HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-15, Page 2Sittic 1860 §orving._ the Commai,vity First
Published. at SE.A.FoRTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by
McLean Eros, Rablishers
ANDREw Y. McLV.AX; Editor
• ..Canada. Cm advance) $2,50 a Year
TJetited States (in advance) $3.50. a Year.
eAuthorized as Second Class iia1 Post Office 1)epa:rtment, Ottawa
Member of .
Canedian Weekly
Are Unemployect.Insurance-Increates Fair To Worker?
The UnerniiliiYinent • -Insurance
Fund, established in 1940 by the Lib-.
eral Government ;of that day,
built un up tO $927 Million -dollars on De-
cember 31, 1957., During that period
it riot only remained financially
sound, but accomplished 13.That it wa-s-,,
designed to do --- provide insurance
protection for legitimate workers
out of work. It was not in any sense
of the word a welfare fund. '
But what has happen9d in, the
meantime? Less than two years sinee
- the Diefenbaker Governmenttook
fiee, because of the unfavorable econ-
omic climate that has existed in Can-
ada since that time and Jpecause ef-
forts were made to have it serve al-
most as a welfare agency, the unem-
plo ent insurance fund has. shrunk
until today it is down to $496 milhon.
would be exhausted within two' years,
the Conservative government' flOvr`
proposes substantial increases*in the °
rates of contribution •which it 'Will ,
require workers and einployers to
While -there -dan be no crititism of -
the Government's concern that -the
fund be held solvent, there must be
doubt " as to the wisdom of placing
additional burdens on workers—par-
ticularly those workers who provide
in the main the fund income; and
who, because they are steadily ern.
ployed, will be unhkely to require aid
of the fund.
than just, the maximurn f)ayment, al-
lowed to those itinerent workers who
benefit most from this piece of legis-
. ,
"It is only fair to suggest that
when this amendment to the act is.
being made the Government -give ser-
ious consideration to protecting the
interests of the diligent wo-rking class' .•
who -are, the-big,..eontributors the --
ftindi. and without whom such a .plan
Would not be workable!'
Governments, -•" like :''good dentists,', 7
havebeCoMe.. highlyskilled in the' art
of painless - eXtractiOn• these, past few ,..,•
years ' True, hey stop short (a)81.Y.)
at taking: our_ awaY .from
u, our money suffices : for:.the while
, The S. Marys Journal -Argus ex-
presses the concern that ekists in
these words: "With the proposal to
raise the contribution _payments to
the Unemployment Insurance Fund
which is now before the Government,:
it appears that the burden placed ilpz
on a large segment
workers who do not benefitfrorrithis
fund because- of their frugality and
their diligence, is about to be increas-
'This matter of contribUtions
could surely bear some "revamping,
so that persons, -who have contribut-
ed over long periods' of time without
a claim would get something back Up-
on their retirement, something more
, • 'of '„Xfor-1.1„ we are .ita-elereTaSirr-ner
'other of the awful magf the
personal tribute we have.. paid 070 -t -T.7.,.
tawa this past' year -Those figures
on the T-4 slip=,-recordingthe aggre7 •
--gate sum of the ,dediictions,:made
from our every---pay-eheque,-.speak--
with an eloquence .0 -Wil• •
Wp..,niarVel, • ailing;with everybody
else; at the .effortless' simp1icity with-
--which it has all been done (thanks to
the .•.-unfailing co-operation of the
thousands ofRiii,p1,Oyers who serve s6",,Y""
nobly as Ottawa's tax collectors)
it's a wonderful system And
Yet; -.01graef111.1Y.Per,h4P§•', • we .find 7:
eiseybeeve ehoelete :Teed her inicehiated."."
Wateeleo, May it, 199,
Editor, TheJttrort Expositor:
.Dear Editor: • 1.ain nealung a
,comprehensive study of t.ko
Huguenots (French-Protestaets):in
Canada and find that a large num-
ber of 'Persons in Ontario have
:Huguenot blood in their Veins.
Since I am the first to undertake
such a study of the origie and con-
tribution of Huguenots; to Canada,
ehere are -no. records; available to:
discover such -Persona. In my study
so far I have found many,' but
they have ,no appreciation of :whet;
wonderful people •-the Huguenots
were, and what contributions they
,have,maele to, Canada., ,
therefore, roiliest that
such persons. advise 'the of their,
background and provide me with.
what facts they have concerning it.
Only in this way will I.be ebleto
give credit where credit ,is due:
Such inferMateoe will be encluded
in my -forthcoming -book, -"The
Triai ,of the Huguenot Cross'''.
YoUrs truly,
University of Waterloo,
Waterloo,.. -Ont,
Wins' Sceoleesnine
, •
Frances MeCtilleireleedanghtee of
Me., and leite.
• Holineaville . (R.'R.2, Clinton -)1 has,
been eethercled a $7,50''Elbied;ge-A.'
Seart. Seholarship. for. the 1959-60
eetheeleeyearTethe-Geinafion Coin_
just •• -announced. Frances., , eedue-
eelanS.Jo• attend Atldnsee. School oe
Nursing , Toronto. Western ?Hose
Pitie.dee..t.he fall is one of 75 wm
neee-selectedefroni Sons .aid' daugh-
ters- et Carnation -0On:wally
ployeee ehroughtmet ethe !United;
State S and 'Canade,. Her father is.
aeneilkeinspectoie atetheeTolniesville
Carnation' Plant. -ee. Citizene..
ourSeiVes, 'wondering ,h6w., different.
