HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-20, Page 1brie -Hundredth, Year Whole'Nuinher 47.$4 StAFORTO, ,ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAidir .0, 1959 -) Singie Coie, C $2.50.a:Year inArivan • ,In zt Vielohs,,attack on The eve of sPrind",..the:Weatheri'on SundaY. , ldrenght.traffieje a standstill.....1.: sehOolseinct Stranded, ','couritless :Nveekend .yiSitOrs. "Winds .corning 111 froin the •seuth reached velocities Ofhiinto 80 inilce. balk:arid, brought in their, WAe riving Slip* .that qincklyeredueed NisibilitY to ..zer6:..CountrY'rciads, ale . ready-piledbigh' Wien2snowf from -a- long. series of Winter 'atorrnsnfilled . quicklye and in -several instances PreSented, read maintenatiCe, crivire, with their toiigheat'srieW removal 'preldlein of the ling winter. y'KeriSe,of.''Seefiricyr'br tlieTnleaSant Weather, SUenday:',moriiinge:by late afternotha....triVelled with difficulty„ o jrnor was t.hc visibiiity By, e ,r_1 ' '-everntige traffiee wasi,talnaost ' -at a , and 'avehotir, later De- uncer up „oi s or sno .voljurreets, ,representing district. • . • Iiine-of the Canadian.,c eneer,Socie- ty, ,atternietinaerWo,ritshop ..einder-; .ence in StnatfOrrnoti,Seturday. The district "enrisie0 of :eeveri .units ;end 22' branglieSThe Workshop 'dealt witti problems',Ofeeaneei. edne_n_gfnh cunner.Ca - '''advisory e'alui,.neitenOew and finance. 'Attending: from the .Seaforth 'branch were .John'Talbot, Dr, Jas. Semple, Hobert M. Wright and -F. J. Wi11b. Facing, eas,' they don,the cancer eananaign‘ ,.,ditring‘,April,' :with its' need for limits With.whielt"te-tene- linue their:aiVoWed.:fight-to-the;: fthish/.'". against disease of cancer; the delegates- Were inter- • ested.in the tall!'gw,en h3"Pr.'War-. Wick .on research:enee , nIne1.0.',years;" „Dr. ,Warwick de- tInrid "the fund, ,sPent u,n funda- mentaleereaearch from :$.5,0,006 per, annum to about - Paying high tribu'tc > th.ergt-' ..:anendefis effortand'StieneSsief',the • Cancer' ac- Iivitios," Dr. WarWiek, .deelared that the i.,1niarkedWiftereaeatertip. • of ftmdamental. research.Pa .0enada . would:not haVebeen,possilile,-,Witi :Out',.thehelp :Of the "Society,"' -" partment of I ,g ways offleials closed -Wo; 8 , -Highway to., traffic, when it became, impossible to See ven a few feet , ' At the ht of tlie sttrmhydro Was Ott intermittently fromSea- forth to • eGoderich, following a break en the higlitheeieneline serv ,„.. En Seaforth, damage , was .less than •;in spnie Othen, centresn'aed -was- confined,Peettremutliete-top- pled trees and damaged. TV aerials. •A large brancb from a , ma le 'tree, at the 'Cori:ter. of East 'Wil- liam.' Streetand Side ;Street, :fell across high: tensipit eutting Off service in a .Sectima Of the north- :-e-a-gt:-Clirner•Tuf-tuw13:;:11/1til-Seafdrtil: PtJC employees braved the. storm' .and .restored servieen , .T.,arge „..pine..treesenear the „Reid -reSidende-On:,-Victeria Street, .and -1 • t therrear of the- 'John. Bo,shart Ltd. . plant". Were blewudowii.` The storm toppled .a_ heayynacivertisin -sign .in.:.' -front --:of B -A .Service *Station on Goderich Street, stan- dard Which :carried the sign, ; 'at ,ground level. „Sign: in ?floated Criehe's..* Restatuard was. twisted = loose, but guy • wires prevented it front falling" , . • An outdoor phone bOetli; locat- ed by the Supettest".S=Einfice.Sta- :tion,•at. Goderich and -Main, was picked;ep by .the -Wind ,'arid.