HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-27, Page 1'>t i:. One; Hundredth Year Whole Number 4755 SEAFORTH,: ONTARIO, 'RI DAY MARCI-T 27,;1959 Single; • Copies, 5 "'Cents ;$2,50 a, Year in Advance • •FOl€ 1TOIIETI1AN:'70 YEARS The Huron Expositox=has beben nrinted'on the :same 'news- paper:;.press, 'but.,this''week. there- is a change. While :,Pages '7.•and-8: of this:.: issue'were.,pri'nted on the same. press that has beer doing dui for 'nearly ,three quarters of: n" century -,-,the- • remainder tlof the paper came off •on a different press ;;which has:;been installedin The Ex- positor''plant.' The picture shows the press,;;as it 'appeared, through the wide doors of the plant while workmen moved it into', its new location. Blustering snow, which fell at thetime, did little to ease the problem of movingthe nine -ton machine. Installation of the press', may', result in. a publication -delay -this week. (Expositor photo 'Eby Phillips). Jew ;Schedu!e; �or Fair; Grants I'Seafor Seaforth Fall' li air will benefit-'1nu°" eis will be invited £or.. the as ;a.'result. of the:�•adoption,of a ✓construction of :a 177-bed,addition new-.grat policy by Huron County, to Htiren County. Tioine;as a result Council, at itsMarch; meating X0112:, -of • appro�;a1 given a report of- the, day, ::Introdiictian'.. o a . °schedule` :County Home committee by` fi_uz- based on eight pe ;cent :,of ,the on county council en Monday.' ruin e n•' p z , on y _dad out results in the " .Tenders •rriust be presented' -to Seaforth : grant being • raised from .council,;.at.. the: earliest pe 'sible- $150'to $398.06., time: .Council .gave ;the.; go-ahead Seaforth Tial .been>increa.sing,the ales •after two';,hours',;' deliber•!atiori -prize::money-= off eredduzing reee it-i4.-conimitt- e of-the=whole„ -a • !years': an .effort to reach Class: B' standing. While -no formal ap-. proval of the hew rating has -'Been received; Department of- Agricul- "titre-auditors reviewed the•:financ°; es 0 ...the `society last week; :and..., ' directors are cdntident that . the new `status ;will be .:attained;' this. ye r. As yell as re�ising.the schedule' offairArarits ,Council appy'oved'.'a neve' method - of recognizing ..breed_ oIganioations. - To: _over^ eann-utal-county-- grants- to six cattle -breeding organizations' Council. agreed on a policy :of pay- ing at thea rrate of ;$2 00 for each: ; registered. bre,eder;rin Huron, with the arltlod :pxaviee5':'tltat tile=mini muni grant shotild be :$50, and Vie' ma-xi�niuni, ,$100, . As - a result,: 1959: 'grants of •:$100 each' will. be ;paid; to the -.Iluron ,.Holstein Club, -the .Huron Hereford -.Association,. Arid;;,r the Perth=Huron Shorthorn Associ= r:: atioii. P Grants, of $50: will.:be to the Aberdeen -Angus Association, the Guernsey •Association arid the Banner Counties. Ayrshire'. Club. Considered at .the January.:ses side, council- then; deferred deei-. Sion on -Whether to Call, for for tenders :and asked 'for review of the plans .to see if an adequate building could be obtained at less cost A scale:` model of the, building, and outline plaits -were ,studied:by -all -memburs'of Council at a closed session Monday., On motion : of Reeve . Morritt, Blyth, . me'mbers' ' of -the.,.press__ wereexcluded. 'while councillors in 'committee' of the :whole, studied 'the revisions' ma<le in the January plans: Members 1, ete'.told revisions in the pians have reduced the cost of the 177 -bed raddition by $171,032. Bstiipated cost of the addition now has, .beer% set at $1,209,212:44, In - eluded in the overall cost i$' slight- ly more than $1,000,000 for con- struction, $70,800., fors furnishings, $7,5,000 for -kitchen and $10,000 for laundry egiiip`nient,'':'The .addition- The future; of farming. isa cares- 1 tion each,. person engaged in the; Y . industr 'Must' ask"himself,- Dr: k. S. Lackey,• Professor` of Rural. So- ciology .at 'Ontar'io Agrrultural " ret' .'farmers ist r College told*! 150 d,. -Who were•guests of the. Seaforth Lions`, at .the club's 'annual Club, rural:-reiations night ori .Monday., in The answerto the • question fac g, farriers ”".W. here do wego' from' here?"•depends on. ;what .one.wants' where` one :wants' 10 or.. out°of life,, end:; up, he';'said. `Prenein g his .. remarks. with the •-statoinent thatg. if a -man ;has: no oa35-' he ,liecomes:. 'the eals whereby other peepe , M .. 1". .:acfri'eve their goals, Dr Lackey said there are srgziHifeant- chhnges in the rNalues lue -: ,held ': by our..-; society..,--Va s- in- o'c i- .1 u 'd are reli nous sa cid r e g, e omic c an eon seal seient d oht ifs , P , butonly, economic values are quan-• asure f re " a nd are them o tiff e ed P materiel ,com- fort..") a rens g ,'As . °rs t'.there.r s'. a • ten-" €'rt.� -Asa e ul p ' values" dency_ta lose;sight ,Of other, - the speaker, warned. ,r Wh at is:,: re nfr d is... phy,of:life 'which will relegate eco• nornic� values to tr: heir, Proper place. ;Referring • to the 'trend towards'. contract. farming," the speaker said. this; was another phase, of econom- c' is 'change:. An .association -based on' • contractural assessment of dollars and eet6ts'loses a:' lot. of whatis balled human, characteristics. E nphasiz ng economt&e-values• • tends .to the:opinion that, all things: have, a•, price Y;et,: .the '..speaker, said, it it dangerous to -regard free- dom as having • a price. The ten-' dency is : to regard the b e at Man in a community as being the one with the -Most dollars, the most material ,i;omforts •Happiness ;and its associations can not be,.purchasea, Dr.Lackey said, pointing' otit;that other values- are being, subordinated'to price. • 'iJconoiiiics is not''an end -in :it, self=it is' a :means.:to .,an end,''," he said., Contract faXming should be • . qualified to the extent that con- sideration is 'given to centinu ed freedomof action _en the part of the individual. Summing up, Dr. Lackey said was required was a iloso- �vhat v 1 d s h 1 P phy-tiyhich provides •spiritual unity, associated with specialization. ' ed� �'th' need to take _'a choice between tween freedom and equality; between in- -. a i m and conform' be- �dividu 1 s fween humanitarianism', and econ- m'e ' a t. d uce Dr: Lackey ekes >was m rod d by Doug -Miles, Huron agricgrit ultural re- "ap reciation was' :presentative --.and ? ,1> expres"sed 'by,Lloyd Rowat. Speak- ing on;b eh' lo# the:, uests Robert. g h . ai�j ,, g , W. •McMillan said how much: the opportunity to- loin with the Lio; s• -ha besi -vreiTeri`ied � irinan for ',the meetingwas Cha� J. Scott Cluff, ;, and' with him on, ;the committee were: J M.• Scott,' r e : Leslie, Hi Hunt -an R. S. •Ha v s e d Y , i - :Mc ercher.