HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-20, Page 8v. IIIII#J1191-CEXr9Srl'OR,O.AFoRTII,,ONT.,MARCH20,10$ FIrst PRESBYTERIAN.. CHURCH Rev.. D. Leslie Elder minister . H. A: liZEMPSTEH •,94.AMeet and Choir Leader . „ • • 'thOh.A.Pd„ chlereh Sehael and Youth ' FellowShip • 11-A.M. 01STSCIEISPE • AT, THE' CROSS . ',the. Conscience Of the Blink Thief" • Anthem:. "King All-Gloeious": (Vail) " Sbleist: M0s. Frank Kling r...ivi.—VESPit SERVICE • •.The concluding address on: e"WillY I AM NOT A JEHOVAH'S. WITNESS" ?see', • Music: Jneior Quartette: e "Hossanana-ise the Joyful Hymn" • (Peery) . Meta Reeves, Katie ScotteBrende , Ross, Margaret Kemester EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHIYRCH Da. J. SEMPLE, Mideter Lyle Hammond, Cirganist and . Choir Leader , - •-Services Apprepriate to -Palm • • Sunday, 11 A.M. .., Holy Communion and Reception of Church Membership Class. 7:30 P.M.' eSUbjeetee"Soniezrelege Do With 'Christ" • Filmstrip: "Last Journey ,e.De Jerusalem" ' • (Post -Communion) •Clitrch Membership, Claes and »Members of Session, Mipister's Vestry at 10:30 a.m., • Church School, 10 a.m.; • Young —People's Union, Pme-- s -Eager Sunday Night - Cantata; •76flie'Glory of the Cross'; Mein - hers. Church School; 'large cast. Holy Week MiesiOn-March 23 -.27 S/L Rev. .E. • Gilbert, Centralia R.C.A• ,F. se.......;eeeeeeeeeeeeeeieeee LEMON'S TAXI -and PARCEL SERVICE , All Pissingets Lusuied. - PHONES: DAyie . 676 » 616 ALL KINDS INSUJANCE SOUIRGATE MeKiUop Cleerge.Cavasn,. 1000 :A.M.; . ',11.;00, axe; ' Bethel, Z:00 pen-ReVei.W. H. Siupenerelle Mester,' : • 1 -Seaforth Pentecestal..Tabei'llacles -Sunda, Sunday School; Sunday, el. •a.m.., Message, -The •King% Sunday, '7:30 'The Keys TO :the KingdiSM."e.,Rev.,. Kendeick, PaStere . , " ANNOUNCEMENTS . Mr. ,aed eMre, aivey Taylor, Brucefield wise to 'announce .the engagenient Of their •daughter,:lea Marguerite,, Rase Wight Brawn; s'on.Ofellreeand Mrs. Cline toirlefhWri, NeWhinVillee•Onte. the weddingto.. :take place in Bruce - field 'Unit Cherch early eerAfirit Mes,'Ethel , McPhee,eof .Sarnia, wiehea :.to anuomice the engage- ment,' .of . her daughter, .Shiley :Leiria; to M. ,oltichard Marston Crahbe, »sxls of Mrs; Cralehe„, of TiVrontoee-andedielateelVer.eGrehleee The Wedding Will stake, place: at 2:40 • perie.MaeChs•28, in Rosedale Presbyterian Church, rTotonta. . , •IOCAL. 'BRIEFS Mr. andMie..JOInDiek and, Suz- of"eCentreline,- Mich., :spent' the W,e.eltend at: the home of her prent4, M. Med 'Meg. .Herb „Trap nen,. • -. • Mr. and "elite'. ThOitae L Wateon„ of. London, Were ' weekend guests of Mr. and • Mrs. W. Ce :Bennett,' Clinton; , • Mr. Bole.Smetli,'-lViiss, •MaeiSitith 'mid' Mrs: Robert Sreith, eipited. With RobeiteSiniA 'at St; Joseph's: Hos ital den.; • an SiindaYe Mrs: ernes arnerOne,o eSalesia7 is a• gliest at the heine 'of s.lier datightere.,Mrs.,' Charleee• Geddes,: and Mt: Geddes,- , • • . 'T, J.1',,,Flyieneefee itedone day, teeeatlye ha Under- wood Witlf-Mr. and Mrs., 'F, ',Care Mre John. •HothemeJr., who was 'recently .appoented t�' .the inspection 'unit at LOn don, is at present': a patient in Scott Memorial, Ananital. ' Mre, Erneetedeeldes .