HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-05-08, Page 1One Hundredth Year• Whole Number 4761 REAFORTA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 8 1959' 'vSingle Copies, 5 Ceti $2,50 a Year in Advance a or n in , After three years of -hard pre- Parational work, °-SeaforthFall Fair ias 'attained Class . '13.7 -status. Arinouncernent was received by the ,seeretaryou ThurSday that'the „so- ciety° had been accepted into the . , higher category. SeafortIr is the only 'fair in Huron with "B" rat- ing "(:)ur repreSentative far Ontario, Mr. -William S. McIffutllen:rhas ,sub- mitted -your application for Cla-ss• "B" listing. This, matter has been given: due consideration and 1 am pleased to advise that Seaforth Agricultural -Society is now, listed as a 'Class. - exhibition, effec- tive ,with the 1059-60 , fiscal year," the formalannouncement received „ frorri the Canada Department of -'1Agriculture a.Ssociate chief, E. F. Pineau, stated. ; This places Seaferth fair with 37 other fairs in Ontario for' the "B" rating. T.7,ntil this year, , Seaforth has operated as a "C" fair,T-with the •announcement, Seaforth Fall Fair becomes; the first "B" fair Huron County. Only other nearby fairs of this category are Mitchell, which attained the status, l‘tst-vear-.,:,, which the .seciety, was war:king at 'obtaining till§ clSffication: meting will be called -.with, „William S.. McMullen, of the Can- ada Department of 'Agriculture, D. H. Miles; Iluron County agricul- tural representative:- representa- fives of the Junior Farmers, Jun- ior Institute and 4-H Clubs and the executive of the, Fair board, to form a committee -to organize the junior divisien of the fair. The cOmmittee will look after arrange- . . , inents, of classes, preparation of .prize lists and make 'plans for the fall fair,' scheduled this, year for Thursday and -Friday, September 24 and 25. , The meeting will be held in,Seaforth. • ,• Officiala said the executive will '1T1 e et at the fair grounds with Simpson, Ross Marshall,- Wiilain Boy44.anct.„Ilume- -Clutton; directors of the :1-,liiron County.11017 stein Club, to discuss accommoda- tion. and requirements' for the _Black and White Show. The show will -be' held in conjunction • with the Seaforth Fair this year. Direc- tors'of the fair board are 'planning , (Continued:OD. Page 6) .--,Stratfard-larid-Tee The .,higher • rating' f'•will mean • , more grants to ,the societY. At .the present.,tirne ,the', fair' receives - a maximum grant -of $t000 -from -the- Trovin,cial Department of Agricul- ture . for prize money and 'a capitaliniptoVeMerits' -grants.' Of , 25 pr cent of, the,,exPenditiire.....,Pader. ' the, • classification,•; the fair . Will receive a,inexiiintrn of S1';50(ifrom , th_e_Iliovincial•:DePartnient,',a's well ;as: the 25 per Cent capital ' -grant,.. Frani' the, "Federal f.:DePartraerit .the an :arinual capital Per-roent- ..„of eipentlitures.r...irp•,to-1360Q*Tor :nnajOr, danitif expenses, .; a grant of. '50',,per:.eent,..can ;be ,obtained - on. :amounts up to .$19,tr,o0o. - r " Biggest : the ,fair will be the irantsr,,Obtainable for :* junior, aetiVitie,S.'.:."The'"fideral -de-. , pertinentwill pay, 400', per cent .tif expenses incurred by a .junior„cOna„ • mittee for junior workat -the 'fair • in inter -club Competition.,The.,grant yea' &Wei,' to $1,000 for these ex- penses.- • . r The anneameernerit dliat Seaforth F11 Far had finaily'"'made the rating,, was 'We:teethe heWS-- for :-President ,. has:been head ;of the_organiiation throUghthe: three years,' dining Lre Successful 11-- ,780 Driving Pasf la.ndlo..rd Ands pqrtplentJ Fire, Which 'originated in a kitt Oren onthe pecand, flOdr-Of.t an Egnionclville '"apartment bfflldiug caused $3,560' damages Monday afternoon .before .being brought under control by ,the•Seaforth Fire; Brigade. The fire i believed' to, liaVe Started in the 'kitchen of an apartment Oedupied by LAC D. D. • Halls' and Mrs. Halls and tWo chil- dren,' and_ 'spread to '.