� 'In' charge•, of a mus i-, program. ee: J-': A. Baldwin ca,were a ald: w and -E -,.._:H. •Munroe; ?A )etroitJr Tea �ere'ta Aid : :isfowel Fund Seaforth district hockey fans will have an opportunity to see -an out, 'standing game Saturday . night, when Detroit Junior All -Stats meet the Gdderich.Junior,-`3''team on, Seaforth ice. All ,proceeds go to the Listowel disaster ..benefit fund. The 'darnels the.:outeanie of two offers among the many :that„reach- ed. Listbw�el following the tragedy of : threeweeks ago. Seaforth Arena •Commissibnt through Chair- man W. T..:Teall, offered the use of. the : arena, here, -:and Jack Ad- ams; the'Detroit Red' . Wings,^ told Listowel he wanted:to arrange a hockey game to he1p,the benefit fund, , - The Detroit players are "coming , to Seaforth ;Saturday and will re- turn 'fallowing ,the game; Mr, Teall',. "said '• Wednesday arrangements, were being; made:, to -serve the. 'team a'hitch' 'followsng the ame, • Details of. the game` g are, being • worked out by a Listowel ebm'init- tee. ',All ''services in ; conection.. with the arena here are beingpro-, vided without'charge Mt. "Nall , Said. e ijer9Oth ..: 'cl abss es A gricu ltu ral-so.' c ieti, es holdtry receive �milm mgrapt of $7 0 .i1 fairs.'entirely within 'Huron will , For fairs held at county !boundary' Set New Policy For grantsto agricultural socie ties„the new. posies'-,1n--71wily be topayat the rateeight oft e' r g P... cent of the •' amount factually paid out i n prize money for agricultural John Kenny, well known district resident,marked his 92nd birthday on Sunday at the home of his sis- ter, Mrs.: Leo Fortune,; on No. 8 Highway,'. east of town. Ninety-one On Monday John St. 1V1 s. IIenr hlo arch t r yq bg �, -Seaforth, 'wilt -be•. 9T' on ` Monday. x Sire: was bora in, Hibbert on March 1'86where She 'sent- most 30, 8P of. her life., She has lived in Seaforth for the: past 36 years •r° Illness Postpone Party Mess y ' -Postpones P ' c e n ele rated her M • E, Ro erso br is her G 'de is • t'. _A- h -birthday at o Sts b r h S y West home on Tuesday The•-'€aini1y- gathering which usually marks the event was ostPbned:this• year. be- cause p of illness in` the family. How- ever," Mrs.. Rogerson was' reme:ni i1h a biTthda < cake fr ... om --bared w Y the Misses Beattie :as.:well. a ,by many gifts and°-cars ds.. - Grocer,:c. er,: "What a" as`rie matter r wihthose.eggsI.sent ou Housewife";... .:..,. Tob' naall•`for their , ... s ,p mts, and :drawing' support from' .neighboring ••:counties; the arrange- ment''will be to grant $75'r to :the Fair .,at Lucknow a'nd '000.:"to the Fair. `at Kirkton Fairsin, :Tluron. that will. receive. the minimum grant' of $150 are those; at Zurich, 'Bayfield; Howick and Duna-nno - For n. g ;Rayfield, the grant is the •same -as last''year's; for -:each 'r of :: the 'other•- three; the; 1959; grant will be•.an increase of 95 'tr 5 'trent: the $.amount of$125 'paid last year. Fal th s wi ece r at • •1'• 1 r iver g ants;. s� b thanr;the minimum,,. on the 'greaters o' r' on p ize.in ey.paid:oiitr Seaforth;,, ;$398,06:° Exeter '- 64.3 ", Brussels, :$257.90;Blyth :$196.47. Douglas' ltliles ;a 'ricultural're.-. , g presentative: fol Huron, wko ex . pTaiired the new -grant •po7"rcies to •:e•Ctigt y, council, noted ;:;that 'two .:years.ago, gr ,all ants to breed As- sociations were wiped out,- as an. economy,' move•' Later, : as:• -an in-, ers ,k m measure,... council:: -re • , . restored the:ian ' ts:at�` "' th `r"t. g , e a e of $100:10... e, ach bice = d , or ariizatron �'but: a g sk ;;(ContYnneli •ori P -age 10') '$QRS OF. THE •SEAF theirannum meetingTuesday Y dollars tiuhile the produce 'divis left '`a e V.r eside nt Robert wlio ';5lacceds R W Campbell- in ORTII FARMERS co. PER evening', -'V? 1 o u e`: of . ne , m s ss ion ma. , te. e r t d � e i l over 1,000,000 n'IciVlzllan~ � Seer tar . - e Y, Murray- that',office (Expositor photo ATIYE reviewed a successful year at 'topped three= quarters of am million. on z hown� hergg , ra e f m .th • Roy; nnd -President Peter Sampson, by Phillips). Will cover.: 821,481 cubic feet`: of-. space and is- about three times the Size of the existing building. The - proposed addition to -' the Horne '•is to - be. built to the north and east of the addition that Was built :Esse cars age.' The general Ia'H g plan calls for. the original, build- - ng, now considered obsolete, ; to Abe torn::' down after; the:Second :ad- dition has heels .completed. -No change. was. made= in the ac- tual ,bed •accommo dation: Archi- 'tects for the addition are L. G. Bridgman and :R.,_ 0. 112aera-vish both .of :.:London.. Mr. I , t J avish . is i..,son' of NIi`s.'-I dr _uacTavisli, of Seaforth. • On the recommendation. of` the Cduntyr home Committee of which • ,Valentme. Becher, reeve 'of '.Hay, townshlp,�S Hay "- rn»' .Leourcil_de crded to: -ash •the 0r —r-io-Depart Ment of Health to review the classification, of patients in non valescent.1ospitals and 'zn chronic w.zngs of hospitals Huron will, -ask. the province to assnme;'the-ho'sp1 tai costs -,,of:: Chronic patients until,____ licensed'nursiiig home's ' are avail- able. Many*« of these hospitals, or;de partinents "of hospitals,'.' . the coin niittee. reported; "were; built With public , funds, to care.; -fur patients. who at "times : needed :medical: and :expert nursing care: In this tyke of hospital,'. the patients;,,remain in their own comarrunity; ', and .under . • the care of the family physician The advantages of having these- - hese _,.;patients:_located m a_ -building ea> an active hospital are quite olefin rte. The cost e maintain' at f in g A lents in a co a e ce t hospital Huls n. could coin r 'wi hthe c 'ri ae t ostita P licensed nursing: home.'" 'Patients: who have been de Hied financial assi'stance at hasp' tals have, in_ many cases, been, in- structed to enter, nursing homes," • Reeve Hecker 'said. in , his...report. • "In nursing homes . these patients receive no `financial aid • •In' the„, `. opinion `' of our-: -committee, "df- all ". 'persons :registered under the, hos- pital os- i al' an receive 'nan'ci a si t= P t plan fi a1 S s ance while in hosztal,;patients in• nursin 'ho es shoul •'recei e' as-' :. g .m d v sistance." Coup c" d .cide 't en lir' •the nil e„ d.:o . d se s .s estions . and to 'ask. othe � , coun- ugg,, ,. sk r, ties' in: Ontario.; to give" sa ort Urging.them.on: provincial authori- ties, ties; Council. approved a b law ro- rov to P - YP P . -Continued on Page 10 g • Seaforth P Farmers co-operative o- .., did a volume 'of business . in -ex, cess of .750000 during 1958 the ink annual ' et1 e er of the ,me naofminb s (Co-op, held in Egmondv 1e Church Tuesday evening,wasH;Dur- i the sa ie period-- more-than'a' ng h p million dozen eggs were marketed, reresentin an increase of 100 000 over 1957 In presenting hisreport s..man- er, Lloyd.'-Rowat said that the e nable- ih a reasonable - net ase a had.closed' 'with yearv net profit and sthat the:; Co-op was in a' healthy financial :position A Patronage .divide n d of• two o e. r cent b inesshad beendeclar- ed, as well as a dividend,, of..one- 'third cent,a doers eggs; on bpsiness' w •' . KETBALL .TEA brought honor' to - TXiE S.D,I#.S. CxYRI'.S BAS ham i' nshi - the -school this year when it°wa'it the C p of the Anton Seeondarv:School ;Association,and was, ninner-up: in the Western Ontario Secondar ::School Associatiokt schedule. ` The team was, y former S.D.B.S. e orm r I:I S stud nt and > coached by .Mrs. Donna Hannon, a f s , rid ,h e naw a member of the staff: ;1'~ront' row, left to, tight, Margaret El - ion. 1le oftft :. Alice Ann Nikon, Ctene Nixon, :Hahher se i3os har., xnidd e'.row s to Mar aret Che neY-s'Loretta,Uonnoil a•'Eeairor., �� Violet RakewiGh,Sandra -Doig; :back, row, left to right,1Varibr. i. e ` papple•; Margaret Woods, Antoinette 'Van den ien e15 Mts. Donna Haron coaoh ShirleyInox Corrine Smith, and Crich, (Expositor photd by Phillips): done meat.t:h' in h'te`Praduce d e ar; t own$ told: -the- meetrng:.o f expansion which':: -had. taken -place. p.,, A:. new: trans ort:`truek-was -'in :use P . •abda the ;Op -op truclted'its' eggs to Toronto B 1 u k feed d deli rie ve s were' "now available ;te'a's-, also:' "tv e "r'e petroleuzr` products: The ; pe- -troleum roduets' division 'Will -be' in charge Of driver- salesman Alex' -Tovvnsend-,Mr.-Rowai said Cam '•'� bel. who' retired president, •iwas chairmanfox .the. meets Dr J. Sem o 1 f•E. rig P ,. o g. rnbndviile Church,;' extended ,a wet. m Purchase' Buit d ` m '..Clare Reh 3iana er o f the epro duce Said: inereasing.busi- 'Mess had made :necessary: thepro-” Vision of larger' accommodation. This• had beeii.obtained by' the puff- curse of ; the Wright "-block,' where capacity :could '':be in. creased 'to • 1500 c•aseS ;of eggs a week:: At the n-oment six machines are -•in -taper-•. btion, • and -volume zs running to 1;000 casei a vkeelt, • ' . During 1958 an increase; of 6,500• cases vas: handled .and '•dollar -,vol - time increased by X100,000, • Mr. Rhn4said. - :Tllere. is a- big diffe:renee be-'' tween iarn tuppls.',•co-operative' as:, tl.eye 1st,:in Ontario and `1iia- ket.' ccaoperatrves 'created -.h goy er l'nenr. to handle 01ai•k'cti'th'-of greed "S7 ., C7)rfi`"irall�1f` t.:Secif rte irds- S three breed shot' at this year's fair with.•tfe ,announcement nesday, 'that the , Miran I-Io1 tern - show would Conte to Seaforth, Other shows at the $eafarth Fair will include Ontario Hereford Re- gional and- the Perth -Huron Short- horn show: hog, s . tobaccos and' other' .farm Products', Ray •Lougheed, a' •vice- resi d e P d nt 'af:;the 7-Uzuted .Co -opera, tives:of Ontario,teld;the members.' Farm p roduct wi s iz never'seucce' d` to the advanta e of reducers if: 'programs ate: be ham b A g p.eyed Y (Continued on -,Page ivel. BankManacierRetir Th e Torohto- omin"b .Bank years :of 'banking . ex erience nouncaed Wednesday that J. R -_M- SPitta1 e d many important. posts; ; Spittal; managerof its Seafortli i cl ding the... 'manageTship ..of • branch; t11shorty re tre frenthe Winghanz " branch 14irr,..2and � Mrs. service because of ill. health. Mr.Spittal •and their fannil" ' Spittalis' past * will be filled; by W. - time to reside .;in Seaforth. . C. -Moore, present manager of the During the.-years'he lias:been in bank° Paris 'branch; ..Seaforth Mrn+Snittal has given`'un Mr. •Spittal has-been manager, stintingly or his time. on behalf. of .here since .: 1950. He .came, from ;the, comfnunity.; Active in the'.Lons• Brantford; xvhere he had been:man- !Club; he -has -headed the boys --and ager;for. four'years.'.., During his $6 girls','ebmrnittee and, has.:.been re- ' sponsrble for • the cxtensiye Boy - Scout ..;and Cub program: in Sea- -forth He is treasurer -of. the Crip. - •'pled Children's :fund. An .outstanding • vocalist, Mr, , `Spittal''bu s been` 'chair leader' in StThomas'••Ctizrch A',w r vetei 41111:Tulles'. took part in' the 'invasion .. of Eurotie 00 D -.Day, he •is:meth . -b. r r t Seafo,rtlf hranch 156 of the,. f. ar ads.an Le ion. 'bore 'crinins to Seaforth �:ftt i iiciir ly uI) y t a1 v to the bank - � i^t'r. 4(init 2 „t1ii $, rV ii.'E, in' 'alis :tr n in',1150 he has held responsible • . pasiv 111tl Mi11broolr,, as s_ well ,i'-. ' 1,4rrs: '- lreie.'hS has'been. irtanagc-r since 1353. He is ru with two "children,. The change rs' elfrrtive Apii1.,36. PrrAL 02er Seal Fungi Reniains Open A shortage of aurnpaign literature has resulted in a few people in the district not being irif';,hied•of the Crippled Children's aster ` Seal ,tvpaign, according -to if. E, Lang- staff, campaign chairman. Mr. Longstaff said ...donations • could be left at the Toronto -130m... inion ,Bonk, where there were ' a few shuts of Easter seals avail- able. Donations to date total. $532, according to treasurer J. -1 . Spit-- tt ries. Into 1 Would-be robbers, who battered some of the. papei,s,scattered• oVer -in,vain on a - all ir1 rn a.€tempt to the rand Provincial :police coC nstable- ecil reach :an office.vault in 11ensa1l, L.Gibbons. Exeter'..arld Iiensa11' chief • early. Monday morning apparently pasted on the door. of theconstable E. R. Davis. are invcsfi 1 ' ..In .6`�1ti Credits missed the combination which ,was i• ' vault. gating. The biealcin at the office of• Foree'',Kntry' e_< i,y, 2 50 The' lath or adjusting bill, frons the H,t.lS.C: to the Seaforth P.`t7 C'. for powc`r'purchased during 1955 as in the form. of , a' c"redit ,,for 52,500. The amount represents the difference between the costof power 'and what was billed. .rough during the year. Thompson's graintin,il1 was the see •Thieves sforced entrance througli. encs in H.ensali since 'Saturday. The a- large rear . door at Spencer's yeggs • apparently used a steel bar Planing Mill .during the' early hours to pry open the ,Outside office' door. of.Saturday morning and removed, Nothing seemed to be .missing, ac- a' safe weighing 200' pounds. The cording,.to. office m nager Howard tiro -foot by two -font safe contain-. Searle, who discovered the' break- cd ,$15 -and valuable books and re- in ' "when hey opened for business • curds:. • 1Vfonday morning:. This is the second time within a Police ,'believe the -culprits might year the, mill has been broken in. have been the same ones who broke The first time the safe was remov- into Spencer's: `planing Mill early � ed and later found at the.rear of S9turday, and moved ��00aurd thebutlding with :cash xemtkeo safe containing ing S15r and v luabLebutPapers intact booksand . ec rOPP Ii'arr Reid,of Exeter, r ods. The.. smashedand -safe was'found in Us! erne town— Chief E. R. Davis, of Hensall, • are ship later With the.Money gone and investigating,:; CAktl:V'IV:AL' ; ON TUESDAY The aminal , skatingcarr' tal the Seaforth 'Figure Skating C Iuo b is beingheld on Tuesday, Takingf . part iri.addition to mdmbers:of the local club, ate outstandityg skaters from Chatham: and Stratford.