HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-13, Page 3ti. ii 4' .T, DISTRICT ''WEDDINGS BAKE1Ir--WOODi URN 11JENSALL -- Margaret ; Rose "Woodburn and WithamGordon, Baker exchanged marriage ; Vows "before -the Rev. A. -E. Holly in m." __ Grrand- Bengl- United -veli reh-satur day, February 28. The bride is the -daughter of Mr.‘ • Lisle Woodburn and the late Mrs.Woodburn, of Stephen township, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker.,. Sr., Hensel". Given marriage , 'her father G inby , CHRE • & ANCE.. Foresters'..Hall N AN --E (; S C C �' 1. Friday„ rch • •':INa •� th a t 8:30_ .m, p . Adiiiiss'ion 5Qc;;e4.."1Ciiiic'h yr:enlded •: Y' RIET'Y. -"- N ERTAINMENT ET s urin' Seaforth Jr.' Farmers ` - ffeat g a Plus Local Talent on ,. ' TUESDA=Y .MA CI 17th_ at 8:30 p.m., in Egmondville United ch, : auspices E mo d - Shur g vilee ti h.ADMISSION•50c • ..2 -C ildren sunder 1 the bride ..chose . a gown of Chan- tilly lace' and shimmering taffeta; The bocliee and tapered lily sleeves were of lace, while the unpressed. pleats, of the peplumwere caught Tr in ent"by -a , circle; " of iridescent :segarins--and �earls� 'and; fEll-. to--a- deep,-`V' .at the -back over the full skirt .Her fingertip veil Was 'field by a...tiara embroidered in sequins and pearls. She carried a white Bible crested with a white; gar- denia and stephanotis. •Maid of honor for her sister was Miss Marlene Woodburn,';Parkhill, and bridesmaids were 'Mrs. Doug- las Dison, Ailsa -Craig, and Mrs. Murray Baker, Hensall, :arearing' sleeveless gowns of blued faille print with -orchid, blue and .white :roses, styled. en empire Sines with: -`V' back and harem skirt: They. car- ried, blue •mumsatid white rose - 'Robert Baker, Jr., Hensall;' was _, his .brother, s grraomsman• ;.and:John 1 , :_and_1ULuxra-_::B:akex�nsal �rotii ; Y 1,. . ,: rs .of the g Dain; ushered. - •'A reception*as hld at Arm sarong's :Restaurant, Exeter,, where_ m :the bride's grandother, Mrs. ' T. Isaac, received guests,';wearing• a -royal blue_pnnted silk dress with :accessories in black and white and red' rose: corsage. The groom's another' chose a -. light : 'bine-Printed taffeta dress with black and'White accessories and corsage of: red' ros- e s, gFor-travellinatc Niagara Falls ',the bride wore brown tartanplaid suit topped'with. a brown fur jack- et, yellow and brown accessories -and Ychow rose ::coria e:ThY_will reside in Hensall: of SEATOR .° T Re DOG oc�ar�arior n view". of the disregard b h general t e nel a pub- lic' Of:the rticena proclamation on Issued by the Town . � -Cou c n� i1 re the ' h _ confinement 'of :do' the . h and c at he are fact t t nota run at l'. e:.' y.._. alarge at any; time,. the Council feels that charges must -be laid`under-- this' y Any .owner or harbourer of .a l who w'' torunat dogit — -Tlar e- ,can <be uiri honed arnto Court. The fine in-acase-of this kind, could 50 0 - be0 and' :costs... The Counciland myself would� ask` all � citi- zens concerned to comply with the laws arid avoid > .c o the orise quen.ces: • F. CHRISTIE; - Mayor= -- NEWS OF HENSAL Wed 64 Years :. i PRESENTATION OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Mrs. E. Phillip's • RECOGNIZES' WORK OF MRS. G. -HESS Has Beth Birthday . Y Mrs.,: Ezekia), Phillijiai .celebratedt er'877ii 131 thda—k at her' home re cently, receiving many gifts, cards and xnessages of congratulation: She was before her marriage Mar- garet Ellen Medd, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R.Pbert Medd;' and attended school at S. 49O.' 3, Colborne. Sixty-four yearsago. ixt ur:'•she s y married..to,Mr. Ezekial Phillips at,: the Anglican rectory at Lecknew by the late Rey. Charles • Miles. Following 'their wedding the Cou- ple resided. oupleresided' for •10 years atr.White church, ' where Mr: Phillips was engaged as Ilacksmrth, Then they:: moved to Auburn, where they .since: have. resided. •. • Both are -valued mem bers of St. :Mark's Aniglican:,:Church. -Mrs.` '-hillips•isvery=-active-and--in .good, health„ and has a bright cheery -affrile-,for everyone:.She has`a -fam it of,three: one :son . Robert, and Y th e .two -;daughters; IVIrs. Tom Johnston (Ellen) and Miss Laura, at' home: 44h-Wedi ing Arinzyer"s'ary - The home of'Mr.' and' Mrs. ze- ki" Mel :was set for,the •64th. wedding anniversary ..last ` 'riday, when Mi Phillips `accidentally fell downstairs as7-his wife was re ceiving = .congratulations _: on the phone.' The doctor was summoned' and ,-Mr;'Phillips wast taken Men - day morning to Clinton Hospital - :by -am=w bulance,here the -vias -found - ,to be suffering from a : fractured hip.' . ,Hensall • ,`.ric P es -Prices of -,cattle were easier Thursday- at-..Hensall,' community;. sale, lacking. top qualify:—'Butcher steers `-up to $24.40; butcher, heif- ers, up to $22,20; cows up` .to $17; baby beeves up to $25,80; Holstein calves $1.5 to $23; Durham calves, s $38to $61; weanling pigs $7.75 to y $11:30; • chunks, . $i2 70 to::; $1 .25; feeders, $17:85 to $2025;: sows, ;$50 to, $66. A total o �•' 550 pigsand'1 a 60 cad. of: cattle and --calves were, sold. DUBLIN Mr. Frank McCennel is: in fail= ing' health' after an attack;: cd Pneu- monia in.St. '•Mary's Hospital, Lon don.' Mr M:eCannell will ,be 96 in. Every Canadian has has a very'di in rect.interest the. .• LOST HEIR- Euchre and Dance RIDA MARCH�1 th` F 3 _. Walton Commun t , Hall KEN IE WILE E'S • ORCHESTRA '. . 'adies...bi Lig-Lune-1i' Admiss on. 50 riuullll ullhlll nllmm� n -i : �If I 1 1- l lllllllll. u Orange Facial,-S'EAFORTH: MONDAY, MARCI,1 16th" :8;30 p.m. Admission 40 Cents, •LTJNCH PROVIDED,: , - iiiiiimIll111I11JIflhl11111111I1i11111111lllli The -Women's Missionary .Society refreshments, -served. ',-Tale " church of the.:.Tlniteil f hnreh. met.jThurs- day afternoon for their March meeting ;with Mrs. R; M; Peclr's group in, charge,. Mrs, Peck pre- siding, A..reading, `"This Old Clay House" • was given byes Mrs. R. J. Paterson;. vocal duet, He Arose, Mrs.` Sim••Roobol and Mrs; George Armstrongs sacred passages, Mrs. ` Henry Whittaker, and prayer of- fered by Mrs:,'J. Horton. -The stu- ,, dy book on Unemployment and the Immigrant in• Canada," '" was taken •by Mrs: Peck -hid Mrs E: Sproat, and the group sang a selee tion;, "The 'Old Rugged Cross," Arvinstwong " e- - •took'-the-busi- ness th bust- . Ms ness part ,of the meeting." Miss Jennie Buchanan received'the of- fering,; Mrs. li:oobol and,Mrs. Dan- iel were' appointed •delegates to" the WMS Presbyterial .in--Goderieh-on- March: 20.. A: <life, membership cer- tificate 'and •pin were presented, to Mrs, ;George . Hess •-for: her-• faithful work': in the society and the Mis- sion 'Band. Making ' the presenta tion: were Miss 11I: Ellis: and-Mrs.v George Thompson: Mrs • Hess em r, plied :very fittingly, -expressing her thank s. • "Christian ',: •Stewardship notes were Presented .by • Mrs. A. Rowcliffe. ' An invitation, was re- ceived , to attend :the' daffodil par- ty in the 'interestof the Cancer Society at James -:'Street :"'United Church; ;Exeter, When Dr:* John McDonald, of LonderL, wall be guest. speaker _ Invited uest for the 'a nal" g s nn" birthday party, to 