HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-08, Page 51% Gas Water Heater, saves yOu ,money... gives you more Hot Waterin less tints" is says, . •.,; is D, ORLEAN'.'SILLS, SEAFO1tTH L MBER P ' DEALER ALER :. on never run out of hot , water when you have a Gas I • ;, • Water Heater, it heats water'so: fast (4 tines faster than any otlier'aystem) that you alwas have a .constant supply of hot water.And it costs you less to buy ... leas to operate. • See mo dern Gas Water Heaters at IL S LSL 1lfBIN 'MATING P G '.&- , HARIIWAR � Mai ,� 7Lt rS U kuo Q.P.P.. Continue Investigation Into [. Brussels .Thefts Provincial Zolice are, continuing investigation into theft of an 800 - pound safe and truck from McCut- cheon, Brothers Garage at`Brus- sels. Both'ths truck and safe have since :been .recovered. The theft was discovered by Jack McCutei eon, about 8 a.m, Monday and the safe was found between` the fourth and sixth con. cessions of Grey township.. i' The safe had been broken open. Mr.. McCutcheon said it contained his ledgers, between $500 -°:and $600 in cash, and cheques. The thieves, after looting the safe,- burned valu- able, papers. truck Theo' e, was found by .Bill Cam 11 P1�eon_the fourth concession o Grey township, where it had been driven into a field. Provincial .Police of Wi m ngha andich`detachments Cotler . investi- gated: .. Having sold hey;business of Smith, th Shoe=S#ore o1. to `Mr. S. D. Srn ;nth & Son of Mitchell who aye. possession, ye taken osses '�-we: ask :.fo _ them .a•. h .continuation-Of that. at rOna e, tha We have enjoyed t rou ryh `the years. ]Sbusiness' i ' 25 ears since the Iate G. E: m t lib e an hzs _,.. � 1 h - eration tri Seaf Orth. We 'have alwa s appreciated t e , co 0 from the I f : e . •rth nd lstr c received om 'people, o S afo t o d t '` we have� i ti ons e -have -had with them ItLlias-•been= 1..:- reci _ ,ee a 'tell. _ 'HANK YOU! EWS OF DUBLIN Institute Plans Worl arises New Qfficials. The April meeting of the Dublin Women's Institutewas held at the home, of .'Mrs. Harold 'Pethiek. There were 22 membera,and„seven visitors present. Roll call was,•an- swered by "Where I started - to school." `Mrs. Tom Simonsen gave ae n corsag- es, mo stration,of flower c ag es, made,; with foam plastic,' Mrs. M, Looby gave a very interest - big talk on her recenttrip to Rome, Paris.and: Dublin, Ireland.. • Miss Betty Lou Pethic, . favored wdthpiano- solo. 'Mrs. : TomDUI, 'ters'and .Mrs., Harold Pethiek will attend 'the.' district ,annual . meeting. at. CarlinfordUnit ed d "Church- on Officers for the'coming _yaar were :then installed:i' resident,. Mrs. Reuben 'Aikens ,(re-elected); past president. •: Mrs.. J. Nagle; first' vice-president Mrs. : H. Peth-, Mk; :second vice-president, Mrs. T .Butters; . 'secretary, . ,Mrs. 'Joseph Looby; assistant secretary-treasur- er, ecretary treasurer, Mrs. "Dean; district director, Mrs J Burchill, Mrs J Nagle, :pianist, Mrs. H. Pethick; auditors, Mrs . William -Stapleton, Mrs. Tom Butters; press reporter, Mrs. T. Simonsen; card secretary, Mrs: W. Smith;-baanch directors;Mrs..E. Byers Mrs C Friend, ;'Nits. ;11. Britton._ Standing • committee conveners: Agriculture , and: ;Canadian mous- -tries, -Mrs. J _Burchill; ..Citisen and Education, Mrs. >J. Nagle;, i iistori- cal Research and Current Events, �Vfrs Q.. Robinson, Mrs: H.,. Brit- ton; ritton Rome Economics •and Health, Mrs. A: Whethani; Mrs.: Friend. Lunch was served by; Mrs. Sim-, onsen,. • M.rs Smith and Mrs. H. i?ethick... Mrs. Garnet Harper, p r, of Carling- ford, with Mr, and: Mrs. . Bill Mr. and a : Charles rs. .,. til C s Friend at Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. Don . MacRae anal family. in Sarnia with Miss. Mary Connors, Mr:.and Mrs.. Jerome:Nieholson 'and Mrs. Mary .Krauskopf; London, EGIVIONDVILLE Eg'iifpndville :'C G LT: regular ;meeting. was held: Wednesday. The devotional'. worship was' taken Lois Tyndall and• Anita, }Tillman.. Dorothy Boyes' gave an 'interest; ing talk o the .-rlifferent: rej�gions andhow th differ. from United worshippers - =In tYie.� usiness� $riod-:it was- de-• .tided that •GaiP' Finlayson and Nfargaret Chesney ..be appointed to tale the devotional, part at next •meeting ' Plans;were made for the affiliation service and':' to celebrate;'the"C:G'.LT. year, with Mr. and M. Jas. P. Kraus-• kopf. Mr.ci ' a`die , Holland; d, ' ' a . fi'oron,to, with' Mr. and Mrs. George Holland. Mrs. E. Jordison in Micaster with Mr, and Mrs, A. Jordison. Mr. and' Mrs. Maurice, Dillon and family,. • St,.'Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and daughter, Seaforth,'," with . Mrs. Dillon:. and Dorothy. " Mrs. Ken Wickens, London and Mr. -,Gordon` Costello, Toronto, with Mr. : and Mrs. Dan : Costello., Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Steinbach and daughter,. Rita, with Mrs, Kathleen e n F seise . Y . :Mrs. Tom Kelly ancl'Mrs. Joseph, • Cs. Carpenter, J3'lyth, ' and Mr, ' and Mrs:.; FerX15,Reynolds,„,,' Detroit, with Miss Monica Byrne. "• Mrs. Anne' Murray, Galt, with Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf.' Mr. and Mrs. John' Nagle and Bernadette in. Chatham. M'r`s Stella. Ford, Stratford; Mr and.Mrs..Russel Ford, Sebringville,.. With Mr. and; Mrs.<Terry Flannery: :Mr. Hugh Keily. left on Saturday for 'Agincourt, where. •he will be CNR: agent Mr. and Mrs ` Kelly have been residents here for the past 31/2 years. Mrs. Kelly and children will remainhere..: till Mr.. Kelly, finds accommodation at Agincourt.'.; .Mr.' R. • Hicks of Ripley, will replace Mr. 1£elly .at. Dublin. They will , reside at . Clin District Students. Tour . Loon London � d Plant Sixty-nine' girls who had .'ee g b n elected, Queens from 'their :r'espec- tive 'schools! in;, Western Ontario' were treated to a: royal tour of i,ondon4 the-reen�r y the-representatives--of- the `:London Free 'Press; : School Queens Club.. MisF .Nancy. Kelly was chosen ,:Queen of Dublin Con- tinuation School and was.: accom- panied -by her Mother,`Mrs. "Fergus` • The program started withal]: of: .fici'al tour -of -the, Free•:Riess news- paper' division, .followed by a visit to the. London Public Library audi torium,' where Russel R.,.Waide,; Personnel Services Manager.. of. the. Free Press„welcomed• them' and. presented each with her School.. Queen Certificate and her School Club. membership pin _ ate,, �-tinwas servedd �at the' Hotel . London, ' where ',official greetings were,• -presented by the; general.' manager of the London Free Press. An "impromptu :programwas Staged by a; group,: of -the girls, • H. . Ali LO C Baptismal services'wiil be” held ht Burn�' Church next Sunday hi connection with Mother's Day services:' The :.'regular -.meeting of the , Burns.Londshoro' Y,P.T7. was `held ,Sunday,' evening io• Londesboro: Church, with 27 members present. The meeting was opened with a sing -song, led by PatMurch, With .Arlene: Powell at the;, -piano. • The Citizenship ; and', Community °ger-. Tv vice Co unission,. ledby Arlene "Po ell w ,was in Charge- of worship,. She was" assisted'by Faye, Gaunt, Glenda; McDougall and .Bonnie Thomaso n, r i e 1?. es d nt_. Pat,” Murch :and vSecre- tary Nellie ,Westerhout were in charge of the business, during' which the work, camp:at,"Goderich summer sehoof,was discussed. Rev. 7.1%.White gave a very interest- ing Bible study. Mita Westerhotit!- ~led the recreation with -questions` on the;'Bible. Burns' W M.S.• The. April meeting of Burns'; W. M S: was held.at the home ,of Mrs, J. T. White on. -Thursday; April•30; With Mrs. Janes Scott, leader of Group 'rone, ° in charge.' The topic, of the meeting was;', "The Hope of a WarlessWorid.he scripture;` taken'from'.M" .Ticah , 4:1-7, was read by Mrs-: J Riley, Mrs. Lear; gave a reading entitled, , "Hearts Cor ners." The, study book ;911 Mekico`was given by the leader; which, .stated that illiteracy has'decreased great- 1y in the last number „Of years. The • country's yearly: headache; is the exodus; of people to the USA: Mrs,, floe.=the pr`,gstdent, `eou- ducted the: buSiiiess,J periods .which opened by 27 members,: answering the roll ca12`Ai mvatafon was ac cepted from Constance W.M.S:. to their meeting,'being held on;June 4.7, inthe church at 2rp:m., with MrssR...,Fennell as guest speaker. A .baza:ar will beheld "after nreeting. One=nrmib '.. or -the -pro-. ram is re f': s-lda Lei g qtiested .per d a"than you ;letter .from the Bible Society for,, used stamps they bad received from this isocie-.. ty.• ' Miss' Gladys Leiper 'reported :having- :sent used Christmas cards to an •Indian .Hospital,, ';featuring a .'colorful:.-liat fasIiton show,.•; Tiny. st ave sailors colorful; ;'flower.:hats and•. -big, a'nd-beautiful. trimmed creation were modelled by. Barbara Rowan, !:Fergus'; Anne Cranston Tilbury; 'C'a'rol, McAr hut, Walkerton; and Nancy Kelly,'; Dublin News Dozer , Building Ruins On Satuirday a bulldozer covered over the vacant lot caused by the Fire which destroyed Mr. Craig's store, makingverye a fm parking lot for cars for Mr, H, . Dalrmple & Son.' Mr, and Mrs, S. Neal and Ron- ald, and Mr. and Mesa, Vaugh Mun- roe, of London, spent the week- end wtthMrs. Siac bou se and Mr. and Mrs. Mac ,Wilson. II r - e Mr. and s. Ed n M. M All and Mrs. Lorne Wilson :were in Preston and Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Berry andMis Miss Gaye e Pe Elliott s pent the .weekend in Wing - ham4 ham and Bluevale. Mr: ` and s Ed. Munn,e M an Mrs. __..Hn saJ , visited with .Mrs. -Han and Miss 'Swan. on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, visited over the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. ;Charles'Cox,'.Bonhead.' - -, r .; r r. Ba field avi ion FridoY� Y TAN ' ILB ' ORCHESTRA. (Vocals. bylonna Wagner) D TO Ev"Se rpY111 e . to Fre•herda1lYt4. illlillitllilt Illllllltlllll(Illll I Hlillt I TENDER FOR LAUNDRY ` EQUIPMENT UIPM NT HOME COUNTYHURONO Clinton, Ontario Tenders for the �:.st u 1 olaundry a ndr . e qui nen t for r the Hetiv addition to• theHuron Ccu1tY ,Hofie ; ClintoYafitario nder-- siged,,.until 4.0 'p:m., Tuesday, , Iay 26, 1959. Teners are to be in a sealed envelope, clea r- mar*ed— -encleI=,-f r -Laur dxY qi rnent; s: 11l1 details -ifs : lids specifications .e •• a a p ation ti may kie.�secu� d fromthe "undersigned. t Lowest or any tender, o necessarily' accepted. , part" thereof, riot JOINT -G: BERRY- Sec. -Leas ' .Y Hu`roli County; ;Home Committee, Court House, Goderich, On rio , oI illhe or w 'TRUCKS 36:CHEVROLET .I3/4 -TON TRUCK -Positively like new. '47 STUDEIAKER 1.TON_I? good shape,:..:. ....:.... ..,....., , $ _. -': .. ;•,•_�• 49-DODGI4-TON ,bUIiIP-Fi e-speed.•trans t sy nbin"- motor; -excellent.sha 4 �..;.. ,.. '52 CHEVROLET PANEL -Runs lilts new, make tis att offer. '53'GMC '/e -TON PICKUP. -1 ith stock rack :,, ,..,.... $750. 2-1953 GMC. 1/2 -TON PICKUPS is '55- CHEVROLET '/2 -TON PICKUP, 56 DODGE 2 -TON --With 12 -foot "van, like new; ve; only, ".,$1,895. '56 DODGE '57 FORD 'h -TON -Wide size, like new $ 1595 he not, be indited? In ."the meantime • USED 'CARS '49 AUSTIN SEDAN -In nice shape .... ..s . . . .. ..:... '50 FORD. COACHES' (3) at: 5' -each. - '50 MERCURY SEDAN Radio, excellent transportation $195 ".'50 :FORD TWO-DOos--With all :new tires ...... , . ....:. ,.., .: '50:: PONTIAC SEDAN -Refinished in gold metallic, with: only 38,000 Mika. '50. CHEVROLET'' STATION WAGON -The only one in captivity ': $595 ''50 DODGE SEDAN -Only 40,000 � mile s .: ,. :....:$295 3--1950' FORA IVO -DOORS -AR Mechanically good .,.:. $295 Each Nine '51 PIymouths, ; Chevrolets, Pontiacs " and Dodges, from $295. '51 BUICK ROADMASTER •SEDAN --Equipped with new - _motor motor and 'radio $i95 '51 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE FOUR -DOOR -Like new ... $495 '51sCHEVROLET .COACH" ;...,..;' >;:,: $295 Six otherotpere'd52 qtevrolets and. Pontiacs.. No reasonable offer • r 2..DODGE-- ELU%E- DAN R ef•masha m black �'Iilc '52`CHEVItOLET 'DELUXE' SEDAN + . Radio, automatic drive' ,name your own price. e '52:POR,DCC DELUXE SEDAN , - 95 : '52FOUSTOIVILINE DOCOR--4tadio and newmotorr:.. . '52 0011,1) CVSTOMLINE 2-DOOR-Autons tic radio $495 .252 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY. :. $495 '52 sCADILLAC CONVERTLE--The pride of ` the fleet; makeus` an offer. '53 CHEV. 150 SEDAN -An econom car ........... Only $595 •Y Y -'53 CHEV. BEL Al) SEDAN -With- powerglide,• radio, °2,' tone, etc. '53 FORD 'COACU-New paint, excellent shape' n $795 '53 CHEVROLET TWO -DOOR HA.R:DT M -Equipped with new motor ..:. :...,�... Only.. 95. 