HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-27, Page 86--TH U HUR.O EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT:; MARCH 27, 1959
At• least' five • 4-1-1 Clubs will he merit 'the formation.
' flit -hie -a; a-. meeting in lSeafo>7ti ;nrThe'eeting is designed to. bring
- 'pistr�et Schap esda night, -the',441, members erst eChez an
Themeeting will 'be- the ,stait of
hne rtae: -3959.. pragrarn, Time per -
the 1959.,program fo the Seaforth mitting,• executivesof the various
• 4:kT•',Beef Calf `C1trb, the Seaforth clubs •mill alsd be elected!,
,11 -It -Dairy Ca' !Club the,cKil o ' Any boy 'or girl who will be -12
4-H•• Grain Club, the Seaforth 4-T years of age by May.' 1, .1959, and
e .1 . and - u kers ith under 2 b iseligible ".to . join any
• Swizr ,..,C.ub-• an the � c zn nd bib 1, vn 3
' 441 Corn P11b.;: As`- well as,,these of these clubs, according tO Arthur
five ;cluis other 'clubs -will be form S. Bolton, •associate :: agricultural
;if the number of ' members representative for 1 -Huron County,
�1 �� � _ T� E .SPAN, �►RS.
The ad's Of he e 's• 1 c
ladies .t Wom n Insti-lathe of 4th o cess`on east.
�s the n r
tute spoitso ed av
variety- Program
entitled,S rm-CaravaofonFri- -Walton` •Croup
day evening _in _ttite:_onimunitY , 1Vlrs;'Art McCallwars. hostess •for.
Hall, with Mr.; Tiobejt-Cunningham, the 'March ,meeting Of the Walton
of. Ethel, . E= .of as 'm• aster of ceremo n= group:. The -president, Mrs.. Jim
Numbers, included"0 :.Can- Clark, opened the meeting.. Mrs:
.ad a", weldprneby Mrs:: F. Wal- LuellaMarshall.read the' seriPt'Ure
tees duet; Mark Helen Buchanan from. 1 Col.:, Commen
'andNBaan{• solo, , Marilyn same wereiven- on.
;by the :le�dei`i.
Johnston;''paiitemnie; '"Trouble;"pf' P -raver :was:offered 'by Mrs. Fern,
TWo Tovers,"•Mrs.-Jan Van'Vliet,.. Patterson; :also .an Easter: prayer
Mrs:I Baal",Mrs: H..S all -Pf Pa trY bv Mrs. Clark:
� •
Eton Mrs•.. R. Willramsonand Miss ,; The secretary's report',was fol
Hellunga;' solo„'.Sharon,. Strong; .lowed with the roll callwhich wase
Gonne 'Irish. song, Mrs,: Joe Ryan; answered with "a miracle of Jes
duet, Mrs„' Herb” Travis and' :Brian use" FineS;.were ,collected by Mrs:.
Travis; solo, Donald .:McDonald ..George' Dundas: for,,not answering
Scotch dance, Geraldine Dennis; roll''call properly..., .
solo, Sharon: Strong, square dance, e • is fi
j h %Ir. Were Seek '.Ye
IVIrS-. A. Coutts;:•`Mrs E.; McCreath; l Chr'st - a iven" r -
r w s � by M
:Mrs,. r, Walters, Mrs. xen�MCDoxi-• son • Mitchell, calling to mind.
alk Mrs: R.: Travis Mrs..Roy Wrl Christ's death,• the' empty tomb;.
l:i'amsan Mrs: --William -. Turnbull, where, when, why 'and how; iye find:
Mrs. Bm
B. Craig; usic,•. Mrs. Wm. Christ. ''-Mrst.-Earl,: Watson thanked'
phries, an -6, Mrs, E. 'Mit the group fora bozo, she had re.-
c'hell, violin.; Mrs Joe Ryan, call ceiyed :Mrs- R. Bennett.:and. Mrs.,
es duet,•Mary. Helen .'Buchanan E Mitchell:. "!gave the W:A. and
and •Nellie .Baan.; play, "The Will, VV,Nl:S'. treasurer's'`reports.
ljy the Seaforth. Junior EarmerS.'
Mrs. W:`.i3roadfoot suggested we:
Following.the coneert;'lunch Was? saye' star1is during. Mrs.''
served .by the Institute ladies, and' p g '
Bennett reported for the bazaar
danemg. ;was enjoyed tO . music by committee-' The leader gave, the
VIrs. Harvey Brown• and. Mr.'Stew- thought for the 'day, and cldsed
art McCall. with: a',Ibenedletion
Next Sunday morning buffs
United liuich—SiBndaY'Scho.ol will, CONSTANCE
be held' at, 10,:30 and .church ser- �tll IV�r
v4e-at-41:3t}; a.m.14Iz aTiti Mrs. Donald BticTharia
First Church Y.P.S'•
Hear . Dr•• McMaster
First Presbyterian Young Peo;
` Society hell: their regular
meeting in the_*church tiur hall on .5 '
g� un
day March 22. The president,
Cathy toshart welcomed Dr. E.
A. McMaster;, whoahowed a film
and gave. a very interesting talk on
his recent visit to• japan. A number
ofadults also attended and were,
welcomed by y the president. Carole
Elder thanked Dr. 'McMaster on
behalf of the society and- all P
e Rev.Britton-and the
item bers -of ',Northside--United-
orths'de lnited Were also present., This- was
a surprisevisit, but ;a most wel-
come one, and a very • enjoyable
fellowship was shared The )presi-
dent and the .Rev. Mr. Elder ex=,
pressed' their delight at:having the
Northside group come over.
Planswere completed . for the
Sunrise Service, to be held by First
Church' "Y,P,S. -in the church on
Easter, Sunday :morning at 7.a.m.'
Everyone Will• be made ,very wel-
come at this service: -
Mrs:'Shortley l as'd scussing'.the
latest fashions •with'a -young lady
Did _you say . your husband was
fond' ° of those • clinging gowns,
"Yes, he likes one to cling to
me for about three years.
Ifliiumimi mmum,I ummiiiylfrlt
'Owin "t • con 'ruling ea
Owing' o o n ng h vy,:bar>1'
dosses, the Gam any has been fore
ed ,to• increase'. certainr
ot rate on
o fol-
s f rural property, as.f 1.
On. Barns Div Houses, Hen °
Rouses, Sheds, Produce, Live-
stock, Implements, Machinery,
etc;;, to 30 cents per• $100 year •
The_ . rate on :Rural - Dwel-
lings' and Contents,' Churches? t
Schools, ':Halls et: remains
:____unchanged- at ents ,'per -$100 --
yearly'. e
rateluwill • apRply tSo
renewals not already• signed up at.
March. 23 1959, nd iV tne. second
instalments.,• of 1958 and ;those. 1959
policies already taken, and: also to'
the third instalments of 1957 poli-''
• This company new assumesaia
bihty. for damage by.Lightning to
_Television Sets, but with no pay
.meat for tubes: Television.: Sets
should, be°specifically. inentioneds in�'
tele ,policy if valirens ab i -c $104.00;`
;AI HUR FRASER - Sec treas.
The regular, xndhthly meeting ;of. •and;famrly:visited Sunday with Mr.'
the. 17th ,and "Boundary •Group of and Mrs: ''Wilfred :Buchanan and
Duffs United• Church 'was held; .at family, of ` Bryanston
the home_ of . Mrs William Coutts Mi +s ITelen' McIle aizi,' nurse -in
til ith 18 rhembers present Mrs traiumg at'; Stretford, spent . the
Annld Buchan ri • piesitled aver weekend with her parents, IVISmeet•
the • meeting eMrs A Clark read gra, George:.Mc1Jw:aut
:th'e_ cripturaid Mrs William _-M - Tom "4 yte rj—R�dgetow _
Coutts.'taol the topic, • `The Mean- spent the we'dkend with lus par=e.
Mg. ofEaster.Mrs: Harvey ents; Mr a:nct Mrs; W L ^:Whyte
Craig §a " ve a reading, `potlights• The_Easter thankoffering of the
On i1te. "Gross " Constance •;t' /IVIS will • be held in,
p tire: discussion •period it was rthe•' baseneat ofry.the church on`:
decided to serve_lunch a: "t1ie sale Wedne�cla J rApr11 with MGs.'
Of Mrs Nlark 'Hamilton.. Luneh , Ro6ert McMich tel;, Walton; press-:
'was served by .'the hostesses;' Mrs', dent ,of Ceintre Section of;
Vers M•:' a Presbyterial as speaker; All
Harve Hoeg and
Haiilton, -and: social hers aretoguest,and
;halt leur..spent: >
1VIcKillop Gra'up
• ;The Marchr.eeting of the .Mc
Killop Group was held in°'the
;church • parlor with Mrs Nelsen•
•Reid presiding.. The ri'ieeting open
ed with..': an -Easter verge 1VI-rs.:°T
l3acldwell;,read the Scripture -lessen
from' John -20 with. Mrs Reid
commenting on the passage.Px.ay
=er sv'ss offered b -y. Mrs:;Gordon Mc
`It w.as 'announced tliatthe Pres
}iyterial' ;would,'b-. held: at North•
Street lfnited Chur ch, Goderich,;on.
:March -go. ABY, rivitationto Bethel
United' Church;on Thursday• :eve-
ning,. April -2, Was accepted., The sign; Seafpitli had .previously, de-:
'W A, annual -will be , -held ai ?eWn feated the, e "hefty ,,Dearborn squad
erieff on -May, 6;; and'Walton Eas- an'Seafortli ice
ter, thankefferii g' on April 15.. A. ' playing,. in tele' Detroit Olynni ia:'
collection was taken for the Polio Stadium Saturday, morning,
',larch of Dimes` Fund. Lions su)i ed trio goals in the final
7.he 'topic •on "Thoughts On-EPS:,stanza to"Like.'-the game. Th.:firsti
ter' ii,a's- given •:by Mrs, Campb ell I period,went scoreless and=free of
Wes Collotied•by' prayer. After the penalties::'�During the secontt'per'
iinecting Ionch was seised by the ioct the Deaio'ointeani'wiei`e hand'
i ed .two. penalties; .:With .,Keblaitis
r , spending ;te o minutes -in `sin
bin's'for tripping, and ,;.Martinda_le
gi.its have 'a special invitation to
attend 'The roil. ';ca11 will be .a'
verse..en 'Easter; A miscel-
le + eus :article fol •the WA; bazaar.:
is i tie handed in.
$e Orth Pe
Make History
etr•oit Trop
Seaforth•`Pee. Wree Lions; hockey
teani paid";.a return visit to. the
Dearborn B•uirlr Saturday and held •
the ;Bruins: scoreless. ir•a 2-0 deer
.CALL G B 6I i:.
*0 '4 ile..i, ndan
. tree., il?ress to,.'.' ae' your ad:
;s;Fs receives ':ki'y 5:OO p.ii .
appa.2er: dey's paper.
1 5SL ,
'.tl.�ia •�' J
P R (D7,
See lois. is fu.starca r the
co 7:101- . • .:
Prices-pai, (r'ass `Seeds Are Going
Ranger .Alfalfa - $2 •:00 leer bus.
Tirriotliy •'. 1:2.50 i5efbus,
• Climax Timothy...". :20.00 per .buts.-,
Alsike ; $V.00 per bus.
Red', Clover, 29.00 per: