HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-13, Page 2fk Since 1860 Serving the Community ,1i'irst, 'wCf�'A��R'�, ONi ABIO, every . Thursday'. morning . by 8d $t McLean, Bros'., Publisher. Arimm* Y. McLEA1 ;: Editor SU$SCRTPTION RATES. ganada (:in advance) $2.50 a Year United States, (1Ii advance} $3.50 a Year 5Il`1GLE COPIES -- 5 CENTS EACH.' AuthorizedAuthorizedorized Second class Mail, Post Office•nePartnient,. Ottawa as. G ARCH .3 1959. TH ONTARIO, M -1 9. SE,A•F9R , ... ..._ �.. -a ttc;_Don Pot ZSU_'Ne edFor Plan :.. -•:.-' _.�.e.-...-iq,.u.Se�i dpafn. or •;nth' Council `spentseine caiTimhes .'• b..0 i1 dhi, en _ acsu•; as ' pio• ont e. onnt, ciea-1mIoersiedpep o.iic1ri re l -a storage .yard and .�..a proposed � then erect a public garage beside t' hu_lt,p . stolage Y. and,,of the -proposed The presence of:the garage'' would- to house street xiaintenaxeetend to •reduceassessments: wed. : area. question arose when it was :.;:. the' necessity.,, of Counea.:taking im- mediate: to -offer the former waterworks': build • n plan, to ° steps to create a tow p Street," for sale:_ on Coleman ._ _�..... ecte'd. b� ening;bylaw. s; � on oils -of- properly px°ot, .p. � •Y .�_•: ww_ ''1 in is situated tion The blas d g Without theguidance ant pints' ad :olein lots, and usa V6TIt u g two g _carefull considered j• town. � lot be retained •as'-�vvhicha Y_. sug- gested the- vacant p rovide -neither , council gplan would , �., _ munici � al ' ,• . possible site for the p, gar - Age. with.an : � p° nor anybody°else can build . • • y doubted the 11 • 1ldember of Canadian, Weekly..:. Newspapers Association • it. -w as. S. - A e. ome councillors s to future .conditions in g . .: - assurance a m of this pointing-out-it:would , -wisdom , P � particular area: e11:a a,particu • . ..fair :far the:town to sell . , not be :. � •.:__ --_ HARLOCK -FEED TN E THE ST 1h -the P N • FE EDIN �. G OGR A V notinCing a leW Fee Eight ht i arlock ladies,' met at the home_o£MrsYteslie Reid on Wed- nesday after ednesdayafter noon March 4, to quilt, :W1VIS bale. .. -a` hila for the q. Mis`M Marjorierie McE win gs of Lon- don, spent the' weekend .in.Kitchen- er with her sister' Mists Beth Ale- -Ewing: e- -Ewing� ..;. Miss ;'Mary Lou Roe is teaching week. ek. in Brantford this .Commercial Regular • o C " on • C011r For Pigs., That S Pig Startie 0- C, ",- ed in �, � fe • Milk g flow •"Of S • Maintain. a full • Ma OPI"p0 N.. SOWRA la'f 'n owI r -y t g as the sow to start a.fg gi P . Help feedin ' CO-OP PIG E -STARTED at °7 ,to g ' a. s.' of age: I'OdY. g-. ER .at 3< to 5 "weeks �►.. Peed age FI.'G ST$Rfi of a e and you can wean them at eight weeks • Keep. your pigs grove ing f as't y y switching to CO-OP HO,G pROWER, When •reach 70.' •pounds weight. Top thel e---offa£ter they.: reach about .140'. • ER- I -II- •. QCr IN S =rsPP�r �-il CO dl pounds by feeding make them -ready.. for the market in to 'than �ou ever thought possible. time you 'WAY AND. SAVE FEED THE- C0-0�' - or 'T amid then )1' °Listen do you ouiseU, a' :?barber; . �ace cavi. 9 ......... ... .. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reidon: the arrival of their baby son in Scott last Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Frida Y d ar Mr. and Mrs.George Bern and family spent' Sunday -evening with:: Mr. and Mrs. John-McEwing, and family. --There were no church -services B n ,owin to in Burns' Church . Sunday g the bad conditions of the roads.• Hamilton is" „Miss Lenora- Hami teach- ing in; Kitchener. this ;week..- -- Mfrs:-Ernest Moore; left on'Tiles - day visit. in Belgium with her day toShe will, father,. who. is quite' ill. fly, TCA from London Friday morn - propose Track Route e ,. Breaks.:Ilip.._�___�: _. __, : ....._ ._. rower_ Study A weekly article contributed by a . member of the Sea - forth and District Ministerial Association. SUGAR, AND SPICE p y W.'