HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-08, Page 12ews of St. ColumI, NEWS OF WALTON GARDEN CLUB 15 UNDER WAY WITH.TU....R...:.NS.., ULLFARM MEETINGTING i 1:1IatoN EXPOSITOR, SEI AFQRT1•I, ONT., AY 8, 195$ CARE OF YOUR CLOTHES! .WE ARE EXPERTS AT .`'ALL:. DRY- (,ZEANV!G.. Time now to let "us help. you with Suring . housecleaning We do drapes, slipcovers bedspreads, blankets, and.. anything else about -the house' that needs dry cleaning. Our "-fast, efficient `work. will more than .:,please you. :• Call for free pickup and "de-'-' 'livery. FL - E Rl A N CLEE ANRS Phone 87 Seaforth Church Notices McKillop Charge, Bethel, 10;00 a.M.; Cavan, 11:30 arm.; Muff's, 2:00 p:m,, Daylight Saving Time. er Minister. H. Sum ell :-Rev. W. Bean St, Thomas' Chur�eh-�(Ang. e rth " - Seaforth: Church ur h of S MorningPrayer, 11 a.m • iol Y Communion, first and third Sun- days.. St. Mary's Church, Dublin: Sunday School and Service, 3:00 James,__Reetor -. A : pickpocket generally " Eves alone, but occasionally lie goes, out in a crowd for'.a little change. LEMON'S •, TAXI .and PARCEL SERVICE rERVICE .' All Passengers Insured"" 676 675 BEA � TY S a�►LON U Phame 373. . SEAFORTIL : ONTARIO OBITUARIES UARIESt .+ 1G IN SAM cr,,ARKE The ilea#h occurred in :the Ker- robert Hospital, on Saturday, Mar. 7, • or. ,Carlinda Jane Cl'axkei, aged 72, years, well -;mown resident hof, Salvador, Saskatchewan. a Born in Usbarne town shiP: Hur- on caunty'; uron"County,, ,Ontario, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunter, Slip came west and was married in -Saskatoon to.Mr. M. Clarke in .1910. She went -as a bride to Sal- vador, where Mr. Clarke operated .the, -first general store -in the town. He passed away on November 11, 1918, and Mrs.. Clarke remained in Salvador : where : she took an active interest in community .affairs; She became operator. in charge of the -telephone office" in Salvador in June of 1923; a post which she, held until Februarynf-this year, almost 36 years. She became -secretary of the Salvador Rural Telephone Com- pany in 1938-and'centinued in than capacity until hes' passing. She was: a staunch member, of the United Chureb. and belonged to the. Homemakers Club and was. ac • Work Lively engaged in -the wo k of" the Red Cross., In April, -1954; she be- came a rnefnber of the Orderof held Star, No 118 and Eastern the office for .:some years, her last of-, five being that ;of ,chaplain in' 1957-- 58. 957-58' Due to her illness ;,she could not continuewith tlie work 'after • s Dads. • #ar cine R ultable L .CEMENT an DELIVERED, I ANS QVAN;T.I t k.: Nex Wee 'Crushing' Phone 19 Seaforth - R U . '; _. AN � BY ERI H REV. D. LESLIE ELDER, Munster, H. A. KEMPSTER 'Or anist:and ChoirLeader - Mother's "Day.' ;Services' 'Mrs. • Clarke is' survived " liy" one SOM. W. D. Clarke; iof Kyle, and one grandson, also•of, Kyle, Mrs. te Myay Hunter •of Salvador is a osis 'r in-lavv.' She had two sisters:aiid one brother •• who'''predece.ased her. Funeral; -service was herd in Sal- vador United Church on: Tuesday; March 10;: With; Rev. "Dale" Morri- son officiating: "`Mr. Gordoai^ Hol' :.ton -was: --t the console of the•' or gan, • accompanying •Flo ;Bell, ; as she sang "The Old- Rugged Cross;" ,and the, congregation as' they. join- ed in singing 'the' hymns, "Abide. With Me'"' a"nd "Blest -Be the --Te" That Sands."" Mr. Al' "Fowler and Mr John Fowler" were ushers: in -the �ht�cli wli�isl�was=Filled-tq-c�-- pacity with her many" friends Members of" the Eastern" Star were' ittattenztance-'wird