-the' attic: of the apartnient btiilding. The .build- ing; located at 'the, Soli -there' ent- Skirts Of Sea•fortli°,011 South Main. Street,- is owned by 'Harold !leek - Mr. Halls; on the.-staf-f at RCAF Station, Clinton,. Was at Work at the time of the.fire. Mrs. Halls ,and family -were-visiting-with.' a, neigh- bor, Mrs. Mervin Nott, , across ,the, street from, the home. ' , ' • -.Harold Jackson; • owner,. Of the building,1Na0:.ddyifig past his build- ing 151i- his **.ay" out of town,' wlien a passeriger, Torn.Beattie.;,pointed, out the fire JO \- Smoke was 'issuing frern.tinder, theeaves and flames were. Visible:- in the. Idtehen,'when.•Mr. Jackson :stormed, his'.ear...He•rushecl to ,a neighbor - ng house and 'Called Seaforth Fire, Departinent.'-'. • " .• „•...31r,s ....NaiLHodgert-Land-childrens. aparen-Mi.fd. ,Were unaWare. Of the blaze until. IVir. Jackson warned em, -,Ht. in- veStigated-.and found .theattic ' lull of denSe..Smoke. While flames Were lieking_up_theLnarth wall and ceils: , ing of :the tipper: •Eiteherr-- Abent the same time, aides. Reeves; wha was worki with a PVC,' crew' a Meek' northea of the heuse,., noticed the-fire:and lished to the scene 'with the PEVIadder -trueltAte'laritler was swiing-into- use by the-4ire brigade to enter the building .through a second Tibor Witideef.f.The': thiet black 'smoke, Headquarters In Seafott Looby Construction Ltd, ef, Dub- lin, this Week were awarded addi- tional Contracts' by , the • Ontario Departmenr-of:HighWays'totalling $113,780: „The .contracts ;are in ad- dition to • cnntracts.,. awarded th ine _fir_seYeral,,Weeks_age-and_whiCh amounted; to. $1.82i.3,72.,„,_ The ,new ,contracts include ridge strirctiires , at -Hightvay 401 in Nas- sagawdYa Township, at $58,093,50; in the Hamilton district, -and in Wolsingham Township, in the,Sim- CCI, district, at $55,686.50. Lee Learn .Bu Regent 'Block Sale of the Regent Theatre block to Lee Learn, of Exeter, was' an- nounced thisweek by the real, es- tate office of Joseph McConnell; The 'price was not diselosed. Mr. Learn, who representS.Exe- - ter Dairy' Ltd., in the Operation Of --Maple Leaf 'Dairy here, told The Expositor . he had no definite Plans ,for the farmer theatre. , ", "We are. investigating :several 'possibilities arid Will reach ;,a 'de- cision as anon as ,passible," he „ said. In :addltion ; to the theatre, the"- block. „includes, ..a„,,stare ; occu- pied by Carol Lyn 'Shop; and two ' apartments. . • *, • - " Residences si4A , Mr. McConnell, at the same time, announced thesale-ief:Awd.,Icteal residences: The, former- , Charles • Brodie on North.lVlain Street,' has been purchased* by , Roy 'Borden,. and the Robert' Hamilton residence in 'Egrriondville has been Sold , to Ray Co.embi:-..• • ' drove- firenien.'bi k 'from, the '-at- ; 1:1E'Ffid,. a hdle-lia-crto-,1se`;-Olirmitech. in the roof Of .the structure to al- low firemen..to attack the 'blaze - from' ibeYe:''.. (,-... .. ', - • „ _, .. • ,_ ' ,JWithin ..20", minnte.S :the hrigaee. had:the... I ti . 6 ' uncier;:eantrol..,-Neigh- bors and.passersbyAnickly remov- ed ireaSt Of the fUrnittire, from the doWnstairs,•aPartment. before too much damage .occurred.', . . According to Mr. Halls, the ma- ior'.Ioss he suffered as kitchen ftirnishingS: and, -a: radia damaged by ' smoke- and, water. _ Speaking about . the.: fire . tic The Expositor Wednesday;.Mr..I-Ialls was high, in his praise for • the. qtiiek and effici- ent manner in Which,Seaforth, Fire* Brigade 'acted, in."Cenfining'.