HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-24, Page 11�ntraSt:: Egg Production 'rofessor ; Sayso rte yen s. are urged o watch - G fully .Y� all bo -. r1f1tesC# h `fires, Ci ra �s t O reV @tlt-f�r�e fr erns - readin an,d causirt care a 4• -a., e ert: Y. LE , • LEAVE A BONFIRE D E A N I • TT ; . N fD evi#able "Contract marketing -of quality - controlled eggs is inevitable and a good thing," claimed Professor A. Ross Cavers in An address to egg producers at the annual .conven tion of the• Ontario Poultry Pro- ducers .Association .: in. Toronto. Professor ' Cavers, head of the Poultry Husbandry Department, Ontario Agricultural `College,; and a well-known expert on poultry, discussed •vertical _integration, or. contract production,.., as it affected poultry, producers in'the Province. P . He, indicated- thaty- •contract r - ma keting of quality eggs ,was grow- 'ing in popularity and • importance, in. Canada; partly due to Canada's successful 'egg grading system..He told ,the egg producers that "Con- tract : production without 'quality control is not' likely to' succeed as .a permanent . grogram,"' :.a n d stressed that this would. ;mean larger flocks'for egg.producers. "Contractors will need to pick - up eggs three times per"week and will want:: ten 30 -:dozen cases or more per stop if they can get them; this means" 1,200- .hens or- Tliis- figure • is ' about -three times the, size,: of the average ;egg- producing -flock. in Ontario at the current e su re fires es ar e completely extinguished night! shed ;a -� t _ If a bonfire @ or. ra`_ ssf�r . ,:.� � appears t0 be"t @tlng out of �y control ,`:don LL• hessta e' C - ,: _ A ....THE FI I RTGAD '' T E .. HONE 1� ire Chie E'D ITAT�I 0 Order'`Thexn' Throu h g n H U C� EJCPC IV_.. SITI ple.tand .the gi'o"We N in his: control, prices being quoted'to'the public because as integrator he agrees by. Toronto daily press • and a fie - on prices with retailer's. This fore- quest to the CBC to 'issue -egg es him to be more responsible and prices after livestock prices on its More • careful about' the" volume' of daily- market reports'.. broilers he contracts , for. And Officerselected when the members of -thee Ontario Tom for the corning Poultry Processors Association had years- were: Tom" "Robson; Learn- tried to. -cut +back,', on production. presid, for his second term a ,, last year, they Were unsuccessful., and R n a Alroot Pond, ' Jarile, and Ronald Brooks; Bowmanville "The outstanding failure (of :the as vice-presidents; : /qrs. . Evelyn processors) to control chicken broiler production : within -reason- Brown, $ty a RamsaMilbi Don M. Brown, Stouffville Miibnrn-gGra?n-= able limits during the last hal f; of wood,_Mitcllell,.;end AllanWedow:1958 was -a matter of reat_disap- Hanover, as -the remaining dire pointment to all concerned, inelud- tors ... " , representing ting'the, producers sor Cavers. What hadapPened .ing the•processors," stated Proles:, was"that- independent contractors.theprovince" bad 'brought np the excess Chicks which were left in supply . by the' processorsand had filled empty broiler` houses•'.gf -broiler produc- ers. This simply meant that pro- dtiction was • relatively =changed, even ;though the; organized proces- sors had made .a determined, ef- fort Generally," Professor Cavers in dilated- <-that ..producers of 'both, "eggs and broilers look ,for Integra tion and like it, even though many farmer$:.claim it has harmful df- feets on the farmer and his ixidus-, Among the many - marketing try: But' he emphasized -that unless problems that face egg ,producers in Ontario," imported eggs present the ;`greatest 'single' headache: In _dealing with this point, Professor Cavers stressed, that. Ontario egg producers' best defense against. imported eggs is quality.. control of the eggs produced here iii.Ontario," Professor .