'be held'::- this'.. month, will, be Chiselh stat ladies,. Presbyterian WMS• and Arnold:' Cir- cle, St, .Paul's Anglican; Evening. Awwaliary of the United Church, Program, committee Will be Mrs: G. Hess acid•Mrs- .E: -Rowe; :lunch, Mrs: H., J. Paterson;;.lVlrs::R-oobol, Mrs. S.., Mitchell and• Mrs. A. `Row Cliffe Mrs. Daniel 'reported - for he visiting comm:ittee. Mrs. L. ckle , and Mrs. C:. Cook inform e' the; meeting that 13 visits had been Made to sick and shut ins Mrs T: C Coates was pianist for the meeting A 'social hour Was. ;enjoyed' and Brucefield W.A. Holds Meeting The1Viarch:. meeting, of •the: Wo- Associaton was•. `held in, Brucefield ••United Church onTues- day•" with the .=president Mrs:, mer Broadfoot, presiding:11ra J. Cairns'' and • Mrs: L: -,Eyre • had charge; of -the: devotional .,period.. Mrs .Lin y .Eyre' read from- the Bookdsa of John 13. Mrs. Cairns took as 'her:aopic;: "Triumph of Love." Mrs. ,Cairns closed this part of the. meeting wth prayer. Mrs:',:.T iettner •gave?.ahe secre- tary'sreport • and -Mrs. L. Eyre re- ceived the offering The roll •call was " ` Somethii gYou'-:gave . upu' for Lent.":: Tuning' of the piano was. discussedand left in .the hands ands of the=church_committee.:A thank you letter is to be •sent rs. K. Cornish ler. the 'donation, of a vacuum. cleaner. an you :no e was read by•Mrs. Berry from Mr. 'QWilliani Scott. It was alsomoved by C'that Mrsi Ham .• a; $ we. 10 to the March of Dimes Group No. 3 ;had ' charge of the program._ Miss Margafet McQueen played°a. piano solo;.'Mrs. George Clifton conducted a., contest. ;• The :April meeting will be in charge of Group o.- Mrs T ;B. Baird and Mrs:. GeoNrge4. Cliftotl '.will be in charge of the ` devotional period, andverse. tlie:roll,call is to 'lie an. Easter . 3 'UEI.-LENGTII_MOVIES> ACII WEEK. inner of the "LIBERTY AWARD" forLocalProgrammingg MON.; MARCH -16 "Blanche Stuart Granger Don Ameche Valerie Hobson •• Al. Jolson (Drama)` (Musical> TUES., MARCH -17 "SwaIiee Iver" WED., MARCH '18 `A Boy, a Girl antht rake- ;,Diana Dors Pat Holt (.Comedy) '`cI'oXes Of. 4`0 ---fir Rex Harrison, Maureen O'Ha (Drama) : 19 ra. 44 MARCH '13 he Net" Phyllis Calvert (Mystery) FRI., MARCH, "Thunder- in bheealley" . Peggy Ann Garner Edmund' Gwen (Scottish Drama)` Vv eV e getter these features o 'LADY'S AT T MONDAYhru flUD . t A TELEVISION LO N SEE THESE FEATURES 0211'' TARLIG,IIT THE"ATI • EVERY NIGHT ,-- -11.25 pal t —2:30 p.m. 7E RI.; 1VMARCR 13 "Flack' Sleep" Basil .Rathbone ,Lon • Chaney Bela Lugosi ;. (Horror) SA'P; MARCH -14 "Mr. , ,,SSieffingtore' Bette Davis Claude Rains (Drama) 014;-11AItCH 16 "Four Day's' Hugh'°McDermott yeathy Bryon y r ama. ••.frit) TUS:, MARCH 17 OqVialley" Pat O'Brien Ann Sheridan. " , Humphrey Bogart (Irish) WED,.;- ARCR_ 18 Mali Richard Crane•, (Sei'ence •Fiction) THUR , MO. 19 :` Ile Balked By Night" Jack Webb of .?Dragnet;' (Mystery) iF'RL MA tCR 211 -��oII- wo y 11otel" Dick Powell Benny' Goodman (Musical) SAT:,. ,MARCH 21 Ero n Howard Duff Bill; Williams Lita Baron. . (1VMystety)" - SUN.,. MARCH ;:15 "Tall'' Texan'.' Lloyd Bridges Lee Cobb' ` (Western) ;SUN.,. MARCH 22 "Crile Against Joe" ,Julie .London John Bromfield (Mystery)'' Clip Olt This Ad`;For' Easy 'Reference schoolroom was very attractive in St. Patrick's motif;, while the table -Covered with a -lace -cloth centered a potted chrysanthemum tri two- tone shade, Mrs. Paterson was in charge of 'decorations. -- • _ "Open house",- was held at : Hen- saIl public 'school•' Friday ' after- noon 'from 2;30 'to 3:30 p.m., .at which'time, parents "co id "see