- the blaze : and .. saving ....his „furniture, which, ,.he :pointed out; Was net in. sured" -He alio expressed thanks to neighbe s for their help and offers i (if 'aSs stance,, . .. .. , ,..„ . ••• Wit.' e repairs:. are being carrier] "--but-z* -the-building the Halls , have been living with Mr: and ' Mrs. C. Malone and 16.. and.lVirs. M. Nott, ,Whilt ;the Hodgerts are living with Mi.*:Hodgert'S 'Mother; Mrs. 'Thos: -Hodgert, ClinfeliTStreetc-Seaforth. Mr. 'Hall raid Wednesday 'tbat he liadlobtained antobiie_hame and would 'reside beside the.:apartment until repairs are completed. ' • . Fire. Chief .Jolin,-11":' Scott; who-, estimated the ,damage . at, $3,500, said the.'-fire;started, from an over - fused cireiiit... The -loss -is:partially Covered by inSUrance." . '4 . . • P Dublin Barn Burns ',,..... _ .Lass isr.e#iectd to exceed 15,000 in a fire. around 8i30..a.in. ,Wednea- daY: morning at a :farm ,south of -Dublin. 4.,barn oir the farm of S. ' PaIlbS, was burned to the; groitrul in a-bIaze that quickly spread' out (if..cOntrol.;*- : ' r, .. - ..-' , . . Lost, in, the :fire were in pigs,• 10 goats, a cow ' and: two calves and 150 .hgns., A le* of the , pigs estaped "'from the. blaze,: but later had .to , be destroyed 'because of "their°Condition„ •A .riumber of hens also.Managed to escape the Tire. 'Mr,'.•Panos; Who operates the small; farm,- as: well' aS a farm trueking,business;„ had backed, his '(Contintiet1 on Page 6). Council Names Drain Inspector William Campbell Was appointed tile drainage inspector for Tuckers. smith at the Thckersneith ;munici- pal -eouncil. meeting ,•in Seaforth Town Hell, on Tuesday, May 5, at 1 p.m. All members were ores.: ent and Reeve Ivan- Forsyth pre- sided. Adrian 'TinitnermanS at- tended the;meeting and requested catnicil to, improve a drainage sits nate& adjoining his farm. Council prbmised to nvestSgate the ma - ' Rtidelph. *Me attended -the meet:- ing aid requested council to, repair, a -fence :Which . he -.claimed was 'damaged' as a resilt of Snownlow7. 'Council was of .the 'opinion that ;no,. action could. be taken. 'BylaW.,,N6.73, providing for an increase !in interest rates from - 5¼ to 51/2 ..per cent, was given it•S. required,- readings.' •and ', passed, Council: joined' the Huron .County Municipal' 'officers'. Association paig...fee of ,$20:- The 'spring ineeting:Will be held .at ,Varna on ArairitititS passed included: Eg- knoridville Water, $22,17; fox boun- ty, -$4: supplementary allowance, $25; hospitalization, dump, $15t .rOadS, .$1;301,80,; warhigkie, $123..60: advertising, $8.96; fire pro- tection, ',$IB; 'relief, $109,17; 'drain 'subsidy,. $106,80; rneinbership fees, $29; salary and. allowance $241,63; postage; 15: Council adjourned to meet June 2, at. 8 pm, ' • with, the announcement Monday • that Ontario voters would go to ihe Polls On Thursday, June 11, election maclainery---held, in readi- ness for • weeks, -was', thrown into., high gear.. , • -' In Hurob. riding, Returning Offi- cerRussell T. Bolton, and Elec., tion Clerk W. E. Southgate, acted immediately after word Was re- ceived that writs- of an election had , ,been issued. e e ection. officials will operate from Mr. Southgate's office in Seaforth._ With the exception of the Town of Goderich. Iluron riding is rural. ,In Goderich, two enumerators- are g named by the 'returninofficer for eaeli poll, whereas in the remain- der of the riding but one enumera- tor a poll is required, Ennniera- tors will Com,mence their rounds next week listing the names of ev- ery eligible voter in the ,riding,. -EnurneratorS-afe-Paid, at hr rate af $40,. plus eight cents per name • for all nallies over 250 on the list. additibn to enuM ineratien, r. -,Bolton , must arrange for . polling booths in, each of the Huron sub- divisions and officials to man themn o,election day. There rnust also he provision for advance polls, held the Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the week si,ItaI Stresses o- T Recovery ----Hospital-Day-is-being -observed- oa With this Issue,. The -Hurn Ex-, positor ,publishes, on age 10, the first in a seriei,,of articles dealing . with the history of Hibbert Tewn- Written by Miss Isabelle ,Camp- bell,: of Seaforth; the series is a continuation of articles Which Were produced in 1953 by Miss . Camp- bell, under thel• title,. .‘.`A Hibbert Review". At that tithe the history dealt In detail With the, history of each-nf---the. lets in Oneessions leight to fourteen; irielnsive,„ as- well -`45 with the villa4les Of Croinarty and Staffa. The present series in- cludes the history' of lots ' in the remaining. concessions in the toWn- Ship,, as well as the history of the -Village of, Dublin. Oainpbejl., who has spent : several years ,' in research to en- sure the- aectirey and, coniplete-' ness:of her Material, has long been . interested in the stor of Ilibbert ..-TOwhshiP. She is a native Of the township,, having been born on, lot 21, .concession 10, the daughter, of Mrs. AleCarripbeil and the late Mr. Campbell. , ; Her interest 10 Hibbert history first tobk forth in 1952, When, a 'series of articles - entitled, "The Story of Hibbert Township", and 'Which dealt in a general way with , the 'background history, appeared in The EXpOgitiOr. The ariteres aroused by the Series led iti turn, . to further Studies and the ptibliea- ri ries tion of "A Hibbert Review" nt the following Year. This, in Ulm, is now being followed by the present series,,which begins this.week. - Like the other series, thepresent articles, oA Hibbert Review -Part Two", Will'bepiiblished in booldet form later this "year..' •41: in Seaforth on Wednesday, May 13. Arrangements- are „being_handied by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary- . and include -a -tea -in' the nurses' residence to which the public is , . • Because the hospitalis filledto capacitY,'..ringpeetion*urs' there will. be confined to :the: neit laux- dry, -hospital officials' said: Cornnienting on, the significance of Hosnital. Day,. the,' .auxary ,President,!... Mrs. H. Whyte, said that inereaSing, bos- pital erVices,, Make it • necessary for hospitals to depend to an .even 'greater '-'thetent . upon: 'comniuuitY StinpOrt and . under- standing. The ,Hospitai D'ay theme; "Your support will ensure' More roads to ' .reCoverY'.1„,..will empha.,., size...the inereasing,'number 'of..ser- .videg.. offered' by hospitals,' and...the .necessity for the wholehearted 'sup- port ; of :all ditiZenS.,_ Mrs. Whyte THERE . WAS 'NO IDOURT, thiS: „weeki, abent, „the. arrival of ,Spring:,'So qpickly did the; hot,•wea.- ther conne, that it was difficult' te 'realize the snow -clogged roads,: the, .eight and en -foot drifts, had, really disappeared.- On Ttlestlay the temperature -elirnbed intethe niiddle seventies,,. and. by 'Wednesday -afternoon was MOving evenbiglier.' The young,..ones took*advantage of thenreisu-' ; ally hot weather.. Here at. the -L ions, Park:are ,a,ileve-T-orthe'Th -iid-fers77-17,:71.1OTTflocked.---.ter-!