HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-15, Page 5:LITTLE.DAUB.Wll-...LOYOU LOWSROS.. B P SIT lit'requires �Have that 'High, y 'that at .. - . mum t for m A o n �o MakinM um Co':era ... u v Tr .itfora$ of your jobs, either inside outside anyou will be sur rised-- at- the- ...,;:, a p difference News of Brumfield BAPTISMAL SERVICE. FEATURES MOTHER'S DAY OBSERVANCE Mother's Day service was fitting - ly''observed, on Sunday `morning in Bruicefield United: Church. Rev, S. Davidson conducted the ser- vice' assisted by Mr.. Norman su r- Walder, theSundaySchool super- intendent. A choir' of mothers -and Mrs. Davison's Sunday School. Take Advantage of the TERRIFIC VALUES u mer' Il Summer Girls'' Ladies':- SANDALS and CCASI `.�� 0 NS .. PLUMBING HEATIN&, PHONE 56i SERVICE S: H 0•. STORE WANT 'ADS. BRJNG: RESULTS Phone. :141' or,. 142' READ°.THE ADVERTISEMEN S': It's a Profttable,Pastime class presented very lovely music and song, Miss Doris Walken read the Scripture.' , The baptismal service was cent- ducted e t -ducted by Rev. S. Davison, when the followingchildren were bap- tized: p- tized:Robert Allen,. son of Mr, and Mrs. John Taylor;, Darlene Joan, ;daughter- of Mr, .and Mrs,, William Burdge;Robert Jeffery, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Allen; Larry Emmerson, son of Mr. n Yand Mrs. James ..Alle;- .William Nop Allen; - man, son of Mr, and Mrs, George Baird; 'Dale Douglas, son -of' ¥r, and Mrs. Doug „ ' Jones; John m Charles, son of Mr, and Mrs.: John Mustard; Norina : Uoreen,, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gar- rett. Patricia Lee, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Proctor, Miss Barbara, Swan and -Master Ronald Scott gave a word of wel- cometo the visitors. A song, "I Love • Someone, Guess Who, Mother,", was sung: by ,Ann, Clifton, Joe :Lobb and ' Lawrence Elliott: A little „gketch, . "When Mothers Calls,"•rias g 3� given •b six little folk; Brenda da Ann;Hargr'eaves, Paul Swan,Betty Dalrymple, Gor- don. Henderson;; 'Bernice Lobb and Allan McNall.-.: Miss 'Eleanfor -Mc Cartney read `the story; a . contri- bution to the mothers who .had babies 'baptized.- Miss: Louise Allen, of Hamilton, was a weekend guest of her broth- er, Mr. Edgar ;Allen: Mr. and 'Mrs.- George Wheatley and son,' Larry, visited with Mr. and: Mrs. -.Robert Allen, ,Jr. - Guests -with Mr. and -Mrs -Lorne, Wilson_Ovex,„'the-weelt_end were•Mr.. and Mrs. Les McKay, ; Elni RISTUICT WE DINGS O'LEARY--COY II ST, COQUMBAN -- On Saturday morning, May' 9, at o:30, the mar- riage of Mary Margaret Coyne, daughter of -Mr., and, Mrs: John L. Coyne,' R;11., 1, Staffa, and "John Edward O'Leary, son of Mr. - and Mrs. Timothy O'Leary, RM. $, Ailsa Craig, was solemnized in St. Columban:Roman Catholic Church, St, Columban: The double- ring ceremony was. r ed byRev, rf m John'McCowell,pwho also sng the Nuptial Mass. The soloist, Mr; Douglas Toppin, London, sang ."Panis .Angelicus," "Ave Maria" and "U Sanctissima," accompanied b the organist,, Mrs. VincentLane, Giiren,.in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor -length gown of im rted Italian silk,. The. scul- ptural bodice featured long -lily point sheath sleeves. •'A wide scoop neckline, embroidered with Alen con lace; dotted; with seed =pearls',- a softly pleated bouffant skirt with .appliques of Alencon lace, swept to an- isle -,wide train, .: A lace Can,. KIPPEN •EAST"'W.I The''r . 1 a' � r meeting, 'bf �Ki n W.I. will be held Wedesda ,- Ma 20 Y,- e at 8:30: The: hostess will; ,be Mrs. dances Drummond, and Mrs. Ken McKay will be co -hostess. The .roll :Call will be answered by "Who was the:.President. when I -joined.", `.Mrs, W. Broadfoot, Mrs; Alex McGregor and Mrs: Ros B:roadfoot will hold. a Dutch auc- tion," Mrs. Robert 'Geininell;-will give a paper on "Salt",'' and Mfrs. James McNaughton will give a paper, on "Accidents". Mrs. James Drummond will give a poem and an exchange of flower seeds and plants-: will take place also-saggestions--for a -•bus trip: The lunch committee.will=be-Mrs Verne' Alderdice, Mrs. 'Ross Chap vale and Mr.• and - Mrs .Wally man, . Mrs. Alex; McGregor. and Bain; Stratford: Mrs. 