HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-03-06, Page 7!,IOO oi.ea0 to.
just 3iauday may
send( backache -away!"
Seen& good! Logical; taio! Yea see the normal jab Of the
litleeyi is to release excess mites and idds
• -peahen the cauie et hackseim-hons the::
D.4111 kkioef Pilie stimulate the
Oa fuectian'and so Inq bring you
that welcome Iv& f trim backache they hare
•weal others. SY irat 3-a-dar..You C*6 depend
Pothrs-ist the Mee hot ltith the red band. 64
It leads all corripetitors
Just look althesefigures:
attAv,Bt• staecapss ass Yfcin first 'place '
Ail the 195A, Cantidiati .Central Random Test;
AVESAS 288 ' r
Net income Over C• hick and Feed
Average egg production per chick -started (reckoned
'Ao 500 days of age on 119
--Percent•Morialityfiorn.7 days to:S00 days 01age...
U. of feed per dozen
Percentage of all eggS laid grading large .
1,97 •• 233
5.1 4.3
59.6 63:9
e SHAVElt•STARCROSB25B,WaS alsOTop Onartiie pen in
....the 1958 :MISS onii.:.1.3ariderri,lest-.... and ShaVer'haS,been
'Abe leader fOr'the firat three years of the Central Testin
-wa...."YeinTSWiff-hateherynian can show you -the figeree,
-610Se:tests ,•
er tbe,rrew SHAVER'STARCROSS'288 today
it. No. 4 hone Seaforth 847 r 5
, Clinton..
WANT ADS BEING RESULTiS — Phone 141 or 142
READ THE ADVERTISED/IENTS : it's a Profitable Pastime
ante Dr..,.Nithrrio
s Moderator
' HttrOn'Maitland -• Presbytery' of
The Presbyterian , Church in Can -
:add; at its February: meeting in
StAndrew's Church, 'Clinton, nom-
inated Rev. Aieitander NimMo DD,
.of NVingliara, as Moderator 6f: the
General Assembly, whichWill meet
in Toronto in June...
Rev. -Itobert G. MacMillart,
Knox Clitirch; Goderic); is Pres-
bYtery.!s noininee • for the" nuidera-
torship of the "Synod. of IlainlitOn.
and London, when'it meets inApil
at Ingersoll. :Commissioned. to at-
tend General Assertibly are ,ReV::
W;'• S. 1VIcC1ire, • Of Molesworth:
'Nimmo: and Mrs ,• MacMillan.
Paperi were given On thtee*as-
peets:ef visitation .evangelisin; 'as
it Concerns The local 'Clergyman;
the Layman 'and the spedial ,Miangelist, by flev R., I'. Marshall; of
Whi'teehureb, -Mr.-McClure andDr
NiinnnO- ,
ported • having inereased the sti:-
Peed of their :iniiiisters in resneeSe
-bY. -the, .General, As-'
Semly; The.: amounts varied '
. :Miss -Belle. Cariipbell,'Secretary:
„ .
of Huron 'Presbyterial, -the ,-Wor
•Men's' Missionary •:Society; 'Sentan
enconraging. report of.'the work of
the ;:societY. The naissteriery bed-,
get or • the : PresbYtery,'Showed
-eontribution of • dier $36,000 for the
_Pea „.year:- Preshytery will meet
next at Ifible-Y-1onFi2:- :
. . •.
.telebrated ,;:bi&;,•65-tli;',;blithdaY, • .4
Chnchey Auburn., recently
Games'and- Contests were' enjoyL,•
-ed;andtlYr-r..Waiden'Wes-...ealled",:to" ;
Miss Geraldine °
Garry,Walden :antl• Glen• n Her,'
:burn 'Presented their grandfather
With,' a:. Chair and; :ether gifts.
