HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-17, Page 4'Oft 1 it pi E I'USITORs SEAEOR' PRIL 171. •1959 RON COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS nual eetm • " Mcu�tUr4� Board Rooms, C. linton• _ t t Tuesd _ -April l 21 er-. ' al. west„ • S pe MR, RIE ALGUR nd-'Mar of ng -Branch Fru-d'uc�ion. a b -Branch' n ernm e `` ale of f.b Governmen mill .speak. on �i Y. Rail Grade. ROBERT Me.O'1 GOR President ' J C Illi+ MI1\TGWANT,- j. Secretary.' EGMONDV1LLE Mr. and -Mrs,, Harold Sheri and Warren• were. m Kitchener .on sat- urday visiting Mr, . Shera's- mother at the Kitchener -Waterloo General Hospital, They also; visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Marshall and Paul. NEW. DRUG EFFECTIVE IN SWINE DYSENTERY; Vibrion is dysentery 1s a 'trouble- - some disease in • sone, swine herds me> re orts the On tlnie.-, P fro W ti , m tario: Veterinary College. The dis- ease iiay,affect -swine of all ages:, ,Lo$ses May be as align as'5 per., cent and it iiiay re -occur frequent-; ly,' in'- a herd,. Usually the disea is spread. by bringing' new an}mals,. into '•the',•,herd frhm °.'an' infected farm or sale. Losse fmm the dis- ease. is-;ease ' nail be :minimized if new : acl- ditions-t T --the herd are isolated for at least two: weeks :'after purchase. Field trials .conducted; ;;bS the„ College indicate that one ,of the; new furaeh) ;, group., of drugs mar; be effeptive in ; controlling vtbronit 'dysentery outbreaks' ' ori the farm., An' earl diagnosis of -thee disease by -a -veterinarian is ,essential if this- treatriieitt is to be 'used of-< fecti 'ely. , and .Seed tikes Difference B .:„ I o.Between Ciro s :C �Q .p ■ ..ewinter schedule of In, a ,eros dad Fends and"neighbors .Of Mr, of farm' work, while You,. are' sail farm meetuigs, in timely'I, and im, o en o and Mrs, Il vin ;TreWartha and. Ren In your prime, and able • J y•octant articles in •file farm" press, gatheredtl Rail, Frida the pleasures of livipg without the . P riet of ab icultural o of iilihfi P Y and in a , va . Y :1igxrt to honor them., The familYi farm responsibiiitics. ` t •bulletins, no• better; advice has' ave : sold their. farm: In. McKillop Wre are so- glad to :know th been ' offered. , to .farmers : ;in the. home .is not so far dig . a•'nd .are moving to Seaforth fo re Your nets that ou' Will -be able td Spring- of the year than :the ,Slogan, t, tont,• but Y s "geed ..the. Best", ;The value of r: return Very:-frequently'ahonb.0 ,, . _� #. ood and A pressnt Tre teas made to M to good -soil, high fertility., g ar fo v d •}e are loo � an ea - pry 14'an I'r' Ronhb by Oliver costly cultivation, acrd good w Pryce .olid to': Ron by Earl ' MG- many ,happy .reunions, ice t these -ther is -reduced: When anything, but Spaddei: The address vas :read by We cask. yau';to , a P the hest seed, is sown. Ussellg' a emento of. -the AY The 'Couple. ie-:.btfts . as m before ttie' late: celv.ed. T. Bolton. P 'Wise farmers, y P calved- a•,large�?;mirror-lite mirror -lite -picture ,'happy .Years we°_have spent tope an order.•for their season's;•sufiPly= m and Ron was given a"; grey • cher: May • You have iliany years. of . PrOt fo' Will ;have, a sols test la ps leather travelling, bag: of h`eaitli, hulal?iness and prosperity . m .:', ou ! Seafgrtlr home is the' w,IS report; But no matter what • tn he - e,S . garnet; Bends Natiere:> ladies, s:—' fertility practices;- a crop ea d ne hbor .. ends an , • friends,' � mos games.;,MrS.';Rutl Bolton;. of,. Your, y 116 'better it grows t. consul• Signed :on behalf of your . Friends fro past lion, bars I1en McLLle,from, And,' judging e . —' s ezi-drllP siirvel s. seed testing is tion Mrs. filen 1tiieGlure; men, and lghbaxs.' : most names, . Ken Settles, , lone a rachce confined largely to the P : RAL SUBSIDIES select • group of registered, seed ands" nfif C Souder, •consols- FEDERAL tion, -Gran 34IcC1ure, Ci1I CULATED :': growers. The • address. e as • as follows Canada.-Departmertt of Agrieul Good _shed ho)vever, is, miles Dear Ervin,;' Evelyn,, gRot lure siibsidies' and .grants ,for°the .more than'r,da grade from `a 'seed .Many --Fears ' ago., the great,::poet, 'fiscal :3 ear, •195:1.-58 .reached ..,$5e .4 laboratory: ; In eoni'merc al seeds, William , Shakespeare;•' used) the, million: this";guarantees the gerunriation phrase,. `nigh tag is such ssloa "'sur- : This exceeds tale $45 m'i .OnH,out and pyirity - withni the ' standards . ' row',' Tonight;; this espthef n>.very lay° in each of the tit=o ' previous required bY',the• grade.' But before :in ou stela expresses the , feelings ears and nearly. equals the' $572 ..seed can .-be:'considered the best,. lu our°hearts, ;The departure .of! a ,nrillionn. 18 '.spent ,in it must also be the right; variety., family from.anY cominunity.in3iat, •.Federal payments .in Prairie to do•the .aab"you intend -This iably, leaves:- gap ;....This gag is. Farm Assistance 4dn%i,.nistr tion 3 -ear there is no scarcity of the,. particiiMrli .noticeable when: made air ards • amoiulted to" $1.1,6 million, right varieties. ,'Registered seed bl a,wfalnil5 `.such as Yourselves, \i;hite-none had been necessary the �t• groers:are offering seed of Gar - and Who hate; growup and de year before ry' , and Rodne} t,s,' and;: '-in- the `eloped Within the con l aniinity at 811';4 rnilIion disbursement earlier ..maturing• group, Clintland" AA ( ;'shall , miss 'Yon all greatly. ',On land declamation • 'and water and Shield; ,acid in: the liulless vac Yalii ':cheerful' aC 1tizee 'Df all consei'iation programs ''.Was Si '3 iety, \Ticar is Offered. Bradt,,. the gifting Of good citizens; u.Y*our :million, less than ii hat_ "gas spent yob Herta and Paridand, barley-, . - miles s hose talitl and clieerlyill 111 .19,1i5.7,?'r• are:: al o a >aila'ole One of these. smiles> ��ill luno lie ; remembered,,Prtce'support"losses recouped by t ,rieties „is best 'for your farm.' by ill ;of us pa• rliamentary vol reached"; $5 9 4 p$4'...any one is better Mau an ilii 1l to shelesa out :sense ''',!1:!: -'''-"}:;:'rt mrili in, ,compared xvith: 54,9 mil known or inferior .. ariety. - the lois gill- ile stz enterelion in 1956 57_ For individual cutin Forage crop are -of-e-ven great- fhe tonlioin th ardu 'are; 11e, l odties;-sppported tyle 1957-o8 er lmportanC�than cereals in our •la re,tire•-fs.nle.the ,at4ala _;1,ailors losses ;Were- as'',follo\\s;: ;ith the 'economy-.' Here `agairr, .certified 4,eviaus peat s: figures' in,.braeh- seed 'of the -right;' variety' is the KTA .NINE SIGNALS els butter,."52:75 (Ss;71) in lli¢n: best secl.:Csr, tfied seed is atiurl- ... c r -s sz G oi-n so h 31 tmcd , ij'll — 100 inillton em :seed deal: r o'i�erna7; o Lij XP•ortht. en'e: tbP hreator (none; fo ,j St;4 thousand.(i?one� D. atdts. and Alfa' alfalfa, Lasalle . = egg~ 'Si. 8 millian-(S55 thousapd), red. clover;. �;limati . iimoth3 Lin- eLe.chere. ' .ac q .. A soR that does not Heal , po• tato( 1 $480:'..' ($5,400 appleS colnr liromie, and Empire and i -Pe Ai_.r.,.' e hs -E -•-ii Bez r or ,hones (-S1'82 Esau and), a 'ef.il .Circular 296„ Field. BT.,Dnua, his -:• In 195x.-58, there Were, no federal Gino Reennimendations or •ri-_ •,.nt xoaiissri ss or- COUGH. ••Iosses' 'on corrimodities marketed tario", 't -ill, help';5-ou, decide which o Perri e _ � - ., _."� . .- 'variety iso -best .for •you. '; �,F�,_te»- `�,*DIGF��oiv'.oR', rift-..�indor ; the 4�rleuliural';, Products v ' a dies - ourself with -LTL t ,,-.5Wr,royvi?',G. Co-operative ,,,Marketing,,_Aet, con , , Don t.. fi n P o GiL GE an . a w -.n: er 'toLE Ipaled with $182: thousand paid . on poor seed: " : - `. i, pp, a year_ _ earlier;' -Dont :take a '.chance, on ateed T. ase; • lou—s>may mean C ikciltR ; its: ompared seeds -:'They're hard.to,g'et rid of. SE,. - ..: 0• Y'DO.:.. ! i Heed a run-down on additional /!..and,they' cost you' dollars.