. .Atipfy GORDPN
NOBLE. Phone Soafortli- - •
A NT -TIME 1:4: tided iiomp,tr lawn Mowers
for sale at eye-tv,7-47 01.1111:111.
ELEMIC. 'hone T .2, .,
STEEI; ROOFING,, asphalt tooSag 02
Siding Cedar Verat, all. sizes.. Before' you
lirlY• ."Phont -416tifdith. r s., 'BOIMEX
BROWN. •• 11-60-tf,
vati.:011CIA. Ptrtt.i.'.blehtled
and tait' ed for hip Performance; outboard
inotOr /Or all two-Cydle engines. See
' the rieve','LaWit Cruiser Mowers DOW MI
', VICE, 2, Sea,fortli. 851 r 3.
; #11.50-4-
. • ^ '
' 193
YDAYM %•=an
pisriri.Arto 11;74,6:51
• • ,
• Clearing .Anctidii.Sale of .'arm Machin-
eryand • H.Obsehold Effects, in -the Towri
;(4. Goderich Street Watt, on.
WEDI,W.SDAY, MAY 20th, zit. 1 p.m.:
; Anther' tired wagon ; hay rack; wagon
bag 4 -bar side rake4(newl dump rake;
*ewer hey leader; 'Manure, spreader ;
Seed drill; cutting box_ with, carriers ';'-`1teel
; faallia2"Iffill; bag 'trucltd; stone-,
boat; 2 rolls st"Oiv'cfence; barrels; chick,
feeders.; plank ;. luniber ; dOers• oressent
saw, iter, pails, 2 5re ,extinguis
erd: grata", seedor; nower lawn, mower.
•PITRIVITURE-Diaing, Toti/n stit,e ; small
range; couch; settee "Mid chairs; 'sewing
machine; chest of drawers:, 'Wardrobe: Z
clreSSers ; rockers fern stand; ' mirror;
Mixette; electric iron ; crocks; pan; dish,
es; quantity Of fruit; otealers; boiler; 2
cannel:a ; tranka; bedroom suite; chest
,of drawers; kitchen .table; china cabinet;
studio coach; other 'articles too annlerotis
to mention. ^
TERMS. -Cash.
Proprietor, ROY. LAWS()N
Auctioneer, ,Ilarold Jacksou ,
Clerk, E. T. Chesney, • •
- 2142.1
TERMS -Cash.
Proprietor, DR HARBURN
Clerk, E. P. ChesneY.
' Auer' Meer, Harold Jackson ,
-Clearing AuCtic,n," Sale of Farm Stock,
Machinery, Grairr, and Household. Effects,
at Lot 23, Concdosion 2, Ilibbert Town-
ship, 13/4 south and 2 miles We.st of Dub-
lin, or 11/1 south and 4 miles east Of Sea -
forth on TUESDAY, MAY 19th, at 12..30
, •
'CATTLE -6 Durham :cows, fresh and
„ .
.soine due in Auguotl- Mid :July; Hereford
. cow . due in ,.Auglisf; Hereford"; cow due in-
Jun.e;, 'Hereford„.COW with at .1603;
Durham. dtriV*.thle geoteniber ; Hereford •
caw with calf at foot; 2 Hereford heifer,
fresh in March.; 4:Hereford heifers idadY'
,for" inarket; 1 °Pen %Hereford heifer;• 2
yearling 'Holstein, heifers;• 1 'Yearling' EGA-,
stein steer; '7 lierdord calves; 4 -yearling
Hereford steers; Hereford .yearling heir- .
,ra 6 Hereford .steers, ...between '700 and
800 houUde;.3 llerefordisteersrarounc14,000
pounds, • ' •
Tenders Wanted
Will receive tenders for, the construc:,,
tion of a tile ,drain, known as the Glousher
Municipal Drain. Plans and specifications
for this work may be Procured at ,the
Clerk's • office. All tenders niust be as-
companied by. a certified cheglie to the
amount 'of,...,§200. Tenders. Arcot be in, the
possession, of the Clerk not later: than. 12
o'clock ,noon, on June lot.
" Lowest, or any tender not , necessarily
R.R. 1 Lonciesboro.
2 . Legal Notices
" in :the Estate of
; • All persons" having claim's against the
'Estate- of William :S, Sioadfoot, kite •'-of,
the.Township of Tuckemmith, in the
County of Horevi, 'Retired Farmer, deceas-
eari-Mhe:- 2nd ,,day ••of.-APHI,
190, are, hereby ,notified to send in full
hartiihulars, 61 their claiins, to -the Under-
signed on or' before the 22nd day of May,
1959, after which date the assets -will be
diStributed, having regitrd onlY to
then' received, , .
21 'V1"1
Sea.forth, this 28th day of
- •
. Solicitors for the Executor.
23.. Cards of Thanks
to say "Thank You" to TELPLAR
Mani, . friend S, nho' sent ,floWers, • caa , ,
letters/ treats; and Who yisited. me while "IRecently elected by, the unara•-
,1,pewasiasi•::atitkti"efitot,:,,pini...,.Silirp.4:,rfeYadrixi?:4sPrsitiia.i,g17mons & e of,iriththe ,Ineinbersof the'
„DelVlolai '.co an:dNo. 5,
23-82x1 ' trvrns--courEs Grand !Rapids, to the positionf
,THE' FAMILY of the' rate Mrs, Leonard E .thInent Cornmander, john C.
Floyd -wish'. to express their, thanks. and Doig;.,,a veteran special agent of
x-eoe.iyed , their :resent sad' bereaYeimen, •. '
,of the Federal. Bureau' :Of .InveStiga-
ton, was',Malte---"t
Special ' thanks -te 'Rev:• ' '0. urittoo, mstaua,:Lion at , masonic.
Dr.'1. .Sersrde and ‚Mr. and: Mrs. .C., liorn:,;at:Sault
itney. ' • Ste Marie Michigan -graduated
'1 weui..n. LIKE tO:e.,,Mees aiy•:.'s:ifIcer'e -.from Tort Hiiroii High 'School 'at-
thanks tO atieyoat u, for ' af..While ttendedde& a4d.
Was a p , St...--Jciseph'
d ated 'froiri. Detroit College .ef.
the . Slaters, nurses-
and staff Of Si' staff .:of 'the- City- of .(Anend,bd-aiii11:8,75I.iaLthonn'kat(in.51?iiti,lraaZ EL/ "'then 'Joined the: legal,
Detroit and
JoSeph's 'Hospital. . , ,
. MRS. sal ROOHOL: WOr1/0::. On:.the ,PrParat19.11 and
trial of ,tak::'eases:;•:,:iintil. he ..joined
at]. ,6's' edo f asi World War 11
General llospi a), the nurses gtAtonth7,aonudtb,,r.deur4151-;o:
the'.,Stratford n
lehloci, the 'Canadian ljegion,,a11.11c g he Worked: ''on, assignments
and Di Rd who all the -war
the ;a:ecx:eian3dyr: flocall thoseMes and t_ rdorts. .od;Srpt fad5a t
apreciated. WI. 131 e wattOnL:4Portland,feSP3tl
-23,:62x1 VIN A. HES., Washington
' Ore gori. Near • the elope' Of the War
SENATOR W. H. ily obnolrindte!ttifsitlitanniks.- as assigned :as residept..a,$6,i-i.
Wish to extend their.
neighbors or thellrautafalliza44iburi.:7
to -gGretati::01,Isr',..,,, Montana, ',.and.'40.7.
C., Britton,. Dr.,-Stanktcx!sn?,
'.r‘acce4ecl to Special Agent
tVeitt.Peayllbaerriarer ; th
thoSe :who assissted'ine any, wiay.inv. sad
eteaniddse'd thelossof,4.Montana
and Idaho. At
• and the :gome . ,
and mother. 4ci tho.pics to Rev. , ot-lio:st es, t. ,
s• d' 441 Ve • Director of the next year handled FBI.,,assign:.
t ' return .te I.his
:bye , Michigan,
to DrP:l,.orHe,
Rapids, where
hasl'a-leng-Trecord of
participation 'Masonic activities.
.sorac „H.
He is Peat .Pipaident of the.. 1-1.2
Clitb;r:. a . •Masonie :-Jundhcon :group
at GraiadRapida;,:and Pat Wortky.
