The Huron Expositor, 1959-04-03, Page 1One Hundredth Year
Whole Number 4756
Single Copies, 5 Cents
$2.40 a Year M AdVallee
a orth Man
terCar Crash
Condition -,of Mel ,Aeheson; 45,
Seaforth, wassatiafactIry, provid-
ing. no further tempi]. oations, de-
veloped, Dr. , John B. Moore, of
- _
Michell, told; Thep,Expositor Wed-
, , •
nesday'• Mr. -Acheson Strat-
,General Hospital fellowing an
when his ear wentout,Of,
control near Keimicott, north of
gitchell, about 9:30 Sunday'
Dr.. Moore said Mr. Acheson was
suffering from severe shock, -,; a,
broken leg, two broken ribs and
severe facial la.cerations. 'He said
providing there, was. no .change. in
his condition, -an op_erati.g_in would
be -performed On the fraOtured. leg
or so. -7
Mr. Acheson, who is mill- super-
_ in -ten -dent at Topnotch Feeds I.:unit-
ed,-had spent the day in Mil-,
verfon',"•-and, was :enroute back -to._
'Seafortit: :Whenhi car is belieVed
to have; gone out -a control, The
car climbed a high. 'snow hank ad:
joining the highway,. and ,crashed.
irdoa tree.
' Removecl-.- to Stratferd-HoSpital
he- Was- in 'deep "alio"Cland'
some eine' heio-freh-6-txteit'ip -
injuries .,dould .be
Provincial Constable LloYc,1 Bra
ley,of the Sebringville detach-
ment, investigated.
Seaforth 'resident S ,suffered frac-
tures in falls this :Weekr''',
When- she •slipPedat-. her 'resi-
dence, West Street,' • Mrs ." P. B.
1V1offat- fractured her -.wrist. ,The
accident -happened Tuesday even -
Curling at the , Seaforth :Curling
• Club last Week; Mrs. ,Norman
..Seeins slipped on. ice and fell,
fracturing her arm:, • •
Wed 25 Years,
Mr, Ts. Johnston
Have Open licouie
'l‘larking the 25th anniversary of
their wedding; Mr. and Mrs. W.
0. Johnston on Saturday evening
a _relatives' and close -
friends • to a buffet dinner, with
--guests from- --Toronto; Listoweir
Woodstock,_ Gorrie„_Belgraye_and
• Brucefield.•,
-On Easter Sunday afternoon and
• evening Mr, and Mrs.. Johnston'
held open house, When- More than
150 guests called to extend con-
The tea 'table, ceyered with a
lace cloth, was _centred with the
anniversary cake and spring flow-
-"Fire sti-iie-k •Thur times 7-iirt-th-e-
. • • .' SeafortEi -area .'over the .w_e_ekend,..
Seafertb Curlers •wellild' t.J.1,..,:causii-igi'dat-r-Cage in ;excess of
season Tuesday eveningk, '$26;000.. , • , ...-; '
A. Cardno"s rink ,..caPtuied,,,,the: r-, Sunday
linen's" -.eliniiiiTation Playdo,wils and was :the: 66-year-o1d general :Store
',Won, the Carling trophy' for intra- at • BrUcefield, operated, hy,',.Lloy,
club .cOmpefition. The ,C'ardno rink, 'Craig: On Saturday afternoon the.
Which , .includecl !Diek Whitely; C. roof lor :the --residence of: E. • Wilsen •
-DtihgeT and Phil Koggiietb, defeat : •
.ed Dr. A. S, Black's.' rink in,•:;the
final ga:the... With. Dr. Black: were.
. Lee 'Learn;N. Seoins :and H. Jank.
_ Them were. 28rinks taking part.
. irt,the• competition, Which. extend-,
;• ,ed over several weeks, In all27
games Were ; played., ,
• In an:. e,atlier eliniinatiOn event„,
; Pr, , Stapleton'a. -rink de.1,.
