HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-17, Page 3Ice', „and DINNER H R N 0 C T �.TB„�� ,... ul� y A CIATI ,oN ` Armstro n s. estClUrght-�, ors. a. yri. 7:00'O'cleek;,S T,• The special speaker will be DR. WM SHARPE- of Beek Sanatorium --.. Um ,Dinner Tickets', $1,00"— Available at th' e Restaurant:;' H: GLENN BAYS.0' Q MRS, .J. B RUSSELL` President. E:,,;.-+.-... Se cretary. , WANT:ADS' BRING:' RESULTS ho Phone 141 Cr 142 .Stiiiie `eople say the 'ust .Y1 haven't time go o.to tlie:Ba k. xt o are_-0ne of these ri the'str eamline d Blof M b anki al g s y.s t - em: • `i'oiY can `e' t fuil�et its ": � a , without oblz�ianon at•('our nearest Bo M branch, .:Wh Y not;call in �r itotoda? • One Co n 10. O. Vi • Legion •Auxiliary Zone Commander Mrs. Mary McCann, of Fordwieh, from.: the Howick Auxiliary, -paid,her official. visit to the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Tuesday evening and of- ficiated for, the ..initiation ceremon- ies for two new .members iriteAlae auxiliary, Mrs. Haven and. Mrs. R. Vanstone 'In speaking to the'. group, Mrs, McCann: stated that wemust work to keep: alive comradeship `gym-, 1iohzi ng four _symbols, which, are.. The Flag, Poppy, Badge,; and 3�reh 1V)rs , IVIeCanrt=was_-intrp-- duced by the president, .Mrs. Wil- liam Brown,. and,presented with a gift by, Mrs. E. ° R. Davis, a: past president Ten dollars-• was voted to the Listowel'' Relief,' Disaster fund. A motion was passed to Sponsor two ,teams• to the sixth, bowling alley tournament at Walkerton, • either. the 29th:' or 30th of April., Mem- bers .: will attend the : Zone Rally. May 13, to, be.; held ,"at Seaforth Arena; ,:at which Sea forth Auxil- iary will be hostess. M,rs. Howard Smale`reported{for the-; .entertain- ment committee, and Mrs. A. flsa ffcers f�r: lect The followiifg'officers were elect- , Mrs. Payne, retiring `resident • ed to office at the. animal' meeting expressed wodps of a prec ation to. of • Hensall Women's Institute, held the: secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Peck, in the Legion Hall Wednesday: for her valued support and . ce-op- past: -president, Mts.. Carl Payne.; Oration for the past two years, president Mrs. 'Fred Beer' while ther ' vice.- ile-she�eld office of resi- Presidents Mrs, E. R. Davis, Mrs., dent. 'Repoirts.of standing commit- Sim R'oobol, Mrs.. T. C,: Coatestees:' were :presented: 'Mrs. Ed -S,ecretary-treasurer,-, Mrs.. R. '.t Wards read. the slate of officers,. Peck; assistant ,• .Mrs, E-, Noritxin- and,Mrs. Elgie conducted the ele -• tg�• press,: Mrs, Maude :'Hedden,;, g c r-ict directors Miss P Ili Case M alternate , Mrs, R. Peek. , ,Gard convener,' Mrs W B. Cross; assistant,. TIWEs."--p( 0,- Goodwin;' Pianist, Miss. Gretta' Lai -in -pie; as Stant, Mrs. William • Brnwn.. Branch directors; Mrs. ,George Armstrong;:__ Mrs:T Albert Alexan-. •der, Mrs::; R Y. ;-.McLaren, , Mr -s.. John. Skea; • auditors, .'Mrs, -W.