HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-04-03, Page 5BRussms LIONS ANNU
icert :ante'
Draw for New Chevrolet Car at Miftight
At Brussels Town Hall on
rMDAY, APRIL' _10th
Concert at 8:30 p.ni. DANCE to icarbw.
The . Kansas Farmer presents
Wonderful Array -of Talent, featuring:
Singers - Dancers -1; Musicians - Two Orchestras
RAE WATSON, Lucknow, M.C.
.Chiklreia.L25c (One Admission-) Adults775-c--
ere is a little ditty that isn?t exactly new:
"..Reinember when you.helpitlie Lions, ,
They are also :helping '
o Get your Car Tickets NOW from an
Memloer of the Lions Club.
WANT AbASY PRING Phone 141. 0
Precision Granulated•for Precision Planting
hone-- eafOrt
-Ilielviost Value For the Farmer'S. Dollar"
. •
11k-Ati TI -LE ADVEkiISEIVIVNTS.: ti .Pl'ofitablePastime,
uron ountY Poultr roducor
AT -I -
will be held
Ingham Town: Hall
Council Chambers
Monday, April 6th,,trt 8:30 p
TOM ROl3SON, Leamington,
President �f Ontario Poultry Producers
_ 4.*
---gpEAT(giz -
Tuesday, April 7th, at 8:30 pap:.
Agricultural Board Rooms, CLINTON-
Titursda'Y, April 9th, at :3€) p.m.
Do YOU want a strong Poultry Organization?
If so, WIIAT.do you *ant it to do topromotethe.
Bob McKinley, Pres, . J. .C. Hemingway Sec:
News tif'St. Colun'tb4n
School Children
Fea'tire Comedy
In -Parish, Hall
Saiidge .From Turnip",
Ridge", a comedy, of three acts,
was staged in St. Colirffihan parish
hall on March' 13 and March 20,
The cast ' af characters„we.re: Sil-
as, played by Frank,Malone; Thad-
deus McPheeters,, a miserly store-
keeper,- Ray Maloney; his sister,
Miss SimplicitY, Jean Moylan; his.
daughter, Florence, Mary Ellen
Doyle. Miss Lolola Pikiey, thepost-
mistress' and village ..gossip, Joan
Coyrie; _ Thaddeus' helper'
store,-OSwala Gorlick:Don Coyne;
Neurasthenia Twiggs,' themaid in
the. McPheeter's household, Kath-
arine Ryan; Ben Bruce, „Silas'
nephew, Jim 1VIelady;•Wayne Ken-
Brother Thorrihill,• Donald Moylari;
•his sister Enicl,, Mary Melady.;-•
Judy, an. orphan' girl, Jean- Mel-
ody; Miss Muriel, Armitage," Sirilk's
Thewhole-cast and.the directors,
Mrs. Joseph Melady-- and Mrs.
IVIichael Murray, - -
Between' acts ...Miss, Rosemry
Lane' Sang', end dances were given
by • Marie and Theresa Cronin,
-Mar Y Ellen Doyle, Mary Lou
Coyne and,Patsy arid -John- Mc-
Grath .
On 1VIonday. evening friends and
-neighbors gathered at the. home
'of Mr. and Mrs. •Nicholas Kraus -
kept '16' honor them and- express
appreciation of- their many, years
of being 'good 1neighbors .among
them, Presentations were -Made of
a cluck-radid-te—IVIr.---Krara-ske-p-f,
Who is a patient in St. Mary's Hos-
London, tWo "end tables, two
table lamps and ,a purse te_ Mrs.•
Kra'uskopf, •and ;luggage. to Miss
Last VVednesday evening- a good
crow,c1 assembled at • the C.O.F.
Hall here in another series of
euchres. Prizes went to the fol-
lowing: `ladies, first, Miss Betty
Dolmage; - lone _hands, Glenyce
Jewitt; low, Mrs. George., Case;
men, first, Les Delmage; lone
hands, Bobby Pryce; • low,. Les
Bryce. The next euchre will lae
held Friday, April 10. Watch for
further advertisement. ,
Mr. and Mrs, _Borden Brown last
of Stratferd, with Mr. %and Mrs,
Geerge McIlwain; " Miss Mary
Whyte, of Guelph, and Mr. ,Tom
Whyte, of Ridgetown, IVIr, and Mrs.,
John Whyte, of 0.Shawa, with M.
and Mrs, W. L. Whyte, 'and Mr:.