Patron of 'Peninsular Chaptseon.: of
the _Eastern ,:.,,StarEle...34.,,.,a1 -a_
bir"br7rad. -Lodge, Grand
Rapid .Cbapter'No..7; Tyre Goun-
cil,l ..DeWitt Clinton consistorY,'-'Sal.
adin T"I"le and theCaravan.and
g' n art.ac-
tie nlember of lbilland'S rine Clubs.He.is. the:.
Miciiign, a life inember.et•.Sigrnwa.,
• • West :Mich],
*Ita..Kappa. "Iriterc011egiate....
LAW. Enforcement Officers'
kieig is the son of Mr, Ly __a,
Doig Of1Kippeir; Ont.
' ,Hear Of Uawaii
• The May meeting of-KiPperi W.111S.
and WA was.:hero. Thursday even-
ing. in ,the.Stiriday schoelroom with
l\frs'4-a1ph-Turner and Miss Irene
MACMILLAN -DONALD,. . :Tameras hesteSses. There were, 20,
KIPPENL4t First St:. Aildrew'S, members 'and low visitors preat.-
United Church Chapel in 'London; .ent„ Mrs, Eldon .JarrOtt conducted
on, Saturday, MaY. 9;. at -2 'p.m; the Worship. period, during,. which
Elii,abeth of „London,'Mrs. . 'Kyle read the ,scripture,-
exchaoged.4_6dcline vows. with D. taken from Luke 10 verses' 2s;-,37..:
gaeMillan„.13.4t. .1sondon; Aftera short eaneer film:Was 'Stet,
before .10f. sentptt • •IVITs7- c;ensitt presided for
father of :the .-gro.6tit, ;•Roisr•.eom-: 'the, remainder Of :the,ineeting, The
•nithioxt.seriricelollOWed'•the'"eere•-.. niinides' Of . the last meeting were
'The--bitide,,is,. the .daughter :read andadopted and the. keit 'tall
Wg:s. atisWeredr,Wh-: a-verse;,,takeir
and,.the,,groom's 'parents, are • Rev,.. from 'the` floolc:Of Jhn"
and 'Mrs, D. A. MacMillan; all:.'of. : Mra..1„ 1,Ohn R COoper and 'Mrs.
London.; •,• ;•. ' • • P,'Charters rePOrfecl for the visit-
Thehride. those: a . crea m brcad4 ing 'cominittee, 'and 'Harold
ed ,dresa „With ' chapel tr,ain, 'and Jones' , and .Mrs. Wilmer , :jones
earried..flesh' Colored :Johanna Hill Were appointed visitors! for MaY.,
roses and prayer.'bOok,. Her.. at- The Collection was taken and the.
tenclatitS were Mrs', Carl Longmuer preSident mentioned that 'anyone
Of Centralia, as; matron of honor, haVing old, nylona cOuld bring thein
and. MTS., Rcibert L. Spear, Of Win- to the; June, meeting. Miss. -Gwen,
niPeg,,,Mari.,, as .'bridesmaid. Her netit Itendriek.fay6red with a reci
'attendants. were gowned' 'alike, in tatioii,1 'The' Ladies' Aid." Mrs..
green pemr.de.Soie ,With; Matching .SOltil "Sfitelafr..ieacl„ an interesting
-acce,ssories, both. carrying. _Johan- .chapter on, The. -Hawaiian' Is -
rosea. .• -
• Mr. Norris MaclVlillan„ atteadeol.
his :brotlie.r, and the usherS were Mg; MrS. Consi,tt 'thanked the bos-
Mr; Richard Blosdale, brother Of tessest and ever*nie Whe"AelPecl.
the, bride, and Mr, John SchWab... with theineeting. Mrs.. poriaitt
. The organist, Mr: Calevirv: closect the:meeting with prayer.
corripanted the soloist; Miss‘Eutilce .WA meeting' followed; tuncit
MacDonald immediately Preceding being served 16Y Circle II.
the -cerepiongg Al* sang !`The, Wed. .M. and Mrs; ,Garnet Shipman
diiig duringlIte sign. and.fatnily and, Mra. Finkbeiner,
visited Sunday •with -.Mt. and Nits
, .
Harol Jones. . .
to the -bride 'StindaY -guests of • Mt% 'and, Mrs::
was Pearl necklace :and ear- W.: B. Cooper included: Mr. and
glrigs`, to- match. The',bride's gift, Mrs. GordonHarknesS and4,farnils.r,'
to *the, groom .calf, leather. ot • Parkhill; Mr, and Mrs:, Jinn
fittedl' travelling case. ' Carktpj>,e11-, and daughter, 'Sm.,
'A ,receptien followed it the Latin' ia, and Mr: and , Mrs. DMi Cooper.
Quarter, , and guests Irein. and SOn;
included' Mr, and Mrs. Har ; and Mr,s. "Allan Parket; of
aid Whittle; of Safi. Diego, 'Oat.; chatkon, :spent•
the Weekend with
4fia Robert Spears, of. "their daughter and son-iii,law,
Winnipeg, Manitoba; Mrs.., Mary ' grid :AO& Leonard Lovell; and fara-'•
$elicwab,- of •Eerniuda, . arid 7 others'
froxti TorontOi itaiitford,'. Arita's- Mr. Keith Le'Vell 'spent ',the: weak
ter, Zurich; Ealconbridge end, in Chatham with friends; •
Kenora. . • . *Synixiathy is ..extendedllie„ wife
'For traVellifig. the .bride Wore'.aand family, T.hrothers and sisters
-ttirquoiSe snit With' 6ro*#.: and of the late
White aneetsOries. Following, a 'Mt. and Mrs.. Ed: .Riagett; 'Of
hortoirnoon to; Vancolvi Louden, 'visited a day last 'Week
ver, alidEdniOntoo,the COO-. With Mr, and, Mrs. W, L. 'Mellis.'
pie. w.ekome their 'filenda. at Mr, •ao. AfrS. elgrenee
tlieir hoint lit London: of St, etia,a§',, Vere weekend! visi
POITLTRY-290 ladand Reds.
1YIAOHINERY:-L--- Standard
treater With' 'starter; lights mid' double
:transmission ; 1 8 -foot John: Deere. disc;
..MAssey-Harris.' four -liar side . rake;
Sesr-Hittria Mower , nearly 'new). 4
sey-Ilarris.'7-forit, binder; 5 -section het,
rows airid Vole alleileYafaiiis drophead hay'
loader; Masseg-Harris. Manure spreader;
McCormick -Deering .13.:ran • diiia
drill; 2 -
wheel trailer; roller Fleury..
plow Colley heavy, „duty.
rtilil*r tired Wagon:y:41nd sliding.
. rack:, ;•2 -yard "'capacity gravel -bo$.1-.Z.ohn.
Deere .'.5 -foot Cultivator; electric. Beaver
grain'grinder With 3: inetvii; 1',grind-
' et; -plectrie 'brooder ,(500 Chick capecitY),;
Viking electric treat' senvirator (practicai.
'lY".nerw,Y; single.units Universal =lilting
.niaChipe..',(2't.'.'yeare, Old), :with punms
'Mater, •:aliikr:,:t4Plagi Pressure • gauge arid
..optieta,Jor cotsa'l• ' ateel
water „trough ; isitidefraWratit-
on5t^:,..rorketi, .netqlag.,,Year ; .69 new, steel.
s.000-iti.:' sesta;
viae; Mitt viorkf'MlICh'c'44", chicken shelters':
1 set •Stewartzcivetv16,:elippers':alwnlnum
wheelbarrow' ferias,•shovelii,' thains,..hetc.;
thoroughbred' German Shepherd dog (reg.
dRAIN-4,000 bushels -mixed' 'grain:
HOUSEHOLD E13,LOTS-Dining roora
nits; bed with springs and mattress; day
bed; kitchen. table; library table; stball
tables; crocks; sealers; glass churn;
chon range (coal or, wood); other articles
tdo numerous to mention. No reserve;
terra sold.
TERMS -Cash.
ProPrietor, JOHN F. MURPHY
Auctioneer, Harold Jackson:
Clerk, E. P. Chaney.
20 61 2
21, Tenders Wanted
, .