(;'avers . also discussed - the exteit of integration in the broiler industry and indicated that it'•had •lead to overproduction. The' 'processor, who is the usual con- attempts s ma de by t e association tractor ° or integrator iii -'Ontario's towards: - the- end. of 1958. to .intro broile industry, holds the: future` duce a::promotion "plan for eggs " . r .ye of .the hatcheryinerf, the feed °eo- and fowl under Section 9 .of :;the' Ontario';;Farm Products Marketing Act_only to'have-ittcaneeliad7at- BORNE 8' :IIIBBERr1' '` the. last minute because -'the : <lan was found to be -contrary to1awT He urge;1 film -tiers to look to .the future ',and tukecharge'of ;the mar- keting of their -own product. ` :"If vertical integration, is inevitable, and lc it isn't controlled by the people who produce :the, product, in my opinion :xt.wih be: disastrous tt egg and fowl producers in On grip,' he warned - Resolutions comxnghefore. the meeting, called fair a complete stu- dy of marketing plans under the• Farm Products Marketing Act for the marketing of eggs.; and poul- -tiy in: Ontario; an-increa'se-in`duty_ on eviscerated 'chicken'coming"in to the country from U.S.A. from approximately 3- cents to 5 cents a pound, -a- study"'of- floor prices - and their, effect on the poultry in- . hut Fraser Exeter..'.dustry.;::: an investigation of egg integration's first- principle, pro- duction, of a gi'en quality for a given" market 'outlet, was -followed, it would"not "be: successful for any one segment mentof ' the. e, uidustry. Tom Ito, son, egg producer from Leamington, ;and president -of the. poultry association, " pointed 'out: to members the need for the 'organ- ization. to make a fresh start in building r r nig -a` p og amfor producers in the provinGe... He 'recalled': the MVTI7.At. FIRE ._ I" HEAD OF,I!ICE - Exeter, Ontario President Alex J, Rohde '- . R;R. 3, .Mitchell Vice President Milton McCurdy. - R.R.1, Kirkton Directors: E. Clayton Colquloun, R.R.1, Science Hill; 'Martin ::Feeney, R.11,„ 2 l)ii ilxn, Robert G. Gardiner, R: R ' :1, Cromarty.;. Timothy • B. Toohey, R.R. 3, Lucan. . ; .Agents ---Harry Coa "' "n - -1 -., te'T-R:R. Centralia; Clayton Harris,-1Vlitchell; " Stanley Hocking, Mitchell. Solicitor; , W G. Cochrane - Exeter. Secretary -Treasurer BLAKE - Mr. and Mrs.'Jack Bannister -and family, of. Zurich,: visited with Mr, and, Mrs. Newell Geiger,:. "Miss •Kathryn "Erb " spent" the •weekend with,hergirl friend; Miss Mary Margaret Oesch. Sundaygests'.with,IVir. and Mrs. Newell - Geiger:' and Mrs. • Mary• Mason n were Mr. Harold Finlay; a7.family _ On Fr}day A. Red Cross'program, was held and "e ball. gain: was_en joyed by "all ' Mrs.. " Mary • Manson attended •a quii'ting at Mrs.. Melessia"Geiger's: onSaturday-" afternoon. Gode�r. ch. Minister se Is New :Moderator•.' The 'Rev. Robert G,. 'MacMillan;' of• Knox s`'"Pr-esbyterian Church, Goderich, ;.was elected Moderator ofthe S nod of. Hamilton and Lon, den a t its;: 85th meetings , at St:; Paul's" Presbyterian Church in gersoll Monday•night, Mr. , Ma.clVlillan minister of "Jthe -Goderi`ch church for fhe,past elev-- en, years, was voted "into office. on lie.,second Isallut:-He was riomin- ated'lly the Rov • ,D FJaTinston;r of:'Brantford Others nominated Were:, The ?Rev FIarry $. Rodney, St..Thomas;`. Donald E. -Mackay,' Stratford Wil=. Barn A . H`endersoh, Walkerton. f The election,- of the moderator; concluded the first day of ° the. Synod. which ended ' Wedriesday 23 IN IS Memb� Visit Goderick THE HURON E QSITo1I,:SE:AigR •• A group of 23 ladies from Sea- forth attended 'sessions of the an- nual, meeting, of • the - Hamilton - 'London. Synodical .of 'the Women's' Missionary Society of the Presby- terian Church in Canada, held: in Iinox Church, " Goderich,. for three days; last week • Delegates were served a .compli mentary dinner Tuesday evening and :!a civic welcome • was extend, ed to them by: Mayor E. C.'Fiseher of Goderich. Also speaking words. of welcome. were Rev.'R: G. Mc Millan, on :behalf, of the ".session and board of Knox Church and the --Moderator •of HuroadVlaitland Pres- bytery, res b er Reit.' E "_ C: IVIc ey, o yt y, R K',rri Y, f Teeswater. On Wednesday morn} ing those attendingthe sessions; -were- welcomed by 1VIrs. J. F. Scott,' Seaforth,president of Hur- on, Presbyterial. ;.Mrs: Arthur • Hamilton, Atwood , past' president of the"Synodical, presided for. the : conference, "in -the absence Of Mrs. W, sC.'