their ehildreri at Work i the lassroo s. m n - An ' difficulties :of thewere £'swr discussed by'the arentss and:teaih- ers; There was a splendid turn- out in,spiteaof. poor weather Condi- . Glenn Hod's-.Exet iescaped, 'injury ' • Friday evening when his Car went'into a> spin on the ice on No. 4 Highway, one mile south of -•Hensall, causing _the • care` •to -talre_,-of .five guard •_raails ands cement abutment of the bridge: It went intothe creek bottom; a drop of, some 12 feet, landing besidethe river bed. . The driver' suffe'red shock. , •Extensive damage,'w a s .Caused. ta,-the-car. -OPP George Mitchell, of ; Exeter__.detachment; -•m estigated. . Mic ae1.130 8,grade.2 student at Hensall; public• School; who has been confined to his hone for, the, Past five••weeks was taken toWar Pa , - <Memoriah: Children s "Hospital; Lon-" ,don,,,, on Wednesday, • where ,tests are. being' taken todetermine the cause of 'hisillness. He is the' son -of° Mr: and 'Mrs Ti'Y $a Hoy. Miss""M _ a a oobol ; : arse = tri training _at Victoria Hospital, -Ion - don, is' speeding . a two ; Weeks', Va- cation cation with',her• parents; Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. ' Mr. T. C,-• Coates, who has been confinedto jus home with illness, is improving nicely Mrs . .- . Gus �oth<and• 1VIr. William D.' Simpson, ;Def tit; .`v ted "their mother, Mrs. L.. , Simpson, this -NorinanAllan,; 10 months, infant son of Mr.and Mrs Garnet Allan, Was rushed to Clinton• Hospital on Thursday': At date of writing he•is doing nicely - Ed. Fink ,was m Hamilton off Thursday)on,business'': :At the regular meeting,of, Amber Rebekah; Lodge" -held.-:W-ednesday- last, presidedover by Noble Grand Mrs. Inez- McEwan, plans were Outlined • and arrangements -made, :to:.hold a ,euchre at the conclusion Ofc the next meeting; sponsored:;by the ;and T:Fund:. ; Gary , Cie merit' 5'� �. kin e, r arten_ g firma ''at:,. Hensall -.Public School, underwent an appendectomy -at St: Iaseph's,I ospita1, Jsondon -on. Wed, nesday and .is•': coming. along; nicely, He is the •son of Mr. and Mrs:Wil- . • .Clement. In T he Garden. e Remember The Grow Seeds and, e seedling are tiny things at first -taut like puppies they will grow_ It" is 'most i:aportant` that we keep' that fact` in mind in our gardenplanning now , I i the Seed -catalogue ,-and off 'the, seed packet are printed -details of xnn- ture height and how far certain vegetables and` flowers •:should •be, thinned "Like •trees -and ,shrubs •all plants require :room to.develop, even tiny things .like; ,alyssum ' and radish. Either we should give them room •right at the start, as with bedding plants oi?'we`'should be prepared ,to ` thingigorously afterthe seed has germinated:,; We must do this if the plants are to grow, properly and be strong', en- ought' to resist' wind and rains'. or 'if pur Vegetables • aro : tto grow quickly- and be crisp and tender, So in, your planning, remember :to leave plenty of room. It is a gar- den. you want, 'not a jungle." '' •. "'Don't Overlook Vegetables -A"-lot of'people-who have -forgot- ten -or never "knew what: a really fresh vegetable tastes like neglect this interesting -and satisfying part of- gardening They think they can buy vegetables more .cheaply • at the store or ' that growing them means a lot of hard work and ex - pease; or that:; they can't. grow r ally ..high class: vegetables. All of these assumptions are - entirely; false and•'especially-_the last'one. -Actually,tli'e on ly wa r to gee -fear freshness in certain vegetables b1es' such as_peas; corn abed lettuce, is. from .a; garden ;right at• the door and they should be picked oillya few minutes before they . are to be.used__.Sugars, _in. :many rege taliles' start to turn to 'starch 'in -a matter of hours after harvesting. That is why the best canners take theirfields portable plants' right i n t o . ' And vegetables are the simplect thing1s to grow.. Simply get some string, 1_ayeattherms al widths suggested on the -seed packet, cul- tivate onceor twice and •dozens' of tasty meals are assured. • The be- ginner is advised to start with on- ly half a dozen -kinds and a small .plot It is :surprising.what one can can do with a space of only lU feet by'20'feet, litany Grasses 'rd Make a LaW'n Many people may Have wonder-- ed •why some grass, mixtures are priced higher than others and whY there are mixtures at all. There', is. no mystery about this once we un- derstand'"that .a good lawn grass seed, like good tea or tobacco;'is` a 'blend of several different kinds 6f gra-Sses nim- dl`fferen binds are used for different purposes. More- over, ,some of ,the varieties ate comparatively tare and expensive and may have been imported from the other side of the- world. • A. lawn is not a hays field, and what we want is -something that. wj1I'be green all through the sea- son:� For a sunnyy,pesitioxi_. we,Wilt use one type d£ mixture, for a- jawri that._,will,,„lie,..largely_•; shaded_' We use another. Per a lawn that must carry a lot of traffic .or is used for ,a special purpose, like bowling or tennis, we rise still an °other blend. To stay ' green, and luxuriant 'all .through the ,growing season, we must use a :variety of grasses some that start to' grow• early, some that do -not grow un= til late. In this way some of thein • VIII 'always be at .their'`lest and .Hensa�lr Groups - Pibn C�unass -- For. Rai" . Cross Plans• were outlined and canvas sers appointed for the Red Cross canvass this the at -the Marei':. meeting of the Legion Ladies' Aux-' iliary Tuesday evening. Appointed canvassers for :this project- were Mrs. .Harry •Horton, 'Mrs: Cameron; Mrs. Robert McKenzie,; Mrs. CecirKipfer, Mrs; :Mary Tay, for, Mrs..•William: Frown, Mrs. Wil- liam Sreale,; Mrs, ;Howard. ,Smale Mrs. Leona Parke, Mrs. Lawrence Bayrnham, .Mrs. Garnet :Monsseau, Mrs: •Harold Bonthron, Mrs,, 'Wes Vernier and Mrs. Leonard Noakes. Two • applications - for -:'member_ ship .were. received, .Mrs.' Haven and. Mrs. R. Vanstone: Shaddick - won- the mystery prize, iVIrs. Gordon Munn; first vice-presi dent, chaired the .meeiing: Follow- a recreation , riod : luncheon wvasservel: E. R. l a Zick'- Gordon Leve Bert }Orton :and Clayton Herten: .. have returned front a, successful fishing expedition ao-Lake Simcoe taking part -in the annual. 'fishing der -by -sponsored .by ; the B:eaverton Co-operative. They were rewarded with; a' nice `eateh 'of. white fish. Although they didn't sharein' any of the prizes for .':the •largest or most'.c u fish prize a ght,;: they.; each re- ceived a prifor having. travelled the_ -greatest distance. Due to .ex- cessive snow on, Lake ._Siincoe; transportation t •:and front the' huts .,.• .:o n. the--lake.had .'be .by the ''old-fashioned- method.: of team` and'slty, =, eigh:.se_ Thirven,17(.1'• mand friends ,:of East-. Women's Institute_ enjoyed • a •delightful 'bus trip : on: Wednesday to--the,•-Royal College OAC; - Guelph; where -they toured, Maedonald College; green house 'and'- attended the. ;fashion 5hdw .and ,tea and' visitedmany: places of interest:: -They : also at=- tended the Ice `Capades at Kit then e r ari ito i d r um,'in the evening. They said the costumes and light ing: were; •:fabulous, and the trip very interesting and educatiogal,,', Church Groups • GROUP 1,'WA: yrs Elva' Ellis opened her home for: the March meeting of Group. 