the,xni pres'sive- rites of -the Chapter were. observed,; at .the ..conclusion of !the service the ehnrch. The casket vias, borne' -through •a guard' of hon or from:.the • church td..the funeral coach, and', interment followed in the• family plot at Salvador ceme- tery, with the. following'acting .as -lrallbeaxes- " Mzkg ..K-irchgessrtei;. HoraceTaylor', Aubrey don Whittaker; John Heintz and "Bill Fowler,-;and'tbe flowers',were.eared, for by Al Eowler, John Fowler, .Hank Ell, " Cecil Bailey; ra li Carter., Snnallacombe and 'Cliff' Clenients Funeral.neral Rose-: town :was in charge of. arrange • s `Out-of-town friends attending the •service, were a "niece, ;Mrs. 'Peter Jonasson; of'Vaicouer;",Nits. De= $Boice and Mrs 'X'oixng, Edmonton; Mrs, . "IKrapsir, • ;o£ .Netherhill,' `as well" a"s endsr"from Major, Unity, S:iperli: and Hoosie. =The first meeting of the, Walton; held t th home Gaxden'Club was 1 "a , e of Marion and ' Barbara ' Turnbull with nine girls andthe two lead- ers, 'and MrS erg ' Mrs.W F., Walters. n William • Turnbull, present„ The group will retain the former name, The Walton. Willing Workers, for this club. • 'Shirley Bolger is:presrdemt; Mar- ian Turnbull, vice-president; Jean; Bolger„ secretary; Eileen William,. son, pianist, and Jean" .Walters,, press reporter ' Mrs. Walters distributed pamph- lets and roll .call was answered by "a` new, flower 1 would like to grow this :year:" Mrs. F. Walters and Mrs. • Turn hull. spoke to the . girls, about; (1) general 'outline of work; (2): .re- quirements of•»members; ,(3) the vegetable garden: why; Where andC howto. plant; (4) : planning and. Carhg of the flower s S garden. bo record book. Arrangements -were made;, for. Mrs. I.-McAllister, home-econom- ist, oe-econom- ist, to -visit the club. Next"meet- ing will be at .the home of Jean Walters on June 29,' at 8 o'clock, Walton_ Festival Winners Tfie `-following hool ,cren were successful at scthe Belghildrave' Music festival: girls, 11 and un- der,- Linda Bryans, , lst, 90 marks; :boys,"14,. and under, Brian"Travis; 1st,, 90 narks . Kentietja, Shortreed, " 6th 85 marks; boys, 9, and under,. Larry ":Walters, .4th, ',$7" marks; girls, 9 and "under, •Sherrill Craig, 6th, 84`Marks; girls, , 7 and Mader; Brenda Bewley;" 5th, 85 marks • un isschool eh'orus, '2 i4, 87 marks;' twono-part chorus-.".,(latge schools); 4th, 84 ,marks;' double trio,' 4th,. 85 marks w" YPU"Anniyersary- The annual-YPU anniversary was held in: Dttff''Ss',United, Church -on Sunday morning- with th e Fr esi- dent,-Reid Hackwel"1: presiding.-. Others;;. taking, part were Jerry Achilles,- Ronald Uhler, 'Barbara. Turnbull. "and -Catharine Buchanan. The guest 'speaker ,'was. Dr. Paul Brady, of Seaforth. Special music 'was supplied by a young people's choir.; A,double trio;.; composed of Mary" Kirkby; -Marian Turnbull, -Arlene' Williamson, , Brenda Hous- ton, Catharine':Buchanan and Ruth hie was" much appreciated. : Kitt 1 , Miss Audrey: Hackwell.acted as or- ganist:;for the service. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. Robert .Smith, -w h s spentt ,the pastthreemonths in-St Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned, to. his home here. "• Mr:: Douglas Scott' of Montreal, spent: • the , weekend ''withhis• par m - ents;rMr. and Mrs.-Jaes• T. Scott:, Mr. Murray -Walters, of,Mildmay, and Mr, and Mrs. Arnold J.: Scott, Of :Montreal,_were here • last week attending" the funeral of ;the late Mrs. L. Floyd. Mrs. R. K. "McFarlane :spent a few1days in Guelph visiting, Mr. ' Campbell. LOBA Entertains ;District Guests Seafortli T..O P.A ""'entertained guests from Clinton, • food haan. and Mitchell on the occasion., of their 33rd anniversary. After: regular lodge meeting, euchre" was played. Mrs Hugh Colciough;-'Clapton; won Wes: 'Green,: Mrs. s prize, and M W. 1' ri h g ,, P el low prize, Mitch 1 Eunch� was served and the lucky cup prize •was won by Mrs: Shob: brook, • Clinton. A' draw was held for' several prizes, winners'' being Mrs. Murray, Olinton; .Mrs. Maher, Clinton; Mrs. Bill, McIlwain'i 'Clin- ton; ,Mrs.". Hodges, Clinton, and. Mrs. Jacques; Woodham, THR P 'WIN Q ..._.°: The WMS and. , WA of • Cavan Church • Winthrop, will, meet Wed- nesday May 13, Circle. one will 'have charge df the lunch and Cir- cle two, the program.. Roll call will''be: to name'- a Bible mother. Ladies are remindedto dbna- tions for4-the bale. NCHELSE. WI C_ Name Winners The: L.O:L,I held a' successful euchre in the ;Orange Hall on Wed nesday» The following were . the winners: ladies, first, Mrs, Aleft, McMichael; lone hands Mrs Al- bert O'Reilly; conSolation, Mrs. Tony: Appleby; men; first, ,• Curtis ands " Wilfred -lone W cD we l hands, M o 11, Buchanan; consolation, Sam Peth ick. The'following ° were . the win ani C thedraw: ^ R.F ner of s and W. Mrs. Mil- ton emeer' M bell ' JohnTr ton Stewari: 4 V. , rt '� Hart Wm.'. M W. d FUEL- 01L; Orth. eaf ne 7 4 ;. $ 1 h;:,. int ` rs ucke . The district was shocked on •'Fri day' to hear ,of the "sudden death'! of Mr:• Colbourne. • Vance; • :Mr. and, Mrs. Leonard;Cowan;;, of Londen, .were .Saturday'" visitors` with Mr•.! an`d Mrs Fred, Walters„ and. Mrs.` Bill ' Droek,', of Zondon, visited.ove' ]the :.weekenc _With A?r,'. aiid Mrs.' Fred Walters: Mrs; Nelson Clarke, . of Farqu_ har isp, s ending this ""week with daughter, and son-in=law, Mr. • and and Mrs.. W: A. " Mrs. Sill; Walters and Danny„ -Mr, and ' Mrs, A. J. Scott of. Mr. and -Mrs„ John McGavin, of,' :'Mr ana.Mrs, _Roy MclDonald,_of weekend Claire,h• r. and Mrs, _spent., the: Toronto" were weekend guests at Staffa, were Sunday evening, visi weekend and attended and Mgrs;: funeralnn tors with Mr.. and "Mrs. Cohn Gil- ofScott andand Mrs. Mrs, A. J. Scott's 'sister, "Mrs. McGavin fillan and family: , : Mr. and 'Mrs Fred Martin, of Mr. •and Mrs. ,Elson Lynn and Leonard Floyd.' rd visited with Mr. and Mrs. family visited..relatives and friends 1VIrs. Lewis, .Tebbutt re-` . Burfo , e., •cesve and , Clarence Martin overthe „weekend. in the Owen Sound district on Sun of the the sad news+ of , persone ofg r Mr, and;Mrs, Robert Pickeringday. of ,•their cousin, in the ,person : -- 1Virs -Garlrnda-J'ane-Clarke; of -Sial- d` ili'-rof-Oakville; were -week- - - --_ _ _„, vador, Sask.' ' end visitors at the home of Mr;' and • Mrs, George Dundas. EORGE 11 MILLER - _ Mr Rus$ell, 'Grieve,, of Windsor, k . ' O was:'`the : guest_ latt” weeks at lhe- __Donald'-Ryar,_snn `of_ r. and -T A 3C—I_----,SS R -V. -I -C• 1 home of :. his grandfather, `• Mr ,Mrs. Joseph Ryan, underwent a Insured. Passengers t St tf d Hos i- Ph 1 last eek to 1 w -10 a.m.--Church School and Youth ' Fellowship 11 ~ a.m.—Rev.: D: L. Elder . — - ccHandkerchiefsa� Members of theGhurch�"ic o ho l Will assist in this Service. . Presentation of Church School Awards - : - : Sacrament sof Baptism `. ,• Music -Junior Choir Members:,"The Children's, :Saviour" "(Wharmby):• Solo: "Mother'of Mine" ,:.., Mr. James.T.