• Wheaton,: Port Stanley, the theme of which'.. was, • "The Way, the Truth and the Life. Special speakers were A: S. Curr ,'Toronto, : meniber of the Council -'Executive, 1Virs.: A. -GlennThompson, president T hom o • of - the P Western Division W.M S ,and Dr. Donald -Wade; Professor at Icnox •Coil ge Toronto. Also ,present. were;'Miss: Margaret Boyd,' region - ,secretary `Of egion- secretary"of the Synodical,. and, Miss "Ida White, R.N:, missionary' home on -furlough. from India. Mrs:"-Charlesc Falconer, Appin, was appointed delegate to confer- ence for Evening Amxiliaries: to be held in Montreal, and Mrs. W. 0:•. Johnston, ,Seaforth, will attend the training centre at McMaster, Uni- versity in June. The synodical' will meet next year in Paris,. Ont. Attending from ..Seaforth'" were Miss Belle Campbell,' Miss -:`Jessie' •Fraser Mrs. Hugh Mc Gachla t, Miss 1VIarionGray, Mss Zna'Gray;; Mrs.. J. L. Bell, - 1Virs. John • W. Thompson, 'Mrs. W. E Butt," Mrs. -J. 1VIcGre�o ins a i SooAt Mrs. H. R. Scott,,Miss H. Murray Mrs K sharp, Mrs. Tom Fox; -iVFrs.=f�--1�FkdFewS-Nlr-s-Os-:Tnhr� son, Mrs._D.,_14. Elder, MrsF.: Scott,.Mxs T; R. Russell, Mrs W. J : Thatnp,sQ i, Mrs,.:,;:- H. Geddes, 1Virs.,'Dale Nixon, Mrs. H. H. Les- lie and Mrs. "Wallace; Ross. The. Rev. Donald MacInnes, `ef Ridgetown; presented 'a business: report About 400 attended• a-puiihw c oe; hip -sser vice-eond:ucte47,by`-tlretre= tiring moderator, the Rev" Douglas,, of"Woodstock, assisted .by. the: Rev. `D "T hvans;: "St Paul's. -Chureh-rTIngersoll; ` "and the Rev: • Walter Kennedy; , moderator of Paris Presby• •erZ.,.'r. EUCHRE & DANCE Friday P A • rily 24th at.8 30 ...,. " 5 p.m _C ; ,., . 9_�V IANCE , C.(.�.F .-II 11 a Admission 50c - . Lunch Provided Last ;euchre ofthe season Presen- tation of two hostess; chairs will be made Music by, Garnet Fer •er's"Orchestra NTION •� t ReDead n Removers - After A ��e� Rune After April 27, 1959, use -our special telephone - service" at no cost to you. lJ. ux° resent ''num%er, Atwood oo'"' 153 will be Q AC all (1`''to— Zenith 0- • Ze ith 349 0` By using this number xyblxIll-get prompter. p ter' . . service and a direct line to . our plant. = " L S..",,. N LER fir WANT. `'ADS BRING 11ESULTS -- "'hone " 1 t n . I �J�� g J A WEEK 1;G SAVING_ 5 G ON THIS V•OWERFUI-BRAND, NEW , sAtlnk Mors—luta red -u,0 di ,r IVW; MAOD'EL805-B• . Powerful /s.h.p. motor paper dttst•bag. "•,light • quiet; :c v�r�yF-•smcdyei�ynse_r_cii�-nae3:aals '' guaranteed n Complete with 7.piece set of cleaningstools ...� a, t `. EASY GUDL "RUG NOZZLE ,VNiN •FI.OAfNG ®ROSS _ l'G�NPlIE' --- ATTACH•0-MAT111 CUp. 4tod. See live demonstration at our store at once;or HO -- -10 ®'Alf- ME'f{�i" mpHON� f06t AL : one.. • eaforl UT - THROS TILLER IS S' ►CK THE ' GIAN' ABOU' AN '58 VOLKSWAGEN =hike new, with only•19,000 miles .., $1,495 , '58 `CIiEV tOLET YEOMAN • FOUR - DOOR ' STATION Only, 2 395 '57 PLYMOUTH two•DOOR-Whitewalls; . **et: discs; " 57 two - ,One - $.1. ,8 95• ATNFINDER:.DR UX.ETWO-- • Two-tone, whitewalls, only 21,000 npxles.�,! 157. PONTIAC LAURENTTAN .$ARDTOP:' tie driv r di ., �V•$--Automa- :, e, a •o : whie walls. ° '57,;'PLYMOUTH :TWO•DOOR, 8^04;I1‘1DERWindow ;WASHERS, "a --sharp °car ,..•. .:: Only $1,895' '57BUICK','TWO-DOOR HARDTOP --Equipped with auto- drxre,:whi - . c Onl : 2 395 -_.�matxc tewalls, wheet 57 ells CHE'l?ItOI:ET ;•DELUIi:E . 'TW whitewalls, .. her 1895 . , windshield washers. ...: ,. :.:....: ; ,,..,.................................. •. $1,895 '57 BUICK .CENTURY FOIJR•DOOR SEDAN -Pull, Power, owned by. a hm,ber of 'the clergy '57. DODGE TWT-DQHARTOP Au tometre 8`. cylinder,. whitewalls,: