HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-27, Page 9FIRST: CHURCH HAS:.THANKOFFERING
The'.. Easter: thankoffering of the.
AMternoon •Auxiliary, of First "Pres-
byterian bhuxeh was held in the
church A all on- Tuesday, afternoon
with iembers':present, front the
t}' Barbara Kirkman ,Auxiliaryand
_the_lVicKilIPA• Affiliated 'group T i
AF „ president, Mrs:; J. L. Bell, presid-
ed and welcorned- the guests.
Mrs. D, L. Elder had charge of
the c'evotions . and spoke on "The
Gloryof the Gospel of the •'Resur-
rection. ' Mrs. J William 'Thomp
`sora, literaturesecretary,, gave a
short book_review-; The -offering was
receivedby Mrs. J, McGregor
and Mrs. H. R. Scott; and Mrs. E.
Butt :sang a solo entitled, "Morn-
ing, Noon and• Night,'" accompan-
led by Mrs McGregor. Life mem-
bership certificates were present-
ed to•Mrs. I.1. McLachlan, Miss Ina.
Gray; Mrs: W,. D. Smith and Miss
Marion :Gray. •
The' guest speaker, Miss Jennie
Hogg, in her, helpful message; re-
minded' us that• Easter is a par-
ticularly, suitable time:for the giv-
ing of thanks; She mentioned the
everyday blessings—too many <of
which; in this busy world, we take.
for r
__.. g -anted .and' neglect through
our thoughtlessness _: ,to
them. The speaker was
thanked by Mrs.' W. John Thomp-
son .54 „;social hour followed,, when
lunch was served by Mrs. W. Drov-
er 'and her. committee.
Phone 1
ea . rth
',For about two years the'.,Ontario
Federation' of Agriculture, along
with the Canadian'Federation, has
been seeking `•compensation ,for
'livestock -lost, by rabies, Apparent-.
y •it was. the efforts -of -the Fed-
erations *in
ed-erations*in Bruce :and Grey:Court-
tieS that supplied;,t,lae straw that,.-:-.
broke the', camn_b
l's.acr...i Aiout-a• -•
month ago these organizations Met
Wit's •their 'county::councils` to press
this request -further: to government. ',
A, delegation went to- Ottawa 'and
presented ':th-:suggestion, that'
county -province -and. federal go'v•
•er.rnenls split the costs. 'Asa re
sult we now have ` the announce:' hYyr �Yy t 'z i
Ment that' compensation ;will ,be r �� f sr Qu to a number of ladies of the
paid on the basis 'of. 40%` by the l s ` .z,,. , >f Women's,•:IVlissionan • Societies at-.
roVlnce 0; 4 °^ N �> ' ''°�'� •� :.` ' X` r �< tended .:tile' Huron • Presbyterial -
P . 40% by the Federal':and .5 < ,... fc ::a
20%' by thecount . b : Xd ` . 3 t held in'North Street ceited Chureir
J', T e respors� ` y y' z
. : in Coder ell:. o' Frida arch 20;
biiity for;.admicetinttro n. as left 'z y i y, to
Wath..the. count , %<,rk�' .�'�'ssH,,'J;:�a , � � .,,,, �,��, „ . ,, •Rev: ;R., H:'10041.4'. of It'iaie. Umt-
y council: c . :' fr ytiy% rXSA ,9 Ge star
':Ro ert M �. ,,.:.. v z ed ``Church London.;'Was afterngon.
b cGregor, ,president. of ::u,,. , ;,:k, a F
the •Hut n ; - .. ,: - : ' .�p <�:� ,;., 1 '� ; �. F�;�`, - s .: .. guest speaker. He''ivas� formed
o Beef Producers;:,rs to be ,xr�.: az5 .> sF• y
.c�M :, �i � Of Paeifxc coast massittwboat
ongratulatad on the ,very,' ` uccess . ,.- . Vis. s < x :.. ,• �, �� ..: e
fol.'.bus tour to Ohio .wh eh be ar : t ^ fi .; 1 � the . Th in as, c civby Iv; and gave
,.. is art. ... . •. <, , � r f
ranged—e:::•-spite of most::: nsatis= h �r a very informative talk: on -mission
factory weather Monday';mornin:g:;: c � r ��` lark -there.'
•A.,HOME. IN LONDON is y a • During the dinner'..: , . h greetings
only one was • unable to make , it,: planned by 'Mr. and ;Mrs. Carl, le were; extended: from the presby-
and'.:we-.were fortunate in;:pac 00d/1'g- ` Carter, who `were married in,gmondville ,United -'Chua•ch ' Eg- -; tery Woman;'s Association; by Mrs:
up. a• spare at the last" minute: mori4lvi11e -.Mrs. Carter is;•the former-Itrith -Christine Brown,:: A:-McTaggart,.and greetings from
The farms we- visited were very daughter of. Mrs,: Roy Brown; of " Seafoi`th; .azati,`: the late; Mr. P}esbytery <l y.,�Rey:.Chas:, Daniel
•similar•to: Huron;'.except •.that land town•, and Mr. Carter is the son.,of, Mr. and, Mrs:-: ei'
ter "of _Clandeboye: Photo b J. M . vin Car The. In Memoriam service was
was; valued at 50o to 604 per- (, y r).•
conducted by Mrs: • C'..E. Pe;acbclt;
acre,.. The.; foundation of -their -feed-- -- acl Doer
'ng was .corn Ii the...feed lots;
-- — :cammunici ser=_
-cattle befit' �� . vzcewaseleond eted;by Rev:' A. E.
Were, being led all the corn N E 0 F Eustace, minister of North Street:
silage they'; would "''hat; -plus from, T HYE• Y, Eif�C eliarch•
:eight .•
to 1`:pounds` per=h,e_ad pez.,T T
-. C1rrs,:.Clarence• Trott: The cantata The;. Kin : 'ernal.
dhy of :Shell corer', The: standard:. has,return. The. chopping mall,, owned. ;by g t.
ed home after:,a trip' duri ich by gat
ra•B.; Wilso wa's presented
silo ;was ZO`feet,by: 70 feet for corn; p,..g wh Mrs. Elizabeth • Bruxer, which was ;
by Ontario St United Church chow -
smaller; she visited tvvo;;of her brothers; one dania.gecl by tile; wind -ori: •Sunda on ^Palm Sunda `arch 22.
ones• were used ..for the': y Y *,..,,,,d
'high, moistnreshell corn 18t-0ne m Texa s a d-, he , -• • ' : •.
n t other in Mexico 1Vkareh ;15� 'has -Beep repaired::-•��. . -Attendance.. at�bot_'_ubhc� and;.
from a6 Mr,. and i•Zrs. Patrick, Ryan in Services at St.''Patri ',s Chur Collegiate schools wsrastically
g . a x : , ok. ch
a. u uoit attendm� ' e reduced last• weeknd scarlet the
wag filled,froxxi 84,acres.: pit.. shell- e the •funeral ;,of, •fa.r IZoly�iirnek..:are:• Weelnesda''°eV;• . + ...
ed .:r ori:. Mrs. • Ryan's ;:brother; -lir, Johne prevalence of flu and scarletina
. , `:. Ma Ale ' ;,:.: i`ng ,a: :'30•. ,i i?1 Thursday eve- .-, ,
All ilos,:were,-equip ed :with un c ex.
5. p .. . - _: :nin at;$:30 ,m.:: G.00d:Frida' af-
illi,s,_ A, M, Looby anal iVIr.: and-.; g p Y .,.::
loaders and::the feed was distribut- ` Iernoon;! 3 p m Saturda • ni" t
ed inl , 'b ,an P1rs. `:Lou s-iiookzy_.have r.Pt fined _ . . r .:,, __ Y ?.
z?ia Y.; Y augEx sustain; ?non g . �inncin - It i61r �" Q- � tf$�
home ,after : spending a'month in g 5 p,m,
though ;some of the large setups ..• : .�;•L:
used Unloading wagons to take the':; Mexico and' Texas: , : ''' ,>' WA, Meets •i
Mr: Gordon:: Costello of Tetonto Ol�s' .I�e eng ,.
feed ,ta the "mangers. , . 1 ,; , . _ >The Zion • Women's. Association,
with Mr: -and:Mrs, Dan Cstello, les , :,;.,
Nfarketing is: a' serious ,problem. , ., , . ,met at `the�.fiome f M""' •. ,.; . -
o : ., ,.Mas. .John. Fr o • Charles t*,Feen,i.Mo of the •„Fireside,_
'for though m, this ,area there applets: of Montreal; Roney ,for their:: March • meeting:. Far Forum met'- Mond ,:: ni h't`
were from^:eight to:ten•• outlets for''. with -.Mr an'd Mrs. George' Hol- Mrs; I)altbn Malcolm g tat* aY g ''
,land. , '� ;' • - , presided -and Marsch 23, at the h�ine of Mr. and'
their cattle. "The number` going,. o e e - ..,. ,
terminal .markets-. is decreas' Mrs,; -,Theresa Eckert:, has return; Fe:tnli'..e:t1liistri.RYJITi,'
n d. ;the meeting.; with ker �Vlxs:.' George Carter. After>listeri='
trig; � , yms. Lloyd•Barrier-•ging oto"the,'broadeast the members:=
and it 'was :felt that too mail ' cat-'' ed to.>,her • home. after spending the:; ,fter which anered theµguestonaire aid'a;W g g y winter -with -Mn. and_Mrs'Joe-E'ek r ; .in
tie -_ .ere,, , om direct, to plarit.� ,,. • ,, rs lVfal;co"I`macT in prayer:- ' pointed co�irimrttees far• next ,year.;
-One- load of cattle, -which would :be ert, o. ; - cKill:op. - Tv . ad...
about halt. prime" and . the"re-,Mr :and ,Mrs:Larry, Regan: olid to o rg iven b props ate to. has_ To :organize; the :forum are Mrs.
mainder ".choice' were. delivered>'Mr, •and Mrs.; Jim Regan;': of;To '
r were•;given.,liy MrS. Bert.Ma Harvey Taylor, Mrs. Robert Jam
ro haffy and 112rs.:�Lorne: A_ akens "The i-re;4 and-: George' Carter;;�•pr rue',.
to�=Arehib'ald from'r' Chi'ca� ntp;with ;Mr.: ands Mrs,:,_Gerald, r
ket'`'a ga xnaz" minutes-terenr read by -Mrs Wilfr-id cfrrrimittee;=Mrs Hugh Flynn,•Mrs
t 9 , cents: Iii exarninmg the` ; Holland _ Arrnis, and
-• er roll call .: ;1VI; .Chas..: alt e . oggart ;and , Mrs.. ; Mrs'.:
carcasses; .we. were; of .;the;::opinion'•; Mr::Kenneth: Stapleton and 'Mr Raney Dalton; '.cards `for. `the sick^ Mrs
that top ,red -,brand would e ual ,Glenn •Butters,, Toronto, at':their,, .
q . .A- qui .t • was.. quilted during .the ,Serf ,Heggart reporters; •Mrs'a.
their- . prime We were 'told that'` homes.: • afterno n also. '
it "was `ne;ce 's e Mr: ;and Mrs:.Charles`.F ie'd:and D ..the aprons were George Carter and, Mrs. Oliver An -
s aYy,• o heavy feed r ??_ madelledatnd �uflged, prizes :being ,derson; secretary;•for •the ;coming;
steers from<10 Judy ..s ent the, weekend in Toroia;
_ �, to. 12 montha. to ob-; •;�?. , , • :von on aprons' made•by:lVIrs.Nor-• year. -Mrs.Hu� h;Fl pn.. _ . �-• `
fain nn to, g Y --
pr duality,, we �gef. ,man„Buslifield and. Mrs: 'Lawrence :'Winners of'the- aures were: 'hi •h :
ar g
red 'brand :with• a; somewhat_short •
' Hannon.: , - ;' ' •� ,;;.-..Mrs.: Bert• Iog art' and; :-Eric An-
art. .feeding: period. •,The guahty'ef_4:,their' feeding•The%'carcasses we i'A reading by Mrs- Earl Barker derson'•. lone hands •Mrs. Robert
the' feeder cattle wa's .vera sim ar
,y ., y ; saw:.showed;:a.:'riiuch softer fat and .closed': the meeting, andaunch:was..Jaiiieson anti Oliver Anderson<
O., . our .better cattle; only' .a: small.•: percentage' of them. 'served ;by the hostess and- her•;as consolation Mr. `and - Mrs:'' -Huh.
In. ho s, a ain.corn•is th' g~
g g e ba"sis`, would�Grade B1. ,; ^ sistants. '; . `, � Flynn''" �
barna Red Cross
Pians •. Canvass
The' annual' meting of Varna
branch of the' Red Cross. Society
completed' plans for the annual
canvass of the coniniunity to take
place :later this month,
John Aldington was elected presi-,
dent to succeed John McAsh, who
has 'filled the office for the past
two years. Ernest,b'ollock was ap
pointed - secretary' -treasurer. Ex
eautive committee is the -Rev T.
J. P1tt,-Elnier, Hayter, Elgin Mc-
Kinley, Harvey Coleman; John Mc -
Ash, George Reid, Fred` McCly
moat and Lloyd Keys•
E HTJItON k'i�srrOn SLAFonTft', olV'f.y
Aj1Patron.s of
Seof _
and Dublin Creamery r � & '_
m Poultry:Packers
.Owing t
o file shall n mb
u Er. -of eggs being
delivered to our egg ' grading , stations,, we :.
have - decided to make: Saturday evening
closing -6;00 rn.;-except fora possible four
weeks during. harvest_ time.,
Place a :20x70 was =filled-.
acres of silo e corn- and 16 50
Where Better: Bulls Ale . Used
1 This.
11 rs13.
a IEe I
5.. cl n SeaSorl I�'a'Y&' Yon ..:
t '
- -
Coza�ide� d'�,�iit
,, � .
l � i .
O it Artit' c al. B �ee. in ervi .i .
i d � ce s tli.e, aliswer
to this clluestion; as it 'has 15661'110r: ready other's:
T ie' c6P.stiiit and contihuous.growth e 1. p ed
bythis farmer-sown;ed and controlled` or ganiza-'
tion' has 'prompted considerable `increase -in staff
and we.,a eable-to:look after Tour'breedin . needs.__
Servic 'isa vi_ab1er-m-a11 bxeeds; dairy
or beet--and-the-cost-is:lci�v: �-'he best bur s
thatcane1. areinhere.
bpurchased. e
' r
• � e have nothing -to -sell __ exce i service You
,,. . except U
can.i l' paying
become part -ow' bys m � )a n the`lifE
lYl �'�
irlembei ship'fee of $5.00.
Cost per cow is '$5.00 fora rnember and $6.00
or a iThn-rnemb er.-
For service or ...more information, phone:.
Clinton Zenith ''9 - 56.50
Between 1;30 and'10:00 a:m. 3'Geek Days
-6:00 and .8:00..p.01:::SatUrtlay,,EVeiiiiisLI
• Foxe cows noticed, iii' heat on Sunday -morning, do•not call "until
Monday morning.
See .them Aft on .D sp•[ay MENTand :on Demontstration._ at the
'April '2 and 3 (-afternoons and evenings, .
Set the -New -
Fry Eggs in Three Seconds #:
See. the Newest in all the
At This.. Show :! ,
Afternoon and Evening Ijemonstrations
of all the • Westinghouse Priducts:
and BAR.
Registered NO: 1` aria' Commercial No.
Of All. Popular varieties
Registered No..1:and Commercial No,1
.Coitimercial No: 1 Clipper .-
A full line of Ail Popular Varieties
” We, are Agents for:
FEED-•-•M'ixecl', Crain, :Oats and Corn
in "smaller truck load lots •
We are in the market for good oats that Will`make seed.,
Bring in your samples.
ihone 5