(si l B. �.`SMILEX; With trouble in Africa, the Ar mow' eanc_e,Ued,,and Berlin situ atigix looming uP, it•seems` as good a -time as any to -give a, progress report on Playboy, _ For those w`ho. eame in late,. Playboy is ;the black Spaniel pup we bought for the kids at Christmas. A charming,' fat bundle, he was as cute as a. Koala bear club. The youngsters were enchanted. Christmas, with , its sentiment, is long gone from us,- and; we are battling the bitter winds of March And, that, sweet, little, roly-poly, puppy is long gone from; us, and we are battling •a great, rangy; hairy,- leaping, chewing .: animal, whose mere presence in the house keeps •my wife in a constant state of::near-hysteria. (;By Rey. J. C. Britton, Northside United Church, Seaforth) One of': the things that most peo- ple ea pie shy away from these days is criticism. We dont like our ideasa criticized; yet personal growth 4 only come from. constructive .criti- cism. .You may ' maintain• that the -particular criticisin that you get --isn't-constructive ,Life-=teaches.:.us that we, must be prepared to take it .on the chin -and come••up smil- ing. The' reaction of 'modern youth ;to its dislike of criticism is a rigid -conformity. One; would net dare' be, different from the -particular -group with which they are . associating.ei a person is to ..:be a leader of m they 'must be .trained" to accept. criticism of their'ideas. , n e'of-the -reasons_:th that -� Perhaps o we do not like criticism is that: we are afraid thai.our idea may,not be able to stand -up -under the ;im- ''ideas. If we are _seek- ingof other in the truth :then ;we : will wel- g come`:other 5ideas, but; if we. are interested only' in winning an argu- ment .aiid bolsteriing "our ego, tiles criticism is net :for us.` Frequently_ People are so _conscious of, them- selves < and their tender feelings -refuse-to ',present their that -they _ ideas ;to public scrutiny. We have to learn to :'subordinate our ;gown feelings: -when• :we .think.the -goal i" r m of � our idea is:sufficiently po taut: The football player or the hockey player is intent on scoring a goal.- •He knows perfectly well - that .:his passage to that goal, is He is go- ing t be s not going _ o to:. be rough -handled on the but if that is going to :deter way, . him- in. his effort,.then his' days num; usefulness to • the t cam are of s the limit on h A two hour. parking Brothers - in the same. family ,can • and Saturdays a times. Last Square ",on, Fridays be a little too close t heavy e for.. Y out. ld cis s ear o special. en ev as Kerr, s Y and e h K P Jos week Joseph and=Mrs:-Iiarold Kerr" rucks were am g 'son. o t on the proposals Was 'playing an impromptu game studied by town council• Frida-Y. public school of football at the pu e •se oo his. The possibility or installing: park- when he,c 1. Re u t: Je .wen .meters°:on the: Square was ,a1- brot er, 'Bill.. Result: Joe'went to ing`:the special hduring a du with a bmken'hip:�- so mentions- -. g the hospital w meeting at which, revision.' of the V�'in ham`Advance Times _ was considered. g town. traffic bylaw ed through, truck route • his.:. The ro os est La R Re u g p� q heavy' ,trans- would look y. at from villagers petition' ch A and from Go eri of to n rt going the s g d b - ce ve ports re Y Godericholle was•r :_ Township Council on harbor. The hill and along, Wesp da night, requesting that in- the';; harborn stop Y g n. the Street to Wellington ' Street, the i village b : of Street lights Elgin Avenue and up 'E1'- village be investigated; ;;;and costs over to At that, g . of the gin :'to Victoria ,Street. co committee pies; Members - t -the :`'` intersection ' of • Elgin' wcommittee presenting:. the request point -the Streets -- the "Bert" Lobb, William Avenue and 'Victoria Bender R. t * north on � .Johnson:-- trucks can fan outgo go o ,,, ,m nd Wilbert outh out either,, n News -Record.