HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-08, Page 6wiling Events THE 1.ADIES• GUILD, St. Mars's Oburth. Dalin, horse -baking , sale at the home of Mrs, Charles^ Friend, on May • 2:30 1414- . Lost, Straie X.4:3ST: 'Saturd41 night, li!o, glasses, dark-greS,,Iritotracist- betweenArena. and ;west eall ,.of. -toga. ". PETER ROWAT.. Phone, -.164-W. • 241.1 .110ST-i. Would the party seen taking . Parcel Containing 2 pair s of ladies' sheSs' , from Steadman's conkiter. Thursday,, Atril .. 15, pleas', return hy' mail and aveul any e1nbarrassment, MRS. SOB:ERT P4.3' - QE 41, Seafortli. 2:412;1 k, )3R0WN an-. wbite Collie dog, called. -"Rex", Wearing collar with. Seaforth ense tag. Strayrd ,from Ileum of Arnold Merner, Jr., Zurich, on April 24. Any- one having seen this Aog write to 3Box 8331; HURON EXPOSITOR:. . 2-61-1 4. Help Wanted GIRL for ' part,time or full-time office work, in Seaforth office. Write 18ex 832, HURON EXPOSITOR. - 4-614" • CAPABLE GIRL or woman' wanted 'for hbusework for, one*Month.; to start NE mediately, PHOSEAFORTI1 672 r 33. 4-61-1 0 0 . LARGE UNITED STA.TBS and Canadian Manufacturing _company requires field. re- presentative for Township of Ttlekersmith, Exceptionally high earnings. "Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile "eseentiah Agricultural or ,farming babkgrourid most important. Sales training given. RePIS to BOX 84, London., Ontario. '4-59-4 z -..HELP WANTED Number pi' Young girls and boys. re- ' mired imniediately. Pleasant working conditions. Pernianget employment. • 3 SHAFORTH SHOES LJMITED Setiforth, Ont., . Artieles Fi:itr -Sale ,7 Aj1LIA TUBER and a" variety of other. ,Plants at WHTTE ROSE STAMONJ-Sea- forth. . • 11-602;3: MIXED 'GIadielns latilbs, 50 large bulbs, 83.00;,' 5.0 medium bulbs, 52.00 net de- livered. MURRAY TYNDALL, Druee• field, On. Phone Seafortit 640 "W. 2. TW-03-CY0 ENOINS: 111.1114'-b'' and nailcid feP teb,' perfo'rinanee; 'outheard :Motor .oil for all two-cycle engines. See the new Lawn Cruiser mowers new -on cSILARI''S" MAINTENANCE SER., VICE Seaforth,' Phone 851; r 5. 11-59-4 DRAIN TILE „CaIl ±93, Locan itYDALL Biriter 'AND TILE LTD. -ELGINFIELD, ONTARIO 12. .'•:Wanted To • WA3ftl:/: 'Ford' eultivator -seuffler for three-point,Iiiteh. • Apply to JOHN WOOD, RIR; 2, If1Ppen. Phone Seagorth 67.2r 33. • . GASH PRICES _paid .for siclE, ilovvia, and dis4b1ed ;farm' animais. 'Prompt, 'coniteous collectidn a • all dead -and disabled farm animal's and , hides. " Call. Collect. D. ,ANDREWS, 551 r U. „Gee.- -tOrth. Associated with Darling & Co., of " ' '12-60-tf 13. -Wanted • , PASTTJRE for 4.4e -yearling heifers.' BINIVENDYK, R.R. 3., WA.NIED;:- Cottage, or small haus,. in' 'gatid-ltiCatilitri.-=-'3APPIS",ta:;;13ex 810, 'TAB .1i1fROX%„EXPCiSITOTt.....' ' • 13,61x1 1.ASTM4E, NVANTIM1), .• •Pasture wanc10 S to 10 head: of cattle.- •'These:: coUld-' be 'divided. Contact A.' It. EGDDS.N•phone. 861 r. 14. *. . Notices . TOP SOIL, Crushed :cement zravel. Mee crushed. stone and fill for barnyards. Al, so manure loading. APPly tb ACK or HARVEY MeLLWAIN, Seaforth•. ,,, • • ' SPECIAL 13% discount' on cciel Dacron and ,..cottda mesh during month. of May. orilY: See your Spencer .dealer. B. PEARL RAYNHAIVI,. Phene Hensall 171 - RADIO RErAuts - Fr all kinds of radios, at TBRRY'S RADIO SERVICE,. -opposite Dick House, Seaforth. phone 20, Auction Sales 'AUCTION.SALE A-tittion 'Sale of Fares Stock, hiachinkY, Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 23,. ConcessiOn 2, Hibbert Town- ship,. 111 south and 2 miles west of Dub- lin, br 11., smith and. 4 miles east 'of Sea - forth, on 'TUESDAY. MAY 10th, tit 12;30 Pa*, CAT'ITE-6 Durliant ,COws. ',fresh seine dee in Augaist and July; lierefor. cog 'due in 'August Hereford eow Mid in jutte; Hereford- 'goal; with: calf at foot; • 19-60-tf .Durham pow due in Seirtentiben; -Hereford cow .With calf at foot;.;2 Hereford heifers, LAWN " MOWER 'SERVICE: Complete .fresh +in :March; 4 Hereford' tt. ellen reads: 'service on all 'makes ef • 12:towers • and en. '4054 Market; 1 oPert 1.1:Tereford. heifer ; 2 gines„ Parts„repairs , .oVerlathyl, sharneii.-`yeax•ling Holstein heifers; 1, yearling Hol- ing. Do . it now. ' SHAltrS IVIAINTEIN- stein Meer; 7 Hereford calves; 4 'yearling. 