• an'Mies Mary Ged.cles faneiat ifewdayS. in: Lendort -With .'1Vfeee and Mrs.,Steveart, Geddes and fernlike'', 'S • • • Mre-and 'IVIrsfeBeryi Brewer; oe, Cleveland; !-Mr., Campbell, 'of Giielph, andMr. and Mrseltobte Norris,of Toronto, Were here :ate tending the: lipietal., ofs.'Weileree: Campbell• , -Mrs. .a.»._.::;.-trisit,)**119 has been: visiting the jaet lew,„Weeke:* Cal.. , gary, Alta, has returned • :. ---frankeletalgearideTeOrle.enAillse el the Priblie tnesiene and R. :B.• ager, are. in 'Taranto.' this weekeate tending . the anneal, Meeting:a:the Ontatio,,lVfuiridpal;'Electric. Associ- ation:.• • •-', - • . ••••• Mrs. E.: A: McMaster ,and Miss Alice • Reid . have. :left on ,A• 'trip le •end'MrseeT: Flynn and, Mrs. Jack ,McDOWell 'and,' Bill -yrs, Red in Toronto over ' the, weekend», Mee. Charles" Glew. is a,„ patient, in Victoria Tedinital, 'Landon. ' Ainong those from a distance who Attended "the » fieeeral 'Of ',the late »Mrs. Asoi, .LawSon on. Monday were Missejesiie-Wilson..end »Mr. - •Eric Sutherland, » ef-Kitchenere • Mr.: and Mrs. ' john Busby and' :Shirley„:.�f 'Clathant, ' • „Mr. James Robnia.on, ,of. Regina; • and formerlye of Winthio,neeis eviee ifitig the- district.. Phone334- -Res. 540 MAIN ST; : SEAFORTH • • More than 100;000 Canadian wo- rnea knit. and sew •as volunteer members of ' the» »Women's Work Committee,of the Canedian Red Cross Society. • • EAST McKILLOP •- The -Marche -Meeting elef the -Mee KWopEN-Be W»eu»'s» ,Associa- •tion wee- bel el At theeheMe of.film Arthur Niehols ...with 13 'present. Mrs. Harold Smyth and I/fn.-Gerd ieldsen .'clrarge of _ the meeting,hased on, Easter.. Sev- eral hymns of Eaeter Were sung, also »a reading entitled; "Easter •Meditations," by Mrs. 'Dielasone-A pee, written by Mr. Nichols, Was read, by leete Ainacher. Mrs. Chris Leoehardt teemed the group with a. eolo; »also a duet by Rey. and •Mee. &leacher was. eajoYed, •- The toll» ball'Was anseveted by naming e book a the Old Testa- ment., Thankyonletters weee read .frone severaIeWhoereepived boxes When siek. The next Meeting is to be held at The home .of Mrs. Irvin Rack, switheIVIts,-Eavernfileegy and ;Mrs; Orville Beuerniami in charge. eltosee were placeden Evapgehe cal Chneell on Sunday in mernorY, of Charles Eggert, who passed . aWayeene, yeak ago, IVIereh 16; by is wje»'a . Y. • , Mrs: Ebner • Koehler returned hoine-fiten:the Tuese • dee• Mise, Diane, 'rutter, .daughter'�f Mr; and Mrs.' Earl Tretter, had her appendix .reineVed in Scott Menatirial Hospistale:-. Se aforth; :on , • Mrs.. Wiled .COiernane was hos, tess far the. March neeethig 'of the Seafort.h...Worden'S Institute ,..last .Tuesday. The preeident,' Yet's. •'.1.'„eleoig Presided for the: hesineee, The oii..eell.WeSeenSWeredebYeeniY- bobby' anclea sample of it:" . A: let - tet ,Of: appreciation Wasread' froid, •the.:JOhn:..Carriethariefarnily,..'1VerS; =Gerden jenieS SeatfliiiiT1V1-fet7Grahle-leKerreVer"-e appointed aeieininiating.'-eeniMittee for ,:the .-officeeee,for e the'. ,cOming. Year and Keyese 'Wilfred COletean•andllee;AndeeW: Crozier • are'..a., 'eOtriirieting cemthit- -etee foretheegerietal,-40Minitteee-ter. eT'-eanil• . irg•Yeer, , • It wae-eleelded. be have 'a eerdoe leaderee training eehockl.' With Widow Treatment as first •clieeee,...andee4Iloirie.s.leeiteing" as ,e6concl..ectieiee.. MeS:.. Mae :beeeht 0 -ennui -Jett Were ppo'intecleto meet With 'Heiner Eeoe nornislf»Mrs. lan IVICAlliatee. to. see of, -what., assistarieese the, ebeetitote :ea n.heemitirethe:'4.-H ',Work at 'the-SO*01th f ellef gee, All program 'Coireeiters are asked». te• bring: their repeats 'teettre.,Aleen....ineeting:: Mr.. ClifforelEpeee • of eCliiiteine elievitedeereariy•inteeesting sJid Of Plerida, .the Mari:tithe: •Piovinces,' :ontario , end :of, :epee.' mtere t - „We're • the onea.:.of hie; 'eWie garden, • Thee eeneeltere WaS e.irittedileed .by Mree. Lea •SPricei . and 'Mee; John •Hillebrecht ::gave • theeeetittepy. i- . Metke. 'Wee e•••11OWarde Neilsen, and. .Mrs.- Lee. Tryce were•livehatge . of .ilientagraite'Lench.Was.'eetved."13Y Mrs.Ailteitheade Mrs..:JOhn.lierr; Mrs.. Howard Wilson . and Mrs.': Lee Pryc• . • . , .• • . , • FOR. SALE SMALL FARM - Close to Seaforth, with modern house; good barn. ' • e. Priced for quick sale W C. OKE .P400 -458 » • • THERMO CHIEF • BURNING OILS Waiden» & r0 fOOt Phone 6864 Seaforth -COMING ON :MARCH 2.2n • at 7:30 , To the Pentecostal Tab,ernacle, Sgitfortli The Radio Pastor heard' every afternoon irorn chathini at'2:30 p.m., on ECHOES or Timm Rev. M. Cornelius We invite you to come and meet this' Godly-mattia petson2nd beer him preach. REV. H. KENDRICK IPastor • EGMONDVILLE--; . , mis. Ivan Tiemi.ri;- manitoba-;...do,Mis filiner• Chap- pel, of-CeoriaartY, spent asfew days, With. Mr•.•. ,Alree..JaMes Hey, both nieees ofethe-lattere • • Visitors with Watson were:Aft:en:MI ,Mr. Albert' Clark and faitily,ni'lliiirkirk;'Mise Jean Watson, .Reg,N,,,Toronte, and „Mrs.• Don 'AhdreWs; Clinton. •• Suede y. visitors With'•Mrs„ baVid, Stephen-ann.-were' eMr:••=.--aici-Nirs. Reissell 'Erratt, ••of 'Varna. e• • OBITUARIE . . , . 'ALDINGTON: ; en' illness, • of . about• three .weeks, :the' death „Occurred. i±iixmoriaLi1ospftaLWed atesclie aeterneoneof Mrs. Thoinae Main :Ste ,San - forth. •' s , , ; Born tz Coventry,vErigland„.• 85 years Ago, she was the former- Sar- ah klizabeth Bpsley, F»ollowing her. ilia/Tinge she and her ' husband . ,• , , eante ..to Canada, about. 50. yearS. .ego d farmed tewre shin, until their retiretnent .0 Sea - forth in 1945. • .. She is survived byhehusbatid, wht »for :seine time been.. a: patient ireeSt. josenh'S' 'llosPital, Londen; 'two sone, 'John, 'of Verna, and: joseph C. of Campbell River, by two geandehildren andby two :eisters,- Mes.' 'Ned Aldingtan, in Ehgland,. and Xrs., etriely, itt ., New ealatid. Sheeeras a member ,ofe St .• Thomas' Anglican Church.c"- »The rernains• are resting at the Ge' ee: Wiiitneer felleralhoineeFen- era errangements Are beconielete. • "You end. your lack Of tact!" the wife seceded,: as • soon ae -she and her husband, were out of the Smith home. "How can you» he so' • "Now, what did I do?" , » , "Yen:asked Mrs, Smith how her litisband was statding the .heat. Didn't you know he's been dead for thee,e, months?" - • With taster only .three weeks • away; VOW. is the eine to bring front' elethes into Flatinery Cleaners and get thein dean, "fresh-ae-ii- daisy" for the Spring seastimi.• rnilcK SERVICE:ie. LOW Pittegs Pree,,Pick-UP and deltverY la Inter ,Photte 87, eaners Seaforth 'blue »coal WILLIS DUNDAS • ch....woo stove and Fn...e on nuNnits a LONEY phone 573 or 136 --M-WW-WWW We write all 'lines .of INSURANCE. Fire » Auto. - Liability and Life- •, ,.John A. 'Cordno Successor to WATSON &. REID • iihone 214 Seaforth , Representative lVfaztafacturei..s Life Insurance Ngivs QF :CONSTANCE SMALL SINS—ADD UP —BECOME • Wednesday a.fternoon thebase- went of the charele; the Me -Albers of the WA and Vials met for their regular meeting. Mrs. Lorne Law - eon opened the WA with an open- ing poem, follewed.with prayer bY Mrs. Lorne ,I4awson. The„nunutes were read and, the roll cell was answered by members bringing in myste:ry boxes suitable for • the bazaar; Business matters were dis- cussed and $1.5, is to be sent to »GROUP lege le being left everein,til a_later date to lee discussed. Anyone -with mitts and, mufflers for the siipelY allocation, would the» please bring them M, to the next meeting,' - The Easter meeting wilLhelele April 1, 'witleleIrs. Ileobert Maliche ael, of Walton, as guest » speaker, and each member is te invite a visitor; alio »the Junior »girls are cordially. invited. The roll call is to he answered by -a verse ofecrip- the Red Cross.• Next month -a nus- ture 'pertaining. to , Easter. , Mrs. is to be brought in. The date ,oe't bazaar Wm Jewitt gave an ' iritereeting . , cellaneous articlefor .the temperance Paper. on The Point next meeting- Is to be April 1. „ s The WM meetipg was eonclifet- ed by Mrs, Be Brown, who Opened with prayete Scrietere Was Teed by - Mrs, » IVIcIlwein on Mark 14:88-,77e Mrs. - Frank » Riley and Mee. Be' treWn :were. appointedederegetes to the ,IlueOn» 'PresbYteriel, t�' be lield Friday, '..Marcli '20, :at »Ceide,-. richeAelettereencerningegmaeGole : WALTON pr,Peressiee, enehre: »dnd» Lost rHeit 'Petty -was . held' in thee Corne inunity Ilan's: On.» Friday evening, with theeeolloiei.ngeaS eirehre: high,. 'Vire. ,• Pi,r,Thii»l1 1w» Jeep. 13o1- The •-stadyebeekewaa-veen given, Mid : ,outlined on' Alaska. by Mrs.. Wilbiii.4eWite She, gave » in » detail» all the different:: religious •deneriiinationi Mund in Alaska , and their districts. A Christian eteWarele ehip paper was :given by Mrs. -B.