HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-03, Page 5BRussms LIONS ANNU icert :ante' Draw for New Chevrolet Car at Miftight At Brussels Town Hall on rMDAY, APRIL' _10th Concert at 8:30 p.ni. DANCE to icarbw. The . Kansas Farmer presents Wonderful Array -of Talent, featuring: A MYSTERY, GUEST •.?) • Singers - Dancers -1; Musicians - Two Orchestras RAE WATSON, Lucknow, M.C. .Chiklreia.L25c (One Admission-) Adults775-c-- --- HELP -A WORTHY - CAI3SE ere is a little ditty that isn?t exactly new: "..Reinember when you.helpitlie Lions, , They are also :helping ' o Get your Car Tickets NOW from an Memloer of the Lions Club. WANT AbASY PRING Phone 141. 0 142 Precision Granulated•for Precision Planting • COMPLETELY GRANuLAR—NO Dust- ,. ALWAYS FLOWS FREELY • WON'T CAKE OR SET UP • GREATER PLANT FOOD VALUE ••_ LIMITED hone-- eafOrt -Ilielviost Value For the Farmer'S. Dollar" . • 11k-Ati TI -LE ADVEkiISEIVIVNTS.: ti .Pl'ofitablePastime, uron ountY Poultr roducor AT -I - will be held Ingham Town: Hall Council Chambers Monday, April 6th,,trt 8:30 p TOM ROl3SON, Leamington, President �f Ontario Poultry Producers _ 4.* ---gpEAT(giz - 'EXETER -TOWN- _HALL Tuesday, April 7th, at 8:30 pap:. Agricultural Board Rooms, CLINTON- Titursda'Y, April 9th, at :3€) p.m. Do YOU want a strong Poultry Organization? If so, WIIAT.do you *ant it to do topromotethe. Industry? Bob McKinley, Pres, . J. .C. Hemingway Sec: News tif'St. Colun'tb4n School Children Fea'tire Comedy In -Parish, Hall Saiidge .From Turnip", Ridge", a comedy, of three acts, was staged in St. Colirffihan parish hall on March' 13 and March 20, The cast ' af characters„we.re: Sil- as, played by Frank,Malone; Thad- deus McPheeters,, a miserly store- keeper,- Ray Maloney; his sister, Miss SimplicitY, Jean Moylan; his. daughter, Florence, Mary Ellen Doyle. Miss Lolola Pikiey, thepost- mistress' and village ..gossip, Joan Coyrie; _ Thaddeus' helper' store,-OSwala Gorlick:Don Coyne; Neurasthenia Twiggs,' themaid in the. McPheeter's household, Kath- arine Ryan; Ben Bruce, „Silas' nephew, Jim 1VIelady;•Wayne Ken- -dalr-a--gangster,-7-Alfred'Ma-like; Brother Thorrihill,• Donald Moylari; •his sister Enicl,, Mary Melady.;-• Judy, an. orphan' girl, Jean- Mel- ody; Miss Muriel, Armitage," Sirilk's punt,':Betty,-1VIurraari:.--•- Thewhole-cast and.the directors, , Mrs. Joseph Melady-- and Mrs. IVIichael Murray, - - Between' acts ...Miss, Rosemry Lane' Sang', end dances were given by • Marie and Theresa Cronin, -Mar Y Ellen Doyle, Mary Lou Coyne and,Patsy arid -John- Mc- Grath . On 1VIonday. evening friends and -neighbors gathered at the. home 'of Mr. and Mrs. •Nicholas Kraus - kept '16' honor them and- express appreciation of- their many, years of being 'good 1neighbors .among them, Presentations were -Made of a cluck-radid-te—IVIr.---Krara-ske-p-f, Who is a patient in St. Mary's Hos- London, tWo "end tables, two table lamps and ,a purse te_ Mrs.• Kra'uskopf, •and ;luggage. to Miss Last VVednesday evening- a good crow,c1 assembled at • the C.O.F. Hall here in another series of euchres. Prizes went to the fol- lowing: `ladies, first, Miss Betty Dolmage; - lone _hands, Glenyce Jewitt; low, Mrs. George., Case; men, first, Les Delmage; lone hands, Bobby Pryce; • low,. Les Bryce. The next euchre will lae held Friday, April 10. Watch for further advertisement. , Mr. and Mrs, _Borden Brown last of Stratferd, with Mr. %and Mrs, Geerge McIlwain; " Miss Mary Whyte, of Guelph, and Mr. ,Tom Whyte, of Ridgetown, IVIr, and Mrs., John Whyte, of 0.Shawa, with M. and Mrs, W. L. Whyte, 'and Mr:. Douglas• Riley, of 'Eastwood, _with Mr. and Mrs. ,F.• Riley. ' Mrs. Robert Janaieson, Mrs.. Art Colson and Nancy and Mr. Jim - Jamieson visited over the week- end, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald and family, of Midland Mich. LOCAI. 13RIEFS Mr. -and MrS. Allister -Wigg and two son; of Barrie, and Mr. and ign..stewapt Wigg, oX Walkerton, were Easter guests of Mrs. F, Wigg, •. • Miss Madys Thompson and Mrs. D: 1VIcAree have returned home from South ' Nassau and Florida; where. they sPent the last three months. , MiSS •Mkrayn „Hillis, Tillsonburg, and„Mr.,' arid Mr.S. Donald Hillis and -daughter, of Ingersoll, were e nesday attended the • banquet Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood and Easter weekend viSiters with Miss in Ontario St,!‘ Church, Clinton, Mr. and MrS'.• C. Delaney,.W4idsor, Mabel, Turnbull, - - • - , sPonSorecl by the Royal Black Pre- spent the Weekend With Mr.,.. and, Miss ElsieDrover,-Ilamilton, Dr. eeptory , of Huron County, in honor Mrs. Robert GrimeldbY. , John and 'Mrs:, Drover arid family,. of the Grand Master of 'Royal Mr. 'Pad Mrs, Robert Woods and Tharnclale.,,and IVIrs, KwenrWe m. Black PrecePtOrY of Ontario Nest- Debbie, of Ajax, Visited over ' the and -children, Clinton, e Eaasters Mr. J.If.. Morrison, 'orSarnia,. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank visitors with, IVIr. and Mrs. Win. ter •holidays at their parental maine,d with ' her • grandParents - young people who enjoyed Eas- Riley. Little Debbie Woods re- Drover ter mrs:, D. e`a' xin' •g, arnia,,2 homes were: Miss Joy Montgom- •rviaile her parents are spending spent' the: weekend -with-lVIr.--• and- ery, of Anderson,•Indiario, with Mr. holidays in New York ' ' -0M-rS7-ri-Rusteri -- - • -1Viuriel-Dater-Of Rrampton, with Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs - and mr-s. C. Montgomery•;•__Miss Mrs-e-C-irarlotte-LITO sa--)el'it-tile ',Mr; Dona'td-pale", of,the'telae- -lung- Janet MacGregor, of Fordwich, I Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and Mr .>' and Mrs: Verne .Dale ;• -Miss ' D.• IVfillson and SamilY• asptaeffn.t•°Ef Easter at and Mr.' Charles MacGregor, of 'family ,spent the weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundas and Guelphe-with Mr. and Mrs. -Ross and 'Mrs. EarrLawson.---,--",---------- Dri-Di-iiida-§-,---all-Of 'Toronto, visited MacGregor; Miss Helen McIlwain, I Mrs, James -Medd spent a day Eater weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 1 week with•Mrs Layton hi -Ex- Willis Dundas The Y 'a de (imp a ni dd •eter., . ,• Mr. and Mrs W. bundas to Wal- ' '" K H''' RL C 1 Mr-. 'and mrsy,_,Ekalz.id_Catcher--and--torilaoY-d-wedding_ore„saferclay. • • , • -... ,' ... . .._ - fainily, of Toronto, Spent the Week ''.' 'mi.: and.-Mrs..;•L. .B..!,1VIerrisen, of . Mr. and Mrs. Nel•son Lear, and, end with. Mr. and.,11r.s. Wilbur- Thornhillvisited friends in town Doris ' of .Londesbore," '• Mr .' ' and -Jewitt and family ' '.' ' ' • • this Week ' ' -.. " - • • • • .. . . . . • . • . • ... . • . • ,m1VIrils5ra•nNdelmSorris'..Rjaeithdes.ofseWetatl,toTrnaanricid,: .iimndr.?yatnedspMenrsd. ,,WIrreii dJ."..aeyviitite lreeft_. ... .. . .. . ...' my Douglas' Stewart, Toronto, family visited with :Mr. and Mrs. .ronto.. .....' . , . . speirrEaster-with his parents,...Mr. -, . and ,ivriS. 'J. A. Stewart, . • . ' Jarnes Seott,'Sr.„ and Ken on'Sat- •• Mr. and .trs„.Wilmer Glousher, urdaY might. • , - ,.., .. :''' and Stewart visited Easter. Sunday ' •Misses. -Lou, ..,Roe;. H.Kitchener;. with mr. ailci-Mr. -Austin Dexter,: a:,.'Wifei.isv...Kd8lei.yirss'a..,n:imniVic:KIT:eLtec'enha;e11:neitsW-And:i. '1Vtary Lou hoe; Stratford:, Leonora : . of. Blyth, of KingStori, ifarnilten,,' Stratford; and Be th, IVIc... , - gr...a:rid MrS.-tDawdry and'Itici-. spentEaster- With .iiiS ' fainiIY. here. Eyving; are , spending their. 'Easter ,. ey ,"and Dennis. Hale; .of :•Woodstock ;' Mr: W.' .S.. B.readfoot iS-a ':Patient holidaye at their reSp.ective heines.. spent:. Sunday : With.. Mr. and Mrs _,m4a.s:_,Linda_Gai„vani„,.,..Lc,.4.do_a_ in Se"ott Memeri.a.1.. Ilospital. .cottgmtui.a.tions_are---e-xtande&-ter--.D7-.-M•illSon• andlaiiiilY2'7-... :.... • ...• guest .at the hottic pi Mr,. ,anci. Mrs..: Mr. Prid: Mrs. James Scott; "Sr., . .Mr.. and Mrs Ken: Reid and sons • who,:wiu,eejehrate their 30th .wd._, :Of .1,o0c1.0±4z-ViSited, last' Friday: with, ,A• •Y••• meLe 'an- "- ''''''''- - '-'''' ' • ' ' dipganniversary,_on;LFrld.ay-,-.7•APril-•-iyfr.•-••'and.,Mrs.' Luther Sanders„.••. eoEma,estoefi', D'iihr.,OliadnadY•--. m'i,gsUeHstasrry'ats7-i.terhe. 3rd. ,, . ' '''• '''. , ' ' .'. `',. '' ... .: Mr: and Mrs , -IL Preszcator''and • . MF .famt•' 1 'dd•• NI a NI 3 LeonaKrauskopfThe recipient c' .,..*!..ss '1VI'arjarie '.1VIcEwing •••visitecl..ily;vi.site.d•Stinday,with ... and, Cox and sg.,,..,./lodopice,._of,frprouto,,,;, '. : . ":sover,' theEaster•..• , n w , et Mrs ; ,..."-LeS ..Parker -r -Exeter.„. Miss „T„:_. ,expreaSei.l.."(their, igratitiule• and...,a- parents; .1VIr. :and.. MTS.; John' Mt-,,Jean„.rernained_fer lielidaysl--wilit-e-: 6,0441444.1_,.,....xitreat' pr ,and. .1‘Irs.77V.V..... G,•..B.rtice and • 'lea'S'a ' ' ' ''- - ' '..lis-r=s•PO' '..;11-t-:',AV-ing-•. -',- '• : .• • „ . . , . • • ;Gary • .is . sp,endm,g-Thethdays... th• ' -.Mrs.' Kranskopf th.aVe • •.: Mr. •dna , Mrs. ' ReSselleIVI.atBethi'paur i Gary Betties OL,Wi th IVIrS.' II, .11. Stewart.lrid family, .of 'sold their, Iarin...-and-,...held• a:-.•shc.-", and'faihily,•.of fondan;Visited OV-•'.• 'Mr. and 1\Iii. 'Lorne •LawsOli- vis- art' and. Mrs:. Stewart ,and fahaily,. --n----2.-•., '-Kitelaener;••-and-Resi-.•-•a. --II.: Stew: ' Oe.saful.,1 a ale*Of., stookr-and ' Machin.-- • er. : the holiday weekend; ,wi ' • ' the -itied • Sunday. Wi,th 1VIr. and , ' Mrs. era,"-on.MondaY afternoOn., , ' , ' latter's Par.ents:,,...Mr. arid 'MI'S,' GeO,.'.13ill Irani -ling," Of,LondeSbero:' '. and..11,-(ei.s.,...p..oier.,.,-..,1,/ay-, ' of •Niakaia ..-"T,om IVICIver, Tororitoi•with...Mr:" Watt.', i orS'•.:•vvi 1.....and IVIrs.:Williani..McIVer. ":' L, : . 