`, 0. ,Gpodwin; I Miss •ary Goodwin,; standing committees::Agriculture Agriculture and Canadian Industries; • NLrs., Herlsall ` .Resident Walker Cathie,' Mrs. -Wes Richard son Citizenship, !and' Education,:_ Mts. T. 'I, Sherritt,Mr.s. -Kober D es Sud+der�l . -t x; B• l.ie<, . �ome g H •E coo is `a " nm s.. n: d R esidents :of. e call :Health Mrs.....A. '<' H n afdthe sud- s, R: ,Orr, '.;Mrs �„: were shocked. to .learn • of the- sud- E,,;'McEwan, _historical research, den a's'sin o A11a Miss M. Ellis, Mrs: R, : M. Peck, A g. f: n Cdnhrdae, 62, Clark, ;sick committee:;Mrs 'Smile ening,. Ptil 8: my Wedhran ev- reported; for the recent draw', which Mrs. William: Henry, .:Mrs::; A. W. , ening,. A riI 8: y was vedy the Shirray';,_ Mrs. Lorne Chapman g' APtil McEwan, was Public Relations •.re resentative' of the .farm of. Jim McEwaiiwest The president-' thanked the ;can P of I3ensall, looking oyer some; live=, vassers 'for their..,splendid -co.o er,- Mrs._ Maude Redden assistant; stock Mrs, George Hess:• and• apparently: was yin the anon m the _recent _Ped Gibes • best of health at 4 pal. When Mr, drive 'Mrs. ,John Skea On he Pr'esi'dent. MI'S. Cali Payne con McEwan "wdtit: out at .7 mr . he ducted the ,business'- Mrs:, Basil;' li ;mystery ' prizes Bingo winners dttrib:.Y'aeL:1'.,: re`d :h •m dead: Death was were: Mrs. ::Taylor; Sr -;; ;Mrs, Alice Edwards .poke on the Soaith Hur a tri on=Hbspital Auxlliar t .b to i-corono•ary. throm; Joynt Mrs, , .Wilson, , Fordwich'; Y, 'meeting �ri . bosis.Mrs •,Ili Campbell Mrs: ;john Hen -May; when•th}sinstitutewillPra=Iie;unmarried and made. his. gh Berson; ,Mrs. bell ougall;-Mrs. R. vide' a -number anal serve lunch.' Home with' ,his. sister>. rs:':Hu Vanstone; • sPe.eials, , :Mrs... Harr The .euchre,',paity-`planned;for-.this., . a • three Y MCMurtrie. rviving are ::three Horton and,,DIrs: Wilgnsl`ordwich, month has -;been left.`over..iintil fall.,: brothels, John, Seaforth• 'Jim ° To-' Hortonus'refreshments 'were ecru- A motion ;was passed .to ;;hold .-a , ionto•''B' bake .sale, ;.tea and art:exhibit ,on.' ill, Hinsdale, Illinois;; ick ed ,, en• ,sisters,__%Ida) Mrs.,.:. -Ross ,,-lhck,_ May�1f1, in :the Legion Hall at 4:00 Goderich; (Agnes) 'Mrs. ,Albert p m;' Committee appointed: were-;,;Northe'y�. CameronDirt.; (Polly), Mrs.' E:: R::; Davis., Mrs,. Sheriitt, Mrs. `Hugh: '.,'MclViurtrie Hensall 'Mrs..... -Peck,, Mrs, Beer and Mrs. Orr.' A card of thanks was read.'!,.(Ann) ,14id li..:.5 Hopkins Green Ftolii Mrs 'Tiana7el7Vfclinnan ZVfr`s.. °.S. Tiler, Youngspoint; Ont.,'(Alice) R. M. Peck- gave :a- report Of the:` • ' . d tinct e xis.; J A ,Miller, Seattle, :Wash • on is xecutive'meeting held in�.ington' Edna ;M tigers, A ill . He • 4.:: (, ) rs. Charles Rob, . • � nsll, 7uesdaY> 'A n1.,..7: 'Th :r � ,,. .., .. ,. � _ - .. P �e xnson-Zurich .announcement: istriet.,a`nnua3 -will. be ,,,1d at - •8-36 ,m.` Priva�e funeral services ..Were B. Gravid. Bene a '2 :. - ,-„...:. ... :;Mr::and lVir .:b'rancis l d. M y. .1.. Miss Greta s.. agement. held it om . the B onthrori Rune al r Hens 11 g g Lan]mie was appointed to arrange:Hoiiie; Heneall Saturday, A inti 11,``.of,"their daughter; Geraldine, etnent rangy, a H8' , : Seaf Orth; for -a -musical number.: at. 2 . , - an - eo eEli n nduc. P ed'�i e t � R C. .Dr,: -..to.' � r to J 0 Admissionwas 'iii ... . an '. d Mrs:. Walter Eckel , of green cemetery, �';'(ixrna=-`Idte. mari`iage :`.will take Hansa ;: P:rlc • � -' -• place. ;at' HensalT United' Chureh. 'at '7 in on, `Saturd p ay, ;A rrT' 25 Mrs; E. Davis. 'presided for• the program `•piano solos; Miss Carol Brown; reading,y Miss : Ellis, tap ;dance selections; Miss' Peggy Goddard and Miss- Carol Brown. Mrs. ;Armstrong gave courtesy re- marks' to :the retiring -president, Mrs:; Payne, for her' untiring ef- forts while .in office for the past two.ycars. P, .B. HENSALL Mr. John Glenxt;was taken by. Bonthron ambulance :on. Monday to Victoria c a Hospital, Loiiidon, in: „theinterest of his health, The East 'grm of the Women's: Association' of St. Andrew's Unit-; ed ' Church, :Kippers, at their • bake sale on Saturday last, held in Hen- call, realized some $60. P pties thelate Mxs. ;Agn- nes Stewart' oral sold' at auctio an Saturday xoer'laof st. la The'seven,room,n 'dwelling on Main Street was sold to Harold (Shorty) Caldwell,',and the - six -room dwelling; on Main Street, occupied, by -Mr; and Mrs. Bill Riley and family, was 'sold to Mrs.. Pearl Koehler. Harold Jack- son was auctioneer. F/0and Mrs.'Geqrge' 'Sangster:and Daryl, ofLIlamiltop„ Visited eV., Leer •fife'end. witr. ed, -I : onardweek. oaks :ant h Mfamilyax..:-VMf - Mrs: H. Blatchford,' Exeter,' was” arecent guest with -Mr. and .Mrs._,. Mrs ;Simpson and Mrs. :Mar-, garet. Vair left Thursday,• April; 16, for Florida; where they 'will vaca- tion for oma weeks: - Mr. ...and. Mrs.:: Jack • Peebles and ,family, London, visited over,: the:: weekend" with Mr: -' and; Mrs.:, L:` Noakes-.and'fai'hily " , :''The -'local s . soe a ration:"of .Guides„ arid BroWnies'held :a,Very •success, Jul ,home-made candy.•,.sale Satur,- day, and. ran-- out �'of. candy: before they could' cover' the• whole town. Additional candy::.Was'iriade,'.' so, 'that .no,one. would be disappamted:: The proceeds were:•most gratify, 411g-:.:7;-:, •1VYrs .R M, Peck Mrs. :L No eonard: akes ";J, R„ Hume, recreational director, "°and .•Jim Taylpr, chair an:..of„, the ,recreation -,Com mittee,attended "the S rinriiLereiTee of: the Lake - Hilton :z onerecreatibiial council at Walkerton High. School Saturday::. One hcndred ',and "twee': ty: Were. present froih. seeveral. eo?ti% ties. Business_ .dxscuss1uded.: playground and recreational mat ters, swimming, :senior citizens; weavmg`';.iquare ''dancin,g, drani;;a, sports arts and crafts.',`, Several town G axe cry--intereste'il-iii "14' ganizing . Teen; •Towns, which they .feel are most impgrtant'for, .teen NK • hthin.0 1 0 oil dbe simpler .. -The B of_ Jks .:-m' ai1 dr o-SiEtori n-m Made of •-arbon- .reqi_il`ea'° PaPer -chintntes the :need ,for• repetitive writing or.niessycai'bons . .