• Brown. the, "Seven 'Step ee- of. Peteeree-PoWnfalre'ande"lioweWer Stand AseStewarde,” stating , that eonoeit.' and pride eaSeeer `.'sieepe hige reshness or indifferenee; fol lowing »»afar .eff,»Theilr osseciatioes, open 'denial aride blasphemy -the first sten may , he iethingeS. smell but. it 'al - greater and, ,as 'Christian 'Steyverds let-ire:not fell • as. did Petet,. Pee - ger e genes; high, Rae Houston low, baps We, ae', others; think ourselves Kph Papple. • ' • . •sumere, but -de, .not .forget • Lost Heireeladies., . high,» ' Betty' that these Sins haeea :way,,of aelde Seen -Welters; IOW, Barbara up Remember Only, theotigh, bull gents high..Ro§s,. efeeeeee Jesus Christ Cart ,we knoW the for lee:7e Gordon Driscoll - Masie for •ei.'0,i-iessof sin the • Once was ,:.supplied by Kea, Mr and Mrs.' -Relierteevedels. and: Wilbee's orchestra . • e ' Debbie; .of Aytan, :anent the :Week- /,•,leistitate, Notes ' end r- With Mtand: xis 'hi▪ ldw,s'ilistitlite,,swiii.be held in the 'Home's m the, coMirinnitY. were hall on„Thiirsday,',.eVeiring; • Meech 'saddened over the Weekend . when 26; with Mese. Harold Bolger and early' ' Friday». !renting. Mrs:. ReY, MrseClarence Martin ae:.cee'eore- Laevebnebe-Seebertle; paseed aways .veilera.:' Of ,'citizenship and educa in Vieeeria Hestiital,eLondene after- tton e- eeee, 1' a ieligt43/...illne4s. • Mee, -:•.Lawson Nl-ehrbeteeeAii,--eelra-iegeiefeehe'eVeeee-a'elierer.-in-laeee-e-af'.'7Mretandtlierees' ietye , conceit , on; 'Fridayevening' ,Dare. :LaWeed and .Mr and Mrs are 'Mrs. '1.ie.slee Oliver Mes, Wil-. Lorne .Lawson : ,to wlueh eynanatnY bee' Turalealle• sVliet,, Sr., -Donald Mrs"r1• Watson. ••• • •• es; , elt.' and Mts,ellerliTrevis, Brian arid 'Gail "'Visited.' .on ..Sunday' with and Mrs. /Aiiield.Kernielt, .1Vies,; Hilda. .Sellers :and, Ve: and „ Mrse John Netris,e Lucn.• - ..! leiss.:01eneePuirde.seeteitelrene_et spent theeweekeed With herepAre ents Mr andMrs: ,TePundas:',” Mrs. Mergariet returned home afteresliendingeeet•- ..etalleWeekS.with:ifer daughter and eaneiii•liahr-;e1VIr."-ati-erVitt711.90ee Rutledge,;L040xt • ..:„ Mr.' Frank Kiririth-Delielleeeleerk: by, Rosss-let-Ott---:a.WIVIschot: dice .,have; "'returned: harife'"reiter spending •the best' two Weeks': In s: • • • Miss' Beth Boyd, of Sarriee send eliseel3eiharee.leoyde of . Western .Peiversity, p1 Londen, spent the weekend .with their ,parents, .Me. and Mrs.Charles Boyd, Who: have: „Letnited-hoirre. alter speeding the last'. twe menthe: in Florida.' s e Many. '.local • reeiderits »w e r e. StrendeVae Vatinee plaees. on Sen- der night Owing to theeeevereeblize zard •and poorread »conditions., Other..oitt=of-toWn • motatiste ..were fereed te.rereaiii ineyareeess,herries • . . .Teen;,Town °pits- . -The members of the',Teene,Town oreenizatioe-wouldelikeeetethank Mr. Lee Learn, : manager of. lire -Maple Leaf Dairy,' •for. dtin onag 300 battles' of chocolate: imiilk» for the semi -formal dance, last Satin - day night, ;to which were mVitecl the neighboring ;Teen 'Iown: - ganieatione. The • Mesic was sup- plied :• by. 8teWar,t • Baird and his Collegians ..We-arir-plairning-to.lia-ve a ar ents' » Night» at »Teext Town after EaSter and allparents are invited to- make a „special effort to attend thie dance, »to »ee how the, organ- ization operates. Any teenagers coining to, the dances- must have » a Membership 'card, er they muse be speneored by a» Member with a» card; othere wise the» individual will not, be allowed to » enter, the dance. Of the .carrininnity: is extended. Mee htid. ;Vire.» LawSonehads'eneed in; thie. ceerireenitY Peier.• enoVing to , Seaforth. . 'Mre.e.,LaWsoir, was 'e greet .worker ineliiitele-affeitse be- ing -' a SirriclayeSehodetencleer, in. Cepst,ariee 'Vatted Church 'foresee- eraI, ' Tleeelne1es7esofe-MiseedndeMiSeeD„ andMie. :and sIVIrsejoo. Riley were eaddenede when. „ early Friday , nioiting » Afire: Ernest ;Elle :Wood- C1intoh,;$ssed»»aaysud- dnIy.: Ellieeod.`Vves etwur eister. ef..Mrs. PtaielteRneyarid, tliongh • not....beingelnthe ..;beSt of. he:kith:4ot: the peat', 0,„, years, had eenesenjoeing:efaireere. goOdelregitir_ 'at. e, einie , et' het.: e „pa eirig The; 'sympathy of »the 0:emir:amity' geesOnt thehereaereeteltieMheee. of 'ehe'. families. • . ". • COFeEnchre Th • •. ». ,.• e.:Men'SCoiii-t. ,of the C..O.F. held another .e:Suceesafill euchre Friday evening and 'prizes. went ,terthee follaWing:. 'PteezeetOre.- -lane Mks :•.•Rdieet eleeltonee w lanYe.Mta... Les ,Peyeee high' than, ,Wattl• Minx; ,. lone- halide,' 'inene Pavid..PresZcee Mt.: A. draw was-, Made on a Pair ofbath towels;:, derieted'.,bY''.:;VIrse 'Robert Weeds,'OfeAjaite.,;2•ndewene :by Paul .Birchanarie.and. Pantie sininchsWaS.eereediairde darrChig fol hewed;', with ,riiiisM.'..suppliedeby "aild.sielts, • -Lese PrYee-earideMr,e,J, • Messie-e-Ly1edreneGlen » Mont- gomery ,Sp,eat. Ftid.eYeand Saturday. in Toronto, and attended the Sperts. A weather' bureau hallOoin'Whicle s•had ',been'. sent : ord. from. 'Milt; ale, early in February, was found in a field blis the fan* Of Mreeclaten.ce ee,ontgapieree on ARCME RORINSON Arobie Robeson, 54, 'earinerly Louisa Jane Turner' »died -Sunday *, Clinton Comiminity Hospital. She . Was e. daughter of Mr.. 2e.d. John: Tintere Clinton, and wee a eregise tered. nurse. She ,Wais; Married .in, 1929,, and was g heeinbet el the UhitetteCherele • ' - Surviving • besides her , Ifusband and .her perente. 'are Avg°. dindien,' Betty LOU arid Reliert-e..hath at Imiee; emir sisters, ' Mrs -Edgar (Annie) Allan; Brucefield;:tles. (Shirley) Duckworth, Serieele Drew ( Catherine )eFowler, London; »Mrs, Norman. (Mary)_ Griffith, Niagara Falls; four hrothersi'Rebt: luteere Auburn;...James; 'Theenge '•Mid 'yen' Turner; all of .Clinton. The funeral 'service. Wae• held.: at •,the Beattie ,funeral home,: Clinton, WedneedaY..at 230 rem Bev:"Ilar-• old Snellederseteter, deficiated, aS- Sistedby Rev. J. A. McKim, Chre , JAMES »ALBERT MeBRIDE here.pased 'Awey , in Clinton Coniniunity' Hospital. tin Tuesday; March 17e Sanies Alltert'eMeBride; Clinton;• Ile waS in his, 71st :year Mr. -McBride 'stifeered a stroke Tuesday- tight 'atid; Was rushed bY Bonthronambulance to »the hest+ fel,where he died a few hours ' ' r • was horn in StailleY township where he 'fanned all his life,. tak- ing. hp residelicy in, the: ,Chnton -area Some...four years. ago', •,1 • Fle' is , survived by his 'widow, 'the form& Ruth Holland, Clinted; tWo seris,, Bert etid Clare, Zurich; twie sisters, Mrs. . Charlea Stephenson, ,Hensan; and Mre. MandeSchnelli Regina, Sask. ' ,Resting at the toiithroti funeral 'chapel, Hensel', 'pUblie".futieral ser - *es will, be held ean. Friday et 2 pen; emiducted 1»s ROT.- Pitt, Varna. ,be: made rt,» » ii Bayfield cemetery. FUNERALS • WILSON J. • CAMPBELL - -WilsedeleCemphell-diedesuddete :1Y- at his -homeeeloC2Delearre es Sion 8, •McKillop toyvnahipe on Sunday - afternoon. He was in hie - 40th y -ear. Bern in 1V1egillop towaship, 'son, of Mr. •and eVIrs. John Campliell,• 'whe survive, he farmed all his 'life. He :was edueated,7at SS 10, • leP,; andwas a member''of- Cavan United. Church, Winthrop. ' Beside § his :parents,- he is sur- ,vieed by his. wifeethe former Mat- garet -Kerr; .one .daughtere, Bette Mrs. Robert Norrie,'Xerichalne and one sien,`"Edevardi at hone;'two' brothers, Wiliam, 'Seafotth„ » and Allan, of. Mcleillope. two „ sisters, Mrs, William (Rath) Theurer; Val-- tore 'and Mrs .e .Gordon.. (Evelyn): Halt; Bluevale. • Theretnains tested atethe, Whitney funeral home;.. where eral.:service » Was,held Wednesday .;aftertoon . at 2 p.m., with Rey: We H. Sunimerell • officiating. Burial' Was readrin s-IVIOitlaridbank,.ceine- tery. • • Pallbearers' , were. Oliver 'Pewee, .Leslie- Peyce, Louies.Belten, Williein'eLittleeerGeorgeeNheattey and Wilson Little. eFlewerbearere were Wni.: Kerr, Robert 'Campbell, Kenneth McClure" and Glen»»»Mc ' • , SAIVIITEIe:RODNER'.' • . , , , _ eeSaneuel-Ileimerepaesetteavvaye-at• his 'late, residence, 'BeYfielde . on Nedireseleye •IVIaieh' in...Iris ,84th' ye:ere :He Wee'ethe. husband elf' Lillie •Mee-BristOW,,,ofEtho'iatIville, -celebrated their fiftieth ,Weclaiiig .;anniVersary.,IdSt •OCM.lren, . They ••liyed.,:in :Stanley ownhi:'1' • . He is survived by his Wife, two sees; 'Hafeey, • RR: 3,e .Bayfield; .Clekehee; Hay. . 'arid one _danghtereelf ariee_eateelreinibeeLand_ ,seven »» grandchildren. ' •1 TheleedYerested at, the 'Westlake:, funeral ' Zurich, until • Sater- daY; arehe etie When reinovar wee_ emeeeeattooneteeSte-Alid. reeeS Unite ed. Church, Bayfielde wherepublic Onetaleservicesewereelieltrate21397.- Jiiteernent was, in BaYfieldelJnien ceinetery.eRev.': Peacock'�f4 ficiated. r••••. Relatives feorn a distance. attend- ingeelee.,funeral .were: Mr. We: He Bristow, Sarnia; ;Vire-ea-rid Mrs.. Hairy Eyre, Sarnia; and kr, Wai- ter Helmer, of' Sarnia: • _ . , , BLAKE Mr.; Archie.- Muetard, of Windsor, , - spent the `. weekerideWith :his 'wife and family; .....eillenclayIlaieh 16; the ,ejBlake»public• .Selleollieldela __St. 'Patrielt'S DAY. eregrairirieee Games and con- tests were»ehjeyed.by: all , Mee,. RoYeeleBrideeand. AchrinerentertainedeMsrellatehrFire.. lay and fainily leenCrelnole. par- te' .Feidae. eyeeinge • • '• • Mrs»'":111.fary:, Manson .visited. : With: Mrs. David ':Gitigerieh •;:anci • IVIrS. Nancy :'Koehler ?during tlle Weelt • ..MieS Edith SMelele -.Spent a .few days With Ili. an.4 Mrs, -Peter . Gin- . Seine •peonle ;never:hit: the 'rilark bec'eUSe„: they? :never!. th�trig- ger , gere'e ' •.;• ' 'GEORq,E, H. 1VIILLER I ..R V I • Insure»d Pseiigrs»» , Phone 149 SEAFORTII 'SEAfORTH .FIO.URE-:SKATING Ir .CLU „ .INTER::CAR COMMUNITY. CENTRE,s'SEAFORTII " luesdat,ii:Marcit and support 'talent.. • 't,. 4 --eteeee Eggs n4, Ctiltks Seaton'. ...E;tai,-.;:c1,14.RingneekS . ;38c ..eac 10%Eggs - 20c each ORDERS TAKEN UNTIL AP}UL 15, 1959 Cash ' With Order' , -9r-500-Weekly • FRESH FROZEN AFTERSEPT. 1st - Government License No. 183 see - FINNIGAN PHEASANTS IT FOR A KING »SESSATURD on't -Miss the Hundreds of Last -Minute Bargains We Are Offering.! BULOVA TRADE :IN SAL - Your old Wath is 'Worth'.: • $16.50 On This. iireatitiftd- (Illusteated at, Right): •.»,..'• • "CANADIAN 9..0 »youpt 4.1'.50 • OldIVatchiworth . 6.5 ou Pay Just . . 33.00 eceueDjee e!ni Watch afid .btacelet b7ncIIn 0 .gli.rt-,ruiLl en.sectible, 17 jewels; urt-,, • breakable, tnpin,spri ' Many Similar Bargains in. Ladies -and Gents Nemelleand-lerist Watches e including' Westclox.se SELECT YOUR- DINNERI .From Over -:125' Different 'Patterns :ALL AT SALETRICES1 -- 10% Discount' on All OP Stk Phone 373 -spiroirrn ' ONTARIO dies' _Hosiery Blouses rind Lingerie. Scarves' and Flowers, Wearing Apparel Children's Hosiery FOR EASTER `Large Selection Easter Cards Baskets , Egg: Dyes Chocolate Figures Chocolate • NOveltieS. by Sitiles ChuCkles Smiles 'n Chuckles Chocolates Homemade Line's e IniP6'rted Chocolate Novelties EGGS-; JELLY; , CREAM; MARSIIMAILQW. , 'MARSHMALLOW FIGURES ,15DiscOUtit , on All English Bone China • Net Ordersof $50.00 More Out large stock inchides a complete selection Of • the ,ponulaie-."Petit ?int!', TEnT-PqN IP elestratedeat »the left. . • FINE DIAMOND RIN And Diamond' -VVeddling Rings AT 20%'DISCOUNT , . Regular $125.00 Diamonds—SALE PRICK $99.5 Regular $50:90 DiamOnds—tSALE, PRICE $40•00 Make your selection from our elarge and well -assorted stock of Diamorids ALL'AT SALD PRICES Clearance 'of • OLD MILL , and HIGHLAND - TIIISTLE ,. ',Dinnerware • Cunt and ,'„eeficers, plates, etc. at • RES', CLEAR ».- OUT ' PRICES !, an SAUCERS UNUSUAL SHAPES' SMART DESIGNS' COLORFUL ! Reg. $0 SALE k • PRICE WW1 COSTUME .IEWELLERY, CLEARANCE ! Necklets, Earring's, • Bracelets and • Brooches. R. $1.00 Values (some $4.00 items) TO CLEAR . . OYAL DQULTON GLAMIS `THISTLE 'at HALF PRICE ! Sale , Sale Reg., Price se Reg. Price . • Cups and Saucers » » 4.25 2.12 » B. B. 'Plates, '1.90 .95 Dinner Platee ' 4.25" 2.12 Covered Sugar •Tea Plates- . » 2.90 1.45 and Cream • 10.60 5.30 ' ' THIS PRICE 'ON PIECES INSTOCK 'ONLY » '• • "ENCHAN'TMEIVT" Pattern Rogers SusEnwAnE, at HALF PRICE 3,4 -pe, Set, ineliid- ing 8, Itnivee, 8 forks '1 leutte'r kriife , , • 8, teaspoons, 8 des- seet spoons, 1 sugar spoon. Reg- $57.00 sAir.st $03.50 (Chest Extra) Damaged » PARKER and PENS DefgetiVet wax , ' PRICE CHINA Famous '»'&i' »Pen, To Clear at tirc reg. $25, Sale 812.50 • Parker -"Liquid •"Lead" 'Pentils reg, $3,95, 'Sale $1-37 Parker "Jotter" Fraction Regular • Prices reg. $2.05, Sale $1.47 Sale Closes Saturday, March »» 21st- • Don't »Miss 'These Last -Minute Specials,! --, at --- eaforth » S »To $1.00 Store Stationery. if JEWELLERY - GIFTS' VINE CmA SEA.FORTIt ,