HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-24, Page 1041111,QN E•X'POSITQRi., SEAFOftT , ONT., :,APRIL 24; 1959 CEE N ®:UP : F0•R:':SPRING rin . ions . Artnuc�l • S .. WEDNESDAY/ Y/ Paper OS 111. *Magazines.; • .. A.uspiees,. ' .•.. �•� SEAFORTH LIONS � R ME PO aqs' READ THEDV R I' E EN •�'I Profitable^� f tcble Pastime: RO `�MAT. 1®.N. C LA P `fora: ..�f S�p Tovr�:n o D. Y A I A IN A • thb.o111e C4..��I� 'The' Federation .of Agriculture has' competed, the hrucellasis can- vass do ' Usborne •township,. tki'e council was told :Monday by Clerk. Harry $traang. During 'the denyass 20a cattle . owners signed thepeti- tion to d sa �e Ih fa nship a ;a .Brucellosis comfeel area, Refusing to ;sign were 1 owners; Who were :opposed to it. Tlie report that the cattle :Owners Were 83.2. per .dent in `favor of the., ,petition. has been ..returned to . the Department of Agriculture• ' Jaques and: Glenn municipal 'dram -bYk aivs were passed and tenders: .awarded: William ' Camp- bell, Seafortli, was successful in his tender .on the Glenn -Somerville drain, at, $2,938°. The Jaques ten ,der, Went' to; Robert Boweliffe :.at • A petition sigiied- by the major, ity --of ,interested. owners, -.on the Prance ;Award drain, to have the "drain •taken°•-over;.::by'the •towiship,- `was aced ted • by, council. Other business.- included the pointment, of "High Love to repre- sent th'e township'—ori—,4110 Exeter ect W Planning Board: ;Tax coli or al Liam. Tghns•, reported a :balance 'of 3',216;95,;,in• 1958 taxes..: still out- standing;. •Council instructed him' to •collect all.-racco,xints possible•.befo.re e count '- ll a ih returningthe ro t , Y treasurer for=.collection r. It "at fewer. cattle was�i'eported th. . required': treatment• for Warble • fly this year. W.' 'J.'°Routly, road sup .printendent; Was ..delegated t4,, at- tend the •, school sponsored by ;the OntArab Good"Rads Association •at. the V'niersity.,of Toronto -on May 'ii.; The. towiishi; :Will:, pay. his ex- penses, a ouritin 'to �COrtent accounts, ni g• a total of $2,403", 5.6were. passed 'for pavinent. :This included a re bate of,° !unpins and provmeial krait:, on .'..the Webber. municipal drain of•:`$664.05 •to ratepayers `.on .the drain. Reeve; C. A. 'Smith pre- sided ;and;.all member',of council were present - • of S eaforth has;, ' Town The Cotillicil of. the a -in lih S v lore int. rizeted me• to dei , • Time; .-ad.opi•edfar, the . " pwnr � .. eafortha during the .period of :Y • Monday, April • at 12:01a.m: to • Sunday, September 2-7, °1959 >; at 12:01 a.m. a -r espectfullS• r-equest t1a� clti�ens to= observe. the same. 3everle ristie Mayo: "GOD SAVE TTiE:'QUEEN" • • rtisse s The . Wingharn :District High School Board Was. faced With .a. busy agenda at its regular.meet- ing' on Thursday evening • of last wee}i, Yollowing routine'Thisiness which aaw the approv si bf the minutes of the previous meeting and• the pay, ment'; of, the : m•onthlY. accounts,•the board Beard •:a..:reseintion„ oni the 'Connell•oVthe Village ,af Dross"e s7;, to:.the effect that Brussels woo d not pass.'approval of the new•addi- tion to the •:school, -The resolution read as follows "I wish to sioti£y you •that at the meeting; of'- the Village~.Council; held on March 2; 1959,'the follow- ing resolution."was passed: "That the' Brussels Couneil- re Mises :approval- of,' an eight -room -addition toythe High School, When. a ,,six-room;(additionj was, advo-'; cated ..andP .`that obabi Y y.':a four-` room addition would liey sufficient;:; 'We feel that the Winghain District' .High: Scheel_•Board have over -esti mated • themselves• and, that the' added exp'erise of teachers'• salaries:' w beterrfi•c a t iong y with the new ill solar increases: -H. •A.. Fischer -, Clerk, Village 'of Bru.Ssels." ;The:. beard ens s u sed the r olu ' di, F .s 'tion. briefly :and had secretary 'Place. the. letter on [ile. A cletter .was received ,from/the, staff: confirming, the settlement, of. recent -.salary negotiations and. the _schedule' which' had been; ,:'agreed upon: On motion of board members„ McKibben -and King, the resigna Herd :and •Miss A C: tions of Miss a • M• ;I Davis were: accepted. .The latter teacher wasthe recipient of- Canada : Gouncil•.Seholarship, and =.on the !toff or five. •has' been• f, ears' A newlywed 'found his wife cry_ .ing when he ; returned. ,:ffdifi his first •day:back. at • the;•office ,.-"Our dog," .she sobbed .'"ate up :the whole cake I had _baked -just :for ` `Don't Cry,.:Lambkin ' begged the bridegroom.youf'an- otherdog• REV.ITAJ.,IZED CLEANING .- xsL Better Than Ever At' Buchanan Cleaners Mount' Forest: More. Spots and. Stains Removed s. Garments Stay Cleau ;Longer F MIL .ER' -S LALTI�TDRY .SERVICE NIRS;': w P: hi4IILLER:. Agent Phone 247 Seaforth Pickups .Monday anti Thnrsday Mornings Prirkcipal S, Hall reported often eques�. m S oof c c plans from the -architect in. order :and the agrieurture committee to that tenders ;may be called and to obtain . an accurateestimate on .the amount: that• -will be required • to - equip the new addition. 'Following this, -;it will then be possible to give, the Town of Winghank the• amount of money that will have to be rais- ed by .debenture. He said that it• is hoped to have the final plans for - the -addition• within. two weeps ...,_ The ligand` authorized Mr..' :Hall 'number';of cases' aTe cured - engage °summer help to take care of the flower beds and gardens, Mr:- Thompson' reported that the, barn roof will need repair immedi- ately as the building will be used to house a number of broilers.: Medical science is better equip- ped. to deal with cancer than ever before Each year an increasing MISCELLANEOUS •ICELJLAANNESSHW,RHO NO RSSOTRIEBNERBRIDE;..ELECT.: A miscellaneous shower was held over th'e 'threshold --of , marriage. for. MISS Pan `T iebner,.bride-elect "Having been associated with in ,you m :: G I T.;, and yin ,the choir, o£ Saturday, the .basement of we shalt miss you from: our -midst,, 13rucefield tJriite.d Church, on;Wed bi4t, We :earnestly -hope :that you nesd-ay evening Mrs. George C1if- will, become actively engaged, in ton was' mistress of ceremonies for some phase, Of • church work`in-the ,-the fol'loWing: ;;program: a ;piano 'commtwity to.avhich yen I are-go- solob�*.D . oris Walker;. two accor- in:g: Tn so doing, you will strength-' ,- , strength -':than' selections by ' Gaye -:Elliott On the bonds'of remembrance with ianb: solo b Y• • Eleanor Wrigh t'• and :us- whom:,Ym,i ,are leaving: trod izs .readings' b '',Mrs. Some•.,who,have already... two 'humero , £� by ersen Miss . Triebne 'the path ie the ;altar have a bit: of; Cliff'; fiend r, A her' mother, Mrs David •Triebner•,M advice for. -anyone contehplating and Mrs. Earl•Bernard •were call •marriage, namely': • Accord your ed to `the front lar: -the present! husband ape:. same kuidly :treat- , tion..- linent, :after the wedding, ceremony The 'you •d d before he won• yon, Was -asi Y , �Y sw s rhe,:address'as folov� by Miss Mary, Bro'adfooti "Dear ;your• voyage on. the sea' :of matri Joan; :Many,. ;many years, ago • St: mony will' be calm and 'Pleasant.' _ `Re oice•; with' therm :: <"Wishing you and Howard very Doul 'wrote, _ • � Y er that . do, re-joice', and°, it is for the thing that' is • .good in; the years; Yourpurpase of rejoicing'• with you .on '•a'lbead„we ask .you• to accept these ',.:.•'!,AP raa'ching—in:arriage' than. gifts 11Tay they ever' bring you. we .your friends and neighbors •'happy memories of your life • at :are ',gathered,':here this evening Brucefield .