-blOwn en'ten‘,.ef a 'ear,- owned by ..'Josepli ,Nigh;_which Was parked nearby., , , .The_winds blew in andsmashed the front deer of Egniendyille Church the minister; Dr, J. Sem Ale, Said: ' • ' There were mw. classes at SDIIS Monday When *sehool buses were unable. tnirrekeetheir!rounds, Sick- ness- :Anther, redueed Of tewii: pupils Who could attend; andas a result classes Were (Us- MisSed-efor. the 'day. Few turd' • schools in the area were able to. OPeratee.Monda-y.-In'seVeral. cases, neither ptipilS nor the teacher cotild reach the school:. • ". ' • -' Name Director For Prepare For 1959 Carnival The annual skating carnival- - 'the SeeferthS tin Club is'being helde t10.?.:Year4a: Tuesday, Manch ;1: Member Of : theetifitn te busye selling tickets to event: . :This ,year; in'additicinto Seaforth 7-s*fteirsT:,th'e'l)rdgrata7'Wlir include .=_,...numbers...by_L;„Barbar.Badd and, Joanne, Houghton, and .earoLlcaier; of .Chatham. Farmers' Union Ions Panel Tull The March Mee'ting Of time Sea - forth loeal of the, Farmers'. 'Union was held in Seefortli Town Hall. Plans Were discussed :for the va.r- iety and amateur show to be held in Clinton. The Seaforth local vot- ed $50 in the head office. ,Members were advised to have • their resolutions drafted and to resent them at the next meeting, Which will be the annual meeting. "Robert Taylor Will . be -the guest . speaker. The election of officers will take plaee 'at this meeting, which is scheduled for April 14. A panel debate of Vertical Inte- •, gration is planned for Seaforth • • District High School auditorium, on April 6. The • suggested pone' is " Gordon Hill; president of O.F.U. -for Ontario; Bill e'reldon; milk pro- ducer; Dr. Hooper, 0.A.C., Cruelph; a Canada Packers representative; Bob Taylor, director for Huron, and Vaughan Douglas farm direc- tor Wmghame hu,rcjvCarnp • „. W. E..Sbutligate attendeda meet- ing Of the ' Huron.' Chnedh,Camp cominittee in London on Tuesday. Mr. „Southgate. is •eathp, ' registrar and • businesS manager Of -,the'..20- acre camp near Hayfield, operated by. the Huron. =Diocese of the =An- glican Church. • During the ..meetinge-eanriounee-, ment wa s made of the appointment of " Walten-"Cameren „Barnes,'stu- dent-intharge of • Christ eChurch, Ayr, . as director of the eaniP. ETe will coinmenee, duties.--asedirector- on June, 1: He 'will be in residence there with his. wife alt sumumer. - : • 7 ma !vb.:Sees ' , .1 Japann- r" „ Dr . E. A. MeMaster was guest spe 'ee at the, regular ,ineeting the Men's club:of First PreSbyten, ian Church Tuesday night. Dr. Me - Master spokeon his. trip to Japan. Following hiS,talk, he showed mov. ies;taken on the .trip. , The .speaker Was introduced -by 0lare'R,eith and, ther*ehlby.'Eliner Rivers, Slipper was served by the. Barbara -Kirkman Anilliary. ei• . . ANXIOUS' ''ll'O' . GET CONSTRUCTION under way,eSeafertili Legierie merribers , exrderethe-', site. , ofHthe 'new Legion' Hall at the eerner_ of Main 'and,l-lureil .StrP.0,§.....:. Thebraneheat:e• Meeting Thiirs- ...day, -app,reVedplansefor ., an Atbree,febt building, as. PfaPosed-hy a'.COin-tiiifte".e-AVIiiebbaS:beetf-=study- -.