-You niakc out "'only one deposit -slip., Presto, there's a CO Ct CP'�J. 1'' - . .. Y which back from the Bank as o ,;n.. � yuric,. tr cexpt. -_, and a'thirdl copy which you keep for"5! our records:: P c; , We supply a re -addressed ikri envelope with our�fo .. which yeti' can use for your next deposit. It comes back to'you •by reeurn.niail• otvith! ar recei � e ipt,dde 'deposit P If's ea -.: sy fosave; when you ' bank b naifaf"MY'BA:NK " 1'� a,' o'i Pays ii .faiel)h; 4wak Nd.• Ask' for one of our Bank. mg -by -mad folders„ If can save you time, trouble, and shoe-leaf6or;• .:.. y-D=1tiJ. BANf01Vq.81,.MA the op.„ , yyiAY 1-j- J3AN•K j ea,laita4 de t acme Hensall Branch • ', CIIRI$TIAN, Manager.- -13nreefield(Sub-Agency):' Open Tuesda" ,., . P.:. ,. y and. Friday; •. WORKINCL WITH CANADIANS AN EVERY WALK OF ;LIFE- SINCE' 181? Prices at Hensall community he Ladies, 'G 11.: s-alerThursday :were: ��I THICa /P u, d•. Of 'St. Butche :: �. r steer i� .. , . . ... s $p'to. $2520• but ... Mrd and :M . r,... Nomas A:n llcan,Ch'urch. ' 5., N. ,Be, Fowle, of g cher' heifers. ,u . ;to. 22 ;: p $ , .90, butcher Toronto,, slient'the•weekend at he are holding `a mws , 181/2c;; right cows up-tb, 20c; ,'home of ,her wren Mr, and.Mr springer' cows; , $230; Holstein, Gilbert S t s 1.1 41611 . � - _ mi h. E• calves $10 -to $1& .;D,urliam calves,,' $25- to $54;`-:weanlin'_: i s $9 to $11,: ~chunks;; $12 to: $14^ ` -feeders ' Seaforth. Brld e:°' $15;: to •. 22 • ` sows s u.'. to ss: 'The market was down' With 700 Pigs and'300'cattle and calves sod...lSeries: contr iue' `.-The fifth• in'`the . series ',Ad; the GROUP -I, • W.A. Seaforth Lawn. 3owlin Club The April' meeting of , Group :1, :bridge and , of euchre . g Northside United. -Church - ,W.A.,. .at..the home paries was .,Mrrs ;L..' B was held at'°the home of --Mrs. D:'~:Melan:son on" ,Thursd'a'` v , s`a; e s. nd Sta I • •- . , ,. �'• •,nd-ng.Tlrnb.er- Wood- Co: -hostess :-i43rs.. _E. Wil- '.Che : Fire win' ere were . 1 P. n �v re ,Mrs:. lams. opened -the. , meeting; with a:Tabor :and Mrs': L.. B,' elan 114 oem., ;� Son,' Wit _ ... s Phn.d C .. 07• I ,.ne . 'Roll AThe :. Nh TED -.a tens..:. Cash callry s:, s ,was _assisted.. . a answered. .by. 24 members Mrs -•J .G Brocq 1 Mrs W "Dun Y. We Pa '-.'Cast i y T ''P . c p ri C3, aS ,- rT $c 5e11 g 1` aW t't'1 Ill.... Ao, bur' n MAGE citurda A 'FII' from 1•aor 5";o'clock PHONE WM . L . i`1 CRAIG :. •Au 43 r 24. Bingo Winners Bingo 'winners at the 'Legion:- bingo' Le ion: bingo ',Saturday ;`vera ''Mrs g C: Wilkinson,;' Mrs Glenn- McKenzie Mrs. Johnston Mrs'. , Nornian Long ,,Fred Kennings ,M:i s Pearl. Tideswell;''-Mr. Kennens;' Mrs.. Wes Verner G' Restle $Firs: Glenn'Me; Kenzie, 'Mr, _ K,ennen s B, `Upshalk; Mrs G. 'Brode'riek . and. Mrs. '-Bob. Baker. (tied)Mrs`: Grant McGre.- :gar; share the wealth; Mrs A., •Foster. Jackpot°this ,coming Sat-. urday Will be $105.00. in 58 calls Funeral' of Mrs: A. Beat l eh>?oTa 'Pulic Public' funeral services, for. 'the tate iVIrs Annie' Blatchfer`d: Were held ±rom the, 'Borth Fors `'Funeral and: two, visitors: It .was'. dee , C, e . r loco, d s I ha . 1 on We ne d das, A.zs B_- Smith,--1ncL.-Mrs;. E a.,_._.,_p _,_... .,d.S ay-„_Apxil,l5th;-1.. to. hold.. the -bazaar t e`” r •: b azar r n. - N co. 0 Quem lid tee .. bar �• t I t db i. c,lgse in 'serving ,lunch. Mrs 3 tine -;Rev• Charles, D. 14• Harold Whyte expressed; thanks`,to Didier. • Burial vc as: in 'Hensall Uri- I The ra raniwa 'con u to P a. .. s:,... nd t d by thes hostess.. ;: ,, .Ion-Cemeter .•• . . , ,. and` lunch, committee. �• M s...L x Adm - t sre' a tiding a;Jpoe"m... •:,al'lis..•B'latohfard;' widow.'of the The ':Scri Scripture 'was by b - • p Mrs, .. � i2te. Nelson: $latclifard:rho .ass- y.,:..Mills,1.' a s•followed:'by .prayer b ed �awa';'son1G =e•''•=,^a ", Was' ' 5 District ':17V Y._,._. , 3 s41, ,g9,tias the Weddings s_ ,. •. 11. Mrs -..-...-..: Ball., , Cuthill read a . fain c Annie i IpPle, a ail b‘ev s very; fine '.story. I IC NTOSH—TA4'LO7ti bai;ri ear 'Se n. aorE;: h f " - ki S e had beer' , : Mrs: Mi Staffe ' - ... n showed.a lovely HLNSALL—Myrtle Irene Taylcr;, a resident: a#� Hensall: fpr.; over 64: display of foam rubber, wlieli._she Toronto and .Milton' McIntosh, •Y`eais, 'She. Pissed awa . on had made al ; i o�hg w nth - :. . 5.._ Mom, . Making -sogaye;a demonstra-�.ronto;:ex4hanged .marriage vows da;y: at ;South lIuxon Hospital; Ere -; tion of makin flowers ,. .. - . . , ,ter; USRg1tNE 4 , �i , ,. g • w and Cush- 'in Hyde. Park 7nited Cnui•cli To-, icy,, where;.slie had been ac itte' • • ._ IBRERT - -.. .. lm d.. •ions. -..-A- conal .half-hour ronto:::before'Rev'' "`'a week previous to .her.: e with 1V�7T A�: `: ; < ,, ., ,� � _ theG., Service.-, heart P death wi F'TiE with Mrs.S: Garnh . am and,.. Mrs. The br>,de is ,tile; daughter of:l4rtrs. a :heart condition• She leas in;,her aton serving ;a; delicious=lunch. Richard `Taylbr,: Sr, and ,the late 83rd -;year.:„ . G,E -, Mrs: E. H, :Close .thanked' the hos-: Mr, , ;Taylor;:',. Hensall,-: and .the She was a member of the United' t ass and committee. groom .is .the Son -of .the late Mr:. Church and, Worriers s.1Vi;ssionary and Mrs. Ii,. McIntosji-Ildiertoni. Society, Surviving area nuniher'of The bride cho"s•e'a pale blue o-tti•b- nieces anti. -nephews;= s- piece ensemble with 'accessories in ItR�ANt- , S �E CO. . READ OFFICE - Exeter, Ontario: President A1dxJ. Rohde - R.R. 3 .Mitc help' Vice -President.' r' •A'A ` Reort Milton Mi Curdy R.R. I 'Kirlit on P• • Directors �' ,-(continued froinr-Page 2) E Clayton Colquhoun, :R R I at Prescott "Ont., to disgorge their, Science Hill: Martin Feeney, .R.R:, cargo; into, as:;inany as eight•'Small 2, Dublin; .'Robert ,;G Gardiner, R.. canalers. The size ‘'of..the ;lakers, R. 1, - Cromarty ; Timothy $; Toohey,-R.R. , 3, .Luean, Agents i. 'Harry Coates, R.R. i, 'Centralia;, Clayton 'Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Rocking,.Mitchell.,, . •. S W. G. ,Cochrane• olicitor -•• Exeter Secretary-Treasnrer Arthur Fraser - Exeter ITN'S: S'HE1E> STAR ►�E A EO R_, ill : be„Closed Monday, Tuesday & Wednesda APRIL 2t, 21 and 22': To Prepare -and • Mark Stock For a. Clear -•: Out Shoe Sale Commencing. TIIIJRSDAY, APRIL 23rd aria■ ►_r .o .:: a ininvr Seaforth District McKillop ,and . Tu al ckel°Sni9ltl' Twps Gi'ire to`the'Canv'a'sser when he ca#ls, or'leave with 1t• 1VI, Vv1461111 at the Tnrbnto"Ilomittion Y ank white and white <gardenia corsage -Attendants were Mr, and ••Mrs. Robert ..Thomson'„ • Toronto. 'Mr's.;. Thomson wore. a two=piece navy: the size that makes them so effici, blue ensemble.: with navy accessor anti, prevented them froentering les and Wore'a red carnage. m the old .lock's and Channels on the A ieceptien,.was. `held at-the'hoiie St. Lawrence:'' The Prescott'°trans of the bride's"sister `.and 'brother - .;St, was" expensive, .and: pre' 'in-law, Mr. aid Mrs • Gordon Munn;. vented' full •=use..being. made. -o£ .tile. ,IIensall ,;; Tile couple will reside in' St . Lat,renee- route. ' ;- , ' -- Nov _ the; lakers • will carry down the river. They Will:lie able to unload -directly, intodeep sed' Bulls; and them pick :up eargoes of iron -ore from ),...the big • •new Oiled .bec taridLabrador fields for the; return trip to Chicago, flatnilton, Toronto, 'Cleveland, Toledo, and, a dozen ,other lake ports. Supporters of the Seaway claim all•of,those cities, and many inere, are:- 'to -become -great' world ports `with the opening of this highway. • to the sea. Every ianadi'an,_, and millibns of_:Ameri_.. I cans; have a vital stake in the Sea- way.Forif it lives up to its:. ad vanee billing; it will mean cheaper {transportation, and cheaper trans-- 'portation. meant lower,pribea:• IThere are problems, one of them posed let -the closing" of the St, f 1Javarence-Great Lakes waterways for fdrir or five ,months- of freeze= up. Arid-therd'are doubts that;`.b- cause ,of 'the ;tolls Imposed :to pay . 't-wiil-be-una}ale tu, cut ANTE Salta D o e . Meyer If; you can' play a saxophone and would like, to play with Desjardine Orchestra, • beginning May '1, at Bluewater•-Daneelaiid; please con- tact '� E.LROYY DESJARDINE Phone ZuicicI ;costs As_its more rabid supporters `claim: it will. ' But. the;' air of expectancy and enthusiasm on the waterfronts 'of a score of inland ports, the new,, shipbuilding on the:laks and broads, the.widespread `interest shown ' by foreign -flag shipowners are good omens for the .success'o ,one of the engineering marvels of our age One of ;the unfortunate aspects, of -the, Seaway completion is, the fate of the canalers. Shipping hien say 200 of them are doomed for 'the scrap heap. Three