The Huron Expositor, 1959-04-24, Page 1One Hundredth Year
V‘iecle Number, 4759
Single Copiese 5 Cents
$2.50 a Year in Advance
Ire Destroys
cKiIIop She
Malone Farm
ground aeiniOn in. Ontario.
which recognized it was tirne for
a change, Al...':Hellingewiirtlin fere
mer Liberal M.P'..for'Yeek.Centre,.
told.,aninfernial.Meeting.M. Clinton
Legion Hall.Tuesday .eyenfrig, that
work prgenization:,cotild bring
Liberal victory in the 'ferthecnti-;1
ing Provincial eleetien.'
'"Ther e is. an 'aversion to goveen-
eneete that 'have beeheMeoffiee-
..,Iong'tinie; and '16 years is a long;
-long ,
-ReVievvingr:the requirements for,
Federal assietanee, which Peemier,
Frost, had 'said was neeegsary;,ehe
speaker recalled , that assistance,
proinieed 'byePrinie Minister Dief-,.
enbaker had. 'net:been; :Tortliceens
Des pito, _e_hiseepecanise, iethe
Prime mini ter can't Make- good
C ati See: of ;7. the --de gin on feeds
' . which: Conseey a tive 11 cal policies
The . sneaker.. recalled that dur-
ing their years inofficethe. Lin
„erals had reduced the tiatienal.debt
'mere'-than,'two billion dollare, thus,
est ,,alotiee The Torie,s; 'inless than
two 'years; have run ein a deficit
ef'nearly two
billion dollars.-
''lhgri ,preinder-Ffenst:fainn.
ed toj re'ceiment,he asSistance..peem-
' ' 'ised'Ontarto. ThaT.Ts.ewliS77'1Y11-7.-
• DiefdnbakerehaS_Xefieseeneto cane a
...meeting of 'provincial preniiens
}e knows: he can't produce eand
, .prefers :to lee matters lie Until, af:
. terethe Ontaricnand. Manitoba .e.lee
Mr Hol-
lingsworth is in-
creasing eon; the -intinicipalities
which they cariIittle effercl•tOPay,
He referred to the,;PrOpos al. of Lib-
eral 'John WiiiteirrieYer to
. introdime-a study of municipal tax-
ation which ;Wneldlead to thegrae
by the provirice. Control,' however,
:wouldbe retained at the local
: -Highway,.' ear' be
bind schedule, and Whole high-
-waeldePertmerit is riddled with in-
. * effienenneyn andnneverreVretsen •Mr.
llollbigeererth... Said, recalling . the.
highway seandal ofa, few Years ,
- -.SEAFORTIle KINSMEN, held an installation ,Cer,ernonY lel-OE-day -night 'Wen. Dennny Distri&Gov-,--e,
. eener William evfielde of Ilensall officiated Shown here , are, PattiSon•Pe
- ' ' * ' I% front, John6 ' ' ' , vice-president;
" Laverne''
'Clayeori.• Dennis; president, • and Oke, Standing ate.. el -C „oper,-treasure • r, '....-
Holland., 'registrar, ' and Ken, Coombs, director. •Othere. not shewee are 7Ftank-fluiseer) ,pastepresi-.. .
dent :and George .McIllwaiii and T. B. Marshell, directorsee(ExpoSetprenhoto 'bye Phillips), " . • , •
. .. , .
„ The Canadian Aspeiationof Con-
$emers provides.the means Where-
by wonien.' may keen•tbernselVes
informed. 'ciencerning • what they
should know for theieepreteetien
and. for Wise buying, Mrs. R. Pem-
berton told :inembere Of the Home'
and School! 'Aseociatiens. Tneaday.
evenirg. M,-Penibertem is the
president of. the London branch. Of
then association: . The: -meeting, dri:
.charge of the peesidenteMts... Date
'.Nixon,' was held In Seaforth Public
•,Mrs. Pen-flier:ton . eeld the 'Meet-
ing, that thenCAC is -6;'nationel or-
genizatiOne created,,in 19e7. by. Can-
ada's leading women's Organize -
.tions to represent the Canadian
consul -icier. It is' voluntary, e non:
eectatiaa„...:ancl, .nonpo1ittcaL CAC
has- about .25,,000 ineinbees, from. all
provinces; 15,000 registered as ire
dieidifais;,-aadr:abeet, '10,600.
ed in 50e rural groupsnIn addition,
izationS participate in and Support
the weak nee:en,
Relentless,. Beetle
Pointing out that -the houSewife
.iirese wage -a . relentless ,battle
'eagainetnineneaSieg, costS' ef living
.the: speaker said that de-ePite"lhe.
-airiest care; 'costs, coiitinne to riee'.
,creasing_cOstS' was to ensure ull
,velte was received„ and:that was
where the CAC Was assisting.
XplainerigneaceOleplishments.... of
CAC, Mrs. Pemberton .Said it had
beeri'. cbieflY, resPqnsible, for ; the
pe"siirig",ot the - Trade Markv and
Truentabelling. 'Act by pailiament.
in, 1949: This., act requires ',,that if
,goods carry ,a label; ,suela 'labels
'Meet he accurate. It also em-
poWets.the Federal Government to
.set ,unneseanderds for Canadian
lation banning re -sale price Main -
Cellar -ice in Canada. „CAC can elaim
some influence in securing this leg -
Briefs dealing with re -sale price
maintenance restraint of trade
tariffs on textiles, tariffs , on pota-
toes and' the consideration of We
law concerning petents, copyrights,
trade' marks and industrial de-
signs, marketing ,„boards, fish,
milk, meat, rubber footwear and'
wool have been presented` by, CAC,
at various times to the appropri-
ate government bodies.
•-' Active- in Food
In, the field of food, four CAC
recommendations were incorpor-
ated in the new bread -and 'four
regulations -which tame into ef-
fect February I; 1953: They 'are
as follows. • ,
1. A standard for whole wheat
bread—no, bread can be ,called
'whole wheat' unless it contains 60
pe cent - or more whole wheat
A Liberalgeeeternent, vepuid face
the .problems oe edneetion„ Of "highs:
weys, squarely..., Need .for addition-.
epsistaride' for higiber education
was e, I the Liberal'
• prOneise Meintrednee eesyetern of.
bursaries.,, • '
"It :is most rieceSsarY: to mar -
(Continued on 'Page 12)
New officers were installed - at
the April meeting of ,Seaferth, Wo-
men's Institute. Mrs. Harold Hug --
ill was named president to succeed
Mrs. R. ele Doig. The report of the
appointment -committee wae- given
by Mrs. James Keys, and the slate
of officers read, by Mrs. Graham.
Kerr. , Mrs. John McLean conduct-
ed the installation. .
The retiringe---presidefit, Mrs:
Doig, expressed words of apprecia-
tion for support given her during
the tvve years she .had. been presi-
dent: The new president, -Mrs.
liugill, took the chair for the, bal-
Anceof the meeting.
• Other officers, named were: first
vicepresident, Mrs; James Keyee
secon,d vice-president Mrs, ,L.
Strong; secretary, Mrs G. , Pap-
ple; treasurer), Mrs. Lorne Carter;
assistant treasurer, Mrs. Roe's,
-.Goedone.'elistrictenirectore -Mrs:, A.
J. Doig; 'alternate, Mrs, • Gorden
.lYtelnenzie; bran:ken institute ,diree-
tote, Mrs: An.Croziere Mrs.. A. Pep-'
per, Mr. Mae .11illelarecht;
. pro-
gram corivener;...Mrs,-Wilfted Cele:
Man; liinein cdrivenee, IVIrs.G.
Kerr; .11oWer andcard, convener,
Mrs, -John ;IVIeLeane pianist, Mrs.
•• McGregor; assistant ,pianist,
Mrs'. '..,.Elener ,r:Cameron; auditors,
Mrs. 'Mabel Aikerihead---and..•Mrse..
ElMer Canieron; preiject,:leadeee:
"Th e most helpful' show 5i'et,7
Was: the reaction of ,representatives
of Gerieeel• Coaeh Works of :Can-
' ada.' Limited, .or Hensall, as they
returned ever the -Weekend after
attending, the siith.....anneealeQenae.
'clian Mobile Horne' Show in the
. Automotive ',Bunning Totonte.
"Not only Was there increased in--
- terest on the part of the 'public,.
'bid as 'far r as General' Cceepleitgas'
eoneeteeds we had...McInnes from
dealers from coast to coast, who
.• Were impressed with our display,'
Ben Johnstone,, sale e manager,
' The General exhibit, largest in.
the show, included eleven unit:Seize-
:eluding fourtravel units.. •
developmentS.' the 1lorneson-
'Whee18 ,pheriomenori farge,,
'confined..'to..North 4merica,.
where there has traditionally been
degree of Mobility, the
peneletiOn. As the manufachirer
on exhibitione„,the 'Heneall
ization drew Ma'Xiinuin attention, .
"The'dealers:, and .the public
ed our. styling particularly," ,Gen-
eral n Manager William C. Smith,
commented; ' "Our .; mobile homes
have A reputation for qiiality and
were WelL,aeeented."..Mr; $aid.
„dealers from', t oast ' to coast
visited the diSPlay„ So ietetested
were. Mt. and .Mrs. Zepte who
have 'sold General Mobile' lioniee
.• The. show , highlighted ,the latest in Vancouver fornlie*,..yeers, that,
THE ELEVEN -MP DISPLAY Of General Coach Works of
nada at HenSall was an outstanding feature of the sixth annual
Mobile Home Show in TOronto. A portion of -the General exhibit
is shown here asea feW of the hundreds of visitors, who examined
th attr ctive inObile hornes !lisped a Modern home. '
e a ,
. ,
Mrs, We L.'Wbyte,andMrs.- Bread,
foot, Mrs. G. P apple and 'Mrs; • R,
M. Scott; Mrs. G. Elliott' and Mrs.
G. MacKenzie; public relations
convener, Mrs. .G. Elliott; historie
calneustediae," Mrs-. l. Cameron;
resolutions, Mrs. J. --MacLean;
standing committees: citizenship
and education, Miss Thelma Elgiee
Mrs. E. Kerr; ' agriculture , and
,Canadian industries, Mrs. L. Car-
eer,: Mrs. E. P'apple; 'home econ-
omis and health, Mrs. E. Whit -
mere, Mrs. John Kerr; historical
research and current ,events, 1Vrits.
J. F. Scott and Mrs: A. Crozier. .
, , .
The meeting . was held •*lat the,
home of Mrs • John McLean' ‘1VIrse-
, , • . • •
R. J. 'Dein, president,.., conducted
ethe business. The • roll call was an-
swered by paying •membership
fees for the cOming y.e'ar. The-
-treasureres repdrfr'rwaS r given by
Mrs.. Lorne Carter; •alse' reports', Of,
all _standing committees were giv-
en by the conveners. • '
MaeeHillebteelit gave are -
port. on .4.-11. club Work for. Seainrth
..FU Fair.
...1;91m .McLean presided for
the',programe.The motto, "Hope for
the 'best, be ready for the worst,n
aS -prepared by Mrs:Gordon Me-
Kerizie. A report.,oe'the. district. di:
-rectors,' meeting was 'givert by
Mrs., Mae- Hillebrecht, - also a re-
port of the bffieers'. corrterence at
The -retiring:- -president, ' Mrs!
Doig, was7Presented with a gift;
'Mrs. -Alex Pepper gave the address
and Mrs. Harold Hugill' presented
the gift. Lunch was served by Mrs.
nveaenerillehrecliten_Mrs. Graham.
Kerr, Mrs; John Meteaifn-IVIirsnn'In
Hudson, Mrs, Eldon Kerr and Mise
Thelma Elgie. ."
To beecnrie a. chainnion, fight (me
More round. • •
they eamo'''to'•jiensall, after' the
:shOW. to". see the rhOdern :'General
,plant. :Inducted alining other, Gen-
eral dealers; who were at the.shOwe
.were-,Gatth.. Stout • Of. Pert Arthur
and ' Douglas and Reg .11-aville;of
Halifax, • ' *.
The threedaY-exhibition*plays
A -leafier tole- indicating' to the
..public the Inxiirjoue• .and self-con-
tained mane home...that is now
-available. 'lir the past; :a repres-
entative saide the :mobile home. iri=
IclustrY - has been, living in a box.
The ,.rnaAufacturers. knoWelheY are
doee .everybody, who vieite one.
The ,trouble is, not 'enoughnPeople
kneetlie, modern trailet is actual -
1,a compact house. • •
. What ; featureSe-did' :the public
find most attractive? According to
Mr. johnetorre,. ethe main aterac-
vyas thequality Wrath General
bleat ;into itS, units. Nett Wae'•the
new. exterior st31ing And the .addi-
intereet :the' colorn
harmony • created:- For the 'first,
time, General -featured a 51 -foot
mobile borne'e whinle is now aVain
able' to thd• public,
While the people came to look,
many went further and, dealers ,at
the. General. exhibit :sold 12, units,
There was pattieular interest nee
the aercoartniret
• The major port of the display
was spid•-•tb Maurice Young, the.
General dealereln ,Kitthehee, for
(Continued en Page 12)
onor., Brldle,Elect
At Kippen Tea
Mrs. ,David Triebner entertain-
ectat a trousseau tea on Monday he
'milord her daughter, Joan, :whose
marriage' take $ place this Satur-
day. ' Mrs. Triebner and loan re-
ceived ' the4ueste ,at - the door in
the afterne4 and .evening. Signing
the guest book were105 persons.„
.Mrs. Sydney Davison Arid Mrs.
Jack IVIcEwhig poured -tea in the
afternoon, and Mrs, Ward Forrest
and Mr. Donald Jolly' in the eve
ping, Mrs. Lomb Thompson served
in the afternoon, and Miss, Marian
.Triebner in the eVening.
Mrs. Harold EestendispIayed the
Wedding gifts in the aftetnOon; and
Mr. Stewart Breiadfeot in the eve-
ning. Miss Marian Forrest display-
ed the aluneer gifts both 'afternoon
and evening. The trousseau -was,
displaYed'bynMise Mary IltOadfoiet
, in the aftetnoon and evening.
-. For three years CAO' .Opposed
the practice of resale main-
tenence) in a brief Presented to
the _Royal", Ceminission on prices,'
--ainl4ner the ivri-61.4.f.thirie Corrimie-
.siberon. Combines. 1951,, A pre-
Sented 'a: further 'brief to. the ,Par-
liamentarY ComMitted enCoriibines
Legislation etipperting ,the propos-_,
legislatem, to outlaw this a c,
tic& peeliament has passed teeis-
2.'Enriched' bread must con-
tain specified minimum amounts
of milk solids: '
3. Theelaheron brown or colored
bread shall indicate , clearly the
maid ingredients and the coloring,
if any.. ;
4, Retention,in the regulations of
the standard for Canada Approved
flQTuhrroaungdh breCAC's-
effort.' s; t h 6
sneaker said, Parliament passed a
law in, 1951 making it compulsory.
for all packages of soap flakes,
cleansing powders and other de-
tergents to be, marked with the
weight of' the contents when Packn
After continuous urging ,b37 . CAC,.
an order was passed m -"February,
1955, by the Federal Departinent
-of-National Health and Welfare,
banningthe use of redstriped
transparent packing for elieed ba-
con. Following the efforts of -CAG
in April, 1955,, fortified apple juice
became available in retail stores
right across Canada.
In, other fields the association
played a vile -in -establishing
Standard garment sizes and in the
labelling of i extiles, The CAC
' (continued on. Paige 12)
d, aYaft'erfivi-u°9n
isohbeed Plont 15, thecfaorontoososifonJaZemi
James crua:
lop; five neilee northeast a Sea- `
forth, •About tvvo, tons oe"Jfertilizer
were lost in the blaze and a tractor
badly' .dama_ged. • . -
Tefire is believe
bdeto have start-
ed when a tractor was 'being re -
dueled 'outside the north, end of
the building. The -flames', speead
rapidly and soon enveloped the en. -
tire, building. Dense clouds of
blaek smoke Were visible for sev-
eral miles in the early stages of
the blaze.
-• Wind frorn the south carried the
flame,s away froin. the nearby resi-
dence. Sparks carried the -fire to
the roof of a small brooder house
north of the burning building, but
this Fzecond blazewas extinguished
by Joseph Lane with wet tags.
',11am-es Malone, and inig-trother, ,
Paul. were seeding a nearby field
and had come to the snedto,refuel
when the blaze broke out, Their
' father, John L. Malone, was work -
Mg in another field and, ran to
their(aidwhen he saw smoke.
The farm, owned -Mr menYnyears
nee;,Y Peter MaloneYe• had been, sold -
ante _..Secretar
. ,
as..•seeretary=treaSnreie of theeMit's
ehelleconeentrated Peed -Amens
was cePtee, the 'regular, -Meet;
nee. Seterclay, ,Me,etieg at Staneyf,s
lectern, ..Mitenell) the group aeeept-
edthe re,signetiere With regret. Mr).
Teewarthe e','has been.... secretary -
treasurer of - the 'ofgenization for
the paet.
gar1,4, :Oppenhauser, Monktone
Wee' named to 'Seceeed , Mt.. Tren
.warthe, .Trewareha ,,tecently
Spin .niseeeere end, his, fine Jersey
herd .,andi retired, ee-SeafOrtlin-"
Conernittees named to ar.
range to, havethe. Home Economic
class fit/tin:the -Mitchell end. Sea;
forth High tour. StaCey'e -
factory. On Completion Of the four,
each. class Will :receive a credit.
;voucher Of $20 for the ,pureheSee
Of butter ',and. milk powder,
to be Used M theirebaking,,elasses.,
Serie was spent discussing .
the iaossibility Of the floer, on Skine'
milk' poWder being ,lowered, or"
eliminated, and ,„,the ,,government
paying a defieiertcy payment of '40
cents a MencleedWeight on Milk.
de -
in February to Mr. 'Malone and
Mr. -Maloney, moved to a nearby' •
farm on the 5th concession. He savr
the blaze and ran to call Seaforth
_brigade, but an alarm already had
been rung in from the ICe.Ste-*-
art farrrt across the road. The Sea -
forth brigade was at the scene and
had water On the fire within min-
utes of the alarm. Additional wa-
•ter was pumped frorn A well near
the farm residence. - •
Mr. Malone said the gasoline
storage tank had been I filled at
,noon Wednesday. Originally there
had been four tons of fertilizer in
the shed, but about hale of that
etilizer- and-tractore-Thelossewas
mated the building loss in excess
of $2,090, in addition to the fer-
amount had been sown: "He esti-
partially covered insurance.
, • ;PETER SPITIAL, Seaforthn (engirt) Soneof and Mrs. rt., 3.
. SPittal, afici ..Temple,-Neudorfe SaekatcheWan. (left)n
, eeffieerneedetsefrom the Royal ,'Military College, at Kingston, eake
'.•.-.tiine.-oift 'from their ,study to admire one ofethe Melly ,trophieSeheld,
jil the TroPhy, Rooth, at the college. Ther are both in their third
year ,at the college. The cadets attend the collegenedee the Regu-
lar'Officer Training. plan and :=Pri -.graduation Mae be greeted a, re gue •
ear -comeniesion • in the serviee•of their choice. , (National . befeb,ee
NEWS OF -13RODR-0-8N-1
livered manufacturing plants,
sholdd. not be paid on surplus milk.
Arrangement Was' Made to haVe
this view presented to tbe, seer-
tary-manager Of the Provirigial, or-
entortli 'Clocks ,
htinge Monday
.:DeSpite,',Ceinety efforts to r.sten-
'daedien, th.e-:ehonigihg.ofl..4haes
tween • •muniipalitie, the., annual'
COrifiesion. exists'r in Herein., In ..Seae -
forthe eminnin followed the county
reconint'endateen,. and the tpwirWill
.epremence Daylight Saving Time
nilegt.Menti ay 'morning: at 12: 0-1' a aim
The • perned will -extend' unelleSune. •
dey morning, September 27, at,
aineas advertised in 'a pro-,
clarriation:on page 10 Of this issue.
This: Means that Sunday will her
On standard' Tine, as • will Sunday,'
;SePteinbeie,27, and seferites in Sea -
forth •pleitrehes,. will coenrileilee „on
..Standard. Times.; ,
;70thernt,OW.tis 'in the county will
,.. start at Varied 'tines,,•:,eorrie *Sun-
'eleY •-'inorriing,-"While a' few, lik
,Seaforth, folloWed the 'conrity, inge.
gestimi. Onernimicipalite is xe•
ported to be .continuing on ,"fast"
time • until' the . 'end of October,
,r`ather thee September; .aentlie ease
otherenhaye- yet to
Set the "change -back" date, wait-
ing to," sed What' moves their neigh-
bors,,, might ;make. 2,- ,
• .
Blinding of ...the Cominiinity Cen-
tre in' Beocihegen is .in fell swing,
then executive of the Bionhagert
Chandier- Commerce', were told
at their meeting, FridarerighreT
building. is being eonstructed' by
-Voluntaey help from ,the' commun-
ity. Further' buildirig plans Were
,vatices, In
di classed • -
Chairmen were set up for .the
various committees af this eeecti-
House-teeheuse canvass for' the
eurrent cancer campaign is pro-
gressing satisfactorily, according
to campaign chairman F. E. Wil-
lis. The canvass is being conducted
ley the Seaforth breech of the Can-
adian Cancer Society. Officials feel
confident this week that the quota
of $1,500 for the district of Sea-,
forth, McKillop and-Tuckersmith
will be surpassed. "
Arrangements are being. made
for a "followeup" campaign ,te
contaet those householders who
were not at home when the can-
vasser called. The second call will
)3e made during the het vteek ef
Working under captains in the
ivarious areas, the following have
been canvassing " for the :society:
Re S. Box.(captain), Robert Smith,
S. Pullman; Harvey Travis, An
drevr McNichol, Riess Montgomery,
William - Sparks, E. C. 'Boswell,
James T. Scott; George Hildebrand,,
Lyle Hammond,. L.. 'Llemberger,
Austin Matheson Henry Warriock,
Tony Phillips. Mee, 'Alice Mecon-
nell (captain): Lester Leonhardt,
Mrs, Earl Dinsmore, George Char-
ters,' Lloyd Bedard. Harvey Mason
(captain): Nelson Cardno, C. Wan`
den, William Campbell; •Catinon
Rowcliffe, Sohn E, LorigsteffeJ, C.
Cornish; Brace McMillan, Willis'
Dundas . Clare. Reith, David Stew-
art, .B.4ford Dtingey,
rymple, Mts. Harvey • Mason. R.
'tive .Chairmen are .as
follows: ,prograin, Edgar Elligsere
sports, Edward' Scherbarthe' agrn
culture; -;Augnst -Scherbarth;
. pub-
licity and telephone, .LloYd ,Prue-
tere. membership, Martin Diegel;•
- • ,. ,buiiding, IIarry ,Muegge..
James Wallace (captain):" Mrs. ft... Mrs. Orval .Whitfield, ilareare.•
Whitely, lelre% John Pattersen,"Mrs. and 'Linda and Mt. Tom MeClee
S. Meagher, -Mrs. Effie Stephen- land, of St...Catharines. with Mr..
son, Mrs. C. Lemon, Mrs, Roy Me. aria 'Mrs. Russell Sholdice on 'Sun/
Genignee „Deng, 'Whyte,: Jade pattiee day.' " - •
eon. In nAa,rpueheye -kirk; Mrse'Rilie MUiU aed.
captain.. ,Ruth Ann, of elamilton,„ with Mi.
.:In'Tnekersniith, JaiNe'DOig- arid .Abguet leillebrecht. .
Russell , Dallas ,(eapteins): 'Elgin Mr. and Mrs, liarolcl Smyth end
Thompson, Edger Allen, ,Arthur Mr. and -Mrs. leidnDickeson and
Varley, Mrs. Elnier.Carteron, Mrs. Glenda' with Mr. etid Mrs: Itoberi
Alex Pepper; Villianr rorrest; Gibb) Glencoe; for .the weeketil,
Charles. Eyre, - "Alex- McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. eltissell Sholdiee
'Verne Alderdice, . Ross Forrest, and -Mrs. W. L. Queren,gesser with
Mrs, •William 13e11, VictorMr, and Mrs. Fred Scarlett,,: Sea;
• In„ McKillop, Robert E. 1VIeMil- foeth.... • '
lanand James E. .McQuaid (cap- Mr. and Mre...L,avern' N•Volfe ,in
.tains):, Mrs: :Andrew CroziernMrs.- Kitchener with relatives. : •
J.. F. Scott," Mrs. George' Tunney, Mr, Eq,Scherba,rthnwas'-confin-
• Mrs. Ed. Boyce. Joan' Boyce, ed to hospital with ad injured. fin:
Mie..1Gordare-Papple, Mrs. James
.Keys,. John R. Leeming, ,Mr, and
Mrs. ,Leslie Dolmagee-Mrs. Wien'
•Chtirche Mrs.. Robert McClure, Mts.
Leslie Penner; Mr0 Craig,v
1VIts. Jack 13,os•mae Mrs; NOrmaii,
Seliade, Mrs. Nelson Reid, 'Mrs.
Nelson MeCtute, Mts. Robert Mc-
Millan, Mts. Francis • Coleman,'
Nancy Kelly) Mary Cronin, Cleo
Bowman,' Mike Murray:, Aaron
Jantzi, James Sloan, Gilbert Mur-
ray, Frank Johnston, Ed: Godkire
Dan' Betiermann,.. Leonard Leem-
ing, Edwin Diegell, Mrs. V.vhe Sti-
More, Mona ,Clarke,
In Egenencleille, Norman Mac-
Lean (cantain):. Gloria Blue; Mrs,
Carl Dalton, ROY .1t.W4
Jraiid Mrs: August Batter, who
recentlY observed their .55th .Wede,,
ding - anniversary,- • made _a done-
etMie to the organ fund:. of St,
,Iseter's Litthetan Chureh.
Vicky Lynn BenneWiee, baby,
daughter of Mr. aridelVirs. Carl
liennewies, Was baptized " during
the Sunday morning service at St.
Peter's Lutheran Clitirch, • ,,With
Mies Norma !Keller and Ray Den-
neWies and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Drager, the sponsors, along with
the parents. 'Also baptized was
Gaye Michele;Fiechere baby daugh-
ter of Mr.' and Mrs, Ralph Fisch-
er, with Mr.. end Mrs. Mickey Mc -
Cloy, the spOniors, alcerg with the
parents: 1,
Two bouquets of snapdragons
• •
and carnations adotned the altar
of the church on 'Sunday, in mem-
ory of • Re -V. ,Wen-Schiritze fotnier.
ttereofetlife-elmrceaSse .
away 10 -years ago, Aptil„20. .They
were placed by his wife, and son,
Rey'. Erich Schultz. • n
A large basket of pink and white
snapdragons were -placed in. the
chancelefrom thenprinia.ry claeSee
of the Stineay 8.cleop1.
Mr, Donald Wolfe is praetiee
teaching in Wcodetock this week.,
Karl Lloyd ,Pfeifer, baby son of
Mr. and Mree Lloyd Pfeifer,. eves
baptized at their home by the
Rev. E. J. Fischer, on Suriday ,et-
terneon, with Mr. and Mrs, Clar-
ende Pfeifer arid Mr. end •Mr.
James Dittneer the sponsces, alanen
evith the ,parenis,
Injuries Fctca
George Wilson; of Bleth. Was it-
etantly kiliedat noon Tueeclay when,
in) fell frpm the roof Of a house in
Clinton,, we ere he •eves doing SOME'
-CATPOltrY \\Ark,'
IN/Ir. Wilson had been the driver
of a Clinton DistricteHigh School
area bus at one time.- He retiree
from farm wark' on the 7th eon-
ofe Morris. tewnship, and
eince Mentes, been self:employed
as it 'part -dine carpenter. Ile went
to worklin the .job in Olipton Tues-
day morning morning., 1 • '
Trade Tickets
Each Win a, ,Prize
When Seeforth Ininsneeri held'
their t. Patriek'S OW the win-
ner was Don Meellae,
He had obtained the ticket from
Clayton Dennis, trading for it a
ticket on a draw being conducted
by the Knights of Columbus,
On Monday night the K. 61, C.
draw took place and Who Was the
Winner of the $100 prize?, You
guessed it—Clayton Dennis, .
Legion Officers.
,At Kitchener Raity
'Members' of, the executive of
the Seaforth Canadian Legion were
in KitehenereFriolay; when, branch-
es in the district co-operated to
pay tribute to A. M. (Scotty):
erenbese Mie• Forbes jeretining,,,A.e..,
Legion pension 'officer lafter serv-
ing' veterans throughout Western,
Ontario for ;Many years, .
These making the trip included '
Harry Nesbitt, Ken Powell, Al'
'Nicholson,. R. S: Box O. Wood -and
John Ile:fiend.
A similar event is being planned
or mid -Ma Y and will be ,held in
Winghamt when branches in the
zone participate,
Donate 'Re Listowel
de,Seaferth..Legion contributed 022
to the-Listowel-dieasterniftineln The
amount represented the proceeds
from the recent veterans' hocp-reens,
Plans Residence
:,Arirt,L, Street
Construction is 'expected' to com-
mence immediately of a new resi-
donee for Mr. and Mrs, Jack Webb '
on Ann Street. The house will he'
erected. ori property which" Mr.
Webb .,perchas& fromJaeries• M.
the ooici
e$C4betroCentre w,m
n .
7oel,dy eu an y by the end f
acitigiseroexpoecetepd the lieuse will be
'Mrs, Robert' Norris, of .Staffe
has been appeldted to the staff
of Seaforth Public School, to the
position Made vacant by' the death
last week of Mrs„ 3. A, Mad:tort-