- ' ing,theproject for .some • time. -ShoWn. -rhere-are—Haitman' Huissere Jaele-Eislereejohn-!Tayloneand .:' Clayton: Dennis. :Members ekpe et' to . do rho S i of the Construction work themselves: ( Expositor ,phote _... ranc orses Seeferth-Legeon ceinnience ed, that.MuCh of. the work wpuld be CanStrUctioti. -o'f" 'a , Legn;iee'itiall- :elbeerveluntarii.Ye".laYeinembere.,...aea, the ' immediate fut it w others intereste4-14',-thee-hi'-aneh"e'-'n. ° ' ' Mernbers' 'of the ,Seafort branch nnunced '1°11°wIng a': meeting- of, of the "Legion:have discullsedeac- cement-block construction, will I.)e -With an enlarged rr.iembersliiii- 80' feet by '40, feet," and' will be lo- now over ,150—aC,cenuriodation in cated tne lot, which the ..Legion the arena;- the -branch has has owned for a number Of .,years -bee»,. located since 1949, has be- at the earner" of Main and Huron come too crowded, members say. Streets, - north ' 'of , bowling :The moVe' to provide separate greens. ' - quarters each , year ,has gained Decision to do ahead With. the .strength, resulting in, the , decision two-storey building was taken af_ now taken to ter 'members. had ',":considered re-.. The -Legion 'contemplated provid: e mendations of a special. cOin- oWn aecominodation im- the, branch Thursday -Then cwinriarchatiort. for se eral years; - Skaters v inittee Which has 'been studying the project;lor some months. I'a1n -Mg-part-in-41m discussions were three members , of the Clinton ..T..-regiion, who :tow. of, the experieace Clinton had had - in'. erecting 'a. Legion Hall, and how--they-had overcome the :prenleMS, . The .-buildinge-willebe-of-cement blocke'exictenlheegeoUnd floor,wilt be asuetsclub room ..facili es an . game rooms. .The second. flor will. contain' an auditorturn4 stage; kitchen washrooms. Fmal de- sign -details remain to. be worked Out by the. beildhig."committee, Named to supervise construction corinnittee, including D. Sills, chairman, R. S. Box, J. Holland, Robert Smith Dennis', will co-ordinate the Work and determine construction e and, design details. Discussion at the meeting When the "Project was approved suggest - e Returns t ttrac Fintgite FOR On Monday 14 members of the Fireside 'Earth Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert neg. gart. Discussion was on "Immi- gration- and Emigration". -Immigrants from-samecountries turn out satisfactorily; the group thought, but in case of unemploy- rnent New"Canedians should be the first to be laid off. Many of them just work for , one year or les's on A steel -clad building housing the John Deer fern eel men s 'e fa ` WIC I -See .-AgeneY and repair shops was de- stroyed in a $26,000 fire At Brussels early Tuesday. " = 'Loss included ' $12,006 worth of vew parts fpr farm implements, Just arrived fog spring, a tractor mid manure spreader and stOek of The building, located on Turn - beryl Street at the south 'end of _ the village, was owned by Wesley Budinark and Son ' The fine was discovered about .5 a.m. by Graham Sheldice, of Walton, e truck driver for Black Brothers, of BlueVale, as ,he drove .into town. ir Mr. Shell:lice said he noticed an ,unusual e glow inside .-the building and tothehome of Mrs. Edith Raymond riearbyn He roused her son -in law, Roht. Belli who turned in an alarm to the Brussels fire brigade. , The interior of the structure was in flames and fire was breaking through the walls when firemen arrived. Unable to halt the out- break, firefighters concentrated their efforts on saving the instil - brick eevered home of Mrs. Ray- mond, about 50 yards to the south. 