thousand men worked aboard them. Insiders, at Ottawa are trying to understand the 'reasons behind the goterntnent's'royal commission on railway' freight rates. Could be the gpvernrnent- is 'being pressured W end the Crowsites%t`Pass grain rates, that. were set before the turn of the century. A royal Com - Mission, recommendation' could be the. tern* WE AItE EXPERTS AT ALL »R'YCLEANING Time now to let us help you): •- With Spring, housecleaning ! We' do drapes, • slipcovers, - • bedspreads; blankets,' and, anything else about the house' that needs' dry clean- ing. Our fast, ; efficient ser- vice and careful .hand- in-spected work will more than please ` you! Call, ifor free pick-up and :delivery._ , .. .. A'NNERY CLEANERS Phone 87 Seafortli • THE .HORONIEXposIT412, SEAFORTH, ONT.; doN . B.1RaGaIT,RA L . Canadian Petrofina Ltd. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum'Products- Q Ph 351 Sea i_oPrth ' :Clot, • GAS -- , STOVE and FURNACE IL , OIL rampt Farxii and uome :It!etive e 1 o1nS-� s AUX xlr r, R kit '.Dra niSatur, ' darMa 2' a t 9.. p.m. Prizes 6n Display at EY WHI TIV 'FURNITURE STORE Fs 5 ee the .e Many Outstanding Gifts Tickets , c etc Available.m . h xo Members> 'COMPETITION TI L ®N orrs'ored' b -Seafo — Y xtll A ricu7.tura �Soclet S TuRE', COMPET1 • ° TION " Designed oPromo ti Batter; U. • ndersta d-, ing of the Ya1u: et i Pastures and; Pas ur t e Managemexit : ti RULES ANDREGULATI ':.ONS. Memo rs..o will e ,of this :coin etition ti� 111 . autolnatical= ly become .members and eriti ants -in the, Huron Couhnt - Past `r u..e Competition; sponsored ' �' p > by the. Soil'and Crop Improvement Association. • Open to any livestoe .f armer who is • or will =-' become, a Member of the Seaforth Agricultural ;Society (fee .S1:00) •• ffieial entr , f � ox m b obtalne y d, f aril Har:.. r at O rceorh- e secret r - . TIe a��l r R•: �' It a all '�c - ace 'd m :< est be coin •• , . rete ' d I2 re r p.. b a...-,1 _.3; 59 - to � h. t e ecr etas.-- - �' S. o, aster esw ill. be 'score. d at' t le s `• a t twice 'on rile basis' ofh � e official -score card, during spring,'; summer- or 'fall.. • �� .:ill nerSel • to. into P g1 proceed competition of l Sof and Crop p •Ing 'ovement. PR ZE 11ION t, $14:00, 2nd .12.00'' 3r¢T ,- ,� , ,$10:00 4th; $8 00, ;5th, $6 00, 6th to iotli; "$5'.00 each'' PLUS a chance <at the Soil'a rn P, riz s. If Interested •. contact I rol a d Pryce; Robert • M . C1VI111a n Or R . JamesWallacea . immediately; ` _ . . on 100, or more invested.for5 yehr`s"in a safe British Mortgagetei-tifzcate'' To invest 'just send-tits-yfrur-your-1ritish= BRITISH 1VIORTGACTE ' c :'I US7 !rounded Yrs 1877 Stratford or full. information send in coupon British. itlortgage & Trust.C,ompany, Stratford., Please send me d folder,,giving 'information about British Mortgage & Trust.CTuaranteed Cer t ficcates.:' Name • , a e e e b., _ r♦. , d.YvS s e e`e'.. ♦ a ..• i:to -e.e • 616 a e'd7,•;-6 ! •