--clistriet streams during' recent days, 'anxious to try...their luck ,With r d and reel.: • Usy.,S_Wilirday Nigh _.k . Seaforth Main See -ft was busy Saturday.mght as stores remained d -id7cr 'tb-c-svcalagmfor-the- first occasion since before Christ- mas As a special attraction, many stores observed, a spring opening 'festival' which restItedin a great - than usual number of Shoppers, according to several merchants. - Another attraction Saturday_eve- fling, that precluded over $600- for the sponsors, was the drawing for prizes in the Women's Hospital Call Meeting For Minor Ball A Meeting to consider "a minor baseball program for Seaforth this Summer is being held in the Town Hall Thursday evening, ,at 730 _Last year, Seaforth teams had a successftil season, and to enstire that the results this year may be even more, satisfactory, - all inter- ested in -baseball are, trged, to at- tend the Meeting. Rabbits Choose Plctrifing Box- . 4 e. ._ It was a nice •Spring day as Ra' Boussey began work on a *planting box in front " of his James Street ,residence. He - had raked. over- the 'earth and Pulled a feWweeds,' when a strange movetnent in the box ' led him to look more closely. ' What he found burrowed in a neat hole in .the dirt were 'six baby rabbits,' each little more than an inch in length. ,;2,440w, several claYs later, the falthits, aredeveloping nicely t.,and have beguntoroam a bit, . thanks to the meals that young Bill„BouSsey has beerr feeding them. Smyth' -$hoes, Purchase 'Salt Shoe- Store Here-' Smith's Shoe Store has been 'sold to S. D. Smyth and his son, George Smyth; of Mitchell. They plan' to • continue to operate`the.-stort-and to feature medium and, better qual- ity family shoes, Mr. Smyth aiid. Established here 25 jars • ago by the late C. E. Smith,. the store was operated by Mr: Smith untithis •suddert death last" fall. Following her hnsband's death, Mr. Smith continued the business Until the purchase -by the Mitchell interests. ,Announcements coneerning---the transfer appear On pages 3 and 5 of this issue. Mr. Smyth- told The Expositor he had spent most of his life in the shoe business, and , was familiar with the requirements of people in urban and rural communities. Ths son, George, joined him on -com- pletion, of school, In charge of the Seaforth store will be James Glasgow, of Mit- chell. Mr. Glasgow has Moved to Seaforth, ' ApAiiliary annuarWrif -s-516.---7i or more than tWo hours names of _Winners _were .calle,d, from .head- quarters established: , in; ,:1tritricy. Furniture. _The draw •vv•as•in charge Of Mrs. H. WhYte, 'Mrs. Earl Dins- more' and Mrs: A. W. SillerYi` While John.A. -Cara° called the winners. Draws were made by Mayor B. Christie and Miss V. Drape, hospi- tal, superintendent. .• • , . .Winner t were: • Shoes , (Seaforth Shoes), _ Mrs: Scott Habkirk; ' chocolate bars -(1-Iuron Wholesale), David PMce; -cio Mrs. 'Sas. Dunlop, Seaforth;„ two- turkey dinners (Seaforth 'Grill), .Lettie MacDonald, Seafortll; ,dish .es (Steffen's), Mrs. Gordon Mc= Welton:' tewel° and wash cloths (Stewart Bros.), Mrs. G. A. Whitney; Seaforth; teapot, cream arid sugar ,(Westeott'S), Mrs. Lew- Tebbutt, ,Seaforth; ,shoes (Sea, forth,„Shoes), Mrs. Leona "TtoWat, Seaforth; lighter (1 Pullman); lVira. A. Y; McLean, Seaforth;• hz- abeth Arden Set (Dymond, DrilkS,), Helen' Boyes,-; Egmondville; teddy bear, (Crown Hardware), Glen Chesney, Seaforth... . ' . , :Oil change (Supertest Service Station),, Mrs. Helen Matthews, Seaforth; " . electric kettle (ditiger-' .ich's), Mrs. G. A. Whitney, . Sea. - forth;. fishing pole Hart), Mrs. Ken Bettles,•-WinthroP:. wall :Plaque (.titue,r..Larane), Janiee S.D.H.S. Principal Is WOSSA Head L. P. Elurnsteel, 'principal of Seaforth District .High School, was .named president' ef the Western Ontario Secorelari',Sehbol Associa- ,tion at their meeting in London on Saturday. He succeeds, ,Park Stead-, Man, Windsor.-- :Nana, to the first and second vice-president position s were E. -H. Broliman;,-,of Chatham, • and R. A. 'Criaaliaiik;:-Of- Blenheim. Seere- tary-treaSurer will be "Dr. -,-W. A.. McWilliants; of :London, Who " re- places John Faulkner; of the .Unf- :verSitY of .Western -Ontarib, Who retired Heads of :the two, Management Comniitteds, for, .the, coining: term Will be Sean Shillitigton, of Walker - :Ville, and Bill Aiknimen, of Kings - DirectarS resent -included NV T. ,Armstrong, .4:if London Beek; 'Ger- ald Langon, . of North- Essex, Her- bert Stevens, of East Elgin,;• Will of :London Beck; • George Arnott, of. Windsor Hermati;: Park - Steadman, Of - WindSor,• Forster; .Ross Cruickshank;.,,, Of Blenheini; „Larry,Pluiriateel; of Seaforth; Ted Brohinan, of 'Chatham Collegiate: Graham. Stevens, Qf Sarnia a d Orland Atkins of Strathrey • Huron Farmers- :, Agree ;To: Coutrikis Almost 90 per 'cent of the farm, ars' in Huron, County are .in :favor Of a 'Brueellosis control program for the county, according to a.sur-, vey just completed and. 'released Wednesday' by -D. H. Miles,': agri- cultural representative for. Huron: The. canvass was conducted by the Huron Coml. Federation of Agri- culture, townhip ehairmen. Accorcling'to the information re- ceived froth the Clerks' of the 10 Huron townships,' 3,459 -people sign-• ed for, the test and slaughter pro.; gram. At the same time, 385 peo- ple either opposed or did: Itht Sign. the petition •forms. This made the - total in favor. of the plan- at 89.6 per Cent, The terms have now been for- warded to the Livestock Commis- sioner for Ontario-. Under the Brucellosis Control Act, it is,;iied,1 essarY to -have 04.2/3, per cent of the cattle- owners of the county in favor before the provin,ce can en- ter -an agreement with the Canada Department of Agriculture for the program. liensall Fair Set For June 12 Board \Deddes Hensall, Spring* falr Will: be held Fridaf,'' run12, Earl' Dick, presi- dent Of South'Hurort Agrictiltural perrnalientaT(KOrbe-re-s-7711Olise' -Ol- Beanty); _Bernard Hothana, Sea - forth.; lotions (dreg firm), ,Bili Anstm,:• Seaforth; doli-(dOnations)r,- Mrs: GilliertIMurray, Dablin;-eight glasses,. -(Sills',: .Hardware),: Mrs: *Gordon '1ViacDonald, $ af o r plants,, Value. ,$2 ,.(Baker's Greet- hdose),,.Lloyd. Glanville, Seaforth; jotions r(drug,' firm) • .11Irs.,; A. W. Seafiarth; 'dry I: cleaning (Scoins), Mrs.. D. Somerville, Sea - forth; lotions' (:drug. firm), .•Ken Swan, Seaforth. " , - , Hat Water .bottle (drug .firm, Mrs. Albert :Edler,„'•Seaferth; lo- Powell, tSeaforth; roller skates (donations), Kathy Brightrall, Sea. - forth; cooler (,Baldwin Hardware), , I's,. George -Legezw, -Seaforth; man's shirt (Shiflett's), Mrs, Roger. Hoornaert; RR .2; Seaforth, 20 imilk tickets (Seaforth Dairy), Mrs_ Joe Grum/nett,. ,Seaforth; letions (drug firni), Laidlaw, Sea, ,forth; cigarette case and lighter .(Webb's BilliardS), Harvey. Leslie, Seaforth. Unibrella (Keating's), 1Virs. Hel ga Kristenson, Seaforth; toWel set (Shiflett's), Mrs; Ivy J. ',Tithnston, Seaforth; hot °Water bottle (drqg firm) Mrs Eva Kerr, Seaforth.; lanin (donations) Charlene Fry, Seaforthi... tWo ,quarta paitft (Sea - forth :Lumber); Mes. David Mc- Lean, Seaforth.,. do'or grille (Jack- , son IfornesV Mrs. Sam Scett, Sea - forth; " fiVe taxi rides (Cecil Lem- an), Mrs. Thomas Kay, Seaforth; 'lotions (drug. firth), Arnold West - cod, Seaforth; cocoa pot (Sav- ange's),.. j. J'. .McDowell (Provin, dial police), Seaforth; spark pluga-(Scott Habkirk), Charles Ad- dle tt Seaforth Lo ons (drug firm), , C. CO , f r ; man s , SocietY, announced Wednesday. Seaforth;' doll (Mrs, Bettles), JiVaIlace Ross, Seafortin- The decision to hold the fair on. ,Russell Bryans Seafarer $12.56, (Continued on Page 3) that date was reached at 'a Meet- 7 4,hoef the dwiriTtobitics,eTlies y mght. .precnding polling. Special are- required for :mese polls. -7DRO.',87-receive-',$15=----they-Work----7.- only day -and ,poll clekks • .. :Nomination-, daywill he two :Weeks ,, before .polling , 'day 7H,, oh TImrs•day, May 28, . .11/ea/TV/idle,. party organizations in. the , riding are Setting,in. motion T.PIaiils:Ierfg-rria-deT::for-,:the-carnpaign.' Chas, Ma cNaughton, sitting mem- ber, who was elected in a byelec- :tion a year ago, ,again carries the Conservative banner, 7-The7Lilieral-candiclate isHarry, Strang,: well known Vsborrie , farm- .1,er_ancl_clerkAreastirer of the' town - hip. 'While this is his first venture irto-politie', -he -has been actisre-in. many organizations' and is a.;:past-. ' president of the Ontario Crops Ira= proVement_ A.Ssecia,tion„ .Mr. :Mae - Naughton is president' of Janes-, ' MacNaughton Seeds Ltd.-; of Exes liens* (drug ,firin),-.MarY;;.Mol(ors' ;cher,. Dublin; .eight,iclaSses: Hardware), B ri3ara Langstaff, 'Se a - car -Wash and, grease job (George ;Miller), 01-fristie;Itiohaen,', Seaforth';', drY. wash, (Mrs. Mil- ler), Yeroniea J. Jordan, Seaforth, ball' and glaVe (Hildebrand „Paint •:atid Paper),., Seaforth; hot water , bottle: (Mc- kindsey's Drug Store).„Aniie Down:, ey,' -Seaforth;.. box of ChbcolateS (Weng'S .Grill); Mrs. MrS. Roy •Mc= Geocb„,-Segfertb,;•:five. dozen , eggs (Scott's Poultry Terms:); Mrs.' Geo.: .1VIeGavin, Seaforth; nylon's ;(Sinitlf,i, ,Shoes).'' Mrs. James.,,Carter,,.R13.",. ,Seaforth. ' Five . PonridS•' butter'.' (Seaforth : Creamery) j Neflie Pryee„ Seaforth; ..2 pairs of PilloWeaSeS: (Simpsons Sears); lErs. D. McConnell, Sea7, forth steak .knives, (Sohn Ca:idno) ;, ,Bert Brimefielcf:. -lamp '(Laron,e'S)f ;Jack Seaforth; case Of green. beans..(Stitith!s:' Gro- cery), , Glad .Thompson. Seaforth pyjamas (:caral----14yn'Shen). Mrs. Margareta: Lanier*, eaforth; lo- tions (drug firm); Ross 'Mortgenr ,ery, Seaforth; '20 ...Milk' ricketS„ (Can sin'S Ds ity),' Mrs• . Clint :Smith, Seaforth: shoes (Seefortlf:.Shoes), Ross„.! MorttgernerY, Seaforth; shoe lartislies (Jack TheinpSen)'; Kim :MeLeani. Seaforth.' _ tatiOns.,(drug ...firm), Mrs". Elsie KeYes.:, 5.0fOrth; - feed cake PaStry, ' 'PrYce. Seaforth; lotions (Ong, , firm), ',Mrs. 47. ''Duitgey„, Seaforth;: 82,50 ‘-• •rn reb andisel: Shoe Stare), Mrs.• Thomas Kaye,: Sea - forth; $15.00 Permanent ''(Letlia's Be fy Shoppe). °Peter ' McCOWan, Seaforth; lotions, (drug firm), Bob Dinsmore, Seaforth; 40 gal lon5 'of fuel. oil (Dundas & Loney), Mrs. .J.01 -in Earl.' Seaferth; lotionS (drug firm).- ' :Miss:, „Vera Hudson,. Seaforth 'sarateh.:Pa,ds (Seaforth . News), Mrs:, Cleary,' ,Sea, Sea - Lotions S b shirt (SteWart Bros ) Tuckei,smith Meeting,i - First district -meeting to be;•-eall.,: ed since the eleetion_Was announe- ed is a 'Liberal-. gathering 'tieing' held in Tticiteramith ,Monday eve- ning. The Meeting, to be address- ed . by Liberal'', candidate Harry Strang and ethers,' is being held in No.:3 Sehool, on the - gain, feature ENCOURAGNEATER ENTRANCES . r the. pranilar baby 'sh)w, parade ' to the grounds,- and large iltple- JR the big attractions; -;as always, will With the thought ot..„ improving be paid in prizes,. with first prize rid $ 0; third $15. -fourth, $10. ineM show. On the grounds will be FARMERS ANNOUNCE CONTEST, f a midway for the children. One o 'be the calf Sale, ' the appearance of farnis from. the being $25, or equivalent prize:, sea- ro4d,,Beaf4th Junior. Farmers 'a r this -year sponsoring a farm en - Secretary -treasurer James Me 'Gregor .said WedrieSdAY: the: prite list would rthithin the •Satne as pre- vious years; with one ,addition to: the horse "Sectiarl.-:-The Bereheren, team class* has been , changed, and will be open- year tOr:Pereheron or Belgian teams. [:.. At the Tuesday ineet4ng, the fol - bowing •list Of associate- directors1 Were named: -1,leyd7. Lovell, Han; vey Coleman, W. R. Dougall, Jack ,Morrissey, McKinley, Howard Wright, Art Varley, Lloyd Copper, Jihr-McOregor, Bob 'Parsons; Ken Christian; Harvey 'Taylor, IVan, VorsYth; Floyd Turner, John PYM,,", Harold. roster; Lorne Hay, Bob McGregor, Dougall and. John Henderson. ' trance linprovement contest. their regular. meeting _Tuesday. regulations and priie .money *ere discussed.' " . X s b Merton eyes wa name c a r - Man of the Committee in charge of the tontest. Bob Fotheringham illbe seeretary, and Bruce Cole- man, Will`be in charge .of ptiblicity for the project. The contegt, Mr. Coleman told The ExpoSitor on 'Wednesday, is open te anyene in the ,rural area around Seaforth and Walton, Bit tries vvill be -received until Tues- day, May 26th; by the seeretary. A total of seventy-five dollars will fifth 'Prizes Noll be'awar - .ed on the basis:of ariginalfty, itnr nrnvement and; safety. Judging. will take -the farm, of a beforeand-affer, coest. Gateways will be examined. shortly after -the entry deadline, before- improvetnents - are made. , Shortly l'after September' 1,'when the'. contest, closes, the judges will re-ettaroine the entrances and place the top, five entries_,..; Mr. Coleman said: During the meeting; anneunce- ment was inade,of the annual Field Day in Vitchen on Stine 13. Sea - forth' are again mitering a softball teeth, The Hilton ,Contity livestock Judging competition 'will be held in Seaforth on Saturday May 23 Fred Watson . , .taniey Clerk, esigns Office Fred Watson, since 1047 clerk - treasurer of Stanley township,- has restgned because of ill health._,. Council has advertised the posi- tion and will accept applications until thon'on May 18, -Reeve' Har- vey Coleman said. ' Mr. Watson. was reeve of , Stan- ley forseven years, and Js a for- mer warden of Huron county. He has been active in the affairs. of the municipality for the past a , Stratford -Man Buys Huron Wholesale The business of Huron Wholesale was sold this week to Gordon ,Bertenrciiller, ,of ' Stratford, with ' • - • possession .effectlye-May . Owned by W. Orland Johnston; the business ,serves the retail trade throughtput Hurler): County, with 'a ;Wide variety Of .Confectionery and sundries, Included in the Sale -is, the residence, and warehause on Snarling Street , ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs, Solinsfon have made no plans for the future, other than to enjoy a 'holiday: For ,the moment theplaitto store their furniture' and move to their cot. tae in Elliott's. Grove, ,horth, of BaYfield. They came here Irani 'Brucefield, April 1;1952; and in the ' intervening years have hunt Huron Wholesale into an -extensiye opera - Mr. and. Mrs, :Johnston have been aetiv.e in a riumber Of organ: izations, and- Mr. Ioliriston ,sald -Wednesday ,that while they had no definite plans for ,the future, " he was floPefur that in . any event" it Would be possible to .„remain- irk t S f th." ' Mr. and Mrs". 'Beutenniiller and their family of. two sons WU1 move- hor 'next ..,week. , 13car To HS Staff Meting Tuesday evening sDHS l3oard eonfirined the apprarament, of two new teachers. Miss 13, 11, Matalon, of Ottawa, a French specialist, while Donald" 'Pullen, Fort Erie, will teach 'English. They Will .replace Alvin Harding and- X. H .Eieth, who .have sigiled:Discuss :Renovations- Seaforth Public "Sdhool Board, Monday evening discussed a main- terrance prograni for the.. school; Estimates are being obtained; for sanding and refinishing window silis and doors. 1440fTc ,•