'ANC E SERVICE,: R.B; 2, Seaforthyr-Phone • Hereford steers ; 4 .11ereford yearling 'hell-. ; 6 Hereford eers.....between 700 and 800 Pounds1"3"32ereford steers, around i,00r COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in . Sea. ferth_and diatrfat and Drs Cleaning Set - vice. , IVE13.13".S 'BILLIARDS; Seaforth,. agent for Brady. Cleaners . & Lanndete,ria ' 19-60-tf ,N0'111.CE .• Tualtersinith, Demi. -will be opened from. 1 p.m. to 5.m. •on , .Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, until • . ' E. Cl'IESNEY, Clerk. 19-574f HIGHEST CASH PRICES . . • Paid in tserrounding difitrict for dead, old, sick m disabled horses and cattle. Old ho rsm'' for „slaug.hter 'oat 5c _per poend, For promiat, sanitary diepOsal; 24-hour -phone:- LEROACIEON-- . • Atwood 1.53, 'Collect. 19-60-tf. - _• TOWNSHIP '4. -PrePeitY-For Sale Applications Wanted For -Position of, _ Clerk -Treasurer 1111111.1.14101.1 'Iry AWs sAoTcET RA LT OI OON _ CATTLE „BREEI)IITG•. ' Where Btter Bull ere s A UPed Supp7' vIce for" •all 'breeds of eattle:-; _pone Clinton Zenith szooftm, -ce • niore-d POULTRY -290 :Rhode Island Reds ' MACHINERY - .c90ksiviit :so Standard ;tractor,. With 'starter, 'lights and double :transmission; 1. 8 -foot" John Deere disc ; 'IVIasseS-Harris 4.4our-ber • side rake; • Inas- sey-riarris, moger (all. nearlyi:lew),; Mas. - 7 -foot• binder; 5-geetion har- rows and' Pole fgaSseY-Harris drePhead hay. loader; hlasseSaarris „Manure Spreader ; McCormick -Deering 13,3,run disc 'drill ;.- 2 - wheel trailer 1 FleurY-Bissel roller ; Fleury.' Hissel 'walking plow; Cobey heavy duty • rubber :tired wagon;'flat rack; • sliding rack"; 2 -yard, -capacity gravel box; John Deere • 5 -foot. cultivatert electric- _Beaver, grain grinder- with 8. 11.P.Anotor ; 1, grind- er;' electric. brooder (500 chick caPacit)') ,Viking electric 6ream-,separator (practical- ly new) ; 2 single units 'Universal anilking ma -chine . Years ,old) with Pumps ' and motor, also, Piping;,1-,,pidssure gauge and 'outlets.; for 17 enwS fanning' -shill 'steel water trough ;. ex -tension ladder -1 .hay fork and ' ropes. new last year ; 60 'new ' steel -poSts4.-b1ock-and_taalde4__2,000-Th- _scales;;, -Vise' and work "'bench; 4 chicken shelters; 1 set Stewart . electric clippers ; aluminum wheelbarrow.; forks, --shovels,. chains, .Letc.'„,„ thoroughbred Geriaan. Shepherd. dog .(reg-: • ." GitA1Ni.,4,060 bushels raised--; grain' ." . :1100SEIi0L0 10i-,1Atcrs-ninin4 room sdite ; bed with so rings -arid :mattress ; daY, bed ; • kitchen 'table; library ,table; • small tables; Crocks ; sealers; .glass churn ; kit- :gben range (coal- or wood) - other articles- ,ppo , numerous to „mention. ,No reserve 'farm sold. • • . "'" ' Mrs. Via home -ate with her IVIr: and baby,gran datighter, Valeria Lynn, has,rehned lead the serviee, There will be spending two weekS baptism a babie% MaX aughter and son-in-law, 17, will be Consecration ,service for, s; Dick Brier, and nth ew emrgif. t:Atod thluefschnuraclirg.m 'Tie4den: •Jimmy,. Debbie and lVfarjory; of • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker Dresden, were 'weekend visitors have moved into 'th.e residence with Mrs. Catherine ,Hedden. 'and owned by- MrS.. Henry _Wile. Mrs. Clarence Reid and Nis.' A meeting Of the local Associa- WilkinSon were bingo. winners .at thin of Guiding was:held, Tuesday the Zurich.bingo Friday...evening.' • ,evening at the homeof the presi- Mr.. and Mrs, till'Eaker are dent Mrs. Thomas Lavender. The taking up residence in the upstairs -treasurer, MPS. Harvey Keys, re - apartment in the home.of-Mr, and ported proceeds- from the candy. Mrs.. Harold•Caldwell. " sale .amounted to $60. :Fifteen dol - The 100F, }remelt Lodge. 223', lar'S Was voted to the.Guicle,camp;- are 'sponsoring two..biseball teams Keewaydin. Tentative Plans, were this year, Bantams. and Pee Webs, made concerning Guide and,Brown-' in the WOAA Leagne;:. Ernie Chip- ' ie Camps. A peper drive wilt take chase will he manager and Ed. place' Sattirday ,morning. Corbett, each, assisted by other.: -Dingo 'Winners coaches, ' The Legion 'Bingo waS'W at - Mr. and Mrs. P, 14.71VIeNaughton !tended last S.atinday ,night. Win-. and Robert and ,Mrs. Ed. Corbett ners were: Kr.' Tayler, RCAF and and Wayriespent the.weekend withrIVIiss E. Boa (tied);, Mrs. Mae.Me- Mr. and Mrs.' Harold acilitqp. and: Lellan; Mrs. John. Baker; Mrs. family at Port Dover. . . -Wes Wnner: (3); Sam: Dougall; ...GeOrge Moir, employee at the Mrs.. WiRiani Kyle; Bill Shaddick, Thornpson\Xill for the past. 1‘., :Mrs. ,Reickert, Mrs.. •Eleischauer years, .1n:et:with a:painfUl _accident (tied); Mrs,, -Reichert;" Mr. Nixon; at the mill on Monday. He was Mr's- Nernien, Long; Mr.' Taylor; iternoVing a 'bird's hest, out of tbe RCAF;. Mr. Boa; share the wealth, 'shaft with an irOn. rod.; When; his: ,Wilbert Parker, who won. $17."' • hand slipped and; 'became caught Kyle's -General Store and dwel- in the elevator, taking the end off ling at 'Kippen, which is situated :the middle and second fingers of on Highway, 4, at the. intersectiOn, his, right hand, and injuring the end recently purchased, .fforn Em.. others.. He will be off- work for a merson Kyle :by the Department, •• r br so.. . of Highways; was. sold by publie Mr. Sam OeSchhas; been appoint- auction Wednesday afternoon for ed' caretaker of the United Church the sum of $500. The only offer to sheeeed Mr.Wilson, wo recent-. was from Bert Lohh, of ainton, resigned.•who purchased it. The building ha.s First prize 'winners in the vocal Joy be demolished arid the debris class at the 'Smith Huron District .leatied., hp by August 1 Harold: High School . Music festival, held .lackson, was' 'the auctioneer. . :at, -the --high4-school TuesdaY,--4-r-lyfits; Carl Payne- left -by -plane were:. senier, sdprano solo; Jean, freni,:Crunilin. airport, WedriesdaY Hender§Orl; -tenc7,,Charles__Mickle:,-ifteitp,ori to .fly... to London, Eng - vocal duetl- ary. fi-an.d -Dianne. :-Rannie; Junior, vocal :duet, -Carol Brown and Dorathr:15,arker. Mfs. -Clarence Reid v,tori $12.O in a .;blitgo at the-Lentleh.Areria • daYrsevening. ' Mr.' Hugh' .`.1‘4,c1Vihrtrie. a. patient. i'n - . Mrs, -Sirrn, Roo1301,... vvho under-.. where s e pend tivo weeks:. !ilsiting with. her two Sis- ters an other .relatives. -Mrs. --.PaYne2-came.,.t6. Canada- p. searp agO, and this is her first trip back. Mrs. Payne is on the . staff -of Seett :Memorial Hospital,-.Seaforth.. Mrs': --Robert ...Dayinan : and her mother, .11/Irk...Sarah 'Glazier, , are ,4 hat 'wa- bett.ve-: • T-E,Rms._bash.• _ tido ; feel. .bedrOatbs7.-0-ahetate.,- 1, • .6 0, land. 8:00 eVe!WIT3'. ' ' tBeroiSitri.,66ply_t;:,,,,,,!ara7!;: jytintidip-oryrk.Famgorn.. , • . ProprietorC.11N F. MURPHY,,_ Auctioneer, ia Id J k • • BoT ,FOK :GALE la Winthroni. eicellent loCation_ on -main . HAWLEY, 'Seafertla. 3ao.;:r • ' • 1x1 ApPlications will be received until 12 n'elock_noon, Monday, May18,;3119e_hs the undersigned for the Position of''Clerk- • Treasurer of the Township of Stanley, with duties to commence as, soon „as pos- sible. Applications are to • be Ple.in13, naarked "Application For Clerk." HARVEY dcazmAN, • Township Of Stanley, A.; Zurich, Ont.' -2 " 7. SituatiOns Win.ted • YOUNG WOMAN desires housework three cleSs a' Week, 3"condaY, Tueede, end Wednesday. Live No dimicing„ "nt.4 " 851 THE Huncor gxTtosrroTn. . Farm StOdc.For Sale 18 PLGS Seven weeks old. A.pply to 0.• r 22. Seaforth. 8-61x1 , TWELVE ''grass steers, weighing ' 775 • 'Pounds. vaccinated against rabies. J. L. • O'REILLY, Dublin. • Plume i•• 13. • 8-iLt/ PoiatrY for Sale cettage-'-for-sale-in-32-13pr, fi'eld, 'four bedrooms,' oil heated gas ceoli_ .stove, SrenIace; garage.' Close. to. beach and stores:- ApplY to TURLAND. Phone 66'''r 5,, Hayfield. . 14-612:2' HOTJSE' 'FciA SALE -New three:bed- rooM' brick . rancla-style 'hearse; tgo, ' years .old ; liageraent ; two -car -garage. Ap-, ..:•Cf...A.Y.TCSN DENNIS, - NO. Phone Calle, please. . . 14-60-62-tf _ , HOUSE FOR SALE; four ".b0dromas ; newly .deserated ;.oil heat ; extra ,lot ; south, mat corner Market and High Streets.Easy ternis.',.:ApplY „d".0... 130 X.' 520, Seaforth. ' ..• , ' . :HOUSE SALE: 6 -room covered frome...eottage,.,:bath, MI -furnace, .garki_g• centrally ' iodated; 'near Main Street. 'API,. -4,0pcirlttntgcToN--".-V:derne • ' Phone • :GOOD 1,000 .Red and Sussex and, Ited.. Three -Way Cross 'Pullets, . 13 Weeks , old. WilLiseLL.,ans.__Mmober ' WTT.T.3AM. 361.5, Walton, Phone Seaforth 843 r8. • 9-0.4 PROMPT SHIPMEN'T • Bray dayold, some started Mull narpose pullets, cock- erels. Bargains en day4ld heavy -breed cockerels. Book June -July broilers. Some- -1 ,Ames pullets, also Leghorns. „ Agent: W -ALTER McCLURE, 14.11 -2, Seafertlu Phone 844"R 5.• 9-614 10. Used Cars For Sale_ 1951 l'ONTIAG- for sale: good tireg ; mechanically good. Priced for quick -,sale Apply ANDREW ginNicgor... Phone ' 19341, Seaforth. 10-61x2 11. •Arti-clei for' Sale A ft7W-StrruloS cirdtick es. Phone, • SEAFORTE( 650 r. 21. " ,11-612r1 USED 8 -foot Bissel Packer in""goo' &con- dition. "Apply to V. 3. LANE. Phone Dttblin 46 r 12. , 1141-1 • FOR SAE: Lean-to, 24' x ; to be reraoved at once. Apply to J. C, CATCH. ...........1111 POTATliES for sale (Irish Cobblers). LESLIE PEPPER. Phone Seintorth 854 r 22., ' 11-61x1 QUANTITY a pot,atoes for sale. •A.pply ' .TInt-TsE COlittnititl,- ctic-4cre* room : house .7.7"itb attached: garage 43, two bed Mains up, One. laedrOena,, dining" !Mona," kitchen and .bat 41111 'baseinent f. furnace,'„ newt..., soft ' and ea water. on, tip.; .meverlfailing. ; barn.. Near' sehooli church". arid store. LEO MURRAY, St. Golainban -911t:: Telephone r " 8, •I1OUSE FOR SALE 0. Goderich Street Wet, in one of Sea- forth's finest locations ;oilheat; four bed- rooms ; two fireplaces ; made= kitchen; garage. Good buy for ash sa e..., , Apply tio I3ox 834- ThE 'EXPOSITOR, 15. •Property For Rent . , • SIX-R0:011112111SE t/a: rent; .:all Modern. coitCeafences ;, 30, Seafortl,8 Phoue15,%A.1- • .".Clerk-g..IP.r'°011'esnase'5"..s°.n • e qua Y, .. 7 . • is nigo 13160-tf • . • • ''- 20-61-2 . • , , GARDEN for rent, medium size. Ap- ply MRS. MARGARET HULSSER„ Louisa. Street, Seaforth. - 15;81.xj." ONE RBDROOPI 'aPartthent for ten Apply to IDID, E.' A. winiqAsita.:, Phone 26. • ' •• " 15-60-2 3-rooin apartment:" share bath. ,Brivate, entrance. PH.ONB-SEA- EIRFNAGOM APARTMENT for rent itainedfatelY„ OR.E. • Phone 160-M, Seaforth, . • • •• 15-60-tf •TWO-BEDEOOM apartment for rent; 'private 'bath. Imutediate Possession. AP - VIA krA.R.vgr MaILIVAIN' .1en Hereford ASsocietion • ,ANNUAL. SPRING- SALE :Clinton Tuesi:lay, May ?12th DIEULLS.,, kt'EMALES •POLLED 554 HORNED , Many.hulls are. A.R. tested ; eligible fpr 53 1/3 per cent grant' mtlaers at 20 per . . The drey-Bruce-Huron ,A.berdeert. - us Br ede, s Association - are. holding 'their -Annual -,..SPRII\PG' SALE- _ . wen -Sollinnde Oolise-ain Tenders_Wante • SEAFORTH _ PIn3LIC ',SCHOOL- Tenders will be redeived hy-.Seaftiketh Patine School Roar,d. tip . to- May i2thy on: a tape. reeorder. • Please . contact • J"... W. specificatiorts,...,__., • . . M.. 1VICIcELLAR . Secretary -Treasurer. .. 21-61-1 Went -surgeky.'in : St. Ioseph's.gok-• c,iitai.,.London„..."retUrnTed day, hitt tO'r0.0. for a. week: -• '.The,.staff.ief;tbe.QueenSwak:NOSi-i. • • - : ing Horne; arranged "a .party: the:. oraegex4-neSdaY-:.:aft.C..rnPon'qn-hqll'7. and, Ma de: her . the ; presintatien ,-..of , lovely gifts. , A recreational period Was. enjoyed,: arid loneheon served; inehiding a:birthday " 'George 1.1eSS.-. sited the ,'.weeirend: With:their, 'daughter. 'and, :Seri-in=lOW;;, Mr.".; and Mrs. J. .,Clitistine, of Toronto, 'and also at tended the 75th anriiVerSary.'.of. :tinted Church at Vainer on day. : • , Sunday .1Vley 10, will' be Family. • . . WV7-87.fg.STflY.:1 • , • Vairreturnea heine.',Sunday .frorri Elorida; , w1ere they -had been. ''VacatiOning. , p e • thii. Sunday-. May I:0; at- ;V.'m 1Vlains.event la a 50i-bir.d.-15,,yard for. Vernier :troPhy Otner :eyentS,..are; a • :25 -bird '16tyard iw am an team , shoo t: -for..theLondon Winent toPhY; 414 25 -bird. sliding handicap .dbilbles.,' time -:"permitting. ,;,-: The .',,shOot• -is !Sponsor,e(11:10...Kippen Gun DeviS HenSall rnainten. visiting 'Math members. of rs, Day - TENDERS• Day Service in the United Church t 11 a TO _The church. school wili. Will be i ed by • u de signed for Painting Interior. of MelvillePresbYterian . Church,- Brussels, until Sattirdas, :::May 23.1950, .. • ------- , . '-•-• . For specifications cantact Rev, Greene, . . :Brussels. .-Lowest or any tender not',nec- essarily accepted. • • • TOWNSHIP • . Tenders _Wan d Driving Past (Centinued from Page 1) truck -up to the barn shortly after, & a.m. He then proceeded to the house for a cup a coffee, prior to loading a number 'Of pigs fOr ship- ment, While sitting at the table be heard the roar Of, flanies Mitchell -Rural -Fire Brigade were suininon, ed, but were powerless to save any part of the flaming strileturc. Loss of the barn was partly cov- ered by insurance, hut _no insur- ance was carried on the stock, ane man, was instrticte ,1VIonday night by Hensall 'council to supervise the village_ dump every second -Wednesday. - The move caine f llowing 'improper use 61 • the dump.. Mr. Davis -was asked to lbe at the diiinP.froni Wednes- day ,afternoonS,, • th:Were:tinFg6,Y, agunds°ellskweads.pPerremseillsstieant to remove two trees at the front f h' property, and. this was granted -by council. Juries ,Sang- sthr was also present and Was as- . vv. JANIES-tAllIVISTIIONG--- OF IIULLETT 0 IS PENT::' six400ni gelf=eoritained miminieutt;'"' heat -and 'Water 'aimPlied: Available -at, once, Apply J, 0,..ortrom , , • 21-61-2' Will : receive tenders for the. Construe-, Fine of a tile drain, known as the Glousher ThursdayMay 21_st, • SEAFORTH ' PUBLIC SC1100L Ten sires: and 22 fen -tales have; heart, COIL- • . , ''' . . signed'. The auctioneer is 'Darman Brown, '. : ' L_ . _ . r ' - Prices will be received up to May 12 by _ , __, • , , k • .„." . .. . Seaforth; 'Public School Haord, for the .G_ORDON L. RIBEY, 'Underwood, Ont._,..,... saainedboinagrflasnnvda_rniasohoirig.,,,,otfhrogaignhdoouwt_s_lelhlse,,, ---"---, -President -_----, --- .4,3pbocelirtely,0012,,c" ive.C.0:TtistteeeTte,atlinf0orePhrl,iunirtrewiphauanl, 6.2pJ„art,tWhiepTararo...1-. .-", STEWART, CsOecOrPet7R4,..hdarkdale.„,000.67.:2.;.:, . M. lAcKELLAR ' ATICTION.-S;AL .•Secretary -Treasurer. -• ,..... .......„, ... ' . . . 21-61-1 •. '*-Auction Sole of Flouseholti• Furniture, to be held at L-154-12. Conceision 13, Me- Killop Township, on 1VIONDAY, MAY 11, "FURNITU,RE-'1 grey • tweed sofa -bed antk-rdatehing chair, almost _new; 1 fire, ,roaritle ; 1. buffet;• 1 china cabinet or bdolwase ; 1. oak roll top writing, desk; • 1 ',cupboard ; '1 living retire, table p 1 eaten- , 1. an lone roc ing chair , • table' 1 spring -filled' mattress.; • a nuniber--of kitehen chairs and 'a quantity EQUIRMENT1. refrigeraicir 81 Gilson washing inachine; 1 'Winglitta CliP- Per range , equipped with oil' burner; 1 two-burrier' hot Plate VariOug -stnaller it- • TERMS --Cash. No -reserve. LEONARD DEEMING, Proprietor Don S. Dennis, Auctioneer. • 20-61-1 17 NV flied' 111 t to ART ANDERSON, Seaforth.• ; a o Two4ttnnoolg irinfurnighett. apartment or ,houge Wanted previous . tO Jima 15th. Apply /30X 43 Dublin, or Phone Dublin 21, r 3, '• 17-594 McCLEARY four -burner Propane VW range with coal annex, in good contlitiO PHONE SEAFORTH 773. 11.614 1,000 FKET of plain pine lumber ; 1 set of 1.000,Pound scales ApplY ORVII.t.n; DALE. Seaforth. ,• • 1141x1 111. Notices LARGE dining romn table and, &airs, Paced reasonablY, AntlY to ED, BOVES, °B. "SA.t.-8' Olt 11E1'114_4- Lot 22, Con- MiagiOn • 5/: Iztor.eit, ha_..,z-,tteVer,, Tucker- Eginolulville. Phone Seaforth ssa r •11_614., amen, ariproximatetY 716 acres, MostIS ' pasture land. Apply McCONNELL & 'STEWART, Seafortla. .Telephone 174, ' or' WIL0410.:-BROADFOOT, F.:sedate*, Estate of" Wilhans S. Hroadfoot, Telephone 651 r 11,'Seaforth. , 16-60-2 SPRING COAT for -sale, perfect'con- ditioft p modern style' size 18. - It can be teen at FLANNERY 'CLEANERS. " 11-61x1. A NUMBEIL of used Doget lawn mowers '•for sale at, give -sway price& tomtit' ELECTRIC. Phone 7,0 r,„24,Dublitti. . 11-81-2 . , sTrat-itoCiPrbv1,. asphalt tooftag and. show: cedar post,' all' bizeg.:' rreTae 'stetr. bait, Phone Seaforth. 841 .r BORDEN:, BROWN. • ••. v • 0 . '1I4drtf. •4 . 4 GLADIOLITS BLILBS,' MY' large balhs, .001 50 Medium latilb4,42.00, not de: liVered. MTIRRAY TYFALL, • Iirticefield, Oat: Phone Seaftirth- -Vir 1148x4 tvgnOntiTk Tat gs., dintirdentai • ahrubs,;, quantity' hardwood; good. • table • and 'Seed ptitaMets. • We 'will Plek.,un,gare, hag° and risheii. ootnoist Xongt. Phone ... /TM, A. tiVitotttNrt .i.strftoF liked • three "nark; 1 Viking create seParator, 110v, %Et. _ti,:panttst.., Med one. Year. APPIS td,0-PIARLES RAT.J. 'Rat.' 3, ZUrich. 'Pbtele • ZUrich 98,"r• ,•. 114933 'Box Holders' Names Not GiVen- Out LS not possible for us .to divulge the name or -ad- dress of. ant adliertiser using a Iliiron ExpoSitent box num- ber, Please do net aSk Us for thW.. infoTniation, ' MEWSPAPER, AD, THEY Att6 FULt. OP SARGAitsigi. _ ' IJCT.L.ON- SALE • , , Sale of Househele".Effecte.:In the To.ene. Seaforth North Main' Street, Oil SATURDAY, 1VIAY" 16th, at 1480 04n.: . , Three-Pieee: ehesterfield oriiite; 1, ches- terileld chair ; chairs.; 'rocking. clmirs; Small • tii.bles'; .eentrer Math; bedrooni furnitare; mattresses; :Wardrobe; General EleCtric, Frigidaire; 'four -burner 13each. eiectric'Stove ,Annex -coal or•wood, 'white enamel; iron.; ' toaster; trilight -lartip.;::::-table-lariaps.;,r_tfeatty,.:waslaing ma- clune;• Beatty' Vacuum cleaner; oak. din- ing. reorn suite, including table,. ,phairs,' buffet and china cabinet; writing ; Ititthen table' antLetitiirg,-,! folding .trootvg, board; sewing .:antichine -garden- Witt - Planks; coPper . hollers ; -tubs,- Molg and toot. chest; 'kitchen. utensils; disheti, eluding antiqiie China and., ornaments; pic- tures get ,of lag.m. bowls other articles t,00 nuteerctiis tO, rdentiori.: 'TERMSL-Cask. , ProPrietor, DR, F.. HARISURN • . Auctioneer, Harold Jackson . Clerk, 31.?. Chesney., AUCTION- SALE :Auction Sale of Honsehold Effects -in the Town ,of SeafOrth, istorthmain street, wan..NtSPAT; ,at- I-1'30 Three-piece .cheste.rfield. suite; 84piece dining room suite; china tabiriet; grand- ..-fatliearjt.,e166k;,.Singer jigging_ manhunt.: 2; -bedr000... anitea ; 2 .1titelien. tablet kind- ithairg; Snowbird Gilson. refrigeratori- Winghare Classic 'coOk . ittotie . With 'reser- voir; 2. fdetstOOls; 1' eloolt; stadia Week; 1 :couch• SuPboarfl.1 "ekit14• chaiwi; at -Mohair; day .13ed (nearly new); • battery riaiti; electrie • tric„irori;" Max -Well "'electric- Washing tin. aline; hand' :washing 'Machine ; , boiler t 11.11>S; Plantes; glatiggare; kitchen • Utensils ; ',bedding; tieveral lieoked books.; lardineres ; ; 2",burner hot- Plate; Aladdin UMW; 'mirrors ; ferneryi. sealerst deerhead garden -liege; garden tractOr, fulIS equipPed %garden Mole ; .power lawn .rhoWer.;• Other, tirtieres .tool nureeregs to Aentrint. • ' • ..T.TI'AV OF LATE MRS. 'Tlit:41dAS • • 'ADDINGTON, •' , Anctioneer, Darold Jackson E. T._ ciintnny. , • TENDERS For-. 50x,ri..0'. Grain. Storage. arellOtise .Ontario Per W. G. Thompien-SonS,(Ltd • . Blenheim; Ontario. • Sealed tenders; plainly marked. on the ,outside as 'te.contents, will be received by the uridersigned 111.01_5 :02' ThursdaY; .•• Plana and.sPecifications iniaS he obtained. from the ',undersigned upon -receipt of. a certified. cheqiie „nitade Payable to the' Ar chi. teat 'in. the:am:dot of 825.00. This ..dePosit will'he returned 'whoa plans'. and -specifica- tions ere returned to .the ,Architect in good Lowest, or any, -tender not neeeasarily accept6d. FREDERICK W: H. DAWES Architect, M.R.A.I.C. Chatham; Ontario. • P.O. Box 178., - 21-614 Municip,a1 Drain: _plans ..and specifications, for- this :ivork rnay, be 7U-r-ocured the Clerk's • qffice. All tenders rmast.-he__ac- "comPanied .by a certified cheque to the iimaunt of .8200. Tenders must be in. the nossession. of the Clerknotlater than 12 ,f,teic<cit, noon, dri June 1st. • • • . ' Lowest or :my tender not necessarily acsePted.- • 'HARRY TEBBUTT , Dog Saves -Family• - A family dog gave a lire -warn- ing at I.lensall'late Saturday and saved- a Hensall-nome from_Pos. sible-destruction. IVIrs, Glenn Me -:.7 Kenzie's attention was drawn to toll Ref ethbeY thceeilind7,- wwhileinchswli:sarstraivr-- ed home from a bingo just before midnight, • -.. " " She investigated in the attic' and discovered the blaze. Hensall firemen extinguished the blaze, but not before a quantity of were asleeP and did, not know, of. .Pc l°oAfree.rsMi 4i:Ktirleetn°z1thatinea and tasw's odeel lcsth At! odyreedn. the fire until she awakened them. SeafOrth Fall Fair "(Continued from- 'age , construction of another pOle barn to accommo'date the show, Arrti pos- sibly a washing ,reck;Other shows being held this - year, include the Perth -Huron Shorthorn, show and the. ()ntario.'Hereford. Regionel Show., • theDusnocnigetythine InSe°anftollirthY nITOewetinn gHaollf Tuesday night, associate directors WClearreell a jaliteltdik,f "Aliii:95s9ieThi, eitionacdfluocioet, Ernie Ros.,, sobTridb:1113;ob Pt rick Ken -Stewart Irvin,- 'Prewar- tha, Gordan-Papple,-Auguste-Duc • arme, Ku Campbell< Andre* Moore, Wilfredr Coleman, Keith Shari>, tr.ames Seett, James B. Hogg, Lavern Godkin, Bob )3road- ,foot, 'John- McCowan- and John Murphy. ' • • N d t meet vrth the district sure, , • . d cotincil•-that the. -matter be ;Aican.rd-:pout,r1ett on the meetu:0u1;ofd ihe Mid-Westernf "Ontario DeyclOpment. As sociatien given", to . Conned by. Councillor.,Mrs. Minnie Noakes., The meeting, held hi Stratford„. -was. attended- by MtS.. Noakes and;Mrs Ei.leen Rennie. 'RR. 1, Lendestioro a A4_ K Is P.1):ELN _ rivir W conPe Were , weekend. guests of their datightef Gr- daonnd Harkness, aa rn kd 114 ' 'Ivfr„ and'AirS, 'rent; Smith; Mich-, ael and. Joan; of -Grimsby, visitell over the Weekend, ,with Mr. and -Mrs. Gorden Wren. -• Mrs. Rice, teacher of Stanley S.S. 14; is a present at her honie in Windsor, in the interest ,stf her health. ' Barbara Jean •Gridzak spent the. weekend with her grandparents; IVIr. and CP. Watson, of Cen- ..rall‘lira." and Mrs.'Erne,rSOn :Kyle are hroWing to--theinanse-this..Weeh< Mr. Ivan- Kipfer, a Lucari, - purchased Dick 1VIcCebe's farm in Stanley- township., MT. and Mrs. Herb JOnes' and. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood attend- -ed the funeral on Saturday of -the late Mrs, Stan Rachar, of , Mount F°Mrertt..N'. Dicker't ;Pent Mondayin Mr. and Mrs. liarolti Jones and sons, visited Sunday with Mr. and , mrs..Art Ashworth, of. Denfielcl. paMitirecl.4bildy RNObLerotngt,boanicesOnin, were: Sunday -guests. -a Mr. -...•and IVIrs.Ilerb Curran; of Lucknow. Master John Hillier vvishes, to announce the ,birth. Of his baby brother, Steven Layne, on April 23.„ -in Victoria Hospital, London. His mother:i the former Carol IVIclVturtrie of Kippen. • Patrick; NICK -glop, James M. Scott, Russell T. Bolton; and •Seaforth, 11. W. Campbell and Harvey' Les-' -lie.• _• - A resolution, approveeby the A -4sollcdiaBvtionSeetif -°Angriacuthlt.Cur°aIntSaoricie4ties-___ at the annual convention, WAS ap- raved by the local society an • P _ will be include in this yea -es rules and regulations, The clause' to he added is: "Any exhibitor. or • attendant who is guilty of creating - a disturbance, Whether by oRenly. criticizing the judge or using ob- scene language to Any judge or of - councils to 'discuss grants with. the, r, o' nappel_Te I upended- by the societY from t "wnship officials, were: ilibbert right to any premiurn, and maY, be ... If ' II • f I f' earn- th:refore fo. ex- • To-ckersinith Joe I),everea_ux,_:. 3 tc, PEC IAL For. T urs a xi ay CATELLI COOKED SF'AGIIETTI• . RED ROSE TEA BAGS . • STOKELY'S'' TOMATO JUICE CLARK'S PORK & BEANS . GREEN GIANT----- • CORN NIBLETS --GREEN GIANT VVAX BEANS BILLV- BEE . CREAMED HONEY . Legal Notices. NOTICE to CREDITORS •. . „ • • . "in . the Estate. Of WIL.LIAM S. • 13ROADFOOT. All persons havieg eh:dins. 'against 'the Estate of William. S. 'Brdadfoot, late of the T6Wiaship..: ,of ' in the county of' Huron, Retired:Fernier; -deeeaa. ed, ivho died ori,, the „gndAdfay of . 1959, iirt:hereby notified 15 send .in full partictikirs of their 'claires the.under- signed on or be.fore the 221111'dt:is •of-lvlast, 1959, .after which date the assets , he distributed, 'having -*regard only tti atairint. then received. ' • •• DATED at Seaforth,' this • 28t5 day of April, 1959. • • 1.44-('0.1211iTELL .& STEWART, .Seaforth, Ontario, SoliCitors :for the Executor. 0:4 BLUEWAIR • ANCELAND FRIDEAvYERNIIGH a min= aturday . 