Walden outlined Soine eveitt&Itinn. '
his past. ' 'Madding trips to :
:church the .1iimber,WagOn; hug;„
gY,74tirriater, tlie::;cat.. tetelled
that nitien of. the land was busli
Wheitl.he :WaS,,-Yetinger.,, •
Mrt';.11TaldeilY hststop: be- ha fourchildren:
.Mrs. :SydneY, McClincheY,' Mrs, G.:
Frank Harburn, .Hensall; and,Lleyd, milk town
,ef,-•WeStfield., 'There." are:, -alSe"-,19
grandchildren . • . '
".Votere -young'. as you
na is:)wmen. o
. _
. (This is e Jest in a 'series Of villages mist. have been. named teenth .eenttirY. thiS area the
articles by Gordon, McGavin, after German towns. We are now largest farni has only 20 aeres. of
of Walten.. Mr. MeGavin accom- Neustadt, a town with a Topula- land with a large percentage hav-
panied Canadian' plovirmen , to Ger- tion of sixty-six hundred. , It is a ing less than 15 acreS, Cereals,.
popular tourist town, "an important root• tropi, asparagus, tobacco,
industrial tentre for its woodwork- medical. plants. and spices- are the
ing industry. It also has the Cen- moils grown. In the I3aden area
tral Researeli centre 'here, and the there ,,J.s •the greatest fragmenta-
greatest natural ski -jump in Ger- tion of property in the German Re-
•x-nal:1y. We had our lunch •at the public. The ,practise Of dividing
Moneta* Spa Titisee. he farms equally 'among the fain-
ily was' given as -the reason. for so
-edatiY Small' plots -of land.
• We arrived in -Heidelberg about
three o'clock in the afternoon and
went to the Hotel Stiftanwhie,
where we' get our „first rnair and.
cables, It was a",greet relief to
hear front home and to know my
wife had Met the Young§ in Lon,:
don, and they, were showing. her
Old London. After, we .had read
our 'mail; we went for, a walk
through beautiful Hidelberg
elberg was founded in1386, and is
famous. for its university and beau-
tiful scenery. We had, to hurry to
get ready for the farevvell ban-
quet:. It was held •in ;the, hotel with
officials �f Abe' Esse' -Werld
Plowing Organization and of Ger-
man Federal Republic at tht head
table.; Mr: Zacher,' has been
the official interpreter on the. tour,
interpreted, the .spe.,eclies. , at the
banquet. He he'd a ironderfid mere-
ory and could; I think improve
the ,.Speeches as he anterpret,ed
. .
Wednesday, :October saw. 114.
leaving Kernpten and A -ravelling
.through the Wangen •distria try.
Durre6,, • where. • we, visited, ',tile,
'United •- ClieeserieS.-: The :
mentaler''- the "king Of cheesee'•
, is one: of the :most. largely:protium, (hell: valley), histOrytells thattheed 'eheeSes; 'We Saw the 'modern-. road throng.n the Hollental Was'ox-
storage cellar, 'With. More elteeSes y .a 'bridle -path till -it was: built in
than 'we bad. eVer seen before., We 1857 tO.allew the catriageof: Marie -
had lunchanda.;elignee to sa:inpie. Antoinette te.:PaSs,,, on 'her 'way to
some of the elie,ese; needless to France, for her . Marriage' with
say We 'enjoyed • Nth: 'the:lunch, . nad Levi§ KW. Our 'day's traVel-end''
the . cheese "samples. ' The Watigen: ed 'at :Freiburg, a town.faMoti§ for
"district, is an intereSting. area, hay- wine; ;art and its taxiiotia Albert -1
nig" its: erigin."'in the glacial 'age; , Ludwlg: University, with more than
With' Varied' soil of average' stiidents. .-The Wine indnstrY
ity' but :rich in nuneral content conies front-' the Vine cultiVation.
The.' climatdoi-4§2Vatietli--:With7,en,---4he'-Kaiserstuhl, -a- Volcanic,
heavy raMfall$:.• Besides dairy dairy amen . range, wluvh • get, rts,
'fariiiin,g,atul...cheesemakingi.:„ the: nante.freM the leg,end that `:the'
timber:',indtiStry, - ire:Portant' -in .Ge,17/11at1EMPertir tied Sat iniutlg-'•
this 'district. . The': .1.•ake,Constaiiee. Metit there,. 'hence the.
area; ,thrinighWhich We travelled; came .1tativii as Kaiserstithl, or,
is::a-b.eatitiful-parttof-theeouritry : • ,
.The town. of Uher1iigen lia maziy In, the eyeeMg we ,Went to Bitk
ancient trioriunientS„,: One Of. Which, ensohl. vrhere we ...Were -guests' cif
•;:the7 tne.. rural' youth. Our ''grotin .. Wes
chamber entirelY:. made „Of, Woed••••', split and',Iy,Was enOugh
Carving'sIn; the 'Lake Censtailee to : 'sit next to :a Gernian. school:
area hops for.:thehreWing intltis- teacher' ;Who COURT, Speak' English.:.
try are ,•grown. The . growing: of Ze explained the .teachitig sitiia-
frUits ,(maitft 'apples), field. vegei tion • in Germany While , we were
labiesTandVine-..eultiVatienfor-witte, -testing4lie-Wine.--„,T.heY-had4even-
making are -the imuottant mdus, brands, of wineand, wete, sup.
'fries. Wvisited, the Walz /OM posed t be • 'able': 10:.,,RICSc'., out...the
.of .125: acres `:i,s • an uuusual best The G-ermans
were etperts
arge.. one;,....w ere • fruit,pp- on wine 'antt. they .,would' look : cate-
-;groVvingand-cattle.4_'044..fidlY,Lat the Wine: in the glass, then
earriett:' they
,FriedritliSliafen..' we . they, wonitr taste it It it pleased
, the Porehe Dresel factory It it ; is, t. 1hem they would -:statile• . The teach
new and very..nloderur tactery;;;. the er' :explainedthat most of :,-,the
dld.factory was cOMpletely de koung.people workeij ni the::vine
StrOYed.:,.during tile last war and yTh and tliero.'W4g keen :Crinipe.,
looked , , The TerestinteVeeibg> but as autlge4_,Of;
manshipand :inatei_lar.dreW • '_Wine4-cOtild-piekrolit7theTted Wine
ttention:':''One''trt-Ou-rfglloVn.S sized: fiftii-n the white- wine The rest' Of
it ,np.:this way: • `.4The German 613-:.... :the evening.' Was:, spent in •listening
jeCtiVels quality, wbtie the:Cana-- sPeedhe$ • and watching the
diati .'',inanufachiter,". becanSe, 01 danCeS:, Mest:, of the young ,people.
greater labor costs must tOrieeti-', had: ,''either , walked. or Ceme.., on
trateon: quantity,bic3"Cles ; 'eVen, the SCIMOI, ;teacher,
as the Bath. Hetet:. '''• •• • • 'saw the lineup 01 .ears arcuitid- the
'SaW. us, "trav-: „Mat- wbem, Our
ectat Veberlingen",:.wbere,w what-
ed in the ','`,-Bat17- Ilet.e.1,, interpreted'. German group •wbuld think if they
throng:h. country Farmers • ; •
of origin; .Onr, :-on •Priiiay,;9.et.oher.10,:.• we left
We -visited: -Freiburg, and•-eoetinned out ,:tritis
school ancVenjoy. Via7the -Black FOrestf high-level
ed Shakes; Leaving "ttie road-threugh,' market.: ar,elening
We enter the Jurassic :Sitabian 'Alb' oinm,try passing' near the Kandel
of lim'e§tone fon:nation: We travel Whieir .IS, the highest peak,:''ri the
through, hie: tipper.' Danube ,Valley, :eentre of the Black .F.Ore,St,..(about
with .. Magnificent- castles:alerig',Our 4,000.feet,high)".. Akre,Went.tinroug4
ixf'ak,,d'enOietitie..Abhey with its, '.W.aldlcirchi,.BleibaeliElZaehi down
baroque chirrch at Benron wluch to -the.
can-beteatheithy CoVered.wood,, ;village Of `,GliEeli.;••':Ianitins' for :its
err'bridgefterti:,: the „road..,, we ,SaW' ,colony of :painters Here fin:ha
-a ":-Gerinari•o. farmer Black Forest houses
Oiteel:-.• near ::•the...1",highway;:-' and; ,the Hefei: top; we find- the :special. na--
ini&diffiefItriPPed-Str-,we could,get ,tive .:.costinnes.; with :the ,1;vi e -hat
pictures. and. some of ilieploW,Men. of the,,,ladieS.With the red anit.liraek
tried :,plowing, with the oxen. •:;The Bollen;:. -.on• them,.
•Gerniait.fariner *as'verr.goOd .fta2. through' towns 'Whithi', are
tiited 'about .the mess:they.. Made,. the centre ;the Black -Forest
of .: They 4Vere... good Wateh :and: 1 tleek, indliStriesi, tan-
traetiii.„ neriei'antr litridierlildeStry.,' Many
With the 0.;elci• CeerSe.„ they of the . houses i': aroiind'tlie;Anarket
lalaMeif the.. mcen.., for. .nait, linder7. 1Plage•stilt hcire,a,-;xnediaVel aPPear-,
standing English, • ' • ." •• • • ante.. ',The er-Freiistenstadt
was sheiled in 1945 and rnuch of
and_71.eittlingen, stopped -and-took _WaS!:.cleStroYeit ..but
pictures os: where t • .. i.h;e, 471.g i.esi
- in the Old style shortiy after
apPers, the • mountain. for From here to :'.Badert‘.R4dert we
about-1,0---Iniles-.-:" We -have:- reachecl-folloW-Hthe iBlaek-Fore§t highway,
the .N4110.261 the. black; forest;' the which' ruriS•qt.'"an altitude of about
rocks. are, now sandstone insteatLef .3,500 feet, thiOngli, national parks
liinstone ManyOf the, toWas ancl"efLineenip.arable beauty, :a:
' 'Oew of the Rhine .'Valley below.
. , find. only scattered . settlements
Of -7A. Confirms :caiTir
•, . • he fo •industry
, cura-
tive..ohm ate4-rfer- arthriti S". a ri,d-
; Continuing through' the Hollental
:When the Canadian' Red :Cress
canvasser calls -at your doprre,-
rrientber, he •-is.. a_ .you.
serve "by., giving!, •
Last Octeher aneseitingeveol:.,:"..:-
. took place' -on cep 'Radi.o,.wheri;a•
neW series of enehbur pregrarni7
started.' Its Pia n per§ called it
,pirnply,-:•"Project '59.". ,
uc oneer
Reserve_your Sale Date. now
MR. Phone -Clinton
Its parpose was two -fold -to keep flat:ban§
informed and to'clo it.in an ehTertaTning Way.
• Since its Mception ,Project '59:has won plaudits.
from both presi an;ti public.
Since that Orst radio program
• (which. explored the world of
* radio) Project '59 has gone to
A. Gaza to -visit Canadian troops- '
� looked in on the re -volt in Cuba -
•It/ talka-to.Canedians about their
,leiture time activities -told the
, story of We§t Germany -gone to
• a concert by the famotis
0, Red Arrny choir (especially -
arranged for CBC's Project '59).
It has even featured, program%
* consisting almost entirely
• of sound!
Projeet '59 Is alert. Recently, an oppertunity -
arose to present a special prcigrarn on Field Marshal
the Viscount Montgomery. Project '59's planners
-• inarediately took advantage of the opportunity. ,
Project '59 Is anotber CBC .
presentation contributing to the •
exciting new sound of C BC Radio.
Be sure yoU stay tuned to your
local CBC netWork station,
ilstruff'defalfs of the: rimy billor La:Citing thingS 'happening on CBC Bertha
oh CBC Teleilsion, may we suggest Ythr subscribelo CBC tithes at the
intrathril'ozy rale of 4 months (16 weeklyissues)tor41.00 (yeady rate
, ,
SSP/. Write Cfat'iltres, I 00(507,rerntinal:W Toronfo;Ont.foresample copy,.
10_0: 64-0- -IVO
This fine bird is rapidly
becoming America's Fa-
vorite Money-maker
with Poultry Raisers.
Zurich — .Ontario
Phone Hensall 697 r 3
DAIRY FA 111% eftS csiimikifiAt
409 11 t4 Ma Street. ToraistO
Active Support
iviezubei Fe -
,.--,Dr,:--1Gebliers;--Briteo and Fre
tick; :Shelibet;,•-,whe• had been
-cliietionice of:information...0'ft t
tour,, seemed •.Sorry. • to' think th
The .neit few r days would: see' t
group • Scattered -.•oVer; the, Worl,
Swering qtieStieris • -and giVing
information.„over, thempe 'speaker
teni-of- the : hits Theirtefforts ce
tainly made, the trip 'intereStin
.fer'us,,...bet Must have been 'Vei
'thing "for' thenteani-,rira
Wo,rld 'plowing-Organizatien ai
presented". With an einblern
Each: of us -were. 'called on for
,shOrt..sneech.. and :it . waS 'our o
portunity r to , thank- the C
and *NY -had. Made it ",POrssib
for as tehave made the trip. Th
:Oerrnau,. band ;played, ;W
were 'eating,-. and ."everyptie seen
ed`te-eejey" the banquet. The This
'groiLM:'ff"Sang, :`'Now "r is, the 2 HO
When .We Say Goodbye.". Th
a.n:t1-, went tobad • '.for-a-jew,... hour
',.W,e,,left:.,fteidelberg, at'
Sableday-trmtning,•.• goi44..toStu
Joe ,
ed .„me g'et ilny,CaMeras 'and hag
on the olarie:„;and 1:,:fieW to 'En,
land,, tiekets wete,for-mo
day, 'and theY,,flew twine .by Pori
.n.itt, to f • sat with
Fraser, . who. Was the 'Australia
:entrY.: had made . the
time: • he,. go
,notudr-,he would 1:;4ve-,--fl-vn ralretin
7th -e7: *Pad '‘IrercwaS TOnly'--21;:',• an
hit§ -Was-his -: first•Itine away, fie
had a.better ,represeiitative,H
inade:Triend,s' for both: hiiii,seltan
hiS country., whereverrAie-Went:-.'13,
was anidous ,hOrrie,..fer the
Wouldbestattingth'e;pring , seed
1.14 •
, •
I :Met 'wife.in Londimand we
::sitent a le*, daYs,
the 'Ye -prigs,. then We Went, to Scot-
land for few, sia.Y.s_.laefore
hoine. . think' •the "ordeest„' .thing
anent ',gbing„. on,. , trip. is ',co :
home; Be ever so- huinble; there
is :no plate -like ligine, •
•, • t,
ut •
More than 170,000 Canadian's. of
- - , '
all„ages, particinated in . the ,Water
Safety,,...prograrn .,Of.„..the...Canadian.
rheumatism, • .a.ncl-there 15 an in-, Red Cress in 1953, •
creasing, .tonrist. trade with new
convalescent homes , being /built,. ' CAl\TCER.:.
-Near-•-Xarsruhe we . Visited one of .
the, 'farms ' a.nd ,,Ehe , pig -fattening .,4k, Itis' ,smart not to,smoke 'cigar -
test .statioa. ; At Baden-Baclen ,-we „._e_ttes.. ,' - . ' - -
lion -,--of -Agrieultute-•-in'ai-v-meeting_ had •lunc-h,-at-the-spa-restratfaiiti-..7.snyakin T;.-.dra-•s.1„1-
a .
an waked through the beautiful
not nTso4rpopnotrot, bsika sthheed: OFA
•Arii of
0 rf LInef
gardens:- We ' saw ',Se-veral. Cana- . Stn6king glYes -1.ad taste; . all
inarketint agencies -and board S by diaBri,ascielendizaer.asdewifbe..„2..,w_ere, ,q1t9,74, '!•,.. ;smolt -fug. ,,,gause.s. , shortnes&Lof
Vreureri'-rineoniritgroliPedF,21f:air)xlicYMC4Ie-tiiii-f. The, noighboring 'town of Durlech • Smoking' causes lung cancer. -
breath, ' . ' • •
.. . . • ' • ' .-
Members felt that the OFA stand has a 'spells school .where they Re Smart.: . . Don't Start Sznoking
should be. made clear, Particular- train. their • football; teams.' 'We had
Cn' C
Ty, in - View ,of the -prolao,sed royal 'our dinner and spent .the„. night at anadiaancer-SociPtY
commission to be set up' by the the. school. .-Thi § is, the last day of ' Eiesfcirth. 6rei;kchi,1,- w...raisot,init. .
Ontario - government to inquire -in- the tout arid -'we are about ,35 miles,
to. farm .inarketing legiSlation- and froni- Heidelberg, where' the final
farmarketing board' operations. bangnet will :end ,the tour. We vis- UNDER( THE LCd?,:
. , _ .
m --
in. Ontario. : •, , • . • ited Obergrommbacli,' 4- town -with , . If 'Iluren..CoinitY were, under
The result was a resplution. re-, •inany. frame houses ,and • town wall ' „tb& L.C.A.; hotels; . restaurants
-affirnling the policy .of the :OFA :and, caStle,, dating .frent the fif- • - and. elubs - could -apply. • for ,
to support and endorse all the , liquor. licenses. , Liquor store's,
• • , A •: ' , .
powers” tinder the Ontario Farm and 'brewers'' •,-retall. stores
ProdnetS Marketing ct; And • • : .' . ASBORNt' rgi gintgRir :. would-be 'opened arbitrarily .by
further; -as. the Parerit farm Organ- 71qUIVAIA '' FIRE' , the. Ld'qtior ' Control Board im ' '
ization in' the province for t.om-. INSUIZANCE'CO.--. ' - , Huron towns 1,\Ttlete busineSs .
modity groups, the OFA. Will fight promised profits. In clue' time
to the end for the right for p 6- HEAD OFFICE •-•••-• Exeter, Ontario beverage rooms, men's" and-
ducer marketing:groups to set lip , •,, • President: •, , women's; would ...ars°. very
marketing,- plans and administer Alex J,,,l_tobde.: 7R,It. 3, Mitchell • probably' "be -licensed,------ -, • '
t•hent- as -scrota 'by ;the 'Kat. ..' - :' . ,- . Vice -President: •-• ' How much liquor POWS! in
-MemberS assetted that it is the Milton McCurdy' :- R.R. 1; Kirktpn L.C.A. 'counties? As of March
policy of the OFA to not, interfere ' -"- Directors: . ' 31;••:1957, there were the . fol- .
with the - administration, of - any :E. ,Clayton i Colquhouti, R.R, 1, lowing legal liquor butlets-all '
farm 'marketing agency .or beard, Science Hill;, Martin Peeney; R.R. outside or 'Huron:
on the assumption that the powers 2, Dublin;. Robert G. Gardiner; R. Government 'stores 210, brew- •
are given to the producer boards R. • I.,' Crontarty, ; • ThtnOtIty ." B. ers' retail stores 216,, taverns
andnot te the ORA,. •Ths,policy has Toohey, R.R. 4',man, ' ' '170, -public houses 346, hotels
been • misinterpreted,. :pn occasion ,,,-.„ .. .. , . . Agents: ' •." 946, clubs 489, steamships, wine .
which": has led to the • rumors of Harry' Coates R.R. 1 Centralia'. 'stares and railways ;56; In 'all,
.Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley 'niore than 2,406,.., In addition,
Hocking, Miter -ell. : ' - , ' . Ontario has 19.-brevveries.,
Solicitor: , .. Do We want any of these?
W. 6. ,'Cochrane •• : ESeter The C.TX has icePt them, all
Secretary -Treasurer: ' * mit 'of our county; and will,
Arthur Fraser. - - . *- • ' Meter continue te d6 so.---(Advt): •,,
non-support. However, the OFA
maintains that it will° help any
member-, group to Obtain, - the
newel's' under 'the Att., but- because
it (the PFA). does riot eontrol or
sell any- product, it will not pas -
judgment on the methods of ad-
ministration of any member corn-
moditv group's marketing plans. '
Members also approved- a plan
to set up a rural safe driving darn,
pain in April, and to -proniote a
rural' safe diiving:, week, for. April
5°.tO.11„._ .- • „,..
The OFA Board -Of -Governors
Met- With the agrienIttiral
‚ eorn-
mittee of the House of commons
to place before it some of the re-
quests made by the OM to cab-
inet just before Christmas.
speaking for the federation, presi-
dent Gordon Greer Called for the
establishment of an agricultural
development bank as means to
provide credit facilities to, the
•provinces farm marketing •boards
and- co-operatives. He mentioned
that the provincial government
cduld take, a ;leading role *in this
by setting up a pilot project for
Ontario farmers., which could'. ev-
entually grow into a federal pro-*
Net. . ' - •
1 re1114.7
, Regular $7.50:
Regular $10.06: NOW $*3.
Reguia,r NOW $10:00
This Offer ,Good Until February -28th
ronoNE 49g
ovvin •o Seafortli
O :facilitate siMw. removal No Parking on
the Streets of this Municitmlity wiffballow
-ed betweenthe hourg Of- :and a.m. ,
This order be Strictly-entqf d in accord-_
- ance- the:4118,!gsli_uwbsaeYe...tirtorn4ffioc, Act, Secti°n
. gBy_ cavty::, that he,
MuniCipality will not be responsible for an
damages caused to vehicles. as the
result of snow remosial:olieratiOns. "
Clerk, Town of Seaforth
T. Son:
ot ,
Itiquir*esare -inVited.
--;Telephone. -
:Crillibnir=1"620 Seaforth,.57
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 90
, If tie answer, call -59
' Seaforth
Physician and Surgeon
Phones: -Office .5-W Res. 54
P_Porte.. 110 • '
Telephone 26 • '
' Telephone 27-,
Telephone: 55 -
:DR. E. MALK(.15 .
' Telephcifie '
EVENINGS:•••••Ttjesday, Thursday
and Saturday Only,' 7-9 P.m- • •
,Appointments niaY be made.
55 smertte Te.ejhone
red Accountant,
- Goderich
Licensed- MtiniciPal Auditor:
„ G. 'A: "WEI411,-
• *Doctor of Chiropractic
438 Main Street ,•-, Exeter
X -Ray and 'Laboratory, FacilitieS
Open Each Weekday' Except
, • , „ Wednesday.' ,• •
"Tues. and Thurs. Evenings .7-9.
For .Appointment - Phone 606
Auctioneer s
Graduate of Reisch American
School of AUctioneering. Licensed
in 'Huron and Perth, Capable of
handling all types of' 'sales ' and
advertising. • "
Phone Seaforth 843 r -11
... 0. Turnbull, D:V.M., VS. -
W. R. tryans, D.V.M., VS.
W. G. Drennan, D.VM., VS,
Phone 105 : Seaforth
Barrister, Solicitor, Eito,
Phones: Office 173, Residence 701
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
SEAFORTH,' ONT. , TelePhone 174
Chiropractic, - 'Foot • CorrectiOn ,
Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m-
.Phone 791„ • : • ,Seaforth
Eyes --'GLasses• Fitted`
. Office .HourS: Seaforth" -.daily, -
except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.;
Wednesday, 9 „.a.ria.-12':30' poi.; ,
Thursday -eyenings- by...appoint-
ment only. • • . •
. Clinton: ,MondaY„
pin. (Above :Hardware.)
The MclilLLOP
. „
president-Robert 4chileald, Sta.'
. forth ••• '" •
Vice-President7-AlliSter Bro,adfoot, •
• Seaforth
Manager. and Sec. -Teas. •--ltfiSs
Norma:Jeffery, Seaforth
E.r. J. T,rewartha, ClintOn;
Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon-
-hardt, Bondicilm: Robert Arehi-
bald, Seaforth; John -H. Me
.Blyth;..Wiltiam. S; Alexander, Wal.
ton; Harvey Fuller, Godericli; J.'
E. Pepper, . 'Bracefield;. Allister '
Broadfoot, Beaforth: •
, William • Leiper, Jr, Landes-
• bOro; J. F. Prueter, l3rodhagen;
Selwyn Baker, Brussels; 'Eric
Munroe; Seaforth. '
(3 0 0 * <> _0 <> 0 'El
W. J CLEARY-- '0
Seaforth, Ont.';
0 --and PIATE .1tAE pnlECTOR
0 00 0' 0'0 0.0 0 .0
Funeral Service
o tot..
'Licensed Embalmer.
0..PramPt and caivtaattetidoii 0
0' .. Hospital Bed., .
; .00CASIOlyS;
-Phones.: -
0/ ' 'Store .43
'Funeral Director
0. -and, Ambulance Herviee
0 DUBLIN °NI"- 0
0-- Night or.:Day. 6a1Iat
'O. Phone 43 r '
e0 O * * la
0 * 0 0 0 * 0 g
0, A. WHIT'NEY 'cb"
Funeral flame
Goderich stn. W., Stater& *
411t. Adpstabl6 luAgoitaIL bids O
0 for- rent, -0
O FLOWERS iron xviraY°
0, Telephone: ,Day or Night
0'0 0 * 0 0. *