„, oke a c bane e on low •l cm. t t OaT'adlart,= CancBr SaCletg ,195+ a8--�sbursementa, t5fib. � A �. ;]lou ' $'condi Pres J W.,Talbot ,parative figures, for the previousi,germination. It. c'an reduce your Sear i crop leave more.room: for «feeds,. M In !ea _ _ a • R tITALI�D. ch case; file •�u7,e ,ih tri„ :Garry-azid—RorinP fiats _re - .4 thousands: Cheese,: quality prem- sistant to smut.They are not re :.rums. "6.11: (5843).: ,cheese' factory, sistati. to, seedling blight_ "For full; : cI,:AN��vG, $ Is Better `Than- Ever,,. tit improvement, S• t1 F (S511); con stands,.. have, spring grains treated pensation9 for. .diseased .anipials with. a rercuriai-type ;seed. disin- I,uchanan Cleaners .. `slaughtered, 5129 ,(8148), cold:Star- -fectant than Mount Surest . age •l •ai•ehouses, .5572'(8.790, _grants Dont take a 'chance on`le_s '1o• agricultural orgamzatrons,''8826 the best .';>ariet3: '\'arietiec hal e • Gore Spots and. Stains, o'nger d-- 2) grant to 'fairs:. and:,exllibi= ;been deceIopeci, •tested and :are 11Q - • %ay, clOn to„n„ger ti($2.2.)'. ns, 51182' (945); ..freight assist 1-ensed on1,3- when .prof ee. superior. ance on «,estern',•feed :grain, 517 in:some:characteristic...-You may' 111`ILT'FR s 161 (.<2;17-..778):'.livestock programs ;as'zve1.1,benefit from th s.'program_ L AL DRY SERVICE !.$78'($7.74): bog premiums: $5,698 i It 5-,still,not• tai? late to; make a 142'; 'lime S500 8500); .pots •,good resoilition• '','During1959 ;-1 �1iFS Ii,1?'.';tfTT�T:FR = Agan. :(Sa ) (. Phone. ?4i ' Seaforth to -w a `(house` eonstriietlon; ' .none ` will not so',r any;,'seed;1aitli puritti' Pieknps Monda' and" Thnrsdav (S8) eineraene\ morgeinent of^haY`o,, ar3;d .germination below-, the re- ' , •Mornings .:.nr.((89 o, ). . ` m • auireents of,Nuinber 1 seed."' '')/V t' H'ANALYS RTILIZ 01 2..50 Coor $10.00.. < e r .S raY. FREE al P :Inas One -Bottle R a• Goa r �d f • A 'd tYl the .end o April NOW ' 3VIAK E APPOINTMENT, PHONE ON E _49 3:. Phorie'14 , 'WANT ADS BRING RESULTS c r.m• �r..c r!. r�r:ra 1 -:'or 142 kx„ Uh an.,iysis. fert.laaer::n aur,'be t bun ou , eea'it` rs1.e� r. t'0- toSx5-,': of 12 10 to Bice- v nufi.; St4A fhe:, same . S,vxxiper 'of ' "4 ¢ •Via -z t 7ood one rt$ . area on '^,^-3T�h1Yi,:' j---:-0.-•+kli--.+�eli:ia�'_:iobi t hag ir;,rlY.f drti;..::or, 2 t2 -3.q. sa Li1Sarinn" same n9r 'bet' eo - hialit 'food. mutrieni_s' iourid an : oltlr" alf� ierFll -bf-tht ' gher:. analysis! .£erFilizerr • Therefore t,ou I acruafy save 513-(li1'.bc gettin 4-24-20 . , and Titif onlst b' die half •. ee man' ba0s i , • CO-OP FERTILIZERS • come ' to Granular and Semi -Granular: Texture `, , o Higher ui. water, -Soluble, Phosphates :.'. • ' Free fiowiitg at 4plilec'.hon,"Rime - • 5 air I.ARG E QU ANTIT, OF mon., VARIETIES N .HAND FOR, AMIE -TATE' nEL TI RY, SPR'NG is asnors, too, • t:, have. a :wan of growing A_ nd j0stl ke ;her 3-unior Deposi-tar's Account, your Saving s Account will `grow with regzaai deposits:. ' THE CA'NAD1A.N :BANK:Q1".OIVi�!1'ERCE NC1 S .THR.OUGHOUT' CANADA.. MORE: 71-tAN,8Q0:$RA � ,, L. F. FORD Manager `:SE�Q$TH BR:�1NC-$ o DIBLI1 ,- BR NCH—E'. J:. DEIN, :'Manager: A young man's fancy turns to though marriaige AL,L YEAR `'MOUND:- Everyone's 1hQughts urn_ °s of ` ogre clad -the young couple's thoughts to;. • • sPeciq�«e .in cafe jag to Newlyweds, `mill :West ngkouse.Cate 's Best Appliances ! Check our-- ccs on. iy e. maWestar ghoul l frtgeroto made r .' hot' weather:, is --fast approac i rig, don't -et .caught wittout 'a good refrigerator. See Gingerieh's t€ -daj . Check osur. prices . on - 1N estinghause 19:59 VVASHERS •„ DRYERS RANGES'...,. TELEVISION ake the'Most modernly equipped ,eciuippeci residence. COMA ::1N 'TO -...PAY., FOR FREE -D OHST-RATION ou Can Be Sure If It'sW , ST -01011p USE,'; y ou Can Be..Sire of a Gliod Bei if you Vis a end • ;. ZURICH - - Phone • SEAOD' Phone: S �w