28 -oz. Tins 60's 8 -oz. Tin 20 oz, Tins 14-0z. Tins • 15 -oz Tlns 2-rb• plastic ctn. ee Superior Store Ad in Free Press Thursdciy Additional Specials London For Music by Desjardine's Orchestra Dancing 1.0 1.30 ADMISSION75 CENTS JOIN TiiE cRowbs HON EDELIVER , cAllOk addressed to the undersigned and enderqed •"'TENDER POIL FEDERAL RGILDING,GODERICH,, ObiTi", will be received in the otficel of the Secretary, until 8.00 pan. (E.D.S,T.), WEDNESTJAY„ TUNE 17, .160. • Plans land stMeitication can be peen' and forms or tender obtained at the offices ,of the Chief Architect, Department of Piiiilic Works, Ottawa, Ontario, the' -Distr.:Mt Arch.itect, 385 Yonge Street, Taranto, Ont., and can . be sere at the Post °Meets_ at Kitchener, Loddon. and Goderich, Ord.ario, -"TO: "be considered, e.ath- tender intIst be accOmpanied by .ene of • the alternative securithis "'called 'for in the tender' docu- ments. • Tenders must be, Made on the printed, ferns supplied by the DEPartment and ,itt Ifeet5ratinee With the Conditions set 'forth therein( • ' , 'The Department, through', the Chi Arelaitect`s offiee, or through the under., igned. or..throlIgh the °fade of the Pit -- et Architect „rot, Toronto,, Ont., will sup- ply 'blue -prints and spetification of 'the 'work on deposit '4 iiihn of 8150.00, 15 the forita of's CERTIFIED bank 'cheque or Money -Order paYable to the order • of the RECEIVER GENERAL' O_F CANADA. The- depotit gill lie releaged on reMna Of the blue -prints and specification in. good eandition within Month from the date of reception of -tenders. If net retarned within that 3ierits1 the delidait Will 'be 'for- . The lowest er_any tender not necessarily accepted. • lioBBAT FORTIER, , Chief of Administrative Services, v , • arid SectetarS, Departnient of Public Werke, Ottawa, Anrii 30,'"1959. 23. Carcls 0! Thanks 1' 'WISH to say "Thank You" 'to raY Many friends who sent flogers, cards,. let- ters, treats And who visited', nie .whilo' vms a' patient in St, jogeph's Hospital, Londort, and Mace...ray, return 'home: . 23-61-1 MRS, JOHN McASH I wish to thank all my relatives, neigh- bors and friends Who visited me end sent cards, letters and Mite 'While I was- a Patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. Special thanks to ReV. A, M. Arnacher, of Zurith; Rev. • Dr. Sereple, Rev. 3, C.. Britton rind Rev. D. Lc Elder, who visited me so faithfully; also Dr. Stapleton and kthe nurses at the hospital. Even/thing was greatly appreciated. 23.614 • Mits. CLIARDES EGGERT • 25 - Persomil.s :ST,./PPLLES iltubhet Goods), maned postpaid in plain soled envelope With Price list, .6 samples 256; 24 sam- plea 11.00. man --Order Dept. 73, NOVA-11033HBR CO., 'Box 9/, H4nallton. 26. BirtlIS urort County's finest Usei:Ci-Cr Market 1955 efiEV. DELUXE esiD • $ 1550 2-18 :95, sECDIEjEANAlsROLET BISCAYN8 automatic transmission . .. . 450 1958 CHEVItOLET ;BISCAYNE SEDAN - F11119 CHEVROLET DELDXE ',SEDAN'S $1450 HULICK-At 'Scott' kernoriai Hospital, on May, 4,40 " Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Hulick, ,24•11. 4, Se,aferth, 4 sm. • , DIETZ-At Sett Memorial Hospital, on ---hday, 2 , e At 'ott enig aria. SeM1 ' oif hlayt 5, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dol. roageSeaforth, a son. oOniothsr•-:=At: Scott'-; Meladilal Hospital,. on. Mas 8"; to Mr, and Mr& Ronald Ger- :, don,,, 11.R. 2, Blyth, ":4 danghter. NOLAN-At Spott Memorial Hospital, on. . April 26,, td, Mr. and nirs....soieiih. Nolan, St. COlumban, a , sem. , ROWOLIFFE--Jini and, Anna (xtee Hroak) • ars 'happy. te annOunce the artiVal of ' 'their .sOtty, Wililant John, Brock, at Vic- itesoltet,- London,. On ;Wednesday, April 29, 1959. New playiti,tite for keier, Paul; Katherine and Z.eart., 28. . • Deaths , equipped; 'automatic' trans- '$2650 • 1955 'CHEVROLET SEDAN 395 - ' -with ; mission • 1958 PONTIAC' .S'ItRATO -CHIEF SEDAN _ Automatic' transinisskm,• $26-50 fully equipped. 1958 CHEVROLET DEL RAY SEDAN F.- Anto- atic.traiasznissieir fulTY • 95 etlitiPped , 1958, CHEVROLET. DEL RAY. stpAN--4-dOor,,ittily equipped , . FLOYD-,kitt London On Wednesday, April 29, Ruth Elizabeth' liValtere,-beloved wife 21-614: of Clali Leoriard Floyd, .in her mitli 9 1950 PON,TIAC DELIT1cE SEI)AN -- Antoinette franSmission, fullY .$1795 . ............... , 1954 CHEVROLET. SEDAN Nan= $1095 1954 DODGE REGENT ...... • SEDAN -.Radio 4169.5 1954 -FORD CUSTOMLINE • • 1953 DODGE SEDAN' $89.5 . $1095 $1295 1.955;Gla. y2701\1 PICKUP ,. 1956 CHEVROLET 1/2-1'ON 'A 'Written Guarantee for 60 da on ell. Late Model Cars -Many other Med, to Choose from pnoistE c BRUSSELS - ONTARIOBRUSSELS MOTORS a &Dente of Bettor 'Used ,Cars" EVER' EVENING