- ----- -Victoria-Street or s Clintonto Bayfield Rad,. or Huron Road. Y , Accept With Limits Goderich :Signal -Star. Stanley - Township,' :councillors "axiv- increases Monday t d Increases amo g sus.., •The: regular. meeting - -of' the - Burns Londesboro YPTJ was held Sunday. evening in: Londesbore. Pat Murch- led the. singmg She.. .was, accompanied by. Arlene': Pow- ell -at :the piano. President Pat ;Murch and ; Ken Gaunt- were ie ,charge of'the business, The Faith and Evangelism; group led by : Arlene Powell, was in charge of.worship.; She Was-; assist- -ed-by~Glenda McDougall; Faye_ Gaunt}. Bonnie Thereason,'Harvey Caacter, :'io_w:aid Cartwright and Frank - Murch - . (Intended `for last week) Miss Mary: Lou Roe taught last week:'in Wilson Avenue: School. in Kitchener. She taught grades two an-three. "d' e Watt attended . the 1Vfr 'Georg., _ -annual meeting of the:Agriciiltural. da urs Th Society Wednesday•. -:and y- in Toronto.- ton -.,. tau• ht lull g e Ha Miss Lenor t• ck. ds o last week, in :Woo ass Marjorie Bickel, of Toron- t.spent, the "weekend _.with. ' Mr.: and rs. ,George. Smith: <• Mr. and, . Mrs. George ::Watt. ited -Friday-and Saturday with -Mr ; and ;Mrs, Russell.MeBeth ,and fam ily, of�London.,Mr, Wattattended_ the.: Middlesex Seed Fair. while :in ,JaOid`o . Il n anal -Pointed out as lively a ,hest of lice as -:you'd: want to see. Wheal told-tbTogitGi,r1 he-nBarlv,.broke down., I got her calmed3own, we sat ,there,, nervously scratching ourselves, It ,dawned , pia-. both of us about the same;time, that one' of the' favourite tricks of the ' kids was setting 'the- pup' on top of their heads, bolding, him there and -walk - Mg around the . house that way,: pretending he;;was a fur ..hat. ;x` ',The real problem;, however,' and. we might „as well face it, is No ;1: and No. 2. -We spread -the -papers . down, and after, his meal, I '.hold him there for. abotit :ten minutes He 'reads the:. headlines . with. inter- . est. When I -get a crick in ' nay back and'release him, 'he trots••, straight to ,'the nearest'patch- o£ bare -floor and. makes a mess - on,: 4,4 We tried.. Oh, how:we tried to bring him. els properly. .`We'd never had a dog before, and we knew the first couple •of weeks;',would ,be quite a, strain; -until. we had -him. trained to'` use the ,papers, • stop crying at night, and. do everything he was 'told. We thought'; it might. even take'!a month agreed at the nice ing on untm to'; nearly afternoon to,support.the boar of CIinton..•:District; Collegiate Ynsti $22';000. a ---year 'were granted to tute, iii the—proposed $328,000 adds , 'SHDHS teachers by the board on tion to tine school,,btut"ding, .-.With Tuesday night. A schedule, raising twa:.pro_visxons . Their : approval' is the' inimum salary frons $4,000 to. 'base3:on #he. -'provision that the -bonard,�use tile: present gymnasium for a`;cafeteria,; and that the-y<T? ceive a ,grant 'of. $25,000 for 'that purpose. -Clinton News -Record e t `Neap' -Roads su g s, g But", I " must " confess that -•there are. a, few cbm'plamts:' For ex- ample, when.- he .eats out of his dish his 'ears hang .down into his mush and milk. 'After =the stuff dries, it gives him the appearance of a dirty:"old :man whose tobacco juice -h -as -dribbled out -both cor-- ners of his moutli;,:into his beard. And he smells; Thanks'eta Feld- webeI Herman, Muller,.'I. haven't been able tosme11 anything ;since October : 15; 1'94,4: But my -, wife assures---mej--thatj he •-stinks. „ .Wei* i 'his food. ills . n chlorophyll triedP t, We brushed him., We gave"him''a .bath• and. I don't 'even. want -to talk about,.that). He got steadily worse. Finally;:- we gave up ,arid now tile. kids,', front fondling, hi sinell,just like. him, so -:we're s of; •;used ,to �it. _ 500 ai Hafting the maximum to ,000, was approved, rehictantly; b :the board :"X certainly,•'don'.t want to 01. 