',..,feated...a..tink skipped by
The':rinks:,.'W were:
' Stapleton,
,ncl.I.Geerge Leyburn(s14p);
.Tion Eaten,;Brian.rad' and John
TP,afterseti.c-, •
7r-The'.'„etirling.',seasUM-:one, of"" the-
,inost_stic'eesSfill in the IiiStcrY • Of
the elitli,Aill,hd.'bretight to a cloSe.,
a' increased in
,CONIItIgUTINGI''''TO 'THE -SUCCESS' • tit •annu1 - 't_sVice..,--e'al., October.
arifiV al • of::"the7Se"arafIFFigirte-7'sra.-fii,fg.T...C1fib-7TTIT4if:dy7;-*Ve-fe-7*---
-Already plans -are - being forniu-
these', three Members:. Who took ;Part- •SOlo: They are, "
. „
from the left,: ,Faye. Love; . Eckert an Judy - for .' next year'',•The club has
'arranged-to:lave available"
The'ninth zrinua1 skating carnival
.of the Seaforth Figure, Skating
Club was held Tuesday eVening in,
Seaford' arena, when,members-
Abe club. under FrofesSiorial' Arthur
Bourke, presented a series of audi-
enee-pleasing numbers. The carni-
val marked the . completion of the
club activat for the season.
Assistin , embers of the club
*were Atits Barbara ,Rudd, 1959
Western Ontario Juvenile, .ladies'
champion; 11/Iiss Carol Kaiset„ run -
Igic, Susan McLean, , Maty McLean,
I3everly .;Ballerina, Kathy
Eckert -(soiO). '1 '
Solo',.'Mtas'-Caroj. Kaiser, runner
up fa..the .1959 ' Western Ontario
Junior ladiee..charripionslaip; Rock-
ing . and -Ro11ing, Crich, ;Faye
Love; , Pamela. Stapleton,, IV,Iargaret.
Stapleton, .13e4ry..'1VIcLean, . Kathy:
Eckert:,'. Canast-a, -Tango dance
group, , Barbara Seett, ;Mary
ont, Joan Teall,lVfary.,Orich,
Con -
ole Britton,. Beverly „Alan -
Me -tan . ;Margaret. Elgie. aolo
,netztip in thesame event, and MiSs Miss 'Joanne .11eughton,.Compe'titor
:Jeanne'..Heughtma,,i who .competed the Western' Ontario Senior'lad-'
for,: the ,. Western: OqatiO:. S0fl1O1 ieS' Chainnionship;
".. • •
'TSTie-- ." HighlanderS,M the conchiOnftrprOgrai
Elaine Oke, Katie : ott; Anne
.the 'Members and ,:viSitormere. "11,44gi4;
Centre. . : ••• '
The. 'Prekiin and those taking.Lean; Mary -Snowdon., May Jeni
part •follows: solo, Ar-.• .:MeLean',„;,Dianne,,,Eirh,'Maryi. Eck,
thtir Bourke (club • prOiesSidnai); ,ett., Nicole Hey's;:.B„everly
MisS, 'aye ." "A Little'lvio!,s, soloist, Perry
of,,Furi,','• leopards; ,Mary
Lean. • :
Mary Ball,:„ MarY Oko, Linda. HOpv- Master: Of :Ceremonies' for the Qe-
,ei",1"leepard..trainer,'"Ak: .griirfg was Rev.. 3. C. Britton,
an avthran;',':6"*CAn'Ettes,'.../'-i0. sistin.g in the prefinetien 'were; Mrs..
Crich, -Faye Love, Pamela -StaplO-- j. c; Crich, Mrs. W. T:•,Teall,-mTs..
.ton; : AfargaretStapleton; Terry )C W. Mrs. .Elniera;RiverS,
Lean,Kathy- Eckert;,, 'Hula •,_Heda "fifiS.'Legaa. Mrs. 0. Kirk, 'Mrs,
Dolls:: Elaine,
Conme-Jtritton.,, Joan Teall; .Katie
Scott, Mary McLean; 'Sank o sfo
l5nda,porh.epi Mar Lainent, Mar-
-,taket Elgie, Ann' 'Sills,- 'Dianne.
Hirk, Margaret' Broil:10ot; Beverly
Phillips, Jelie,Hoover.,. Mark, Crich;
Nicole- Buys, Linda. ,•; McDonald;
Vfary' SnOWden,BarbaraSeott, all
Storey, ;Mar3i :Miss •
Barbara Budd. 1959, ',Western ' . ,
tario eitainPion,
• Dance Time, (Dutch waltz):
Di -
Assisting in the afternoon were:
-pouring tea, ',Mrs.. B. F. Christie,
Seaforth; Mrs. E. J; Thibideae;., pt.
Catharines; guest book, Miss Jo-;
.anne Beuerinann; 'opening door,
Mrs. W. 0. Johnston, Jr,; serving;
Mrs. • Reg 'Shipley, Clinton:: •Mrsr."'
Dave .,Wilson, , 'Clinton.; 'Mrs: Bar-
rett- Taylor, Clinton; " Miss . Jean
Thibideau; Ste' ,Catharines.
In the evening these who assist-
ed- were: pouring tea Mrs. Eimer.
LarOne,•Seaforth; Mrs. Fred Rath --
well, Brucefield; serVingi:,
Scott Habkirk, Seaforth; Mrs. El-
gin • Thompson, Brucefield;
;Thelina Wright; -.'Seaforth;'' 'Mrs.
Toledi Beuermarm, Brodliagen;'.
Mrs. j. K. Cornish; Brucefield. •
,Mr.and Mrs.' Johnston redeived
Many 'beautiful cards, giftk, and
:Delivers' on the anniversary occa-
Children Receive
„ ,
First Communion
on Easter Sunday morning, at
thp 8:30 Mass, five, children of St.
James' parish, Seaforth, received
their first Holy Communion.: The
children were: Flora Hagan, Lyn.
da Bedard, Mary Sane Rau, Bobby
Eckert and BiUy Price.
Following Mass, Rev. Father
Sullivan enrolled the Children :in
the scapular of Our Lady of Motuit
• Carmel, Each received a framed
P. Trotitbeck, Mrs. M. W. Staple-
ton, Mrs., Orville Oke,..Mrs. F. C.
J. Sills and club officers:
dent. John C. Crich; first vice-
president, Orville Oke; second vice,
president, Mrs. R. S. Box; secre-
tary, Mrs. Gerald Snowden; treas-
urer,. Mrs, A. Y. McLean.
anne Kirk, Beverly Phillips, Nicole
Buys, 'Margaret Breadfoot, Mary
,Eckert, Mary 'Lamont, Katie, Scott, -
Mary SW:W(10n, Susan ".MeLe'an,
Alan.MeLean, Mary ;McLean, ' Mar-
garet •Elgie, Elaine ,Oke, 'Anne
'Sills, Barbara" Scott; LindiMelion-•
'aid; Gail. Storey, Mary 'Crich, Con -
pie -Britton, Joan' -Teall; Indian
'Legend: Indian Villagers;, :Mary.
Sills, Barbara Box, Mary Snowdon,
Elaine.' Oke, Sally Cosford, Mar-
garet. McLean,,z,Linda:.Vorbes, Sue -
an .Legeza, „Jean:.: Hoover, ',Tillie
-Hoover- Lynne; Wright,- 'Angela,
:Devereaux, 'Ann Rivers, Linda Mc-
Donald; Indian , prevision: Mary
Lamont, , Connie- 'Britten,- Mary
TealIT:Katie Scott, -Sus., -
'an McLean, Margaret Broadfoot.
Margaret _7_j_giel„Beyerly•
Mary Eckert, Barbara 'Scat, Mary
Jenn McLean, Anne Sills, Dianne
Kirk: Indian Princess, Margaret
Stapleton '.(solo);; solo, Miss Judy
,Criclar Autumn -Leaves, Connie
Britton,;Pranne •Kirk, ICaffe
Margaret Broadfobt, Margaret El -
arried 40 Years
rs. McKellar
Receive: Friends
• •
•• -Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McKellar,'
Cromarty, were. :at home- to s abeet.
75 .relatives and. friends' on Thiirs;;
day on the edeasibri of their,. 40th
wedding anniversary. ,TheY. Were
married irr.,,,Ex,,eter ott: Mach 26,
1919, by Re-V.:dames Foote; Mr:
McKellar is a :snitof.the-late
and iVfra. Donald D. McKellar, and
is a daughter.. of
:the late Mr. and Mrs. James Scott.
The 'dining room ,table w a s,
spread,,tidth,, "a• •handTaintedLeleth..
at the •celebration -on Thursday,
and centred with a .three-tier
ding Cake,- a gift from daugh-
ter, Mrs, -.Willie/it Binning,' 'flanked
with ruby candles ,in silver
ers. pouring tea in, the afternoon
Was Mrs..GraCe Scott,- sister- of the
were a ',niece, Mrs. Carter Kers-
lake, .and Mrs. Binning.'
,In the evening ;Mrs, Kenneth
Drake,'.an. mint of the brideggeont,
popred-Ua; -and serving' wetekrs.
Robert Iltilley„ Mrs. William Rout-
ley, 1VIrs. Donald Scott and Mrs.
John Wallace. , Gifts „intruded: a
torsage and boutonniere from their
grandsons, Iliehard- and Robert
Binning, 'a ,table. lamp from the
.faMily, a hostess chair frOrn •the
nieces and nephews, and many in-
dividual' gifts, ,
Guests Were present frOrri-Peter,
. bon,. Woodstock, Plattsyille, St.
Marys, Exeter, Seaforth, Brodhag-
en, IVIitehell, Kirkton 'and*Staffa,
hpuse ,
. Loss, was estimated at $28 ,,000;
*fire that levelled,. a . 65 -year-old
4We:storey' apartment building .and
general store at the 'Mainintersec-
tion of'Brucefield Sunday,..meraing.
Flames noticed. shortly -before-- 9
_o_tcle.ck_e_omPletely demolished the
-building -while- the----'eTWifeiT-Lloyd:
,craig, 'and -his wife and family
were 011 an Easter Sundaytripto
Robert ” DaliyMple,....-Who owns &-
service station 39'"feet. 'north of the
Craig store, was the first to.notice
the fire: In talking. abont -the fire
cd stones, ,witicit: are,..noWon•;order...
peeteil.'early,next.,auttinair. . •
In an eliiiination 4-riiked '-event,
,Winners 'draW),'.-
C:Boswell(s1dp)Mrs. W: N. Bali,
Dick 'WhitelY(Mrs..E.
Atfs. Vt. W. Stapleton, Ken Bi --
set and Mrs. W. G. Wright,
' The 'Club held 'a mixed berispiel
Wednesday when thefirst draw was,.
wen bya riiik.'..,,skiPped by John
Longs taff and including :Mrs.. Long,:,-*:
staff; N. C. Cardnn and Mr -.:-.14.::7;"
Brown. The-",sdeand:'draw was won
by j',..,,ACardno.' (skip),11Irs.: N.
Seonis, Lloyd' lieggatth.and,.:Mrs.;•
The ladies' club, too, had an 'ac-
tive season, holding two
tion event. The :first was won by.
rink ,skipped by '..MrS.:-E,-7-Steph-
enson, and including' Mrs.- S. HAli•-
hirk, Mrs. 3'.„: ,-Parke and Mrs.,
Tabor. In the .seeond; series, -
J. A. Munn' s rink Was first. It
cluded'Mrs. A. W. Sillery; Mrs. L.
Brown and
ond prize went to a:rink incluclirrg'.
C. :CtiCh Mrs, E. - DinSmore -and
Bill:CO .1W aeXillap.--
Denying that there had been a
change in plans eoncerning the
proposed- Ontario hospital, near
'Godericli, Charles MacNaughten
said Wednesday the only possible
change had to, 'de with- the ulti-
Iniateuse to which the building
Might be put. ' _
Rumors- current throughout the
cetioty had Suggested that the hos-
pital would be,on' a much smaller
,scale than originally contemplated,
Other stories suggested the entire
Project had been abandoned. Add-
ing Weight to the stories was the
fact that reference to the hospital -
in the recent budget brought down,
by' the Frost Government, indicat-
ed it Was in the "requested" stage
In his stateme:at; 1Vfr. MaON.augh4
ton said: "I ain, authorlie, Say
on behalf" of. Honorable M;
Dymond, M.D., Minister of Health;
that there no -change. 'in, the
thinking On -the part of the Denali, -
molt ,with:reapect to -the size of
the; proposed -mental institution to,
be built three mile's:south ot.Gode-
rich on Lake:Buren': :The only
eharige is the testa of new trends
and ''ctincepts afetfng mental
stituti�ns. to the ett nt that it
rnight be multi-purpose' in Charac-
ter...Further, I ain aRthorized. -to
saY. :that Construction -,Of certairt of
the service buildings, such as pow-
er plant. and .so forth, will be un-
dertaken at the ,earliest, date Toe:
sible in the. sumnier of 1959." '
Former Banker,
F ,,McConnell Dies
DUBLIN -'--One of; the oldest'resi-,
dents Of Dublin, Frank McConnell,
pass.ed.,:awaY Sunday morning- in
St.. Mary's ,Hospital;,.:London... In
:his 96th. Year, he *as bOrnin,Hib-
bert toWnshirc the son of the late
Mr. and. Mrs.- John -1VICCOnnell,
Ile. -Was the laSt :Surviying,member
.of. a family of: nine.' • ;
......He ," was ' niarriedlo .Bridgette
Hastings in ;St. columban;•• who.pre•
deceaSed birn: in -194.
'• -Always ' interested:: 'in' religious
and :Civic affairs, . Mr. Mc.Connell
was manager for 38'; years': of the
Western.Bank, later,,the Standard
Bank, in Dublin, until his relire-
ment. in 1922.."' A, ,, fourth '. degree.
keight,' Of. Eilroy..Council, ICnights
Of, -Ctiluiribes, 'StratfOrd,', he Was a•
faithful member.:ef St Patrick'S'
Roman. Cathblic, Church, Dttblixi
,tFaonty..a,. of years
he was a
bert:Muttial-Fire Institance Com-
direchar of the tisborne 'and Hib
• ,(Continued on 'Page 8) •
A tired businessman's' grteling
day at the office• was dapped by
his wife's announcement that the
mai had,w ,
• "What wag the- trouble this,
tithe?", lie inquired wearily.
"You were!" she charged, "She
said -you used ineuituirTanguage
fo her over the phone- this morn-
ing," ,
"Good grief,"" cried the husband,.
"I thought I was tallung to yout",
• t:
• ,
moST' OF THE. CONTENTS f tb1ioine:9T 'El•Win Wilson; 'HarPurheY„ were,. Moved to safety
Saturday when fire broke out in a • ChinineY-wand. -.caused Considerable damage to -the. ;root and
upper portion of the house. SeafOrth-Flre Brigade answered the can. <Photo by Phillips)
Hockey 'players of .two countries
eombined:::bete :Saturday 'night to
aid.fellow players in Listowel, Who
had ,been ' Victinis .of . the .J.iistoWel.
arena :collapse. To .make the event
possible, hockeY,'-enthusiastS:hr*I)e,
treit brought two teams here' and
'assuined. all cOsts of '.-the''trip,. in -
eluding admission for players . and
:Otlietsin the Party.,
, Two fastand hard-fought games
;Were Played.iff the ,Seaforth 'arena
in aid: Of ,itlre! Listowel- Disaster_
.Fund. ' 'whieh,..had been :arranged.
.bY. the .1..istOwel committee, -and
who ateepted the. offer of the
Sea -
forth 'arena_ •c,oirinlisSion for the
free use: of, the. here. • .
alqng 'part' ..were Detroit Ster.