'The north Wall and roof of the house were scorched,..hut nothing inside was damaged. ,,Loss is -partially, govered by irie Sureties 4 - a -farm, then go-intriledustry -or construction work. This should be guarded against to be of any 11S. to agriculture. Canadians go to the U.S.A.. be- cause of wages, and 10 to 20 tines more oppertunity far progress, -0-agreed' Canada should- con- tinue. to discriminate regarding health standards. ' Education does not matter so much if the immigrant is clever and industrious . and _willing to learn our ways. ' Control Of immi- gration could be a little tighter, they concluded. Next meeting will be hel the home of Mrs. =George Carte. Win- ners at 'euchre were: high, Mrs. George Carter and Don Buchanan; lone hands, Mrs. Harvey TaYlor and Oliver Anderson; consolation, 'Jim Howatt and Anderson. _ PARR LINE FORUM - t Parr Line Earth Forum met at the home of M. and Mrs. Reith Love, Diseussing, '"Immigration and Emigration,' the forum thought Canada should, continue to discriminate against immigrants on the basis of ether,- nationality, education, religion, health, etc. They believed it better that not too many immigrants of one na- tionality be let in one comniunity. They also felt that the tight ,,tert- trol of immigration was 'good thing. • Euthre Wieners were: -ladies, Mrs. Eldon Jarrat and Mrs; Ross Love; gents, -Charles Robinson and John Sedan. Consideration is being given the .Construction of a new wing at Scott. Memorial Hospital, ftwas'reneet-. -ed 'Friday.; eV:ening, whet" the an- nual meeting., tae hospital was 'held hi, the _4iirses' :residence, j, M. .Seat,ei,property committee chairman, said board `•arehiteeti had been instructed to developpre- limmary - lans, Board" -Chairman Scott Habhirk .presided, Fpr sortie, rnenths, the ' board hs been faced With increased deinands' for, peter -if eCidnnutheilation, and as, a result enstitieted its architeets, :Barnett andReider, of Kitchener, - to. explore the possibility' of bring - the' into use the second floor of the ,main -,building:,'Werking with the board, the architeCts., developed a plan -Which WOlild have, created 14 alaulional beds, -IVII--...;Seeft Said. While, nee firm-- estimates of casts were obtained, it Was considered - :the , cost Of alteratioee would be within', the Capacityof the board: to meet, providing-osual. grants were. obtained. • Discussions' . Continued through- out le st.tell,: culniM atilig. NeYern- mediately -after the war, When temporary quarters were obtained- eineCer4p's thattimetlie lot" on nMain • Street,. beside e bowling wee-, purchased erid aebinldixigefund,nfesenerah_thaiSand dollars WesneStablished. When 'cOnstructien of, the arena. and dornmunitYe centre: was .pro- Cieded with m, 194C., the Legion .agreed to make donation of au-, Proximately '$1.0,ene 't-O;:the.prOject,, in return for free, accorninodation in the Arena. 'It. is thiSzAccomnin" _dation' which rnenibenS, baye felt in recent years has become too crewdede The Frostgovernment should act to eliminate confusion existing ,ov- er ' Daylight Saving in- Ontario, Huron M.L.A. Charles., MacNaugle ton told tha Legislature on Friday. Spealueg before ordets' of the day, Mr. MacNaughton said the matter was of great' concern. to -a Very considerable number of peo- ple in Ontario, particularly -in rural sections -of the Province spohe as follows: - "I reter to , the confusing and al: together .haphazard method of reg- ulating the available hours of day- light that has plagued the good people of this Province for many years, and, appears likely, to do' so again ie. :the coutse of the ' next few weeks., • - "In support of this observation, Aire Speaker, 'permit me to, sayete. you and the Hon. Members of the, House that I have received. some 20 odd resolutions urging the Pro- vincial Government to do ,sorri thing to rectify this situation. Fur- ther,' 1.1noW thet, the Hon; Mem-. ber for Huron -Bruce, has received similar resolutions, and Incanordy assume' that the seine ,can be said by most if not all Members from rural. ridings. . • "These resolutions are repres- entative of a,broad cross section of the people in that they have been presented by., all Women's; Insti- tutes in my riding and I believe throughput the Province, as well as the Council Of the County of Some. free Tiekets Left For Farmers . • - A' number of—tickets are still available for the Hera' Relations Night being sponsored by the Sea - forth Lions Club Monday night. Members of the club are, enter- taining farmers at this banquet; and free tickets -are being made •available on a first come first-serv- ed basis. They may be obtained from Keating's Pharmacy, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth Farm- ers Co-op. or ,Topnoteh Feeds. , Special speaker 'will be Dr: 'E, S. Lackey, Whp On a tepid of interest. to diStriet fanners.- Dr. Lackey, is agricultural eco- nomies departnient of ^ the OAC, GeteIpit. ' . e.e her-When. officials . of the Ontario Hospital 'See.viCes .YCenarnissicin. in- s,pectedetnehnspitaI preiniseS..Sub,-- sequentlYe.in.February,inhed been indicated by -the .c.oxiithission the it Wri'8",not worthwhile tn.-seek' to adopt theexiting building into acceptable hospital :' aCeenninoitae tion. It Ws the opinion ef the Conn'. Mission. that . the hospital : sinned Seek tp.deVelop,a new Wing. Study New Wing .Mr. Scott said': it was as a _re- sult' of the .decision of .the.70-ifeafid- CominiSSione that the :•conversiexs. proPesalhad. been .abandOiiecl and study Commenced Ona new . wing., Wnile. the Study:, Wasin its early. stages, it Was suggested' the 'Pro- poSed Wing would contain accent-. Medd-iron. for Services, • .inchidieg X-raye*. operating .reerrin kitchen and complete .administrative 'as. Well; as some patient' aceonimo:' During.: the , year a modern .1a.un':, "dry. Was installed in ,the. basement of the *est :Wing:Operation of the. bospital was made cliffiethe by thlacke: of "sev,‘"g„.€1.1§P.9.41.,"...12-4=,11/11:2i as! nominating ..committee 'evas„ .named at .;the..,Teguai..:itieeiing,..ol the SeafertfilHOrrie-andeSehoo,1 -Satiation- Tiiesd eyeing hteenderthe -chairmanship of ,Mee: je Ellis, the members of theconimittee include Mrs. J. PatterSert. and..Mrs: Cyril Kirk. Mrs. Dale Ninon, , President, .-chairPd the ineetbig Areport on linaneeswaseneiVerie by .thetreas- prern Mrs. . John 'Moore. • , Plans wereeeetlineil',,fon a penny sale to be held hi. April, when par- ents'. Will be asked, -to" denate art, . . icleS'• for the :sale Mrs._ William; Iledgert was the ..'mother of• the. mentb:-,e/IrseRe'.J4eleeessey's class wen, the, attendance:prize. Progiarri.,ineitided numbers' by girls , from Grades 4.-7-ancl, a and .a.* 2iniXed-erfarti'S'4raid...Grade-.0=,- Two-, Skits ,were' 'actedout, by ,•;rgemberS and ';'critleiZeci. • by the andience, The nirst:'.Skiel.waS Perfornie-d-trY' •E MWilliams,: Mrs' L. .Rowat -Douglas Widdis and Mrs.. B. Smith, and concerned a family dinner table, .scene of bickering The sec - end group 'Was'TeempoSed.„ of Wm. Hodgert„Mrs., Dave Stewart, 'Don' Morton, Mrs. 3. C. -Cornish, Mrs. J.' A. Cardne arid Johir:Talhot, and the .story :was of 'a well -adjusted faxiiilY group at .diriner. Following the skits,..T.'V„ Talbot read the re. „pent, of DielSolornae, . a ',pliYsehole- gist, on the : two -1--RANNA-HOMEeAND SCHOOL: - , , The regular trieeting Of the' Ilan- .italtdrne.andSchool, washed Wed-. nesday..eveniegn Mrs, X, McLean - took the chair in . the ,absence of. President .MrS. K. Sharp, who is visitingilf Saskntclmetati. Mrs H: McLeod: read ethe-. -rineuteseeof -the last .meeting:!,Mrs. 3. -Carrthelian gaVea reading. The roll call was answered by yes" or `no' to the 'questien: Are gymnasiums and Heron and many niunicipan.conn , , , . • "Now while I. believe rural fetid largely would prefer standard time on a year -round -basis, neverthe- less I am :eonfident they appreei- ate . that :people in ,,urban areas Would be deprived of ninth' of' the daylightlionrs they depend 4an der - leg the summer for well-deserved recreatipin,:l.' do believe, . noWeVer,' that "this Goyerinnent should can Sider_eVetY pessible'inPa.As' of pro:: Vidhig- for ',.-uniform Change dates on ,4,province-Wide basis: • "The haphaiard ni miner irt which this matter is now handled. results not only in pur,d eoriftision; but in scores . of instances . of extreme' in- convenience .' and in fact. hardship:, There are periodg of ,Several Weeks, both spring and fall, i,Vhere probably ,half -the --municipalities itt some cotinties are on claYlight.sav-, ing time, while others, are on stan- dard time. In- areas where district high :schoolsOperate it is not. un- common for the' older :children in a family to be attending school :in town which is standard -time,: While the younger etildren attend' public school, iri :a namicip,ality which is still on daylight dine, pr vice verea. The extreme indaiven- knee a such a eittiation Will, 1 am sure, be obvious -to Merin bers and may I. asstire, you; Mr. Speaker, there are many other in- conveniences with which all of us are quite "Mr. Speaker, the fOregoing prompts Me t� ash the bellowing cittestiens:. Have municipalities Alife authority.. to set. or enarige,.: time standards? . (2),. Has ". the Legislature ;or: the Government any authority or Jur- isdiction in the matter? , (3) In any event, has ,the Gov- ernment considered . coneSe of' action in response to the countless resolutiais , which have been Sub- mitted to niany Hon. Members and in tarn Submitted to. the Hon. pro- vinciel Secretary? , (`May Mr. Speaker, express the opinimr-that thi'S"' is. is matter that warrants careful' considera- tion and appropriate ACtiori on the part of whichevergvernment agency. or detiartment of govern-, therinviihich,ptisseges the authority to deal with this thoroughljr.unsat- iStantery Situation," Scott]said,it was expected this dif- ficulty be ejeered when the , new 'Seaford]: sewage system was • : completed. . Introductiori of the laos,pital• in- surance plan. in January. had in- creased aceount.ing.procedtires and -Made necessarY,,."additiogial'roein for ,the board seeretary-treaserer _and, staff. Thss had tReea- PrOldded-e by a, rearrangemen_t Of exiSting,," space. It was ,ineended to dreate ,accommodationfor meetings of.the ' -boarde-HoepitatAddeandnfereother------ .staff requirements, in a portion of the basement of the west wing, Operate At Lose , The hospital 'operated, at a loss . of -$3,218 in 1958, the financial re- port,, Presented b cOmmit*, ' 'chairman M_-.Mets..euar, indicated.. _ This included an item of, $4,424 for 'depreciation. It '• included. also = grants and other non -opera g rev- enue of :$1.3,590. Operating- revenue -totalled $1e2,- 697, up $11,000 from the previOus year:, Operating exPenditure • in- . creased $7,000 'in the seine per- leder:to:pi-educe an excess of oper- g .expenditures over operating, • revenue of $16,808. • IVicRellar, explained that as the result ,of .a change in account- ing methods, it was not -possible to, con:Ore individual departments with operations-of:the -Preceding ' Revenue included: :Patient ae- cafeterias necessary in our high 'schools? mciutosb. introduced .tbe,. :i.sPealifers for the P s son :The-toPie ,was "The advantages anddieedvantages of rural School and tow schools." 1)r. Semple act- ed as, moderater. Panel for bawl", ',schools. . was Le, plhifistheleand :Jn Talbot; .rutor,'.selidolse Ross .Forrest and'. 'F. Whitmore. The clisetiSsiop was very ' interest lug,. amid the parents:, questierien. both ''sides. _ DOblin. Di sit Fa'rnis . Are 'Hoven For Motorists. Dee to the severe snow storm on Sunday, .rnostof the homes on No. 8 Highway at Dubin' were filled with motorists- who were stranded or Were in minor accidents. - , .„Play Well Received• . A large .erowd attended the St Patrick's , play ,pet on by the stu- dents of the Separate School' on Friday enightn and Sunday'. after-, noon. The play, "The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth," was much enjoYed by the audience. Several IriA songs and(lances were also part of, the evening per- ormanCe. i. • Mr Eddie Krauskopf and. Mr. Ted Melad3r were the lucky • wire ners 'of. the btiShel basket of gro-• teries that tickets were sold on , „A.mong, those .attending the ' St. Patrick's. reunion_jrr Tor,onte were: Mr. and. Mri„; Fergus Ste -Pieta', Mr. and, Mrs, Tom Butters, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland, ,,Mr.- and Mrs. Dan O'Ronrke, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rovvlarid, Mr, and Mrs: Jcie Loolayn: Mr., and Mrs. Harold Petln ick, Mr. Matt.Merray, Mr; Frank D1Rourke. - .1 • Mrs. • Elizabeth Cronin a n d Fraek, Mrs. ,'Lorne Cronin, '.Mr. and Mrs.. Iiiiimie 'Cronin, Mrs. Ler- ette Schmidt and, Miss Monica - Roach in Stratford with Mr, and Mrs, Len Cronin. ' and Mrs. Jet -wile Nicholson, and Mrs Mary EraiiskOpf, Lon- don, with Xr."-. and Mre. •I, P. Krauskopf. ' ' - Mr. and Ron. Butters and son, St Themes, and Mi8S Phyllis, Butters, London, with Mr,. and Mrs. Tom Butters, - Mr. • and Mrs. ,BilI Evans and ehildrerin Chippewa, with Mr. art. ,Mrs, Prank EvariS. ' • e Mr. and Mrs. Ren, MacRae,. of Parkhill; °With -Mr. and. Mrs Don XaeRae Mr. and Mrs: . Jack Wells and children in ' Shelburne. Don-MacRcje Wins Kinsmeri Prize.. Donald 3. MacRae, Dublin .Was, the -Winner be .an automatic dryer at-thc:SteePeatriclikse'datiee4-Spnitsent-r, ed by; the Seaforth IcinS men Glen :Tuesdayenightnin Seeferth Com- munity Centre. Those attending the, dance,Were,,efforded..the opportun- ity of ',Whining door -prizes, with Lou kailey,'Exeter,,.Winning..,a pop 'cooler; .and... jehin'".Ciark;,.:„.Seaforth; Winiiirig'ea case of pop. ' . "- '.Thedence Was well attended and. feeturedinesic Wilbee ,and his'. Orchestra. . " ' • 'Conimedatienn :$79,970; ;operating .room; $4-,987-;-„-eleliverye.rootne_:.$1,,en.„ 725; laboratory,',$2;54Q:."'diSPeniarY;.. $7 226; ratho1oy,'$4,834;;', Medical, , Expenditures Were: nursing $50,901; nursery, 189; outpatients, '$114n enerating.. reanie, 'livery 100111, $190; laboratory 'ministratiOn„,$12,064 dietary,422,', 057;' lentil:try; $3,920;e1then,replacee, Meet; $600; ,,housekeeping, planj"opetation„ $8,92-teipietit main ',tenencen$899;,depreciatien, $4,424.. ,Salaries, whicla 'totalled $75M3;.