'S3`BUICK SEDAN -Radio; auifomatic, very sharp ... .:: ;$995 '53 MONARCH HARDTOP -Radio, . 'white .alII; ' a sharp '54 'PONTIAC ,CHIT' FTA1N SEDAN -Custom built radio. • 795 54: METEOR RIDEAU HARDTOP -Automatic, radio; rear - speaker; :verysharp. , '55 SUICK -SPECIAL 'HARDTOP-Dynaflow, radio, cus•` tont' trim, whitewalls $1,495' '55 1'ORD. ; STATION WAGON -- Customline : model, with whitewalls s $1,695' '55 OLDS 8,8.SEDAN -Radio, power` steering, power brakes,., ,whatare we. offered? ."55 PLYMOUTH TWO -DOOR. HARDTOP-Automatic,-;-ra- dio, whitewalls; two-tone $1,495 e " has told the, boys to carry on; the price slashing! '55 OLDS. '88 • FOUR -DOOR SEDAN -Radio, whitewalls , verysharp 17'. arp $ , 95 '55 .tMETEOR tt CUSTOM LINE SFDAN=- a xo ,.thesharpe st ....- 1$ 1VIETEOR'RIDEAU SEDAN-Aatomatic custom radio; , just'Jike new. `� :1 THREE `RED HOTS SPEC114. A 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP -Equipped with ;-automatic_driver "radio, Whitewalls, two-tone;,, .new.:: car warranty..' .s7 'O LIST'•PRICE° 1955 BUI SPECIALSEDAN--Custom radio, whiewa s, .-two-t0 onfy -_.... $1;395 .. '1955 1VIERCURY MONTEREF,.FOUR-DOOR .SEDANw= automatic,. wheel discs. A real sharp car. Only ...-:. $1 - ,275 ' . 7 '56PO A NTL1C STATION. WAGON PATHFINDER-Deluxe- model A INDEIL-Deluxemodel . $1,795 6 BUICK CENTURY' . CONVERTIBLE -Power 5 ste�'" . rum, power brakes, 'radio,: Dynaflow $2,295 ries ear;::.:.... 1695.. '56 CHEVROLET' TWO -DOOR -150 'sen , sharp $ , 56 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDALCa t be,told from 'OW; $9 new :;-car warranty. •-$1,:- Fiinshed's blackNab - TWO -DOOR 4 '56 BUICK red leather upholstery, .all the extras .. ... .. $1,995 56.FORD CUSTOMLINETWO-DOOR-Smart2...,. $1,895 '56 OLDS MOBILE MOI;II.E SUPER 88 .FOUR -MOOR HAft TOP - radio, •hydramatie drive; whitewalls ... . $2,295 '56 BUICK SUPER FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP=.•Autoinatic3• Po executive 5: . w r steering ,� and ' brakes,eu ve drive' $.2,29 @ g ex '56 FORD • CROWN- VICTORIA-Automatie, ',radio,. White- Waifs; sharp ° $2,295 °56 PONTIAC., STAR. CHIEF . HARDTOP . Hydramaiic,,, radio, chrome; fender skirts, full' leather interior .....:. • $2,295' '57 BUICK CENTURY ,.FOUR•DOOR •SEDAN_ -Full power,:• owned liy a member of the clergy. ET ,DELUXE UXE O•DOOR wails CHiVROL L TV1' W1n#e ,. windshield washers, ., . .. ! ....... . $1,895 '57 "BUICK TWO -DOOR HARDTOP -Equipped : with auto OnT 39:`. hits alts wheel discs 6 made .drive, w W , Y, ENTIAN HARDTOP V- Autama- '57 PONTIAC .:IJAUR 8-- tic` drive, radio, whitewalls. '' '57`Pli'MOUTH TWO-DOOR-8.Cylinder, 'window welsh e car .. 1895 rs; - a sharp $ , '57 CHEVROLET 210 ,'.VOLTA -DOOR SEDAN-VVhitevValis,, positively like new. : . '58 CHEVROLET YEOMAN`. FOUR - DOOR ' STATION;. WAGON Only $2,395 E. LARGEST INVENTORY OF: CARS IN HURON ' COUNTS PONTIAC ZURIC BUICK UXHALL JACK PEARSON, Proprietor •.. "Huron County's Largest Used A ar , Dealer's C TRUCKS ZURICH LOT NAM STREET EXETER .•`LOT 'oriter Highway 4, & 83