HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-08, Page 44-41-1R HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTU,' ONT•, MAY 8, 1959 dNRIGHTRALL Canadian T"etrofina Ltd. Dealer ;and"'Distribuor of Petroleum Products Phone 354 , SeaforthOnto- ' " ' �, STOVE and FURNACE 011, Prompt Fa€m and Home Delivery:. SEAFORT.H DISTR- L IGH 5CH00 • presents'. Friday, • h Spphoof Auditorium TIME- 8:30 p.m; Children ,'- 25 Cents Adults TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM STUDENTS �, ents Plus: 1 Cent d- Tlfe Mid-Western Ontario Devel- opment Association has 'built up a fairly -good "definite• prospect list of United States industries thatrare considering locating in the four- county area served by the associa- tion, it was stated in a written re- port'„the:. board of directors of MODA by -Elmer. W. Goebel, gen- era]. manager of the assdciation, at a general meeting of MODA at the 'Wintry :club, ' Stratford, Thursday. The general manager of the as- sociation, which` serves , the..coun- ties of Perth, : Huron,. Wellington and Waterloo, stated that besides trying to attract new industry, to the area, he intends to.give more -Consideration and effort in the' ture to getting old and•. established industries in the area to expand. Mr., Goebel regretfully • reported that the, zone ,'committees of, the association, had•:net been function ing as they should 'He said that in two- of the four zones there had been very_ little interest 'shown, and that this Was apparent because 'of the 'lack of attendance at the meetings' and . the irregularity of holding s . meeting The.. stated that the . as-. sortation had made little headway in the . field. of tourist promotion ..because the -response, to'reouests fiir.•information' from the inunici palities tithe region, as to possible tourist attractions was very poor. "From ,the response received, it would ! appear that we have very few recreational facilities within our region,-• and yet' all our muni- • Buckwheat Usage. Sows •Decrease Buckwheat has gradually taken a back :;seat"tb most other crops in Canada; over the last:30 years,: Production has declined from a' mi lPa1 l_zon'acre cr-WofTa{iproxi7 mately '10 million bushels' in 1928, ;to 100000. acres in ,;1958;, with a Yield of slightly ovrt etwo• milhan bushels. -The 'decline has been: gracing as indicated b:ay—the-1933-creage 6.0of- .3$00 and the .186,000 ; acreage of D istrict"CE.nttE cipal brochures last various types land? Or for that matter. better of recreational activities, and I use of our good land? This isn't. am sure that au of us are notutil- the exclusive job of planning and. axing our neighbors' facilities,” the development . officers in Toronto. report stated,';, It is our right, and I , trust our Guest speaker . at ,the meeting'own job, to•plan .,our own future," was -William H. Cranston, Mid- ' Speaking on the potentialities of land,- secretary -treasurer of ' the the recently: formed Ontario Re - Georgian, Bay Development Asssoc- gional 'Develepinent 'Council, Mr. cation.. His subject' was "Naiure ' Cranston said it meant• the first. Abhors a Vacuum." He was intro- step toward establishing a Doniin- duced by'S..Fred'Edwards, .Palm- j.011.- Provincial Municipal confer 'erston, MPP ,for Perth,' and thank- ence,' which was thought by many ed by- Willoet J. Kelterborn, mil- to be essential to the proper verton. growth, ,of .our Cities,' towns, vil- The speaker warned that the ;fid- lages, townships and' counties. - rdevelopmentt as- Mr Cranston concluded by stat :r ture of Ontario's sociations is not; bright,. as theirs ing that if the newlyformed_ coup in- essence is .thejob of, .bringing ..cil was to have the desired effec- to public light ideas and programs tiveness, the mainproblem• to be that' may not fit into existing fee- overeome 'Would d he the en. and woy eral or provincial . policies, . but which maY be 'right for; onemint men; to give the •ideas concrete ori • ty area • . form: m: s under the "Theirs is. the job of adap` g chairThemanshipeeting' of J.viaD. Oaks, existing policies , more. effectively mediate past president ,o£ lis as- and more efficiently to meet local satiation, who during. the• iiieeting problems, gf. presenting ideas new turned over: the duties, of ,president incl different from those now i - to W K Denny, mayor of '-Fergus, Vogue, of crusading as develop the.new" president. ment missionaries for. their own . County: Wardens• in attendance at nasi ' > .theirs is parish; and on oC au °White;. the job to fight for the rights the meeting::were Eric O. and f W lli ton, T Cam bell Thomre �• Fireside Group Sponsors Tea The spring tea, spailsored by the Fireside: Fellowship group of First Presbyterian Church, : held at . the home of Mr. and'Nirs. F. R. Cos- ford- Wednesday afternoon; was,.a "fine success. The home was prettily decorated with snapdragons, tulips,' daffodils, rosesand pussy .willows; The guests were received at the door by Mrs. Cosford. and Mrs. It. E: McMillan, rand shown to' the :'din, ing room by Mrs, k'. Kling• ' Those serving were ''Mrs; J. E. Patterson,; Mrs. Doug Whyte ;and Mrs.. Ken- neth Willis. Pouring tea were Mrs. J.F. Scott, Mrs," Robert •Wright, Mrs.L. R, McDonald.; and Mrs.' R. K. McFarlane:' In charge of• the" refreshments • were Mrs. E. A. Mc Master and Mrs. Jolinr.4. Cardno.A; opportunities of the people gf their ° e ng p own region, against the' ever -in- son,; of , Perth, and' William R. Jewiit,.'of" Huron. creasing weight of centralized __,; Mayo-rs present iucludedT�R E. th ty au ori , Mountain of" Stratford who Wel, p critter haste well intentioned coined the ;'deleg'ates .to the city, the. •prarhe muustesr, ' the `cabinet• :0°.11:1e4 •Nickel, Listowel; A E iniiiister,- or •the senior `civil- ser ,v ant it_ is ,most: -difficult to:draft Robinson; M tchell;,•,kl. E: Pooley, :leg slatioii:to.'provide the:.best:'po$ Exeter,• and Mr. Denny sible results for all chose ,govern l e'eves at. the meeting included. ed. The; more, government enters Walter Mogk, Ellice township; W the! field, of private decision; ,.the C G*?rth, Milverton:; Baillie Par rubra likely is' its` legislation to be rott,Morris township, Ivan._ 'For inefficient=:and unjust." syth; Tuckersmith ;township; How ;The speaker said that before lo- and Lowe; -'South Easthope, town;' ship;' N..,•H: Merritt, " Biy;tli, 'sal , organizations. could ' tap ,in to - fill the' -vacuums, they must: first= Weber, Wallace townslnp, and V, "know themelve's " Before. we Becker, "Hay:: township • Dr. W G McGregor, of the Can ada Department of" Agriculture'm ,Ottawa,;, gives some.,. reasons; for this 'decline. They are; the. reduc tign in 'demand due to a; lower: con- sumption of starchy foods'; 'a' de=, clining,,taste for buckwheat cakes;. improved farm- equipment=whieh- 'hermitsquicker plamting_ of, other," crops, hence, less need" for a;•quick maturing crop: life:: buckwheat; and., one other i_mpgrtant iteiri, a drop :in'the ,price per. liushe�' . In.defense of.buckwheat, Dr: Mc- Gregoi' • says we may be overlook-• Ing an ' oppertumty' to; explo-it .its use in .:the human diet' and in ra t o 0 livestock es eciall .wi nsf th i r P. y over production: in some cereals.. Buekwlieat,, be says, is one of, the, best' sources of • protein biological value for supplementing 'other cereals.: Because'.it, is high m Iysine,'.- it could become ari cellenti substitute for part -`.of` the corn .or other'grain -in a feed .mix= ture. , Further, 'Dr. McGregor "..points .cut, 'thatbuckwheat-•is the <best' crop to grow on unproductive land : It: matures;'quickly, and is ,ideal for low lying a'r'easwhich in soiree sea sons cannot`be used until it is too' late for ordinary cereals. Buck- wheat is also;: used .as' a smoother - crop to crowd out weeds,' • asa. cover':crop `in'� orchards and` vine-' yards, and as a green . maniire crop. The flowers provide an ex cellent: ;source of honey with ; a'dis= tinctive flavor. An: acre hag'. en- ough nectar for as" much as 150 pounds .of honeyin a season:: make ou joint 'plans 'as : Member �w �w si• sem■ municipalities ;m this development association we must first study,the economic,history .of.our'own areas-: in relation to. current, land use;' we "rust consider the cost ofour mar ginal and' stib`-marginal'' and 'even idle lands in •terms . of isolated boatrto he operatedr-extra=`road miles to, be maintained, gravelled mill snow' plowed:- - -- •-•m- ;;-r HaYe.�we yet,d'reamed; aisa V at-'the zone and regional: levels; of returning .these thousands of acres :of `land to .their historic forest 'cover? Someday;'ai41 perhaps' not too' far away either if. Ontario , is :going to -Maintain its world leader . ship # wood pioduet- it Wilrhay'e to -find its forest plantations_notlin Northern::,:Ontario, Where it may take Well,;fwer 100 years for a, tree to ,mature;••but in major plantations in',Southern Ontario, where 350•,:ae res of trees will give a pian: a good living and where lowermarketing costs make, tree farming ecdiibilia. "There is a forest, a :big forest, ice `t Of. e er mon al>, in the torev Y fu y p ,in Ontario . Experts i forestry, agriculture .in water. conserv,a- tion, .and; in •economics :all agree there must.be.-:'What are we in :this'area doing about ourmarginal Y/SH MA 801/GHT 'I/,41DE`BRAVD''NEA11r.Y 644144.411/ZED ENGL/SI/BARBED W/RE /DA SALVED , /420` . TtT ZOQ4 $40( : — -. -- ' — Sip lifi i`}--�— te .,-; ii ��; - -' RICHT.:YOU A.RE, Wilde •„Brand Heavy: English AR ':.1.3„1/2: GAtIGE- 4,PO.�T • (Mild Pliable .Steel) 0141r$ $ and: Z AKE SAL • rotection From'_Pests : .n `on . •• ; Bugs.'and disease are the of 1Y` enemies the gardener may have •to guard 'against. Sometimes there are flocks of< birds• and concentrat- ed attacks by rabbits, ground hogs, coons or'deer. But the, smart gar ,dener,cair easily outwit all of these as well as most bugs and diseases, - ,Treatment. for the last named will be left for later article. To scare birds,there are all sorts of fluttering'tiings chat shin.e•'in .the, sun ,and ;spin • on wires or strigs, There are also scarecrows arid{ even shotguns We can''also plant special '.fruit'and;•i t -..-trees that the: ;birds, will prefer • to .the garden and will give us- . hoots of pleasure watching. thein eat...For :the rabbits, some people surround. the vegetable garden- with a.. -row, :of glass bottles, With: no tops and standing ,firm_in just•'aninch or. so 'of soil, -•The wind' bloWing across ` • the open tops makes a noise that :iln the Orange Hall alarms the —rabbit's.." Pok ground hogs, , coons and: •deer, sometimes Sa1, turday May:9th •.an electric fence, will; be necessary r l .. and .it'will also -keep. out,the ''rah - at 3100 o'clock bits"In senile:cases,.as with soots, ON Support'Kinsme'n Newspaper Bingo. Prize: $1,000 Cards 50c CARDS: 'AVAILABLE IN SEAPORT -ft:, W ebb's Billiards Larone's Stationery. `. Smith's Grocery AT WALTON: ..;Marshall's Gen. Store . a Kinsmen ! Support :'�1, ItniiIifllltnlamialltlf; '11111111IFllllllt111 ,., By J CARL HEMINGWAY =`leg are 80c a clozent,, ' I '_didn't know', this • either until. April 24 when returning fron the-; Ontario Beet-- in• Toronto , I stopped • at .a restaur=, ant,- near Brampton, for supper:, While waiting for iny' order, :., a man; and I presume his wife, sat. in'.at the next; table.. While. they.; were talking, I overheard the, lad' say7that"eggs-are-80 cents_.a dor-, : Were; they.' turkey,_ duck .or, ,perhaps, 'goose ;eggs? Certainly;, when_ 1, • was going: back, over my' egg 'bills...formy. income `tax re- port it doesn'.t seen" reasonaiale ,that, she was ; talking', about hen: eggs;: Yet 'I`feel .quite certain that. tliis`ladywasr'speakiii of hen eggs. Whenever,:.1• have ' gnestione'd dealers on^the'necessary mark-up; on reggs': they have ''alwayS.," told, me' that 20e should take the eggs from; the producer to the::consum. er, and. since that is almost twothirds of what most,::,:producers have been' •getting all: winter, ;it would_ seem to be•plenty. • Fron 'the remarks T' have: ...here..and :there, 'I believe some producers do get:• more than others,•, even for, equal quality.' -However, the highest .1 have heard of was a,mii7.imum (and. 'probably this was' also" a Maxi, - large. :On axi',- large.:On ,this: 'basis• the 'top pricefor eggs`to~the consumer ,should have• been ,only; 586 :,per, dozen. Where then does the: other 22c goOr does it mean, that shine • producers are,; getting,' 60c 'a' dozen. =.> Is it the. consumer thatis.being gouged ar`is� it the producer that is, being. squeezed?;' Or is;fit more probably 'both+ I;have'recently:•received two art_, ticles published by the'•Consumers' Association complaining that' Gov ern hent. 'support prices are.eaus-.. ing-the consumer. to pay, too 'ranch for, his;Ricci,' and therefore; the Sup port price should be lowered butin; this matter;bf eggs it doesn't seem to . be;:the producer price that makes eggs dear.. , • I think the consumer :would' do' well• to consider, 112r Greer's state inept in•refereneeto support grit- es: ori - dairy produets: • ,'"Even though the, floor price 'goes downs,. the. Government has.no assurance that the consumer price; tSill drop," Perhaps. farm- --producers have been. negligent of their' responsi- bil'ity: to the cdnsumer in that they have, taken no part in'.marketing: to see to.it that:the, consumer is paying only a. fair "price for the farmers' -produce, ,' Certainly there. seems to.be reed for improvement i4: the inarketing°`of 'eggs. however, the: fence ma?.have to, Auspices' of 1 include "a foot or two' of poultry range ;Tian 'Property Committee wire. DN E! 3- to '5 p.m. Nurses•, Residence Scott- Memorial Hospital will be open for inspection, and tea will be served at Nurses', Residence. ISCORDIALLY, ''INVITED E�lERY`ON'E Sponsored by The W' men's 'Hospital Auxiliary The regular meeting will not be held on Tuesday, May 12th' IE' DRIVE-IN TM EAT Ontario ri Clinton, .�.CI _•.. Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron. County THJRSDAY ..and FRIDAY , May 7 and 8 , "GOOD' MORNING, '• DOVE NYlss-� Colour (Cinemascepe•) Robert. .-Stack-. Jennifer Jones '(Two Cartoons) 'SATURDAYand d' MONDAY May -9..and11 — DOUBLE"FEATURE $ANI)IT' OF ZH OBE" LCoioiir) (Cinemascope) • i "'iiia meal. to say Must 3 -a. -day may. send ; backache away!" Sounds good! 'Logical,. too! You see the normal job of the kidneys is to remove excess wastes and acids —so often the cause of backache—from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the.,' kidneys in this function and so.may bring you that welcome relief from • backache they have many others. Try just 3,.a -day. You can depend on Dodd'a--in the blue box with the red band. 64 Victor• Mature Anise Autirey''` T"EORBIDDENISLA-TD :(Colour);'' Jon 'Hall ,--,Nan':,Adams ,` (011e Cartoon) . TUESDAYand WEDNESDAY DNESDAY. May .12 ,and,1.3 -:�� "'RIS HOLIDAY (Colour) {'Cin emasee . Bob Wipe - Anita Ekberg (Two Cartoons)' . • WORDS filtiftliTHOUGHTS —or lust Being Hemel II WATCH HT � MG?Ngy� ' teir FAGS USUALLY * OING° our INS. W1N'0W 'OR DOWN' THE PRAfPf ; .•.*0 SHOWS NIGHTLY: NOrdin r .moworsclump, , skip—leavmlpip• Tororotivs w ir clippings as well. li vrOve _.n the el Whirlw/fld " d Tunn oat mows -them -all! '" •wind rotarywily' Daring. . Test roves new. Whuit •1 . nee under the housing e ."rid -tun , _ ereate :.any hili r, ve ry� blade of ` ass, eates'� Powerful vacuum to.freeie.e � y�' cr P . I tits er cut. See this revolutionary„ .upright for a Sharper, p new Whirlwind today. • Easy terms.40 No extras fi” Trims dose -11 Ends clumping;, •:Ba s,dPp i rngs'° •. - No scalping 5- 9. t19'' WHIRL : ND ,WIr Ask-a1iio-.iiUti Phone 797 COMPLETE WITH BAG CHUTE LEAF 1VIULCIIERS $10 00 down) "'"-...Test . at RDW Seaforth Rain or Clear First' Show :. t =busk f; aFREE _ , WANTW A. S •RING RESULTS — Phdne ..:141 under 12 incars!FRE� -Children, un ..d Roadt he..Ad vertisements Its a::. Profitable:` Illllllllilllllllhtlllilill;IIIIIIIILIFILIIIIIII .; or --142'" Pastime_ W. G. THOMPSON HENSALL and Sons Limited Phone 32 CLOVER and. GRASS : SEEDS, tWE HAVE ,A COMPLETE, .STOCK OF "ALFALFA, -RED CLOVER, ::ALSIKE,"ELL'OW AND ,WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH ,and'LADINO CLOVERS, BROME GRASS, ETC: CONTRACTING` -FOR --REGISTERED RR,ODI\TEY and..-GARRY- SEED. r OATS Alsd Malting Barley SEED 'GRAINS. All Varieties: in Registered No. 1, Certified No. 1 and Commercial VAR” No. 1, Treated and Packed in Jute " ' OAT' VA TTEUIES Garry, Rodney, Clintland, Registered and Commercial Brant and Montcalm Barley High quality ''seeds will be in short supply this, Spring." To be sure of your requirements, ORDER NOW! FERTILIZES. WE'LL DELIVER TO YOUR FARM r contracting ctin' for'Maltiifi . Barley. 2. Registered Seed. Oats. 1W�a are a g ....,g �' Have' Your Seeds Cleaned and Treated_at Our Modern Cleaning Plaint. Your seed can be5delivered cleaned without being bagged., Phone usand arrange a"date to'clean and treat your requirements. SEED 'BEANS Registered No.1 & Commercial No.1' Sanilac, Michelite &Clipper Th® psi n ?lIONE 32;'. Nights 194 or 4 ' .. ions Limited ' HE1 'BALL