— Your Friends and We,:,:who have watched you ;grow• 'Neighbors. • � f rst'ste The. many'bea•utaful and useful u since you took your. r � ... p,. - , P desire'::. to extend to • you our, best' gifts; brought' m by Brenda ' wish es: now''when .you are Tiiebner;�, and '-:Anne Clifton. . Th e . ran.s P p g ply dance for'March. was 93.32 percent to, take this most important t t to 'bride elect made a fittin re with=an entolrm of 570 students.. --He-saliWhat t11e: Cadet inspec_tion has :been .set for May 21st;: and op en', night with-the-graduationdance, %to be held --on May. 22 A':motion';;was passed exPreSsing appreciation toall ;the m;unicipali -ties in the^•distriet and tothe coun_- ty'fer;the . efforts=that' :}lad., been. made during ;the hard winter to keep the reads open for the school On motion of dV aeWilliam .arid. Armstrong;; after '• a lengthy ,dis- eussion,, it was decidedin to.;crease the arnoiliit lattiu' bits oprators, •per month by.$75.00 •for .the large;, •buses, and $5Q.00 for the small ve hides, . and from:•; 25 cents to 27 `cents per inile'.for; those oil'''=a mile age basis, • Approval lieeeived R' S Hetheruigton said• that ten tative•. epp n*a1..._kias• been ;received froni the Department of Education' for the laew addition. • The next step, he said, is 'to'obtain finalized s ---s---- --- •>:%f�:. Via; .;�i.,'<`:;C �.��,`v,`,.,��,,'�,. ro isice lot lie Olall 'NMI 1MM Mill INN' MIS --NMS M SvGW wN Nw.vJf I M ( .Yw• < ' w r fq y JHffJ ................................... r......./f ... Y• ( • Si Y •'.,f, �'°S::,•:'�f%i%}'`'9,f�� : i j � :ice Ji �v:':.', '�••;:, �• YO'.%,{J.',?Afi N.'r.',.t�-r; � i Wj3"4-'••-•••••':r' ZT}n �...E.'+x• •s✓Z DEMONSTRATED+.:ENGINEERING LEADER-,' SHIP' Behidd the name on Oldsmobile's grille you find ti'ddlilek-excellencela PROVEN REPUTATION FOR QUALITY! P From front to gleaming rear, Oldsmobile Is. Bobbed.perfecily Iris• si�- -0170010ig =Carl r DISTINCTIVE OLDSMOBILE. STYLING! Crisp beauty of line sets Olds apart from: the ordi- nary -wherever it's-seenl-- '' CelkTS LESS-.-THAM.-MAt+ilf^. GUESSI-An M-- Oldsniobile does took expensive, but `:you'll find there's a Rocket to fit 'most every -pocket! • r ROCKET' ENGINES GET PERFORMANCE! Olds owners get' lively, spirited' action quiet, responsive, reliable!: r ECONOMICAL OPERATION AND MAIN', TEWANCE1 Owners report that their Oldsmo ' • biles cost less to operate than other cars in Its.,.. price ciassl-•� - . m psi 47RADITIONALLY• HIGH RESALE 4VALUEI *fficiat u ed car figu,es ualueholdi:: firings a higher return at tendon time. See' why you gob over to 6Ids LOCAte �Autiot IZED;• • vcoun ,QUAL.17`Y' DEALER'S o.a4396, oar 4+11NILS” 1111 MU* • 11111/ Pea a ALTERNATE FRIDAYS ON ClI;C4TV! . .... h p pas as' r_ up `to:3"weeks ahead of schedule!: ute New, active AERO UREA* -helps, you grow . lush,nutritious grass pasture.. e : get:your • an mals "grazing Profitably up to 3 weeks ahead e of the 'norma It lin .. 'lle3 for n�. lizr n 'fert i n. e e isa 45% nitro a y p_. Aero Ur a. g - - -'h ' . dressed'`.:in s rin it releases •.;. �nrsy handling, Tors 'spring; sture -to •e the at en t • '. !liable nitro p . unmediatelY a�',.., . g. g . ,. . ` •n Content: stmt=:with hi 'her refer off to a' rile g protein' •'' Pasture is.ch ea est fe ed. S olet Aero ,Urea get',your animals •g razing ,sooner . they - . le. weight gains and make profitab, bigger milk cheques. es while :Y o u save.'en feeding'costs1 Ask' e for .fertilizer deal r Your ft er�. ,,Aero Urea. A Q.. Z.M.'Reg'd.- CYANAMID OF CANADA LIMITED SEM . AERO UREA• IJ 1979 B .thtime's ; a happy time for the kids ! And it's a happy ;bele for .a'mother;`too, with an a tom.atic electric water heater to provide all . the.hot water necessary to .1ook after a grow- • ing,family' An electric water heater is ' -.convenient safe land economical. •.' re' :cost s only a. few -cents; a day 64'a, .special Hydro Flat • Rate ':.. has abundant storage capacity and quick 'r.eco4yery-when tiaore'•lio•t water is needed. , • you :get more . out of ` life when .you get , the most out : of 'electricity l'.'.• f y®ur5 iatztAastitto 11 A0 To remove grease and wax crayon .sharks from wall=; Taper, place.a blotter over the spot and 'press with a warm iron. •