1 e-hhave--no-a1-- ternative,'•' said. E.L. Mickle, Hen - salt who ; moved the adoption of the schedule "Teachers-, are - so scarce 'there isn't Much ;we :can Ata pecial -executive Meeting of the. Zurich ;"andDisrl£am dd` about,' it'-' .:admitted Oscar- ber of '.'Commerce lash 'VhurSdaY Grebb, Hay Township. "It's almost night it ;was decided to•isuggest-to` a enzvabStephe„commented; m enteed Wand the village trustees that they "per a-_ -chase:_4the old Zimmerman.proper=' knock the' bricks:.: out• -from under frons. "Norman ' Gascho, so :that anyone." The 'development :Which ty , .a -`the future a' =r'oad prompted ;tlierchagrin was; that the. - could sometime , board actually:; approved, a• higher • e• Opened which would 'lead b Ptherm' east'.end of 'the new Co*;:.schedule' titan. the : teachers t m m' the,, selves -had requested in, February..,, 84 In y,Park and then south to. No.; onth the demand am - In less .than , also the f eeI T was- . t a i w ,xe ing h Y._c g a>. -road 'fore teachers acioss the �provin ing of ,the meeting -that make a .brought .salaries -to • a ;higher. peak -the section: would m h ossa t ' rofes- .g fte ers .o ' emb P eve'm than n h, ' ion where ere 'divas o a ;nevi ' 't f ssibli po ,:...Y built::-=Znrich'Cit>- .'sign hacl� anticipated,•. -�- Exeter•, homes could be Times -Advocate,`.. zees; News _. u Cieu - Then there is the .person' who. has a. -splendid attitude, ,but 'When:; find themselves'impiicated in they a position of. leadership become, confused. the begin to worry. Worry' is the: age-old enemy of.pro-; ress: It is like a man, who • tries t .g.. to get his -car in,. motion -when it is sitting -on n'lee. The wheels ,spin,' but there is -no traction.., but, Life, at its best,' -is difficult, given; a. foothold we can overcome' the opposition'; against us. "For you 'have need 'of' endurance, so' that you -may , do •the will of'God' and receive what' is promised ":'(He-- brews 10:36 (R.S.V.), * art Oh well, these things can be. expected in :the best of families, and we'were. still - fond ' of him He. had so , many endearing little tricks. - Like running between my legs when I was staggering out' g -with; a big load` of ashes. Or' jump- ing frantically when you were put- ting down his. bowl of food, `knock- it mg: --:his head-on 'its and•. sending all oyer the:floor. You couldn't help but love him. WINTHROP' L.Miss Marjorie ' Boyd "and Miss 1t- o se--M ari e_H olge `erboth of M i l - ton,.Spent-the _week nd�f-tbei homes in McKillop • Winthrop YOU: The regular meeting of the Win- throp. YPU was'held in Cavan Church on Sunday. The ;roll call was answered by tee .Members. • Francis Hunt took the topie Rev. -Sirmmere11 readthescrips ture - Margaret Boyd took `the Bible study, The subject was, "The Call- ing .'of the Four Disciple's," . Mr. Summerell .spoke,- and 'recreation was held., HENSALL= t We got'a. big :sho k when• I took b is shots. The e for t the vet him to . i himself h �- scr tc n h .'been. " d g u a P • c, we ot him.. W e'd Wilda ' since Y sprinkled him with flea powder, P. but he kept on : biting and chewing and flailing •.himself - with his foot. My wife.'' said he *as` lousy.'' I scoffed at the idea. Anyone knows that_all_pups scratch themselves; And besides, how could he be lousy when• he was a thoroughbred? .' ,* -* s:. nears of the axe last=s'...' But'• he,, Y g h week:'; We'd been.out somewhere ;-.. M . <wif as voinen:Will _had:. wor Y t, shoes, snowlw�s, and, carried. ,her, m E r:hand. They: -were extra see cial,;shoes. Those sleek,' spiky Italian affairs, the best and most ' . had. She �ekp,ens ti,e,_�s.ie d_�ever _ .d had' ao° search fors told me she'd two .days to find a purse to: �niatch. them. , put them She When we, came in, s on the°floor; in.th'e`hall' and was ar uhd the •kitchen dipping o stocking feet making- some tea and. 'The pup was - laying, " aklcinP Y. g. . h" hall, en ':onto 'the h'' .went around. S e, Nextthin .T, heard,' a piercing g scream, followed•.by 'a yelp, theta.: tli- He had. eaten bo wild- sobbing..: es. ",off ',her .imported, o ried sho toes _ p ., Announcement Mr_: and `''Mrs. Ernest Laird Miekle� Hensall; wish , to , announce- •the `erigagenient of their -'laughter Florence Elizabetb, _ to Mr. Walter Ross MacMillan,• 'son -of Mr: and; Mrs:':Charles' Malcolm MacMillan,; -London 'The'''. marriage will take place: on'Saturday, ;April 11 1959; 'at 4 o'clock :in.the United. Church,• It took the `combined strength of Hugh and I to hold her, .while Kim scooped up the pup, ran with him to his room, and shot the bolt from:' the 'inside. For the next 24hours '- over her she alternately wept.o „ r shoes"A and °threatened to°•murder:;the-dog- She: didn't even -appreciate my sug cestion the next day, that she ut ;the _toes of the shoes offclean- ayythe 'Doc . rolled hien of ly;' 'knock the -spike heels ;off, and Any.w , er; parted the hair on his belle makes them into toeless.sandals. The Canadian Junior Red Cross, Sent relief supplies to assist "youth int-y26-nations„in_.1958 1957: DODGE 8•CYL.' SEDAN 95'7 • ;OLDS; •DOOR`;A1HDTCI.1 1956' OLt S SEDAN 1956 DODO'E 0OACI 541 1955' CUE.V. SEDAN' , 19 1VIONAit,CH .SEDAN' 1953 DODGE a.:::( � Noonable Offer 'Roused. {EAFORT11.• and MITCHELL Se ort Frosn_�1ie Iiaron'Eil2i6 for• March' •,16•,. 1934., Last week Donald Murray;`' .BO-- field-while Bay_field while cranking a car. had his arm broken, and.bis 'son, John, fell on • the ice alio broker his arm. l gmondville won the McMillan Cup „ti the final, gains • last . Satur- day night and also` wot "eri "the O.R:H.A :•playdawns .:with :Milver Mrs; C.:ekert', Seafortt,`hadthe . misfortune to'fail`in her home'1ast Monday and `fracture a small' bone in her leg}' as well as •receiving, 'a severe shaking tip. We are glad to learn, however,' that no serious res sults are expected. A subscriber .to The Huron Ex- positor from Alberta -sends us the .following clipping from a copy of the 'Calgary Herald, . published the end of February: Too much sun- shine in Alberta? One 1Vfotiday af- ternoon the temperaturte rose to 65 degrees, believed to be an- all- time; high for February. The mer- cury touched 59' • degrees Sunday and has not been far , belo* that AGoE. Interesting items gleaned'ftom: The Huron Expositor of 25, 50 _._ 'and'75 years' :ago __._- ode off, at and 'the iii them y' eiied lively :gait The horses conte their run out North MOT -Street,, were stepped a• little, north:Of ent'scooperg shop. Mr. and Mrs'.: Kingsborough;. Ben miller, met with an• ac`dident that might have .ended seriously: They were going 'to . Goderich, when a _couple :of dogs ran out Of a house and, frightened theolirse� acid ' it became 'unmanageable Mrs: Kings - borough - jumped Owthe vehicle` and was; badly 'hurt. nunsau- Carol Bron won, three •r firsts, with •81, 82 "and 84: points,•', three:. seconds with :81, •and '82; and in tbe open class,. 83, in "the piano, class under 15; at the Kiwanrs ;' Music': Wed: E'estval' held at"' Stratford:. We , . nesday afternoon sheconpeed for the; trophies. She_ -•i's' the daughter' ' of Mr. -and :Mrs. Willi Br0 am wn The Women's MissionarySoniety and '3"adies Aid-nt.Carinel BresbY= terian 'Church met {Monday. after neoti: in the mplitiab schoolroom v itli 21 s ladies presentr-"K'irs Basil Ed wards, Mas'" T9funn and Mrs:<: Harvey Hyde took , charge.:of "the, Meeting....A very inspiring address on missionary work, was " given by. Mrs'. M$stop, Of Trralnierston, which was:miAt interesting and informa- tive. The Ladies"Aid,'presided oy- er the'president, Mrs: Alex Me - Erre ed the. date for" h Or; 'am .Greo,n.. nixed pork supper, to• •be held•{'• in the cFiu e sc o-lrornm.-Mrs--�.Tohn-Sot-_ dais s group served-luneh • . M, r. Laird Mickle, Bill,;and, Bob; Were '.in -Toronto Saturday evening attending"the. hockey game at the Maple. Leaf Gaxdens with , the To= ionto Maple Leafs vs:. Boston- point for weeks...Effect on sueh warmth is that' trees ,are in bud, olcljady, named -Mrs, Ander-- ding stage and the grasS is:beet:1m- „Son, 'Mother of lVfils, 'Anderson, ing -•'- 'dressmaker, fell on the ice the :On 'Monday Miss' Martha, Bath- Other day an& frattured her arm. in the baek kitchen ,and in falling 'who. has der:: • "' accidelatally felt front., a 'platform 31/1r: John Clark has had his bus rebtillt and -repainted, and: it now Presents gate a liandtome appear- ance: The werk was, :done at -IL -March 14, 1884 On Wednesday afternoon last --a. small house on the south side of the railwaY traCk, owned 'by Mr. Alexander 1V1cLeod, and occupied by Mr. Mooney, was destroyed by fire. Mr. Mooney's effects were all taken safely out of the-Imilding. at the Storeheuse and. fractured Hensall Firemen Vs, Dashwoed, at, Exeter arena. SundaY afternooa, with .a • DaShwood: player, which cauSed. him to lansl against the boardS, •striking: his head. He was admitted to Soutli:Vtiron Hospital,: Exeter; and released .on Monday, Doug is the son of Mr.• and Mrs. Brintrkell has since been returned to hospital and is under obserVe- With Easter . only three weeks away NOW ;is the' time to bring.. Flannery Your clothes into F YCleaners and :r get diem- clean,- fresh asy a daisy' for the Spring season:. QUICK SERVICE •�:LOW°PRICES-•:.' r dive 'e d and Pick-up li x•Y Free P _ ..... • Front The Hilton '1ExtioSiter • his leg below. the knee, Ile Will be bridge, :Which is' used to. cross the and ThoniallapS11-e,:ivelitio-Wing-• Maitland River at llolmesville, is ham on Tuesday' to play a friendly now impassable owing to •the fact" Match With the. club of that lown and, dr Course, came out victor - "The large wooden cornposed of 'Messrs. W. a that . two spans, totalling ,150 fee , were washed away in the recent Mr; Thomas lVfcElroy, of lop, created --considerable excite - moat on.Main Street- on Saturclay ere standing in front of Mr. W; Joan, '-f-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Slater, suffered. a slight coribussion when she -fell out- of.. her top bunk bed oniVionday., She is resting comfortablY.,.. As Mrs: Thomas Gregery,; Whig: ham, was removing a lamp' Tues- day \evening of last week; it ex- PlOded., burning her arms' and clothing, besides doing aoute dam- age to the furniture of the room, Mr Gregory who fortunatelY,WaS fill the vacanCylii- -the Session ,on 1. His. ;inStallation 'has • ',been .,ar- ranged for- ,§nedaY, March 15, at the morning serVite ef worship. At- the Church: SUndaY: SundaY morning; Mr, Sam -Scott, Superin- tendent, read a letter which he hadaeceived :recently, frem the, briefly: their -continued' good. work at :then, station in &grow amOngst all groups: 'They, Make furniture: of 'all sorts in; their co-operative ily, .They ,alsr, state that they need good Canadian tools, sneh as Wood chisels; seteWdrivers and blades falling, an adjoining rOof fright:" burning his hands in so doiog.. • sam scott. ean Seafo gaafiV( riday yoirk Golden „JELLY POWDERS PillsburY CAKE MIX—Chocolate or White; pkg... APPLE JUICE-48:oZ..Tin garden Patch 20 -oz. Tins 'Large Economy Size aturda • CHEERY MORN COFFEE -1 lb. .. or itional Values see Supcior Ad in HONE 2 -WE DELIVER 7-7 4-4 r'<