Cutersitivehi1,e uP . for
the whb
Met Port 11gin,.and the ..Juni0f.:
State.champion tearn.from Detroit,
who, played, Goderich Juniors. The
games 'realized about $80..for,the
ListoWe fund. - ' '
.:Listowel thanked the people of-,See-
:fOrth; tie :hockey players. and offi-
cials ...for -,donating ' their.,,tirne. and
funds to help the Listevvel diaaster
fend. 'After ..the' kinelf. Was
served to the hockey ;:players by
Mr. and Mrs, Roy, MeGonigle-•and
Mr: and . W. /...TeAll, on he.„
half of 'the : arena :e.. inissirni
Chocolate Milk w. ' eitated by
Oldest'. Resider' pair
, •
Detroit 'Sta ter Vflin
Mrs. M Wright
nes.shdded Port Elgin
In the first game Detroit Juvem
- •
• *- • -•two-teams -fought
toh:LE i-3sitr on --Wednesday, a7
black sieecom 9 f o7un-
the- eaves of the store He rac-
-ed"te the front door and kicked it
in, but -the thick smoke drove him
itdhdaiaeekracAl:Ioluetndteilie's asna
a,.X6ef etiwthenthl.joa:es
MacKenzie arrived on the Scene,
according to Mr. Dalrymple, as
The alarm was raised to , the
Brucefield Fire Brigade and a call
for additional .helP went out to the
Bayfiehi::-Clintori" and Seaforth Fire
Brigades, whO,,, responded, Seaforth
Area Brigade -answered the call
under Fire ChieL, John F,. Scott.
- B3 the --tifii-67-the-fitleks -"arrived -
-the flanms were out Of 'control and
save the other' nearby buildings
Dalryniple service, station, Pat- .
ersort's general store 'and Donald' •
Dotteette's • frame , residence., 'A,
-filial-ice _oil- drura, cormected to the
service , station,, „and located he *
tweenthe blazing 'structure and
the.:statiom- was covered with metal.
•-sheeting:Jand:„.water_tioured on, to
tle damage. Only the ;paint was
koeP1 it fl:om.„.'ignith.1._g,.said Mr.
• The nearby huilffirigTsliffered lit -
„blistered ” on the r.three buil,dings,
Wg1trhagseo,,71111Thl- thdei°rWseffearfesket -ithe.11-keep
--.the-A-Hzallsnd_roefs of the other
buildings „wetted down, the
gades emptied the contents of sev-
eral wells in'fhe vicinity,- then laid
a hose to a. creek about 1,500 feet
from the fire. • '
Mt, -Dalrymple; a' 'member of
the Brucefield Fire Department,
.said the village brigade stayed on
the: scene all night, , housing the
:fire engine in the garage in ease
of frost, and laying a hose out the
back door, He related that through-
out the night cans, forming part of
the -grocery. and paint :lines car-
ried by the store, exploded in the
hot, smoking rubble. , •
,.'The -brick sttucture, collansed„
several hofirs after the fire start-
ed, 'leaving only a•rooM Used as a
living -room and a „ garage;`stand.-
Mg. Stock. loat in, the fire Melo& ,
ed a full..line:-!of groceries, paint,
hardware, 'worjt clothes 'and farm.
Supplies.„ The family also iost all
their belonging, except the few -?„
clothes 'whicn they were wearing. ,..
--'-.Wednesday afternoon Mr..Craig,."..,
who With his brother-in-laW
.Olonscher„. Auburn,-,., were busy. sal-
vagthg a few,. burnt" and-tvvisted '
'articles freni- the -ruins, estimated
his -LOSS at approximately $23;000,
part of which. is covered by insur-
anee Wh going , through the
ruins, Mr. Craig Idinid an electric ,
motor, which had been located in'
the baSernent , near :th,e, furnace, .
and, which 'would still run, almost
eliniinating any thoughts- that ,the -
fire might -have originated with the
furnace.'."As AO the. cause of the •
- • (Continued on Page. 4)
ed ;thsa. best hockey, ' with - Fin 'Mere' goaTg''ts'Detthit. :outS-tered-;
cheilreeming-up:with the lone goal :Oodericii 6 tO, 2.1n-'-;:the...'final per -
at. 1.2 After that :geal."'"Fert- loth 'De1roit-6111e to 'life- and 'juSt'
gin, put:Mete pressure on. the De- about walked awaywith the •game..:
-troit tearn,;.but failedi te..score, GeOtfreY; de:7
-At thestart of the ',final, frame, fence, TRiehardStim; .Tessier; ':for-.