1,' WA of Northside United 'Church.. The president, Mrs .D Lemon, con- ducted the rbusines's; period:-IVirs. W. Ball gave' a 'reading, "I Seethe Spring .Come In." The . minutes were':, read: and ;adapted -by, Mrs. W .Cuthill the roll call bei an- wered• by ; 2 members - and two' The :devotions were- taken by Mrs.` F. Roberto,.° and, Mrs. C. Walden led in:prayer. Mrs. R. Mur die read the scripture lesson Mrs. E. H. Closee?: a a�• ' gav fine 'reeding entitled; " a .. its Ar' M ny Of a Con=. scripts :Of•;the Battle Of : Life-". PIans were made. to :held a:'bazaar and tea •in the Fall.. MIs e en E1 ' t ' - I3 l lid t ave :two -love-:• -1 ve ,s g oo.. ly selections " on her .'accordian;, "Softly; and Tenderly" and. ;"There IS a ,.Green Hill Far Away"..Mrs. R,': McDonald and :Miss' It;; Fenne seined--a-delicions-lunch nd--a,So-- tial,;.hour was .spent Mrs.' Close. thanked the,;: hostess .ancl all those. taking P•art.:'.... _ green •when' others: are starting to turn; brown • •and mature. By' using: blends -of grasses chosen especial; ly'•• for Canadian •conditions, •, we can have•sonlet,hing-that rivals the best 'broadloom% £worn early'spring until. the "snow climes. The. ►INUAL 'MEETING of- colt 01or•ial s ' l .�v11.:114-held +� ID -AY ENING at 8:30 p.m. NURSES' RESIDENCE- The public is invited to be present:' - Scott Habkirk... Chairman `Lloyd Hoggarth` Secretary: .7 "i'kll✓ I1URON 1 oSITOR, SEA*A ., gone -141 or 142 JRONPOSIT E�EP .`I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • . ,.TAKE-..-.�.r..-EA. •:: it with -step WI SQ. • extension • Phones • ' •: •• ;To order—ectal your telephone busiriess of=fice. •' The 'March` Session . ofthe. Iiuron Coun' -Cozncil�wi lbe-held '�a� �the Court House,H, o Cod r — on MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1.9 59 at Q 0. 0 a,.m. All comm un eatloxls and accounts to be'in the hands of d the Clerko Friday, b noon, rlda Y n7 y. March 20, 1959. J G. BERRY, Y R , Clerk - Treasurer • t'T'S. IN A: -CLASS Y ;ITSELF, The remarkable Sex-Saf-Li` Ir-` a n red'af":the 'well-known h;, 3. J. Warren Poultry,Sreeding Farms, and hatched'dnd • gold ':by Swift --is a strain cross that .competes favourably with anywhite-egg layer in NSt. w gg l y use.today.., Already the:_SexSal-Link' has .established'' an 'enviable • ricerd in official egg -laying tests, by consistently ranking;;„ among top birds.e'1itered In one test, Sox-Saf-Link pro- duction hit 285 eggs per,bird--54 mote eggs than The aver - sue of all birds 'entered! Livability and feed efficiency have proven consistently: excellent. (Tests entered include the Storrs, New York State, and Rhode lgland Egg Laying ;' In a side-by-side field test. o random -sample - birds, conducted- at Swift's Research Farm; the Sex -Sal -Link , outperformed one of.the largest selling hybrid layers by rive eggs per hen for the first, nine monthsof laying. "At.ins same..time, livability of the Sex -Sat -Lint was 94 pet cent: through these months of high production! Now is the time to order money=making Sex -Sal Link layer chicks for your flock, You can -get these and other rrre SWift chicks by coptaoting: EEGIIVINOTT.- ItJL No. !,,_CiintozV PHONE SEAFORTH 847R:5 • Swifty .. S To Serve' Your Form and Family Whir see Free! Marie Fraser's exciting "Bazaar, Beat Sellers" recipes. Write today!. DANK' FARMERS OP CANtADA. 409:Huron Street, Troiita'