Douglas• Riley, of 'Eastwood, _with
Mr. and Mrs. ,F.• Riley. '
Mrs. Robert Janaieson, Mrs.. Art
Colson and Nancy and Mr. Jim
Jamieson visited over the week-
end, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald
and family, of Midland Mich.
Mr. -and MrS. Allister -Wigg and
two son; of Barrie, and Mr. and
ign..stewapt Wigg, oX Walkerton,
were Easter guests of Mrs. F,
Wigg, •.
Miss Madys Thompson and Mrs.
D: 1VIcAree have returned home
from South ' Nassau and Florida;
where. they sPent the last three
months. ,
MiSS •Mkrayn „Hillis, Tillsonburg,
and„Mr.,' arid Mr.S. Donald Hillis
and -daughter, of Ingersoll, were
e nesday attended the • banquet Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood and Easter weekend viSiters with Miss
in Ontario St,!‘ Church, Clinton, Mr. and MrS'.• C. Delaney,.W4idsor, Mabel, Turnbull, - - • - ,
sPonSorecl by the Royal Black Pre- spent the Weekend With Mr.,.. and, Miss ElsieDrover,-Ilamilton, Dr.
eeptory , of Huron County, in honor Mrs. Robert GrimeldbY. , John and 'Mrs:, Drover arid family,.
of the Grand Master of 'Royal Mr. 'Pad Mrs, Robert Woods and Tharnclale.,,and IVIrs, KwenrWe m.
Black PrecePtOrY of Ontario Nest- Debbie, of Ajax, Visited over ' the and -children, Clinton, e Eaasters
Mr. J.If.. Morrison, 'orSarnia,. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank visitors with, IVIr. and Mrs. Win.
ter •holidays at their parental maine,d with ' her • grandParents
- young people who enjoyed Eas- Riley. Little Debbie Woods re- Drover
ter mrs:, D. e`a' xin' •g, arnia,,2
homes were: Miss Joy Montgom- •rviaile her parents are spending spent' the: weekend -with-lVIr.--• and-
ery, of Anderson,•Indiario, with Mr. holidays in New York ' ' -0M-rS7-ri-Rusteri -- - •
-1Viuriel-Dater-Of Rrampton, with Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs -
and mr-s. C. Montgomery•;•__Miss Mrs-e-C-irarlotte-LITO sa--)el'it-tile ',Mr; Dona'td-pale", of,the'telae- -lung-
Janet MacGregor, of Fordwich, I Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and
Mr .>' and Mrs: Verne .Dale ;• -Miss ' D.• IVfillson and SamilY• asptaeffn.t•°Ef Easter at
and Mr.' Charles MacGregor, of 'family ,spent the weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundas and
Guelphe-with Mr. and Mrs. -Ross and 'Mrs. EarrLawson.---,--",---------- Dri-Di-iiida-§-,---all-Of 'Toronto, visited
MacGregor; Miss Helen McIlwain, I Mrs, James -Medd spent a day Eater weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
1 week with•Mrs Layton hi -Ex- Willis Dundas The Y 'a de (imp a ni dd
•eter., . ,• Mr. and Mrs W. bundas to Wal-
' '" K
H''' RL C 1 Mr-. 'and mrsy,_,Ekalz.id_Catcher--and--torilaoY-d-wedding_ore„saferclay. •
• , • -... ,' ... . .._ - fainily, of Toronto, Spent the Week ''.' 'mi.: and.-Mrs..;•L. .B..!,1VIerrisen, of
. Mr. and Mrs. Nel•son Lear, and, end with. Mr. and.,11r.s. Wilbur- Thornhillvisited friends in town
Doris ' of .Londesbore," '• Mr .' ' and -Jewitt and family ' '.' ' ' • • this Week ' ' -.. " - • •
• • .. . . . . • . • . • ... . • . •
,m1VIrils5ra•nNdelmSorris'..Rjaeithdes.ofseWetatl,toTrnaanricid,: .iimndr.?yatnedspMenrsd. ,,WIrreii dJ."..aeyviitite lreeft_.
... .. . .. .
...' my Douglas' Stewart, Toronto,
family visited with :Mr. and Mrs. .ronto.. .....' . , . . speirrEaster-with his parents,...Mr.
-, . and ,ivriS. 'J. A. Stewart, . • . '
Jarnes Seott,'Sr.„ and Ken on'Sat- •• Mr. and .trs„.Wilmer Glousher,
urdaY might. • , - ,.., .. :''' and Stewart visited Easter. Sunday
' •Misses. -Lou, ..,Roe;. H.Kitchener;. with mr. ailci-Mr. -Austin Dexter,: a:,.'Wifei.isv...Kd8lei.yirss'a..,n:imniVic:KIT:eLtec'enha;e11:neitsW-And:i.
'1Vtary Lou hoe; Stratford:, Leonora : . of. Blyth, of KingStori,
ifarnilten,,' Stratford; and Be th, IVIc... , - gr...a:rid MrS.-tDawdry and'Itici-. spentEaster- With .iiiS ' fainiIY. here.
Eyving; are , spending their. 'Easter ,. ey ,"and Dennis. Hale; .of :•Woodstock ;' Mr: W.' .S.. B.readfoot iS-a ':Patient
holidaye at their reSp.ective heines.. spent:. Sunday : With.. Mr. and Mrs _,m4a.s:_,Linda_Gai„vani„,.,..Lc,.4.do_a_
in Se"ott Memeri.a.1.. Ilospital.
.cottgmtui.a.tions_are---e-xtande&-ter--.D7-.-M•illSon• andlaiiiilY2'7-... :.... • ...• guest .at the hottic pi Mr,. ,anci. Mrs..:
Mr. Prid: Mrs. James Scott; "Sr., . .Mr.. and Mrs Ken: Reid and sons •
who,:wiu,eejehrate their 30th .wd._, :Of .1,o0c1.0±4z-ViSited, last' Friday: with, ,A• •Y••• meLe 'an- "- ''''''''- - '-'''' ' • ' '
dipganniversary,_on;LFrld.ay-,-.7•APril-•-iyfr.•-••'and.,Mrs.' Luther Sanders„.••. eoEma,estoefi', D'iihr.,OliadnadY•--. m'i,gsUeHstasrry'ats7-i.terhe.
3rd. ,, . ' '''• '''. , ' ' .'. `',. '' ... .: Mr: and Mrs , -IL Preszcator''and • . MF
.famt•' 1 'dd•• NI a NI 3
LeonaKrauskopfThe recipient
.,..*!..ss '1VI'arjarie '.1VIcEwing •••visitecl..ily;vi.site.d•Stinday,with ... and, Cox and sg.,,..,./lodopice,._of,frprouto,,,;,
'. : . ":sover,' theEaster•..• , n w , et Mrs
; ,..."-LeS ..Parker -r -Exeter.„. Miss „T„:_.
,expreaSei.l.."(their, igratitiule• and...,a- parents; .1VIr. :and.. MTS.; John' Mt-,,Jean„.rernained_fer lielidaysl--wilit-e-: 6,0441444.1_,.,....xitreat'
pr ,and. .1‘Irs.77V.V..... G,•..B.rtice and
• 'lea'S'a ' ' ' ''- - ' '..lis-r=s•PO' '..;11-t-:',AV-ing-•. -',- '• : .• • „ . . , . • • ;Gary • .is . sp,endm,g-Thethdays... th• '
-.Mrs.' Kranskopf th.aVe • •.: Mr. •dna , Mrs. ' ReSselleIVI.atBethi'paur i Gary Betties OL,Wi th IVIrS.' II, .11. Stewart.lrid family, .of
'sold their, Iarin...-and-,...held• a:-.•shc.-", and'faihily,•.of fondan;Visited OV-•'.• 'Mr. and 1\Iii. 'Lorne •LawsOli- vis- art' and. Mrs:. Stewart ,and fahaily,.
--n----2.-•., '-Kitelaener;••-and-Resi-.•-•a. --II.: Stew:
' Oe.saful.,1 a ale*Of., stookr-and ' Machin.-- • er. : the holiday weekend; ,wi ' • ' the -itied • Sunday. Wi,th 1VIr. and , ' Mrs.
era,"-on.MondaY afternoOn., , ' , ' latter's Par.ents:,,...Mr. arid 'MI'S,' GeO,.'.13ill Irani -ling," Of,LondeSbero:' '.
and..11,-(ei.s.,...p..oier.,.,-..,1,/ay-, ' of •Niakaia
..-"T,om IVICIver, Tororitoi•with...Mr:" Watt.', i orS'•.:•vvi 1.....and
IVIrs.:Williani..McIVer. ":' L, : . 'Mrs. Arthur -.Colson; Nancy Col- - Mrs,. ; jack:Medd.,arid family .1Vere.
... ' Ebb' Murray, ,cpbourg, . with Mr :" Son, Mrs : - Robert , . Jamieson „ and Mr and Mrs; Harold Phillips, 'Mrs;
an is. :Stephen 'Murray; • .',„ , .. ,James Jamieson visited.last week- jessie,Helland .and. bell, of 131.tla,:.
,Aliss, .Agnes •Ilickne.11 and Peter end with Mr:. and Mrs: -Jack Don % Mr: and'IVIrs. Harold': 'h 11
Bicknell," Kitehenei•, -with. Mr.' and 'aid,. ; of Midland, •Miek,, •.and,".fam',-.' of Toronte. • Mr,. • PhillipsJr.„ juSt.
MrS.. Peter 1-lieknell. ';; ' -!' ', "'• ily": ":'' ''.-. • " •",' • ". , I'leturri'ed :harrie: to ' Toronto -from
`..` Mr.: .and -Mrs.,.: Dorf-Pfeard• and•.'„ 1Viri, and Mrs. Glen.,RobinsOn.. and 'Egypt, . Where. he', ha d_been 'station'
familY, NeWmOrket,„ . and •••Mr, andfamily, of North Bey;, ViSitedzoVeited-Ahe"p-a"St Year.,,' and is,new .toilae.:
'Mrs. JOhn-FaWeett-,. Load& •• With- :the'' 'Weeltener'with-. mt.', .ang .1VIrs. , Stationeri•at Vanconver. .' • . • -
ilVIr.. and Mrs: ,j; ' j.„Holland .. . 'Ernrriersbn He,sk..,•••.,...„.• , ,' ,. , r ...IVIr.'and Mrs,,GeorgeAddisen, of
'. Miss. Joari Affaloney• arid. NIT. and . , '• , -r, - , .' . , ' • • ." • ' I.Seaforth„ visited SuridaY , with, 'IVIr.'.
.Mrs..• Frahk,' Maloney,",Kitehener, "'„ ,' -.' .•.'"' '. ' ' ' . - • _ ,-.,.- , ....-:.. and, Mrs„ Charles Dexter...
, , , .
with. Mr. and:MrS. Peter-IVIaloneY.. I .•..-:„...•': . '-- • M 'Mrs Frank Rile.y 'vis.
BRUCEF-IELD ---- •:•' ••• '''-'.-a d. • '
-and- ivIrs,,-•-.Tames- laoyle, of- • • . • ' ited Sunday With:their niece Mr,,,
KiiigSten„.: and j•VIISS.,:„Anne',.•Malene`Y.: AVIrs magi -as jelnr4da. and,. karn4Y,.
Kitchener,'' with .•-• .11/1r, ,end, ,-1V,Irs,••• of •NVindscir ;spent dieEaster 'Week, 'of" ,Gederieh. • •
Mr. and.Mrs. ;Charles' Sherwood;
FrankVVIaloney; • • end with mr.• and IVIrs. W. Me-' Mr: and Mrs. Borden Brown of Montreal„, spent Easter. week
, Mr., and Mrs, Allan Butters, CO- J3eath. • " • •••.. -JOYea and"Elaine spent Easter:Sun-
'bourg; Miss Clare'''Malone, Strat- Morle.y Taylor, of Toronto day 'with relatives in Hanever. - • bald a d th
. ''with' Mrs:•.Robert--.Archi-
ford d Ja k Malone, ,K 'Spent the weekend with his par-,' • I's: Lorne. Lawson. spent IVIenr
Falls,,and:three gran childre
guest's of krs...Thornas gliVei. and
ether friends, s '•
Mr.. SaineS. Rowat is ''sPending, a
,feW "days '
- Miss Eaten,' daughters..
