HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-03, Page 8_ 'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., APRIL 3, ,1959 LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE AU- l'absesseret Dammed- - PHQDVD; • DAVE 676 675 'DOR' BEAUTY, 'Phone- SpAFORTH • - ONTARIO --. and FUEL OIL - WM M Hart Phone 784 Seaforth,. newest pattern in "Forett -Flower" •has a grateful flowingoutline: will harmonize • with your - favourite china or crystal: Come an.d .see "FOREST • • FLOWER". -42 PIECE -SERVICE FOR Mill' •75 (Silverware only) , • Illustrated s fhe Nobility t.nest in Walnut,. Mahogany or...Frult- wood finish Sea.00. •' - ,Ttademarka of OneidaLtd.. Introductory Special' • 4 "Forest COFFEE SPOONS. 'Reg., ty4.00 You Pay 444 $3, 95- , First, PRESBYTERIAN Rey:. p., Leslie Elder Minister - El: A: KEMPSTER -.Organist and Choir Leader •.1040 Church School and Youth• 'Fellpwship • • 11 A.M. "AFTER -EASTER, WHAT?" Music --- Senior Choir Anthem -"Lift Up Your Hearts" • (A hf ci) .•-• : 74.M. -EVENING ER.VICE•• 1VlissionarY:servie . Miss- Gladys lee..(Africa) --SOund----Film-"Heithen'Rage", - ' Solo -Selected .:•Mrs. 'Sydney -Jones, Listowetr.- • • , , • ,NtiTE-Please• note the heiii• f. the evening service -2-'7 Church Notic'es,. • McKillop Charge: -- Please note. change' in service hotirs:, Bethel, 1..(I a.m.; CaVan, U:30an.; Duff' paii, 'These times Will 'prevail Until Jurther notice:Rev., W. 11. SU -Mere -11, 'Minister. . Maiidville United, Church. -Dr. • J. Sernisre7WritgreTT-LYre.-H-a7F-- Ond, orgartiSt-chnit leader; (Low Sunday) The First Sunday After Easter; unnsnol" Services will' be. held.- ,Special meeting of .the .0f.fi- *cis.' Board- ' Ft • 8,, p.m.; Church School.„.10_ 8 ANN'QuNtEMENT- ,. • Mr..' and -MrS. 'David • Treilmer; Xippri OntwiSktp_Arinerince the engagam_ent,,t of ''..4.11eir-.4-daugliter„, Jean; .Elizabeth, • to. Howard. Marl Beriaard.i.BruSselS,`"Ont•:;,the weddliirte" take' Plabe-•rtheTIatt part of• April' at the home Of the bride's -parents. • . WINTHROP DtiSnndaY,,Apr..L.-5.SUncla.y:-Selieoir will:Operiat Winthrep... - '11;rat . unnecessary,. 'piece .of inirliture..-threuglr 'IT,,tiron. EXPOsi-, * Classified Ad., . . ....Phone 334 *AIN, ST. SEAF4:)R.TH,,' NEWS OF WALTON OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES NAMED F R1959 BY OMEN'S GROUP Mr,s. :F. Walters presided ior t:he qcf.f era,- Meeting- of -the-Wonien's Institute, held na the Corniniinity. Hall' Thursday evening. Opening - exercises were followed by the 'secretary's report by Mrs. E. Me- Creath, and the roll call wliiehwas answered by naming ,an Ilenable Menaber of the Donunitni GOVerii.7 merit, The -treasurer,- Mit, T:;Dun- das, repotted,$13245 On hand. Mrs. Clarence.. Martin gavethe. report .of • the . nentinating coMmitteeas follows: past'president -MrS Mar- garet Humphries; president,•,MrS, Frank' Walters; *first vice-presi- dent .iYt.. Jarnesi'Nelaii• second vice-preSident. Ken, McDon, "7.ald1VI ,'Secretary,rrs. Ea.:AleCre4th;' ,asSiStant• SecretarY; Mrs; .Nelson Iteid;,: • treast&rr, Mrs. 'Dar,ranoe -distriet_4irentot„.; MrS, Russell Barrowc alternate, lVfargaret Humphries; branch di- reCtora; MCD6na1d:Mrs Jernes Coutts, Mrs Peter ,1Vic.Don. ald MrsSteWartIMpliries,JMrS. lYfeDonald;. pianist, •,Mrs. • W:, HuMphrie assistant- Pianist' MrS. 'Herb.' Travis;press. repprter,- Mrs. D.- Ennis;' auditors, Mrs.. Wilbur TUrtibiall and Mrs, Leslie ,-OliVer. Caininittees: Agrieulfure 'a Canadian Industries,.. Mrs. • ,Roy WildaniSon„. Vii. -son; Citizenship' : and; •Education,' Mrs. •Clarence -1Vlartin, ben: ald . Buchanan; ,Historical. ReSearch and Current Beimett,', :Turnbull;, Oven' TEeToneniits-7-anditealth',. M,. g d Miller,Florence. • ItYan ; Reselittions; 'MrS. NelSon 'Reid, ,Mr§. -.George :Blake;•Sunsliine, D,buglas Eimisz`lPublic Relations, Ms,, WM. Turnion11,, Mrs,. Georg Bolger, Mrs,Ed. Dougan. Mrs; 'Harold BOlger .was. in.. the Ole ''se,Cond part of the. meeting :and introduced .the •guest- :ispeaker; Rey. •,VV: ,Mf.iThenia.sc,-Who•- sicitik,e, ma "Citizenship. , „In Open; ..-*,fr-41ie4pea4eriternairhedi-#at-, citizenShip-.is moSt:.. vital" ques- :idea. ;:how.,prencl soiney,people are of !th.eir 'A -'-great tion 1alWaYs 'constituted of loyal ,citizens. •-.Edheation shniild be the- resPonsibillty, ef every citizen Iii .itiz",,enShip,..21arings :u.S.4....to- • getller: 'While, . we loVe. own. 'country, :we should love others tOo'. '71/frs. Bolger,'"thanked. 'the Spealc. er,•and Mr8....-0:•..Martiri presented' 'him .With a gift On- behalf.' Of the Institute: Mrs:. ,Martin :gave „a: pa- SAVAUGE'S lewellerY 'Gifts - Fine 'china ,SEAFORTH • '..; • • •;BURNING OILS alden Broadfoot Phone 686-W : Seaforth Mrs:; Margaret ,litirnPliries, Mr. Sani,-POlton; niul -Mrs; Stew- art'llnintitrieS •anCI MrS, Ken Rae, of St. Fauls, returned home on titi.elaY after attending the Ai/feral of the. late' , at -ROchesters Mr. an Mrs. R. Dundas, Lorne park, and Mr.. '.and., vim DundaS,• Seaforth, -Visited on: Mon- daY with, Mrf and Mrs. T...Dundas. M. and Mrs. Frank Rurke, 'of Witighani„ 'Spent. Easter.'SundaY ^With Mr; and Mrs .' Altair McCall., ' Mr: and. :Mrs. •Dditglas HeSk and family, of. Goderian, visited WWI. Mr.. and Mrs. AndreVr...Tfiriabilli on Sunday'. _ , ".. M. arid Mrs. :,Tas, yCOutts. have nieked. ni the' Dennis •resideneein the. recently; Isold ' yersity; Lorideri,„. spent the,. week- end:With his parents,, Mr.. and MiS., Leslie Oliver.. - ; 'Mr :• Wayne MeMichael,'Of Wind- •sor, .ViSited.OVe,r...,the Easter week- end. with :hiS .PareritS, Mr. :and lqrS7'. 3.cri.DOrt-MeMiehaeL ' ' , IgisariS jririe'':WatSari. and Verda, 'Watson; : of Lerithim'. were ,\Vereliend guests with...their parents, Mr. and. Mr.S...D. Watson. • . Mr. Cerald.'Dressel, Larigdon, .i_S•••,,sPeriding the Easter Vacation at ' Miss Rose Marie Bolger, of is * holidaying, iwith...•• her Par- ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger. rs _LIVir :Ron z_Ennfsof_lVte.stern Uni- versity,.;.Lorideri, :visited with ;his parents,., ever the weekend. • , , ' iS Olene.DundaS; ,Kiteherier,', 'is Spending,. :11er Easter-yacatien parents,4Vir.,_Land_7,1‘,Irs: 1: • Dulidas, , • • Th-qiiday Oday aturday. April 2-.- 4 Carnation MILK—Large tins .... "•••••I1• Minette's CHOICE TOMATOES -48 Fancy Red Cohoe - • ' SALMON (fishernian)-73/4 oz. APPLE JUICE--48.oz,7"..: Campbell's - - - TOMATO SOUP -10 ()Z.*: Hunt's Raney ' TOMATO lUICW-1-20 oz.* . Garden Patch " KERNEL CORN -14 oz. Garden Patch Cut GREEN BEANS -15- OZ4 -My Bee Creamed 'HONEV--2-1b. Carton Westinghouse ` • LIGHT BULBS -40 or 60 wat White, Aqua, Pink, Yellow Large Economy KLEElikk St. Williams' Ili sorted - Jams, Jellies or Marmalade . T I) ANTIT BU T 6 oz. " MAfiGARIN . TEMPT DOG 'FOOD . . merest Tommy nssisE per :on.„ The Meaning of , Citizen- ship": Lunch hdstesses :were. Mrs. ' Wm..Turnbull,'•MrS.- Jack Bryans, rs„ Torrance Dandasr. and MrS; , Miss .JoanRyan,,.Reg N Corn .wa11; was. -,an -Easter visitor witli lier-Parerits;.Mr and*rs-LaWr priee iMr Herb Kirkby:, :of • ,TbrOnta, '§pient ;the Easter weekend at. his. Frank- karShall. and Susan, Of- North Witfi Mrs. Lifella ,MarSh011 and Mr. M."-Fraster.. OVer the.hOlidaYi • 'Mr. , and Mrs..' David 'Andrews; :of , Toronto, were weeke,n.d,Ignests, „at -the &liner of...10: and Mrs. Geo. Dundas., • • •: ..-.1VIr.;•.'• and Mrs..'HdraCe' Rutledge, 'and -family; -of 4.-,endOil, were -Visi- tors With. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hthn- pbries and 1VIrS.o3 Mai d Mrs,. jarneS,Latilont and 'family, of :Lbriden,s'were G'oo'd Fri? day visitbrs' at the hathe of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd -Porter. - .• , and Mrs. Earl ,CatittS; Rick- ey and. Robby, of Toronto, and Mr. Carl...cotitts; • London,". with Mr;. and Mrs. Andrew. iCoutts - and Mr.: and lyIrs. McCreath over the weekend., • •...Mrs: Doggies Lawless ' Dianne und.iVinrray; nt Sinicoe, are Visit-. mg with ,Mr., and' 'Mts. Wilbur ' ' EGMONDVILLE Weekerid:..Visiteri with: • Miss . Jessie Finlayseti, Of .,Lorrie inlayion, -who has been Staying, at the .1Thaitier'nnrsing •.henie; „are. Spending the.EaSter Week .at •. their home, here. ." • R....KeYeS;:',,, Of .CAVindSbr.,: caineLto4is_it:,,Wiiii, ••• ,naPtifer,- Mrs •NeiSoia .. Keyes, vtdiehas bee±i ii faili.xg lieolth,....'.•She.waa:. rerrioV;, Hospital Kenzie cif,,Adtoii,. are sjend.thg adayswith his moth or Mrs.. „Hugh' ••McLachlan,. Thoriaas'•-ltobintOir. '''.4ridtarnily. ,Mr. and IVtrs Robert Byes, of and, Mrs. James Boyes, nt Ilanover,....•.Were.'',holidaY`..' visitors,. With .Mrs.' Robert Boee,,$r.,Miss Mise Annie •Mbere,.-7.Of :Toronto,, spent 'tile. holiday' .witla her:“. and Mr. arnt MrsvTIarveyWore; alue 45 'r4P..1.47 s41.? g •feW.- days this. week4t.R,i5ehe,§t6y, Ne York. *Mr. , and • MrS.'l•Elniore. ,Steplien- son and Mr,' :•aricl. Mrs1.'Perde John.- Stray- spent .the' -. weekend :at port. ..iVlich; '" • 'ittisSell.:Erratt; ,Of rnotlaer,', Mrs..,D, Steph- First Cburch M.J, Britton was tlialtIP.st speaker at the spring .1 thankciffer- ing 'meeting of the Barbara Kirk - Man Auxiliary of •First Presbyter- iap. Church, held ha the church hall Tuesday evening, Members of the Senior W.1VI.S. and the -41/felcilldn W.M.S. -were guests and. were web conied by the. president, Mrs. W. ArP Wright. . The president reminded the-rilem-. bers 'of the 'Synodical to be held this year in Knox Church, God.e- rich, April 14, 15 and 16, and urg- ed ,that as many as possible at- tend the 'Sessions. An, inVilation to attend the thankoffering- meeting of Egmondyille, -April.' 2 was accepted. Fifteen calls. had been made on. sick and sin:Kilns. The offering vvas7recelyed. by Mrs: J. A double duet, "I -Know That My Redeemer. Liveth,." was ninth 'en- joyed,.those taknig • part being, 1Vlisses Alice .Anii and Niken, BettY ,Jean Aridrews and Carole Elder, The Scripture .i.eSson was read 171.1Mrs. R. 1VIcFarlane, and Mrs.C. Reith• gave the. Glad 'rid:" ings prayer. • , Mrs. D. Nixon introduced the .sPeaker, who broUght ' greetings from NorthsideW.M.S. Cnobsing her er text, "They went forth preaching everywhere,. the Lord working with thern,v iVirs. Britton gave a very inspiring -Easter mes- sage on -"The 'Afterglow of Eas-, ter ",Mrs- D. Leslie-Elder-expr-e,ss- ,appreciation on behalf of the ' 'A; social time was spent, lunch being served bY' the social corn- -rnittee, convened by Mrs. O.- Reith, 1V1-rsT-TT.--Fox-and--Mrsr-D-.--Nixon. enson - •--- ----- Mr. Will Finlayson,' 'of Lorne Park, visited with his mother, Mrs. James Finlayson and Miss ,Jessie Finlayson, FOR SALE - • FARM FOR SALE -,-50 acre in Tuckersrnith, with brick • house, good; barn. Low dowrr payment eask terms on bal- • ance. MODERN., HOUSE .in Dub- • lin. Priced to sell. • SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE IN Egmoridville - Modern, with . ' hot water heat. .'"Pri'oed To' Sell, CR Phone 158 s.Y • Gelde- TieW'. • . • • • . • PHONE EcipLivER EUCHRE, Friday„ April, 3rd Orange Hall -Auspices Orange hall Property Committee ADMISSION - 40 CENTS ' Lunch Served • We write all 'lines. of INSURA.14,E, "fire : "Auto Wind - Liability :and Life ,. John A..Cardno - successor:0 - WATSON & REID Phone 214 : Seaforth Representative: ..M4111.1fa6ttlr'S 'r1Sl1Tall.crO LAMM ' DUBLIN ..and_lVLrs:_.FerguS Stapleton .and Janne left by plane to spend , :),V,ednesday. , 3,1liSS--I•kreen 'Looby London, and Mr. Clarence LoobYDorian with Mrs. A. M..' ,Loolay, Miss Ilene. Whetham is spend - Easter week in Arizona and 1\1111,611.(.3nd' Mrs-, Ewart. Wilson, ref'' :1\Jrcs••"':F,rhan. k Storey is... visiting' in • Kitchener, • with Mr. •and Mrs. •'mr.'&nd mrs. liobert'.Dunda s and 'Patrick 'Ttyan..' • MISS. Ruth -Dunlop,- of Lorne Park; , Mr. --and -Mrs, Jim Morrison and. ;spent .the weekend with 11/Ir. and family, Toronto, and Vincent, John Mrs; i7il1is and 'Mar, 'of Kitchener, with 'Dtuidas: and 1VIrs: James Morrison. 'Ici.M.ppleniladndMMrsr...Daunnde'aMiltsC.°D)Poeriglaosf Mr, arld„..Mrs• Louis lvlattheWS; e_f Cooper., • of Herfsall, spent Sunday Detroit, with Air. and Mrs- Miehael 'with. Mr. .and Jo ie Hotham, Nagle and Mr., and Mrs. •,Jeseph ,v,[1.3.sen st: , - Stapleton: „ d en, of MrS.. Kahue, , of ..Chatham, with Sarma were Easter guest's with -rs. Alice CoYne and Matt. I miss.. iffe,rien ,senrie#, and mrsMiSs ,, • chener, and Mr.. and Mis. Leonard ' mrs, , Fletcher and-..littl ReSe' Marie Fe.eh-eY, :of Kit- Iloggartli'. at -their ", Feeney- and c hildren. St -,-Marys V: -daughter; -Janetr-diull-MrS. with Mrs:. Cat,iiekine FeeneY.. beth' Eaton, ..of Toronto, are visit- ing Mrs; Fletcher's 'mother; mrs: Elva Ellis, this Wqek.' Mr: arid. Mrs. Ron Muir and - ••datightert-of--Cornwall, spent. -the balsblyrss.ohErdetwuarinded'hIgnemnnee4oierias •aviarid weneitk.e.n.d,..wii11 .:.Mr: and M.I:s.11 . Gdra6 • Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. •Mrs. Pat, Troutbeck • and .".Anne 'ilvicisn,,0 f'tsaand,31mr4'0'n-reainrvistpitiedhis'ttmerspent -Easter Oshawa with Mr ar. ;and Mrs. 'Bruce. Gahan and fain- InthetilheLnelVI.,0"rfs:J. MFa:sPYr.upettetY1.---re.-1.' 'a 5Tifr'S Mr. -•anci-;•Mrs, -LYal-Spieee and -stient. Monday falni14 of .Niagara. Falls, With her ._Sonthgate,,_Sr -si-gtel7Mrs":---Ivrfit611:TRID"elt- 01111IVIT- Miss Eva Dune'au and Miss Sue Rock., • ... • • • Nixon, of 'AmherStburg, :spent the and Mr and 'Nixon Martin1arjciRogeirrS S John.h6er iClFt Torontoiheie s t; -111 ...-'llaate Mr: and holidays with Mr. -and Mrs. and Mrs, :Harry. .Scatt, and Rev. and. Mrs: E. J. Fischer,. •children,,, of ."-Bracebridge„,. were M. and Mrs..' KennethNewton, .and Diane, of Toronto, with her Easter guests of Mrs. H.k.R..,Scott. parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Lew Hicks Mrs. Bruce . Wright, of' Calgary, a,recent visiter et Mrs/W.-A.' . Mr.. 'and Mrs. 'Deng Aitcheson,. LOCAL Miss Jessie Firrlayson, of Lorne Park,- visited, her Mother,. Mrs.. -James, Finlayson, in'Eg*Q1100-1.e; Miss Florence McKay, Teron- to, -spent " the Weekend with_ her -aunt, • Miss Jennie, Meander, who is in the Tharner Nursing2Home.- . "Mr. -and Mrs., Hammond, of Lon- don; were Easter guests of 1VIr. and Mrs. Lyle Hammond., • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Forbes, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs,- Ross Timed and family,, of Blyth, Were nests of Mr. and -Mrs. Adin Forbes for Easter. , • Miss Annie ,More, of Toronto, Was an Easter visitor of her broth- er'Mr. Harvey Moore, and Mrs. Moore. _ , Mrs. Edythe L. Wallace and Miss Whalley, Toronto, spent Eas- ter Weekend with Mr. and-IVirs. R. James .Wallace and Cherie Lynn, Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Hothani of London, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Wil- SO/1 St. Mr. and -Mrs.-Morley Wriact•of tbit-and-Mr-A-rnolcl_Lonrin visitedMrs. Alex Wright, Mrs. A. Larrfont and Mr. and Mrs. -A.._ J. Wright and. family for Easter. - Mrs. Barbera Dale and- Kevin _spent ,Easter With her _parents in Dresden. • 'Mr. JanreS R. Scott, ef Toron- to, .spent the weekend at his' home BRIEFS Consolidated Unit at London. . • Miss Linda- Sims;'' -Lenon, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and. Is. Lorne Dale. . • Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ford and family -span" E.. aster weekend at Belleville and Wellington. Mis Reesite co hylAllexdivii tia, and Do o,arnocl, thy -Cox, of Kirkland Lake, are vis- itors at the home of -Mrs, P. B. Moffat. • • Mr. Arthur Nicholson has mov- ed to the residence in Ilarpurhey recently- occimied by ,_Mr. Martin Van Loon. Vir. Van /Loon has moved his family to the Nicholson farm on the Mill Road,. Mr. and T. Coughlan, of London, were Easter 'Weekend vis- itors with Miss- Alice ,Reid. '(Also see Page 51 Women's Hospital Auxiliary .GINGHAM DANCEs Cointirmity Centre SEAFowni friday,:Aprii i0thi _ _ Milsic by: I -AN WILBEE and His Melody .Makers Old and New - Time Dancing $2.00 per Couple -Students 75c each • (includes lunch) .Are you ready. to rent your spare room? A classified advertisement phoned to The Huron Expositor, 141, will bring a tenant, lVfr, 1141-1 McKay- ,of London was a .visitor with has arint, Miss ..j..ennies•3,u i._11e*than,,i rid Jeory,.on oSundaaoyro. mno, spent the Baster holidays with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs,, .Roberte ,J,py.rit. , =•-• , • Mr and Mrs. Donald' Scot' of Fonthdl'Crit.,'„ were Easter guests of ,Mrs. it R. Scott., mt. and •Mrs. R. IlaWkins and family, of Ric)mond,' Hill, , viSited •,oVerthe weekend -with Mr..and Mrs. Ai.thur-rj..Wright-:and tam-- Mr. and Mrs; larysOn ..MeC211.irtei and, family,. of Midland, ;Grit:, Spent. the- weekend With' :Mrs. 'Frank A VICES at Seafiirth—Pifitecosttil-'Tabernacle7 SUNDAY. APRIL:5,•.1.0.59j..-: 10.00. a.,,in -.. Sunday". Sch04..c,,:: :...,..,,- •:'"4,1,1.1",.,."f00,.r.'arn.,,,-,..IVIorniiig Worship. ... Spria,l,-,-,p,eki-,-'7&.,.... n. A.., pivciapn; Clinton, ' 7. .0. Pin-EVANGELISTIC ERV ' . .,SPecial,CatestS•Rev,..and:Mrs. A,. rCHarrisE E ' • ,, .• ..-,.:-., 'S,, EVERY,CNE..,,VVELC.9ME1-1.17: , .1.'‘.REV..','.; 'f'kENDRIC'-'.ivr,...inist' 0. IT,: .)(..C).k.1.10E,LF.:..!::.• ,Mrs 1:51ennetli Cowan, ,".•Visiting, Mrs. .Cfilvin: ,Hilleni. M eKillop, and Mrs. Wayne- Ellis, of •I'ororde,.. spent the': Weekend. With ". • • '• .Miss ' Barbara Dean,. Toronto; 'spent.EaSter at the horne. of Mrs, BRODH GE FitANIC 1V,IeCOlVNELL ..(Continued 'from Page 1), _ He was the '1a.St surviving mem- ber of the original , banding 'coin- mittee of St. 'Patrick's ' Chnrch„nr-, 'ganixed in 1000.. • 'Suryiving are three daughter,, Mcithei,Marion (Mary). and.•Mother St-LAU:red '(Margaret); 'of' the Ursu- line. Order,' The Pines, Chatham. dMrs.E.-.7E.-(VerOliiea,) • Mc- Grath,. Ilderton, aid: three grand, `• -The -remains rested 1at the Box itineral:home, Seatorth;` until Wed- nesday morning., when,Solemn Re- cildern HighMass w as sung at St. Patrick'' ,Church, Dublin; at 10, 'o'clock IV Rev. Dr.. J.' B, Flotilke?. He w,as asSisted by Rev. 5. Mc- coWell,,ot St. Colurnban, and Rev. E.' Morris, of -Sitricoe; Mrs. tate presided at the h"argan and: was assisted by the ,school choir...-. Pallbearers were Matt Murray, 'Gerald Holland, James P. Kraus- kopf, JarneS 5. Krauskapf, Clar- ence Looby and John McCarthy. Burial. took place in Si. Patrick's cemetery. • ' District Weddings B,ROW1VBFIX. IIENSALT,St.-Sarnabas'' Angli- cariChurch, TorOnto, . Saturday, March 28, was the setting .for a. lovely early spring wedding when Margaret Ehzabet.h. Bell, •of To- ronto, tad John Dennisen Brokvn, Toronto„ exehangetI Marriage, vows before'. the ReV. Dr. Roland HilL The bride is the daughter of Wm. R. Bell and the late, Mrs: Bell, Hetisall. The groom's parents are Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Broivri, York - ..shire, England. 'Mrs,. Ry Grigg, Toronto*, provided traditional -Vied - ding burtd Th s.Iee. 'Were a street -length dress of cream cashmere with jacket, pale beige accessOries.with touches of pink, She carried a white RfaYer book: With a 'spray of white and pink. roses. Matron of honer Mrs: Mar3r,How- lett, ' Tpronto, chose' :a cocktail length dress of, bronze dace and 'silkma. organza 'With Accessories •to teh • Fred T.aylor,, Scarborough, at- tended ihe groom; and Donald C. Bell, Torente,-briether, of the bride, ushered. A. reception for -tp.e bridal couple was. held at the residence ,of Mr. andMrs. C. A, Patton, Clover Leaf Gardens, ,Port Credit. Tiler left on a wedding trip to New Orlean8 and Acapulco, Mexico, „ Out-of4own, guests' Were •frorn. Windsor, chathata, ,st. Johnsbilry, Vermont, Newf6uticllancl, and Hen - Niagara FallS; MT. and. Mrs.. Bill. •M-rs, Hugh -Alexander, Accompan- Brongliton; Debbie, Riehara and led. ,by her daughter, Mrs: Jack Robert, of Atwood, and Allis Gwen Eason, •Stratford, are visiting in ..Reck, Reg:N., Landon,' and. friend New, Liskeard, , With Mr. -and 1Virs. Edwin. RRocults..s.,e, Jpa.mievsnanoffiligg:anodf . ohen-, M. and Mrs.Lorne Wolfe, Mar- Sirneoe, spent- Good Friday:'with cel, Darrell and _Dale,f Kitc ht§Inother, Mrs. Jarnes HilL lwdanliefe.. wither, and MItt.. and iss,,,,,,Deth Cole, 7.".•Laverri 'Bob .Spaner, •of Collingwood; Spent '• .Rey. and.Mys: John Arbuckl*Te'and-ihe-EAster-weknd Mr* sons; ,of Walkerton; Niro an.d 1V1. rs.---Bedford.Dungey and Brenda. IVir. and' mks. Hareld Cummings Dan.odn mStraticakndanmdrlamcilliyff, Kwicti Johd.wenaertd,. and farnily,,t.of Stratford, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John and daughters, •of Toronto, 2 with, cfmnnings. Mrs. Albeit _...Querengesser,., Mrs, , Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Cleary spent WoodWard,.;.borma„ and :Gay staY-.. ing for the Week. Miss Lees HarrockS and Mr. Den-, aid Ahrens, HarpilloilndiVir, °and Mrs. 'Nelson.‘,Kable; of Stratfo4,, with Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens. A basket of flowers, was placed in St: Peter's Lutheran ' Church. on Sunday•froin the funeral of •Sain- nal. Dander, which as held in, Mitehell last Wednesday. 'An Eas- ter lily,plant Was also in the. chan- cel 'in memory of Leslie 13euer-, mann, who'passed away six years ago; APril'1, placed by . his wife -and,• ,--- Stewards, ,of the Christian, .Honie' held their ifinrithlyAneeting m the church .baseMent.. M. arid Mrs. Ford Dickiscin, MT. -and Mrs: Robt., 13enermannand Xr. and Mrs. Re. benBunek werei in, eharge of de- votions :and lunch.'" Slides were, shown by Pastor Fischer on "Peter and the Resurrection," and slides and movies' Of lode]. Interest were. shown' by Ford'.EDiekison, Mervin Dieti and Russell Sholdice: On, Monday evening a play., • "Have a Heart," was sponsored by the Married Couples group, pre- Sented. by ,Munro Young People• and solos by. Sharon. Strong, Dub- lin; Gordon Drummond, Bornholm; , piano solos, Mrs.' Ronald Flinearid; Miss Grace Fisoner. -Ronald 'Hinz' •,, .president -was master of ceremont . . MEN'S AND,LADIES' , House of Stet* Made -to - Measure 20% .Discount TOP COATS SPORT COATS and MEN'S iliousEits,.- Mr.. & Mrs. J. Hoelscher PHONE 367-W :• One -Block East of Library Easter in Detroit.. • Mr,: and -Mrs. Frank HolrOycl•and twins;,Janice and -Douglas, of -Galt, spent', Master with Mr: and MrS. Albert 'Hudson. Mr,..grace Ilaggarth, of New, Hamburg, and Miss Marien sear-, lett, of GeorgetOwn, 'are spending holidays' at their .horne here. Miss Ernestine 'Mite, of Tarim - to, and lVits. AllanArrnitage, of - Alliston, -.attended ' the. funeral of the late Mri.-•Margaret Wright...and ri".!reelogsuee.sts,,..ef •.Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr, 'Sohn -L.-110tham, iTohn who was a patient in Seat Mem- orial Hospital. here, returned; to his home and lett on. TueadaY of this: week to take up itis, positiOn GEORGE 0. MILLER TAXI SERVICE , • Insured Passengers •- Phone 149 SEAFORTII 'blue:, COO./ - PUNDAS 1.'Cjjetailon Stove and Furnace On' PANDAS LONEY' . Phone 573 or 138 Logs and Standing Timber WANTED' We Pay Cash Top Pries Jas. -T. Craig 8A Son Sciwrnjll.Auburn pHoNt sVNt 14. CRAIG Allb11111 43 r 241: See theAll Fi RNEY REPAR UNIT. This, Repair Unit Was .•iguilt -For the rUnexperienced' Besides' being.' an . effiCient.'Welder,: it wilt Cid; braZe;. "solder and heat Et will hard face ,all wearing. erpiipinent I. and thaw,. Water • pipes in• Minute's,. even Underground, For those. Coldf.irforningS this repair tinit.: has a, battery 'charger -6 .or. 12..volts---whieh CaATbe''• usedT-a-S-akbee'Steg,,•:14Theso;aa:CLori-Afew.A.-of.,..ther-Aphs.-tilis-7..ripair-4-. Unit could do for yon• . .!tsedl'EleetriC/and ketAerie :Welders - For a :FREE. trial or ,infOrniatien, call-. • EDWARD ODBER,t or Write' to 278 Albert Street, Stratfor ee t ntario rill ee the drill that sow -granulated fertilizer • See the drifrthat, will sow corn, etc. • See the drill that is hundreds .of dollars under ' other e also.have 3 C,a5p,.1.5.7guriFertihzer Drills - nearly -new Phone 267 TORS Seaforth Ont. _ . ght CANCER with a check zip aizd a:cheque KNOCKS" ANSWER" .015:. CALL' „ . FOR FESEARCH, CANCER 'EDUCATION AND WEI,...AIRE SERVICES , Keaforth District Mop and Tuckersmith Townships - E 7TO-HOUS[ CANVASS eek of ,Apyil 13-18 WILLIS, Campaign Chairman • 1 J. W..TALBOT President