Carl , conk a, pass from . wards, Mason; , Gallow,, Seoins,
Don Drudgedxi of 52 seconds, and, ,ier„ Bel1;,.4.rerner, Bebinsen; Je
•scored. With ;the , game tied, the sop and Bedard
tWo te.ains, tried' desperately to, Wiri;• ,
Dr.,T11,011*:-Ldeal,. Nestor e -
With •Detteit Winning when at:12:05 feflee Goldberg, 'Stepliru; forwards',
Ma0POnalcl. '''Sti6ka-handled• •mcely Aittama, Roberts, Art :Thomas;
d.efeia gen . and 'Bicault, Smith, Bittiarck, :Tolson,
e•Ani:t s
wentdoscored.A"rtid eLibbywhiba eRreebpainek.
eire,'gOal; -the',..ltept up:the -.friakSP.1 Ne three angel , were . Art
•paee,right"tO the' last rrunute. Both. Thomas, who--sdered 'font goals, in
teeing played very fast aid. hard: thik:garne and. tree assiSt.....Eorbsitli:
checking:htickey: Lind -W.; • „: .gairies.'he Was 4, star and he ,seer -r
• -PORT ,Brown; goal; ed, six". goals' Hand had assist,
_defence, Den Snyder,:.Fin-Mitehell; The 'seCond star .was -Seforth
"forwards, Ross, Dudgeon, • Carl ownRay ;SCOins.,..Whe Seered,..twe
Kingston, Don .Dbrigeon, Roe- geld, goals ptid player:le very good game..
Eddie. Bell, 'Murray, Sinclair, Steve The third star -Went -to Geoffrey, who
:Greeri.:Pave-Ptidgeon, Ken_ Crank., piaiied n. ,speetadigar gam.e.:.itLthe
'13a1liany; le, Gederich net, ' ; ••
fence; forwards, The, referees were Tony Spittal
MacDonald, Zee; De Vine, 'Sritith, and 'Carman _Nickel '
Bercei';'::'Lawto,n, Rossal -1VitiSatit • ,
R,-,TheitAa'S--,,tor -O'Dell A. Thoni- , - -
• .
Three stars 'were•eliosen by Phil- - .
Nangel. He; •clioSe 'Art Thomas, , ' ..•'
who scored two goels.:,, liewlin, who
was a great help to Detroit's de -
&nee, and Carl KingSton, who
worked very hard_ on the Port El-
, , .
gin attatk.
• Goderich 10, Detroit'',9
, In the second g"anie, Go erich
Sailers took a big _lead. 'at; first,
hut ---because- --tremendous--
troit coming .up with a 2 to 0 -lead spirit •of ;the harcl•hittma,- fas -skat.
Dies tit itYlst Year at the end: of the first. perioliaIn
ing.Detroit team; they on edged
periods, Goderich .seemed to be
awdy at Thamer Nursing Home II
d ,t00 'strong for the, Detroit . team,
, the. second period, Port" Elgin therie dut, 1'0 to: P. -In the, irst tete'
' Mrs., Margaret - Wright passed - .•
resident of the nursing home. since
resident. Mrs, Wright had been a R•• , .
Jersey ree ers scoring g•goals•fo- DetriSit's 3. .
on -Monday - aftermoon, her -101st
The"datighter.of the late Platilda .. ce eive Grant
194, apci until, quite recently had , ,, ,
Shannon and Robert ;Gibson, pip- , - , •
From Huron (airily'
been in. reasonably goodhealth.
neer residents of McKillop,she was In a story concerning grants ap-
born "in that township and lited proved by Huron County Council
there until the death of her hus- at its :March meeting last week,
band about 20years -ago,'when,she the grant approved for the Huron"
moved, to Seaforth. Fox; many jersey: Breeders- Association was
years she resided :with her niece, omitted. - ,‘:
-the late Mrs: M. White.. .. ' The Jersey Association N'vu• '''e-
' . Her husband,., the late, Charles ceiVe a grant of $50.00.
Wright, to , whom- she was -married '
inMcKillop, predeceased her in Ira " -- ---- N.