and.:IVIr .Walter". (Tirn)LEaten;•
Was. ahle terethrn liarnelast week
-after-,:being a-Patientin-Lornon-and
Strattordlospitals for the paSt..-six
. r•-.MiSs Helen Smith land,Mr.,...Deng,,
sPent .the
Weekend,' at: -the ,hoirre _the, lat-
ter'Spareirts,IVIr",, and° rs-":„..7-JarriesT
'I'. Scott. •
ing,-. With Mr and 1Virs.....J.,,L,', Ma- wits,- Mr: and •:Mrs. ' Victer., Taylor. day. in London.' . , ., . ...:•" "...:
'Ione.,;' ''' • • ." • . ' . ' - " . . . ... ' -.• • . ''.• ', '-.Mrs. •',Iialinl.R.'Murdechreturned . Th degree team -Of,- Constance
Mr and -Mrs..'" Kea Lane -, • and 'h‘ome.. L,frOm ',Harnillon-.-Where. :she. C.oy; visited the Reiiiiiiller lodke-
'farnily.;. London, withkr. apc.FivIrs:. spent,s9#16. : tine; With her da ug h- 'Monday ever -di -1g" and. donferted.the
- ' .
V... J.'. Lane. . '• .... ' : t -ter, -... Beth, : who .IS 4 'patient. in the degree. Of Forestry; upon a number.
-Toni', Dudharine, ...Kerini-- poen- •hostaltal, 'haying Undergone , 'Sur"; of , .menthers •;,.ef„ the •Benniiller
arrne . and ' Miss Hilda Kennedy, of gery.• -. ..- , ' • ' ' - ... f ,..'......-....,'„•...-L -'''.143dge,.. , . ..• ...-. . ; .;..",...' ' . : ' ;.' .. '
L':(1.n CiOn ,;-'1Arith' MF. anctIVIrs; AUgust •':CorigratulatiOns are extended:to: .. -1V1iSS., .Glenyce 'IjeWitt;„••daugnter
. •
Ducharnie.' , ' ,. • ' • .. , -;...• ..•••;.• Mr "•and Mrs Rob 't Allen '-of-M •' d '' ' ' ' •
. n on the r. an Mrs. Wilbur -it
M. •and Mrs, Lod kovviand and gift of a baby son. • ceived word that she- won first
'family and mr. and Mrs. 1VIartin Mr. and Mrs. I-1. Dalrymple and place in the essay written on. `Be-
Purpell and farnily spent Easter Mr and Mrs It b rt 1 T
P „ p ,, , spon- at left Sunday, by air for Florida;
with Mr.' and•Mrs.'.I..ack 1VIcIver, attended the fiiiieral:"Oflate,,..„$0,41?y,,,
Dora---,-Walker7M7CIfiffdit" Ten' second:place was wen theh4rancifcithey:, • 7-77 7
Will 'return- bY meter- 'with
, Miss. Sheila 4Rowat' is visiting in
'Miss Patricia Faulkner, of Galt,
Lillian Faulkner spent ,a few daYs
in Toronto. -
Master Phillip Baldwin s-
ent a
few days 'in London.
• Mrs: Iceith• Sharp' has • returned
following a' trip ha Saskatche
r. and Mrs, J'arnes A. Murray
'of Dundalk,. spent Easter, in town.
Messrs. Teter and William Row -
-Anne Nolan and Vn_Lcent 'Nelan,:::.01_,4Sa,turday,-- • ;7,7- • by -Alfas ra-Tan, druglq. ,IVIrs. " Baldwin -arid Master,
-Kitehener, with' Nolan. Dr. and Mr; John MacGregor: ter of • Mr:. and lVIrs. Donald Rneh-
MissMaM. .
and Frank. . • • ,..and • d:aUghter,......Ginger, an':an.; Congratulations go forward phiu,ip Baldwin spent Eater. .d •New York.. They were aCcompaii,
.",rY:alone, tindgef, iS 'spent the weekend 'Witta.-to, these' .twc?.. girls: and hoP•e' theY' ied hy missin
•Mr: and- -Mrs.' jeseph Clete BaldWin, •of
1VIa-''IVIrs. MacGregor's parent's Rev. , ve. coritinuen. Success' as they:en- d .• ,
' , and /15,rs.._..S. naViS02-1, • .ter into higher. cornpetition. ,
.' Was' Mary; -01Stillivan;" London ; Mrs. V. Hargreaves has return Miss Joyce- Jewitt entertained
with her mother, IVIrs. Theresa ed from a pleasant two Weeks' her Sunday Schee,' cless-TuesdayO'SuIltvanIV/iss Dianne Free are, On a 'trio to
holiday in Florida. - _afternoon. About 15 boys and girls
Mr. and Mrs. VVilliam Kelly and -Mr. .and Mrs. 'George Griffith assernbled and enjoyed a few hours.