Tenders win be, received' by the under-,
sigeed. up to May 10 for- the installation"'
of an on imam,* system in the U.S.S.
vb. 4 Moles:Worth) School, GreY .Town-
ship School Area.
" 1\1011,MAX S. HOOVER
Sec:, Grey Twp, School Area,
R.R. 3, BrUsselsj Ont.
Phone 2847
Will be received by undersigned 1or
Painting interior of Melville l'iaYilayterian.
Church, BrUsoels, until Saturday, May 21,
1950. .'4c' • •
ror specincatiots contact Rev." Oti`ea-rie,
Brussels. '1.4,treat or any tender tte'0 nea'.
essarny actoted.
R.R. No. a, BrosseIs, Ont
25. Personals
Mailed,, PoSipaid 'Plain Sealed envelope
With, price 6 . Samples .25c ; •24 saan4
81.00- Mail Order Dent, ' - 78,
NOVA -RTJBBER CO.; Boit 91, Ilamilten,
26. Births
TIIVEVIERMANN-At Scott Memorial Hos-
on• iVlity 7, td Mr. and . 'Mrs.
Adrienne Timinermann, R.R. 3, Kippen,
t Scott 'tar
STOREY-Aemortal.liospi , on
aVlay. 8, to Mr. and Nils. 'Richard Storey,
R.R;„$, Mitchell, n daughter,
ARTS -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
May 1/0, avir. and Mrs. Henry Arts,
R.11..4ft.Settforth. a sop.' • '
. • .
imistrimAVN-=•'.A.t Scott Memorial' Hos-
pital, on Mb'y 11, 30 Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Beuermann, R.R. 1, Dublim, 'a
daughter.O'ROURKE-At Scott 'ivfe.raorial
on Mal, 12, to Mr, and IVIrs': John
O'Rourke, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter.
District Weddings
. .
Methe 'S 'Day SerViCe at St. An-
drew's Uhited Church was well• -at -
'tended and the choir, represented
by rnotileIS- of -the. congregation.
The minister, Rev. D. A. '1VIacMil-
lap; ,administered baptismal rites,.
to, the following childrenLjill Char -
'lege,: daughter of Mr.-- Mrs.
Kenneth McLellan Christine Clara,
;daughter of--IVIr, and 'Mrs'. Grant
McGregor -Of Hensall and Debor-
ah Marie, daughter of Mr. and Ws.'
Ray Consitt....The ,story, "The Little'.
'Colky :was- told' by, Miss 'Sharon,
McBride, and a .uet was given y
'Kenneth and Grant Jones'. •
, Sunday, May 17; 'the- annual Y.P.
anniversary -Morning, service will
'have as guest Speaker, Rev, E.
11,0111S,t011; ex-preSideRt Of London
Conference,. and on Sunday, May
24, 'at the :conclusion of the
vice, a reception , service for new
members' from the Communicants',
claSs will be held.
Mr. and Mrs. F.• VT. Rowntree,
of We S ton Well'e Weekend guests of
7r. and Mrs. N.: Long.
lands' from •tbe study - bOPk.
• After'revieWhig /fleet-
ing Of the register, -The Lord's
Abe: "Did you hear' about the
blind -- carpenter regaining his
sight?' -
Ike: '`No, tell me about it,"
Abe: "ile picked\tip- a 'hammer
and -
- She ydr-eVe-r 'try
to sell 'vacuum cleaners?" ,
He: • "No:. of course not."
She: "Well, you'd better start
now -that's illy husband coming up
the walky!
joe:' dicl the foreman- fire
Jim: "You know r what a fore-
man is he stands around and
watches' the other men work."
Joe: "What's that got to do with
Jim': "Well, ,just .go „jealous
of me." Everybody thought 1 was
the foreman. • • •
iiiNS1..ttiLiCTIONAL4SESSION for sprayers ever held
in l-r-nron Countito4-r-PlaCe-in-Clint,MT,--,withr-the-HuronTOOlintsr-SeilT--
„ . , . ,
- 'and. OtopTItnproV,entent-AsSociation in charge.:;,L,eft,to_irightare:.i, ,
Bill Dougall, Hen.Sall; Alex Clieingy,R.R.'%-•Seaferth; Huron
,.,ty Weed inspectorsBob. Peck; YRii a, 'weed:, sprak...oPera tor ;•
Murray, 'Hamilton, ,representative of a corniriercial:CheMicat
pany (I341' pheto):,'
Skt. John Beer,, Mrs. Beer, Dav- Noakes.
id and JOhnny, of Springfield were F/,0 Ralph McArthur, Mrs'. Me
weekencLvisitors with_M.r.LancLAIrs e -•-•=a. ma--Cameron,--of-A3
Fre`crF3-6-er, unsbia----,Drive,---ACAF----Station-,—
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. George'
Allan Spent Sunday with relatives Beer and Linda, and Mr. ancl.lyIrs.
in Tiverton. H., „W. - Horton, of Hensall, were
Mrs. Manley'Jinks, who has been, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs:
,Ea xpeatteirentreitaiii:SnoeuLiih aHmueronsli-Hndosapyi.tal; Fred'BBereotrh.e'rhoo. d is Theme
and Mrs. Lloyd, Noakes, Ger- President Mrs: Ken Elder Pre -
aid and Gregory,"of London, spent Sided for the May .meeting of the
Sunday...with Mr. and Mrs'. Archie Evening Aukiliary held in the
churchs oolroom, of the United
'CONSTANCE Church -Monday evening., s. .
tiKoefiasi wawSithin c,h,Ba;ogteheorfhotcle, ethvoe"..--
Mr. Murray Dale is spentung .
theme, 'commenting pn the su,h-
holidays at Loins 'Head.
ject." Sacred passages, were read
Mr. and Wm. ,Dale- attend-
ed a banquet and dance at Wroxe-:by Ni7Ts. e°Tneili and' prayer of.
ter Saturday evening, sponsored by febea bY Mrs' ChiPcbase. An "
cKN-x. - - invitation' to attend a social even-
ly/T. and -Mrs. E. F WarrenLyn ing in .St. Paul's Anglican Church
' Friday,May 22 was accepted.
TWo sick calls were made, and -
by Mrs.-
vitrresaswuraelrt'sspreenpeoerit. was s Divoeun_ •
ald Joynt was in charge of the pro-
gram, "Friendship, Night," and
slides. Shown; in charge of Rev.' C.
....11,1rs;. Joynt condueted a
discussion on ways l'ideans to .
interest newcomers " in the.,..com-
inunity. Luncheon "was served.
IThatesses were ,MrS. Spencer .and
.11/Ira. Wes- Richardson:
(la and Helen, of London, and Mr.
Roy Lawson, of, •Seafortni2yisited
Sunday -with-Mr.-,..and„Mtse,--. Earl
Lawson and Reg:, • •
'. Mr. and Mrs, Wm' Le Souder and
family, of Stratford,,; and :Mr, and.
Mrs. Art •Cols&C ,and family, of
Bly,tn, were Sunday-visitors
Mr. ..and Mrs. Robert Jainieaort.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, .of
'Walton, and Mts. Ethel Stephenson
of 'Seaforth,. visited Stmday With
'ltiff-,'''`and--Mrs-.,:-.:JaineS. Dale. •
• 'Mr. and Mrs.:-.Wrn. Jewitt visited
with the Tatter's father,- Mr:. Chas.
'Dexter, on Sunda'. - ',Mr. -Dexter,
who is7a. patient in a London Hos-
iinproying nicely and We
hope he 'wiltscion,return.honie. --
Mr. and Mrs, Borden; Brown,
,Joyce and 'Elaine Visite,d. Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clayton Brig-
ham.,, and Mr.. and 1Vlrs.. Ronald
Lamont and, family,. of near Elm-
, .Mr. dd.. Mrs. :William Webster,
of St Helens,. Visited-liTmday-With
Mr. and ;1VIts... Earl LaWson and
.31r. and. Mrs. Verne Dale.'
sponsored bY liumn ,C4ant.Y
.Farmers' --Union
1,..IN'.'-. ELECTRI
-NoW. is the tithe to think of all that Spring
,horne;,,barn or place of business.
Painting that should 'bectone, around your
To Use
—The Wonder.Paint
Available in, Over , 75 Shade
Por Flat,' Semi -Gloss, Latex an
Misterproof Exterior House Paints
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