„ are .centained. the :.yationse denertMental. exPendititrei:' • • •Patienta InereaSee.' , .Continuing lricredee . in the de-', : rithed.:'fiir-epatiefit'.acceinrithdatien. is es, reflected in. the report of the superintendent; Miss V. Dro In e -5fie adults and .3r), out-patients. There. bad been '285 'operations' and -122' obstreticale patients, ,,X-rayse Were up , 79, -tie::1,20qr.e0entipancy.....duringe. February was at the rate of 1.01 per cent,- she 'said Miss Drone. referr,ede-to the Work Of the Women's Hospital': Asset:la-7 . .tien.• The group presented an aliccouditioner the. operating: .reoin and an:atitorilatie: toaster for:, • the diet kitchen, Kinstheri had : • made 'a portable TV .available.- Dur- ing .the year ,additional equipment, „Veiled af-$1;950Thent:lieen insteln," ". ed • in the nursery. ,. • • ": Mrs. Joseph- Metonnell, chair- man ••pf-- the personnel, committee; reviewed the. Work of the et:attain.' tee in:dealing relations. _ llarba Whyle, Women's Association, said the. as: 'sociatiereraiSed , 'addition; -donatioes. 'of equipment to; thee hospital, valued et 'about -$1,550, the. asseciatioe provided a nursing • bursary $45.; . " -Natrie Board. TiteinherS The meeting named Keat- ing -the board to ',sueteed the. late 2,k: Reid and to complete . the unexpired Portion Of ,.his term. Re-eletted: -fern-a. two-year- terin were ,J, Scott, AY. MeLean, 'Mrs. - 'Joseph -AleCorinell- and. Mrs,' W...e Johriston Otherse en the board` are Williain -.Cameron, Earl Dicke, Borden Beowa, ' Scott ltirkeDr. A. S. Black,: lar, .Mrs; IL. 'Whytt and M. - .Hillebrecht. • ' • • :s In -Closing the ,rneeting; the, chair- man expressed appreciation for, - the loyainsupixirt and eeoperation whieh had been , extended.: bye the-- superintendent,e , th e seeketary- treastrer- and staff during the year., Sold nee Regent a Again For .Sale . A ride t d this nnou men .was ma e s week by Joseph McConnell that the Regent_Th.eatre bed laeen sold. to outeide interests at an un disclosed price. The building; owned by the Stith,. elland Jfamily. of St. Marys, was kriovvn. as the Case block for many' years In 1932 the block was .con verted to provide accommodation for the Regent theatre, whichop- erated there until, last year, The block includes a store, occupied by the Carl Lyn shop; and two apart- ene4ts Mr. McConnell said the fOrmer- theatre property was again.being offered for sale. There would be nee change as -far as occupancy of the store and apartments was con, cernad. - AT RALF MAST The fled at the Seaforth public handle gis ilYing at half mast fol- lowing the death, TueedaY. of Ron. 'Sydney E. Smith, Canada's= Minis- ter Of External Affairs,- -Instrue- tionS to lower, the, flag were re- ceived, by caretaker 'Thomas Win bee on Wednesday; . rote, • After Christrnc, __ton, Cardiff, Conservative member of parliament. for Huron, has returned to the House of Com- mons following .a , winter accident. Mr, Cardiff was welcomed back to Ottawa by the members on Tues - ,Mr. Cardiff was injurechea few days before . Christmas when he fell from the roof of his house near Brussels while cleaning off' s'noW. Although confined to his halite for some weeks after the mishap„Mr. Cardiff hae,sinee been able to at- tend to affair's and travel through- out hisliding, He is 'still on crutch - H. W. Herridge, west coast CCF member. and William Houck, Nia- gara Falls Liberal, expressed their pleasure at Mt. Cardiff's return, and then John Diefenbaker joined it. ThePrime Minister said he and his cabinet colleagues already had greeter' Mr, Cardiff -1 before the House assembly. But he was sure that the welcome he had received fret all parts of the House Would Make this an occasion he always would remember, ttawa ErsTor4 4,Aittnkr, $.14,