Jr. rarrners anie
-• She ,---wa-s--Seaforth s eides • In the final -frame, Air Thomas
Mrs'. 'A'right was the -Iast'servir- "
Of .Sd
Meniber Of a latinlYthat . 0--"A,
chided', four daughters and. .
'A bushel arid 'orte.lialf•. Of a :ass •
.• :Whilea resident of McKillop, Seed' was given away at the': ha.4.
Um. , wriotwas a member of ..fortb Cominunity Centre "on M
.Diiff'S Church, and since coming day night. .The event was the Eas=
' to Seaforth Was' a theiriber of FirSt ter dance; sponsored•-hY the Sea-
Preshyterian •Chureh„! , • • . ; forth"Junier Farmers. During the
The, renldinS rested at the G, , A. evening the dratir took place With
Whitney. funeral -The e,he:following witeters; •
vtlie,re servites are te be- contitiet- One, bushel :Vernal alfalfa,' Won
M by her minister, Rev: D. Leslie by jack •Iltulsoe,,Itensall; ,1/2-buSh;
Elder, • ort Thursday. Intermeat will 'el 'Lasalle red cIoyer; Won by Ken •
SteWart„. RR '5, .SeifOrth.
led the' Detroit 'rally, aelting two-
is Asststant Huron
eed Inspector
;Well...known Tuckersinith farmer,
Alex Chesney, was 'named assist
ant weed inspector for Huron Coen-
ty-:at•-the March .-meeting.Of4ouncil
last week. He was one .01, eleven
11/Ir.. Chesney, AM will assist tne
'counts- Weed. „inspeetor, WilIiam
.Dougall, farms : on the -second of
Tuckersmith, rniles,west of
Seatorth, He is! a . son of '14r. and
ik.irs.,• Harry- :Chesney, of -Seaforth-.
onstance Girls
Win - Estay, Contest
gtlit:rd°fpupiland Mrs. W1bur •
at 8.5: No. 4,:lrullett township, won
first prize' the essay et:infest'
Sponsore,ti by ,theWomen'S com- • •
inittee of the Hulleit Federation, et '
iglitt" Sb will sa- froerciffeinvreded$5!.0t:'
:Clintorr'for the. cotility.finals...--0. •
_ -Second pri;e. of '.3.60 went to
-illaW.Buchanati, daughter 'Of Mr. -
.and Mrs; Donald Buchanan, •of. S$
No. 3, Whilethird prize, was won ,
by "Marsha Tebbutt, daughter of
Mr„, „.and , Mrs, Harry Tobbutt, of
$$ No, 4. These essayS will also be
ferwarded tb Clinten,,,-"From the
county finals the three top ones'
Will. be " the provincialfmtls. "
' •
Mrs. 'George Carter, Londesboro,
and Bed Orr,inanager of telgrave
Co-op, • met- at•
Margaret R. Jackson, Attburn; on
Monday td:judge the entries in the •
COnteSt, The contestwas open, to
.rural pupils of grade's 7- and 8 in
toW:shfaipm. en'It3iopeolcniraw:ns_,
"Beloiging to- a •Cd. -op: What it
„.it41.tai country . •
,follow in. Maitiandbank cemetery.
treit oelOy playerS.' resolved 'le,. aid the •ListoWel.",
.DisaSter."Ilenefit 'Fund, A group :of some 'fiftY•peoPle, itieluding two hockey teams, Caine ,hete
-Sa'turday evetting4ront--th•e-.-Miehigancity, --to,-:,-ineet-Gaeler4c11-'-arid Port -„Eigiti-,•ok.Stafortli
aid of the. Listewel lend. ''Seaforth • Arena Commission deflated;the arena fer the OeCa$10ri, ,In the,
picture taken, 'following the, ganie are, leftto: right, Jack Gould, Goderieli; :Larry, Caine- And
Peter Daniels; , sponsor and Coach .,of Detroit 'Simiors; Jack Ward,' tistoWel;. John Griffiths, , of
Goderich and 'Art" Thomas and Norm Lawton, coach' and sponsor of 'the Detroit