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The Huron Expositor, 1959-04-03, Page 7
BUSINESS DtRECTA Y,' DR. M. W. STAPLE'JON Physician and;Surgeon Phone 96 ,:•Seaforth. If no answer, call 59 JOHN A. "GORWILI,,, BA,, Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 54' Seaforth. JOHN' O. GODDARD,• M.D. Physician .and. Surgeon, , Phone 110 liensall SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone .26, E A. 1VICMASTER - BA.; M D; I nterne St Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, Surgeon "'Telephone .. DR, E. MALKUS • • Telephone 15 . EVENINGS: ENINGS: Tuesday; a,5^. Thursday , . ,,nd Sat on13';'7`9 P.m: • Appointments may .be, :made. 1VI ,., . :•A HA RP E Chartered`Aecountant',:, 5, , S Squth 'Telephone .Goderich 343 p Licensed 1V1unici a i Auditor. G A: WEI3B-.0 3Doctor:::of Chiropractic 438 -Main Street , Exeter .X -Ray .` and Laboratory Facilities - Open Each Weekday. -Except Wednesday: Tues, and Tl urs., Evenings, 7-p For Appointment - Phone 606 •DON S.' DENNIS ,Auctioneer- Graduate of'. Reiscli American. School=`of-Auctioneering Liceid -in Huron and Perth. Capable of handling . all' types 'of sales •:and, advertising, . • DON.DENNIS, Waltgn Phone Seafee,th 843 r.11: 5-E-1FURT A VETE � I•N J m:. Turnbull,' D.V.M., V.S.. , Br ,D vans, ILV.M., V,S • W. G., D'renna v v, ?t,�I?r _,1VI,ri S ee:phone ; 5 Se foh , rt A W!SILLER,Y'•: Barrister, • Solicitor, Etc. Phones Office= 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTII .: ONTARIO, McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers; Solicitors, Etc, D. D. MVCQNNELL D, I. STEWART 'SEA FORTH OIJT. Telephone 174 P a 11 cINNES ChiropracticFoot Correction COMMERCIAL CIAL HQTEL: Monday, Thursday --a 1 to 8 p.m; JOHN E. 'LONGSTAFF ; "> Optometrist :• Ph one :791 Seaforth, '. Eyes:Exami,ed n Glasses Fitted —MAIN OFFICE, SE7kFOItTIF - Office 1 oIou gs e th. ftlrth daily exce° t:`,Monda. ' A Y, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.: Wednesday, .9 ` a.m. -12:30. Thursday evenings by appoint- ment ment only• Clinton: Monda Y> 9 a ,r, -, 5:30- P.m. (Above Hawkins T-Iardware;). .The .IVIcK•ILLOP T_ M STIJAI-4: FIRE INSURANCE SUI.2,AIVCE CO.. �. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont.•" OFFICERS: President: Robert Archibald, Sea-" Vice President Allister' Broadfoot,' Seaforth Manager' and Sec-Treas. Miss ' Norma, Jeffer Seaforth• :_."� DIRECTORS:' E• J, Trewartha,.Clinton; Malone,•'_ Seaforth; Chris. Leon- hardt _Rornholrn Robert Archi- bald Seaforth; • John •11. McEwing, 'Blyth,.. William S. Alexander,. Wal - ten; 'Harvey Fuller, Gederich;. J. -E -•-Pepper,.; ` 3rneefiel lee' Allister' Broadfoot, Seaforth , : AGEN TS '• Wp1na Leiper, .J r, . Landes= -ebb eter Brodhagen, .Sel-w n . oRalcer •,."::.;Brubsel - ••1Vlunroe; ,Seaforth;, ... O 0 O •w: J°,''CLEARY. �-. <' . •O , • Seaforth; ,Ont O o' .LICENSEDI;MB O ALMER.;. ._ 'and 'FUNERAL DIRECTORO '9 Night .Cauls- 33 C ll Y o 5 0 Ph 43' r10 •❑ •0 0 0 0 0 0 O.O p 0 O None: ❑ 000:oo oa or `Da ght p:o,o-c�00000p. o: J A. BURKE 0 - Funeral-Directpr 0 0 and -;Ambulance Service ::0 0 DUBLIN,. ONT O O i , a or ay s 0 O O BOX.. uner�' al Service Licensed Embalmer.- : O 0 Prompt and carefuhattention O Hospital: Bed' 0 • :: FLOWERS FOR,, ALL..: ,0;. OCCASIONS 0 0Phare : D.. - O s CO Res: 595-W' Store 43' � O 0 . d 0 © 0 0 0 0.0 O:'4,❑ G. .A WI3ITIVEY G; Funeral: Horne 0 ' Gode ,.... ,, r.c h_,St.. W.- Seaforth •.G. 0 AMBULANCE:.SERVICE :0' O' Awns � ,table liosprtal `beds for` fent 0 0;; FLOWERS FOR EVERY. 0 • OCCASION O O Telephone: p Day or Night 119 O' p S E. • COLUMBAN •.NEWS OF T Mr. August I4•auskopf, Ednion- tori, Alta,, is visiting the Krauslopf. and Nolan families, M"iss Regina Bowman, Miss Eleanor Bowman, .Miss Cleo Bow- man and Miss Joan McI:aughlin are spending the Easter vacation in Washington,'D.C.. ,Miss Florence ''Sloan, London Tom Sloan, Cobourg, and Pat. Sloan, Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Mr. and Mrs, Gerrard March=, and and family, Windsor,' spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs:. Leo Murray...� pert EPPE Auctioneer: Reserve el 'your `Say a Date now 1 R.R. 3 Phone Clinton f CIntoe.. Seaforth HU> 2-7534.. E WEEK. Miss Linda Sta. ales .is visiting in London with Miss, ' osemarie Duteh- arins, • ,Miss. Mary McGrath. and ,Louis Kennedy, Toronto, with Mx. and Mrs.' Angus ]Kennedy.. ' Lou •Murray, Christ 'the 'King College, London,' with Mr, and Mrs. Michael Murray. Mr. and Mrs, JerryEckert, , oi' Kingsbridge, Miss Noreen Dalton, Bran tf ord, and Miss Joan Dalton, Brescia Hall, London, with Mr. and Mrs.. Mauriee -Dalton., Miss 1Vtary ^Murray, l•Lotolon, Miss .Roser Murray, Toronto, : • and - Gilbert Murray, Sarnia, with Mr. arta Mrs.' Gilbert Murray: .Mrs. William 'McIver has re- -turned; home : from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. , .• Miss Helen Connolly, • London Teachers' college, y ith-Mr.; and - Mrs." Joseph r Connally', Miss Marie . r e O'Connor SM r St.- Jos- eh'S.;.Hospital;, School, of Nursing , with.: Mr. and-:Mrs,mJames--•Q'Con •.i.,,' R M ssRita Tiennecly'n St -Aiugiis- tine with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kin- , Behan. 0 FORT: L View ew ofthe ` disregard bythe• . : g . ,general ub- � �__toc of .the ret n r cl- m. tl0n- .1 1��._:�,�:� _;._._ sued b3;;;7he TO _. .. wn�Cguncil; ire theconfinerrlent: of dap• and the fact. that they 'af•e..nat. o t run at large at anytime, t the " ° Councih feel ,., ,. , .. . s ,that char es m ust be .laid under this 'B ,iaw.. • Anyowner or 'harbourer re . of H do _w -ho '>allows:1t to run= at ',large' can,. be • .. _ „Summoned into Co ort: • Th e fine in a:cas , e of -this bind" Could -be 50.00 ° .. and coSts. ,T . he Council.: and..,: m sel �- fall would, ask . � citi- zens concerned to comply with the laws and avoid the corseq uen. ccs B. ° F. CHR ` tSTt f M : a or KJPPEN ' Guests'"'on Easter Sunday with Mr,,. and Mrs, Iareldu_Joues - and sorts included Mr. and Mrs. Percy Love Wil eer.t, 'ofandWaZuynrich, e: aztd 'Mrs ,Pearl Mr. and •Mrs. Allan Grigg„ Lpn= don, were' weekend guests of " the. latter's'parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Sinclair. - Mr, and Mrs.Grant McGregor and baby, of Hensall, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs: Robert Mc- Gregor and, Jim. • :,Miss Marie Jarrett,' of .Stratford General •Hospital; spent. Easter :week ',with her parents Mr. .and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. r Mr. Bob Love,'' :of. St. Catharines, wasRoss homLoeve. ° for 'the hyd l o • s' ay week- end with;his.,parents, T r and. Mrs. o1 Communion. serv1ee. wr`ll be :;held riext-Sunday- : St:' Andrew's United :Church: •Mr; 'and Mrs, 'J{eonaru Lov• eB. i and ,children werenChatham on Son - da ivis.iting Mr.' and Mrs. AnPar- kei • The regular ": inonthl : mee tifig:pf the W.M.S.. and W A 'will be held Thursday': evening at,. the church,= Rev. Harold Snell; of :Exeter, 'is -tire guest speaker. ,Ail the emigre- •gatien...,are invited to,', attend Lunch will be served. Mr: and Mrs .,; 1VIotomura, Kim' and Linda spent the Easter week- end in Oakville, visiting N,fr. ..Mote Omura's parents. • • - Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Parsons, of Th'anlesforde- spent the weekend with the farmer's parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Cir- and--- 7i s Tack Oicezt off£- Harziston,spent Easter Sunday, With their brother and•sister tri laiv; Mr. and :Mrs. Norman Dickert Mr and Mrs.- Ivan Wren, and: 'Laurie, ofHanover, visited over the Easter week`nd with ,Mr. and 1lr�. ,Gordon Wr.8n._.,. :Mrs. Crawford Simpson is, con- fined to Scott Meirioria1 Hospital, Seaforth. rth:: A speedy recovery is hoped, for: by her friend's • and neighbors:. . Mrs HaxoltLLittlef-a,�,- tteir two: children .and .Mr, Oliver Littleton, :;of London, spent Easter. Sunday with Mr. and: Mrs. O. Cr R. Littleton and family.;' Mr. . and`: Mrs. Ray•Pfaff, of St. :Catharines, -arid Miss Alice Pfaff; of Aylmer, visited a few days with Mr, "aiid:Mrs, Robert D. Eli' g e .and: Margie. U.IY MRS. ANDREW PATRICK. '. A funeral service 'for ,.Mrs. An- drew: `Patrick of'- Seaforth; :ivho died at-he'r- home here .Wecnesday, was,' held = at the, :G A. , -Whitney funeral`: home Saturda ".. after.' Y .•„ cion. Rev, D: Leslie E1dex; of-- ir- t -Pres byterian Churc ,: officiated • .Pallbearers were "Robert and Jack •Patrick, Andrew„ and Harvey Moore, 'Harold Rice and • Reginald: 1VTantie..:Flowerbearers were rs. Mantle, Mrs: . P earson :Cite " s ,Mrs. John PoWell end Mrs. L. ore rise- Burial followed in Staffa' ceriieterY: Union Profess DCt .e Sion .To Cut HQ. cc Ju ppor�. ,``Is.. the • Federal Government's announced intention.to reduce hog price support to the mininiun% al- Iowed under Bill. 237, art • indication of ther t eatment •farmers can:.ex- r m pect from the Conservative Gov- ernment?" asked Gordon L, Hill, president Ontario; . Farmers' Un- -With production costs "increasing and:: market .prices likely to rest on 'or about the floor, this -type of government;: action will force :the farmer out of business and pave the way-,` fey packing houses,: feed companies •'and chain stores to take - over the -hog industry, :Mr' -}fill--says: Tntegrators 'Dave a pro- fit -on feed. .rnanufactuxing; process- ing rocessing : arid selling the ,meat;' if they only "break even"on .the'produc- tion end the are away a7 cad of tie. farmer; said' 'Mr Hill; ;:: Price: supports should bo at reaiistic lev- els, cleimed.Mr. ,Hill, who': hasre- cently" been' named: to the :provin- cial `'Government's .,committee to investigate the agricultural' annus try: Priees`;iielowproduction costs do not benefit, any segment 'of so- ciety, in thelongrange view. Ontario, Farmers' -Union :favors the:' deficiency payment method of - administering price support funds, Mr. 'Hill: continued: This' allows di- rection of supports to bona fide farmers and exclude' large. torpor- ations ° Mechanics of such ;a plan, WoulcL_besimplexnelr--.-Hill states. Hogs. would :continue to, be marketed in` the normal' "manner and the farmer receive the market price. At alater date a deficiency payment for, the balance between e .average market 'price and the parity price weal_& be_paid efrom the -federal treasury. ' Deficiency 'payments you1d be . paid only a specified d ' A volume of production. coon: Farmers could produce as ,much as they,wislr'arid receite•market price' for<their_entire.--prodaetron •-,but -wopicI-re renteficiency- payrrient on: their share of" the :domestic market requirements only. RED CROSS :MEETING The 're gulag. g meetin of ,.the Sen - forth`' Red Cross' Society `will, be held: `in. thee Library:.rooznS.on Fri- day, 'April t 3;00' p m When success s n ....man . _ -"tux. s a s head:' he is facing.'failure'". • I. s Better Than -'Ever A' t G uh na ; a n . Cl n re 'e `. s a .Mount Purest St • More Sot :a s d Stain o e P., n s Rem v d• • Garments Stay'Clean,Longer ' MILLER'S' .. D . • •_ L ACrN RY, SERVICE MRS W. P,;, MILLER.- Agent -.„ Phone 247 :-, Seaforth; Pickups Monday :and: Thursday • Morciings UIURON a XPOSrron, S All Patrons of z� • - 5eafo •.• r� h r e • •, g11'�.r�taQ .-and- D re r�ic , . P�UIi Packers ,F, A T. y NOTE: P E- �' -Owl n -t0 � e `S ` 1 h _ 1n . •. �� small limber _ of;e ' e i iered to aur egg _ •rani " ° � ,t �i ng � atlonS, we ` have'deci l ed t _ o make Saturdayevening closing•'G 00 ::.m. except for -a ossible-.four- - weeks dUring harvest time. i J WELLS .A. KEITH .< sAPUER OOKKEEP Applications in writing"'will lie accepted by the'.undersi ':ane unti d ll a RD' f , SAT TJ A.Y APRIL 18S 1p567 State .a e education, ualificatio`s and references week;- ',good worki.n f • i con• s on .. Starting:salary,$i606.00 per. annum Interviews can be arranged For furtherdetails, f c ontact:� y e B�.r n G. e r - S�.. _ creta:r� -TreaSurer oh Huron C.ciontYHorne oleini ttee putt House. -Goderich nt "661- Seaforth Co +p is now in the gas ,;a>t d oil business and since the Co-op is owned arf operated-by,the people who'patronize;it, this'nieans•that you, sir, now have your own Petroleum Business. • With the addition of the petroleum line, you' have the add- ed eonve3nlenee pf ,bAY i�lg ,- all our Y p e.tr pleum requirements from your Co-op where you will have the benefit of quality products as well as the very important: patronage davit end.. , TANKS 'ANI' EQUIPMENT ON LOAN FREE : OF CHARGE TO ,SE,AFORTII CO OP PETROLEUM PATRONS • DOS�G ® Luttdcatst{ verse`'. as ' Stove • Furnace Oil� 8 -_Separate meter for fuel oil to avoid contamination •of,gas and -fuel oil.,,,.. .{ .. :. ua it ... Servic SERVIC IS -- Aluminum Tanks to Prevent Evaporation, Tank Gauges ; at sfaction . * Savings OUR' NI7'MEER , ONE ' COMMODITY For. a $10.00 Membership Fee and your. Loyal Patronage you can share in CO-OP PATRONAGE. REFUND e SEAFORTH IO-operativ�: ONTARIO NE;_. PATRONIZE' YOUR' C.O 0 tOf •