:things Might be if it 'hadn't been
made quite so eaSY. for governments
to -collect
What -if-- it was iliegal • goVerr,i7..
raeUt'fe • d061p..0-at',out.-cel What if
every citizen was again obhged to
mail an annul cheque to Ottawa for •
theWhole ;airiount? ;Whata thotiglit'•
that is. With taxes what- they.
. ut.. here's: anoth.
er one: WOuld
..they be what tliey are if that was the
*ay ,it. Was:done ? Or might, the de-
mands' made on. .Ottawa then be -a
WhOle lot less than -now?
:We wonder "about that. We just
wonder.—(The Ad6.1i. Free 'Press)..
By W. (Bill) B. T. SHE'
!May is one of the menthe in the
year when. I would give a great
eleal e) be able- to relax and live
the full -life. It is oee of those
rare transition months in Canada,
like October, that are exhelereting
and enticing. May can tureeon the
heat until you're on _the point of
prostration; then, next day, when
You've doffed the long underwear,
come up with a bone -chilling wind
that can curdle your blood.
It's , a month of unfulfilled prom-
ises. The trout season oPees and
your mouth waters over theepros,
peet of o pee full of speckled
treat, fried in butter. But the
steeeins are too high, Or too low,
it's too cold or too hot, too windy
or too- calm, and you're glad the
Old Lady rethembered ;to order
some hamburger:
.A11. it inVolves is: getting all the
meals. and doing - all the dishes;
taking half -days off at the office
and working like a fiend to make
it up; comforting the losers, Mother
and child, when, they get licked;
suffering the agomes of Brometh- ,
eus during the performances;etry.
ing -to keep the performers from
falling off the giddy heights oe
triumph, whea we win; and gene
erally• leading a We. that /Would.
tre the temper ;of a turtle.e
. In May:the gelfer-hai his finest
hour. Ile doesretexpeet much, ;his.
first time out; beeauee" he hasn't
swung eine in six menthe. -Bet'
he tees upeand hits that first bale,
about three miles, Twenty, minutes.
Tater, he's slicing, hooking, whiffing
and Missing 12 -inch pints, but that.
first 'stroke did it, and he's hooked
for another season. -
. It's the month -When theeealinyef
--„: eehO',:lias',been. .going.te.'fik.lee IiEWSda.
pie ce-fer the east four years takee:,
"1.BY, J. ,C"4etAi., n-!.ivir.K.PwAY.. • • .'illsghfe4414.,'',:t:4tk'h.e,,•i.oillf:-'Hhilfe;......r:c6e-eiilai..h.,tat,tth'a.sek-;l'):tithhj'. ket"
..•: . ...,.. .,.:. . . .• . . • __.•
'beDell*silierrig:et.11,,et'et:reti.ri:'t ekvetnhteeiel'etlt.it 'AL' But he does .'take"': 4
.4.04,iii.riiYeitir:o.cletilrilt:t.,61....ivi•..ni.00.&e,:tro:o;'i• ,tAtieg.r'itin:-: ':fir*Ii:-griP"°4;hiniself,'-:-.4d•thi'etenS':
:Mee 'Hetkees•e,, to theeffect thet..14e' '8:°°11;n:i1)hig:1*''''-4'.'fiStlilik..1.0.
e .01f:beg,' 0'a:6o:1d:beet:I..
theeeePporfelpride,' on Skim milk '
;:)1.109cw'.1ethre,:s-s.7:e°•ii°01tedoreb.,;:'P'Irbicee'reend ,.':e1Ii5ee's6e:,• ' 4:4-.''','-'is'.:.•'.4.'.''''':".13-'44;'"'"'I.ai.:"1:8;..lii':::
l'alei;e:Will. be lowered from ''3.46 'te; ••'-really frustrated peefirialle
le2pebeth.Witle'defiteeneyeeeeinentse ' . e.'. ',1eat
This announcement bas had 7feef '11,,_Y.:1:1 -:4t .t''' .'1.7ill : mean) o'g' ::-,1;: around3.1:iii:i.eilvatl. :litn,l1;:,•]...e'e.t: eeth: Februaryl tiee'- 0 :' Isae,7' '
AietY linfOrtitnat6iestiltSe. Pirate the,:',,T4* ili°k0S,'• '''
attitude of' the ::doristirrier is . 'that' :
gyve,' of .s ringe•leit:it..deeseeentea-.,',g0,
-"'.ffi:Tt4.,,hall)C'dPC)40Yfe:77107t13heetla''aiillterd:tiii°'''''hiS,' ,., e':'•-1413517''''',t'r:14‘1771rP-1:1:*) 61•••T411
first 'reitiarks.u:;'.elerluiese. made 1.:a:'2'Si.4.111,1-'''-g,4e-'4,t:6';''g°4,.'''-eQ111se
' it .. clear' 't11:at.:the'oPPe.1.'tS' Were , be:'' ''),14.elle,,,llef?,`.4„.-r..,44'..ed:eeth, lea'Negea.-:.(1.6,1:1",..-',:.' '',t..,:, '1
ehe eteneumete The defiCieneeepaye e.:e '''''''' ; '' - ' '--: I:•;'.' '...!'' " - - " ,''
eng„ reduced ,.,te reduce : ,the 'cost. : to :
inent ia.giVeti :teethe fainter, ''''':::e'-i(vlig''''',1:t40•Pens?,:' l'''' '01411g64
the,betefit?.Tini.iSeet e deficiency h;,egelfi:et'ahg§tae
payment tethe eatrer;nt.tatheee.or;;aid„tl04;.td"gtd;:.:'
,,..b.jath6e.o...:wriseutelso,.ref:,piobe.leldsinittoet% adiii;..-:" ';'etni..n.'''t.e' ''1,the•:'Innee-e: l''''T.n.''Ot''' Piny.'