'Mrs. Arthur -.Colson; Nancy Col- - Mrs,. ; jack:Medd.,arid family .1Vere. ... ' Ebb' Murray, ,cpbourg, . with Mr :" Son, Mrs : - Robert , . Jamieson „ and Mr and Mrs; Harold Phillips, 'Mrs; an is. :Stephen 'Murray; • .',„ , .. ,James Jamieson visited.last week- jessie,Helland .and. bell, of 131.tla,:. ,Aliss, .Agnes •Ilickne.11 and Peter end with Mr:. and Mrs: -Jack Don % Mr: and'IVIrs. Harold': 'h 11 Bicknell," Kitehenei•, -with. Mr.' and 'aid,. ; of Midland, •Miek,, •.and,".fam',-.' of Toronte. • Mr,. • PhillipsJr.„ juSt. MrS.. Peter 1-lieknell. ';; ' -!' ', "'• ily": ":'' ''.-. • " •",' • ". , I'leturri'ed :harrie: to ' Toronto -from `..` Mr.: .and -Mrs.,.: Dorf-Pfeard• and•.'„ 1Viri, and Mrs. Glen.,RobinsOn.. and 'Egypt, . Where. he', ha d_been 'station' familY, NeWmOrket,„ . and •••Mr, andfamily, of North Bey;, ViSitedzoVeited-Ahe"p-a"St Year.,,' and is,new .toilae.: 'Mrs. JOhn-FaWeett-,. Load& •• With- :the'' 'Weeltener'with-. mt.', .ang .1VIrs. , Stationeri•at Vanconver. .' • . • - ilVIr.. and Mrs: ,j; ' j.„Holland .. . 'Ernrriersbn He,sk..,•••.,...„.• , ,' ,. , r ...IVIr.'and Mrs,,GeorgeAddisen, of '. Miss. Joari Affaloney• arid. NIT. and . , '• , -r, - , .' . , ' • • ." • ' I.Seaforth„ visited SuridaY , with, 'IVIr.'. .Mrs..• Frahk,' Maloney,",Kitehener, "'„ ,' -.' .•.'"' '. ' ' ' . - • _ ,-.,.- , ....-:.. and, Mrs„ Charles Dexter... , , , . with. Mr. and:MrS. Peter-IVIaloneY.. I .•..-:„...•': . '-- • M 'Mrs Frank Rile.y 'vis. BRUCEF-IELD ---- •:•' ••• '''-'.-a d. • ' -and- ivIrs,,-•-.Tames- laoyle, of- • • . • ' ited Sunday With:their niece Mr,,, KiiigSten„.: and j•VIISS.,:„Anne',.•Malene`Y.: AVIrs magi -as jelnr4da. and,. karn4Y,. Kitchener,'' with .•-• .11/1r, ,end, ,-1V,Irs,••• of •NVindscir ;spent dieEaster 'Week, 'of" ,Gederieh. • • Mr. and.Mrs. ;Charles' Sherwood; FrankVVIaloney; • • end with mr.• and IVIrs. W. Me-' Mr: and Mrs. Borden Brown of Montreal„, spent Easter. week , Mr., and Mrs, Allan Butters, CO- J3eath. • " • •••.. -JOYea and"Elaine spent Easter:Sun- 'bourg; Miss Clare'''Malone, Strat- Morle.y Taylor, of Toronto day 'with relatives in Hanever. - • bald a d th . ''with' Mrs:•.Robert--.Archi- ford d Ja k Malone, ,K 'Spent the weekend with his par-,' • I's: Lorne. Lawson. spent IVIenr Falls,,and:three gran childre guest's of krs...Thornas gliVei. and ether friends, s '• Mr.. SaineS. Rowat is ''sPending, a ,feW "days ' - Miss Eaten,' daughters.. Qf- and.:IVIr .Walter". (Tirn)LEaten;• Was. ahle terethrn liarnelast week -after-,:being a-Patientin-Lornon-and Strattordlospitals for the paSt..-six . r•-.MiSs Helen Smith land,Mr.,...Deng,, sPent .the Weekend,' at: -the ,hoirre _the, lat- ter'Spareirts,IVIr",, and° rs-":„..7-JarriesT 'I'. Scott. • ing,-. With Mr and 1Virs.....J.,,L,', Ma- wits,- Mr: and •:Mrs. ' Victer., Taylor. day. in London.' . , ., . ...:•" "...: 'Ione.,;' ''' • • ." • . ' . ' - " . . . ... ' -.• • . ''.• ', '-.Mrs. •',Iialinl.R.'Murdechreturned . Th degree team -Of,- Constance : Mr and -Mrs..'" Kea Lane -, • and 'h‘ome.. L,frOm ',Harnillon-.-Where. :she. C.oy; visited the Reiiiiiiller lodke- 'farnily.;. London, withkr. apc.FivIrs:. spent,s9#16. : tine; With her da ug h- 'Monday ever -di -1g" and. donferted.the - ' . V... J.'