baby, Hamilton, and Miss Beatrice and family, Stratford, and Mr. and of.social entertainment, with lunch
Maloney, , Waterloo, with Wilfred Mrs. Lawrence Smiley spent Eas- Served by the hostess and sister,
Maloney. . ter with Mrs. H. Berry, Miss Janice; Jewitt
Toni Murphy, Elmira, with 1VIr, Mr. and Mrs ,• Ray Mason, of
John__McIlharge-Lucan -i-a rt-I-Criox were -w -----k-- tKILLOP
Mr-:.-Ifid-M-rf.-11, , Free and
California, They went bY
;IVIr.•and Mrs. Wallace Ross have
returned from a holiday in Florida.
. Vir. Clarence- Riechert is a pat-
ient 'in Seett: IVIernorial Hospital.
'qrs. J.'M.--MCIVIillan visited ov-
'er the holida-Y, in Pickering, •
1VIISS.--Elizabeth'Murdie -and
and:MrS. X. C. IVIurdie, of f nek.2
now, attended .the ftineral of , the.
late Wright.• '
Miss•Patricia Falconer, of -Gait,.
spent Easter with her -aunt, Mis's
Lillian Faulkner. -
' Mr. 'George -C•larke is a Patient -
in Stratford general Hospital, .
and MrS, %T. F. Murphy. :Windsor, and.Mr. and Mrs.. Stew; ' m
ApEtZ 2#50-4
Nlisses and IVOnfin'S
_ Rggwar.yahies,
:95 to .49.5.5
00 to
Ilere sr, a clearance group 'of crte-
of . a• kind Spring Suits that we
must clear. out. They consist most-
of:tweeds- and some plain shades
and are .styled in new short length
coats and some standard fitted
inodels.%, They are a give-away .gt.
•, .these low prices.
: ,SIZES 12 TO -1. ONLY
The Smartest Tailare
The New -
Blouse-YOtt CafilYear
Neatly Swiss • embroidered
fine cotton dress blouses that
„wash easily and require little
or no ironing. -.
You mast see these dainty'
embroidered blouses now, -
They Come in popular white,- -
pink,'blue-andbeige, in sizes
_12' to 20. -
.95 o
Mr, and MrS. AlYoung and chil-
dren, of .Toronto,,".with Mrs,, -Mary
O'Rearke.,,and 'Frank" • . .• • .
.'Mr. LouisLarie,and„
Laurie•Anner_LOL_Landeri, with Mr
; • . ' •
„Mr.'. and, Mrs.. Bili •MOrphY.•zaild.
sons. of Port Colborne, with 'Mrs.-
Ch,arles Kistner -and Mr: and IVIrs.•
J. F. Murph.Y.. • • •
: Pat MeGrath;••-of -.CarletePlace, with n
Mrs,. McGrath and
,11/1r. :and Mrs: 'Maurice Dillon
and children, St. Thomas; Mr..'and
Mrs. Wilfred Duffy• -'and children
WoodstoCk.and Mr, and Mrs.. Jim
Kelly and daughter,Seaforth, With
Mrs, Louis Dilloivand Dorothy. '
r 11/Ir.:and. Mrs. Allan Betters, Of
Port Hope; Miss Phyllis Butters,
London, arid -Mr: arid Mrs. Ronald
Butters' and on, of St. Thomas,
and.- IVIrs.--zTorri'Butters.
'With, Mr, and Mrs. Chas,. Eriend.
•...Mr, and Mrs. John Cleary • and
"baby, daughter, Karen, Marie" of ,
London, with Mr. and Mrs.' Frank
and :IVIrs, Peter. GreSech and
.children, TatriCia Costello
and Danny,' ofLondon, 'and 'Mr;
' Gordon Costello, Toronto, With•Mr,
aritl.-1VIrS. Dan 'Castello. •' , '
• ,Cpl, and -Mrs, Jean LaVrie at .
'.Farnham, •Qiiebec.'. .•
Mss ,I3patrige .Mui -ray and: IVIig
-Iicirari, Brantford, .at their •
, .
visiting her brothein-latv and guests with Mr. and. Mrs. __Lorne- ' Mr: and ••Mrs'. Cecil Franks and
'sister, Mr and Mrs. T'ark McIver. Wilson, -
`. Mr. and Mrs:, Bob Price, New - A. number. of Brucefield citizens Gail; of Preston, visited Mr. ;and
1VIrsWilliam Koehler.
market,`.Mr,,and Mrs. Jae Kraus- called. on Mr. and, `IVIrs. Orland- Mr. and 'Mrs.• Aubrey McNichol
kopf, Hamilton, Billyy Krauskopf, Johnston, Seaforth',.. on Sunday, to
and. family visited _Mrarid Mrs;
Britt and Prank Kratiskopf, Gran = congratulate them on the occasiq- Norman Eggert'
ton, spent the weekend with their' of -their twenty-fifth wedding anm- .1
mother, Mrs.- Nicholas Krauskopl. versary. ,t - Mr. and Mrs, Harry -Itegelc vis-
, ' ited Mr. arid IVIrs..T. Taylor, Gode-
. Miss Marian McIvet, Detroitm
,' is Brucefield and _comunity- were rice. . .. , . , i '
spending_a week with Mr. and Mrs.' sorry to 'hear ofRhe- fire, at Mr.
Mrand MrsEdwin MacKen-
William IVIclyer. . , Lloyd Craig's „ Which destroyed zie 'ancl
,-.•-.' "
their store; tome •and all their be • fainily, ;Detroit, and Mrs.
Fred'Hoegy, Seaforth, Visited with
W.I, EUCHRE 19ngings• A. miscellanemis shower Mr. and MrS; Lavern Hoe0 re -
will be held irt: the - BrueefieId '
- „. centlY. Mr. Foster Smith and Orre-
The Seaform
th- WOmen's Institute Church baseent'. on Tuesday, " • al, Monc,rieff, Miss Lila Smithof
held their last euehre and dance Everyone will be welcome to come Kitchener, .and Mr.. and Mi -s; Les-.
on Mareh 20 in Seaforth Conimuri- ,and. help' your -neighbor. '
it Y Centre. Th
Centre. were: ' A shower. was held for Miss Ina ter Green, RosevIlle,, Miclt, • were
Sunday visitors 'at thesame home.
ladieshigh Mrsjack IVIcKaY; Taylor, when. about 90 ladies gathz
, ,, , .
A Passion play is to be • pre.
steond, Mr's, Charles Eyre; conso- erect in the church schoblrbom
011 seted ..in the vangelical -United
lation; Mrs. Ray„Townserid; gents; Monday evening and. presented', Church on April 5, at
• high, rnest 'VVhitehquse; second, 1VIiss Taylor' with , a miscellaneous 8001,-,inv hy the ehoir
i '
Alex Pepper; eonsolation, • WallY' shOwer. ..' • • .• , , • •
• Crich. Zurich., - •
Minister of Health for Ontario
FOr the Provincial Riding of Huron
880 pan.
Clinton Legion Memorial Hall
Discuss -Concert. CROMARTY
' I • Sgt. and Mrs: F., BetteS, who
t Meet have been residing in the village
• • - • ' for the past few months,..are. Mew,.
The coming amateur and variety ing toClinton' to take up residence
concert 'was discussed, at the -boardClinton
at Clnton Ar School,
meeting efthe Huron county locals' Miss Alice ScrS.dahl• in 4.c.i.4.49.n.
of" the Ontario. Farniers' 'Union, with Miss Charlotte Batten.
• held in -Clinton Saturday night. Bob • Mf.. and 'Mrs. Frank Cadiekand
Taylor Will act as master of- cere- ,of Sarnia, :with relatives
monies for the concert,..yllich will' here. shareti Grace remained -for
-feature numbers • supplied by each holidays. '" ' , I
of the locals in the county. The Mr. and 1VIrs. Ray Norris, of To-
• presidents of the locals will act as rontor with Mr. ,and Mr. Harry
I ushers and caretakers. Norris; , •"-
. Some , changes were announced • Mr. and- 1VIrs. Frank "Allen, Mr.
in: the panel. debate to be held in Andrew McLachlan - and . Mrs.
Seaforth District_ High_ School- on,. Grace- Scott' -with..- Mr. and MI.'S.
Monday. The panel Will'-riow in- John 'McLachlan' in ' Egmondville, •
chide Gordon ,Hill, "The•Women's;Missioriary Society
dent :for - Ontario.;- -Laurence Nes. Easter meeting was held „iii the
bitt, Auburn,, past President of church on Good Friday -evening,
Huron Junior! FarnierS; Dr. "Hop- with Mr; T. Laing presiding. Mrs.
per, 0.A.C.,, Guelph, and. William E, :1Vfoore read the Scripture 1e -
Harvey, &Adman, United Ca -op- son: The roll call was answered
eratiVes ' of Ontario, .GOderich; with repeating, an taster message.
Moderator will be 'Vaughan ,Doug- The study book„ dealing with the
las, farm editor, Winghani. . Canadian Indians, Was taken -by
Robert' Tayler ,geve a head of- Mrs. M. Lamond,,assisted by Mrs,
flee report on the 0.F.T.Y. policy of T, L. Scott, Mrs. Harper and Mrs,.
deficiency payments far farm pro: N. Halbert. : •
,ducts, This is being Studied by the The •fitn, "TheLong Stride,"
.government,, especially.on hogs at was shown. In."the absence of Mr.
the present time. He alSO ,stated Kerr,' a Short Easter Message on
the union- WaS' _pleased.' with the the three- crosses was given by
government's decision to pay. 4).'Lloyd Soradahl. Sorsdahl, had
Ploliday. visitors with Mr: and,
Geiger. and Mrs;
Mary .11.1.:Ins..n were: Mr. and Mrs.
Doraki-Ilanson and family,' of- To-
Mr. Archie Mlistard, of Windsor,
spent the Easter weekend with his
wife- arid .•..
Mr: Ilug,hic` McBride, Of 'Lon-
sperit the weekend" With his
parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Roy _Mc-
Bride and Johnny. • • '
- and -Mrs.--• Glen' Stab-let:add
Anne Marie, -of Ripley," visited"with,
'Mr. Harold Finlay and faniilY, •
• Mrs.. Rudy Desch spent a fetv
days with her'daughter and son -in..
laW,. Mr. 'arid Mrs. Bert Faber, of
Mr.:and Mrs. Lloyd 'Jeffery and
Agnes and, Mrs, Blanche Mason,
of Windsor, spent the holiday week •
end with Mrs. Leon. Jeffery and '
vis49yiApril 2- riday
, •
, AfterMions =Evenings .8'0.m.,
. .
Ric,14 :ARENA
The Complete Lines - Deinorittrations - Ideas - Do4t-Vourself
Projec $ PaMts, (113 orating, Colors), Free Designing and
eOERstin;te;EaRli4ISWILLAdv1ee !
Ask TO Try the. Neiv PAINTS
and you: ,receive a :ticket 0» 5 Gallons- ofPailit„iree--ank
edlor, quantityor 'type, :for the ludcy lipket„,..holder;
Mrs., Leslie Malcolm. and" Mr.
and,Mrs, Ritz spent Easter 8unqy
with Mr; and Mrs. Jack Malcolm.
Mr. and " Ge.orge, l'epper
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-
ence Barker on Monday. '
• Mr. and Mrs. Leo Werhman and
family,. of Denfield, visited Easter
Sunday with her parents„ ,and
Mrs. Albert -Roney, and,Mr.: and
Mrs. Charles Roney. '
Mr. and IVIrs. Morley tannin
and Gayle in stratford pecently.•
'Mr. and Mrs; -ROSS GOrdOn, Don-
na and Barry and Mr. Hugh Gor-
don, visited Mrs. Mary Malcolin
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kemp and
family and Mr. Dalton Balfour
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Pepper on FridaY.
• Mrs, George Pepper and ,Mrs.
per cent each and the eenntY•20 Pet current 'events, Mrs, Grace Scott Lawrence , Barker with My, a
eent 'on, animals lost by rabies. He liad' •Glad Tidings prayer, Mr. Mrs. Georte 1Vloore on Monday,
advised the farmers,' who had IOSt Ernest Tenipleroan favored With a Messrs. "John and jim Gibb vis
livestock from rabies, .- to have a Solo. Mrs,. Win. Miller presided at , ited. Mr. and Mrs., George, Gibb at
certificate`prepared for compepsa- the organ, 'Mrs. rper eloSed the 'Mr, and Mrs., Dalton Malcolm's
thin, ' • ineeting vvith prayer. •• • • on MondaY.,
Fijms on Edj4Cation,'IMprovemeut and -
...Modern 'Living
'sgoRt PLAYS
,Musicaud Singing by Local Talent
• „
The F.atnous Magician in !
SALES and flit ::Sgslyict:-