„ Scott 7 p.m. ---Rev. 11 L. Elder "The Ideal Home" ..' JUNIOR CHOIR SPECIAL MOTHER'S Di;1Y. PRAISE SERVICE 1 TRIO. Bless This House (Taylor) Jean, Brian and Teddy Scott ANTHEM: "All The Happy "Children" (Peary) DUET: ` "Softly, Now the Sabbath Day". Julene and Marie Elliott SOLO: "T,he' Loving Saviour" ANTHEM: "Evening Hymn" (Sibson) A After this date (10th May),'the Evening Service will be discon- tinned for the swnmer months' - A. cordial invitation' is extended to join with us in these ;Special Services. Meta. Reeves The engagement is. announced of Marilyg_Elizabeth Gibson,daugh ter .of" Mrs Eileen Gibson Dail""the late Leslie Gibsen of Owen Sound;,• to Vernon' John ;Dale, son of 1Vfr and. Mrs. Alynn Dale; of Seaterth, the marria e -to take' lace May 23, 'clo c at t. James'•Church at 10 o k, S W. I. NOTES Seaforth Women's .Institute have planned; a trip t�:the Huron Coun- ty Museum at . Goderich ,for their May meeting, On Tuesday, May 12. A short business program. will be conducted at the"home" nf'- Mrs, -James F Scott at 1:30. • The roll' call- will be. answered by the nurriber. of years. ./ have be- longed' to the :Institute. They hope to leave for Goderich by 2' o'clock: A, picnic lunch '.willbe served by the lunch committee:: Mrs., Ross Gordon Mrs, -Gordon. Mel enzie, Mrs. Alex Pepper,and Mrs James ss GIFTS of JEWELLERY Coro Costume Jewellery .... $1.00 and up, Rhinestone Sets $3.50 and up Aurora Expansion Bracelets $5.00 and up Birthstone Rings ..,$5,00 and up >AT•CHES Bulova Ladies' Watches 29.75 & up. Gruen 'Ladies Watches 29,75 uP JlIeo hadies':Watches::. ;21.95,& -up Cornell Ladies' Watches 19,95 & lip Thomas Mi Grieve. nose operation in_ r.a or p 19 on 4 Tom Fl se ;Mr. and: Mrs. ynzi p nt.' , '• ' ':; �:; •: Sunday and Monday in Toronto', Miss, Olene Dundas, of:Kitchen Reeve Wi: ami a r. "^ •,. vauge were -hi Stratford 'Wedhes-4 ' home:.. SEAFORTH llM Rosser spent the weekend • at• her ]li B and a y attending a meeting of the Mrs. Nelson Marks,•, Sharon and l Brian; spent the Weekend with' Mr Mid -Western Ontario Development lle- Sea Orth. s-s6eeiat fd"th.�s=fiaom-the-are d_Mrsn_Loxrie_.liu ly-e/ f who"attended were Warden. William.' Mr. and' Mrs Roy° `Planke, To Jewitt of Iiullett and Reeve Ivan ronto, were visited with Mrs, E. • N O ET E. In the interests of Harry Strang, Liberal :Candidate in' Huron N I)AY a' .11th y at 8;30 p ni.. No. 3 School iri �S;S. on the Mill Road The public is .cordially invited° -to attend. `10 N ASO CI AT AL AS LIBERAL Ea: of Tuckersnlith- Ennis.'. Forsyth, .,Mr: ''Gerald: Dressel' of Langton Mir aniLJVirs weekend _visitors,: spent t'he weelrelid ins-liuine-=• Kitchener; Were weekend,, Visi'tors', ,.,'Miss June. Hackwell, of Strat in ;town ford ; visited- with :her parents Mr. r �e' H. r an e regi--. - a Iuio n a - W ., c `; ' oh s�ton o � -:Kit- ANNOUNCEMENT.: Mass,,. Joy e J n ,. T-,:._ . To to 11. T former ell' M J H Seo w Hackwell. Mrs- W. C. • and M S f 'th d Hulltit ' dent, is seriously i in a n chener, spent. the ,weekend with hospital. • •h'/'L ,Frank Golding" and" Mrs. her Fnt ares, Mr and Mrs. Hugh Guiding °.and"ag fauesmilyts, of" Lachine; Johnston uebec" re ' The •executive of the' Women s. O _ -• Institute met, ui the•Walton• public Moffat " school:; on Tuesday ;evening, : when` Dr Semple- left for •Belleville: the year's program";was :arrang-. Thursday; -;where. he is ,scheduled, to" give the address at .the 1,00th"` ed• •- anniversary:• l of `the founding 'of IRS CHURCH LADIES' AID • Masonry, m.. -.that area Dr,rSemp1e is :a•--Past-G and Chaplain"• -of • the Miss J Scott,; president'was in Grand .Lod gb. of_ Ontario._.. _: ..___ .` :the -_chair lor_;'the May. "meeting_of- Mrs, ;Tom Haley and;. the Ladies' Aid of First Presby-, Mrs. "Norman'Knight of ;town, and -terian Church; Miss Marian Grey Mr; - Robert "' Knight, • Kitchener; were in Exeter; on Saturday attend'' ing the i'yni-Tuckey wedding, ' Mr". 'and: Mrs, Gerald Weber; of London,,,. spent . the,. 'weekend with; he,parents, Mr. "and Mrs. J, " A. HURON FARM hIEWS (By D. H. - Miles)• •:. Seeding' operations' are- progress- ing, favorably between showers. Spring gram :is , up and 'showing ex- cellent growth: Some; early.r seed- ing of turnips, has• taken place, and it is•expected'that corn and sugar beets will be planted ;during, the week. Some cattle are out on grass, although growth, of grass,. is slow: Barnyard manure is being applied 'to pasture- and corn fields'between seeding operations, BAKE:'. Mr. William Scott,." of the Uni- versity of .Toronto, is at the: home:. of .his parents, "Mr: and Mrs. Jas;, M, .Scott, •: Miss ,Marylin Hillis, of Tilison- burg, spent, the -weekend with he''r aunt, MissMabel. Turnbull.. - Rev. R. H. '"Williams,:.Mrs Wil- liams and. family, ;of Detrdit, were Visitors at the home of Mr.' and Mrs M. McXellar. - • Mr:," A. Groves and Clayton; of Clinton, and - Mrs.. W L. Wheeler, of: Vancouver, BC, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nott on Sun - GIFTS :OF CHINA" Cups and Saucers (over :. ' 200 on display) ...- ,. _.. $1:00 Ty_ Cup and Plate ...,..$1.00'& -up China Flowers .... ,,... $2.00 & Yip Hummel Figures $15t &'up; Royal- Doulton -Figures $8,75 4.:tip 2 Dinnerware 'Specials (1) 52 -pc. • Set "Camellia" ;pattern, service ;for eight. A real bny at ;:.: $19,95 Set =St. Thomas' Parish Hall Friday, May, .15th at 3.00.6'cleek Auspices of Women,. s Auxiliary (2)' 20 -pc, Sovereign Potters' Sets, I , 10 different designs. Reg. $8.95 SPECIAL PRICE" $5.95 Set O 13EIt, 'SUGGESTIONS: : 9 and StlEA_F FERPENS ,.. $1.9$ up� 'LADY SHEAFFEIt PENS .,,:;.; ,..... .. $10.00` and up WATERMAN" PENS ,.,..:. . . $1.95 and. up BILLFOLDS:... - . °. , :.,. ,.; $2.00 and up 'SILVER°PLATED TEA SERVICE WITR TRAY • $19.95; SILVER PLATED:FLOWER .BOWLS ..: $3.50 and: up 'ALIYI WINUM LAZY SUJS.ANS : - $5.00 and. tip. ALUMINUM FANCY TRAYS °: $1,95 and "up. : SHOP at SAVAITGE'S :for MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS lL, af'• Cr.. J LLE GIFT SEAFoit'Pn' .D�. FINE- CHINA EGMONDVILLE TTNITED .CI URCH DR. J, SEIVIPLE, Minister • Lyle, Hammond, Organist -Choir -.Leader, Mrs;:lames Barran is a patient - in Scott Memorial -Hospital:• Mr, and Mrs, : R. R._. d Kindsey have returned following' a motor trip" to Florida, - Senator W. H. -Golding was :call ed home from Ottawa on. Wednes- day owing, to• the serious illness of• Mrs.."Golding ' ' Mr,- and Mrs. J P. Ferguson, of London,' and • Mr. and Mrs. J Wettlaufer, of Wa"terloo,. were visi- tors With Mr. and Mrs.. ---E.• Geddes. opened the :meeting with a - suit- able poem for Mother's 'Day. The secretarys.and treasu rer s reports is were read and adopted Rev. J. C. Brittonwas,; the guest speaker. His theme was "prepara- tion for marriage and establishing. a home -the part the Mother plays in the home; we honor her next Sunday." It 7was •:a: splendid:' and helpful talk. Miss Gloria; -Carter and Mr. Glen Nott gave two selections ori': their aecordians. Mrs." -Messenger mov ed a; vote of .thanks to those' taking. part:: The Coleman, -, Messenger group, who were in charge of. the meeting, served a cup of tea. HANNAH IL AND S. 'rd MEET The regular "meeting; of. the Han- nah Home and School willbe held' Wednesday,,May 13. A film"will be shown on the ,pre-schooler and a talk on the first year at school will ,be' givers • by Mtg.'' Tom' Kay Instruetion onartifieial respiration Will be given. Roll call is to :.be answered by .a plant or seeds for AArbour"Day, District O13ituaries EDWIN GRANT CCDMORE HENSALE - Edwin W Grant Cud - mare died , suddenly at, his home in Toronto on Friday. A •native of. Hensall, he was the son; of the late Mr. and Mrs 'Roland Cudmore, 4lensall.•, Surviving are bisr. wife, the for - Met Lila Hedger; one daughter, June, Mrs. J. J. Mcouarrie; :four. sisters, Mrs. F. "Phillips, "Flora and Mable," Toronto; Mrs, ,Winni fred.Wallcer, Montreal; two broth- ers, Reuben. Toronto; and Albert, Kitchener ;Funeral services °were. held Tuesday .in `]Toronto, with in- terment in Prospect 'eeiYletery. We specialize in DIESEL- FUEL :and, :T _.. .S. SRT FARM :LU C AN Phone 686-W . "Phone; 190 Seaforth •' Goderl'oh! Sunday,' May 10th TS -GIF CARDS , . '' WRAPPINGS PI NG. GIFT w A Large -Selection" are: _-- Novelties Glassware China - Ile Jew- rle Hosiery �.1n a y y am 9 le clot h S Lace .Tab •Lac . orte d _.. Im s 'blue " coal '1 WILLIS' - DINDAS :. Champion (Stove and gurnade; QSi. D'UNNDAS .and LONEY •;', Phone " -57.3 LL !. ;KINDS IURANC W. 0 ..LITHO ATE5 Phone384: Res:: 540 'MAIN Si'. '; i SEAFORTH' FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY For Victoria Day, May 18th •. c To •5 f0rth Sea GIFTS .00 Store NAS. EC FIN HI ' --We write all lines of " 11 AM., CHRISTIAN-. FAMILY SUNDAY (Mother's Day) Subject;';: . The Mother' of John Wesley (Mother of .I9" children. One of -the bestordered•-homes in England, - What *as her technique ill Ch'ris ' trian ° training? Some things - to say- to modern mother). 8 P.M.. Special Young People's Night.w.. Se eral Societies of. the area will „`be present, - Wethtesday: 2 P.M. Monthly Meeting W.ILS: and; W.A. Sacrament of Baptism at the Morn- ing ` Service,Parents -please: con tact the Minister- it -advance. EVERY FAMILY AT CHURCH... ON M0'1 R'S.DAV - A .'NCE I.N�SU R Fir : `Auto ' . Wind 'Liability and Life" ' n0 John �: � A Curd no .to WATSON ,,•&'REID Phone, 214 Seaforth Representative Manufacturers` Life - Insurance 1957 PONTIAC COACH. ...1957 CHE'V. SEDAN 195' DODGE 8-CYL.: SEDAN 1957 -OLDS 4 -DOOR HARDTOP "1~956 DODGE 'COACH': : 1956 CHEV. '.COACH' 1955 OLDS 4—DOOR HARDTOP; 1954; "CHEF: SEDAN - 1 •54 DE SOTO SEDAN EV. S EDAM -149 CH h.No .Reasonable Offer Refused' EAFORTH a I-TCHELL ''.hone . 541 Seaford HE " BI ..•FAMIL-Y -�SI low yro Dublin High • School News (By- Schoonderwoerd) Printed invitations • have been sent nut to recent graduates of the sebool, but we : f pond it impossible to send; one to' all post -...graduates, •However, all friends acid pest- gra—duates, are invited to come to the second :annusl•"Ftigh' Schoa1- Reun- ioit on Mai* 8, in St, Joseph's -Par- is'b Hail,' Stratford. -, per, week Now the refrigerator that's the 'biggest and best Costs lessl •'This value -packed giant is priced.,'; . for YOU, --, and, loaded ;with: features; 'push-but- ton defrost; defrost; '61 ib .freezer. chest; :.two full widt/a. aluminum shelves;; plenty of door storage; a 'big space meat .tender':. and_ _chill dra(ver•; and,: " of course, the nein lacework stylingl,__See the big Family size "11,"" at your Frigidaire ;Dealer's right awayl. D111 -C-59 YOU, Come hr,soon and Jet showyou the complete line _ There's a Frigidaire. refrigetator to suit ..� y i 11eric ZUIEtICII — PILONE:34 SE F T -- 585 AFOR Ill PHONE O E