. Lane. . '• .... ' : t -ter, -... Beth, : who .IS 4 'patient. in the degree. Of Forestry; upon a number. -Toni', Dudharine, ...Kerini-- poen- •hostaltal, 'haying Undergone , 'Sur"; of , .menthers •;,.ef„ the •Benniiller arrne . and ' Miss Hilda Kennedy, of gery.• -. ..- , ' • ' ' - ... f ,..'......-....,'„•...-L -'''.143dge,.. , . ..• ...-. . ; .;..",...' ' . : ' ;.' .. ' L':(1.n CiOn ,;-'1Arith' MF. anctIVIrs; AUgust •':CorigratulatiOns are extended:to: .. -1V1iSS., .Glenyce 'IjeWitt;„••daugnter . • Ducharnie.' , ' ,. • ' • .. , -;...• ..•••;.• Mr "•and Mrs Rob 't Allen '-of-M •' d '' ' ' ' • . n on the r. an Mrs. Wilbur -it M. •and Mrs, Lod kovviand and gift of a baby son. • ceived word that she- won first • 'family and mr. and Mrs. 1VIartin Mr. and Mrs. I-1. Dalrymple and place in the essay written on. `Be- Purpell and farnily spent Easter Mr and Mrs It b rt 1 T • P „ p ,, , spon- at left Sunday, by air for Florida; with Mr.' and•Mrs.'.I..ack 1VIcIver, attended the fiiiieral:"Oflate,,..„$0,41?y,,, Dora---,-Walker7M7CIfiffdit" Ten' second:place was wen theh4rancifcithey:, • 7-77 7 the:Atille:_ttae.deration.•:0LF Will 'return- bY meter- 'with , Miss. Sheila 4Rowat' is visiting in DrDrayton;' 'Miss Patricia Faulkner, of Galt, Lillian Faulkner spent ,a few daYs in Toronto. - Master Phillip Baldwin s- ent a few days 'in London. • Mrs: Iceith• Sharp' has • returned following a' trip ha Saskatche MWan. r. and Mrs, J'arnes A. Murray 'of Dundalk,. spent Easter, in town. Messrs. Teter and William Row - -Anne Nolan and Vn_Lcent 'Nelan,:::.01_,4Sa,turday,-- • ;7,7- • by -Alfas ra-Tan, druglq. ,IVIrs. " Baldwin -arid Master, -Kitehener, with' Nolan. Dr. and Mr; John MacGregor: ter of • Mr:. and lVIrs. Donald Rneh- MissMaM. . and Frank. . • • ,..and • d:aUghter,......Ginger, an':an.; Congratulations go forward phiu,ip Baldwin spent Eater. .d •New York.. They were aCcompaii, .",rY:alone, tindgef, iS 'spent the weekend 'Witta.-to, these' .twc?.. girls: and hoP•e' theY' ied hy missin •Mr: and- -Mrs.' jeseph Clete BaldWin, •of lone. 1VIa-''IVIrs. MacGregor's parent's Rev. , ve. coritinuen. Success' as they:en- d .• , ' , and /15,rs.._..S. naViS02-1, • .ter into higher. cornpetition. , .' Was' Mary; -01Stillivan;" London ; Mrs. V. Hargreaves has return Miss Joyce- Jewitt entertained with her mother, IVIrs. Theresa ed from a pleasant two Weeks' her Sunday Schee,' cless-TuesdayO'SuIltvanIV/iss Dianne Free are, On a 'trio to holiday in Florida. - _afternoon. About 15 boys and girls Mr. and Mrs. VVilliam Kelly and -Mr. .and Mrs. 'George Griffith assernbled and enjoyed a few hours. baby, Hamilton, and Miss Beatrice and family, Stratford, and Mr. and of.social entertainment, with lunch Maloney, , Waterloo, with Wilfred Mrs. Lawrence Smiley spent Eas- Served by the hostess and sister, Maloney. . ter with Mrs. H. Berry, Miss Janice; Jewitt Toni Murphy, Elmira, with 1VIr, Mr. and Mrs ,• Ray Mason, of John__McIlharge-Lucan -i-a rt-I-Criox were -w -----k-- tKILLOP Mr-:.-Ifid-M-rf.-11, , Free and California, They went bY ;IVIr.•and Mrs. Wallace Ross have returned from a holiday in Florida. . Vir. Clarence- Riechert is a pat- ient 'in Seett: IVIernorial Hospital. 'qrs. J.'M.--MCIVIillan visited ov- 'er the holida-Y, in Pickering, • - 1VIISS.--Elizabeth'Murdie -and and:MrS. X. C. IVIurdie, of f nek.2 now, attended .the ftineral of , the. late Wright.• ' Miss•Patricia Falconer, of -Gait,. spent Easter with her -aunt, Mis's Lillian Faulkner. - ' Mr. 'George -C•larke is a Patient - in Stratford general Hospital, . s- and MrS, %T. F. Murphy. :Windsor, and.Mr. and Mrs.. Stew; ' m THE IIITON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH, ApEtZ 2#50-4 •OUR GREATEST HALF PRICE Nlisses and IVOnfin'S SeRING SUITS _ Rggwar.yahies, :95 to .49.5.5 ON SALE FOR 00 to Ilere sr, a clearance group 'of crte- of . a• kind Spring Suits that we must clear. out. They consist most- ly of:tweeds- and some plain shades and are .styled in new short length , coats and some standard fitted inodels.%, They are a give-away .gt. •, .these low prices. : ,SIZES 12 TO -1. ONLY The Smartest Tailare The New - Blouse-YOtt CafilYear • Neatly Swiss • embroidered fine cotton dress blouses that „wash easily and require little or no ironing. -. You mast see these dainty' embroidered blouses now, - They Come in popular white,- - pink,'blue-andbeige, in sizes _12' to 20. - .95 o Mr, and MrS. AlYoung and chil- dren, of .Toronto,,".with Mrs,, -Mary O'Rearke.,,and 'Frank" • . .• • . .'Mr. LouisLarie,and„ Laurie•Anner_LOL_Landeri, with Mr ; • . ' • „Mr.'. and, Mrs.. Bili •MOrphY.•zaild. sons. of Port Colborne, with 'Mrs.- Ch,arles Kistner -and Mr: and IVIrs.• J. F. Murph.Y.. • • • : Pat MeGrath;••-of -.CarletePlace, with n Mrs,. McGrath and ,11/1r. :and Mrs: 'Maurice Dillon and children, St. Thomas; Mr..'and Mrs. Wilfred Duffy• -'and children WoodstoCk.and Mr, and Mrs.. Jim Kelly and daughter,Seaforth, With Mrs, Louis Dilloivand Dorothy. ' r 11/Ir.:and. Mrs. Allan Betters, Of IE Port Hope; Miss Phyllis Butters, London, arid -Mr: arid Mrs. Ronald Butters' and on, of St. Thomas, and.- IVIrs.--zTorri'Butters. 'With, Mr, and Mrs. Chas,. Eriend. •...Mr, and Mrs. John Cleary • and "baby, daughter, Karen, Marie" of , London, with Mr. and Mrs.' Frank and :IVIrs, Peter. GreSech and .children, TatriCia Costello and Danny,' ofLondon, 'and 'Mr; ' Gordon Costello, Toronto, With•Mr, aritl.-1VIrS. Dan 'Castello. •' , ' • ,Cpl, and -Mrs, Jean LaVrie at . '.Farnham, •Qiiebec.'. .• . Mss ,I3patrige .Mui -ray and: IVIig -Iicirari, Brantford, .at their • , . visiting her brothein-latv and guests with Mr. and. Mrs. __Lorne- ' Mr: and ••Mrs'. Cecil Franks and 'sister, Mr and Mrs. T'ark McIver. Wilson, - `. Mr. and Mrs:, Bob Price, New - A. number. of Brucefield citizens Gail; of Preston, visited Mr. ;and 1VIrsWilliam Koehler. market,`.Mr,,and Mrs. Jae Kraus- called. on Mr. and, `IVIrs. Orland- Mr. and 'Mrs.• Aubrey McNichol . kopf, Hamilton, Billyy Krauskopf, Johnston, Seaforth',.. on Sunday, to and. family visited _Mrarid Mrs; Britt and Prank Kratiskopf, Gran = congratulate them on the occasiq- Norman Eggert' . ton, spent the weekend with their' of -their twenty-fifth wedding anm- .1 mother, Mrs.- Nicholas Krauskopl. versary. ,t - Mr. and Mrs, Harry -Itegelc vis- , ' ited Mr. arid IVIrs..T. Taylor, Gode- . Miss Marian McIvet, Detroitm ,' is Brucefield and _comunity- were rice. . .. , . , i ' spending_a week with Mr. and Mrs.' sorry to 'hear ofRhe- fire, at Mr. Mrand MrsEdwin MacKen- William IVIclyer. . , Lloyd Craig's „ Which destroyed zie 'ancl ,-.•-.' " their store; tome •and all their be • fainily, ;Detroit, and Mrs. Fred'Hoegy, Seaforth, Visited with W.I, EUCHRE 19ngings• A. miscellanemis shower Mr. and MrS; Lavern Hoe0 re - will be held irt: the - BrueefieId ' - „. centlY. Mr. Foster Smith and Orre- The Seaform th- WOmen's Institute Church baseent'. on Tuesday, " • al, Monc,rieff, Miss Lila Smithof held their last euehre and dance Everyone will be welcome to come Kitchener, .and Mr.. and Mi -s; Les-. on Mareh 20 in Seaforth Conimuri- ,and. help' your -neighbor. ' it Y Centre. Th Centre. were: ' A shower. was held for Miss Ina ter Green, RosevIlle,, Miclt, • were Sunday visitors 'at thesame home. ladieshigh Mrsjack IVIcKaY; Taylor, when. about 90 ladies gathz , ,, , . A Passion play is to be • pre. steond, Mr's, Charles Eyre; conso- erect in the church schoblrbom 011 seted ..in the vangelical -United lation; Mrs. Ray„Townserid; gents; Monday evening and. presented', Church on April 5, at nBrethrenE • high, rnest 'VVhitehquse; second, 1VIiss Taylor' with , a miscellaneous 8001,-,inv hy the ehoir i ' Alex Pepper; eonsolation, • WallY' shOwer. ..' • • .• , , • • • Crich. Zurich., - • Minister of Health for Ontario T THE ANNUAL MEET1NG AN NOMINATION OF THE regressive ssocia FOr the Provincial Riding of Huron MONDAY, APRIL 13 880 pan. Clinton Legion Memorial Hall GEORGX GINN JAMES DONNELLY Secreta OD AAT„E THE Qt1tEN President Discuss -Concert. CROMARTY ' I • Sgt. and Mrs: F., BetteS, who t Meet have been residing in the village , • • - • ' for the past few months,..are. Mew,. The coming amateur and variety ing toClinton' to take up residence • concert 'was discussed, at the -boardClinton at Clnton Ar School, meeting efthe Huron county locals' Miss Alice ScrS.dahl• in 4.c.i.4.49.n. of" the Ontario. Farniers' 'Union, with Miss Charlotte Batten. • held in -Clinton Saturday night. Bob • Mf.. and 'Mrs. Frank Cadiekand Taylor Will act as master of- cere- ,of Sarnia, :with relatives monies for the concert,..yllich will' here. shareti Grace remained -for -feature numbers • supplied by each holidays. '" ' , I of the locals in the county. The Mr. and 1VIrs. Ray Norris, of To- • presidents of the locals will act as rontor with Mr. ,and Mr. Harry I ushers and caretakers. Norris; , •"- . Some , changes were announced • Mr. and- 1VIrs. Frank "Allen, Mr. in: the panel. debate to be held in Andrew McLachlan - and . Mrs. Seaforth District_ High_ School- on,. Grace- Scott' -with..- Mr. and MI.'S. Monday. The panel Will'-riow in- John 'McLachlan' in ' Egmondville, • chide Gordon ,Hill, "The•Women's;Missioriary Society dent :for - Ontario.;- -Laurence Nes. Easter meeting was held „iii the bitt, Auburn,, past President of church on Good Friday -evening, Huron Junior! FarnierS; Dr. "Hop- with Mr; T. Laing presiding. Mrs. per, 0.A.C.,, Guelph, and. William E, :1Vfoore read the Scripture 1e - Harvey, &Adman, United Ca -op- son: The roll call was answered eratiVes ' of Ontario, .GOderich; with repeating, an taster message. Moderator will be 'Vaughan ,Doug- The study book„ dealing with the las, farm editor, Winghani. . Canadian Indians, Was taken -by Robert' Tayler ,geve a head of- Mrs. M. Lamond,,assisted by Mrs, flee report on the 0.F.T.Y. policy of T, L. Scott, Mrs. Harper and Mrs,. deficiency payments far farm pro: N. Halbert. : • ,ducts, This is being Studied by the The •fitn, "TheLong Stride," .government,, especially.on hogs at was shown. In."the absence of Mr. the present time. He alSO ,stated Kerr,' a Short Easter Message on the union- WaS' _pleased.' with the the three- crosses was given by government's decision to pay. 4).'Lloyd Soradahl. Sorsdahl, had BLAKE Ploliday. visitors with Mr: and, Geiger. and Mrs; Mary .11.1.:Ins..n were: Mr. and Mrs. Doraki-Ilanson and family,' of- To- ronto. Mr. Archie Mlistard, of Windsor, spent the Easter weekend with his wife- arid .•.. Mr: Ilug,hic` McBride, Of 'Lon- sperit the weekend" With his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Roy _Mc- Bride and Johnny. • • ' - and -Mrs.--• Glen' Stab-let:add Anne Marie, -of Ripley," visited"with, 'Mr. Harold Finlay and faniilY, • • Mrs.. Rudy Desch spent a fetv days with her'daughter and son -in.. laW,. Mr. 'arid Mrs. Bert Faber, of KiPPen. Mr.:and Mrs. Lloyd 'Jeffery and Agnes and, Mrs, Blanche Mason, of Windsor, spent the holiday week • end with Mrs. Leon. Jeffery and ' •e::Improvemetit: vis49yiApril 2- riday , • , AfterMions =Evenings .8'0.m., . . , Ric,14 :ARENA The Complete Lines - Deinorittrations - Ideas - Do4t-Vourself Projec $ PaMts, (113 orating, Colors), Free Designing and Layouts-.Fre 'YXT eOERstin;te;EaRli4ISWILLAdv1ee ! ABE ;RESENT FREE FREE ! FREE' TICKETS O VARRIVS ITEMS Ask TO Try the. Neiv PAINTS and you: ,receive a :ticket 0» 5 Gallons- ofPailit„iree--ank edlor, quantityor 'type, :for the ludcy lipket„,..holder; SEE' THE VARIOUS DEMONSTRATIONS AND RECEIVE 'OUR FREE GIFtFS • 'REE HATS and ICALLOONS'FOR, THE 611ILDREN .ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS, Mrs., Leslie Malcolm. and" Mr. and,Mrs, Ritz spent Easter 8unqy with Mr; and Mrs. Jack Malcolm. Mr. and " Ge.orge, l'epper visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Barker on Monday. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Leo Werhman and family,. of Denfield, visited Easter Sunday with her parents„ ,and Mrs. Albert -Roney, and,Mr.: and Mrs. Charles Roney. ' Mr. and IVIrs. Morley tannin and Gayle in stratford pecently.• 'Mr. and Mrs; -ROSS GOrdOn, Don- na and Barry and Mr. Hugh Gor- don, visited Mrs. Mary Malcolin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kemp and family and Mr. Dalton Balfour visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper on FridaY. • Mrs, George Pepper and ,Mrs. per cent each and the eenntY•20 Pet current 'events, Mrs, Grace Scott Lawrence , Barker with My, a eent 'on, animals lost by rabies. He liad' •Glad Tidings prayer, Mr. Mrs. Georte 1Vloore on Monday, advised the farmers,' who had IOSt Ernest Tenipleroan favored With a Messrs. "John and jim Gibb vis - livestock from rabies, .- to have a Solo. Mrs,. Win. Miller presided at , ited. Mr. and Mrs., George, Gibb at certificate`prepared for compepsa- the organ, 'Mrs. rper eloSed the 'Mr, and Mrs., Dalton Malcolm's thin, ' • ineeting vvith prayer. •• • • on MondaY., •e; EVENING. PROGRAMME: Fijms on Edj4Cation,'IMprovemeut and - ...Modern 'Living 'sgoRt PLAYS ,Musicaud Singing by Local Talent See DICKEY: - DEAN .. • „ The F.atnous Magician in ! I3ACXED OUR SUPPLIERS' spoiasorect, E.R"t: SALES and flit ::Sgslyict:-