„elteesere, .eeeMed, , • family :'.pee.ehia-'
i,r,..,,:.p.ce..,:a.i,r,:ct,,.:tiii.ge,,,,n6ti.::ii:.treat,,e4,,.,,:,.. ,,,,,,:iri,:-,iiii. :,trieeeeeailitte *elle eld'PhiloSePher
end-:-Meideef-elleeeerlie'-fo, the,eteree
preeeeeere,' haveeinintedietely ', de, PeT'llieOta-T:i*lieians 'il.i'the. 'f'441:1 -Y..'
enarefed, that tbe'Peide"te the Peoe ''46C1-' thOr'''''°6-elle '''''' '' •,-Ir ' ' .. '''' - •
.,teeeerleepritioSrit..;.•drttte,%,v'teOoi..floonOtreii.:a1-1,, '• . ''.-' '-''''''''''':'''1'; ...4.:::': • •'''''' '.• .
Justbetause I:, don't kneered cad -
:: ip, •,its:• -Ii..01.30g,ee,e,e.„,,deee... ettee;.ftorre.a-eeelitea'elii, en allegro
".,:41't.rd,b,.4,7:et7:64;t,tbitlaoort6o0:•;::,,oths:e::s,eit,:t:;,,r:ra.4dti:i::,:;:ithifIl:oe:itl:i'irioe:ik•'11.f,cii7:Hefen.:i0.-t.oint.f, ...t.3,,,eri:o:1,11":p•S'pla,oe..te4r1I.'imp4ahit6:ter''''' traasrillielage6okinuridg';',P.--r:
.1.:aiik 0. tiw,,,preoeee,,retis :hi :ae.. this,; ' :e ani:eseffil- therefore . toler.
:beidetice:Wetbetlieletiee-d• powder
the -rad :Wille. h.dee ' :eReeteeteeee..
•eem'e emargin :Of :...eitofit,'; that Was,
.. •, ,, - ...,..,. .
,FF :
attractive enough deritte :the, past.' .
..eear.':te Mitatiade;:soine :11: ,plants .RIM 6
.e., . River .. -„:1Y-:seeking• ee'biiiklethertiseleee.', tipe.
' ''n the-'
toput,ler",,..poWeer .Mainifeeterine ,,OTTAWee'ee; Eael:i: 'apt:lege &Mete' be teeklifige 116.W. aridebigger.,Pro.'ee.
•equipteente'e, .,: e,.. • ,.. * e i.,...e:,': •,':-. •'., - leeS,':.'etillioris• 'et1::,torie;..of -etioWee,n.,....1tp;..pettieerlaele.. 7,peeeet .;:itahis. •
. ;we ,,need...to... realthat the sePe. the high'sleeesief the Reekies:•:Melt They want to build'. a, dent!' at Libe,
poet „; price ....1Siet ' rieteeSeril3 're; the in the • beet: of the and a . thotie hye'notitailaeOrt tlieledetetfaY '.etiee' .: e
:market price. ;Beef at present has: -§anCl:•th'nlets,'eour into ;the Upper•:eee. On the ,setrfaeeetheeeedOesn't
.a. eapPort price of :ie. -cente,„; 'Yee:•.ColtiMbia'River, ,,. ;„,,'" ,. ' ...e1:..:..„„,: ..„ :' aPpemu
eh ,16 'be -ch.,,•pf. "e.. eotMece'1,..-
cettle ::.Of. this ' etiality'.',. have 'been , ,. A geeet dead., crest 'builds ',tip,: tion, but ••.the „'''engineers', plans ::for;
,eellMg for ,frem ige'e.::::tO.".•27e...for the :eirshee, nertnWaedearetiridethe :.Big Libby' :'could upset the; 'entire .tiMee.'..•
past . year. ,: The: seePeif on cheese -Bend; ' and ,:heads :south . :acreae: '.. the table for the • Columbia. :, e';.: e.,'..•.:,,•:' ,' '
, is ,-lowered,. • but.2,..theeSe. has been '1.1-,S,: ..boider.-.7 "Tnegee; are no ',Mee- • . Canada ::: ;IS: .opposed: 1: to . it ;-.:.1.0..ee'...„,,,:,,
.'eellieg'abeyethe .:PreViOne. SePPer't : . Made dams to itTii'lhe.0 and-. : engineers ; want; to • cliVert the flood 1 '
.ee •titere,:ie'ne'eherige•in..the price •-die4_,•re.4enes; and its SpealS"..Slovi- ',waters •afthe:KbOtetiaei•eforth'itite.'
.foe 'milk 'goiegefereelieese.." , .; e., 'ea, •enie,ebee the 'wele,ningof the the Colembie. It, :too, will be trap-
''• H,. ', , .e ' . • .. L. ::::„.1e.,... . •,....;''e„. river, at Arrow Lakes 1 • • ..'.. • ; Pedebehincl storage dams, 'and let '
The Abed :sweeps clown across the down the 'main stemef the:COMA-
. ..,. . • border there it hits the petit darns b a. to generate powereall.- along
. , me, ..eree%. eeei.;...„;.Deie'..eleekeeei.e.i ...on, ..the ,,U.,S; :' section' Of ethe river,. , the ' stream,... It .,' will mean. more
-Atigqi ' and :. eerie ..',..Aree, ; a . ,.,.st, :clamslikeiCeulee.13Onneeille, and: Power; ,-and.Will.,:•cest leseereenee,
Tnontai,..:,,wer.e,:ivretttor,s..spoy.,.elist-„ ..eeeeperee."TheeeservOire eill behind as much as .$'00..,000,009,•iesSe''.rnen-:
. tors 'With,. Mie7MCKetizie'e: Patents; . 't1i'0 d4Pcg,',4114c.4161.:440 0>10filbilal.t,-,--V:',... '• ''''''-.1: ' • •:•'..' ' : '• : •• ...,•,' '::.-- ..
.1mr.......ene..Meee,.e.e.,Meieetele; - ,•:,...,,,.- Heed', watetee.sPill:oVer the 'dee- tie • .. ',When: compared with the total
,,cost of -"develepiagetheeeplombia,
if- aTMititii..e.:1_::slillooftedoSdtaatyltle_kxriettet'he :,',''.:".-hnitst,',. 'flel.::raee:':(1-eWialett:e. the. •See,;•••e",':',"-.7-e-
Weeti..the'leag.i -ii-0141.0t exids. t.1* , $4;090,000,000:.:(billion); ••$.300;0.09.,e00, ,
.,21,1Metthoeilted:Mivirre,...,7ivialt:w.6.eiyisQ'buti.".6:,:.and,.-.r:•iigder.th..ii"Oir:.rSAdinrearPi.,,'0.1r47,;.;Ooptti)Oolftioaplss: ,ildoaes.y.e.l'ote.,:eh%rat..ritteioduyth, '15,,oft-tta'cparincaedt,o.,••:,, :
..:.,mt„.: and mese meelehneton and., and eoieentleetee..dreane 'J' of .:being : .negotiators ...r.e:. a,:donipit. •,, They -
Mr.; Williete Weieh...:.,,,..:.: .„ ., . , , Verna,. eneet etiiidee :with' Mr,. able to capture the spring floods, fieeeret '.Mede• a.' single concession
:':. :s,, '..and,"ehee.,,aidn't liable to in
Mr; end 1Mre. ; Bruce'JOhnetein,aed and use the Water Whenever it iYet; :' of:
' Seefoith:itereation'gtounds `weie .Mee: "William Bintige. .•,, ; eee. :...... ' .i.),-ectd,ci....711.eir.'prpttion is that they future,: because logic and...e..ight are.
' ' ' ' • ' Mrs' • and Mrs: James ••Allen; et. haVe..enilked'theite"!SeetiOne of the on' ottt.' sideeee'
offered for sale bee'Publie anetien • It apedare .te.beeinother •ease:.et..,...
' :The' inaekets .for ' this week are ,,,a,,oht,liMamr..iltaonoce,: Mrs. river Tfiete are ee -ow eeeee...
q,erie. :yekie site,s.„ .''' ' '"' ' ' :: ,'.".. , ' '• the `lgerterals" kenning .the United
On.eAredeeedee,. but were not sold, •: ,,RNOatirth..ert'I,V.:•Auerken,
butter ,„ 16c tee,180.e. egge, :vet doze , e_..T.40,....olation, of coefee, is . to use States,: in. the :face Of :. an adMini. ,
the weekend ...., . : ',• ,„ ,, ., the,gre. 'catclehasinS on the Cafiae. etratiee. that is dying., a: . slei,ii,: and
the . Weekend With ,Mr... 'and..,.-Mts.:,
Tee ed lece.petatieeSy,,peeebeg, ".800.;• :, ,e4,..,- and Mrs Murray quires icliarteeetion of ;the :COlettribia 'Riee lingeririg ' death. . ,....
eleint, per.1.00..lbs:e•Se.Te to :13.e.e-,••• '-'
. . . . ...,.. . . ..- 'ere te.;beild.'.Sterage .dareer.'ee Mica' '... Canada e •Ce.4)t forever,Wait•;.,.,We:: .
:,...Mie - Fred.ePerseeitee:Of Exeter,. •'?-11.di jefifee' spent the ,-r-kr;t.deiN el:With
met '.1withe. a „pail -did -accident `elie:, eeee;
Mrs,' ' Settiree'eAtettentse ' Mr., and creek;e4. dant site•thig11.:on tbe Big need. power :Seen-, and it we .can't
Robert Allenee,, . ' e; : -1,-•", ;.'; Bend, at Arrow Lakes at at'Oalaulity: make . a :dear on ;the.. Ooltimbia, We '•
;ether .eey; 1.1e', was -Splitting .:Woixt , ,mr.:.Noriey..Tayier.;:Ter.ente.,,,ae Cinve-MtlePhy, Creek, .IteeelStelee• will have to look elsewhere,.. .',• ' , ' .
avir.;., 04. Mrs:. Charles Proctor, of Canyon, ,and,a lialf'doeen; eater JO 4 : B,C,."sefatitaetie, growth ref:Mites"
e , -. seitk - fleet,: • ' •
hitt.' in..the. eyee'enahp lenig., artdsten& -e,
a pelted, Glietoe,"'visited.•lier Patents,: IVIr, eations..-'ilifiTanade. '''. :. ,. ' ' .: s; • ?ewer, leed lbetthal plants, atomic.
.andeMee.eVietereTaylor„;-,-.'e:.., .,.... From.. an ..ength;enring;',POint.:,.: Of plants, ..the-Peaee,..ltiv:er; and even „
• •• 'Guests.; with Mtee W: .11. pei,oei.„ viewljoili. thicoaiiiplion-,V,' 0/avV,;ieel's.i.ws;;•.Fiti.Oin.4,• r..ptlioe.:1;o:Prre:pseart,-:Rstier.oeidrd'e:.oieriatf.,Ofdrtiodnie the ., ,..
for Mother's Day Were here fare. '
dye' Mr. and Mrs: George'Pmkney, .fraught with 'complications,. , ', .., COlunalph, .The best adVice-fetethe
waleeeteee /vie, :wee, ra., ••••0.gin . Until last these same ;U.S.. at this time is ;get:Pet the ;
Thentsetieaed Mr. and mr.a., 'Amin Atnerleans .1M:eight that 'ell 'they: Stelling, and let's' get' On :Wi, th the
Mustard and. farnilies, . .... - , had. to do. WaSetO. "enter 'Canada: jobeee ., • - .
: Mies Marguerite. McDonald, ...0e, . jesndwhbuiatldthtehye dsoaimdst.h:•oAyt :least a thdaot. ee .,,.capitatli: mit *4,s,I.de
l'eoedore, vieited With 'Miss Kathleen '
yeete. of.. Canadian.: Waroing. :that Worried' about whet might 'happen,
Federal- cabinet. mieistefee are
Paterson. Visited Wit
and Marie Elliott over Sunday. , . This Wes ' their ..ettetude,. after 14
'. Mrs.1A. . h- •
.hee'• mother, ,Nr$,.. .Bg•tt Shoiciic,. Canadian .st.qr6:•wag•-..goiti$ to!cOsi •if.they"entet the 'Matiitobe and -On.' -•
Froin ,The Hiiree:Eepositeee 'Bresseie ,.... .,, , ., ..., .. ,, . , .: :, .. eeere plenty—plenty - inearung abent. '
, .letiseesi El.leneMae.; and InieSeott,
5,..etdlo.,ftitt !,.. • adweietii,:oiclaalmeiseWer. .
7 Paigns,. ' And ,..Provincial. Tories. are
tatio" proeiecial, :. election •• ' cam.
May .10, 18.8e. ' •." ' :epefit. the', Weekeed, with their broe produced143.3cetilber,..t4.6.,:v..s, ,..govetii,. ina., as .7 worried: 7 Reason-: . OePeeie . .
tion politinians- are not fighting the .. .
.....::10, eiggeam : ..Coppe,..-ofe-Ttichere 7th.ee,s,....-lefesere, .,Willitere...„Seott and .' '''
emelt, has grass ; growing in .• his ..1tOss.•' Scott. ", .• , ' • . • , , ,. ., . Ment'fitially agreed that Ceneda.is. Roblin arid ,Frost adiedeistrationS. , ..
c.,entititloeid:t,i(eil.saIria'grees.t igiotgt. oViVaTo; as. much as they are 'the -Dieter',
orchard, of which he bee shown us ..: Mr and Mrs,. Weeley-.Ilarie John 7
baker ad.niinistratiOn..fte Manitoba.; .
in length' . • ' -: ' ''.:41"1'ancl';Mar E. 'Sl'A•rark'9"i';"'he. II9tofiv`Tyt',-:sptillierinigd;560v0e;100°P0e..kildloliWtha6t.tv)::c•64.:1
a 'sample, Wbielimeasures two feet` 'and Peter were gtiests •a Mrs. C.. e,
ae.einat Itelilite ' with .t.dniqg •dfed. .
the,:fedeeal bedget is' being, ugoci
'...'.At a Meeting -Of the town ceinell .Weekeed, -. .. ;,...:. . . , .....
. ,, . - , . . .
is ±h governenent'e e ie
-mi-Mondaeenight;','-albYelaW.Permit- th, ee ,.1.,1Wo;TA..til.76'a.egtiteeettitiri.!ruth;efeliiicid ..soei:..Titlet,,seeretn,taelinariitional jonit.Comouse .
swer to .the far -meta?' detnands for .
ting . and regulating: the .erectioneof
C d t .6 .0,:). deficierio: peer -emits. elloW,eVer,
:boulevards on the nubile' street§ a man's ; AssediatiOn Of '' ei c
arrive :new. at e. final settlemetit. there is .littli'doubt in Ottawa, that
the town; Wag, filially peesed. ' R. UnitedeChuteh .OPeeed w.itheeiege the 11;;§'... altd
kith Roblin' and Frost,Will go ac
M... Brett, Dr. Hanover end; • Dr. big a . herim '. With Margaret Me -
'Genet -41 A; 0,,,L.'eleN,eugliton, the. with inajOritiee.• ' ' ....._ e ,..e • .
Cenipbell Were • •aPPointed: to . the ',Queen" at the -piano. :.Mrs,•11arVeY •
,Cateedien to:chairman of :the •Iele.C., - . ,..: . , *, , :le est . .' _ . .•
Front:The lietereneEiPOSitot i . Beeed.of..ITeaith,teeent eetableeh. Taylor 't#ad -frem., :',Tehie. 13e145. 'tsn,t,_ divulging What i,.% .going on :
',me' .eontraet. for ,etrateeing , 'of lee ."Bleased :Ate,. the leeeke" 'A at :tOli'll.ftitehti.ettie.:.i. .f.,t1.eetilgoet;i.uatsioaiiiri:aeki.t.,
0;:el. el;.:s':eis'n.b.'.ft..'..'.
May 14 1.909,••••:,,e ;,,,, iiiiinp: mut y. t$oha: .e're:14,,,Frelib;a,O,f,hiiiietrifif•,,i,
•ed. .. :- ,.. ...,. ,, •,.. . . . '7 Mts. George ::'01ifteri: gave the top-:: .
The coeteenteitS:evet'Weither :liai MainStieets for ,lleie year has been. .prayer..WaS.,,,gi'Ven• liymyst.s.,.:, ,viTTaily411o47;., :_•04,,n..6.rte 0:,4ioni::,lio.tot to ,...1,12,,py miottoi..,0i,efelibalot::bolielits...:thoi..__.
delayed seeding ','Veey, - trietetialle; "awardedete Mr.•JoSePh,,'Abell.... -,,...': eThe':.•-preeident,:-.",•-..
:and .,ag aJ;eetilt, there only aheet , :The SealoetbeCiteling 'Club Wend treadfeet„ tea the eheir. The roll
a .146tare:.'' '. ' ....' d. in :•':th' e:' 1.:Ja:t7.• tith.rS,oUbglain-t'l°1ne:::'U..aSi7d11-ii°1bettirdlicekns tshlieilli;:': :
:Red . Chiridae " feodetaffS • , .
.2e per eerie ef 'the. leeal, .eeedbig' 'Wilding'. a: tie* eink and a Meeting call,' was -.answeed,. ti,57....igivio .the. ••The trilited•statei :Aim Ceree of :prrige,
1.1.1tre.,J.e"J61"i4h1;17,, and.• -tow .ick''. .way to Eastern Canadian cities is ' '
'done as Yet .'' • '', - , ..‘• 'f. ' ' :. . is beirig held.,Thetraela5e evening te. nenie :.a., your , Mother. -and. Your
'A meetitig for the .purpose ef Ore consider the, matter,: , , ee • Ownnaine. Ten.dellere. was voted ,
Age/awe lor ,The eoreing. toenl• (,)p, ' The brititork on thenew.Peeee to the Ceileet Fel,nde•elre, DeVisen, Pears' to he the majOr Sttleabling: .-1.-..12aaltliei,a;,..:1aeAegeieteroee-en,
Mondey:' Hee. Neil Shaw presided. Messt-s, ' Wiriter • and 'Doiaoyan lengthy diectis.sion,it 'Wee dieided, ' Mts. 'Oeorge Artnefrolig will re- Prepared. protest l'st,''',..i!;einfIng.''
s .behind the ...,
tion campaign in Teekersmith„-Wes byterian 'Manse ;at Henson Willebe. explained the plans to, ariaggemate, bloc The engineers .a'tebonstaitte
_ . ge. iiihietiep,Ple.
heldeiie 7gmeadville - ChFell 1 On competed tide Week .% .. . the. W.A. • and WM.& - After a, ' • ' : • . . . ' vy,,,‘.' A
: • „•During the , teeent- heaity. wind- `Zhip,pe.d.' fie& Seefortn 'station im be leave- :Open' for balloting at ;" a ceiVe the . gueete.. .... . . -
. stoimethe itee toot on Ntr.' Senile SatindaY a carload of horses which rater date.: .lefes, .-troadfoot thaiikt ,'' Mrs, .leerry. reed' 'a thank-yott Ottawa 'OffMiale are stiapPieguP. .
he's ehedatttudefieldeWes'bieerh coStjhexii 0,100: : , . - - , -' • • ed 'Mrs. Davison for her werds: „of note from Mr, ..-Jeliti •,Aikethead; noPies of Lionel Cheveiet's book on
•e Three ,carloads /0f...reilWey -Mee itifortriation, , . , e,:e - e 'MrS.. Ross Scott invited the .„trieni-_.. the St. 'LaWreriee. Seaveae.-It. gives
• .
off.10'. R.:•:.Carlile,, :of 'llensali,'-• has -'vies Went eaSt teethe early traiti-on' '',.'Tuesday;'4ne'g,will;be eisieetee -berSe•end Home llehiets' lereal ieeight into the prObleres, Of
given the ,eoetreet for :tlic erootinn ,Monday Moreing. TheY had:, come 'tidy,. Wheee'Verriee ' I'Oothgti: ...aild .i.i6/0••.•0••ilaYfi•e14,-.Or tl,':,v1.W...,t7t- treoamling:-`•;n.witnba ,,v,v,..,:-thoe-,,,,,c.;n:VeneitietedlaSetaat.' :
.- (A .a.,,,fine • two.storey'lefick •hease, .froni,..tlid, Northwest by boat and Bayfield will be 'gtieStS :for the ...pint*" iii23-uly, "Thee& the
•;, at, the cast end, of ;the; "Village.;, to were ,a': pretty:noisy. lot..,.,... . '• Jtinetrieeting:."Mrs'i 33.1tadfoot .eild,:e.,„tneetitlg ilt:'Atignst. ' . •
, ...,. Seaw4Ye.
ing aredety, itde. her ,Parents.
delft like boy e; of; your age out
4en sespended., senteece feeling„,that
they cenede..-aseeeeeyepleae6;' saitt
Magistrate Dudley
.ter-Tirriee.Aeleoeate.: ' e •
eLe0d-LTeursda-Yeeinit1i1iigeaf 1:15 -
.•the Blyth Fire .Department
anewered cell ;to.,.the..,heme of -
Mr. ,end,'Mrs R.,'N.''Alexandere On
.teeeepth Coecessien otlitillett town.
shipi; *lien' they ;we're 'seecessful:
in,savingthe house. The Alexander
:faMile'Veie awakened to ,a sound
.;:in.2 the at first. ,Wae.:
thotight. te be- a , Meuse, bee When.
-the noise increased; 'investigation
disclosed . fire in 'the attic. The
Blyth . brigade Were hernecliately.
called, and 'When they •arrived the
entife1. attic waeeableze. 'lli ..e, Mete
ter of ,sedonds..the' boy' haclewater
erometero,hoees' Playing on fiee.;•
Theeaukiliad perrip was set.:up, in
a eeerby well to. supply Water' to
the treckeeaiding greatly to the '500,
gailon sepplee opthe truck: Dame
'agevraetonfibed to the attic... and,
:roof andeseae.estimatece at:amerced-,
mately Standard.. e
, . .
- NameeKinsmen.
• Dotielde . Epps, King ',Street, Wa
elected:president, of the Kinsmen
Club of Cint�u,.,.et. the Meeting'
held : in.',:the.i" Hotel:. :Clinton .,on
.Theedaylnighte:Viee-Peesidents are
.Kirneth' S'cott, Brucefield,. and
:.Clarence eleenoinitie, elea,tteebury
•Street:',,Weat.':"Iedriaid:„.Yeting,' 'Wit-
"eStreee'elSSeeretarer,.. , and
'''Ceeoege-.,Thoirtae,e. Clinton,
:tfeaeefee. fka johe
Street, ameedireetors
are DonaldeKayeHigh:Streeteeleihe
Xetekeete.,Doelop,,Streete ::The•Kin
welconied.e...peeemeinliete Jack Ir-.
Win; ewho. was trandeered: from
-,HaetOw. eaiel ethe Kinsmen. Club
theee.e. Mr.; . Ireeine'S. employed ,
'the: HE.PC.-eClintori'Newe.Record:
' But I'm notideldng too much,
In the midst of life there is death.
in the midst of pain, pleasure .an
so „ on. And in the midst of play.
itig midwife to the reusie festiVaI
types around our house, I learned
some things, receive' some thrills,
and enjoyed- an unexpected stroke
of good fortune: , •
• .I learned that kids can take, theie
.lumpswith as much- composure or
more, than -adults.' Kim, blew up, -
high,: wide henclsonae in her
first festival piece :this Year. 'All
theWae home, she .and lierreether'.
shotlks 'of hatted at each:Other,
each ready tci'.• burst inee.". tears, -
While. I. remarked on the Weather,
-Pointed olit.-goed.fishing
generally ...toeldep" things:in eee.
„thee:cold ' 'War stage. I thoughbTT
,the ehild. Weulde be through_ with •
'festiVals ',forever. -Bet ttext ;day, •
beck she:went, played...like. a troop-
er, tedetining herself .2iidT fester -
the states , eel() in the fatally,
„, ,, • ;
Then theee 'Wee 'Hugh's tTerT
ferrnance. Playing. a. Bach ...lere..., 2•
ltide' he has'Setenbied and. fumbled
-with for the pest, month, be pulled
:all -the' tattered'..pedi, into Plaee' , •
:and timed rieaely flawless
perfottnence,e.probebly. '•:the fitste,
end: laStetiniehell.eyer, Play that
pieee,.wittiouf a . boob.. :cede ,feateraI
parents.kriewe what ' e lift Ihat.'ea.te „
-.gIV:E=Y-011 •
reheiee eame'' the -ditt'al: piece; of' -
ltiek, It. wee' Nature's :way
•pgiS'atitig,:l.vess;". The other night
in,"'spite..of . the exigencies of my.
:piesitiem deeterePoiaev. hired help,
j.:Meneged:ee shp away for a ,few; •
Minutes' 'fishing"; just before darke
wented.'te* geteaweyeetong -eieengle
to, Preserve . the remnante'-efe'ley---
eelf-kespeee- ated:Seinty.:
•:' Went: to my'faveurite hole. • Sere,:
enotiele soinebody was:there:ahead 1 •
of me: ,..r moved up .the stegene
breedieg 'aed.htirled,the' worm :in-,
a' plane ;I:krieet was e' blank,.
eaeldi•eit:dowee. light a 'cigarettee
and -let•;the .line ; drift la .nerve.
soothing.•,peaee:,, 'Bang!
a -...rainbow .tratite He .shouldn't .
leave-beenehere frahetildret;_bave '
'been :there: ...eilaybe he; Wae':•tryhig-.
to get ,away i from :his : family, too, '
1 -
The Month of May Brings Firecracker , Day
D -
HOWEVER — Owing to the large number of fires and children
being burnt while playing with firecrackers without supervision
it has become necessary to limit the setting off'of firecrackers to
. one day -- MONDAY, 'PEE 1.8th OF MAY.
Please serve.
• No Flieciackers^May Be Let Off. on the Streets
sh6u1d-a, fire result at any time, and it is necessary to turn in an
alarm, PHONE 1-00;alid advise JOeation and details of the:fire.
Itbas been noted that children gather near the Fire Wall, when :
an alarm is Sounded, in order that no accidents inakoc'eur, please
Warn .y60' ebildren to stay clear of fire, truck 4ciorz.
1011N F. SCOTT, Chief
EiStg ittiT611qC§Olsi, Chief ,
emeeeeeeellemese. feeNetereeeee
' Inceeaee -`•
"Of all tbe-ridithilotis-staterrients,
Tye ever heard eereeeeneeresented
in my' mtirecinale eXperience, •:thie
is ite7e, thundered.' Cotinchler; Sohn;
Htickins-.whee .Tbierie.Cotince. net
1Friel'ay. Ite Tapped Ontario- ,Hydte,
cal PUCI to
r , igis pe:prt:h. :74! fol,1t131:1:$ ti560, :
extra for the next 20 years :This
Atrreagistrate'e eourt in Exeter in'the Own street, lighting, aecOunt;
Weemsclayenorning ;DOneld 'Lewis bee ease:Ontario Hydto I..the
lelasnicale1e, Stepheleoeenship was PUC has net eliarged„tee town ene
deprived of the use of 'hie cat for mieb,:in. the past.: ICetnicireeaetede
two,weeks and Will' report again to Friday- by."'refusieg:to pee the
the ;eoiertat ite next sittitie.:eMaa. mayor.' Ernie C.. Fisher,. 2 =tee:
Mee *as -.charged Probation: Of- ber ef the Public Utilities; Connmis-
ficee W. eGraven with breach of seen, 'admitted' that the PUC is
slispended, sentence e While Under largely ."a rubber stamp'', for the
sespeesion, Masniea was : envelVed, Hydro:Electric Power.' C,oliennission
in att accident in Exeter late one of •OnferioIt s their reietakee not
evening and he ,reported the lee eueSe" deelared"'.Councih.of .lettck-
cal: Police while biS ear' was behig,iis referring tO,Ilyelrees claim that
fixed: It .Wes.aeso,,reparteit that; he :the,towh has not been tharged.en.
had.picked up a young. SIIDIIS stti- migh for street lightingere the pest.
deet and taken her to London 'cads- -eGo erich Slgna1-
Star -
From The Huron Expositor
May 18, 1934
Deltaic' Smith, 4 -year-old. son of
Mr, and Mrs. II, E'. Smith; .was
crushed behind a large truck while
Playing in tiie. yard in leont of the
barn of Wilson Ha:Needles, John $t
He suffered.; a• broken eollarboue
„end:severe bruises. Buddy Smith;
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ce M. Smitn,
was- playing ehrith him at the. time
the accident happened. ; -
Frederiek R. Archibald, son df
Mr. and Mrs.. .Ahdrevi Archibald,
Seaforth,. was 'awarded a Master
of Arts degree M ehemistry, and
I., Webster Mcleaughton, of '
„pen, the same deeree-in mathema-
tics, and .physics at the graduation
exercises of Queen's University,
Kingston. . •
After months eteiricertainty, the
minds of Ontarioeletorseare set
at rest, with the 'announcemeet by
Premier Henry ' n Wednesday
night,' that voting will place
on Teesday, June 19. Official mere -
illation day_ ,wia be on lune 12. It
is understood, the eeturiiiiig offiCee
for South Htiron, vell he Frank
Prayne. of 'Osborne townshirt.
. .
Workmen have beetle busy this
week levelling and cleating up the
ground between the Li0135 peed and
the highway. The steip-of land W,fft-
be seeded, 'rolled and kept eut der -
Interesting items gleaned from
,The .Huron Expositor of:25, 0„
.and 75,years ago,
Ater_ T. J. Berry, Of Hensel', has
.recently disposed of that latrines
stallion, Ballade -ell; to ',erfre' J. F.
lefeentosle of Blyth.
G. J. Sutherland, as agent for
Mrs. John Scott, of Hemet, has,
sold one of her dwellings on Queen
Street, adjoining St. Paul's Church,
to Mf. Alex Smith. '