HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-17, Page 11HULLETT F. OF.A. LEA.RNS' WINNERS; Howick .Council
• .
DISCUSS BEEF HOG PRODUCER GROUP with the building of an addition to
Havvick Council expregsed favor
the Listowel District High Settoan
ne The directors, of the Huliett Hallett; were first, GlatlYs*JeWitt, „tit their regular ineetting lVfonday.
, Township Federation, held. their $S NO, 3; second, Mary BuchananThe additien will consist of three
'. regular meeting in the Londesboro SS No. 3, and Marsha Tebbutt, SS regular 'classrooms, a science lab -
Hall -Thursday night, April 9-, ,with No. 4. ; • dtatory,'a .hoine economics ream
a good attendance: A repert was It was decided the Federation And shop, along with •two wash -
given on the hog producers' meet- would collect again this year for room, a small gindance room,
Mg held M Toronto in March, by the, cancer -fund. The highlight of equipment aed heating facilities.
Lloyd Stewart. the meeting was the guest speak- Howiek -will _assume its share of
George Caterpoke briefly on er, "William Morlock, manager of the Cbst. Total cost of the project
the -beef producers. Mrs. George the Bank of Montreal, Clinton. He is estimated at $140,000.
Carter gave a report oh the Coop -gave 'a talk an a recent trip to At the, same meeting council
essay contest.lie winners fel, Virginia ancl, other:points, and also accepted the .vinAge of Clifford
en banking and farm leans. reduction `in fire rates. The rates
Ladies' Manse Committee of Mc.,
T(illop Charge are sponsoring a
Play -
!!„.Have_, --Hearti./
put on b y. the- Young People of
n_ninnroe UnitedChurph, in •
Cavan Church
otiddy Eventrt
. at n:30 P.m;
• ,
Anults• 50c Children -under 12, 25c
The Pub1ji iYited, hear
Huron ,Farni News
nff fine weather, continues for the
test of this. Week, seedhin opera-
tions will "begin- in 'most of , HUI=
County. A warm spring rain 'would
•be. of_value___to _pasture-and-nail"-
sown-eropS: ' . : • '
The manlensan run for this year
is reported to be. pocir.,
ublin Pcirish Hall
at -8:30 p.m. -
Adpission 50c
Auspices of_ Altar Society
are. being ,recnieed froin- $150• ta
0.00, • • -
The engineer s report on Drain
10 and_Branch E was acc.epted and
proViSionally. adopted during the
meeting. Clerk Pollock Vas
instructed to prepare the necessary
Robert Gibson was name
,conimissioner drainenne :
Tenders .of, G. A, Gibson & Sons
Linaited for cerrientl for the bridge
at lot•25, core 2 and 3and for the
emistruction of -',;a -bridge •at that,
site, were accepted:Subject :to ;the
approval of the Department of
HighWays '
Allenembers of council -were pre- were going to feed the Army up
sent arid the 'meeting Was presided there, packed in a bath .tub full
.over by Reeve A. Gibson. . of ice (you Ilucky ; people, don't
Accounts,pasSed for payment in- bave to worry _about that), and,
cluden:N. Wade, insurance wenn started off to Balboa, where ive
iumsn$7,48.95; Saugeen Valley Con-nereSsed the canal to the other
servation Atitherity, 1959,,levy,. side-. By the ;way, the bridge is a
$79.39; Municipal World, dog lie- swing bridge.It opens in the cell-
ensing stipplies, • $48.91; Hewiele treaticl sing S to th.e- sides ,to let
Telephone, service and tolls, $14.75;* the ships through. The read is very
Wililam D. Colby, survey' and ex- „good. It is asphalt -covered, creek-
penses Drain No. 10 $144. Drain ed. •and soinetimes narrovv-very
*Aichie Noakes; -.Queen Street,
lienSall, who vvith bis wife, has
been spending the winter in the
Panama Canal Zane, describes the
country in a 'letter te '11:te Huron,
Expagltor , Ileneall correspondent,
Mrs. Hedden, Mr. Noakes, hi the
text of his letter, say,s:
As I promised earlier, I -shall
write another tx.a,velegue about
Vern interesting and educational
trip we took by car to Fliomador
I wanted to see" how the ether half
lives; hence this ttip into the in-
netior of the ;Republic of Panama.
By prevMus engagement, we get a
cottage tram Friday tirttil Sun-
day. Another couple (froth Gode-
rich) came along with their car;
The Canal, Zone extends five
trifles each side'of the canel and
is strictly •"Army". So with"passF
es and passports in order (they are
very strict), we proceeded. It,toak
/nest of the forenoon loading the
ears with gni), etc. I thought they
one-half' inile .of White 'sand' What *
a' sight! I went 'shelnhunting.
There were a not ,of' rocks under
the cliff and Infound a bean -fad:
big -Shell, Which I ani bringing
beme with me, Soon 'the .rest of
tbe campers canneedenni arid We
tetind a great many Sreallnsliells,
which Ilene to sort, as We'
ean't "bring all of them home.
About 11 a.m.. we went back' to
camp to rest, as it gets fairly hot
at midday, We rested until 4:p.m.
and down to the ocemnfor, a
•swim.- One thing -seems so strange
---there are ' no flies as on: the-
henehes- back, home.• ,
.: On Sunday int:wiling. we wore' tin
very 'early for .,our trip to a pa-.
tive village. We 'nad.' consulted
Re,n. Ther,npSOn„ a Baptist -Min-
ister, at . who: has ' dine
inisSionary 'work in sornenof: theS6
villages. He, told os. What to ex-
pect, regernirig .their custorns. ;He ..ittle. boy;brought -up.the rear, chas-
obtained Anne fish for orte dollar.
About 10 ann.. we returned to the
Cottage and pa -Own our fish in ice,
and they kept fine until we got
bank to Gamboa. ' •
On the way back we passed same
of the, natives we hed seen earlier;
'trudging home with their bundles
on their heads; the men 44-iding
their ponies laden witb bushel
baskets; women and- kids in single
file by "shoe- leather express-'?,
only they had no shoes. Their.
week's work done in one nay,
they were smiling and happy with
their nargains. One family in par-
ticular caught iny fancy. The' man
came -drat, riding dm pony; the
little- girl next, with a bundle on
her .head; then came, the woman
with a bundle and tucked under
her 'arm a baby M its birtliday suit.
By the size of the baby, 'should
say it was abouttwo days Gin; .a'
'said, these natives are, desceridants mg a butterfly.
Of the early' settlers, 'namely -Span-
ish; Chocoe- Indian and Frepcn.
'Fonthe most -part; they are pagans
as their language is. So diffieult. to
-understand and- it is so -;hard to
get through to them; They believe
only what they; see. They have no
clocks, but they are up and around
long before: it is light. They Work
one day a _week,' that beingeSun- Theynmeet you with a big grin
daY, which is their trading day. from ear' to ;ear. Their -language'
No 10 and Branch E .assiStande, few Signs and Mainly in Spanish They
fjcounwtlikce daonthe with ground sta
sticks seems
o beemagabpbarnh"F
e -
expenses, $36; -relief aeCounts, Yu must earry, a map as there sevenn_
$216.94; ntox, bounty, $60;, R. grendirt TOads=running means trading day • „ most"PartntheYnarn ven:37 clean and
-Carson- 80"-, -Son, -warbieide pOwderire-rnide for the 'Army and lead "There are a few truckers known the women love.pretty clothes aria
$322.50; road- account.'transfer• totheammunition dumps. Some to the .Army, With permits to trav- ear rings.'They are born dresn-
$5,964.62. " - times there are, 'sentry boXes and el from Panama City through the Makers - mostly the wrap-around
a sentry will'look you .over . Be- Zonecn.th villages with articles type of dress. They love to par-
lievenine, -this plate is, well guard-- to 'trade,- for fintit. Past the Zone ade • around in the' evening and
I should like to remark a little
on 'these people and their mode of
livirrg, The ,Spanish features,seem'
to be prominent in, the women
more than the men They have
bushy Week . hair; some wear
braids. The -Men have short curly
hair that never seems to grow,
their 'skim olive to very dark
a e
Discuss Ifte7Periol_b-klenoinwS11_1E9raochtrongt!thikeledoerninntaari!n•-Ontario.
. . _
Clinton Leglo!, mail
deS a
This is your opportunity to meet and to hear
ARRY STRAN vor-I4ilierah,Candidate
' Huron.
President Treasurer Secretary
tons Annual Sprtn
Tti e Ince in
Definite Date Announced Next Week
id-rnrand Mtn. Torn GfflFii6 and
two dattgh ers, aceumpanied. by
Mr. Grant,of knmoka,,,.v.iSited. on
Saturday ' with .Mr:' end :Mrs, ' T.
Laing and Mr„.„...._2....nd„._,Mrs.
. •',. •
We are ple.ased •te. repart•- Mr:,
• An d r den -nieLaTenlan-inif' dc6iieihilg
after an ,attack -Of theflu.;!• •••
llouglitOn'visitnit on. Sim:.
day with._,,Mr., and. MrS ...TackKm
:ep, :
dridnAndreY in Mitchell.. . „.; • ,
• • Infe.'-ancInMrs.:-C-orctorn Kerslake.
and fathily;'orSt. 'Marys; and Mr.,
John Wallace, of Carlingferd,;•viss;
ited. With Mr.-, 'mid Mrs. George
WaIlace en Sunday., •
-Mrs Laniond'' Mrsn'E.,,MOciren
Mrs T. L'. Scott arid Mrs.:Ken Mc-
i1ar-dttended;;tbe-Wnmen's MiS -
.seinary Synodical at .G.oderich „eri, ,
The ine;mbers: 'of the 'Curling;
Club attend.ed the. banquet' WedrieS-.,
ed - • - is the Republic of -Panama where show Off.their neW elethesneenna:
not knowintberenarenmattrin tbenirtrv iIlager are.. r. buildntheilnliutor-Kaennhs: as,„ they,
;tams iii.Panarear but dis.;*wo; truckers 'bring y,ards of ;pretty edt-. , ate.. called, near; a.tiv.er streani
n • d ;
•ed ;the l'neifiw
c :e. Were winding ton ciressematertan banrt
,daas, Tilie asthy I
ey at1 ie severe. .„ mes a ay
in;end,irourid,,tirtnnd 076i -every bOris, ;chiekens, trunks; Pats, Pans,. and Wash. Clothing ;every claY. They,
wonderfnl sight At timenn. as we nals stringn rope_ and , odds and ', believe if their
-neentenT,ene----lop-nethe,ronannne- nand. ,-;einfrttn tfaTdnira-rliaiMiasneeangeS; reasonable care:,they wfll. last
see -a valley far below With a river grapefruit, yantann lemons, hme, their lifetime. ,Some huts :are built
windlingnibrough,• Once we had to coconut panaapple sugar cane of clay,. but ';the rrioderni-`,-OrieS, are
stop ,On • a hill;;;:te,:repair one Of the syrup and peas that grow on trees. 'built on stilts abbOt.-eight feet 'off
cats.. 'While ;:. waiting,; tWe Walked' • Arined with'tine/. .;ThoinPson'n ,the rground wath a thatehed roof
areend ,and Saw an Indian: yillage..inforniktio4,,yy were nn our way made ,ef ;Poles . and, 'draped an '.the
deft:71E-1re'vatleyT:15ut at was tea long ,..before ,daylight, An; we I;tiro_ outside ;with palm leaves' to keen
far downto take a movie of it ed Onto the ' bighWaY it Was not out the sun They Can be any de,.
This was, • a, lieautif-,-nn4i0-4..,,,t10.- long before we overtook the tie- 'sign-rOund,;'sql.iar.e Or .fi've-:corner-
hills and ; mountains are "Colleted- tives. goiri,g to the 'village, .nraildrig ed, depending on the ambition of
with treeS • After inquiring'•I learn- ;con their Own Side, AliA ig,nthe.
d it 3 Re- ;their. •buildets-but they, all haye
day evening in Mitchell.
signs -to. them. no aSk - what. theY --there -we's nugar-cane syneii ; tn. helping --around- thenhonse------Their
e was ;28 fent above nea public side 0± the .nigliwa.y. Thete neomman:'-air-Coridi-
r flaight ; saY the ; 'terriperatilre- at 'intiSt be . Mann little nanitetS; alang ti°ning and laillrlin.g‘ Water 01°
* .
.win -
the Pacific is 85 to 90 egrees,, .1t
tnn . way, or they ; must -have don's or door0:
It is strictly a do
as D degrees off the Euator. : been walking all night:Some were it -yourself project,, and- it is re -
Two children, .alioY and, a girl; driving little ponies ahead ,of them mark -able how quield-f-the women
.ahent eightornine years 014, Caine with a bushel basket slung on' each "catch On". to this.- They carry the
a. "machete" sor,t of long ;knife,' penfies women -and "kids" carrying
out of nowhere, the boy PairYing side, ,and One ;each side of the washing. to .the river and return
withn'the drinking • water,' ' gather
were smiling and, ,ha n I rnade • '
;the girl, a "gunny" sack. They soinething on, their headne mostly the wood, boil the rice, pOund the
ca.(T earne r ,
PP square an ris (.1 I late corn i to meal for bread besides,
-MaPs- Of -Sqaforth'
Now Available
In answer to repeated requests
from visitors-ancl--residents, a de-
tailed map of Seaforth, showing
streets of tne town, as well -as the
location of public buildings, has
been published by The. Huron Ex-
pbsitor? Printed "on heavy ledger
paper, the Map is available at 50
cents a copy. .;
Rags -
Phpn 334 - Res, MO
had. and - at last ;held out. a dime these cans) One on,,cart,;twe;Brah-; furniture is . simple, whatever they-
• . _ . was afterward, son-
aninpointect:tq-tlie' bag; '014 came nias hitehrent A two • he. len ; earl., can pick . up .' from i;the, dealer
e s.
We shotild .have diked a monie , ef". T.hey ;use.. hainntocke in , the: .top
_rY• that I took.- the, ordeges,Part homemade of -yineS and rone.
as .4 this spectacle, but . it -wasn't ,. t '
ye . •
' ' ' ;
;light:enough. ' ;--• .--;„ ' . , n .
. ,-;, Their 'living.. qu.arters . are. under -
We arrived at ;'ilie ; tir13,-Ofi; aria .
neath; •,their stoves are .stones,pil-
foen,d.' the...Village.. alibute_an.nnile. ---
eil_nrentennets nh.e. _nap:: te..liolcInthe
from it It was ;barely daylight -e conking pen e`Their ;main. 'Meal is
irn the evening •and cerisistsne,fnbeil-
couldn't take piettiresn so we Indy- '
ed- 'rice; chopped cocoanut peas;
ed 'on. everybody 'talking. at once, .
nobady Understaticling • -.arlYn. frOnt--trees ...(dried.)-; and fish, eall
was -.nearly , enening when we - -e;in n; ..: lo.). ek : r ' n Me 1 .
na, :sooner. moVed hi- and 'started ' on -hot Stones.' for desSert ; any kind
o- e • eac-saw-peli- ' ,,
thought perhaps they werentunting'
their breakfast. -However, P later
sew ;there was no cause for wor-
ry; because we saw leads' of -fruit,
bananas, oranges, grapefruit , and
cocoanuts, A is just. wonderful to
see how the' good Lord takes, care
ern -Es people. '
wren_ 1\nolotkh.esclo'intognetichi.egra' agnfd,.oil and baked
a pepper ; . orn . mixed.
body! Shertly ':after we saw the
•reanh'ed, ;nnr 'destination. We had '18Itlelictingi;aeg'roseSrritt1.1!Woec•Wanentnad-o.
icidSn' were !':,treuithclel.Whiteliathtievien
Wares and. 'fruit,: They- enrny al- miles,' Waiting for the nide' to Pen -1,e l'sense d443'.14g'..:11.16- facts,'' the° peo
cans Ond (limns, lined 'tlinfen.i.orfruitnhat•etrikes their fancy,. No
ninist'evernthing,ort their -heads. 1, in arid bring fish:With.: it, "'As, ,Pie line on . the, best, in. the -land, "
thank• that the
s reason• :, they! are matter; 'Of ; 'faef,, the ;;;tide °was Corn.- and all for free; They-seemf to get
iiag an Down canae the natives? aloiag well together; thereis no
pair offigured-the tradang -must be Vein; They her'.
they wear, supposing they,. aresaxover The natives the;Peli-.!;ter endT.:tra.de:.:ainongo, themselves.
•s oo- big, pre .4 rope takes cans;. -and 'when they see the birdS.111:'; one has a fishnieft Wier; he ;
•care ; Of that-dlltielAtY..':'''; eh,e,taer, "gthoe,f4Sohdinil,' they '..tracies. it to his neighbar, Mi. a bee,'
..The next day got 'tfpn'hatintea, know it is
jalsa and after it gets dark jae gbes back
iantyh,,s•triren.myfninicnuateal.inlw: faoillkOvV,to-, neine, a .rounn,,adjci,
ed a at all even agamn 1 guess there is
the .ocean., The .tide 001 and. t.re6nadnin-i,atittvt'"els'e'.47d4cIde6,i'V'tilhetior''!"Lbe6 'a°tes6.a...Mt1;.
"'"bb1.41.4'say there was at least bushes out of ,Theehot-Sun- 'Abeittn erk'coin nninitY•
.1 .clozen :itten Carried Out: thenConin . After , Seeing ,the ``sluin", shacks;
munaty", beat •.(held about Panama; Cityn'T can ' readily see,
and nlinatledn into tThe-•;;'' surf:, (lifekwhy these pedpIpidfer the irrizT
stood on shore with a nope.•tosSed pie 'carefree'lifenf the open Their
.fronin'the haat; and fent men raw- belief as that 'we ,are all''hern..free:
• ed: ,The: 'pan' on the back let Out keep,..it that Way,..-
' More' tone; ',end" then I skin the' net Inclasing ' I Would. like to make
attaChed.,; They Went Out' about 40 a feW"teniarks on. MY obserVations...
'yards' -and ;turned ..ip a; circle, • all.; If I Stray a little from the' Straight.;
the .tirrie letting eurthe net, ;When:I:and' narrtaw,:pleaSe remember this
;they got to Shore: they all :jtiniped ; is ' one •man'S ...Opinitni. 'First, the
nut .with.,eriether end 'of 'tone end natives, don't have -to ; buy ..a Jgtto
enernbindy. pullLd (tnisnoPeration build on cost nil, no building per .
took about one-halr .tiOnr). When mit necessary; mi. building mater -
the net ' was about in they all •ran ial it ,is .already'thete•.ce,st•
and grabbed it Believelt oy noj, 00 neednef -...eXperiSine' carpenters,
they had abOut,30 fish, ,king.mank- do it cost nil no': need of
erel smaul Sh6rk about 'three ,feetiplunihers dr tinsmithS,- heating and
long 'and -other rianielesS ;fish but a:in:Conditioning' is .free' furniture. -
all weighieg: from' 21/2 to S' PotniCIS dontennirnelf; furnace never • goes
(We nano; aPicture te, prove out, no need. Of coalnor oiEnelothes,
) ;Theymade tliteetnipsn each -don't need ',:any .clothing -stern's;
time.with same' fish: Then the groCeries,:ntee for, the,' taking; • Tie
:pelicans' flen, out -to seanand the. need cif super-tria.rkots; dritg-rstere'
• n•atives4newAshingl•WasOVer..for....tir...,...clottor„ useherbsand tnotS,.
the, ann. I wondered if we could never 1sack. Don't have . to 'Worry
bt!.y. fi411,..S.4...WA.1-11U.Sterednall._abeilt_hy.dro and waterbi1l eVery.
Whieh was 'twediiis, second ',month, light and ' water
'Nobady„had"thonght of'bringitig a2; 'free; • no schools, so ',theyheed. no:
purSe.. I -had a. $1:00 bill' and ;twitschool board to chaSe the'peor
dimes; the, Others' 'had tWo paCks.: de kids out early in the • mantling
cigarette nnb_en_.ntlleYAlnou
...opened a:pack and handed'nfierry Being that these .pebple each talk"
['around; The .natiVeg'.;,,stopped a language of their own,.. they nev-
,ie the. lief'. to-get_iri on this deal.: en' get. intb argument; go they
After.battering. and pointing, 'We don't imect any Cnten
eicil to piss •su
' ' ' • Silly laws -Roe "NO 'Parkine4 From.
A delicious pot -luck 'supper Was PteSident, Ma, M. Etue; ,presi-
held' Tuesday evening, . marking dent, Mrs. J. Maloney; first vice
the annual ineetineof $t. Jame' president, Mrg. G. Reynolds; 4,e -
Catholic WonienTS ..League- The ond vice-president, Mrs. M. Wit
guest speaker'for the occasion, .was limns; third vice-presiclent; Mrs.
-.Miss Margaret -Brophy; Windham, C. Hewitt; recording 'secretary,.
vviio spoke on her trip to Berinncla.• -Mrs. G , norresponding
She sbawed slides, which:were 'Very, .secretary,' Mrs. L, Leonhatelt;
interesting.. , Mrs.. J. • MeComiell 'treasurer, Mrs. A., Stiles,
gave a vote of thanks to- Miss Fattier Sullivan, gave a shart
Braphn for her interestingreetune addr,es; complimenting the officers
which eneryone enjoYect. Ahnern 6f the 'past year for the work they
Detereaux sangna solobad- accomplished"; and' welcomed
Theidilirge4e,tes ghe tesa.i drr eye ri,gstu raernnspmgsfo.tn. twMh al.ys nEf tileaetd, twheewn_nt ie xycc5.t,neirtiyv Mrs. prize.. Case
'by IVIrs. J. Case. First vice-Presi- "What's the use of that school?
dent, 'Mrs. 'J. Maloney, reported demanded the smallest son after
130 rile/liners. Third yice-president the first day. "I can't read or
-sent to, th.enSiSters -ef St. Joseph talk." "
and ' eggs; sent to the House of
Mrs: mn winiam§, reparted plants -Write yen and they nvOn't let Me
Providence, London, fornEaster. Cancer is caused by -the ..unruly'
C'orrespondence, was read byllts.- growth of 'body, Cells. , Often this
L. 1.,eonhandt, 'and tie treasurer'sgrowth can be ;completely stopped
repert by Mrs: A. Stiles. The; an- if Caught in time.,
nue" reports were read by the 'Ye; -
T1011S officers, winch . showed a
•Successfur Year, . ' ' • ,
J. Maloney .Pl'esented
M. Etue with a eorsage and g gift
on behalf- of the for her for Mr, arid Mrs. Wilmer ;Walter's
splendid •achievements during tier;
turn as President. Mrs. Etue made
a fittinth
g replynthanking e ladies'
Mr their co-operation '
M. C. P. Sills; Mrs. J.- L. Slat-
tery -and Urn W. M. Hart, the
nominating committee, nresented
the new slate of bfficers who Were
installed by, Father -Sullivan, -spiri-d.
tualedirectors. Officers , are. Past
- Friday, April 17th
Community Centre
Desjardine's Orchestra
• ';n4,1 •_.
DON'T FORGET we atv only too glad to help select the proper items, for your particular,
requirements, Any advice,We can give you will be considered'a privilege to. us. Do not hesitate
. •
to bring your 'problems here ,and we will gladly hep you
• n
C�met B oc
FAC we
cnn provide• .00., with ANYTHING iu
SEAFORTH !hone 78
acaualy Li
. 2-9514
BLAKE Here To Corner" "Get Yotir Dog
Tag", or when , starts and
; ends. Whose daylight is it? They
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gin'gerieb work one ;day; a week, so., why \risk
visited -with Mr, and Mran-ltlissell five fon keep ,a fat guy sitting -in
Heard of Bayfield - $3;vivel chair collecting your in-
Mrn Harold Finlay and familyr
'were Sunday guest§ with Mr. and
Mrs. Miltan McAdams and fana-
Mr: and Mrs. William Steckle
spent Sunday with M. and Mrs.
Kenneth Gingefith and datighters,
Miss Mary Cronin spent the
weekend in Walkerton,
Nliss Clare IVfalone, Stratford,
and 3 a6t Malone, Kantiskasing,
with 1V1e. and Mrs, S. L. Malone. ,
Miss Agnes Hieknell, Kitchener,
with Mr.. and Mrs, Peter Hick.
Mrs. Adrian Plue and son, Fran-
cis, of Trenton, with Mr.• John
Delaney, '
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steinbach and
family, l'eeswater, vvith joseph
Flanagan, '
ldt. and drs, Ken Batson and
Carol, of 'orest,. with Mr. and
Mts. J. J, Holland,
-come tax and unemployment nil-
strance and union ,Jitst
doesn't make sensh! :Thete.are no
taxes, so they have no need; of col,
leetorp to send a nOtice on the
first of October to "pay your tax-
es on thaf day, or else." 5, All in
all thitik they haVe the only
system, that works. >
A•s 1 end this letter, my thougnti
go back to the blue Paeific, With
the miles of white 'sand and the'
smiling happy natives, without a
worry, in the world makes rile
Wander "Who's crazy!"
A donation to the Canadian Can-
cer Society is an investrrient
Give Generously When the Canvasser Calls
',Canvassing is being snperyiseci bY:kj• L. Slattery,.
--iii:Seafolth and ,Harpurhey,, With
'captains: Harvey Mason, Mrs.' Alice McConnell,
'Ri.S..:Bax• and • R. ',James 'tgniandville,
Norman MacLean McKillop Township, 'g,Obert
E 'MeMillan -and James E McQuaid Tucker
shuithTownship, ,jame'sDolg-and'IfiisSell Dallas• •
The above Will have sufficient canvassers ta cover
their.respective areas.
The hOuse-to-house canvass is now in progress,
-exempting -places of business and industry, who
re -re-uested to make contributions 'direct to
The Toronto -Dominion Bank Seaforth
iti;en,are' urge
lull), a bonfires cin
:lova care -
grass fires,
to prevent ffionri spreading an
causing da,nicige to propert
e sure, fires are :completely
extingujshdf night !:
IFa bonfire or grass fire, appears
Junior (just name from kinder-
garten); "I'm lint -going to School
an ymore, Ma,"
"Why not?"'
"Because f can't read a writii,
and the teacher won't let the talk."