'Ross Broadfoot. J.. Here; from: the record, are a few of the ; common sense views Charlie MacNaughton' is, expressing forcefully, on behalf of Huron: ON AGRICULTURAL'INDUSTRY—, "May i point out, Mr. Speaker, to you and the,. hon. "membersof this House`, that, , inpiny opinion, a . unique oppor- tunity ,exists. in Huron for industry to avail itself of the enterprise and, ability of' ,our farmers . .” • =Hansard, Page „486;' ON 'ORGANIZED LABOR "The tactics of .the irresponsible seg- ments of labour must be checked the , steadily increasing patterns of strikes and the "subsequent higher cost of labour, have been- the principal rfac- tors contributing to, the mounting costs of consumer goods and the inflationary .tendencies that threaten . our economy Another 'serious aspect • of this "whole' situation. .' , is<t'hat there are , =many branches' of our society, (particu- larly those . on fixed incomes and,pen sinners) who do not possess thecounter- -part-of - the strike.. weapon with.which,. to retaliate." :Mansard,' Page 489. ON DAYLIGHT TIME "I. do' believe':' this gov't. should: con- sider -.every possible means of 'providing for uniform change .dates on a ,province - wide basis. Tbe haphazard manner in .which this matter is now being handled results not only` it pure confusion, but, y ;. . in scores of instances,: extreme ineon-. venience and, in fact), hardship." Mansard, Page. X136 ON NEW CANADIANS "Of recent years, our population has been swelled by people of other lands, to all ,of whom we extend a traditional. Huron welcome. The customs and tra- ditions of their native:; countries have already enriched us apd; a new itypical• ly Canadian culture emerges." —Hansard, Page 48$ ' . ON Bt7YING. CANADIAN— . • , "1. ure"the government to institute, as. soon as possible, a policy which Would require :all departments of gov't., all agencies and institutions under the :direction of gov't. or who are receiving` grants from the gov't., to give a price preference to goods of Canadian mann- -facture." e —Hansard, Page 488 Inside....and' outside the Legislature, Charlie : --MacNa(ughton's Y :.voice ° has been • eff dive in promoting the interests of Huron. Rkling Let him continue o tor: you. SUPPORT THE "COMMON SENSE" PROGRAM OF THE FROST •ADNIINISTRATION . WHICE HAS {' GIVEN ONTARIO ITS `DYNAMIC 'DECADE' �r,ogre'ss.ive onserw• aive ursduy, June �Dt trimmed With seed pearls and drop pearls, held.a-French illusion -veil. The bade' carried" a white prayer book with, mauve orchid and white '$tre:amera. Miss Loretta: Barry, R.eg.N.,. De- troit, .Michigan, as maid of honor, and. -.Miss Elizabeth O'Leary, Lon. - don; sister of the bridegroom, as, bridesmaid, wore identical gowns of 'mauve Swiss dotted organdy with scoop neckine: thee-uarter length sleeves and haunt hemline, large white picture hats .with Matching accessories, and ;carried' nosegays' of ,yellow `and white ear- nations. ' emerald O'Leary,: brother of the -o die room and•• ose h Barry; cousin ; of the :bride, were - groomf's attendants: Jamie -Nichol , nephew 'of . the, bridegroom,•,;ringbearer, carried a white: satin cushion; and ;VZaureen, O'Leary, .diece of the bridegroom, as . flower girl, dressed in 'white' nylon and'headdress of yellow ear- nations. carried a;' tiny basket' of mixed flowers;- The ushers' were Louisi'Barry and.'Clement O'Leary, " _ London Followingthe cereniony the w ed . ding dinner andreception^ were - held' .. at Armstrong's - 'Restaurant, Exeter.,The, bride's table was dec- orated with..'spring • flowers and centred by : a three -fieri wedding: cake. Receiving the guests,,,. the' bride's mother wore a ,rose'- lace sheath. dress with-` rose ;duster; white accessories and a corsage of. white'.- roses. •The, `,.bridegroom's mother chose 'a pink lace.: dress with white accessories and a„cor-' sage of red.roses. For 'travelling to Montreal and 'Quebec the- bride : chose .a mint green flowered sheath dress , with - matching ;duster --and white acces sories , On: their., return ;trip Mr. :and` Mrs. John O'Leary- will reside iGuests=`were present from Lon- don, -Toronto, Oakville and: Ailsa Craig Teen. own' Topics Parents';Aright— On .Saturday May 2,' about 300 parents andl teen -town members attended. the :.first'bi-annual "Par-; cuts' Night:" -,Stew Bald and 'Colleg- 'ians provided the :music:for• the evening. The dance • started: eat 9,•; and about•10 the. Meeting came to order, Due to the :absence of ,the secretary, Agnes Carter.;. Ellen Gorwill read:,the. minutes:: Warden: Jewitt expressed his. appreciation, for the good: work;;the Teen Town carrying ' out .other_ honored. speaker or, -the vening. was Dr: P. L. Brady,; representing Seaforth Town- Council. • President ;J•ewitt-;called Hutchinson::to th'e platform ::and .on. bebalf :of Teen -Town members' presented him with ;a gift,-' token. in."appreciation for=the help:•in or ganizing and.•gettii}g Teen -Town started •Mr Hutchinson thanked 1 resident. Jewitt -and stated_that_ organizing•:a. group is'only ''a start- ing point. It, is the effort put into: the:organiz&tion'•by the members. -themselves that Constitutes' failure or progress.; Gloria Carter and,,C-len-. Nott re,. ceived great :appraisal. for their 'accoidian duet, and Carol "Fowler' `gave, -a humorous,apeegh oh -.-uses, antL misuses_of a ,J arbegue, _pit;_ Ross' . Preszcator then told about his first daiiee. I=believe it wa's his Iasi' as well; by -the cond'i'tion he was: in. Winners. of spot dance' prizes;; were' Mrs. Jack Adams- and • Jack Adair, Gail Storey and Keith Stacey. • ' The weekly epeciltive meeting of Seaforth T"e`en�Tewn: was, held, in Seaforth ,High Sebool `on - Tuesday, May 5. A "letter from Listowel Teen -Town •inviting a team, to en'; ter -a softball competition on May:. 30, was read by President Jewitt. .It was decided that Seafort'j would enter; a team;, but -all ,the ,Iilaycrs: for the team have not been decid- ed; This is to be a mixed team, •consisting of•boys and girls. There are to .be 'seven teains entered in this• competition, • and a scup' for-- -annual -competition•. will, be; -award-- ed the winning team. A banouet:in Listowel :Armouries ,will follow the: competition, and a teen -town dance will wind up• the dray. • . Also at the executive me'eting.it •was, decided to postfor:those . iiiterested. in tennis;; By ., the looks, of the list? - th-e tennis• 'court ' will sobnbe back inaction. 7t was also stated that 'the 'rule. ,applying; to alcoholic'beverages• applies to Sat urday evening;.at,Teen-Town dine- •es•only. At this meeting it w4. de tided, that,: we would ask Clinton and- Mitchell, to.. go in on a "joint dance" in: ,the -summer ','Plans for this dance' ale not yet conpleted. Dance Saturday, May, 9 The weekly • Teeri-Town danee was held iu,the. Seaforth Commun-- ity Centre..Larry Viii]Iiams , and •Don Wright acted as disc• jockeys: About 1T5';teenagers tur-nedt out for the dance. The meetingg, was con-, ducted by Eeith Pethick, , dune to the , absence' of •President; Jewitt. Mr. Hutchinson expressed.:appreci. ationfor the' desk, :Set 'which he received at Parents; Night. Ile thanked all inednbers for ,coming oat ;to the event and bringing their= parents Chief Hutchinson was quite dis turbed abqut the way the boys are driving • cars around town: He stated that he hoped that these "rubber maniacs" . were not Teen - Town boys. Tickets were passed out at the door, and later won Paul Rau the door prize. The group de- cided to go ahead With the 'tennis court project" and were -granted an unanimous - decision,• - Executnve Meeting, May 12 The meeting' was held 'in Sed' forthZIigh-School-oni Tuesday, May 12: Robert'.Reith wasappointed hedabf' the fieen:-Town ; Tennis Club. Roltert has the privilege, of a"ppointing 'his executive,- This executive will later be annouied A few members are going to it chell to matte further plans', for the "joint dared" later . this summer. For this dance, a special eommitc, tee from each club will be appoint- ed: The PT teachers will select 20 of the best' interested .in" ball,- and •a• practice ;will decide the final team. - Toar'RACEWAY p- )x•'41.; - � , "rte+:•. i��, ., Fa t For Thursday Friday fur la ' Ma' ..►1. Gold Seal : RED SOCKEYE SALMON. , .` '.. 2,ry tins Rose Sweet - -'. 16'*OG D: E, S MIXED PICKLES , -a r PE' UT BUTTER AN_ T Maple Leaf; CANNED HAM...: Golden 'Jew -MARGARINE`; Miracle a Whip SALAD DRESSING R AL D ING . tl . E Del :'Monte Pineapple. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Freshies POWDERED DRINKS ee Superior. Store, Free Press 16-pz. 'ar. 1- 1 1.49` 1 -ib. li s.490 p g 29 Ac( i London Thursday For Additional Specials PHONE; 1 �E DELIVE WANT .ADS.. BRING' -'RESULTS' — Phone 141 or 142 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS : It's' a Profitable Pastime Silver 'Dollars 'are being atvniated in the Seaf Orth ' .District by MAPLE LEAF DAIRY: to: show' how: the' business of MAPLE ; LEAF DATItY affects' the -ecor only of , the > district. , During May, • x,11 s,ceountS are being paid ins Silver Dollars, Our Employees are re- ceiving their wages in Silver Dollars. - When we buy milk from our producers, wle are paying for it 1n Silver' Dollars. When your receive a ILV R DOLLAR Remember. IT y4 AS MONEY CREATED BY'THE ACTIVITY OE' Phone '161 aforth